Archiv > Drow Campaign


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 Feel free to start conversations between the PCs here while the story rattles on.

 "Talice, do you know the fate of the vermin that created and infested these halls?" asks Keth

 The scout shakes her head. "There are still a number of dwarves infesting a view caverns near the surface, known for training batriders ... of all people. There is a series of large chasms and caverns there. But that is far to the west of here. We will bypass the old capital of Oghrann via the old mines, as Araulurrin is now the place where those dragons dwell. And I am in no mood to meet up with any of them." After a few moments of silence, she gets a dagger out and begins to draw what looks like a map of the region. Pointing at the southern edges of the Marsh of Tun she adds: "This is were we are. And there," Talice places the tip of the dagger a good few paces to the west of the marsh, "Lies Skullport."

(If you have a map of Faerûn handy, look at the region right to the South of Anauroch, west of Cormyr, and east of the Sunset Mountains and the Far Hills. Just above Proskur lies the Marsh of Tun.)

 "That is a good distance, how many more portals will we be passing through?" asks Keth

 "Only the one in the mines. Then it is a footwalk, about three days I would say. That will get is into the region. I just hope they won't kill us on sight ..."


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