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 Drow Campaign
Zanan's Drow Kampagne

eMail 13:17 May.03 - Characters

To make it easier for the others to keep track with appearance and behaviour etc., you may post your character's description into this thread.
Remember though, this description shall describe your characters as they are perceived by the others, no background and somesuch.

Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think, then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.
eMail 14:23 May.04 - Re: Characters
Narzen is 4'11" (150 cm) tall and weighs 101 lb. (46 kg), making him rather small even for a drow. He's in good trim, though not exactly muscular. He has white hair reaching down to his shoulders, with a single braid going down his right cheek and reaching down to his chest. Narzen's eyes are milky white, most often with a cold and emotionless look in them. His features are handsome enough to draw attention to him, but not so much as to make him stand out in a crowd. All in all, he has no particular distinction marks.

Narzen is wearing a form-fitting leather outfit, though more than a casual look will tell there's a light chain shirt underneath. He tends to wrap himself in a cloak that seems as if it was torn in shreds, yet appears to conceal him quite well when we wants to. His boots are high-heeled but produce a mere whisper of a sound as he moves.

On his sword-belt there's a curved, wide-bladed rapier with a plain-looking hilt, likely not of drow make. He apparently has a couple of daggers and perhaps other hidden weapons as well on his person.

Narzen is calm most of the time, preferring to be still and watch his surroundings, thus making all the movements he does make to stand out somewhat - provided he wants to be noticed. He prefers an eye contact when talking to people, apparently considering everyone around him to be his equals, although playing by the norms of society when necessary doesn't seem too difficult for him.

* * *

Note: I'll update this as more is revealed, especially concerning combat tactics.

 06:14 May.05 - Re: Characters
Dx'zau'vrinn stands 5'0" tall and weighs 97lbs. He has deep black skin and slightly slanted, lifeless, nearly white, icey blue eyes. His features are sharp and haunting, but very handsome. His wavy hair is pearly-white and cascades down slightly past his shoulders, though sometimes he plats it into dozens of thin braides which is his current style. His slender body is tightly muscled and his arms are well corded though whip-like. He wears a adamantite gorget around his neck which doesn't quite conceal a gray scar running from ear to slightly pointed ear on his throat. Any tattoos or other scars he may bear are unseen due to his garb. He wears a jet-black cloak that fully envelops his small frame when he chooses, high black boots, tight black leather gloves, a fine spider silk black vest, and a finely crafted mithril mesh chain shirt. Sheathed upon his belt is a magnificent steel rapier with an elaborate caged hilt and a wickedly curved jambiya.

eMail 10:32 May.05 - Re: Characters
6' 0" tall Drow stands with broad and sturdy shoulders. His weight brings to a close 121 lbs, which makes him one the few other drow measured at that height. His head is shaven except for the silver hair, which is long and braided, based at his skullcap. He wears a mask of fine black silk stiched onto one side is a silver spider, when the mask is moved to the side or taken off, scarred scross his face is a cruder version of the spider.
The scar doesn't hide the fire in his eyes.
At first glance it looks as if Zai wears a pair on Mithril gauntlets, but a clooser look one would notice the they are actually replacements which add to his weight. They are carved with many and elaberate runes of old elvish. Towards the midarm are a set of blue saphires.
Like most Drow, he has a trained ebon body. Corvered in a loose fitting black velvet shirt with violet trim. His dark breeches are also loose fitting but not enough the hinder movement. His belt is covered in pouches, and smells if one gets close enough.
Besides the hand crossbow hanging at his side there are no other visible weaponry.


eMail 11:19 May.05 - Re: Characters
Provided there's enough light to see colours later on...  

Nathrae is a tall (5'4) drow woman of slender built and even obsidian skin.
Her expression is most often slightly ironic with her silvery eyes betraying some cold amusement. Her long white hair is pulled back; the upper strands are divided to three thick tails that are held by ornately ciseled, matted silver slides at the back of her head. The rest of her hair flows freely to her shoulders and reaches mid-back.
She wears a wide black cloak of heavy spider silk, that's intricatly embroidered (in different shades of grey) along the hems with some decorative stylized spiders. The gown underneath is made of purple brocade silk, it is a sleeveless long overcoat she wears on top of slim fitting black nubuck breeches, that are tucked in knee-high, soft, black leather boots.

There's a thin belt around her waist, with some well crafted pouches of different size to both sides; a sheeted rapier dangles from the belts right side. Any other equipment must be kept in her slightly worn, black backpack.

(I'll surely alter this description by time)

 10:44 May.07 - Re: Characters
Zhadristan Myxim is quite tall for an drow elf, with a hight of 5’ 5’’ and built like a willow, weighing only around 97 lb. He has wiry muscles and a very fit built. Zhadristan keeps his white hair cropped brutally short to the skull. Zhandristan has has a slightly emanciated face and body, looking as if he had been starving for a while and not quite recovered yet. He has scars covering his arms, torso and face. He wears elven chain mail cut in the classical drow way and keeps his kris longsword short at hand. Hanging unused from his elven chain mail are a chain hauberk and a chain veil to cover the lower half of the face..
Was wollt ihr mir damit sagen? Ich fahre mit den Mädchen zum Zelten und ihr haltet mich für Böse weil ich sie nicht angefasst habe?
eMail 11:44 May.15 - Re: Characters
Nata'al stands at about 5'8'' and is quite strongly build, even for a Drow female. Nonetheless, she walks around with great agility and care, as if she had trained her body's every movement to perfection. A slight scar mars her otherwise beautiful facial features, trailing a thin line from her left eye vertically to her chin. Most of her long white hair flows freely around her shoulders, just about a handful has been worked into an equally long tail.
Her stark white eyes make it difficult for observers to detect what she actually looks at, a circumstance she more often than not recognises with a wry smile.
Right now she wears a blackened mithral chain shirt, which extends into some sort of a mithral skirt that leaves her legs partly uncovered.* The scabbard of her longsword is tied to her back, her left arm usually covered by a jet black and apparently sharpened buckler. A couple of daggers loom out of her boots' shafts.
As opposed to many other females, Nata'al doesn't seem to wear any jewellery apart from one long earring in her right ear, obviously made from obsidian.

*Just check the female shown HERE to get the impression.

Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think, then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.

eMail 08:05 May.23 - Re: Characters
Standing at 4'9" and weighing in at 84 lbs Vezellek is a rather standard sized female drow. Her bone white hair flows down to the middle of her back and is kept in three braids. Despite her eyes having the commonly found red pupils, they contain a sign of cold wisdom. The muscles of her body are sleek and althetic, giving an impression of great agility.
Taking a look at the clothes she wears you notice that it all seems to be a bit more worn then you'd expect on a female. It fits more to the wear and tear you'd see on somebody that is out in the wilds of the Underdark. She must not be as typical a female as first thought. The leather armor she wears is dyed black and appears well made. At her left side you can see a sling strapped next to a small pouch and a dagger just in front of that. On her right side you can catch a glimpse of what appears to be a short curved blade of some sort. Her cloak has a faint spider web design embrodiered across it in spider silk.
All in all Vezellek appears to be a bit rougher and wild then one is used to seeing from drow females, even despite her common generic features (hair, eyes, skin, height, weight)

 The character descriptions above only relate to the campaign Ust Unboi'en Wund L'olath . Anyting posted from now on is relevant to the ongoing campaign.


Before you is a tall (nearly 6 feet) beautiful young female drow with long silver hair, pulled back into a simple braid going down her back, reaching down to below her waist. Her most starling feature is her vivid orange eyes flecked with gold in such a way that there appears to be minute spiders dancing within her irises.

Within the confines of her piwafwi, you can see well-oiled dark leathers. A pair of short swords sheathed at her hips and a vicious morning star hanging from her belt, are the only weapons visible upon her person.
A small metal shield slung over her back, covers a backpack of black oiled leather.

Prominently displayed on her breast, hanging from her neck is a silver holy symbol of Lolth.

 Nata'al (in "adventuring" outfit)

Nata'al [NA-ta'Al or na: ta a:l (almost)] stands at about 5'8'' and is quite strongly build, even for a Drow female. Nonetheless, she walks around with great agility and care, as if she had trained her body's every movement to perfection. A slight scar mars her otherwise beautiful facial features, trailing a thin line from her left eye vertically to her chin. Most of her long white hair flows freely around her shoulders, just about a handful has been worked into an equally long tail. Her stark white eyes make it difficult for observers to detect what she actually looks at, a circumstance she more often than not recognises with a wry smile.

Right now she wears a blackened adamantine chain shirt, which extends into some sort of a skirt that leaves her legs partly uncovered.* The careful observer will note sharpened edges and small blades wrought into the armour's chain links as well as the sides of her boots. The scabbard of her sabre is tied to her back, her left arm usually covered by a jet black and apparently sharpened shield. A couple of daggers loom out of her boots' shafts. She's strapped a quiver made of something like spider silk right next to the scabbard, which also contains a shortbow. Most of what is carried at her belt is covered by her piwafwi.
As opposed to many other females, Nata'al doesn't seem to wear any jewellery apart from one long earring in her right ear, obviously made of obsidian.

*Just check the AD&D Monstrous Manual to get the impression.

A rather typical male in weight and height. The thing that sets Iira apart from a typical male or even a typical drow in general are his ears. His ears appear to be "clipped"* and he keeps his head shave to make sure they are seen. His eyes have red pupils (well pink really but red sounds better) and he twitches them from time to time as he scans his surroundings out of habit. He travels lightly compared to most, no armor to be seen. He is only dressed in clothing heavy enough to keep him warm while traveling the tunnels of the Underdark. Strapped to his back is a small backpack with a built in quiver full of arrows for the shortbow strapped to the pack. Worn at his side is a looped length of chain that is ended with some sharp blades. With a bit of closer examination (not much closer but a bit more then a casual glance) one will notice that Iira wears a ring made of jade on each of his fingers, thumbs included.

* An explanation of the clipped ears. This character is an adaptation of the drow I play in my offline Underdark campaign. This campaign has a number of homebrew alterations to races but the biggest is to the drow. In this campaign there are 4 factions of drow. The first are those on the surface. The second are your typical chaotic evil bunch who just got about their lives like normal. This group is typical drow but mostly non-lolth followers. The third group is a group that is trying to change their ways and become good. This groups ultimate goal is to break free from the drow way and become paladins. They are a lawful striving group. The final group, which my character belongs to, are fiercely loyal to Lolth and her ways. This are typical drow they are just a bit extreme in their ways. They "clip" their ears to show all just where they fall alliegence wise. In this campaign the points of elven ears go up completely vertical. The process of clipping is where one slices their ear where it meets the skull and forcing the ear point downward and letting it heal. The result is having ears that point backwards at an angle which immediately marks the person as different. The further back the angle the ear is at the more powerful the person is. High priestesses have ears the point backwards nearly horizontal. Iira has ears that slant backwards at about a 50 degree angle, so just about halfway between normal and where a high priestess would be at.


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