Archiv > Drow Campaign

"A simple escort," she said ...

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An escort from Sschindylryn - mid 1373 D.R.

The City of Portals, as Sschindylryn is known, lies miles beneath the King's Forest in Cormyr. It has become a major trading centre of Har'oloth, and the drow who live here are skilled in the arts of divination and magical travel. Thousands of portals are said to connect the city to the world above and below Faerûn, as well as to other planes of existence. Noble houses, guilds as well as individuals watch over the majority of the portals, demanding fees or services in exchange for their use. Only a few of the portals can be accessed by anyone and without charge - which is not to say that they are  unguarded. More often than not, those portals only lead to barren wastelands or remote parts of the Underdark though. Some others were created simply to dispose the waste of the city, so anyone stumbling into such a teleportation device might find himself dangling above a lava pit or a mile-deep cavern. The majority of the free portals are of the one-way category.
The city as such has no direct connections to the Underdark itself. Build on the ruins of an old kuo-toa city, Sschindylryn supports itself with a few fungi farms and rothe kennels, as well as an extensive trade with any race willing to trade with the drow.

Some of you have come her along with the yathrin Kethryllia, who ventured from Skullport to Maerimydra on behalf of a servant of Lolth. The group recovered some artifacts from the ruined temple of Lolth and brought them to Sschindylryn, where they were handed over to members of a crusader order of Lolth, the Dalharilen d'lil Yochlol. The news of the fall of Maerimydra to hordes of demon-spawned monsters and undead alerted the crusaders and they immediately set off to the City of the Spider Queen. Kethryllia and the refugee Malifice joined them, while other members of the group, namely Narzen, Nata'al, and Talice bid their farewells and departed back to Skullport or other places. The leading Dalharil offered a job to those staying behind ... and this is where this campaign will start off with.

The characters who remained assembled at the temple of Lolth and waited for the Dalharil to appear.

Round about noon on the day after your arrival, the Dalharil appears in the court in front of your quarters again. She is accompanied by another female, much younger than herself. Over at the entrance to the temple, almost hidden in the shadows, waits what looks like a scout. Patiently, the female watches on as the Dalharil speaks to her fellow sister. The crusader motions to the group, bides her farewell and heads off to speak with the scout.

Sheiriya waits for any of the drow to come to her.

After a short talk with the Dalharil, the scout nods and receives some sort of pouch from the female priestess. The latter bides her farewells to the scout too and ventures back into the inner sanctum of the temple, while the scout at first waits near the entrance, looking on as the young priestess makes her way to the sellsword's quarters. As the priestess glances towards her, the scout signals something to her, then ventures off towards the inn.

(Signal: I will wait at the inn. Maybe I spot someone you want to take along.)

The scout ventures over to the bazaar of the temple district, then heads directly towards the inn which the Dalharil mentioned. She scans the three-storey building, then heads straight through the unguarded front door. Two minotaurs flank the entrance at the inside, looming large over the female drow as she ventures forth into the taproom. Two dozen drow, duergar, half-somethings, hobgoblins, and the like occupy the tables, half of them turn their heads towards the newcomer. Those around - the drow assumes - are looking for a coin to earn, as this is exactly the place to enlist for guilds, caravans or private employers. Thus, she takes a careful look at everyone and most seem perfectly at ease with such behaviour.


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