Archiv > Drow Campaign

Call of the Banshee Queen - Orga Thread

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As the topic says, this will be the Organization thread for Call of the Banshee Queen

Kiaransalyn has got the first PM and we can now more or less assemble the group. I will - over the next few days - give a rundown on rules I use with the game, though most will be know to you already.

If you have questions or queries, just let me know.

Paval Thune:
Zanan - I have sent you Paval's updated Character Sheet by E-mail.

Feel free to write into the main thread even though you/we are not done with the chara sheets and stats and all. For we only need the latter when it comes to the crunch ... and that will not exactly be ... tomorrow.  :D

Maybe until then I get an okay or not for the magic items and the feat? :wink:

Paval Thune:
I'm just waiting for Paval to see some of the other characters. Obviously, he can't appear in Sheiriya's bedroom.  :)


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