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« am: 28.12.2008, 17:11:03 »
Channeling Flavor, by Set from the Paizo Boards

All such effects are purely illusory, perceived only by those affected, and even the most graphic effects can be identified by someone trained in the Heal skill (or, Knowledge (religion)) as being the effects of positive or negative energy channeling, and not some other effect.

positive - a precise yet melodious jingling sound fills the air (associated with keys in some lands, coins in others) as those affected feel momentarily as if they are encompassed and sheltered within some vast structure that towers around them. There is a sense of a doorway in this structure opening, forming a visible outline like a doorframe around the channeling priest, with warmth and light streaming in from behind him, casting him in shadow.

negative - a discordant jangling sound (associated with a jailors keys, or coins being lost) is heard as those affected feel trapped, as if the walls are closing in around them (even if they are outdoors), and a door is heard to have blown open somewhere, with a cold wind blasting from the direction of the channeling priest, creating a sensation of danger combined with a crushing sensation and bitter cold. Those slain by this effect are found cold to the touch, both crushed and apparently mauled by wild animals (symbolically cast forth from the protection of civilization).

negative - those affected feel as if they have been bludgeoned with a torrential burst of heat, as if from a blast oven, and those slain by these forces appear charred and burnt. They often bear smooth unburnt areas of skin on their wrists and ankles, as if they were manacled at the time they were burned.

positive - the sweet smell of honey fills the air to those affected, and they feel a shuddering sensation as if many hands were touching them, followed by a moment of sweet release that causes many to cry out in ecstasy.

negative - those affected feel as if insects are crawling all over them and hear a persistent buzzing, as of many wings. The sensation of dozens of stingers, most commonly felt in the back, back of the neck and hindquarters, is followed by searing pain, as they feel venom burn through their veins. Those slain by this effect are often swollen to the point of near unrecognizability, as if stung by thousands of bees or wasps, and while there is no actual poison in their system, their body shows all the symptoms of a deadly reaction to insect venom.

Caydean Cailean
positive - the sensation of warm ale pouring down ones throat is followed by a burst of warming 'liquid courage' surging from the belly throughout the body, dulling the senses to the pain of injury and causing wounds to fade away as if all part of a drunken dream. Limbs feel invigorated, and often move suddenly, and there is a sensation that heavy weights (shackles? responsibilities? earthly cares?) have momentarily dropped away. Those receiving this form of healing often stagger slightly, and sometimes even belch loudly at the end of the effect (considered a compliment by those of the faith).

positive - all affected hear a gentle music, singing perhaps, so distant that they cannot identify it, more the memory of a song than an actual song, and their vision is filled with suggestions of dancing stars, tiny motes that caper and prance at the very edges of their vision, but are never truly visible. In an instant, a shuddering sigh passes through their body, as if they have arrived at some safe destination, followed by a sense of timelessness, as if they are resting in a peaceful haven, and finally a sense of an unexplained anticipation, as if a new journey is just about to begin.

positive - for a moment, all affected feel a surge of strength flow up from their toes, pulsing through them like a waterfall in reverse, finally erupting from the crown of their heads. Some feel the surge of energy as a sensual thing, primal and animalistic, while others are more likely to describe it as uplifting, familiar somehow, like an old
comfortable memory of home or family.

positive - all present feel the strength of iron flow into them, from their own armor and weapons, if they bear such, but otherwise seeming to come straight from their heart, as if it was pumping molten metal through their body. Instead of pain, this creates a surge of determination, and those affected see the world in an instant through a red haze of excitement, often crying out in exultation and clashing weapons against shields or armor loudly in the heat of the moment.

negative - the Cleric sweeps his fist before him, as if striking away invisible foes, and all affected feel a tremendous mailed fist slam into them, often leaving behind visible imprints of a larger-than-human fist, not only mailed, but also spiked. Those slain by this effect often have crushed skulls or collapsed ribs, bearing the visible mark of a heavy impact from a spiked fist.

positive - all affected feel as if warm water has buoyed them upwards in a sudden swell, and noticeably rise to their tip-toes for a moment before settling down gently. For a humanoid, the sensation of water rising around them only rises so high as their neck, while they feel a cool sea-scented breeze upon their face, washing away pain and injury and leaving them feeling clean and dry, purified by the actions of wind and wave.

negative - all affected feel icy water smash thunderously down upon them and feel spun about, as if trapped within a maelstrom. This moment of vertigo is all in their minds, but they may be seen to stagger slightly as it occurs. The stinging sensationg of frigid salt water and icy winds seems to suck the very heat from their body, and those slain by this effect remain soaked to the skin, their bodies nearly ice-cold.

positive - those affected feel filled with a sense of overwhelming rightness of action and belief, a burst of courage that does not feel so much as it comes from within, as it feels like inspiration from a great leader, exhorting one to ignore injuries and push onwards to glory.

positive - for a brief moment, those affected are minutely aware of every single portion of their body, and possess an inhuman clarity of thought. Time seems to slow around them, and their mind controls the processes of blood and breath, so that they are aware of themselves knitting their own injured flesh, through some previously unknown understanding of mind over body techniques. And then the moment ends, and they are left with a memory of things they have no ability to fully comprehend, but with wounds visibly having been closed by this burst of supernatural self-awareness.

negative - those affected become aware of their bodies functions on an intimate level, but everything seems out of control, both their bodies and their minds. As their mind races to envision each part and function, it seems that the imagination runs wild, and new horrible things that can go wrong are conceived of, and immediately begin to happen as organs fail and muscles tear. Those slain by this effect often show signs of multiple organ failure, torn muscles and bones that have shattered inexplicably under the mere stress of standing erect.

negative - those affected by this unkind channeling suffer harm to their reproductive organs, including excruciating pain and a sense of loss. Those slain by this effect suffer from a grotesque bursting of the effected organs, and usually die screaming.

Clerics of Lamashtu proclaim that they can use this power to taint and corrupt the unborn, causing the survivors to be born as monsters, but the veracity of this claim has not been tested.

positive - a surge of pure magical energy washes over those affected from the direction of the channeling Cleric and seeming to stop midway through the individual's body (so that one facing the Cleric will feel the energies only wash over his facing side, while his back remains untouched). The force flows like electricity over the body, creating a surge of warmth and strength, as well as a tingling sensation that leaves extremities feeling oddly swollen and tingly.

negative - the same surge of energy occurs, only it progresses in an instant from invigorating to overly hot and painful, causing what looks like electrical burns in those affected. Those slain by this effect are charred and burnt, but only on the half of their body that was facing the channeling Cleric.

Note: Clerics of Nethys (and Pharasma, below) are some of the rare few known that can learn a special technique (a Feat) that allows them to channel *both* positive and negative energies (but not both at once). These Clerics choose at the moment of channeling which force they will channel (or at the moment of spontaneous casting whether or not they will convert a spell into a curative spell or an inflict wounds spell), but do not gain additional channeling uses per day.

negative - those affected always feel the same thing, a sudden sharp pain near their left kidney, as of an assassin's blade, followed by a searing shooting pain, as of venom doing it's work. Those slain by this effect have an open wound in their back, and their body shows all the signs of death by poison (although no poison will truly be present). When used in a non-combat situation, those affected may instead perceive a dryness of the mouth and a bitter taste, followed by intense abdominal pain, suffering instead the effects of an ingested poison, although, as with the other effect, no true poison will be found.

positive - those affected see a pale grey light emanating from the Cleric, while the surroundings fade into grey mist. Calm-faced spirits in the shape of men walk serenely (in an endless moment) from a distant point behind the Cleric, and as they reach those affected, flow into them and imbue them with strength and whispered encouragement from beyond, closing their wounds.

negative - those affected see the same pale light and dimming of their surroundings, but the spirits appear of threatening demeanor, howling quickly through the air with outstretched claw-like hands, and when they reach those affected they tear through them, causing a sensation of pain and loss. Those slain by this channeling often bear unusual wounds, none quite like the other, perhaps somehow sharing the death-wounds of the spiritual entity that appeared to embrace it.

negative - those affected feel a sudden rush from beneath them, and then the mashing of tremendous jaws around them. Those slain by this effect are usually mangled and smashed by an unseen jaw, their crushed bodies pierced through by invisible fangs.

There are rumors, never confirmed, that some victims of this effect lose limbs, or, indeed, vanish entirely, consumed and taken away bodily to feed the Rough Beast.

positive - the sun shines brightly (if present), or a sun-like radiance pours from the channeling Cleric (at night, indoors or underground), illuminating nothing but shining only on, and through, those affected. They feel their wounds burn away painlessly in this cleansing light, and are often left with a feeling of renewed purpose.

positive - the sound of music rises, a single perfect female voice above a symphony of other voices and unidentifiable instruments. Those affected suddenly feel enraptured, as if fascinated by a bard's performance, or love-struck by the sight of an impossibly beautiful maiden. There is a brief sensation of loss and longing when the effect ends, but wounds fade as normal, with those affected feeling as if they have been seen and made more beautiful, their 'ugly' wounds brushed away by a painter's brush, although some claim that the 'painter's brush' feels far more like a lover's caress.

positive - those affected feel as if they've been hammerstruck, and see their wounds smooth away, as if they were flaws pounded out of a blade of steel, leaving only smooth unblemished skin behind. The effect is sudden and startling, and leaves behind only warmed skin and a slight soreness.

negative - those affected hear the buzzing of flies, although none are visible, smell the stench of rotting meat, and feel a thousand squirmings within their flesh, as if a swarm of maggots tunneled and twisted within them, devouring flesh in their wake. Those slain by this effect corrupt and putrefy, and a round after the channeling ends their bodies begin to split open and reveal many maggots, which mature almost instantly into flies.

negative - those affected see the area darkening around them and shadows lengthening in all directions, while there are disturbing flashes of metal glinting in the darkness and the sounds of clattering chains. The pain comes from the sensation of a dozen razors singing out of the shadows to tear at their flesh, and those slain by this effect are sometimes skinned alive, stretched unnaturally or even rent asunder.

positiv - Die Sonne strahlt heller (wenn zu sehen), oder ein sonnengleicher Glanz geht von dem kanalisierenden Kleriker aus (bei Nacht, in Innenräumen oder im Untergrund), der nichts als den Gläubigen erstrahlen lässt und durch diesen die Betroffenen. Sie fühlen ihre Wunden schmerzlos in diesem reinigenden Licht verbrennen und werden mit einem Gefühl von neuem Tatendrang erfüllt.
« Letzte Änderung: 03.01.2010, 12:23:05 von Zon-Kuthon »


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« Antwort #1 am: 28.12.2008, 17:13:24 »
Skills in the City, by Marnak from the Paizo Boards

Characters navigating the busy streets of the Midlands, working along any of the city’s decrepit docks, traversing the rooftop dwellings of the Shingles, or crossing one of the small bridges along the Narrows of St. Alika will find this skill useful.

Almost anything that gold can buy is available in Korvosa. A good eye for the genuinely valuable and the counterfeit will serve a character well when he or she purchases or sells goods in the city. Of special importance to arcane casters is the fact that appraise can help determine the properties of magic items.

A risky but common practice in a city where honesty is prized but scamming is an art form.

Multi-storied buildings abound in Korvosa.

Making your own goods can help you avoid paying full market price, but most items are otherwise available in Korvosa.

In a city with a “hanging judge” and a zeal for enforcement of its laws, diplomacy is often a better option than the sword. Gathering information, diplomacy of a less formal sort, is also quite helpful.

Disable Device
Given the number of thieves in the city, locks and traps are common in Korvosa.

Concealing one’s true identity to the city’s officials is frowned upon not only by those officials but by the lawful masses who pay their taxes and believe in the importance of straight talk and honest dealings. Yet, the art of disguise is defended as essential by those whose actions or ethnicity have already put them in trouble with the authorities.

Escape Artist
Sad to say, but the ability to slip from someone else’s grasp is an important ability in a city that supplies untold numbers to the slave trade. Furthermore, the poorer sections of Korvosa are crowded with tenements and apartments, making it advantageous to be able to slip into and out of tight spots.

An advanced skill studied by only a few wizards and sorcerers and members of the Sable Company Marines.

Handle Animal
Guard dogs and beasts of burden are common in Korvosa.

The city of Korvosa is never without a need for healers. Diseases often run rampant among the poor, and there are numerous venomous creatures lurking in the Shingles and Vaults.

This is more useful in Korvosa than in small towns because interactions with strangers are so much more common in the big city. The social distance between persons minimizes the long-term penalty that accrues to bullies who roughly treat the weak in most other environs. Of course, Korvosan bullies have a harder time figuring out who they can intimidate and who they shouldn’t mess with…..

Knowledge (Arcana)
In a city filled with the Acadamae and so many wizarding colleges, knowledge of the arcane is always useful.

Knowledge (Dungeoneering)
Those venturing into the Vaults would be lucky to travel with someone with this knowledge.

Knowledge (Engineering)
Although not as valued as during Korvosa’s golden age, engineers still have much to offer the manufacturers of Palin’s Cove, the caretakers of the Kendall Ampitheatre, and other builders and businessmen in the city.

Knowledge (Geography)
For those wishing to adventure beyond the city into the hinterlands, geographical knowledge is key.

Knowledge (History)
The rich and detailed history of Korvosa is a boon to characters in numerous situations and often provides insights and aid to characters attempting diplomatic negotiations, creating believable lies, or any number of other similar situations.

Knowledge (Local)
If one intends to move beyond the boundaries of the ward you were born in, nothing is more valuable than knowing details and rumors about the people and places of Korvosa.

Knowledge (Nature)
Understanding the sea and its tides, the dangers of the Jeggare River, and the region’s weather patterns are all useful bits of knowledge.

Knowledge (Nobility)
Given the importance and tenuous nature of the monarchy in Korvosa, everything you can find out about the King, the Queen, and the royal family is potentially a treasure trove of valuable information.

Knowledge (Planes)
Not useful on a day-to-day basis, but sometimes a life saver! Because so many Korvosans continue to pine away for an alliance with the fiend-friendly Cheliax Empire, some knowledge of the Planes could become suddenly critical.

Knowledge (Religion)
Three temples – those of Pharasma, Sarenrae, and Abadar – are very important to Korvosa, and the more one knows about them, the more one knows about how the city works.
Zitat von: sempai33
Don't forget the sanctuary of Shelyn (N8) in North Point.

This vital ability allows a character to learn more of the languages spoken in Korvosa, to decipher ancient texts or coded documents, and to detect forgeries in a city with thieves galore.

This remains, arguably, the most vital skill in the game and is perhaps more important than ever as it includes hearing, tasting, smelling as well as spotting.

Bards have more potential audience members in Korsova than anyplace else in Varisia.

Nearly every profession can be found in the city, making this skill a good choice for characters wishing to have a workplace to go to for contacts and information as well as gold.

Sable Company marines, some members of the Korvosan guard, and the sons of nobles learn to ride but few others.

Sense Motive
“If I had a silver shield for every time someone tried that one….” is a common phrase in Korvosa. What do you sense about this skill’s utility?

Sleight of Hand
You never know when you want to have a dagger hidden in your boot. Actually, you do know. You always want to have a weapon hidden in your boot in Korvosa.

Vital skill for wizards and important for all spellcasters as it allows you to cast spells while taking damage or while being grappled.

Combining move silently with hide, this skill is useful for anyone attempting to sneak up on or sneak past someone, which is far from unusual in Korvosa.

The poorer districts of Korvosa count as “the wild” and successful Survival checks allow a character to find enough food somehow, someway, perhaps through panhandling or by knowing where to line up for the food being handed out by the clergy and noble philanthropists. Survival checks can also help you from getting lost in unfamiliar parts of the city. Following tracks in Korvosa is difficult (firm or hard ground) but not impossible.

Korsova is a city on a peninsula surrounded by water on three sides.

Use Magic Device
Few places in the world have as many shops for the purchase of magical devices as Korvosa.


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« Antwort #2 am: 09.03.2009, 13:02:22 »
Additional Feats, by Jason Bulmahn (PRPG Lead Designer) from the Paizo Boards

Acrobatic Steps
You can easily move over and through obstacles.
Prerequisites: Dex 15, Nimble Moves.
Benefit: Whenever you move, you may ignore up to 15 feet of difficult terrain each round. The effects of this feat stack with those provided by Nimble Moves (allowing you to ignore a total of 20 feet of difficult terrain each round).

Advance (Combat)
You can move up to a foe with reach without provoking an attack.
Prerequisites: Dex 15, Dodge, Mobility.
Benefit: You do not provoke attacks of opportunity by moving through a creature’s threatened area, so long as you end your movement adjacent to that creature. This benefit only applies to one creature. If your move takes you through the threatened area of two or more creatures, you still provoke an attack of opportunity from the other creatures (even if you end your turn adjacent to more than one).

Bleeding Critical (Combat, Critical)
Your critical hits cause opponents to bleed profusely.
Prerequisites: Critical Focus, base attack bonus +11.
Benefit: Whenever you score a critical hit with a slashing or piercing weapon, your opponent takes 2d6 points of bleed damage each round on their turn, in addition to the damage dealt by the critical hit. Bleed damage can be stopped by a DC 15 Heal skill check or through any magical healing. The effects of this feat stack.
Special: You can only apply the effects of one critical feat to a given critical hit unless you possess Critical Mastery.

Blinding Critical (Combat, Critical)
Your critical hits blind your opponents.
Prerequisites: Critical Focus, base attack bonus +15.
Benefit: Whenever you score a critical hit, your opponent is permanently blinded. A successful Fortitude save reduces the blindness to 1 round. The DC of this Fortitude save is equal to 10 + your base attack bonus. This feat has no effect on creatures that do not rely on eyes for sight or creatures with more than two eyes (although multiple critical hits might cause blindness, depending on GM discretion). This blindness can be cured by heal, regeneration, remove blindness, or a similar ability.
Special: You can only apply the effects of one critical feat to a given critical hit unless you possess Critical Mastery.

Critical Focus (Combat)
You are trained in the arts of causing pain.
Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +9.
Benefit: You receive a +4 circumstance bonus on attack rolls made to confirm critical hits.

Critical Mastery (Combat)
Your critical hits cause two additional effects.
Prerequisites: Critical Focus, any two critical feats, 14th-level fighter.
Benefit: Whenever you score a critical hit, you can apply the effects of two critical feats in addition to the damage dealt.
Normal: You can only apply the effects of one critical feat to a given critical hit in addition to the damage dealt.

Deafening Critical (Combat, Critical)
Your critical hits cause enemies to lose their hearing.
Prerequisites: Critical Focus, base attack bonus +13.
Benefit: Whenever you score a critical hit, your opponent is permanently deafened. A successful Fortitude save reduces the deafness to 1 round. The DC of this Fortitude save is equal to 10 + your base attack bonus. This feat has no effect on deaf creatures. This deafness can be cured by heal, regeneration, remove deafness, or a similar ability.
Special: You can only apply the effects of one critical feat to a given critical hit unless you possess Critical Mastery.

Disruptive (Combat)
Your training makes it difficult for enemy spellcasters to safely cast spells near you.
Prerequisites: 6th-level fighter.
Benefit: The DC to cast spells defensively increases by 4 for all enemies within your threatened area. This increase only applies if you are aware of the enemy’s location and are capable of taking an attack of opportunity. If you can only take one attack of opportunity per round and have already used that attack, this increase does not apply.

Exhausting Critical (Combat, Critical)
Your critical hits cause opponents to become exhausted.
Prerequisites: Critical Focus, Tiring Critical, base attack bonus +15.
Benefit: Whenever you score a critical hit, your opponent becomes exhausted. This feat has no effect on exhausted creatures.
Special: You can only apply the effects of one critical feat to a given critical hit unless you possess Critical Mastery.

You are faster than most.
Benefit: Your base speed increases by 5 feet. You lose the benefits of this feat if you carry a medium or heavy load.
Special: You can take this feat multiple times. Its effects stack.

Greater Bull Rush (Combat)
Your bull rush attacks throw enemies off balance.
Prerequisites: Improved Bull Rush, base attack bonus +6.
Benefit: Whenever you bull rush an opponent, their movement provokes attacks of opportunity from all of your allies (but not you).
Normal: Creatures moved by bull rush do not provoke attacks of opportunity.

Greater Disarm (Combat)
You can knock weapons far from an enemy’s grasp.
Prerequisites: Improved Disarm, base attack bonus +6.
Benefit: Whenever you successfully disarm an opponent, the weapon lands 15 feet away, in a random direction.
Normal: Disarmed weapons and gear land at the feet of the disarmed creature.

Greater Feint (Combat)
You are skilled at making enemies overreact to your maneuvers.
Prerequisites: Improved Feint, base attack bonus +6.
Benefit: Whenever you use feint to cause an opponent to lose his Dexterity bonus, he loses that bonus until the beginning of your next turn, in addition to losing his Dexterity bonus against your next attack, if that attack does not come before your next turn.
Normal: Creatures you feint lose their Dexterity bonus against your next attack.

Greater Grapple (Combat)
Maintaining a grapple is second nature to you.
Prerequisites: Improved Grapple, base attack bonus +6.
Benefit: Once you have grappled a creature, maintaining the grapple is a move action. This feat allows you to make two grapple checks each round (to move, harm, or pin your opponent), but you are not required to make two checks. You only need to succeed at one of these checks to maintain the grapple.
Normal: Maintaining a grapple is a standard action.

Greater Overrun (Combat)
Enemies must dive to avoid your dangerous move.
Prerequisites: Improved Overrun, base attack bonus +6.
Benefit: Whenever you overrun opponents, they provoke attacks of opportunity if they attempt to avoid you or are knocked prone by your overrun.
Normal: Creatures that avoid your overrun or are knocked prone do not provoke an attack of opportunity.

Greater Penetrating Strike (Combat)
Your attacks penetrate the defenses of most creatures. Choose one type of weapon that you have already selected for Penetrating Strike.
Prerequisites: Penetrating Strike, Weapon Focus, 16th-level fighter.
Benefit: Your attacks with the selected weapon ignore up to 10 points of damage reduction. This amount is reduced to 5 points for damage reduction without a type (such as DR 10/—).

Greater Shield Focus (Combat)
You are incredibly skilled at deflecting blows with your shield.
Prerequisites: Shield Focus, Shield Proficiency, 8th-level fighter.
Benefit: Increase the AC bonus granted by any shield you are using by 1. This bonus stacks with the bonus granted by Shield Focus.

Greater Shield Mastery (Combat)
You can use a shield to deflect a great deal of harm.
Prerequisites: Shield Focus, Shield Mastery, Shield Proficiency, 12th-level fighter.
Benefit: Whenever you are using a shield, you gain DR 2/—. You must be aware of the attack to gain this bonus. Any effect that causes you to lose your Dexterity or shield bonus causes you to lose this bonus. This bonus stacks with all other forms of damage reduction without a type, including that gained from Shield Mastery.

Greater Sunder (Combat)
Your devastating strikes cleave through weapons and into their wielders.
Prerequisites: Improved Sunder, base attack bonus +6.
Benefit: Whenever you sunder to destroy a weapon, any excess damage is applied to the weapon’s wielder. No damage is transferred if you decide to leave the weapon with 1 hit point.

Greater Trip (Combat)
You can make follow-up attacks on foes that you knock prone.
Prerequisites: Improved Trip, base attack bonus +6.
Benefit: Whenever you successfully trip an opponent, that opponent provokes an attack of opportunity.
Normal: Creatures that are knocked prone do not provoke attacks of opportunity.

Improved Greater Fortitude
You can draw upon an inner reserve to resist diseases, poisons, and other grievous harm.
Prerequisites: Great Fortitude.
Benefit: Once per day, you may reroll a Fortitude save. You must decide to use this ability before the results are revealed. You must take the second roll, even if it is worse.

Improved Iron Will
You have a clarity of thought that allows you to fight off mental attacks.
Prerequisites: Iron Fortitude.
Benefit: Once per day, you may reroll a Will save. You must decide to use this ability before the results are revealed. You must take the second roll, even if it is worse.

Improved Lightning Reflexes
You have a knack for avoiding danger, even when it is all around you.
Prerequisites: Lightning Reflexes.
Benefit: Once per day, you may reroll a Reflex save. You must decide to use this ability before the results are revealed. You must take the second roll, even if it is worse.

Lunge (Combat)
You can strike foes that would normally be out of reach.
Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +6.
Benefit: You can increase the reach of your melee attacks by 5 feet by taking a –4 penalty to your AC until your next turn. You must decide to use this ability before any attacks are made.

Master Craftsman
Your superior crafting skills allow you to create simple magic items. Choose one Craft or Profession skill in which you possess at least 5 ranks.
Prerequisites: 5 ranks in any Craft or Profession skill.
Benefit: Ranks in your chosen skill count as your caster level for the purposes of qualifying for the Craft Arms and Armor and Craft Wondrous Item feats. You can create magic items using these feats, substituting your ranks in the chosen skill for your total caster level. You must use the chosen skill for the check to create the item. The DC to create the item still increases for any necessary spell requirements (see the magic item creation rules in Chapter 15). You cannot use this feat to create any spell-trigger or spell-activation item.
Normal: Only spellcasters can qualify for the Craft Arms and Armor and Craft Wondrous Item feats.

Nimble Moves
You can move across a single obstacle without slowing down.
Prerequisites: Dex 13.
Benefit: Whenever you move, you may ignore up to 5 feet of difficult terrain each round. This feat allows you to take a 5-foot step into difficult terrain.

Penetrating Strike (Combat)
Your attacks are capable of penetrating the defenses of some creatures. Choose one type of weapon that you have already selected for Weapon Focus.
Prerequisites: Weapon Focus, 12th-level fighter.
Benefit: Your attacks with the selected weapon ignore up to 5 points of damage reduction. This feat does not apply to damage reduction without a type (such as DR 10/—).

Powerful Critical (Combat, Critical)
Your critical hits cause an amazing amount of damage. Choose one type of weapon that you have already selected for Improved Critical.
Prerequisites: Critical Focus, Improved Critical, base attack bonus +13.
Benefit: Whenever you score a critical hit with the selected weapon, the damage multiplier increases by 1, to a maximum of x4.
Special: You can only apply the effects of one critical feat to a given critical hit unless you possess Critical Mastery.

Shall Not Pass (Combat)
You can stop foes that try to move past you.
Prerequisites: Combat Reflexes.
Benefit: Whenever an enemy provokes an attack of opportunity due to moving through your adjacent squares, a successful hit causes them to stop moving for the rest of their turn. Enemies can still take the rest of their action, but cannot move.

Shield Focus (Combat)
You are skilled at deflecting blows with your shield.
Prerequisites: Shield Proficiency, base attack bonus +1.
Benefit: Increase the AC bonus granted by any shield you are using by 1.

Shield Mastery (Combat)
You can use a shield to deflect harm.
Prerequisites: Shield Focus, Shield Proficiency, 4th-level fighter.
Benefit: Whenever you are using a shield, you gain DR 2/—. You must be aware of the attack to gain this bonus. Any effect that causes you to lose your Dexterity or shield bonus causes you to lose this bonus. This bonus stacks with all other forms of damage reduction without a type (such as the damage reduction gained by barbarians).

Sickening Critical (Combat, Critical)
Your critical hits cause opponents to become sickened.
Prerequisites: Critical Focus, base attack bonus +11.
Benefit: Whenever you score a critical hit, your opponent becomes sickened for 1 minute. The effects of this feat do not stack. Additional hits instead add to the duration.
Special: You can only apply the effects of one critical feat to a given critical hit unless you possess Critical Mastery.

Spellbreaker (Combat)
You can strike enemies that fail to cast defensively.
Prerequisites: Disruptive, 10th-level fighter.
Benefit: Enemies in your threatened area that fail their checks to cast spells defensively provoke attacks of opportunity from you.
Normal: Enemies that fail to cast spells defensively do not provoke attacks of opportunity.

Staggering Critical (Combat, Critical)
Your critical hits cause opponents to slow down.
Prerequisites: Critical Focus, base attack bonus +13.
Benefit: Whenever you score a critical hit, your opponent becomes staggered for 1d4+1 rounds. A successful Fortitude save reduces the duration to 1 round. The DC of this Fortitude save is equal to 10 + your base attack bonus. The effects of this feat do not stack. Additional hits instead add to the duration.
Special: You can only apply the effects of one critical feat to a given critical hit unless you possess Critical Mastery.

Step Up (Combat)
You can close the distance when a foe tries to move away.
Benefit: Whenever an adjacent foe attempts to take a 5-foot step away from you, you may also make a 5-foot step as an immediate action so long as you end up adjacent to the foe that triggered this ability. If you take this step, you cannot take a 5-foot step during your next turn and you count as if you had take a 5-foot step on that turn (preventing any other movement).

Strike Back (Combat)
You can strike at foes that attack you using their superior reach, by targeting their limbs or weapons as they come at you.
Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +11.
Benefit: You can ready an action to make a melee attack against any foe that attacks you in melee, even if the foe is outside of your reach. If you attack a foe that is outside your reach using this ability, you take a –2 penalty on your attack roll.

Stunning Critical (Combat, Critical)
Your critical hits cause opponents to become stunned.
Prerequisites: Critical Focus, base attack bonus +17.
Benefit: Whenever you score a critical hit, your opponent becomes stunned for 1d4+1 rounds. A successful Fortitude save reduces the duration to 1 round. The DC of this Fortitude save is equal to 10 + your base attack bonus. The effects of this feat do not stack. Additional hits instead add to the duration.
Special: You can only apply the effects of one critical feat to a given critical hit unless you possess Critical Mastery.

Tiring Critical (Combat, Critical)
Your critical hits cause opponents to become fatigued.
Prerequisites: Critical Focus, base attack bonus +13.
Benefit: Whenever you score a critical hit, your opponent becomes fatigued. The effects of this feat do not stack.
Special: You can only apply the effects of one critical feat to a given critical hit unless you possess Critical Mastery.