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alte d20-Vorlage (Anzeigen)Klasse und Stufe:
Allegiances: Siehe hier
Former occupation:
Hair colour:
Eye colour:
Age: mindestens 32 und höchstens 60
Height: mindestens 1,70 m
Init: +x  Senses:

Ability Scores, Feats, Languages (Anzeigen)Str , Dex , Con , Int , Wis , Cha  
Languages: Alle uns bekannten Sprachen möglich, aber Englisch sollte darunter sein

Defensiv (Anzeigen)AC x  ; touch x ; flat footed x
 Hitpoints: xx; HD: 6
Fort +x, Ref +x, Will +x
Offensiv (Anzeigen)Spd: 30 feet/9m
Base Atk. +x
 Attack Options:
Special Attacks:
Inventar (Anzeigen)
Standard Space-Kit:  Communicator, Flashlight, Compass, Norishment and Water for 1 day, Army Knife, First Aid Kit, Signal Pistol (1 Shot)

Classabilities (Anzeigen)
Skills (Anzeigen)
Class Skills (Ranks + Ability + Special = Modifier)

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Description and Background (Anzeigen)
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--- Code: (Vorlage) ---
Former occupation:
Family Status:
Hair colour:
Eye colour:






[row][head][color=#E0D8C2]Fertigkeit[/color][/head][head][color=#E0D8C2]Bonus[/color][/head][head][color=#E0D8C2]Beschr. Wort[/color][/head][/row]
[row][data][b]Informationen Sammeln[b][/data][data][/data][data][/data][/row]
[row][data][b]Nerven behalten[b][/data][data][/data][data][/data][/row]

















--- Ende Code ---

Peter Aldred:
Peter Stanley Aldred

Allegiances: Belief System: Christianity (formal catholic, Ecumenism)
Nationality: British
Family Status: Unmarried (two deceased sons)
Hair colour: dark brown
Eye colour: brown
Age: 56 (born on 20.05.1954)
Height: 1.81 m
Weight: 75 kg
Attribute (Anzeigen)AttributBonusBeschr. WortCharisma+2durchschnittlichIntuition+2durchschnittlichKöpfchen+3gutKörperbeherrschung+1mäßigFertigkeiten (Anzeigen)FertigkeitBonusBeschr. WortAusweichen+0mäßigAusdauer+1durchschnittlichBiowissenschaft+2passabelFernkampf+1durchschnittlichHeimlichkeit+0mäßigInformatik+4gutInformationen Sammeln+3überdurchschnittlichLinguistik+5hervorragendMechanik+1durchschnittlichMedizin+2passabelNahkampf+0mäßigNavigieren+0mäßigNerven behalten+1durchschnittlichPsychologie+3überdurchschnittlichSystemtechnik+4gutTäuschen+0mäßigÜberlebenskunde+0mäßigÜberzeugen+0mäßigWahrnehmen+2passabelAspekte (Anzeigen)Aspekte:
Name: Requiem in Gottes größter Kathedrale
Zitat: "Der Mensch soll nicht sorgen, daß er in den Himmel, sondern daß der Himmel in ihn komme. Wer ihn nicht in sich selber trägt, der sucht ihn vergebens im ganzen All." - Otto Ludwig
Beschreibung: Peter kann nicht mehr und eigentlich will er auch nicht mehr, doch wie geht ein Mensch in Würde? Hat jeder Moment Würde, weil es der von Gott bestimmte Moment ist? Oder nur dann, wenn wir den Moment von Gott bestimmen lassen und uns bei ihm sicher fühlen? Alle jene Fragen, welche sich auch um das Theodizee-Problem drehten, konnten nie durch Peter beantwortet werden, nur in Teilen fand er eine Lösung. Ein einfacher Selbstmord ist keine Lösung, weil mit dem eigenen Ableben andere Menschen unter psychischen Druck gestellt werden, also sollte man im Dienst an der Gesellschaft und der christlichen Gemeinde sterben. Dabei ist Peter kein Fanatiker, aber ein Mann, der sich nach dem Tod seiner beiden Adoptivsöhne, schon selbst für Tod hält. Deswegen nahm er dankbar das Training eines Astronauten an und flog mit einem Team, welches einen Asteroiden aufhalten sollte, in Gottes größte Kathedrale: das All. In der Hoffnung, dort als gefühlter Held für die Mitmenschen sterben zu können und selbst damit in Würde seinen Söhnen folgen zu können...

Name: Cardinal Capraras Bibel
Zitat: "Ich glaube, daß die Bibel allein die Antwort auf alle unsere Fragen ist und daß wir nur anhaltend und demütig zu fragen brauchen, um die Antwort von ihr zu bekommen." - Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Beschreibung: Obwohl methodische Skepsis immer angebracht ist, nach der Meinung Peters, gibt es Orte, Bücher, Ideen, welche eine ganz eigene Magie haben. Die Bibel, welche Peter von Cardinal Caprara bekam als Geschenk vor dem Abflug und vielleicht als letztes Geschenk, welches er je bekam, überreicht wurde, hat eine ganz besondere Bedeutung. Es mochte die Besonderheit der Bibel sein, dass jede einzelne Zeile eine unendliche Bedeutung zu entfalten vermochte. Diese Bibel brachte Peters Weltbild durcheinander, denn fast immer, wenn er sie zufällig aufschlug, fand er Markierungen von Caprara, welche auf mystische Weise immer die jeweilige Situation trafen und hilfreich waren. Das verunsichert den Skeptiker Aldred zutiefst, sodass er sich bisweilen davor fürchtet, diese Bibel zu öffnen. Sie erinnert ihn zu sehr an seinen lebenslangen, intellektuellen Kampf, an dessen Ende steht, dass er nach all den Jahren zu wenig begreift. Und doch ist die Bibel ein wertvoller Begleiter, hat sie Peter doch schon mehrfach ermöglicht, etwas vom verbergenden Schleier über den undurchsichtigen Situationen zu lüften.

Name: Der Methusalem-Komplex
Zitat: “You know, ... old folks can have dreams, too, as well as young folks, and then work toward them. And to have a dream like this come true for me is just a terrific experience.” - John Glenn
Beschreibung: John Glenn ist in einer Hinsicht ein enormes Vorbild für Peter Aldred. Als er als 77-jähriger im Jahr 1998 134x den Orbit in knapp neun Tagen umrundete, um während der Mission STS-95 als Nutzlastspezialist die Wirkung der Raumfahrt auf alte Menschen zu testen und gesund und wohlbehalten wiederkam, klingelten diese Worte in den Ohren des Diakons. John Glenn war 77 und hatte Träume, während Peter Aldred mit heute 56 fast zwei Jahrzehnte jünger als Glenn damals ist und er ist nicht mehr voller Träume, sondern ausgebrannt. Peter bewunderte diese Methusalems, diese Jereds, diese Noachs, Adams, Mahalalels und Henochs der Bibel und vor allem, dass aus den knappen Schilderungen nicht zu erschließen ist, dass sie so leer wie Peter waren. Noach brach im sehr hohen Alter noch mit der Arche auf. Der Diakon konnte nur diese Raumfahrt, diese gefährliche Attila-Mission vorweisen. Ein letztes Aufbäumen, aber nur eine Reaktion und kein Traum. Peters Alter brachte den Vorteil mit sich, dass sein Wort einiges an Gewicht trug und man ihm einen gewissen Respekt entgegenbrachte, doch Peter ist nun fern von diesen Mensch und wirkt nun alt für sein Alter. Er fühlt sich erdrückt von den Lebensläufen, die zu erkennen geben, dass ein Mensch ein ganzes Leben etwas geleistet hat und er mit 56 schon keine Kraft mehr hat. So wirkt er oftmals deutlich älter, gibt Ermüdungserscheinungen eher nach und kämpft mit Begriffen eines langen Lebens und der Frage, was ein langes Leben wert ist, wenn es nicht erfüllt ist.

Name: Die katholische Maschine/Die elektronische Kirche
Zitat: “Dass in den Kirchen gepredigt wird, macht deswegen die Blitzableiter auf ihnen nicht unnötig.” - Georg Christoph Lichtenberg
Beschreibung: Peter Aldred war sein ganzes Leben besessen von dem Gedanken, die Kirche der modernen Welt anzupassen. Seiner Meinung nach konnte die Kirche ihres Siegesfeldzug nur beginnen, weil sie veraltete und nicht erhaltungswürdige Strukturen der Antike überwand. Der Protestantismus war eine weitere Notwendigkeit der sich erneuernden Kirche. Die katholische Kirche jedoch blieb alten Bildern verhaftet und geißelte jeden Versuch der Erneuerung als Versuch die Kirche zum Opfer des Zeitgeistes zu machen. Die Kirche muss den Zeitgeist prägen und sich nicht ihm opfern, meinte Peter seit jeher und so bildete er sich unklassisch im kirchliche Sinne. Er beschäftigte sich im Rahmen seiner Verpflichtungen als moderner Inquisitor und auch in der Freizeit mit dogmatischen Atheismus, mit anderen Arten des Atheismus, mit religiösen Alltagspraktiken, mit Naturwissenschaften im Atheismus und in der Religion, mit Technik und mit allen möglichen Gedanken zur Hoffnung an Progression und Moderne. Peter glaubt erkannt zu haben, dass gerade in der durch die globalisierten Weltbeschleunigung eine feste und prägende Kirche für Werte und Festigkeit stehen kann, soll und muss. Diese Ansicht hat Peter in konservativen Kreisen viele Feinde eingebracht und verhindert, dass er mehr als ein Diakon innerhalb der Kirche werden konnte, doch im Gegenzug wurde Peter Aldred ein bekannter, querdenkender Wissenschaftler mit einem großen Techniksinn, der ein Tausendsassa an der Schnittstelle zwischen Technik und Tradition wurde und sie nicht zu schade, alle möglichen unbekannten Apparaturen zu testen und an ihnen rumzubasteln. Deshalb dokumentiert er auch seine Weltallreisen und will zeigen, dass die Kirche sich erneuern kann, ohne ihr eigenes Fundament anzugreifen.

Name: Monsieur Aldreds Gespür für die Sterne und Blindheit für die Erde (Oder auch Thales und die thrakische Magd)
Zitat: “Tolerance without dialogue is an euphemism for indifference.” - Miklós Cseszneky de Milvány et Csesznek
Beschreibung: Wissen und Erkenntnis erschließen sich Peter in Beschäftigung und Austausch darüber. Während viele Mitglieder der Kongregation für die Glaubenslehre einen fanatischen Unterton in ihrer Arbeit entwickeln oder zumindest darum bemüht sind, ihre Weltanschauung gegen andere abzugrenzen und zu verteidigen, sucht Peter die Gleichheiten und Unterschiede bewusst im Austausch und in der Beschäftigung damit. Das hat Peter einen großen Wissensfundus über und eine große Toleranz für unterschiedliche Kulturen, religiöse Kulturen und Philosophien eingebracht, sodass es ihm schneller gelingt Ähnlichkeiten zu erkennen und zu formulieren. Andererseits verliert er bei seinem Fokus auf diese Frage, häufig seinen Blick für das Existenzielle und muss sich immer wieder bemühen, das nicht zu vergessen. So spricht Peter lieber über uralte Hieroglyphen, bevor er sich trotz lauernder Gefahr mit dem Krokodil beschäftigt, welches sich nähert. Peter hat durch die ganzen Beschäftigungen mit ideellen Werten und einem gefährlichen Idealismus den Blick für das materiell Notwendige häufig verloren. Peter gleicht damit Thales, der beim Spaziergehen und zu den Sternen starren in einen Brunnen fällt und von der thrakischen Magd verlacht wird.

Fachgebiete: Neurowissenschaft, Philosophie, Theologie
Inventar (Anzeigen)Standard Space-KitWeightArmy Knife1 lb.Communicator1 lb.Compass0.5 lb.First Aid Kit3 lb.Flashlight1 lb.Nourishment and water for 1 day0.5 lb.Signal Pistol (1 shot)4 lb.Other possessionsWeightCamera (Digital)0.5 lb.Cardinal Caprara's bible1 lb.Electrical Tool Kit (Deluxe)[will remain on the ship]33 lb.Multipurpose Tool0.5 lb.Notebook5 lb.PDA0.5 lb.Aussehen (Anzeigen)
Persönlichkeit (Anzeigen)Peter Aldred seems to be a timid and shy person, because he is often short-spoken and behaves very reserved. In fact, he is more a thinker than a talker, who is only communicative, when he has enough time and reason to do so. And he is also a very discontent sceptic without being a pessimist. He is even sceptical about his own faith and his own religion, but also sees this as a essential trait for every eligible theologian. His almost stoic ways are represented by his denial of arts, he never listens to music for enjoyment and has hardly any interest in art, even though music and art are very central to catholic Christianity. Thus, bare of the pleasures of life, he sometimes seems more to be a dust-dry nuisance than a good-willed sport, even though he is more caring than one would expect.
Character Theme: Gil Scott-Heron - Running
Hintergrund (Anzeigen)
* 29.05.1954: Birth of Peter Stanley Aldred in Hereford, as third son of John Christopher and Maria Elena Aldred.
* 1960 - 1965: Primary School (Hereford)
* 22.05.1965: Maria Elena Aldred dies due to laryngeal cancer.
* 1965 - 1971: Public School (Hereford Cathedral School). Peter's youngest brother, Charles Rouven Aldred, dies due to leukaemia on 10.08.1970, only ten years old. John Christopher and his three living sons convert to Catholicism. In the beginning of the year 1971 John Christopher moves with Peter to Ostbevern, accepting a call from the University of Münster.
* 1971 - 1974: Abitur in Ostbevern, Germany (Gymnasium Johanneum on Castle Loburg)
* 1974 - 1976: Study of political philosophy and catholic theology at the Catholic University of Ireland. Ordination (deacon).
* 1976 - 1982: Study of theology and anthropology at University of Notre Dame du Lac, Indiana, USA.
* 1982 - 1988: After diverse infightings about doctorates, scientific methodology and the question of synthesis of Christianity and modern science, Peter withdraws himself. After a year of self-doubts and apathy, he converts into a member of the Benedictine order and moves into the Buckfast Abbey in Buckfastleigh, Devonshire.
* 1988 - 1996: After years of solitude and quietude Peter realizes that he was able to flee the tumultuous and childish life of university and learnedness, but also that he misses the great knowledge of mankind. He gladly accepts an offer as an librarian at the Stiftsbibliothek Admont. For years he immerges into studies. He studies especially biological and psychological works like Darwin, Wallace, Freud and other famous thinkers, he also studies other religions and installs computers into the heart of ecclesiastical administration.

* Peter learns of the savant-syndrome and autism. In 1991 he adopts two autistic children with the savant-syndrome, Jo Andrew Mbendi from Tanzania and Emil Adem Čejvan from Yugoslavia.
* 1996 - 2002: Unsatisfied with his achievements and the ecumenical exchange within Admont, he answers a call from the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. He strives to understand what ecclesiastical infighting means. One of the central question of science and life is: Is Christian faith tumbling, and if yes, why? During this period he was able to meet ultra-conservatism and sometimes odd and sometimes interesting facets of Christianity.
* 2002 - 2005: After personal and theological disputes with Archbishop Tarcisio Bertone, the modern secretary of the Congregation, Peter departed and answered a call of his old university. The University of Notre Dame du Lac. The reason was that his pamphlet on Christian modernization was read with critical acclaim. After long disputes, he was able to receive his doctorate on the "Synthesis of Christianity and Modernism", but due to catholic resentments against his works he was given a doctorate in practical philosophy instead of theology. Meanwhile he studies autism and the savant-syndrome. Overburdened by the constant broadsides and malice by catholic fundamentalists and atheists, he abdicates his doctorate and flees into laboratory work in December 2003. He fully immerges into technological approaches and computer-working.

* December 2005: On Christmas Eve fundamentalists burn down his house, his adopted son Emil is burnt seriously and heavily handicapped since then. Peter flees to a fellow researcher (NASA-Technician) to Tel Aviv, Israel.
* January 2006 - March 2007: Peter founds the CCRC (Center for Cultural and Religious Communication), which is heavily funded by Islamic, Catholic, Protestant and Jewish benefactors. But only three months after foundation Peter and his CCRC, which are originally an ecumenical organization within the catholic church is threatened by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. Although Peter declares that this center is built on the idea of ecumenism by Pope John Paul II. and is a dedication to the late pope, he is excommunicated by the Catholic Church. First he is, according to the Code of Canon Law, a Toleratus and is allowed to exchange with other catholics, but Peter refuses to demobilize his center or to convert it into a mere evangelistic organization. In March 2007 Peter gets the excommunication status of vitandus. He is now to be avoided by catholic people. At the same time Peter improves his technological skills and starts to construct new electronic devices and instruments to examine (especially telemonitoring) brain waves and cerebral activities. He is offered a fund from the Amit Technology Science and Medicine, an Israeli company from Jerusalem. But he becomes emotional unstable and withdraws from Israel and the CCRC and vanishes, together with his sons, into thin air.
* August 2007 - September 2008: After fleeing back into the United States, Peter leaves his children to his lifetime friend, Jack Hamilton, from the University of Notre Dame. Weary of life and the constant struggle against his own faith and fundamentalist atheist (so to speak), he decides to go to war. He hopes that God will guide his way or take his life while doing something, which will at least be remembered by the Americans as heroism and devotion. Without consent of the Catholic Church Peter becomes a military chaplain and partakes in the Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan. During this mission he is socializing with important soldiers. Due to his counselling engagement even in the most perilous situations deep within the zones of war, he is awarded with the Legion of Merit. This socialization and his award open new doors, so he is able to become acquainted with NASA and ESA functionaries. In September 2008 he is hit by a bullet in the chest and has to give up service as a military chaplain.
* Oktober 2008 - March 2009: He is pardoned by the Catholic Church after his deeds become widely known throughout the CCRC. He is able to travel back to Buckfast Abbey and regenerate from his serious wounds. During his recovery, in fear of possible death, he writes down his knowledge. In February 2009 his book, "Autists and Savants - Evolutionary Necessity within a Technologized Age?", is published and receives again critical acclaim. Although this book is without any ecclesiastical remarks, he is able to provoke the conservative Catholics with a pamphlet, which is published at the same time. "On intelligent design and why it affronts the Lord." Only a month later he lectures at the Free University of Berlin. "Wer nicht mit der Zeit geht, geht mit der Zeit - On physical, biological, technical, technological and astronomical postulates and their relation to the traditional churches." He fully recovers from his wounds and meets up with his children again.
* March 2009: Luck and misfortune often come together. Peter is rewarded with a honorary degree from the Free University of Berlin, but the order of Benedictines decides that Peter no longer typifies the ideals of the order. Peter protests and declares that the the rule of the Benedictines is not only ora et labora, but ora et labora et lege, but his opposition is without effect. He has to admit that he was whether submissive, nor was he constantly in the order, nor was he abandoning worldly ways. He accepts his exclusion. The ESA on other hand binds Peter and employs him as a technical and ethical consultant. Shortly after the ESA declares that Peter will be able to attend to astronaut's training, on 27.03.2009, his son Emil dies due to the long-term consequences after the assault of Christmas Eve 2005. He is only 19 years old.
* Oktober 2009 - Today: Peter receives a conventional doctorate as a Ph. D. at Oxford University and starts to lecture. His doctorate topic is "Faith and Science and its Dialectical Potential". At the same time he spends time with further studies in the savant-syndrome and autism and is still consultant of the ESA. He writes multiple essays on the use of savants within scientific fields, especially within fields, where great memorizing skills are necessary.
During the summer of 2010 he spends 93 days on the ISS and even goes popular ways now. He writes and composes a interactive diary of his trip, which receives great acclaim throughout the internet communities. A controversial tract is published after this trip. A very cynical and self-doubting book with the title "93 Days in the Search of God", which reflects on the ontological and epistemological possibilities through a interstellar perspective. This tract also received critical acclaim, even throughout Christian faiths, but was also heavily attacked, because it is argued that this work is too influenced by the personal strokes of fate in Peter Aldred's life, especially due to the death of his first son, Jo Andrew Mbendi (aged 33), who died in a plane crash during Peter's trip, which makes the book to cynical and cold-hearted.
For almost a year Peter concentrates on his lectures and plans his habilitation, which will deal with the question, if the bible can be adapted to the 21-century and if yes, how it can and should be achieved without changing its central virtues, arguing that one of the greatest advantages in the beginning and the heights of Christianity was its relative modernity at that time, that Christianity and the bible seem today somewhat rude, because most parts formed during a time, when society and mankind constructed their world in different ways. Postulating that traditional Christianity is dying in the western world, because it is unable to adapt to the new circumstances in society and cognition, because it is unable to connect with modern influences. And so it seems that especially Catholic Christianity is condemned to vanish slowly, as the world transforms while the Church holds on to social concepts, which are in round terms 1000 years old.
But on 20.04.2011 the ESA declares that Peter Aldred will join the Attila 02-Mission. The terms of his participation are widely unknown. The ESA states that he will be a scientific consultant during the mission, different internet-communities speculate that he was called to make another interactive diary, with the task to record modern heroism, whilst others argue, that his calling is a evangelistic act in the 21-century and are thus heavily criticizing his calling. Peter withdraws from Oxford University and declares that he will not make any comments on his calling, saying that the threat should be in focus, not any realpolitik means or personal and institutional motivations.alter d20-Charbogen (Anzeigen)Klasse und Stufe: Smart Hero 6
Exp: 15.000
Allegiances: Belief System: Christianity (formal catholic, Ecumenism)
Nationality: British
Former occupation: Religious (Friar) (Anzeigen)Chosen Skills: Knowledge (History; Theology and Philosophy)Hair colour: dark brown
Eye colour: brown
Age: 56 (born on 20.05.1954)
Height: 1.81m
Weight: 75kg
Wealth: +9
Init: +1  Senses: Listen: +5, Search: +14, Spot: +5
Ability Scores, Feats, Languages (Anzeigen)Str 6, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 20, Wis 17, Cha 15
Feats: 1. Simple Weapons Proficiency, 1. Educated (Theology and Philosophy; Technology), 1. Gearhead, 2. Educated (Earth and Life Sciences, Physical Sciences), 3. Alertness, 4. Educated (Behavioral Sciences, History), 6. Studious, 6. Personal Firearms Proficiency, Zero-G Training (additional bonus feat)
Languages: Englisch, German, Italian, Arabic
Defensiv (Anzeigen)AC 13  ; touch 13 ; flat footed 12
Hitpoints: 32; HD: 6
Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +6
Offensiv (Anzeigen)Spd: 30 feet/9m
Base Atk. +3
Attack Options:
Melee: +1
Ranged: +4
Special Attacks: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Inventar (Anzeigen)Standard Space-KitWeightArmy Knife1 lb.Communicator1 lb.Compass0.5 lb.First Aid Kit3 lb.Flashlight1 lb.Nourishment and water for 1 day0.5 lb.Signal Pistol (1 shot)4 lb.Other possessionsWeightCamera (Digital)0.5 lb.Cardinal Caprara's bible1 lb.Electrical Tool Kit (Deluxe)[will remain on the ship]33 lb.Multipurpose Tool0.5 lb.Notebook5 lb.PDA0.5 lb.Traglast (Leicht)Traglast (Mittel)Traglast (Schwer)Traglast (mitgeführt)up to 20 lb.21-40 lb.41-60 lb.18.5 (or 55.5 lb. with the Electrical Tool Kit) lb.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Classabilities (Anzeigen)TalentEffectSavantComputer Use (+ Smart Hero Level)SavantRepair (+ Smart Hero Level)SavantResearch (+ Smart Hero Level)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Skills (Anzeigen)
SkillsAttrGesamtRangModSonstBody ControlDex+43+1+0Computer UseInt+229+5+8Craft (Electronic)Int+105+5+0Decipher ScriptInt+169+5+2DiplomacyCha+108+2+0Disable DeviceInt+138+5+0InvestigateInt+83+5+0Knowledge (Behavioral Sciences)Int+125+5+2Knowledge (Current Events)Int+61+5+0Knowledge (Earth and Life Sciences)Int+147+5+2Knowledge (History)Int+135+5+3Knowledge (Physical Sciences)Int+136+5+2Knowledge (Technology)Int+158+5+2Knowledge (Theology and Philosophy)Int+179+5+3ListenWis+50+3+2RepairInt+229+5+8ResearchInt+218+5+8SearchInt+149+5+0SpotWis+50+3+2Speak Language: 3 ranks spent - German, Italian, Arabic
Read/Write Language: 5 ranks spent - German, Italian, Arabic, Latin, Hebrew
Additional class skills: Handle Vehicle, Perform
Description and Background (Anzeigen)
Physical description (Anzeigen)

Background (Anzeigen)Curriculum Vitae (Anzeigen)
* 29.05.1954: Birth of Peter Stanley Aldred in Hereford, as third son of John Christopher and Maria Elena Aldred.
* 1960 - 1965: Primary School (Hereford)
* 22.05.1965: Maria Elena Aldred dies due to laryngeal cancer.
* 1965 - 1971: Public School (Hereford Cathedral School). Peter's youngest brother, Charles Rouven Aldred, dies due to leukaemia on 10.08.1970, only ten years old. John Christopher and his three living sons convert to Catholicism. In the beginning of the year 1971 John Christopher moves with Peter to Ostbevern, accepting a call from the University of Münster.
* 1971 - 1974: Abitur in Ostbevern, Germany (Gymnasium Johanneum on Castle Loburg)
* 1974 - 1976: Study of political philosophy and catholic theology at the Catholic University of Ireland. Ordination (deacon).
* 1976 - 1982: Study of theology and anthropology at University of Notre Dame du Lac, Indiana, USA.
* 1982 - 1988: After diverse infightings about doctorates, scientific methodology and the question of synthesis of Christianity and modern science, Peter withdraws himself. After a year of self-doubts and apathy, he converts into a member of the Benedictine order and moves into the Buckfast Abbey in Buckfastleigh, Devonshire.
* 1988 - 1996: After years of solitude and quietude Peter realizes that he was able to flee the tumultuous and childish life of university and learnedness, but also that he misses the great knowledge of mankind. He gladly accepts an offer as an librarian at the Stiftsbibliothek Admont. For years he immerges into studies. He studies especially biological and psychological works like Darwin, Wallace, Freud and other famous thinkers, he also studies other religions and installs computers into the heart of ecclesiastical administration.

* Peter learns of the savant-syndrome and autism. In 1991 he adopts two autistic children with the savant-syndrome, Jo Andrew Mbendi from Tanzania and Emil Adem Čejvan from Yugoslavia.
* 1996 - 2002: Unsatisfied with his achievements and the ecumenical exchange within Admont, he answers a call from the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. He strives to understand what ecclesiastical infighting means. One of the central question of science and life is: Is Christian faith tumbling, and if yes, why? During this period he was able to meet ultra-conservatism and sometimes odd and sometimes interesting facets of Christianity.
* 2002 - 2005: After personal and theological disputes with Archbishop Tarcisio Bertone, the modern secretary of the Congregation, Peter departed and answered a call of his old university. The University of Notre Dame du Lac. The reason was that his pamphlet on Christian modernization was read with critical acclaim. After long disputes, he was able to receive his doctorate on the "Synthesis of Christianity and Modernism", but due to catholic resentments against his works he was given a doctorate in practical philosophy instead of theology. Meanwhile he studies autism and the savant-syndrome. Overburdened by the constant broadsides and malice by catholic fundamentalists and atheists, he abdicates his doctorate and flees into laboratory work in December 2003. He fully immerges into technological approaches and computer-working.

* December 2005: On Christmas Eve fundamentalists burn down his house, his adopted son Emil is burnt seriously and heavily handicapped since then. Peter flees to a fellow researcher (NASA-Technician) to Tel Aviv, Israel.
* January 2006 - March 2007: Peter founds the CCRC (Center for Cultural and Religious Communication), which is heavily funded by Islamic, Catholic, Protestant and Jewish benefactors. But only three months after foundation Peter and his CCRC, which are originally an ecumenical organization within the catholic church is threatened by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. Although Peter declares that this center is built on the idea of ecumenism by Pope John Paul II. and is a dedication to the late pope, he is excommunicated by the Catholic Church. First he is, according to the Code of Canon Law, a Toleratus and is allowed to exchange with other catholics, but Peter refuses to demobilize his center or to convert it into a mere evangelistic organization. In March 2007 Peter gets the excommunication status of vitandus. He is now to be avoided by catholic people. At the same time Peter improves his technological skills and starts to construct new electronic devices and instruments to examine (especially telemonitoring) brain waves and cerebral activities. He is offered a fund from the Amit Technology Science and Medicine, an Israeli company from Jerusalem. But he becomes emotional unstable and withdraws from Israel and the CCRC and vanishes, together with his sons, into thin air.
* August 2007 - September 2008: After fleeing back into the United States, Peter leaves his children to his lifetime friend, Jack Hamilton, from the University of Notre Dame. Weary of life and the constant struggle against his own faith and fundamentalist atheist (so to speak), he decides to go to war. He hopes that God will guide his way or take his life while doing something, which will at least be remembered by the Americans as heroism and devotion. Without consent of the Catholic Church Peter becomes a military chaplain and partakes in the Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan. During this mission he is socializing with important soldiers. Due to his counselling engagement even in the most perilous situations deep within the zones of war, he is awarded with the Legion of Merit. This socialization and his award open new doors, so he is able to become acquainted with NASA and ESA functionaries. In September 2008 he is hit by a bullet in the chest and has to give up service as a military chaplain.
* Oktober 2008 - March 2009: He is pardoned by the Catholic Church after his deeds become widely known throughout the CCRC. He is able to travel back to Buckfast Abbey and regenerate from his serious wounds. During his recovery, in fear of possible death, he writes down his knowledge. In February 2009 his book, "Autists and Savants - Evolutionary Necessity within a Technologized Age?", is published and receives again critical acclaim. Although this book is without any ecclesiastical remarks, he is able to provoke the conservative Catholics with a pamphlet, which is published at the same time. "On intelligent design and why it affronts the Lord." Only a month later he lectures at the Free University of Berlin. "Wer nicht mit der Zeit geht, geht mit der Zeit - On physical, biological, technical, technological and astronomical postulates and their relation to the traditional churches." He fully recovers from his wounds and meets up with his children again.
* March 2009: Luck and misfortune often come together. Peter is rewarded with a honorary degree from the Free University of Berlin, but the order of Benedictines decides that Peter no longer typifies the ideals of the order. Peter protests and declares that the the rule of the Benedictines is not only ora et labora, but ora et labora et lege, but his opposition is without effect. He has to admit that he was whether submissive, nor was he constantly in the order, nor was he abandoning worldly ways. He accepts his exclusion. The ESA on other hand binds Peter and employs him as a technical and ethical consultant. Shortly after the ESA declares that Peter will be able to attend to astronaut's training, on 27.03.2009, his son Emil dies due to the long-term consequences after the assault of Christmas Eve 2005. He is only 19 years old.
* Oktober 2009 - Today: Peter receives a conventional doctorate as a Ph. D. at Oxford University and starts to lecture. His doctorate topic is "Faith and Science and its Dialectical Potential". At the same time he spends time with further studies in the savant-syndrome and autism and is still consultant of the ESA. He writes multiple essays on the use of savants within scientific fields, especially within fields, where great memorizing skills are necessary.
During the summer of 2010 he spends 93 days on the ISS and even goes popular ways now. He writes and composes a interactive diary of his trip, which receives great acclaim throughout the internet communities. A controversial tract is published after this trip. A very cynical and self-doubting book with the title "93 Days in the Search of God", which reflects on the ontological and epistemological possibilities through a interstellar perspective. This tract also received critical acclaim, even throughout Christian faiths, but was also heavily attacked, because it is argued that this work is too influenced by the personal strokes of fate in Peter Aldred's life, especially due to the death of his first son, Jo Andrew Mbendi (aged 33), who died in a plane crash during Peter's trip, which makes the book to cynical and cold-hearted.
For almost a year Peter concentrates on his lectures and plans his habilitation, which will deal with the question, if the bible can be adapted to the 21-century and if yes, how it can and should be achieved without changing its central virtues, arguing that one of the greatest advantages in the beginning and the heights of Christianity was its relative modernity at that time, that Christianity and the bible seem today somewhat rude, because most parts formed during a time, when society and mankind constructed their world in different ways. Postulating that traditional Christianity is dying in the western world, because it is unable to adapt to the new circumstances in society and cognition, because it is unable to connect with modern influences. And so it seems that especially Catholic Christianity is condemned to vanish slowly, as the world transforms while the Church holds on to social concepts, which are in round terms 1000 years old.
But on 20.04.2011 the ESA declares that Peter Aldred will join the Attila 02-Mission. The terms of his participation are widely unknown. The ESA states that he will be a scientific consultant during the mission, different internet-communities speculate that he was called to make another interactive diary, with the task to record modern heroism, whilst others argue, that his calling is a evangelistic act in the 21-century and are thus heavily criticizing his calling. Peter withdraws from Oxford University and declares that he will not make any comments on his calling, saying that the threat should be in focus, not any realpolitik means or personal and institutional motivations.
Personality (Anzeigen)Peter Aldred seems to be a timid and shy person, because he is often short-spoken and behaves very reserved. In fact, he is more a thinker than a talker, who is only communicative, when he has enough time and reason to do so. And he is also a very discontent sceptic without being a pessimist. He is even sceptical about his own faith and his own religion, but also sees this as a essential trait for every eligible theologian. His almost stoic ways are represented by his denial of arts, he never listens to music for enjoyment and has hardly any interest in art, even though music and art are very central to catholic Christianity. Thus, bare of the pleasures of life, he sometimes seems more to be a dust-dry nuisance than a good-willed sport, even though he is more caring than one would aspect.
Character Theme (Anzeigen)Gil Scott-Heron - Running

Dr. Sergej Pásečnik:
Alter Bogen (Anzeigen)Sergej Pásečnik (NPC)

Klasse und Stufe: Smart Hero 1 / Dedicated Hero 5
 Exp: 15.000
Allegiances: ???
Nationality: Russian
Former occupation: Psychiatrist
Hair colour: Brown with grey strands
Eye colour: Brown
Age: 42
Height: 1,78 m
Weight: 83
Init: +0  Senses: Listen +6, Spot +7, Search +2
Reputation: 3

Ability Scores, Feats, Languages (Anzeigen)Str 13, Dex 10, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 16, Cha 14
Feats: Simple Weapon Profiency, Medical Expert, Surgery, Personal Firearms, Brawl, Combat Martial Arts
Languages: Russian, Englisch, German, common Chinese

Defensiv (Anzeigen)AC 13  ; touch 13 ; flat footed 13
Hitpoints: 43; HD: 6
Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +6
Offensiv (Anzeigen)Spd: 30 feet/9m
Base Atk. +3
Attack Options:
Special Attacks:
Inventar (Anzeigen)

Standard Space-Kit:  Communicator, Flashlight, Compass, Norishment and Water for 1 day, Army Knife, First Aid Kit, Signal Pistol (1 Shot)

Classabilities (Anzeigen)
Talents: Linguist, Empathy, Skill Emphasis (Sense Motive), Faith

Skills (Anzeigen)

SkillsAttrGesamtRangModSonstBluffCha+155+2+5 Empathy, +3 Skill EmphasisComputer UseInt+64+2Craft (Writing)Int+64+2Decipher ScriptInt+42+2DriveDex+22+0IntimidateCha+75+2+5 EmpathyKnowledge (Behavioral Science)Int+119+2Knowledge (Current Events)Int+42+2Knowledge (Earth and Life Science)Int+64+2Knowledge (Theology and Philosophy)Int+64+2ListenWis+63+3ResearchInt+64+2SpotWis+74+3Sense MotiveWis+179+3+5 EmpathySurvivalWis+52+3Speak Language--3-Treat InjuryWis+119+3+2 Medical Expert
Description and Background (Anzeigen)
Physical description (Anzeigen)Somehow Pásečnik reminds of a bear. He has a stout built with a broad back and thick hair all over his body. He has large hands and possesses much physical strength in general. His face is broad displaying a conk nose and grouchy though watchful brown eyes.

Background (Anzeigen)

--- Zitat ---Sergej Pásečnik
(aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie )

Sergej Pásečnik (* 23. Dezember 1969 in Leningrad) ist ein russischer Psychiater und Science-Fiction-Autor. Am 25.04.2011 wurde bekannt gegeben, dass er an der bemannten Weltraum-Expedition "Attila 02" teilnehmen wird[1].

Leben [Bearbeiten]

Pásečnik kam als einziger Sohn der Lehrerin Maria Jositzsch und dem Science-Fiction Autor Josef Pásečnik zur Welt. Von seinem Vater übernahm er die Liebe zur fantastischen Literatur, doch kritisierte er seine antisozialistischen Äußerungen in dessen Romanen. Die Politik verursachte viel Streit in der Familie und nach seinem Militär-Grunddienst brach er den Kontakt zu seinem Vater ab. Er studierte an der Universität Leningrad Medizin, Volkskunde und Soziologie und promovierte in der Disziplin Verhaltensbiologie über die Fähigkeit zum Belohnungsaufschub bei Ratten[2]. Nach seinem Studium arbeitete er einige Jahre als Psychiater in eigener Praxis. In dieser Zeit trat er auch der Kommunistische Partei der Russischen Föderation bei und wurde dort bekannt. Mehrmals wurde er als externen Berater für den Kreml tätig[3]. Pásečnik ist nicht verheiratet und hat keine Kinder.

Schaffen [Bearbeiten]

Pásečnik hat mehrere Science-Fiction-Romane und Essays verfasst. Viele seiner Schriften beschäftigen sich mit der Existenz des einzelnen Menschen, in der er sich einrichtet, und der Verantwortung für die eigene Lebensgestaltung. Dabei werden Themen wie Trägheit und Risikovermeidung, die dem individuellen Willen entgegenwirken, in den Fokus genommen. Seine Romane sind vom Existentialismus beeinflusst und zeigen sozialistische Tendenzen[4].

Pásečniks bekanntestes Werk ist der Science-Fiction-Novelle "Darum seid Ihr Menschen". Darin bekommt ein namenloser Wissenschaftler Besuch von einer Rasse Außerirdischer. Der Wissenschaftler bewundert den technischen Fortschritt und die scheinbare Friedfertigkeit und Eintracht unter den Außerirdischen. Darum wünscht er, in ihre Erkenntnisse eingeführt zu werden. Doch die Außerirdischen verwehren ihm diesen Wunsch mit der Begründung, die Menschheit wäre noch nicht bereit für dieses Wissen. Schlußendlich überlassen sie ihm aber doch eine allwissende Maschine, die ihm genau eine Frage beantworten wird. Der Wissenschaftler zieht sich mit der Maschine zurück und sinnt über die Frage nach. Er überlegt, welches Wissen das Leben der Menschen verbessern wird und welcher Bereich am dringesten einer Verbesserung bedarf. Zunächst überlegt er sich einige Fragen aus den Bereichen gesellschaftliches Zusammenleben, Medizin, Informationstechnik und Energieversorgung. Doch er stößt immer auf Probleme. Einerseits hat er das Problem, wie er sein Wissen verbreiten kann, und wird von Selbstzweifeln geplagt, ob er das Wissen auch umsetzen kann.  Andererseits fürchtet er, dass sein Wissen nicht alle sozialen Schichten erreichen wird, oder sogar neue soziale Missstände hervorrufen könnte. Darüber hinaus hinterfragt er den Zweck des wissenschaftlichen und sogar menschlichen Erkenntnisgewinns und reflektiert über das Leiden, dass die Außerirdischen mit ihrer Maschine über ihn gebracht haben. Unfähig, eine Entscheidung zu treffen, bittet er die Außerirdischen, die Maschine von ihm zu nehmen. Diese erwidern "Darum seid Ihr Menschen."[5]

Bibliographie [Bearbeiten]

* 1990 - Second Life
* 1994 - Painful Decisions
* 1997 - That's why you're human
* 1999 - One more thing
* 2000 - Millenium Men
* 2004 - Thinking about Eden
--- Ende Zitat ---

Personality (Anzeigen)???

Jean Levi Biton:
Jean Levi Biton

Allegiances: UN Peacekeeping Forces
Nationality: French / Israeli
Former occupation: Military
Family Status: single
Hair colour: black
Eye colour: brown
Age: 46
Height: 1,89 m
Weight: 97 kg

Attribute (Anzeigen)
Intuition: +2 (Passabel)
Körperbeherrschung: +3 (Überdurchschnittlich)
Köpfchen: +1 (Durchschnittlich)
Charisma: +2 (Passabel)

Fertigkeiten (Anzeigen)FertigkeitBonusBeschr. WortAusweichen+3ÜberdurchschnittlichAusdauer+4GutBiowissenschaft+0MäßigFernkampf+2PassabelHeimlichkeit+1DurchschnittlichInformatik+0MäßigInformationen Sammeln+0MäßigLinguistik+0MäßigMechanik+0MäßigMedizin+1DurchschnittlichNahkampf+3ÜberdurchschnittlichNavigieren+1DurchschnittlichNerven behalten+5HervorragendPsychologie+2PassabelSystemtechnik+0MäßigTäuschen+0MäßigÜberlebenskunde+4GutÜberzeugen+1DurchschnittlichWahrnehmen+2Passabel

Aspekte (Anzeigen)
Motivation, spätlat. mōtīvus: ‘Bewegung bewirkend, zur Bewegung geeignet, beweglich’
Bedeutung: Der Wille, ein Ziel zu erreichen

Beschreibung: Obwohl Jean Levi Biton selbst keine speziellen Kenntnisse in den wesentlichen Aufgaben hatte, erfüllte er in mehr als zwanzig Jahren aktiver Militärerfahrung mit seinen vielen Teams regelmäßig Missionen wie Minenräumungen, Infiltration zur Sabotage und elektronischer Aufklärung. Obwohl Jean Levi unerschütterbar die Leitung solcher Missionen übernahm, wurde er nie müde zu betonen, dass es nicht seine Fähigkeiten, sondern die seines Teams waren, welchen der Erfolg zu verdanken war.
Effekt: Commander Biton kann einen Schicksalspunkt verwenden, um einen Würfelwurf eines Teammitgliedes nach den üblichen Regeln der Aspekte zu verbessern (+2 auf den bestehenden Wurf oder neuer Würfelwurf).

Verantwortung, 2. Hälfte 15. Jh.: ‘die Rechtfertigung, die Verteidigung’
Bedeutung: (Selbst-)Verpflichtung für eine Sache oder Person; Bereitschaft, für seine Handlungen einzustehen

Beschreibung: Jean Levi Biton war sich immer bewusst, dass er in seiner Laufbahn nicht nur für seine eigenen Handlungen Rede und Antwort stehen musste, doch nie verweigerte er diese Pflicht. Von seiner Zeit als Lehrer an der Militärschule bis hin zum Einsatzleiter im nahen Osten machte er deutlich, dass er bereit war, für seine Männer die Hand ins Feuer zu halten, sofern sie seine Autorität respektierten.
Effekt: Ist das Team einer unumgänglichen Gefahr ausgesetzt, so wird Commander Biton alles ihm Mögliche versuchen, das Überleben seiner Teammitglieder zu sichern.

Stabilität, lat. stabilis: ‘fest, feststehend, nicht wankend, unveränderlich, dauerhaft, standhaft’
Bedeutung: Durchhaltevermögen; Belastungskapazität; die Eigenschaft standzuhalten

Beschreibung: Schon immer war Jean Levi Biton eine zähe Persönlichkeit. In brütend heißen Scharfschützengräben verdauerte er bereits tagelang in Ruhe und Muße, nur um seinen Schützen im richtigen Moment das Kommando zu geben. Viele Wunden hat er bereits ertragen und ist trotzdem nie von seinem Ziel abgewichen. Selbst in seiner besonders trainierten Kampfform, dem Krav Maga, holte Jean Levi Biton seine Ränge nur in bedächtigen, aber ausdauernden Kämpfen.
Effekt: Commander Biton ist besonders zäh und standfest gegenüber äußeren Einflüssen. Diese Bedachtheit geht jedoch regelmäßig zu Gunsten seiner Reflexe und seines Reaktionsvermögens.

Autorität, lat. auctor, u.a.: 'der Urheber'; auch: 'das Vorbild, der Lehrer, der Leiter'
Bedeutung: maßgebender Einfluss, Geltung, Ansehen

Militärwissenschaften spezialisiert auf Militärische Strategie, Operationsführung und Taktik
Führungspsychologie im Ansatz vor dem Hintergrund der Menschenführung
Selbstverteidigung in Form von Krav Maga, Schwarzgürtel, 3. Dan

Inventar (Anzeigen)Standard Space-Kit:  Communicator, Flashlight, Compass, Norishment and Water for 1 day, Army Knife, First Aid Kit, Signal Pistol (1 Shot), Fiberglass Vest

Description and Background (Anzeigen)
Physical Description (Anzeigen)Although his body height is just slightly above average the presence of Biton resembles a striking kind of greatness. He is in a natural healthy shape and his sturdy physique proves that this trained man is used to physical pressure. Always in a straight and upright bearing he seems to be closely watching his surroundings at any time. He is trained in the Israeli military hand-to-hand combat system Krav Maga, which contributes its part to the health and shape of Biton.
However, the most impressive feature of him is not is physique. The dark eyes and his usually serious face are accompanied by seemingly always slightly smirking lips, so that his look is an unintelligible expression somewhere between sarcastic pity and a friendly smile.
Background (Anzeigen)
* May 04, 1965 Born in Montpellier, France to parents Samuel Biton (* September 23, 1923 in Colmar, France; † June 10, 2004 Tel Aviv, Israel) and Isabelle Moreau (* July 27, 1946 in Montpellier, France)
* May 1980 Due to a rising rate of anti-Semitism in France Samuel Biton immigrates to Tel Aviv, Israel, following the tradition of Aliyah. Samuel Biton leaves son and wife behind to live in France.
* until July 1983 Jean Levi attends the secondary school Lycée & Collège Georges Clemenceau in Montpellier with a degree of Baccalauréat scientifique
* September 1983 - March 1985 Voluntary enlistment into the Israeli Foreign Military Program Machal ("Volunteers from outside the Land [of Israel]"). Study of Hebrew for 4 months in Tel Aviv, close to his father. Stationed for 14 months in Erez, a crossing border of the Gaza strip and Israel. Acquirement of the Israeli nationality, holding a dual French / Israeli citizienship.
* September 1985 - July 1988 Return to France. Attendance of the École spéciale militaire de Saint-Cyr (ESM, "Special Military School of St Cyr") in Camp Coëtquidan in Guer, France. Studies cover academic, military, physical and leadership training, majoring in physical education. Graduation with being awarded a Master's degree in Strategy and International Relations, holding the military rank of Lieutenant.
* August 1988 - July 1990 Assignment to the 6th Foreign Engineer Regiment (6REG), stationed in Laudun, France. Serving as a platoon leader in the 1. Battle Company (1CIE).
* August 1990 - March 1991 Engagement in the Persian Gulf War. Promotion to the rank of Capitaine. Assignment of the 6REG with five other regiments to the 6th Light Armoured Division (6DLB), joining US Forces in Opération Daguet in order to liberate Kuwait from Iraqi annexion.
* April 1991 - January 1993 Return to France. Recommendation to the Centre National d'Études Spatiales (CNES), Paris, for his tactical and coordinative capabilities. Undergoes special training for space travel. NASA engages in cooperations with the European Space Agency (ESA), National Space Development Agency of Japan (NASDA) and the Israel Space Agency (ISA) in order to advance progress in the development of the international Space Station Freedom. Jean Levi Biton is selected as an International Mission Specialist holding second command on behalf of France und Israel for an internationally joint mission to demonstrate maintenance and assembly capabilities for Space Station Freedom (STS-42-I) led by NASA.
* February 13 - February 16, 1993 Mission STS-42-I is launched. Space Shuttle Columbia is boarded by an international crew of five. The main mission objective is to demonstrate and verify that assembly and maintenance of constructions outside of the spacecraft is accomplishable. The two mission engineers Akira Murakami and Bernd Nolting leave the shuttle and perform constructions as an extra-vehicular activity (EVA), proving the experiment Assembly of Station by EVA Methods (ASEM) succesful.
However, upon reentry the SSColumbia fails to start the software routine to adjust the engine levels. The spacecraft starts spinning immediately after entering the orbit. Crew member Murakami and Commander David Fieldsworth, who has tried to electronically bypass the software, lose consciousness. Facing the threat of high acceleration Jean Levi Biton is left in charge as Second-in-Command. By concluding Commander Fieldsworths attempt to deactivate the transmission lock he is able to allow Nolting bypass the software security manually. Following the emergency copiloting maneuver Biton is able to assist Pilot Ken Borden in regaining control of the ship and starts with the landing procedure in due time. The spacecraft lands safely in the Kennedy Space Center.
* March 1993 Jean Levi Biton resigns from the international space program. Although the main objective of the mission was succesful, US Congress shuts down the Space Station Freedom program. However, the achievements of the mission will lead into the develepmont of the International Space Station a few years later.
* January 1994 - September 1996 Returns into military services in the French army. Granted the rank of Commandant. Acts as an instructor in his former Special Military School of St Cyr.

* February 14, 1994: Award of the Legion of Merit (Legionnaire) for exceptionally meritorious conduct in the performance of outstanding services and achievements at the international STS-42-I mission.
* April 28, 1994: Award of the Ordre national du Mérite (Chevalier) for distinguished civil and military achievements at the international STS-42-I mission.
* Januar 16, 1995: Award of the Medal of Distinguished Service for an act of exemplary bravery in the line of duty at the international STS-42-I mission.
* September 06, 1996: Award of the Croix du combattant for his services in the French army in Iraq.Resigns in early September 1996.
* March 1999 - December 2004 Enlistment into the Israeli Defence Forces holding the rank of Rav Seren (equivalent to Major/Commander). Engagement in the 2nd Intifada. Operations include:

* March - May 2002: Operation Defensive Shield
* September - October 2004: Operation Days of Penitence
Resigns in December 2004 after Israel ambiguously declared end of conflict in June 2004.
* August 2005 - present Enlistment into the UN Peacekeeping Forces holding the rank of Commander. Engagement in the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA), stationed in Kunduz, Afghanistan.

d20 Charakterbogen (Anzeigen)Klasse und Stufe: Strong Hero 2 / Field Officer 4
Exp: 16.750
Allegiances: UN Peacekeeping Forces
Nationality: French / Israeli
Former occupation: Military
Hair colour: black
Eye colour: brown
Age: 46
Height: 1,89 m
Weight: 97 kg
Init: +1  Senses: Listen +0, Spot +0, Search +2
Reputation: +5

Ability Scores, Feats, Languages (Anzeigen)Str 14, Dex 12, Con 16, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 16

Feats: (Anzeigen)Human: Brawl
Strong Hero: Simple Weapons Proficiency
Occupation (Military): Personal Firearm Proficiency
Campaign Bonus: Zero G Training
1. Level: Armor Proficiency (light)
2. Level (Strong Hero Bonus): Improved Brawl
3. Level: Combat Martial Arts
5. Level (Field Officer Bonus): Renown
6. Level: Weapon Focus (Desert Eagle .50AE)
Languages: French, Modern Hebrew (Ivrit), English

Defense (Anzeigen)AC 20 (Anzeigen)(10 + 2 Strong Hero + 2 Smart Hero + 1 Dex + 5 Hard Upper Torso)touch 15; flat footed 15
Hitpoints: 56; HD: 6
Fort +6, Ref +2, Will +4
Special: -
Offense (Anzeigen)Spd: 30 feet/9m
Base Atk. +6/+1
Attack Options (Anzeigen)Unarmed Strike +10/+5 [1d8+2 nonlethal (or) 1d4+2 lethal]

Melee: +8
Ranged: +7
Special Attacks: -

Inventory (Anzeigen)
Standard Space-Kit:  Communicator, Flashlight, Compass, Norishment and Water for 1 day, Army Knife, First Aid Kit, Signal Pistol (1 Shot)
Hard Upper Torso (Anzeigen)Fiberglass Vest
+3 Mastercraft Light Undercover Shirt
+5 Equipment Bonus to Defense
+7 Maximum Dex Bonus
-0 Armor Penalty
Purchase DC 22

Class Abilities (Anzeigen)1. Level Strong Hero: Extreme Effort +2
1. Level Field Officer: Leadership +5
2. Level Field Officer: Uncanny survival +2
4. Level Field Officer: Tactical expertise +5

Skills (Anzeigen)
SkillsAttrGesamtRangModSonstBody ControlDex+109+1+0DiplomacyCha+129+3+0IntimidateCha+74+3+0Knowledge (Tactics)Int+119+2+0Sense MotiveWis+99+0+0Nature SenseWis+99+0+0Speak Language--2-(Hebrew, English)Read/Write Language--2-(Hebrew, English)Occupation Class Skills: Nature Sense & Body Control
Additional Class Skills: Diplomacy & Sense Motive
Description and Background (Anzeigen)
Physical Description (Anzeigen)Although his body height is just slightly above average the presence of Biton resembles a striking kind of greatness. He is in a natural healthy shape and his sturdy physique proves that this trained man is used to physical pressure. Always in a straight and upright bearing he seems to be closely watching his surroundings at any time. He is trained in the Israeli military hand-to-hand combat system Krav Maga, which contributes its part to the health and shape of Biton.
However, the most impressive feature of him is not is physique. The dark eyes and his usually serious face are accompanied by seemingly always slightly smirking lips, so that his look is an unintelligible expression somewhere between sarcastic pity and a friendly smile.
Background (Anzeigen)
* May 04, 1965 Born in Montpellier, France to parents Samuel Biton (* September 23, 1923 in Colmar, France; † June 10, 2004 Tel Aviv, Israel) and Isabelle Moreau (* July 27, 1946 in Montpellier, France)
* May 1980 Due to a rising rate of anti-Semitism in France Samuel Biton immigrates to Tel Aviv, Israel, following the tradition of Aliyah. Samuel Biton leaves son and wife behind to live in France.
* until July 1983 Jean Levi attends the secondary school Lycée & Collège Georges Clemenceau in Montpellier with a degree of Baccalauréat scientifique
* September 1983 - March 1985 Voluntary enlistment into the Israeli Foreign Military Program Machal ("Volunteers from outside the Land [of Israel]"). Study of Hebrew for 4 months in Tel Aviv, close to his father. Stationed for 14 months in Erez, a crossing border of the Gaza strip and Israel. Acquirement of the Israeli nationality, holding a dual French / Israeli citizienship.
* September 1985 - July 1988 Return to France. Attendance of the École spéciale militaire de Saint-Cyr (ESM, "Special Military School of St Cyr") in Camp Coëtquidan in Guer, France. Studies cover academic, military, physical and leadership training, majoring in physical education. Graduation with being awarded a Master's degree in Strategy and International Relations, holding the military rank of Lieutenant.
* August 1988 - July 1990 Assignment to the 6th Foreign Engineer Regiment (6REG), stationed in Laudun, France. Serving as a platoon leader in the 1. Battle Company (1CIE).
* August 1990 - March 1991 Engagement in the Persian Gulf War. Promotion to the rank of Capitaine. Assignment of the 6REG with five other regiments to the 6th Light Armoured Division (6DLB), joining US Forces in Opération Daguet in order to liberate Kuwait from Iraqi annexion.
* April 1991 - January 1993 Return to France. Recommendation to the Centre National d'Études Spatiales (CNES), Paris, for his tactical and coordinative capabilities. Undergoes special training for space travel. NASA engages in cooperations with the European Space Agency (ESA), National Space Development Agency of Japan (NASDA) and the Israel Space Agency (ISA) in order to advance progress in the development of the international Space Station Freedom. Jean Levi Biton is selected as an International Mission Specialist holding second command on behalf of France und Israel for an internationally joint mission to demonstrate maintenance and assembly capabilities for Space Station Freedom (STS-42-I) led by NASA.
* February 13 - February 16, 1993 Mission STS-42-I is launched. Space Shuttle Columbia is boarded by an international crew of five. The main mission objective is to demonstrate and verify that assembly and maintenance of constructions outside of the spacecraft is accomplishable. The two mission engineers Akira Murakami and Bernd Nolting leave the shuttle and perform constructions as an extra-vehicular activity (EVA), proving the experiment Assembly of Station by EVA Methods (ASEM) succesful.
However, upon reentry the SSColumbia fails to start the software routine to adjust the engine levels. The spacecraft starts spinning immediately after entering the orbit. Crew member Murakami and Commander David Fieldsworth, who has tried to electronically bypass the software, lose consciousness. Facing the threat of high acceleration Jean Levi Biton is left in charge as Second-in-Command. By concluding Commander Fieldsworths attempt to deactivate the transmission lock he is able to allow Nolting bypass the software security manually. Following the emergency copiloting maneuver Biton is able to assist Pilot Ken Borden in regaining control of the ship and starts with the landing procedure in due time. The spacecraft lands safely in the Kennedy Space Center.
* March 1993 Jean Levi Biton resigns from the international space program. Although the main objective of the mission was succesful, US Congress shuts down the Space Station Freedom program. However, the achievements of the mission will lead into the develepmont of the International Space Station a few years later.
* January 1994 - September 1996 Returns into military services in the French army. Granted the rank of Commandant. Acts as an instructor in his former Special Military School of St Cyr.

* February 14, 1994: Award of the Legion of Merit (Legionnaire) for exceptionally meritorious conduct in the performance of outstanding services and achievements at the international STS-42-I mission.
* April 28, 1994: Award of the Ordre national du Mérite (Chevalier) for distinguished civil and military achievements at the international STS-42-I mission.
* Januar 16, 1995: Award of the Medal of Distinguished Service for an act of exemplary bravery in the line of duty at the international STS-42-I mission.
* September 06, 1996: Award of the Croix du combattant for his services in the French army in Iraq.Resigns in early September 1996.
* March 1999 - December 2004 Enlistment into the Israeli Defence Forces holding the rank of Rav Seren (equivalent to Major/Commander). Engagement in the 2nd Intifada. Operations include:

* March - May 2002: Operation Defensive Shield
* September - October 2004: Operation Days of Penitence
Resigns in December 2004 after Israel ambiguously declared end of conflict in June 2004.
* August 2005 - present Enlistment into the UN Peacekeeping Forces holding the rank of Commander. Engagement in the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA), stationed in Kunduz, Afghanistan.

Andrew Petersson:
Andrew  Petersson

Klasse und Stufe: Smart Hero 3 / Engineer 3
Exp: 15.850 XP
Allegiances: Siehe hier
Nationality: USA / Sweden
Former occupation: European Space Agency
Hair colour: blond
Eye colour: grau/blau
Age: 38
Height: mindestens 1,81 m
Weight: 81 kg
Init: +3  Senses: Listen +2, Search +4, Spot +2

Ability Scores, Feats, Languages (Anzeigen)12, 10, 11, 16, 17, 12 (einmal +1, einmal +2, max 18)
ST 12, GE 16, KO 12, IN 18, WE 14, CH 10

Standard: Athletic, Vehicle Expert, Zero-G-Training, Aircraft operation (spacecraft)
Smart: Gearhead [Computer Use, Repair]
Engineer: Builder [Craft (Electronical), Craft (Mechanical)], Mastercrafter

Languages: Englisch, Schwedisch (Muttersprache), Norwegisch, Deutsch, Französisch

Defensiv (Anzeigen)AC 19  ; touch 19 ; flat footed 12
Hitpoints: 38; HD: 6
Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +5

Offensiv (Anzeigen)Spd: 30 feet/9m
Base Atk. +3
 Attack Options:
Melee: +4
Ranged: +6
Special Attacks:

Inventar (Anzeigen)
Standard Space-Kit:  Communicator, Flashlight, Compass, Norishment and Water for 1 day, Army Knife, First Aid Kit, Signal Pistol (1 Shot)

Classabilities (Anzeigen)Savant (Repair)
Smart Defense
Improve Kit +1
Quick craft
Superior Repair

Skills (Anzeigen)

SkillsAttrGesamtRangModSonstComputer UseInt15 (17)942 (4*)Craft (Electronical)Int18945Craft (Mechanical)Int18945Craft (Structural)Int13940Disable DeviceInt13940DriveDex5032Knowledge (Earth and Life sciences)Int13940Knowledge (Technology)Int13940NavigateInt16 (19)943 (5**)PilotDex14 (16)932 (4***)ProfessionWis11920Read/Write Language-6600RepairInt19946Speak Language-6600*für Spacecraft Systems
** Planning Space Routes
*** Spacecraft Vehicles
Savant: Repair, Navigate
Craft (Mechanical) und Craft (Electrical) beinhalten einen +3 Bonus vom Tool Kit, Deluxe
Craft (Mechanical) und Craft (Electrical) beinhalten einen +2 Bonus von Builder

Siehe hier


Description and Background (Anzeigen)
Physical description (Anzeigen)
Background (Anzeigen)Curriculum Vitae:

Geboren 1972 in Stockholm, Schweden
Studium der Raumfahrttechnik in Kiruna-Luleå
Austauschprogramm ERASMUS mit Universität Stuttgart / DLR
Bachelor Thesis bei Swedish Space Corporation (SSC)
Master Degree am MIT Space Systems Laboratory (Space Logistics and Shuttle Research)
Research Assistant für 5 Jahre am MIT, Erlangung amerikanische Staatsbürgerschaft
Master Degree in Kiruna Luleå
Verheiratet, zwei Kinder
Astronaut der ESA
1. Shuttle-Mission zur ISS
2. Shuttle-Mission zur ISS
Personality (Anzeigen)


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