Autor Thema: He must have heard my prayers...  (Gelesen 3283 mal)

Beschreibung: Jane's prologue (completed)

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Jane Morrison

  • Beiträge: 22
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He must have heard my prayers...
« am: 20.06.2011, 13:16:31 »
16th of April 2011

It was a late afternoon, when Jane sat on her desk and were doing the usual boring paperwork.
A look outside was enough to see that this day couldn’t get more uninteresting. Big Raindrops hit in unregular waves against the window. Everything one was able to see was the colour grey. Grey clouds, grey streets, grey buildings. A man in a business suit walked on the pavement and tried not to get wet, while he had a hard time fighting with his umbrella in the strong wind. Evetually the umbrella won.
She sighed while looking at the mess outdoors. Her thoughts came back to her and she turned her attention back to her documents in front of her.
Carrier was always the main objective in her life. Although she knew that the field work in her current job could decrease and the filling out and reading papers part would increase, she took the new job. But lately it hadn’t been satisfying at all.
A loud noise of someone knocking came from the door and scared the living hell out of her. She looked up and tried not to look to surprised as she said. „Yes, come in, please.“
The door opened and a man of average height but of old age came in. He was dressed in a military suit. On his left chest she saw a lot of different coloured patches and 3 Stars on both of his shoulders.
„Good day, Miss Morrison.“ He said in his deep, slow voice while making a loose military greeting gesture.
She imitately stood up as straight as possibly and held her hand against her forehead for a second.
„Good day, General Dean Russo.“
„As you are.“ He smiled a bit. „It seems that I have something really interessting for you.
This - “
he handed her an envelope. „ – is for you and like you can already see, strictly restricted.“
Jane looked at the envelope. It said „Top Secret“ and below „A-level Restriction“.
„A-Level Restriction?!“ She asked confused. „Indeed.“ He held his hands behind his back.
„I once in my life had the honor to read one of ‚those’.“ „It - “ „ - came directly from the top. Yes.“ He pointed at the ceiling.
General Russo was the only person in the whole building she would take a bullet for. He had these eyes of an friendly grandfather that looked right through to one’s heart and this warm and ingratiating smile.
There are people who don’t care much about their country at all. There are people who say they are patriotic because they cheer for their own country in the world cup and there are people like General Dean Russo who would gladly die for their country.
Jane sees herself in this old geezer.
„Best of luck to you, Special Agent Morrison“ This time he stood straight as he saluted.
„Thank you, Sir“ She did the same.
After he left she unpacked the envelope and took out a single document.
While reading it her eyebrows raised in astonishment. „No way“ she mumbled „Im going to participate in a space programm...“ When she came to the end she stopped in shock.
Her eyes wide open and with an open mouth the Special Agent stood there like an Idiot.

She opened her briefcase and put he document and the envelope inside. She hastily closed it,
put all the stuff from her desk in her safe and hustled through and walked out of her office without even looking back once. „You do not need to pack clothing. A Helicopter will be there to pick you up from the roof at 5:30 pm.“ said the document. Taking a quick look at her watch she realized that she had 10 minutes left. Her Heart was beating like crazy.

On the way to the roof she picked up an umbrella knowing that it wouldn’t be much use anyway.
There she stood in the rain, when she saw the military helicopter coming towards her location.
She smiled. „finally.“
« Letzte Änderung: 20.07.2011, 15:00:58 von List »
"Are you gonna bark all day, little doggy, or are you gonna bite?"


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He must have heard my prayers...
« Antwort #1 am: 22.06.2011, 16:37:16 »
The helicopter set up but the rotor blades kept rotating. A man in black suit waved to agent Morrison in order to get in. He wore dark sunglasses and looked like taken out of a cheap spy-film. "Get in, get in!", he shouted.

The noise was deafening and she was not able to understand the words of the agent, as the helicopter got off. "Pardon, what did you say?", she shouted. The agent didn't answere, instead he handed over a slim file. A-Level, again.

Mrs. Morrison skimed through the pages: Asteroid sighted..., impact with earth...., three weeks left for training. Mr. Morrison felt a cold shiver. Not only were the information horryfying, she was also intended for astronaut's training in Cape Canaveral. Never before she had contact to any space agency. She was about to ask for the reason of the D.H.S.' cooperation, but then her eyes met an information she couldn't believe. She was not sure, if she should laugh or think of the agency as lunatics. This sounded ridiculous. Hardly believable.

The agent must had read her thoughts. "Not for nothing it is A-level.", he exclaimed. "Your alias is, that you pretent to be a journalist. You're supposed to watch over the other astronauts and to dispose of any evidence for extraterrestrial life. In case of need you're allowed to reveal your proposition and to make use of 'force'", he said. She couldn't see his eyes, but she was sure that he was studying her. Still, she was struck by the information.
« Letzte Änderung: 22.06.2011, 16:40:26 von List »
"Man muss auch das Allgemeinste persönlich darstellen."
- Hokusai

Jane Morrison

  • Beiträge: 22
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He must have heard my prayers...
« Antwort #2 am: 23.06.2011, 17:02:56 »
This man infront of her made the whole situation even more ridiculous. She wasn't really sure if she should laugh or be scared.
The result was some kind of short laugh stricken with a little bit of fear. "Don't show a weakness, Idiot! Damnit!"
Jane calmed herself in a second. Primarly she was a soldier and thus an order is an order. She had to accept it, not think about it.
"Don't think!"
Also the information came from the top, so there was no doubt about the validity of the papers in her hands.

She looked down on the sheets again.
"Three weeks of training." Now that she thought about it, she saw herself in a plane doing the zero-g training.[1] She grinned toothy for just a little bit while she imagined herself flying clumbsily and helplessly around, waving with her arms like a spastic.
"But Sir. What about the information for the covert mission?" Jane asked the agent in front of her without lifting her head. She searched for some answers in the documents. "Who excatly will I be? I need a Profil, you know that. When do I get those Information?"
The female agent looked up in this face of stone.
 1. Parabelflug
« Letzte Änderung: 23.06.2011, 17:04:40 von Jane Morrison »
"Are you gonna bark all day, little doggy, or are you gonna bite?"


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He must have heard my prayers...
« Antwort #3 am: 24.06.2011, 16:02:42 »
The man nodded and took out another file off his briefcase. "Your alias is 'Alice Palmer'. You grew up Phoenix and also studied there and then moved to Los Angeles. You wrote for several Newspapers and have got to some popularity for governmental criticism and muckraking[1]. The agency has made some effort to cultivate this alias, for reasons of controlling and directing public opinion as well as to debilitate other sources. Now it is the time to go public: Officially Alice Palmer is going to participate to serve as a neutral correspondent, every country can trust in." He closed the file and handed it over to agent Morrison.

"Before we set off, I must know, if you're going to accept the job.", he said with a neutral expression. But Jane was aware that the pilot was observing her. The pressure that lasted on her shoulders was enormous.
 1. Investigativer Journalismus
« Letzte Änderung: 24.06.2011, 16:04:37 von List »
"Man muss auch das Allgemeinste persönlich darstellen."
- Hokusai

Jane Morrison

  • Beiträge: 22
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He must have heard my prayers...
« Antwort #4 am: 02.07.2011, 10:53:02 »
Jane took the file the agent gave her and read it once herself. Every cell in her body screamed of excitement.
This would be her opportunity to get away from the grey desk in her grey office. But otherwise she considered
that this trip would be going into space. This vast plane way outside her boundries of imagination. Up there nobody
could help her but herself. She knew when she signed the papers for Homeland Security that she could take part in some
dangerous missions but landing on an astroid to save the earth?
She smiled a little bit seductivly and nodded shortly. Perhaps too seductive but it always gave her courage around men.
"It doesn't matter what they might say, this is going to be one tough ride."
"I'm in."
"Are you gonna bark all day, little doggy, or are you gonna bite?"


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He must have heard my prayers...
« Antwort #5 am: 20.07.2011, 14:54:21 »
The agent nodded. "Sure, you are. I will bring you to the chief, who will brief you., he said and the helicopter set up. The next days she spent training for the spaceflight as well as laerning about her alias, Mrs Palmer. At last, she grew curious about the team - and a bit frightened about the mission. This was going to be toughest job of all.
« Letzte Änderung: 20.07.2011, 14:56:13 von List »
"Man muss auch das Allgemeinste persönlich darstellen."
- Hokusai