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Autor Thema: Whol l'olath ilhar  (Gelesen 101568 mal)


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Whol l'olath ilhar
« Antwort #150 am: 31.05.2005, 09:09:35 »
 Talice turns to the beautiful drow and signals: "He did not came back and from the look on the faces of these two (pointing at the dead), he most likely faced a horrible death." She lets these signs linger for a moment, then continues. "We were supposed to meet in the Port of Skulls ... if anything would go wrong. Neither he nor anyone of my group appeared. We neither found any signs of them on our way here and these two confirmed my thoughts about the rest." With a smile she adds: "Apart from the master and that drow, they were all more wharf rats than true warriors though."
Gæð a Wyrd swa hio scel!



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Whol l'olath ilhar
« Antwort #151 am: 31.05.2005, 23:44:04 »
 "That seems to have been a strange group. - So. Who is going to open the other door?"


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Whol l'olath ilhar
« Antwort #152 am: 01.06.2005, 13:39:22 »
 I will deal with the doors for now, I presume.


  • Beiträge: 452
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Whol l'olath ilhar
« Antwort #153 am: 02.06.2005, 03:00:18 »
 Keth nods at Narzen.


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Whol l'olath ilhar
« Antwort #154 am: 02.06.2005, 12:22:28 »
 The door as well as the corridor leading up to the octagonal room poses no problems. A lot of footsteps ... a few days old ... suggest a lot of traffic. Most likely they stem from Talice's group and its pursuers. There are four stone doors with brass pull-rings, all open. The door to the west ends in a pile of caved-in rubble, the one to the north opens to a small room (9). The one to the south reveals a long corridor which is partly lit be apparently magical lightsources (lanterns, torches). Two doors open to the west (rooms 11 & 12). Right next to you, in the south-eastern corner of the room you are standing in, is a small, winding staircase leading upwards. A very slight draft can be felt and if you move upwards, you will eventually end up near an exit to the surface, heavly barred by iron bars and the like. The exit is heavily overgrown and probably hardly visible from the outside.
Right in the middle of your room stands a circular, now dry fountain, chokey with stony rubble. Opposite to the staircase on the south-western wall, an imposing statue of a spellcasting human mage glowers down at you. Parts of his fingers, ears and nose are missing, but the work is still a masterpiece.  The room to the north features a number of stone benches and some more, but smaller statues. Garments hang on the walls, rotten boots, hats and cloaks as well. Nothing of worth is in here and the few small lizards which inhabit it scurry away to safety once someone enters the places. The northern wall is full of small cracks. Nothing hinders you to proceed towards the south.
Gæð a Wyrd swa hio scel!



  • Beiträge: 452
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Whol l'olath ilhar
« Antwort #155 am: 03.06.2005, 03:07:12 »
 Keth crouches down to take a better look at the tracks, trying to determine what matter of being created the most recent tracks and how long ago.


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Whol l'olath ilhar
« Antwort #156 am: 03.06.2005, 13:36:42 »
 All tracks and footprints come from (demih-)human feet. There is nothing strange or irritating about ... all that you see is cautious movement from the shaft towards this place and the south ... plus much more hasty movement backwards. No sound can be heard hereabouts, apart from the breath of your comrades.
Gæð a Wyrd swa hio scel!



  • Beiträge: 822
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Whol l'olath ilhar
« Antwort #157 am: 05.06.2005, 20:08:48 »
 Zhadristan silently observes the various doors, waiting for Keth to decide.


  • Beiträge: 452
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Whol l'olath ilhar
« Antwort #158 am: 05.06.2005, 22:53:03 »
 Keth signs "The south, while watching the rest?"


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Whol l'olath ilhar
« Antwort #159 am: 06.06.2005, 12:05:13 »
 Zhadristan nods and joins Narzen in taking the point.

I find this uneventfullness disturbing. Do you think we are still unnoticed?, Zhadristan signals to him.


  • Beiträge: 134
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Whol l'olath ilhar
« Antwort #160 am: 06.06.2005, 12:16:16 »
 Iira signs, "Our presence has probably been noticed by someone. It is a matter of if our presence bothers them or not. So far it does not seem to since we have been left alone thus far. As for that door let us see what is beyond. I am ready for fighting if required."


  • Beiträge: 249
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Whol l'olath ilhar
« Antwort #161 am: 06.06.2005, 18:41:57 »
 Narzen smiles dryly. While I too am not comfortable with the silence, it is quite possible there simply is no-one else here anymore. Staying on guard is one thing, but imaginary dangers are better ignored than prepared against, he signals in response to Iira and Zhadristan.


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Whol l'olath ilhar
« Antwort #162 am: 06.06.2005, 21:56:40 »
 Nata'al checks on the corridor leading to the south and gives the others cover with her shortbow.

You can reach the door to the next room without problems and yet again, you are only greeted by dusty cupboards, blank stone walls and some other broken inventory. This room (11) is empty. As you move closer to the next you note that the door in the south are actually lowered portcullies. Behind them lies utter darkness*. The door to the next room (12) was barred, but brute force clawed the wood away and bent the iron bars. A mansized whole was opened and beyond that lies a room in chaos. Wooden tables and benches lie hacked to splinters all over the place, most of them so new that no dust has settled upon them as yet. Half buried under one of the torn benches lies the elf Talice spoke of, one arm badly mangled and his throat torn away. His longsword, of decent elven workmanship, lies near his outstretched good arm ...
Nobody can be seen or heard. The door has been partly split by claw and axe.

*Just normal darkness.
Gæð a Wyrd swa hio scel!



  • Beiträge: 452
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Whol l'olath ilhar
« Antwort #163 am: 07.06.2005, 05:02:10 »
 Keth examines the passage around the door trying to find signs of anything moving by.


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Whol l'olath ilhar
« Antwort #164 am: 07.06.2005, 09:23:37 »
 The footprints on the floor are the same as before. It is hard to make out the numbers of all the folk walking here, but there seems to be nothing amiss ... i.e. there are no 'monsters' involved in this.
Gæð a Wyrd swa hio scel!


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