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Autor Thema: Whol l'olath ilhar  (Gelesen 101585 mal)


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  • Beiträge: 249
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Whol l'olath ilhar
« Antwort #555 am: 27.11.2005, 12:46:34 »
 Those were my thoughts, the man signals a response to Nata'al, nodding slowly.


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Whol l'olath ilhar
« Antwort #556 am: 27.11.2005, 18:23:43 »
 "I bet you'd have kept a good eye on both" Zhadristan says to Zouhlnor before he makes himself comfortable and drinks some water from his waterskin.


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Whol l'olath ilhar
« Antwort #557 am: 28.11.2005, 10:24:34 »
 While Talice and Nata'al are away, Narzen settles down on the magical items and casts a few spells. Geirildin and Jhalashar settle nearby, the bard also digging through the items, trying to discern what they are useful for. The two scouts return after a couple of hours, stating that everything is clear. There were no creatures and monsters encountered. Talice places a few thunderstones near the entry to your hideout, then settles down to rest as well. She turns to the females and starts to explain the route in more detail.

"We're now in the region called the Deep Wastes. Not very hospitable, to say the least. There is, as I said, a trade route going through it, from Maerimydra to an outpost called Szith Morcane. There are a number of exits to the surface too, rather unimportant to us though. We'll head to the south east now, passing a place called Vournoth's Mire, a former drow stronghold. Then it is on to Maerimydra, all in all about 5 to six days."

NB: Check the Orga thread (p. 28) for updates on the items identified by Narzen and bardic-knowledged by Jhalashar.
Gæð a Wyrd swa hio scel!



  • Beiträge: 452
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Whol l'olath ilhar
« Antwort #558 am: 28.11.2005, 16:57:03 »
 "Can you tell us more of Vournoth's Mire, Szith Morcane, and Maerimydra?" askes Keth of Talice.


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Whol l'olath ilhar
« Antwort #559 am: 29.11.2005, 10:18:11 »
 While Talice settles down and starts to explain, Nata'al removes her armor and starts to clean it. After a while, she conjures up a few gallons of water again, right on top of her chain shirt. Any irritated looks will be commented along the lines of: 'At least no-one will track ME by scent!'

"Maerimydra was a city of the size of Menzoberranzan and Eryndlyn, some 10 years back. It was raided by another city from up north a number of times though and, when I left her last time, in a political weak state. Hence they have become pretty paranoid and suspicious ... that is, even more suspicious than Lolth's kin usually is. So we should expect some keen questioning over there. In times gone by though, Maerimydra was also known as the Scourge of Shadowdale, the latter being the name of the lands above. They did large scale raidings on any human and elven settlement too. That was when Szith Morcane was build, a stronghold along the way from the surface to Maerimydra. Haven't been to that place though, but it is the tradeway from there to the drow city which we will use. Vournoth Mire ... dunno exactly either. A merchant once told me that Vournoth was some sort of lich-mage slain by a drow champion. His or her stronghold still stands, but was plundered long ago. The region there is inhabited by a number of monsters, so we'll have to be careful there. Then again, all of the Deep Wastes are dangerous, as only the toughest creatures can survive here."
Gæð a Wyrd swa hio scel!



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Whol l'olath ilhar
« Antwort #560 am: 30.11.2005, 13:01:40 »
 Nata'al nods when hearing the story about Vournoth. "The tale of that champion is well known among the Selvetargtlin. She was gravely wounded in the fight, but still managed to go back to Maerimydra to tell the matrons. I wish I could remember her name ..."

The rest passes without any interruptions and once you are dressed and armored, Talice will lead you on.
Gæð a Wyrd swa hio scel!



  • Beiträge: 452
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Whol l'olath ilhar
« Antwort #561 am: 30.11.2005, 22:22:11 »
 Keth has a small look of concern after her prayers, that is barely noticeable.

"This Maerimydra sounds like a weak place, no telling what type of heresy would go on in such a place. We should be on our guard even more so than normal now that we are in a 'civilized' area," says Keth


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Whol l'olath ilhar
« Antwort #562 am: 01.12.2005, 10:40:54 »
 Geirildin looks at the items and takes up the dagger hilt. "That one will suit my fighting style ... at times, so if no-one objects I'll take it for the time being?" Jhalashar, staying in the back, hesitates a moment before saying: "Since my combat ability lacks behind that of Lord Geirildin, may I suggest that I have a closer look at one of the two horns or both, as they will surely assist me better than others in the group ... right now. That is, assist my way of supporting you."

Nata'al still holds the black short sword up, waiting if someone else wants to lay claim on it, while Talice looks on, apparently satisfied with what she recovered.
Gæð a Wyrd swa hio scel!



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Whol l'olath ilhar
« Antwort #563 am: 02.12.2005, 14:31:04 »
 When the bartering and resting is done, Talice leads you onwards and back to the main tunnel. She then turns left and after a while walking through utter darkness, you appear in what looks like an enourmous cavern, apparently stretching over miles and miles. The ceiling is rugged and covered with stalagtites of various sizes and forms. Dozens of pillars link the ceiling with the floor and there is surprising much illumination. Some patches glow yellowish, being covered with large patches of moss and leechen, while other areas show a blueish colour from colonies of fungi. A rare and strange sight within Har'oloth indeed.
Talice gives you a few moments to take a look, then signals: "Enjoy this while you can. The way to the city will see us moving through lots of barren tunnels from now on, and we will have to wade through various stretches of Underdark rivers and lakes. Vournoth's Mire lies in that direction (she motions to the south), some half a day away."

Take a look at http://www.nanogrids.org/pictures/Luray/Caverns/slides/DSCN1189.html' target='_blank'>this for inspiration
Gæð a Wyrd swa hio scel!


Drakkar Daveneorn

  • Beiträge: 81
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Whol l'olath ilhar
« Antwort #564 am: 02.12.2005, 20:35:24 »
 While Bartering...

"Will anyone else use this breastplate?, Zouhlnor signals to the magical breastplate from the room with the skeleton.


  • Beiträge: 452
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Whol l'olath ilhar
« Antwort #565 am: 03.12.2005, 03:18:43 »
 Keth will snag the gloves and morningstar if no one minds.

"So some of the way will be through waterways?" inquires Keth of Talice.


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Whol l'olath ilhar
« Antwort #566 am: 03.12.2005, 11:17:39 »
 Talice nods: "But we will only get wet feet, it is not that deep ... only some 3 miles or the like."
Gæð a Wyrd swa hio scel!



  • Beiträge: 452
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Whol l'olath ilhar
« Antwort #567 am: 03.12.2005, 18:16:32 »
 "As long as their isn't anything strange in the water, like the lake in Menzoberranzan, heard too many stories about things swimming around in there, though it could be fun to kill something new," says Keth with a grin.


  • Beiträge: 822
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Whol l'olath ilhar
« Antwort #568 am: 03.12.2005, 21:28:29 »
 "Did you hear any such stories about the waters we are going to cross?" Zhadristan asks Talice.

Drakkar Daveneorn

  • Beiträge: 81
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Whol l'olath ilhar
« Antwort #569 am: 05.12.2005, 08:42:28 »
 He shrugs at the scilence aimed in his direction and begins to armor himself.

"Perhaps we should look out for something we can use as make-shift netting  to protect ourselves from monsters of the water," Zhoulnor states.

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