Archiv > Pathfinder Chronicles - Wrath of the Righteous

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Cayden Cailean:
Brief von Hosilla


Sosiel Vaenic
Aron Kir
Nura Dendiwhar
Staunton Vhane
Xanthir Vang
Queen Galfrey

Horgus Gwerm:
Hier kannst du eintragen was du willst.

Infos zum NSC (Anzeigen)Status (Anzeigen)HP 18/18
Armbrustbolzen: 9/10Werte (Anzeigen)
XP 600
Male human aristocrat 4
LN Medium humanoid (human)

Init –1
Senses Perception +2
AC 9, touch 9, flat-footed 9 (–1 Dex)
HP 18 (4d8)

Fort +2
Ref +1
Will +5
Speed 30 ft.
Melee unarmed strike +4 (1d3+1)
Light crossbow +2 (1d8)
During Combat Horgus prefers to avoid combat. If possible, he finds a good place to hide to wait out a fight. Despite his cowardice, Horgus enjoys shouting advice to his companions from the safety of a defensible location. If forced into combat, Horgus demands a rapier—the weapon with which he’s trained the most (although more as a way to show off than to actually fight). Without a rapier, he’s forced to use his fists or whatever weapon he can scavenge. Morale Horgus flees or surrenders if reduced to fewer than 12 hit points.
Str 12, Dex 9, Con 10, Int 16, Wis 11, Cha 8

Base Atk +3
CMB +4
CMD 13
Alertness, Persuasive, Weapon Focus (rapier)
SkillAppraise+10Bluff+6Diplomacy+8Intimidate+8Knowledge (geography)+10Knowledge (local)+10Knowledge (nobility)+10Knowledge (religion)+10Perception+2Sense Motive+9
Azlanti, Celestial, Common, Hallit
cloak of resistance +1, belt pouch, signet ring, noble’s outfit, waterskin (full of fine wine), jade brooch (120 gp), two pearls (100 gp each), silk handkerchief (10 gp), silver amulet (75 gp), light crossbow with 10 bolts, 17 pp
Beschreibung (Anzeigen)
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Campaign Role (Anzeigen)
Horgus Gwerm is one of the three trapped beneath the ground with the PCs at the start of this adventure, and is one of eight potential recurring NPC allies in the Wrath of the Righteous Adventure Path. Although he’s an arrogant, self-important nobleman with a grating personality, abandoning him to his fate would be an evil act. The PCs must find a way to put up with Horgus’s constant “observations,” his instructions on how to do everything from scaling a wall to filling a waterskin better, and his regular lamentations over his fate. Under his armor of bluster, though, Horgus’s honesty is true, and if the PCs can get him back to the surface alive, he promises them a great deal of money and support in the future. This is a promise he keeps.Attitude (Anzeigen)Current Attitude: Indifferent

Starting attitude unfriendly (DC 19). Horgus is insulting and crass, but if made friendly he mostly keeps his acerbic comments to himself. If made helpful, he increases his promised reward if the PCs get him to the surface from 1,000 gp to 2,000 gp, and aids as best he can in combat. Horgus never risks his life to save a PC during this part of the adventure, even if made helpful.
[SL: Die Belohnung wird durch die doppelte Spieleranzahl auch einfach verdoppelt.]

Although he is the least injured of the group, Horgus certainly makes the most fuss. Every scrape, every inconvenience is a personal affront to him, and his poor attitude makes him grating to be around—as do his frequent insults to the other NPCs—but in reality, Horgus is a well-read scholar and his knowledge of numerous subjects may well come in handy quite soon.
andere NPCs (Anzeigen)Horgus knows Aravashnial as a conspiracy theorist, and still rankles at the elf ’s inclusion of him in a now mostly forgotten theory that several of Kenabres’s nobles were secretly funding demonic causes. Horgus is itching to find out something scandalous about the elf that he can take public—and if he can’t find something real, he’s increasingly considering making something up. He knows Anevia is the wife of Irabeth, and also that Irabeth sold her father’s sword to fund Anevia’s physical gender transformation since the noble who bought the sword (a man named Kandro Nyserian) borrowed money from Horgus to make the purchase. (For what purpose, Horgus never learned—he knows only that Kandro is slightly behind on his loan payments.) He suspects Anevia was involved in the robbery of one of his warehouses, likely in an attempt to reclaim the sword, but doesn’t know she’s actually the one who proved his innocence from the false conspiracy postulated by Aravashnial and that the robbery was in fact a completely unrelated crime.Hintergrund (Anzeigen)
Horgus Gwerm was not born a nobleman—or as a Gwerm, for that matter. He was born Darian Wytt to a comfortable but common family in service to a noble estate: the Gwerms of Egede in eastern Mendev. Horgus’s father was the head huntsman and his mother managed the gardens. His family was respected and well treated and paid a handsome wage, but Horgus never considered himself a “servant.”
The Gwerms were an openhanded, generous family who never kept what they could comfortably give away. Darian often played with the real Horgus Gwerm, the scion of the house and a boy his own age. The Gwerms disdained holding themselves above others and never displayed their money ostentatiously. Their house was large, but modestly furnished, and they didn’t maintain their own estate guard beyond a few loyal soldiers.
It was a happy childhood, but everything changed when a band of five babau demons somehow made their way deep into Mendev to attack several of the outlying noble villas in the Egede hinterlands. Word reached the Gwerm estate; in a panic, the family sent the children away with two soldiers as the rest of the inhabitants began packing up the house’s valuables in preparation for temporary relocation to within the city walls. Ten-year-old Darian and Horgus left with the soldiers, frightened but trying to be brave.
But the demons struck more quickly than anyone expected, teleporting into the estate and murdering with abandon. Darian saw the soldiers escorting him torn to shreds by one of the babaus, and he survived only because he ran in a different direction than the real Horgus—the babaus murdered Horgus, then were distracted by closer prey, allowing Darian to escape.
Darian ran as fast and as far as he could, collapsing eventually from exhaustion in a shallow gorge. When he awoke, the frightened child made his way back to the estate, the only home he knew. He found it in smoking ruins, everyone within dead. A few days later, after the babaus had been defeated, crusaders riding from Egede noticed the smoke and rode to the estate. They found Darian in the kitchen and asked his name.
In a moment that changed his life, Darian said, “Horgus Gwerm.” He didn’t mean to lie, exactly. Rather, in his child’s mind he had a vague idea that he might be punished for what had happened—for being alive when Horgus was not. The riders took him with them on their return trip to the front lines in Kenabres, where relatives of the Gwerms lived. None of the Gwerms had met young Horgus in years and were willing to believe this was the young inheritor of their bloodline. The family took in the orphaned Darian, now Horgus, and raised him as their own.

Now well into middle age, Horgus has almost forgotten his true origins and convinced himself that money is the only way to ensure one’s safety. If the Egede Gwerms had invested their wealth in high walls and elite guards, they (and by extension, his parents) would be alive today. Horgus adheres strictly to the law, perhaps as compensation for a life built on a lie, and is fanatical about money and power. He haggles over every copper and never pays more than he has to—but when he does purchase something, he goes for quality, never skimping on the important things in life.
The Gwerm family’s money came from a variety of pursuits, including agriculture and mining. Horgus is one of the largest investors in the Truestone Quarry and owns a percentage of all the profits the quarry generates. Horgus has long nurtured a vicious hatred of demons and wants very much to see the crusades succeed. His faith in Abadar is deeply personal and private, but has only increased over the years, as again and again the defenses of the city of Kenabres seem to hold out against the demons through but the grace of his god. He makes considerable donations to various crusading groups—not merely the temple of Abadar—but prefers to keep these donations quiet because of his belief that charity only invites beggars.
Horgus has grown into an arrogant, acerbic nobleman with inflated sense of his own importance. He’s genuinely shocked and offended if others don’t recognize his status. His one redeeming quality may be his ruthless honesty.
Though his speech is infrequently buffered by tact, Horgus is known for speaking the truth. He keeps his promises and never reneges on a deal. Businessmen in Kenabres go to Horgus only when they have a desperate need as well as a rock-solid business plan that can stand up to the closest scrutiny. Horgus doesn’t mind lending money for a good cause, but he is keenly intelligent and requires a great deal of factual evidence before he closes a deal.
Being trapped in the tunnels beneath Kenabres does not sit well with Horgus Gwerm. Unarmed, forced to travel with strangers through the darkness, he can only imagine the demonic violence on the surface. He hides his fear and helplessness under an extra layer of arrogant bluster.
Horgus is an intelligent man with many years of learning behind him, and he fully expects others to recognize his smarts and experience and follow his every command. It is often difficult for others to get along with Horgus for more than minutes at a time, but he is not an evil human being and deserves as much assistance as any other creature.
Though middle-aged, Horgus does what he can to keep fit by practicing with his rapier, but over the past few years, his sparring sessions have grown few and far between. He is a relatively homely man but is never at a loss for female companionship. Beneath his acerbity he possesses an intelligent mind and keen observational powers which some find fascinating.
Notizen (Anzeigen)
Zusammenfassung Charakter/Verhalten (Anzeigen)

* arrogant und selbstgefällig
* schonungslose Ehrlichkeit
* zeigt selten Taktgefühl
* intelligent; scharfe Beobachtungsgabe
* ist dafür bekannt, die Wahrheit zu sprechen
* hält Versprechen, die er gibt, und hält Abmachungen ein
* hält sich strikt ans Gesetz
* fanatisch, was Geld und Macht betrifft
* dreht und wendet jede Kupferstück und zahlt nie mehr als er muss, wenn er jedoch etwas kaufen muss, achtet er auf Qualität und spart nie an Wichtigen Dingen
* geschickter und scharfsinniger Geschäftsmann
* Vertrauen in Abadar (privat und geheim)
* relativ unattraktiv, an weiblicher Gesellschaft mangelt es ihm jedoch nichtAllgemeines Verhalten in der Gruppe

* nervenaufreibend
* erwartet, dass andere seine Klugheit und Erfahrung bemerken und seinen Anweisungen Folge leisten
* ist aufrichtig schockiert und beleidigt, wenn andere seinen Status nicht beachten
* "überwacht" alles und jeden
* Belehrungen, wie alles Mögliche besser gemacht werden kann als es derzeit wird
* regelmäßiges Lamentieren über sein Schicksal
* versteckt seine Angst und Hilflosigkeit unter einer Extraschicht arrogantem GehabeVerhalten gegenüber den SC:

* Start: Unfriendly (DC 19)
* beleidigend und grob
* Verspricht den SC eine erhebliche Summe Geld (2000 GM) und zukünftige Unterstützung, wenn sie ihn lebend zurück an die Oberfläche bringen.
* Friendly: Behält seine bissigen Kommentare meist für sich.
* Helpful: 4000 GM Belohnung und für ihn bestmögliche Hilfe im Kampf (riskiert aber niemals sein leben, um einen SC zu retten)Kampf:

* Kampf vermeiden. Wenn möglich: Versteck finden, das sich gut verteidigen lässt. Den anderen von dort aus Anweisungen zurufen.
* Wenn er sich zum Kampf gezwungen sieht, verlangt er ein Rapier (hat zwar damit trainiert, doch eher, um damit anzugeben können statt ernsthaft zu kämpfen). Ohne Rapier: Fäuste oder was auch immer er in die Finger bekommt.
* Unter 12 HP: Flucht oder Aufgeben.sonstiges (Anzeigen)

Anevia Tirabade:
Hier darfst du alles eintragen was du willst.

Anevia Tirabade (Anzeigen)
Stats (Anzeigen)
XP 600
Female human rogue 3
NG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +7; Senses Perception +5
AC 14, touch 11, flat-footed 11 (+3 armor, –2 broken leg, +3 Dex)
hp 17 (3d8)
Fort +1, Ref +6, Will +0; +1 vs. traps
Defensive Abilities evasion, trap sense +1
Weaknesses broken leg
Speed 15 ft.
Melee short sword +3 (1d6+1/19–20)
Ranged shortbow +5 (1d6/×3)
Special Attacks sneak attack +2d6
Rogue Spell-Like Abilities (CL 3rd, concentration +5)
During Combat Even before she broke her leg, Anevia preferred
to fight with her bow. Although only four of her arrows
survived the fall, Anevia relies on her shortbow for most fights
until her leg is healed. Until she can secure at least 10 more
arrows, she avoids using Rapid Shot, hoping to make every
single shot count. If forced into melee, she does her best to
flank with her sword, despite her limited mobility.
Morale Unless she is fighting with a good friend or her wife
Irabeth, Anevia flees to seek out a hiding spot to wait out
her enemies if she falls below 5 hit points.
Str 12, Dex 17, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 8, Cha 13
Base Atk +2; CMB +3; CMD 16
Feats Improved Initiative, Point-Blank Shot, Rapid Shot
Skills Acrobatics +5 (+1 when jumping), Climb +3, Diplomacy +7,
Disable Device +9, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +8,
Knowledge (local) +8, Knowledge (planes) +5, Linguistics +8,
Perception +5, Sense Motive +5, Sleight of Hand +9, Stealth +9
(+5 when moving), Swim –3
Languages Common, Hallit, Orc, Shadowtongue
SQ rogue talents (minor magic), trapfinding +1
Combat Gear alchemist’s fire (2), smokestick (3); Other Gear
+1 leather armor, short sword, shortbow with 4 arrows, silk
rope (50 ft.), thieves’ tools, 46 gp
Broken Leg (Ex) Anevia’s leg was broken in the fall, and as
a result she moves at half speed and cannot run. She also
takes a –4 penalty on all skill checks requiring movement
(Acrobatics, Climb, many Stealth checks, and Swim) and a –2
penalty to her AC. If the damage she sustained in the fall is
healed, the penalty on skill checks is reduced to –2 and the
penalty to AC is removed, but completely healing her leg
requires a regenerate spell.

Status (Anzeigen)Anevia TirabadeTrefferpunkte: 1/17 (dem Tode nahe)
RK: 16/11/13
Rettungswürfe: Fort: +1, Reflex: +6, Will: +0 (+1 vs. traps)
Zustände: gebrochenes Bein (half speed, -2 skill checks auf Bewegung)
1 Wisdom damage
Aktive Zauber: keine
Licht 3/Tag: [_][_][_]
Pfeile: 13/30
Alchemisten Feuer: [_][_]
Smokestick: [_][_][_]

46 g
Aussehen (Anzeigen)

Campaigns Role (Anzeigen)Attitude (Anzeigen)Aravashnial: Starting attitude indifferent (DC 16). If he becomes helpful, he tells the PCs what spells he has prepared, and agrees to cast them as the PCs see fit. He even uses his wand of false life or his potions on the PCs if they are badly wounded, but even if made helpful, Aravashnial doesn’t risk his life to save a PC during this part of the adventure unless not saving the PC obviously puts his own life in greater danger

Hintergrund (Anzeigen)Anevia Tirabade
From her rough origins as a child on the streets, Anevia grew up full of wanderlust and desires to see the world. Her travels took her to strange lands where she saw many wonderful things, but never in her wildest dreams did she imagine she would wind up a paladin’s wife.
Born a man and originally named Anvenn, Anevia grew up on the streets of Nisroch, and witnessed a hundred horrors by age 12. Anvenn’s mother worked for a gang of outlaw artists and thieves, an occupation dangerous in any city but especially risky in the back streets of Nisroch. She raised her son with an appreciation of freedom to speak and love of art, while her gang taught young Anvenn how to pick locks and pockets. Although he proved an adept pupil of thievery, Anvenn always felt awkward in his skin and avoided making friends as a result. In art and literature, Anvenn increasingly found himself identifying with strong female figures rather than their male counterparts—and for most of his life Anvenn would carry the conviction that he had been born into the wrong body.
When Anvenn was 12, the Silent Shroud (Nisroch’s ruthless lawkeepers) attacked the guild. As the attack commenced, his mother gave him an address to memorize, and told him, “Go there and tell the lady who answers the door that you’re a half-wilted rose. I’ll meet you there if I can, but if I don’t arrive by dawn tomorrow, she will provide for you.” Anvenn knew what his mother was saying, for growing up in Nisroch makes one a realist if nothing else. After a parting hug too brief even for tears, Anvenn f led the guild into the city—and he never saw his mother again.
Arriving at the address, the young refugee was taken in by a priestess of Desna named Veeruh, an old friend of Anvenn’s mother. She raised him as her daughter for the next 6 years. While the disguise was intended to throw off pursuit, Anvenn (who now went by the name Anevia) discovered that she felt right in this new persona. As she grew older, she longed to experience life outside of Nidal, and when she turned 18 she left Nisroch forever with her foster mother’s blessing.

For the next 4 years she made her way north across the continent. She occasionally made contact with temples of Desna on her travels, offering her services as a thief or scout for whatever missions the temple saw fit to send her on. It was on such a mission that she met the woman who would change her life forever.
While wintering in the city of Tymon, Anevia was hired by a Desnan scholar to retrieve several sacred objects from a forgotten shrine in the northwestern River Kingdoms. Unknown to her, though, this “scholar” was in fact a kyton-blooded tief ling spy in service to the Silent Shroud who had been tracking her for years, and the “shrine” she’d been tasked with locating was merely a ruined tower where the agent’s mercenaries were lying in ambush. Anevia was captured, but as fortune would have it, the spy was himself being tracked by a paladin named Irabeth. This half-orc paladin caught up with the mercenaries just as they were preparing to hobble the captured Anevia with a bone saw; she killed the mercenaries and their tief ling leader and rescued Anevia.
In thanks for her rescue, Anevia pledged her skills to Irabeth, but the paladin would have none of it, saying, “You’re welcome to travel with me, but you owe me nothing.” As it worked out, Irabeth was about to return to the city of Kenabres after several years away from home—and by the time the two reached their destination, they’d fallen in love. Anevia had revealed herself to actually be a man to Irabeth, but this didn’t matter to the paladin, who had learned to value a companion’s personality over her appearance. In fact, Irabeth spent a fair amount of her personal wealth (including selling her father’s sword) to fund the purchase of an elixir for Anevia, one that would shift her physical gender to match the rest of her.
Anevia and Irabeth were wedded in the Cathedral of Saint Clydwell soon thereafter. Anevia often marvels at the strange road that led her to this life. She enjoys the prestige she receives as the wife of a member of the Eagle Watch, and assists Irabeth’s work by volunteering at the Temple of Iomedae. She reads to the sick and helps make bandages and prepare meals. On occasion, the temple asks Anevia to undertake scouting missions along the river and report on activity in the Worldwound. Though Anevia knows her wife worries about her when she agrees to these missions, she loves the feeling of excitement and accomplishment they bring, as well as the fact that they allow her to scratch the itch of wanderlust that surges up within her occasionally.
Anevia is known for her quick wit. Normally a friendly soul, she tends to treat everyone she meets frankly, regardless of their occupation, race, or social standing—a habit that’s made her few allies among some of Kenabres’s less devout or honest citizens. She does her best to hide all traces of the scarred child from Nidal, drawing upon her current happiness to overshadow those evil memories. Anevia tithes to Shelyn and Desna as well as Iomedae, but increasingly considers the Inheritor her patron because she believes Iomedae drew her to Irabeth. Anevia is frightened to be trapped below Kenabres, and while the scared child of Nisroch threatens to emerge, she does her best to stay levelheaded and calm, for in truth she’s more worried about Irabeth and what’s happening on the surface than her own fate.

Cayden Cailean:
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Stats (Anzeigen)
Hitpoints: 35 / 35

Active Spells: Mage Armor (6 hours)


Male elf conjurer 5/Riftwarden 1
(PCS - Paths of Prestige 46)
CG Medium humanoid (elf)
Init +2; Senses low-light vision; Perception +7

HP 35 (6 HD; 5d6+1d8+11)
AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 10 (+2 Dex)
Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +7; +2 vs. enchantments
Immune sleep
Weaknesses blinded

Speed 30 ft.
Melee mwk quarterstaff +2 (1d6–1)
Conjurer Spell-Like Abilities (CL 5th; concentration +9)
Special Attacks counter-summons, favored enemy (evil outsider +2)

Conjurer Spells Prepared (CL 5th; concentration +9)
3rd—heroism, magic circle against evil, summon monster III
2nd—acid arrow, levitate, resist energy, summon monster II
1st—mage armor, shield, sleep (DC 15), summon monster I, true strike
0 (at will)—acid splash, arcane mark, detect magic, flare (DC 14)
Opposition Schools illusion, necromancy

Acid Dart (1d6+2 acid) ☐☐☐☐☐☐☐

Str 8, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 18, Wis 10, Cha 13
Base Atk +2; CMB +1; CMD 13
Feats Craft Wand, Iron Will, Scribe Scroll, Spell Focus
(abjuration), Spell Penetration
Skills Appraise +12, Intimidate +7, Knowledge (arcana) +12,
Knowledge (history) +12, Knowledge (planes) +12,
Perception +7, Sense Motive +5, Spellcraft +12 (+14 to identify
magic item properties)
Languages Abyssal, Celestial, Common, Elven, Hallit, Infernal
SQ arcane bond (staff), planar guide (favored enemy),
summoner’s charm (2 rounds)

Combat Gear
 scroll of dispel magic, scrolls of grease (2), scroll of web, wand of false life (20 charges)
Other Gear mwk quarterstaff, cloak of elvenkind, spell, component pouch, 13 gold pieces

Blinded (Ex): Aravashnial’s eyes have been destroyed,
permanently blinding him. Restoring his sight requires a
regenerate spell—remove blindness/deafness cannot help him.
Counter-Summon (Su) Aravashnial can ready an action to use
a summon monster spell as a counterspell, even though the
casting time for summon monster is 1 full round. When used
this way, summon monster is treated as though quickened to
a swift action via Quicken Spell, though its spell level is not
increased and it can be used only to counterspell. When used
to counterspell, a summon monster spell can counter any
conjuration (summoning) spell or spell-like ability of its level
or lower, including an outsider’s summon ability.
Planar Guide (Ex): Aravashnial’s studies as a Riftwarden have
granted him favored enemy +2 against evil outsiders.
Infos (Anzeigen)Aravashnial has spent the last 2 years in Mendev working for the Riftwardens. He has undertaken over a dozen missions into the Worldwound, each time emerging with more scars and a new hatred of demons, but also increased knowledge. When not working directly with the Riftwardens on missions, Aravashnial passes the time drafting possible tactics to use against Tanglebriar, so that if he dies on a mission, what he’s learned can be sent back home to aid his people. He supports himself by crafting magic items and selling them to shops in the Gates District and by casting spells for hire, but he doesn’t own a storefront himself and would disdain a job as a “store clerk.”

Humility has never been one of Aravashnial’s defining personality traits. Despite his relatively short time in the Riftwardens, he considers himself one of the most knowledgeable Riftwardens in Kenabres. He is well regarded among his fellows as a talented and courageous wizard. After a brief romance, he and Lylina split up over a heated argument about whether or not the Riftwardens should be more open in their support of the crusade—something that Aravashnial has long believed is important, but that Lylina feared would compromise too many secrets the organization has learned about the enemy. She’s since moved on, having left Kenabres to work with the Riftwardens in Nerosyan. Aravashnial still harbors bitterness in his heart over their parting, but tells himself he no longer cares for her. Aravashnial is somewhat of a conspiracy theorist and always has a number of outrageous theories brewing. His latest is that certain groups among the crusaders have been infiltrated by demon cultists, and that their influence has been more damaging to the war effort than actual battles.
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