Autor Thema: Die Waisenkinder  (Gelesen 7324 mal)

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Die Waisenkinder
« am: 18.05.2017, 21:51:02 »

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« Letzte Änderung: 22.05.2017, 20:29:55 von Idunivor »
The only ones who should kill are those prepared to be killed.


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Die Waisenkinder
« Antwort #1 am: 18.05.2017, 21:55:26 »

Status: (Anzeigen)

Race: Half-Elf (Drow)
Class: Rogue (Swashbuckler)[lvl 4] & Sorcerer (Divine) [lvl 1]
Ethnicity: Chondathan/Drow
Languages: Chondathan, Elfisch, Drow, Thieves Cant, Undercommon
Background: Orphan
Age: 24
Size: Medium
Speed: 30 ft.
Alignment: Neutral
Patron Deity: Tymora
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« Letzte Änderung: 20.11.2019, 20:28:40 von Melandro »


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Die Waisenkinder
« Antwort #2 am: 19.05.2017, 17:30:51 »

Status (Anzeigen)

Race: Human
Class: Rogue (Arcane Trickster) 4 / Warlock (Hexblade) 1
Ethnicity: Chondathan
Languages: Common (Chondathan), Draconic, Undercommon, Thieves' Cant
Background: Orphan
Age: 22
Size: Medium
Speed: 30 ft.
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Patron Deity: Selûne

Character Sheet (Anzeigen)
« Letzte Änderung: 15.03.2020, 00:34:05 von Scarlett »


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Die Waisenkinder
« Antwort #3 am: 22.05.2017, 16:16:46 »

Status (Anzeigen)

Race: Human
Class: Cleric 5
Languages: Common, Dwarvish, Primordial, Goblin, Celestial
Background: Orphan
Age: 24
Size: Medium
Speed: 30 ft.
Alignment: Neutral
Patron Deity: Oghma
STR 10 DEX 13 CON 14 INT 12 WIS 18 CHA 10
HP: 38
Initative: +1
AC: 17 (14 Scale Mail + 1 Dex + 2 Shield)
Melee: Mace (Att +3 | Dmg 1D6 [bludgeoning])
Ranged: Light Crossbow [80/320 ft.] (Att +4 | Dmg 1D8+1 [piercing])
Spell Save DC: 15
Spell Attack Bonus: +7

Proficiencies (Anzeigen)

Abilities (Anzeigen)

Gear (Anzeigen)

Background (Anzeigen)

« Letzte Änderung: 12.03.2020, 01:17:20 von Vorbis »


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Die Waisenkinder
« Antwort #4 am: 24.05.2017, 15:44:08 »

Status (Anzeigen)

Race: Tiefling
Class: Warlock [lvl 5]
Languages: Common, Infernal, Elfisch, Silvan
Background: Orphan
Age: 23
Size: Medium
Speed: 30 ft.
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Patron Deity: Titania of the Summer Court
STR 8 DEX 14 CON 12 INT 14 WIS 12 CHA 18 (+8 lvl 4)
HP: 33
AC: 15 (13 mage armor +2 Dex)
Melee: +2 Handaxt (1d6-1)
Ranged: +5 light crossbow (1d8) Range 80/320
[Proficiency Bonus: +3]
Weapons: Simple weapons
Armor: Light armor
Tools: Herbalism Kit (background)
Saving Throws: Wisdom, Charisma
Skills: (2 Klasse + 2 Background = 12 P)

Spell save DC: 15 (8 + 3 (proficiency bonus) + 4 (Cha mod))
Spell attack modifier: +7 (proficiency bonus + Cha mod)
Slot level: 3
Spell Slots:

Cantrips (Klasse: 3)
Thaumaturgy (Volk)
Eldritch Blast (Klasse)
Mage Hand (Klasse)
Chill-Touch (Klasse)
Acid Splash (Book of Shadows)
Minor Illusion (BoS)
Poison Spray (BoS)

+1 spell
Level 1
Faerie fire

Level 2
Misty step

Hellish Rebuke (Volk) 1/day ☐

Eldritch Invocations
Armor of Shadows: You can cast mage armor on yourself at will, without expending a spell slot or material components.
Mask of Many Faces: You can cast disguise self at will, without expending a spell slot.

Race Abilities: (Anzeigen)

Class Abilities: (Anzeigen)

Background Ablity:
Tool Proficiency: Herbalism Kit
City Secrets (Anzeigen)

Knight's Sense (Anzeigen)

Weapons: Handaxe (5 gp, 2 lb.), Crossbow (25 gp, 5 lb)

Arcane focus, crystal (10 gp, 1 lb.)
Scholar’s Pack (40 gp, 10 lb.) (backpack, a book of lore, a bottle of ink, an ink pen, 10 sheets of parchment, a little bag of sand, and a small knife), + Waterskin (0,2 gp, 5 lb.), Tinderbox (0,5 gp, 1 lb),
Rope, silk, 50 feet, (10 gp, 5 lb.)
Herbalism Kit (5 gp, 3 lb.)


Group Wealth:

Carrying Capacity:120 lb., Aktuell 32 lbs

Background (Anzeigen)

« Letzte Änderung: 15.03.2020, 08:13:59 von Maldrek »


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Die Waisenkinder
« Antwort #5 am: 29.07.2017, 21:59:33 »
Yzwaz Oleandrus der Aeltere

Status (Anzeigen)

Race: Rock Gnome
Class: Monk [lvl 5]
Languages: Common, Draconic, Gnomish
Background: Orphan
Age: 29
Size: Small
Speed: 25 ft. (35 ft. unarmored)
Alignment: true neutral
Patron Deity: Oghma
STR 12 DEX 14 CON 14 INT 12 WIS 17 CHA 8
HP: 38 (10 + 4 * 7)
AC: 15 (10 no armor + 2 Dex + 3 Wis)
Melee: unarmed +5/+5 (1d6+2)
Melee: quarterstaff +5/+5 (1d4+2)
Ranged: 10 darts +5/+5 (1d4) (range 20/60)
Proficiency bonus: +3
Weapons: simple weapons, shortswords
Armor: none
Tools: calligrapher's supplies, herbalism kit, woodcarver’s tools
Saving Throws: Strength, Dexterity (against magic: advantage on Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma
Skills points: 4 proficiencies (2 class, 2 background) * 3 pt.s per proficiency = 12 pts.


Race Abilities:
Darkvision (Anzeigen)
Gnome Cunning (Anzeigen)
Atrificer’s Lore (Anzeigen)
Tinker (Anzeigen)

Class Abilities:
Unarmored Defense (Anzeigen)
Martial Arts (Anzeigen)
Ki (5 Ki pts.) (Anzeigen)
Unarmored Movement (Anzeigen)
Monastic Tradition (Anzeigen)
Discipline (Anzeigen)
Discipline (Anzeigen)
Deflect Missiles (Anzeigen)
Slow Fall (Anzeigen)
Extra Attack (Anzeigen)
Stunning Strike (Anzeigen)

Background Ability:
Meditation (Anzeigen)

Explorer’s pack (49 lb. - 10 gp) (Anzeigen)
Chalk, 1 piece (0 lb. - 1 cp)
Traveler's clothes (4 lb. - 2gp)
Herbalism kit (3 lb. - 5 gp) (Anzeigen)
Parchment, 5 sheets (0 lb. - 5 sp)
Ink, 1-ounce bottle (0 lb. - 10 gp)
Inkpen (0 lb. - 2 cp)
Calligrpaher's supplies (5 lb. - 10 gp)
[162 gold pieces]

Carrying Capacity:
61 / 180 lb (encumbered > 60 lb)


Background (Anzeigen)

« Letzte Änderung: 14.03.2020, 14:52:11 von Yzwaz »


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Die Waisenkinder
« Antwort #6 am: 12.07.2020, 22:04:16 »

Status (Anzeigen)

Race: Half-Elf
Class: Sorcerer; Draconic Bloodline (blue/lightning) [lvl 5]
Languages: Common, Elvish, Draconic, Dwarvish, Primordial, Sylvan 
Background: Guild Artisan [cooks and bakers]
Age: 23
Size: Medium
Speed: 30
Alignment: Neutral Good
Patron Deity: Selûne
STR 10 DEX 16 (+3) CON 16 (+3) INT 12 (+1) WIS 10 CHA 18 (+4)
HP: 37
AC: 16
Melee: 2x Dagger (+6/1d4+3)
Ranged: Light Crossbow (+6/1d8+3) (Range 80/320)
Proficiencies & Abilities (Anzeigen)

cantrips & spells (Anzeigen)

gear (Anzeigen)

« Letzte Änderung: 12.07.2020, 22:12:29 von Arsys »


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Die Waisenkinder
« Antwort #7 am: 24.07.2020, 20:46:44 »

Status (Anzeigen)

Race: Half-Elf
Class: Paladin with the Oath of bloody Vengeance [lvl 4] & Hexblade Warlock [lvl 1]
Ethnicity: Chondathan
Languages: Common, Elvish, Celestial, Draconic, Abyssal
Background: Orphan/Courtier
Age: 23
Size: Medium
Speed: 30 ft.
Alignment: Lawful Intense
Patron Deity: Tyr

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