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Nachrichten - Narzen

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Drow Campaign / "A simple escort," she said ...
« am: 25.09.2006, 15:05:37 »
Gaess crouches down and sees if Kylara'anon is giving any orders.

Drow Campaign / A simple escort - Campaign Orga Thread
« am: 20.09.2006, 12:49:03 »
Aw... and here I spent two whole skill points on Speak Language...  :shutup:

Drow Campaign / "A simple escort," she said ...
« am: 19.09.2006, 21:07:40 »
Gaess tilts her head, visibly taken aback by all the bravado, then her lips part to a smile as she mutters more to herself than to Kylara'anon even as she looks in the general direction of the yathrin, "Death by command given, the pain mine or that of my prey, I shan't fail."

Her toenails again clipping against the floor anxiously, she quietly adds, "Let me storm the enemy, Mistress, break them, their blood be my testament."

Drow Campaign / A simple escort - Campaign Orga Thread
« am: 17.09.2006, 23:18:24 »
Zitat von: "Zanan"
Each character has a reason to join up and s/he wouldn't do it just to bully others about without acknowledging the possibility that someone might stick a dagger into her/his eye while s/he "sleeps" because s/he can't stand such behaviour. Evil chaps and lasses would not mind doing such a thing.

You say that as though good guys were any less eager to put troublemakers out of their misery at the first opportunity. :D

 Indeed, the only difference between heroes and villains is that the latter kill troublemakers for personal gain, while the... former... er...

...  <_<

Actually, nevermind the difference. Ahem.

Drow Campaign / Conversations
« am: 12.09.2006, 18:20:18 »
A pale woman thus far having kept to her own company approaches Tavia, with each step appearing as though she was about to punch her feet through the floor, even as she walks on her toes like a dancer -- or a hunting beast.

"A pilgrim, no mercenary, Gaess is my name," she says in little more than a whisper, her eyes cast downward, "I would welcome coin for my services, and a promise of pain to sate my mistress, ally of the Queen of Spiders."

Drow Campaign / A simple escort - Campaign Orga Thread
« am: 11.09.2006, 23:25:35 »
-Hey! Did you read this, dear?


-The part about asking us do the talking... er... writing.

--What do you mean, us? If you want to write, write by yourself!

-Whoa. It's not that time of month again, is it?

--Shut up!

-Sorry. But seriously, with the big guy so down and all, we could lend a hand, yes?

--Easy for you to say! I can barely read, a-and my writing looks like...

-Gnome cooking?

--Shut up!

-It was a compliment! My mother isn't a bad cook. Well, actually she is, but it's not that bad when you can always spice it up with a simple cantrip. As long as she's not looking, that is.


-Anyway, uh, you do realize you'd be writing on a computer, dear?

--Um... I, I knew that... but I still don't like it!

---It would be news if you did like something, halfling.

--Very funny. Where the Hells have you been, anyway? It's your bloody name on these stupid messages!

---I had matters to see to in Skullport. The details of those are no concern of yours, and regardless, I am only here as I am curious about this... Geist?

-Gaess, actually. The name's just pronounced so it rhymes with Geist. You know, like Heinz. Well, it doesn't rhyme, but still.

--Oh, shut up... and you, exactly what do you mean by 'being curious' about that woman, eh?

---I fail to see the relevance of that to you, halfling.

--Excuse me? You think I'm going to just l-

-Ahem... people are watching, dear.

--Fine! I don't care what you do, as long as it doesn't involve me!


--I said I don't care!

-Wait! Where are you going?!

---Very well. Take the female back lest she gets lost here. I shall see to this writing in the stead of the human.

-Er... are you sure about this? I mean, no offense, but, uh, your writing style tends to be a bit... well... gaudy...

---I do not recall asking for your opinion.

-Point taken.

---Now leave... wait, gnome, there is one last thing.

-What is it, Narzy?

---Do not call me that.

Drow Campaign / A simple escort - Campaign Orga Thread
« am: 10.09.2006, 22:50:45 »
And the good news just keep on rolling in.... just as I was recovering from a flu, my eyeglasses fell apart. So, as of writing this, my nose is literally 5 inches away from the damn screen and text size is at maximum so at least I can complain while the superglue repairs are taking effect.

I can hardly wait to see what goes wrong tomorrow! :tooth:

Drow Campaign / A simple escort - Campaign Orga Thread
« am: 04.09.2006, 10:04:13 »
Half the people involved in this game don't have English as their native tongue, so don't worry about it.  :)

Anyway, my brain is still taking a day off, so I'll just read what's up, and then head back to bed... hopefully I'll be up and running again sometime tonight.

Drow Campaign / Characters
« am: 28.08.2006, 23:46:44 »
Gaess  ['g^iss]

Gaess is a woman with the body of a gymnast. She appears human on a glance, but her eyes are gleaming yellow like those of a wolf; she has red hair with a metallic tint to it, and her skin is the palest shade of pink, deepening into blood red at her fingertips. Closer inspection reveals dark veins eerily visible through the skin and the curving nails on her fingers and toes are of opaque, iridescent green shade.

But a couple of inches past 5 feet tall, Gaess walks barefoot, wearing a pair of loose-fitting white trousers and a baggy shirt with its sleeves tucked in metal bracers. She has a modest silk sash tied around her waist, and a web-patterned black cloak is draped over her shoulders.

She moves about in a swift gait, delicate and fierce at the same time, her toenails clipping the earth beneath her feet with each step.

* * *

Phonetic symbols explained here, or simply pronounce the name similar to the German word Geist.  :)

Drow Campaign / A simple escort - Campaign Orga Thread
« am: 25.08.2006, 10:02:00 »
I've been waiting for an opportunity to say something for the last couple of days, honestly...

Drow Campaign / English Drow Campaign Orga
« am: 22.08.2006, 22:24:17 »
It so happened that I just walked five kilometers home in the middle of the night after spending most of the day doing... shall we say, business negotiations... so I am going to have to check back after I wake up.


Drow Campaign / Conversation (narzen/nata'al)
« am: 04.08.2006, 01:06:33 »
I have yet to back away from a task I have agreed to fulfill, the man bows his head, My services will be yours to command when next we meet, malla abbil, yet until such time I cannot be certain of anything else that is to come.

Drow Campaign / Conversation (narzen/nata'al)
« am: 03.08.2006, 03:17:38 »
I shall return to Skullport lest my absence cause unrest, the man signals, a wry smile on his face, The rivvin there have provided a steady income with little risk involved, and it is in my best interests to keep it thus.

Drow Campaign / Conversation (narzen/nata'al)
« am: 01.08.2006, 13:04:53 »
Narzen approaches the woman, and with subtle motions he signals, While I do not know what dealings the honored yathrin has, malla abbil, I presume we have little reason to expect this welcoming become... permanent?

Narzen slowly folds his arms, and glancing at Nata'al raises an eyebrow. Whether the man is concerned about the unfolding events or unimpressed by the intimidations, the blank expression on his face says little either way.

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