English Drow Campaign Orga

avatar Ashen-Shugar 14.Nov.2003 01:11

Below you will find the old orga thread, transfered from the former board. Long single articles compiled by Ashen-shugar.

Here are two important Links for those who do not have access to their more common rulebooks each and every day:


System Reference D&D 3,5

eMail   01:22 Mar.16 - English Drow Campaign Orga
Vendui folks!

This is an organization topic for some gamers from the Wizard boards who are preparing a "Drow" campaign for on-line gaming. We will remove this topic once everything is organzied or another location has been found.

There are about four to five participants already, so anyone over here who wants to sneak in should do so soon.


Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think, then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.

eMail   01:34 Mar.16 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
To register (see also below) check the nav bar on the left. Right at the top there should a part saying: "Foren allgemein" ... click on "Neues Profil" (i.e. new profile) and you will go to the login section.
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Note, you will be logged out after about four or five days automatically. To log in again, write your "Nick" into the Login field, your password into the box below and press ENTER.

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This topic can be found under (left nav bar) WORKSHOP.

Welcome to the German RPG - Gate!

Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think, then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.


eMail   09:40 Mar.16 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
Any participants take note:

Do not post any character details apart from race and appearance here. First we decide on a DM and only he / she will know all about the character and discuss details.

Character start at level 5, ECL for Drow respectivly at level 3. Alternativly, we could start at Drow level 5 and use ECL for other races.
This is going to be an Underdark adventure, thus any other race should be able to see in the dark and should have some experience down there.

Keep in mind: this will be an online campaign which will take a long time to finish (approximately 3 - 5 months). Characters may interact via chatrooms, ICQ or AIM, but the main events should happen on the boards. All discussions between characters must be posted to the DM.

Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think, then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.


eMail   19:11 Mar.18 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
I think our American friends are a touch on the shy side, Malla Zanan...

(In case anyone from those at Wizards boards is reading, this would be Another Gnome squeaking. Feel free to email me to [another_gnome@hotmail.com] as needed - I can also give a bit of advice on navigating here from a non-German speaking point of view...)

eMail   23:37 Mar.18 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
Apparently they are, lotha abbil. Maybe I need to give them another little push.

Anyone over here interested?

Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think, then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.

   23:46 Mar.18 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
Depends on several factors...

You'd best list the things you already agreed upon. I'd be more than happy to actually play... DMing is out of question for me, since my RttToEE PBeM is quite a heap of work.

But then again, I'm not that much into playing drow characters... yet alone mastering the language...

Have fun, and know the rules before you try to fix them.

eMail   09:17 Mar.19 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
Well, the thread which started it all can be found HERE"

There wasn't much agreed upon so far, so it's early days yet and much room for changes.

Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think, then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.

eMail   13:52 Mar.23 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
I wouldn't mind playing. Stumbled in on the discussion over on the Wizards board. I am currently playing in an Underdark campaign, though it is a homebrew tweaked Underdark, and we haven't been playing much recently.

eMail   14:36 Mar.23 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
Righty, I guess we stop collecting people willing to participate by the end of March.

We still have to decide on the stuff above as well as the DM. First, I guess, we need to get all people signed up though ...

Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think, then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.

eMail   12:25 Mar.26 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
Alrighty, so far on my lists are ...

Daeinar, Demenon, Foxfire, Oyn, Salvatoria and Selvarin. Dxzauvrinn has yet to respond.

As it seems, unless someother other volunteers, I'll have to take charge of the party building process ... well, so be it.

Any other suggestions than those written above with regards to races, levels, classes, background etc.? We shouldn't become too exotic as far as I am concerned.

If someone wants to have a special race, features etc., please contact me via mail. For once, on-line gaming bars every player from spying () on the others' sheets.

Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think, then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.

avatar Ashen-Shugar 14.Nov.2003 01:11
   Drow Campaign
Zanan's Drow Kampagne

eMail 14:12 Mar.26 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
Suggestions so far:

I'd vote for level 6, or lower for races with ECL (drow  ). All evil humanoid inhabitants of the underdark should be possible, I think, but we should cross-check the chars so we don't have too many difficulties (cleric of Lloth and cleric of Eilistraee in one group  ). Additionally, I'd vote for dice rolling method (4d6, drop lowest, 2 sets is my preferred choice)

Drow of level 5 with ECL boni or penalties for those of other racers. Dice rolls as Demenon suggested, two for each character or three rolls for all perhaps?

Chara cross checking by the DM, I'd suggest. Who knows, maybe someone tries to use an Eilistraeean spy?

Speaking of characters, maybe it would be a good idea if people also say what they expect their character to become later on ... e.g., rogue hopes to become an assassin or shadowdancer.

Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think, then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.

eMail 10:44 Mar.27 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga

Just to make sure:
Demenon (Stefan) voted for Drow of level 6 (whereas my proposal was 5). Thus, every character with another race would be treated by ECL standards, e.g. a tiefling would get ECL -1 (tieflings are ECL +1, Drow ECL +2, thus, the tiefling would be of level 7), a duergar ECL +/- 0 (same as Drow) and a deep gnome (ECL +3) would have ECL +1, i.e. a fifth level character.

As for dice rolls, we tend to use 4d6 as well, with free option of selection - scores to abilities.

No scores of lower than 8 should be on the character sheet after applying racial and level adjustments.

As for character background, we may start in Skullport, thus, any UD race could be chosen. I guess it'll be somewhat mercenary style ...

Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think, then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.
eMail 21:33 Mar.27 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
Skullport sounds good to me.

 21:42 Mar.27 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
I like the idea of starting at level 5 with using ECL for every race so Drow would be level 3. I see no problems with use of WotC published material, Dragon magazine included in this, for use since most of us probably have copies of the basics for a campaign like this... players, FRCS, and possibly Psionics. Getting into third party materila can get a bit exotic and would have less people with the books possible.
I wouldn't be able to DM, not as familiar with the Underdark and it's ways as some others might be. Just playing a PC for me.

eMail 00:07 Mar.28 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
Just keep in mind ... if you choose a race other than Drow, the Drow in the group might have some very special feelings towards you. Make also sure that any race you want is capable in terms of Underdark survival (darkvision et al).

Starting levels ... what we have now is:
Drow with 5 levels
Drow with 3 levels

Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think, then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.

 06:44 Mar.28 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
I'd go for 6 levels (essentially 4 actual levels with the +2 ECL, assuming one's dorw or something similar).But 5 is okay as well. As for references I'll be using Plot & poison and Races of Faerun (although Lords of Darkness and othersources have pretty good bits).

eMail 16:43 Mar.28 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
I have some reservations about third-party material (including Dragon) mainly because I don't like surprises ruleswise, but I suppose I'll just need to trust the DM to make judgement calls on any of that... which reminds me, are there any rules in WotC-published books someone has a problem with? Also, while I'm at it, I do hope people don't expect this to be a stab-in-the-back-at-every-turn type of campaign - not that I couldn't be mean myself, but I very much doubt that's a good idea in an unfamiliar group. Oh well, enough whining for now...  

Oh well again, since ECL 6 seems to be gaining a foothold, I won't object to that...

 19:08 Mar.28 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
I vote on 4d6 place wherever you please and drop the lowest 2 route. Skullport's the perfect strarting place for all the various races co-exsisting their, and also vote for ECL 6. All WotC 3rd edidtion products should be allowed, plus Dragon/Dungeon magazine and P&P (which I still don't have).

 20:03 Mar.28 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
I vote for ECL 6, making all major spellcasters of the same race equal in terms of spell level.

"All WotC 3rd edidtion products should be allowed"


"plus Dragon/Dungeon magazine and P&P (which I still don't have)."

Me neither. But I don't care at all. WotC products will do just fine for me.


Have fun, and know the rules before you try to fix them.
eMail 23:18 Mar.28 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
I easy place to have the campaign at would be to create a Yahoo group or whatever they call it now. Built-in message board, chat rooms iirc, places to upload files for rules or what ever, and messages posted can be fowarded to emails plus you can post by email too.
For running I wouldn't be able to. I am not as familiar with the Underdark as I am sure most of the rest of you are.
On character creation here are my thoughts: Starting at level 5 sounds good. If the campaign is going to be a mostly Drow campaign then Drow should be the 'standard' race with others using their respected ECL - the Drows ECL 2, but if that seems goofy going with ECL for all is good.
avatar Ashen-Shugar 14.Nov.2003 01:11
   Drow Campaign
Zanan's Drow Kampagne

eMail 00:17 Mar.29 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
Ugh. Sorry about posting twice on things. My post on Mar. 27 can be mostly ignored. I didn't think it posted since I didn't notice the messages spilled over into a second page right away.
Anyways now that I have read the posts on the second page....
ECL 6 is fine. Using 4d6 and dropping the lowest, place where you please is the stat generating method I am used to so I'm good to go with that.

eMail 09:37 Mar.29 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga

Majority votes for 6 levels excluding ECL, which would mean a standard race character of level 6, a Drow or Fey'ri of level 4 and a Troll of level -2  

Ability scores via the usual 4d6, drop lowest, distribute as you please. Two sets of scores for everyone, I would propose no abilities below 8 after adjustment of races and levels (you see, there is no point in playing weakies if we are going to play Drow and the like, aye)?

Dice rolls can be found in the (check Nav - Bar on the left) RPG-Gate -> Würfel-Forum -> English Drow Group thread.

To generate rolls, just write 1d6 within square brackets, leave empty spaces and do it again four times in a line, 6 lines in total (one for each ability). I may create ability scores for everyone as well, if you want to. (I start the topic with two rols for my character.

Common rule with regard to HP:
Full HP at first level, half HP for every level thereafter. We could also generate HP via the Dice rolls generator.


Skullport is the chosen starting point. Happy character creating. The sooner I get all character suggestions, the sooner I can check whether the group will work.

As Foxfire said: for the time being, no infighting or bullying or the like. While it might be cool to play a Drow (etc.), if the group doesn't work, we won't have the fun we hope for, aye?!

Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think, then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.
eMail 10:29 Mar.29 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
I've been watching this thread for about three days now and at first I thought it pointless to try joining a group as large as this.
But if you don't mind one other player (who is not even that knowledgeable about drow and the underdark as most of you seem to be) participating, I'd like to give it a try....

eMail 11:10 Mar.29 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
Allrighty, I'd say I'll make a cut here ... on the list are

Daeinar, Demenon, Dxzauvrinn, Foxfire, Oyn, Selvarin and Sephirian, Salvatoria from the US Boards has yet to respond.

Since we are quite large, I would ask people to send some suggestions with regard to general character behaviour (e.g., if the players have no access to the net for a while), thus, the DM can improvise.

Any objections that I'll take care of the character / race - organization for the time being? If not, please send character suggestions asap.  

Foxfire, is tomorrow 16.00 GT fine by you?
Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think, then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.

Ashzar having login prolems  11:28 Mar.29 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
For all of you english speaking people having problems using the dise roller, here is a little help:

Copy the following line:
1D6 = 3 1D6 = 3 1D6 = 3 1D6 = 33=

Now go here:Campaign Dice Roller Thread

and paste the line on time for each attribut. Put every attibut in a single line. 6 lines will give you six attributes. Good luck rollin'!

 14:16 Mar.29 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
The above mentioned method does not work within IE.

This one is fixed to work within IE and Netscape. It calculates all 6 sets of attributes.

1D6 = 5 1D6 = 4 1D6 = 4 1D6 = 63=
1D6 = 4 1D6 = 1 1D6 = 3 1D6 = 33=
1D6 = 4 1D6 = 1 1D6 = 2 1D6 = 33=

1D6 = 5 1D6 = 2 1D6 = 1 1D6 = 23=
1D6 = 1 1D6 = 1 1D6 = 2 1D6 = 13=
1D6 = 1 1D6 = 5 1D6 = 5 1D6 = 33=

Once again the link to the dice roller thread:
Campaign Dice Roller Thread
Wer sich ständig von Vernunft leiten läßt, ist nicht vernünftig.
Charles Tschopp
eMail 14:19 Mar.29 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
Just noticed ... thanks again  

Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think, then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.
eMail 20:55 Mar.29 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
o, well... I've seen this a sec too late - but I think I got those sums right. But thanks all the same.

eMail 18:47 Mar.30 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
Sunday evening shocker - "House rules"

Any objection to:
- FRCS XP distribution

- Initiative rolled for every round

... other main stream House rules wanted?

Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think, then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.
eMail 20:39 Mar.30 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
FRCS Xp is fine by me, but I advice against rolling initiative every round. I don't have too much online gaming experience under my belt, but I would think that combat is best kept as simple as possible.  
avatar Ashen-Shugar 14.Nov.2003 01:11
   Drow Campaign
Zanan's Drow Kampagne

eMail 06:39 Mar.31 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
By the by, I assume everyone starts with the standard treasure for a 6th-level PC (13,000 gp worth of equipment)?

eMail 09:07 Mar.31 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
13.000 GP it is for everyone, unless someone "volunteers" to play a character of a lesser ECL  

I'll post the initiative and reaction stuff later on today, just to explain the mechanics of on-line gaming.

Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think, then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.
eMail 10:48 Mar.31 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
Hello all,

just to sort things out: fr-rules don't differentiate between stat-adjustments for male and female drow, do they? So, it's +2 dex, -2 con, +2 int and +2 Charisma for both?


edit changed stupid mistake

eMail 10:56 Mar.31 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
Aye, standard FRCS rules are applied. (Those printed in the book, Sephirian  ).

For those who want to use Plot & Poison's variety:

Drow - DEX +2, CON -2, INT +2; proficient with longsword, scimitar and hand- / light x-bow; rest same as FRCS Drow; ECL +2

Drey (essentially "Wild Drow") HD 2d8
Drey female - DEX +6, INT +4, WIS +2, CHA +4; +4 on Hide, Listen, Move Sliently & Spot; require sleep; spells like AD&D Drow priestess - ECL +4

Drey male - STR -2, DEX +6, INT +2, CHA +2; rest as female Drey apart from standard AD&D Drow spells - ECL +3

Half-Drow Template (usually human / Drow, but almost any "suitable" race combination possible ... e.g. was that of a Half-Drow Bugbear)
Dex +2, CON -2, INT +2; skills & darkvision as standard Half Drow (FRCS), +1 on Will saves; SR 9+ base cerature's HD - ECL +1

Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think, then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.
eMail 11:11 Mar.31 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
is that book worth buying? Is there anything useful to be found in 'Races of Faerûn'? What would you recommend for some information on (D&D-)Drow, Zanan?

eMail 11:43 Mar.31 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
Well, being a Drow enthusiast I'd say BUY it. IMHO this is "The Drow of the Underdark" for d20, even though it doesn't match Big Ed, of course.
Some of it sounds a bit over the top, but there's more of the AD&D-Drow's flair in it than in any other 3E book I've come accross.

FRCS is a good choice, Lords of Darkness has a chapter about the (surface) Drow and tips about Drow-roleplaying as well. Most of can be found in City of the Spider Queen as well though.
AD&D: lots of stuff ... The Drow of the Underdark, Demihuman Deities, Menzoberranzan (boxed set) and Drizzt do'Urden's Guide to the Underdark are first choice.

But folks, don't hurry and try getting all those books. As I said, on-line games are sluggish and do not require a full grown character history and player background knowledge right from the word "go". (Of course, if you do hurry, I won't stand in your way!  )

Races of Faerun has yet to reach these shores ...

Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think, then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.

 16:58 Mar.31 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
races of faerun is already available - or is this an illusion in my hands? .)

about 4 pages information on drow. +5 specific feats (arachnid rider, deepening darkness, highborn drow, improved levitation, lolth's blessing).
About 3/4 of a page for history, a short outlook, the usual class, favored and prestige class information, about a half page society, a bit language, a few information on magic, short info on deities, some relationship with other races info, 1 unique item: drow knockout poison, nothing special about armor, on pets: only spiders (isn't that strange...) and rules on how to create a surface drow.

If you already read something about drow you won't find many new information here.
Wer sich ständig von Vernunft leiten läßt, ist nicht vernünftig.
Charles Tschopp
 17:08 Mar.31 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
Right. Gawd, I love Lloth´s Blessing and High Born Drow. The last one especially with Fighters and Rogues/Asassins.
Was wollt ihr mir damit sagen? Ich fahre mit den Mädchen zum Zelten und ihr haltet mich für Böse weil ich sie nicht angefasst habe?
 17:14 Mar.31 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
YES, Races of Faerun is worth the buy.

eMail 17:32 Mar.31 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
Thank you for your comments,

I've marked your words , so I've just ordered Races of Faerûn and Plot and Poison is just another click away...
The only Drizzt's Guide I found was at 50 Euro (! I really should have bought it, when the shop down the street still had it)...
If I were to buy an (one) AD&D-product on Drow and the Underdark, which one should I be really looking for? Is there a must-have?

avatar Ashen-Shugar 14.Nov.2003 01:11
   Drow Campaign
Zanan's Drow Kampagne

 17:34 Mar.31 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
BTW: Races of Fearûn managed to get my appetite for drow whetet again. Is this online game slaready full?
Was wollt ihr mir damit sagen? Ich fahre mit den Mädchen zum Zelten und ihr haltet mich für Böse weil ich sie nicht angefasst habe?
eMail 22:32 Mar.31 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
Sephirian, Monsters of Faerun is not a must have, sorry  ... good, but
Races of Faerun was the one mentioned above.

With "these shores" I was referring to myself, not Germany  

Coldwyn, we are more or less full, but one lass has yet to respond to either mail or Wizard board request. Unless she does so soon, you're pencilled in as her replacement (killer ). Try your luck with the dice in the meantime ... it won't hurt, aye?

Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think, then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.
eMail 23:15 Mar.31 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
Sorry, Zanan, that was a typo (I've just corrected it). I have ordered the right book ...

 21:20 Apr.01 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
I won't have access to my copy of Races of Faerûn until Friday. Dammit, I could've sworn I took it with me...

So I may not be able to make a character until then.

Have fun, and know the rules before you try to fix them.

eMail 23:27 Apr.01 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
The same goes for me, Daeinar. I'm still waiting for the books I've ordered and I'd appreciate to use them for character creation.

I've done a rough draft so far, but I'd very much like to flesh it out in some detail. So, I'll just have to wait for the ordered books to do so. I'll flip through the books I have before thursday/friday - but I doubt that I'll have muc h more than a brief concept earlier than friday afternoon.

If the rest of the group wants to start earlier on, I really won't mind to join later (if possible).

Are we going to play in here or was this just to get things coordinated?

eMail 23:59 Apr.01 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
Folks, don't worry! This is an online game ! To say I'll have a busy week from now on is a mild understatement. Thus, I'll give it my best shot to check the charas I have so far and if I have your stuff by the middle of next week or so it will be fine. Up to now I've got Selvarin's Foxfire's and Coldwyn's character ideas, stats and somesuch. Keep them coming as soon as they are available.

Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think, then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.
 08:59 Apr.03 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
hehe... schouldn´t we wait for this baby to be on the shelves till we start?
Was wollt ihr mir damit sagen? Ich fahre mit den Mädchen zum Zelten und ihr haltet mich für Böse weil ich sie nicht angefasst habe?
eMail 09:16 Apr.03 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
Shock horror! Another monetary sacrifice for the Wizards beckons ...

Include your patron deity in your character stats please.

Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think, then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.
 09:26 Apr.03 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
Gosh. I don´t think Sune´d be alright?
Alas, I´ll mail it to you. Please tell me what exatly is required for completed characters.
Was wollt ihr mir damit sagen? Ich fahre mit den Mädchen zum Zelten und ihr haltet mich für Böse weil ich sie nicht angefasst habe?
eMail 09:52 Apr.06 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
Summary so far ...

People in:
Demenon (stats)
Dxzauvrinn (stats & full character)
Foxfire a.k.a. AnotherGnome (stats and character)
Oyn (stats & ideas)
Selvarin (stats and full character)
Sephirian (stats)

Daeinar ... substituted by Coldwyn (stats)
Salvatoria (no respond so far) .... maybe a later addition?

Righty. Try to create and send the character to me, so far, there are no "conflicts".

Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think, then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.
avatar Ashen-Shugar 14.Nov.2003 01:11
   Drow Campaign
Zanan's Drow Kampagne

 17:43 Apr.07 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
I was just about to let ya'll know about the new Underdark Campiagn setting WotC is coming out with later on this year. Oh well Coldwyn beat me to it. I would love to be able to incorperate the material in that book with my character and for Zana to able to use it as a resource, but I'm too ready to get this game going so I guess we'll have to put it to work when it gets here.

Also Zana, if you don't have Savage Species yet, you really need to get it. Because I plan on using a few elements from it and its a great book to have. It has many suitable underdark monsters in it such as the illithid, ogre mage, troll, drider, flamebrother salamander, aranea, ogre, yuan-ti, and many more appropriate for play at any level, even at level 6.

eMail 19:01 Apr.07 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
Well, we should wait and see with regards to this Underdark book. If there is a reasonable feat etc. in there, we might include it. Of course, no wholesale changes to characters during an ongoing adventure.

I've got Races of Faerun now (and after reading some of the Drow stuff I got a wee bit uspet ... ) and if there is something in SS that one of you wants to include, just tell me about it.


Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think, then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.
eMail 12:15 Apr.09 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
Further notes:
We will start of by the end of the week, somewhere in Skullport. (Anyone not familiar with the name or place?) Try to have a few sentences ready to say why you are actually there.

Try not start describing your character with either classical class-descriptive words (his robe was filled in every corner with material componends; he walked in like a silent shadow making no sound at all etc.) NOR pinpoint at every magical or special item. On the other hand, as I know for myself, readers should not start to interprete anything into every single word. (e.g., a pair of nicely crafted leather gloves may be just that, nicely crafted leather gloves)

Try to check this site once or twice per day and wait till all (or at least the person/s you address) have answered. There is a time difference of up to 9 hours between Germany and sunny California and not every chap or lass has access to PCs every time. Thatswhy online games are a bit sluggish. If you wnat to chat with peoples inbetween, via AIM or ICQ, feel free to do so, but give a summary to the audience if necessary and a copy of the discussion to the DM (well, if it is too "private", don't bother  )

Initiatives and actions (attack rolls, saves and SR checks) will be rolled on the "Würfel-Forum" .. obviously, what happens behing the DM's screen remains "hidden" to your spying eyes. *evil grin*

If we start off into the UD or the like, I will deduct some 20 to 50 GP from your accounts to cover for food, drink, bedrolls et al, unless listed on chara sheets.

Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think, then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.
 12:35 Apr.09 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
Some suggestions for playing on this board, which have proven to be quite succesful:

1) Zanan, talk to Talamar, he should open a new Online-Gaming Thread with the rest of the online games, there we should have or own dice-rolling-thread, which is a lot easier. Also, ask for a combat map and how to handle it. Way better´n describing the whole stuff. When all accounts are ready, give the character pics to goode olde Talamar, too.

2) Talking and communication between charakters:

- When your´re shouting, the text should be bold
- when you want to write what you think/feel/wahtever, the text should be in italics.

3) Accounts and Playing:

You can create an account with your characters name. Just make sure to use the same password as with your normal account. Nxet to the field "Autor" should be a dropbox where you can switch between your accouns. Also, if you have a character picture (what I really recommend), it yhould measure 100 x 80 pixels. Sent these pics to Zanan, he´ll handle them.

Coldwyn, who wants to know why Zanan doesn´t answer his mail
Was wollt ihr mir damit sagen? Ich fahre mit den Mädchen zum Zelten und ihr haltet mich für Böse weil ich sie nicht angefasst habe?
 14:20 Apr.09 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
Just advertising...  
Zanan, if you have some personal webspace at your disposal, you might consider trying an HTML/JavaScript-based combat map that I created for the online rpg "Game of Death" (GoD) on this boards.
Arranging it requires some basic programming skills that even Zechi found out to be quite simple  
It goes like this:
setCharacter( "f18", "ulfgar.png", "Ulfgar", "Axe", "hasted", "none.png", "DM" );
setTerrain( "u04", "stone_up" );
setTerrainRectangle( "s04", "t05", "pit" );
setTerrainCircleSolid( "m8", 2, "tree1" );
Smoking kills... other people, too!
eMail 11:54 Apr.10 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
@Lynax .. I'll look into that  

@Coldwyn ... what was your question again?

Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think, then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.
 12:13 Apr.10 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
@Zanan: Well, the one about Feat and Familiar, then the background part, and around 5 other email
Was wollt ihr mir damit sagen? Ich fahre mit den Mädchen zum Zelten und ihr haltet mich für Böse weil ich sie nicht angefasst habe?
eMail 10:26 Apr.11 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
Allrighty, just double-checking on characters and people:

Character & Player
Dx'zau'vrinn - Dxzauvrinn
Zhadristan Myxim - Coldwyn
Nar'zen Sin'th - Foxfire
Zai'Dizzen - Zai'Dizzen (new, substitute for Salvatoria)
Elaisian Varliuth - Selvarin
(none so far, or nothing has reached me) - Oyn
Nathrae - Sephirian
"The Nameless" - Demenon

Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think, then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.
eMail 13:59 Apr.11 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
There's no apostrophe in Narzen. Hm... I should've known everyone will have a Z in the name... maybe I'll change mine to Myrtsi to sound a bit different.

eMail 17:59 Apr.11 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
hey, I haven't got one .... just checking the whole name... nope, none
avatar Ashen-Shugar 14.Nov.2003 01:11
   Drow Campaign
Zanan's Drow Kampagne

 18:26 Apr.11 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
Just a note for those who want to get an account on this boards with their new character name: Leave out the apostrophe(s)! Login wouldn't work.
Smoking kills... other people, too!
eMail 13:40 Apr.13 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
Righty, I'll get into contact with Lynax (one of the big chaps around here - hierarchy-wise) and will write an entry later today. Anyone without the Skullport accessory? Or lacking knowledge of that place in general?

Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think, then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.
 15:03 Apr.13 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
Nope, got the old Skullport books, no prblem there...
Was wollt ihr mir damit sagen? Ich fahre mit den Mädchen zum Zelten und ihr haltet mich für Böse weil ich sie nicht angefasst habe?
 21:40 Apr.13 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
I have the 2nd ed. Skullport city book. So no probs.

 21:42 Apr.13 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
Are going to be playing this in a chat room or through the message boards?

eMail 22:23 Apr.13 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
I'm afraid this is the sluggish message board version  Yet, as I wrote, you may address people via ICQ or AIM as well (does anyone not know what I am talking about?), though if there are group related issues to be solved, there need to be a write-up or summary for the rest. Chat-stuff isn't that usefull if there are time-differences of up to 10 hours.

By the way ... even though people inplay or OOC don't know easch other (that well), is there anyone who wants to start gaming already knowing someone else of the group. (e.g., two chaps come from Sshamath and have met previously)

Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think, then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.
eMail 08:16 Apr.14 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
Here is contact info for me
ICQ: 128416555 name- Max_E_Mumm
AIM: McAbendroth
Email: das_hoax@hotmail.com
MSN: see email
I live in Californie so like it was mentioned awhile ago... there is a 9 hour difference between me and the CET time zone, which I am not sure how much of Germany it covers but I know it gets part of it  I do tend to be on at varied times of the day. Typically I can be seen everyday at 0700 - 1000 CET and every other day or so at about 0000 -0200 CET. Not sure if any of you tend to be on at those times but if so, feel free to contact my on above mentioned message services. If not feel free to email me if you want to scheme with me.
ps- I hope my character got into you Zanan, I sent it two days or so ago. Their name is Vezellek. Probably be making a character name login soon.

eMail 08:43 Apr.14 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
I must say, of the realms I don't know much to nothing about Skullport, except a aprox. placement. Info on where i could find more, would be greatful.

eMail 09:42 Apr.14 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
Oyn, as far as I know Selvarin lives just around the corner (well, I know that "corner" in US terms may still cover a few hundred miles  ) and I was referring to him. Time diference from Germany to California is indeed 9 hours, though Foxfire lives further to the East in woody & laky Finland (another hour away). The character arrived safely.

Zai, do you have ICQ?

Allrighty, I'll wait till our own gaming board is up and running.

Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think, then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.
eMail 10:02 Apr.14 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
Not @ the moment home line is down. It should be up and running on my new computer inside the week. (I hope)
avatar Ashen-Shugar 14.Nov.2003 01:11
   Drow Campaign
Zanan's Drow Kampagne

eMail 11:19 Apr.14 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
Oh, that contact info seems like a good idea.

email: another_gnome@hotmail.com
ICQ: 153199272 "The Tyrmi"

Most of the time I won't be online on ICQ, so it's more convenient to make an "appointment" via email first. I'm browsing the net (at irregular times) pretty much around the clock, though.

* * *

Silly me, contact info probably won't help if it's not associated with my character... I'll be playing a fellow called Narzen.

eMail 12:43 Apr.14 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
Hi there,

my icq# is 208522953

the mail of choice is sephirianM@gmx.de (without the M)

PS: I'm not learning that skullport-book by heart - I really hope you don't expect us to, Zan

eMail 15:15 Apr.14 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
Its just that I don't want to give a long intro to the location, a sightseeing thing and the like. I may copy a few lines into the first article.

The Board organization has gone from Lynax to Talamar (another one of the Gatekeepers, so to speak). I do hope he'll get it online soon.

Please note that there is an e-mail link just below your name on the left of your entries. Speaking of which, "löschen" means "delete". You can, as usual, only delete your own texts.

Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think, then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.

 18:44 Apr.14 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
My e-mail can be reached through the link beneath my name. I've never played an online message-based game before, but I'll just pay attention and follow along til I figure it out.

eMail 19:40 Apr.14 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
Three HAILS to Talamar who has set up our own Board. I will move this Orga Thread to the board soon, but anyone involved will get a link as well. The Dice Roll stuff needs to stay where it is though.

Well my victims ... the scene is set, the musicians are there, now let's see whether you can play ...  

Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think, then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.
 22:31 Apr.14 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
> Speaking of which, "löschen" means "delete". You can, as usual, only
> delete your own texts.

I'm sorry but I have to disprove that.  
The button named "löschen" (=delete) is only available if you are one of the VIPs (sort of moderator) on this boards. There are about twenty of us.
Aside from that, if you are registered at this boards (which most of you are), you have a button name "Editieren" (=edit) that is only at your own postings. If you use this function, there will be a red-colored mark like this: [modifiziert] (=modified) at the end of your modified posting.
Smoking kills... other people, too!
eMail 22:59 Apr.14 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
Well then, beware players, I AM A VIP!  

Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think, then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.
eMail 23:13 Apr.14 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
Zanan, you are so scary...

eMail 09:17 Apr.15 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
I'll be unavailable from tomorrow afternoon to next wednesday, since I'm spending a week in London. It might be bad timing for our starting game, but I'm sure you'll understand my priorities.

 09:25 Apr.15 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
Like many others I´ll have some days off beginning with coming thursday up to tuesday next week. Than I can write again.....

You can reach me via email, or with yahoo (account name is a0019444).

So, now we´ve got two VIPs playing here. nice.

Was wollt ihr mir damit sagen? Ich fahre mit den Mädchen zum Zelten und ihr haltet mich für Böse weil ich sie nicht angefasst habe?
avatar Ashen-Shugar 14.Nov.2003 01:11
   Drow Campaign
Zanan's Drow Kampagne

eMail 09:48 Apr.15 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
All righty ... they call it Easter Holiday in these parts of the world, I guess. Well, make sure you sacrifice a few bits and pieces to Ostara then, the Germanic Goddess who gave her name to these festivities.

Anyone entering beforehand is welcome, as the introductions can be held more "privately".

As Daeinar wrote on the other boards, on-line games live from flair and somesuch, thus it would be nice to think carefully about what you write. You've got time on your hand, much more than at the table. Thus, while I won't penalize anyone for it, single sentence replies to long articles are not that welcome  
I'll post a location for the group's meeting and the start later today.

Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think, then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.
 19:28 Apr.16 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
:Still waiting::

eMail 21:53 Apr.16 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
Urgent family business ...  ... but don't worry, your fate is sealed  

Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think, then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.
 22:49 Apr.16 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
Sorry to hear tht bit O' bad news Zanan, my apologies for my impatience. Hmmm.....So my fate is sealed aye.......::starts thinking of concepts for a new character::.

eMail 13:43 Apr.17 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
Righty, those who are here over Easter may start posting their character description (i.e., as much as the others see of them, clothes, behaviour and the like) into the Main thread.

Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think, then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.
 22:21 Apr.18 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
3.5 UPDATE: I was reading through the site enworld and according to the Fiend Folio weapon finesse now applies to all weapons that are applicable. Zanan can we PLEASE incorperate this 3.5 update!!??

eMail 12:12 Apr.19 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
As in, taking the feat once allows using it with all finessable weapons, but the list of applicable weapons remains the same as in 3E, yes? At least I wouldn't mind that.

eMail 12:28 Apr.19 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
I guess 3RE (as I call it) will make it available to all weapons who benefit as much from Dex as from STR. A longsword for example is in my view a suitable piercing weapon as well, at least if it is masterwork or made from mithral or the like.
I for one are not against 3RE material unless ... well ... let's see it first  
We use non-core stuff anyway, so essentially there is no problem. Substituting stuff needs to be discussed, feats and skill or classes taken from now on (if you gain levels, that is ) are fine by be.

Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think, then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.
 22:14 Apr.19 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
GREAT!!! Now I just wish some of the other players would post their first post besides me so we can get this game underway.

eMail 23:22 Apr.19 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
In a matter of hours... be patient.

"Ol zhah bwael ulu zothreth ust, jhal ol zhah alur ulu zothreth vaen."  

* * *

(As a side note, how does one do bold or italic text around here?)

avatar Ashen-Shugar 14.Nov.2003 01:11
   Drow Campaign
Zanan's Drow Kampagne

 00:24 Apr.20 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
just use thos html tags:
Wer sich ständig von Vernunft leiten läßt, ist nicht vernünftig.
Charles Tschopp
eMail 10:07 Apr.20 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
Don't worry, most of the German lads and lasses will be back after Easter and as I said, online games are somewhat sluggish anyway.

Enjoy the holiday and don't forget to sacrifice something to Ostara  

Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think, then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.
eMail 21:41 Apr.20 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
On a sidenote (and not directed at anyone): if you describe your character's actions do not take up the role of other players or NPC, i.e. try not to assume what other characters will do or, even worse, describe what other characters do.  

Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think, then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.
eMail 22:39 Apr.21 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
A request, if I may...

Try to avoid describing (and, by the same note, questioning) actions that normally involve die rolls without first checking the mechanical outcome with the DM. I'm sure everyone is prepared for things not always going as planned for their characters in combat, and this in my opinion also applies to character interaction in situations not necessarily about life or death.

That is, a little element of surprise will be much more enjoyable when one can trust that whenever fancy actions are performed and described, everything can be assumed to be mechanically valid even if the description itself seemed extraordinary or unlikely to happen.

 18:14 Apr.22 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
So, back again and trying to be creative....
Was wollt ihr mir damit sagen? Ich fahre mit den Mädchen zum Zelten und ihr haltet mich für Böse weil ich sie nicht angefasst habe?
 19:08 Apr.22 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
Who are we still waiting on?? It seems like Selvarin as apparently quit.

eMail 22:04 Apr.22 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
The list is above ... I'll spin the tale a wee bit further soon, as people can still enter chara entrance and descriptions without problems.  

Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think, then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.
 18:18 Apr.23 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
1D6 = 21D6 = 11D6 = 11D6 = 5
1D6 = 31D6 = 11D6 = 61D6 = 5
1D6 = 21D6 = 11D6 = 61D6 = 1
1D6 = 11D6 = 11D6 = 41D6 = 3
1D6 = 21D6 = 61D6 = 21D6 = 5
1D6 = 61D6 = 11D6 = 11D6 = 4


 18:20 Apr.23 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
1D6 = 31D6 = 61D6 = 21D6 = 63
1D6 = 31D6 = 31D6 = 31D6 = 43
1D6 = 21D6 = 11D6 = 21D6 = 23
1D6 = 51D6 = 51D6 = 21D6 = 53
1D6 = 61D6 = 61D6 = 51D6 = 43
1D6 = 51D6 = 11D6 = 51D6 = 33

Dxzauvrinn  18:23 Apr.23 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
I've fogotten how to roll dice
avatar Ashen-Shugar 14.Nov.2003 01:11
   Drow Campaign
Zanan's Drow Kampagne

 19:54 Apr.23 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
Here you are

1D6 = 3 1D6 = 5 1D6 = 1 1D6 = 33=
1D6 = 4 1D6 = 2 1D6 = 3 1D6 = 23=
1D6 = 1 1D6 = 4 1D6 = 5 1D6 = 53=

1D6 = 4 1D6 = 4 1D6 = 2 1D6 = 43=
1D6 = 2 1D6 = 5 1D6 = 1 1D6 = 63=
1D6 = 3 1D6 = 1 1D6 = 5 1D6 = 23=
Wer sich ständig von Vernunft leiten läßt, ist nicht vernünftig.
Charles Tschopp
 21:32 Apr.23 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
Ahh....thank you Ashzar.

1D6 = 61D6 = 41D6 = 11D6 = 1 Summe max(3): 11
1D6 = 61D6 = 41D6 = 51D6 = 4 Summe max(3): 15
1D6 = 11D6 = 11D6 = 11D6 = 2 Summe max(3): 4
1D6 = 41D6 = 61D6 = 11D6 = 2 Summe max(3): 12
1D6 = 11D6 = 61D6 = 31D6 = 3 Summe max(3): 12
1D6 = 61D6 = 21D6 = 51D6 = 3 Summe max(3): 14

1D6 = 61D6 = 21D6 = 61D6 = 2 Summe max(3): 14
1D6 = 31D6 = 51D6 = 61D6 = 6 Summe max(3): 17
1D6 = 51D6 = 61D6 = 51D6 = 4 Summe max(3): 16
1D6 = 61D6 = 41D6 = 31D6 = 2 Summe max(3): 13
1D6 = 11D6 = 11D6 = 41D6 = 1 Summe max(3): 6
1D6 = 41D6 = 11D6 = 41D6 = 1 Summe max(3): 9

eMail 23:34 Apr.23 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
I 've just come back from England and will post my intro tomorrow morning. I'm simply too tired to do anything right now least of all a lengthy desription... I've just managed to check my mail and post short messages in other games, but that intro is too much for me right now, sorry...

eMail 10:51 Apr.24 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
Please do not roll for dice here, use the "Würfel-Forum" Thread for this campaign or Talamar goes chasing after me with Sunbursts, Daylights and Fireballs  

Righty, that's only Demenon and Coldwyn who need to enter. At long last, I will be able to continue then  

Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think, then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.

 17:21 Apr.27 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
@Zanan: Say, does Zhadristan know anything about this particular caravan?
Also, any clue what´s up with Demenon?
Was wollt ihr mir damit sagen? Ich fahre mit den Mädchen zum Zelten und ihr haltet mich für Böse weil ich sie nicht angefasst habe?
eMail 17:59 Apr.27 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
No he doesn't.  
Dunno what's up with him. Has he been on the boards lately? Said he will be off till the 24th I guess ... hopefully he's fine and well. Demenon? Demenoooooon?  

Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think, then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.
eMail 11:30 May.01 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
For reasons unknown Demenon has gone missing, but I assume he will want to join if he finally returns.

You may, as I said, just go on with short discussions between characters in such times of "silence" ... which also tells me that you are still around and interested  

Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think, then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.
eMail 00:47 May.02 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
My computer is messed up right now  It does want to boot up. Trying to figure out whats wrong with it but till I do my posts will be a bit shorter and slower to get up. I can get online at a local library but I only get 30 mins to be on *grumble* Anyways that's all I wanted to inform you about.

eMail 09:18 May.02 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
No problem ... be kind to him (scourge of fangs and all that  ) ... we / I won't forget about you.

Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think, then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.
eMail 09:48 May.02 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
Zanan, may I interpret your silence to my 'question' as a 'no, there's nothing'?
avatar Ashen-Shugar 14.Nov.2003 01:11
   Drow Campaign
Zanan's Drow Kampagne

 10:03 May.02 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
Tz tz tz... always those detection spells....
Was wollt ihr mir damit sagen? Ich fahre mit den Mädchen zum Zelten und ihr haltet mich für Böse weil ich sie nicht angefasst habe?
eMail 11:09 May.02 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
@Nathrae ... check ICQ
(Time to invent: "repair computer" spells, it seems  )

Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think, then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.
 12:06 May.02 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
It occurs that everyone in the room should have had an spot check, followed by a spellcraft checks.... *eg*
Was wollt ihr mir damit sagen? Ich fahre mit den Mädchen zum Zelten und ihr haltet mich für Böse weil ich sie nicht angefasst habe?
eMail 12:28 May.02 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
maybe... Coldwyn, maybe.... I just wondered how many different people you could possibly pay attention to. Looks like drow males tend to be quite busy these days

 12:33 May.02 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
Yeah. Big mouthed, loud and abnoxious tends to be a main character flaw of males these days  

But on the other way around, rules wise, you´d have to roll for hide (with an added circumstances bonus due to preparation and such), everyone else than rolls for spotting, if they see movement or not. What´s better is the Still Spell feat, or stealthy casting (Way of the Ninja) in this case.

I´m not sure whether it´s hide or pick pocket...
Was wollt ihr mir damit sagen? Ich fahre mit den Mädchen zum Zelten und ihr haltet mich für Böse weil ich sie nicht angefasst habe?

eMail 13:20 May.02 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
I'll take care of rolls and somesuch, don't worry ...

Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think, then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.
eMail 08:40 May.05 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
Well my sorta fixed my compute.... put a new harddrive in. Going to work on retriving files from the old one tomorrow so when I get my only copy of my character I will make a copy of it then put up a nice description.

 12:01 May.05 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
Sorry for my lack of answers/involvment the last days, but I´ve been working my ass of with an urgend project.

@Zanan: Say, having received my copy of the Fiend Folio, may I change some slight detail on my charakter? You´ll laugh
Was wollt ihr mir damit sagen? Ich fahre mit den Mädchen zum Zelten und ihr haltet mich für Böse weil ich sie nicht angefasst habe?
eMail 14:05 May.05 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
Obviously, we all need a proof for that worked off thingy of yours  

Just mail those changes to me (not ecessary to even let the others know of your "Fiendish" changes  

Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think, then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.
eMail 15:49 May.06 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
I'm sorry I forgot to give my e-mail address if anyone needs/wants to contact me. barrison_delarmgo@hotmail.com
avatar Ashen-Shugar 14.Nov.2003 01:11
   Drow Campaign
Zanan's Drow Kampagne

 10:42 May.07 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
Wow, things ain´t slowing down, even after 2 month full of stress. But I´m trying to not let you down and keep posting....
Was wollt ihr mir damit sagen? Ich fahre mit den Mädchen zum Zelten und ihr haltet mich für Böse weil ich sie nicht angefasst habe?
eMail 11:03 May.07 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
(Time to invent: "repair computer" spells, it seems )

A 'remove Windows' might do the trick .

eMail 11:20 May.07 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
Just (another) reminder folks ... as in: DM outline ...

This is going to be a team adventure. You may play your characters as you see them fit. Yet, even though you are "evil" Drow, remember that we all want to have fun. Ill feelings between males and females, even bloodthirsty thoughts and the like are very well within the limits of a Drow character, but do not make the adventure as such come unstuck playing out prejudices. You may keep your ill feelings against one guy or another for later on, even plan the odd assassination attempt with me. But discuss them only with me, aye?  

Coldwyn ... You'll lose your scalp early enough, rest assured.  

Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think, then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.

eMail 23:40 May.08 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
Heya folks, don't be shy. If others don't have the time nor access to the boards, just do some in character babble  
(Thus I know who's actually around.)

Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think, then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.
eMail 09:42 May.09 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
Hi there.

I hope you don't mind, but I would like to quit the game. It's a little late, I know, but the three online games I have are too much given college preps and the equally time consuming translation... And since it is a busy table, I'm sure you won't even notice.


eMail 10:08 May.09 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
 ... well well. Now I have to get into contact with your other DM and arrange that your Shevarash-lass reach her goals (or end  ) a wee bit earlier, I assume. Good luck and till next we meet.

NB: Demenon has been lost for some reason, so we continue without him for the time being.

Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think, then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.
eMail 00:09 May.10 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
I'm sorry to see people dropping out.  

As for myself, I've been badly behind schedule with my schoolwork and it's been a week since I last had decent sleep - not to even mention certain sports event of which I shall not speak in the next few decades or so. Thus, you'll have to excuse me for not having put much effort to this lately, Malla Zanan...

At any rate, my summer holiday just started, so Narzen will surely be around more frequently from now on.

 00:10 May.12 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
I won't be posting as frequently as usual for the next 2 weeks folks. I'm in a location with very little access to a comp, but I'll try to post within this time frame as much as possible.

eMail 11:32 May.14 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
Don't be shy and just post the odd line now and then.
You can find almost any sort of supply you need, if you want to purchase anything more valuable, just let me know or ask openly.
I guess we will start off by the end of the week.

Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think, then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.
eMail 23:35 May.19 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
Come on folks ... there is High Adventure out there!

Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think, then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.  
avatar Ashen-Shugar 14.Nov.2003 01:11
   Drow Campaign
Zanan's Drow Kampagne

eMail 10:02 May.20 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
Well, I guess it's safe to skip the small talk as something that happened behind the scenes in favor of getting things underway, and assume everyone now at least remembers one another by name. Any mention of combat tactics and stuff people have shared can be included in the "characters" thread, agreed?

eMail 10:09 May.25 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
I know by now that some have, at this moment and time, difficulties to access the net and I'll drag those charas along. Demenon has posted missing and I'll will introduce him, if he wants to, later on.
If someones wants to do IC small talk outside the adventure, just go along. (Keep the timeline though.)

Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think, then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.
 06:41 Jun.01 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
Zanan, are those of us who are searching the corridor suppose to roll search and spot checks??

eMail 09:58 Jun.01 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
I can do this if you want to, but you can do it yourself at the RPG - Gate -> Würfel-Forum board and our thread. I WILL roll anything if we start a fight etc. or something like pickpocking other characters  though.

By the way, it could well be that I won't be able to drag the camapign on during the week, so you can, just to keep it going, post something not really important, e.g. "I check whether there's enough poison on my bolts and look around warily". Thus we can at least pretend to have some pen & paper feeling .

Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think, then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.
 17:59 Jun.02 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga

Do we play after Lolth fell silent? I thought Zanan mentioned we don´t. Just wondering ....
Was wollt ihr mir damit sagen? Ich fahre mit den Mädchen zum Zelten und ihr haltet mich für Böse weil ich sie nicht angefasst habe?
eMail 23:30 Jun.02 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
General announcement: ( )
No "Silence of Lolth" in this adventure. As long as I don't know what is going to happen and how long it will last in "Real Realms Time", I keep things as they are.

Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think, then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.
eMail 13:53 Jun.04 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
How in the name Lolth do you get the italics. I can't write in anything other than straight font.

eMail 14:21 Jun.04 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
Allrighty .... instead of the square brackets use on the Wizard boards, use these ones: >

eMail 16:23 Jun.04 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
Danke schön, dass han i nöd emol gwussd (Schweizer Deutsch)
Maybe we should put that one the Drow/Elvish Dialekt thread by Wizards.

 20:02 Jun.04 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
I apologize for my mistake. I wasn't aware that we weren't employing the whole silence of Lolth. So is Ched Nasad still standing? And is Menzoberranzan being beseiged? Also, since Lolth hasn't fell silent that would make Kiransalee still a demigod instead of a lesser deity.

I would also like to know how to make my words in italics. >is this it?
avatar Ashen-Shugar 14.Nov.2003 01:11
   Drow Campaign
Zanan's Drow Kampagne

:>Dxzauvrinn:<  20:08 Jun.04 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga

eMail 23:38 Jun.04 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
With regard to the Silence and all that: yes. I haven't even read the first book, as I will wait for the paperbacks.
Thus, everything is fine and well with Lolth, Ched Nasad, Menzo and Kiaransalee.

Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think, then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.
eMail 09:38 Jun.05 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
>this a test

eMail 11:44 Jun.05 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
allrighty, as we are running now, he's the (temporary) final list of all the six players:

Dxzauvrinn ("unknown" or "Dxzauvrinn" on the board) - male Drow
Narzen ("Narzen" / "Foxfire") - male Drow
Nata'al ("Zanan") - female Drow
Vezellek ("oyn" or "Vezellek") - female Drow
ZaiDizzen ("ZaiDizzen") - male Drow
Zhadristan ("Zhadristan" / "Coldwyn") - male Drow

Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think, then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.

eMail 13:52 Jun.05 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
It doesn't like me this italic system doesn't want to work for me. It could be my unsympathetic way with technology.

 14:26 Jun.05 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga

Well, this board uses standard HTML-codes.
[a href="http://www.rpg-gate.de" target="_blank"]RPG-Gate[/a]
[img alt="info text" src="http://www.rpg-gate.de/bild.jpg"]

This are the standard HTML-tags. replace "[" with "" (without ") to get what you want.

Was wollt ihr mir damit sagen? Ich fahre mit den Mädchen zum Zelten und ihr haltet mich für Böse weil ich sie nicht angefasst habe?
eMail 16:09 Jun.05 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
:this is a test again

eMail 16:19 Jun.05 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
Du Coldwyn, ES geht nicht.

I don't know why it just dosen't work for me I keep trying, but... i'll just type w/o it.

 16:29 Jun.05 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
ow man.... also, setz vor den kursiven Satz ein dann den Satz und am Ende des Satzes dann .... und das halt alles mit besagten drei-eckigen Klammern, die du zwischen der "Shift" und der "Y" Taste findest ...

ach, ich mails dir nochmals
Was wollt ihr mir damit sagen? Ich fahre mit den Mädchen zum Zelten und ihr haltet mich für Böse weil ich sie nicht angefasst habe?
 18:25 Jun.05 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
testing... wonder if this is working

let me try this if its not  
avatar Ashen-Shugar 14.Nov.2003 01:11
   Drow Campaign
Zanan's Drow Kampagne

 18:29 Jun.05 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
Whoo Hoo!!! Finally got it! Now I can talk in the silent hand language without always having to say I'm doing so.

eMail 09:54 Jun.06 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
This is yet anotoher test

eMail 09:57 Jun.06 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
HAHAHAHAH I can do it
as his hands flash like lightning through the room.

eMail 09:59 Jun.06 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
Now I can't stop

 11:02 Jun.06 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
Was wollt ihr mir damit sagen? Ich fahre mit den Mädchen zum Zelten und ihr haltet mich für Böse weil ich sie nicht angefasst habe?
eMail 12:01 Jun.06 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
har har my turn to make sure im doing italics right...
lalala blah blah blah

eMail 11:18 Jun.08 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
Oyn, we've just started and I don't expect your lass turned up half asleep and with no spells, did she? The watch and rest stuff was a more general thing, not one to be tested right now  
We will continue soon.

Righty ... following order (I will roll d6 for random encounters and the target the attacker choses, hence the numbers in front of the names):

1 - D'xau'vrinn & Szo'r (scouts)
2 - Zhadristan (middle)
3 - Narzen (middle)
4 - Vezellek (middle)
5 - ZaiDizzen (rear)
6 - Nata'al (rear)

Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think, then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.

eMail 10:41 Jun.09 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
I know I know, but still it's good to stay in contact with higher ups  Besides never really said I was praying for spells

eMail 13:16 Jun.13 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
Vendui folks!
One of the ventilators of my PC is about to blow up and I'll get a new one on Monday or Tuesday. Keep up some in-time cat in the meantime, I'll try to use another PC tomorrow.
Enjoy your weekend!

Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think, then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.
eMail 10:02 Jun.15 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
Right, it is the processor's cooling device and I am walking on thin ice right now. Well, I do hope you appreciate my efforts to keep you on your toes  

Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think, then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.
avatar Ashen-Shugar 14.Nov.2003 01:11
   Drow Campaign
Zanan's Drow Kampagne

eMail 11:57 Jun.15 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
Of course we appreciate it. Processor cooler, eh? Well, at least that's easier to switch than the box cooler that went kaputt in my machine... it needs to be given some push with a screwdriver before it starts to spin. (Kids, don't try that at home!) But, at least it keeps spinning once started. For now. *sigh*

eMail 15:40 Jun.18 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
Vendui! I am back in business, even though my GeForce 2 isn't working probably as yet. At least all is nicely coloured and everything seems to work normally. I'll get those orogs into trouble later tonight.

Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think, then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.
eMail 23:24 Jun.18 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
Away we go ... check the Würfel-Forum -> English Drow Campaign thread for your results, I guess only ZaiDizzen had some baaaaad luck with his MS attempt.
Right. As we have done so far, you describe your next actions, I roll for it as well as the orogs (yes folks, this is just a check how this all works on-line  - no escape route whatsoever) and tell you about the outcome.
Reactions or more detailed descriptions of your characters actions may follow afterwards.

Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think, then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.
eMail 00:22 Jun.19 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
Righty, but I take it that the numbers at Würfel are without modifiers? So, who actually goes first?

eMail 01:40 Jun.19 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
So adding in modifiers Vezellek got these results...?
Initiative: 12 + 4 = 16
Hide: 8 + 14 = 22
Move Silently: 5 + 4 = 9

Just wanted to make sure that our modifiers are being taken into account.

eMail 09:11 Jun.19 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
Well, it is pretty easy. I have both your and thze orogs' stats right here. You describe what you are going to do, I'll will check at which time you will do it and write up a short summary of what happens, as for example the missed Move Silently attempt by Zai (the orog rolled a 17 + 5 on his Listen check behind the DM's screen anyway.) I forgot to tell you that the first initiative roll is meaningless, since you are all "readied". I just have a complete column to copy & paste here and put it into the Würfel Thread.

Do not tell your "friends" of your numbers please. It keeps the flair and reality mark at a higher level, IMHO.

Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think, then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.
eMail 15:09 Jun.22 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
Just to add something ... houserule-wise  
Just as with critical rolls, I tend to use fumbles. Thus, if someone manages to "roll" a 1 as his attack roll, I will roll again and if the score is 1 - 3 again, the chara will drop the weapon (or whatever he used). Standard rules for getting the item back in the next round do apply.
If a character has more than one attack per round, all attacks after the fumble (regardless of the second fumble-check) are lost due to regaining either the weapon or the composure. Agreed?

Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think, then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.
Dxzauvrinn  20:13 Jun.22 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
You are the DM Zanan. What you say goes.

eMail 09:30 Jun.28 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
Sorry for the dealy ... the PC where I spend the last five days wasn't up to this board's technology. I'll continue over the weekend.

Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think, then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.
 11:20 Jun.30 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
*g* I won´t fire poisoned cross bolts in a melee when I´m not having the slightest ability to use ranged weapons, so please excuse my inactivity in this fight so far....
Was wollt ihr mir damit sagen? Ich fahre mit den Mädchen zum Zelten und ihr haltet mich für Böse weil ich sie nicht angefasst habe?
avatar Ashen-Shugar 14.Nov.2003 01:11
   Drow Campaign
Zanan's Drow Kampagne

eMail 10:57 Jul.03 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
Well ... may I did not mention it, but it would be good if I get a short description of how people react or what they are doing in times when PCs are not within an arm's length. Thus, I could continue without each and every player has to say what he/she is doing each round.
I assume, unless otherwise told, that we go on as before, aye?

Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think, then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.
eMail 08:34 Jul.07 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
I will gte the first part of the fight going today and tomorrow, but will be off from Tuesday till Friday evening. Thus, make good preparation during that time and keep some in-play banter going, will you?!

Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think, then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.
eMail 10:18 Jul.08 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
Well lads and lasses, I am off till Friday and that gives you some time to reply and make a decent plan for your next moves.

Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think, then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.
eMail 22:06 Jul.11 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
There and back again ... tomorrow I'll look after your scalps again  

Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think, then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.
eMail 17:48 Jul.18 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
Well, as it seems I need to assume that those who don't answer in time do whatever they intended beforehand? Well, I will drag you on a wee bit soon ...

Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think, then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.
eMail 01:14 Jul.20 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
I haven't been around here in a few days... been sick  I'll take a closer look later and post something

 11:40 Jul.20 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
As is evident from my absence from this board, I´m busy working on the v3 version, doing layout and stuff, so I´ll not be availlable for some time, as launch date is late summer this year. I´ll look by every once in a while when possible.
Was wollt ihr mir damit sagen? Ich fahre mit den Mädchen zum Zelten und ihr haltet mich für Böse weil ich sie nicht angefasst habe?
eMail 18:15 Jul.22 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
We almost missed out on this due to the server transfer, but nonethelss, I am an evil DM and thus ... CHECK THIS

Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think, then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.
eMail 14:10 Jul.24 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
Next round. I know what Zai is up to. What#s the plan of the remaining members?

Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think, then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.
eMail 10:58 Jul.25 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
um ok.... heres a little explaination of Vezellek's actions.
The first part is intended as a readied action to be done after the rest of the party acts so not to mess up anybodies crossbow shots and become the target of them instead of the orc priestess  
The part after the ---- is her action for the following round after her drop. If I read correctly she will be able to mix her drawing with standing up as her move action and still be able to attack. If not she just growls with dagger in hand with no stabbing (attack). That's all  
avatar Ashen-Shugar 14.Nov.2003 01:11
   Drow Campaign
Zanan's Drow Kampagne

eMail 15:21 Jul.25 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
Oyn ... if you want to have two options, post them just here.  I'll check what is available to her and write the stuff accordingly. Thus the main text is not broken with seperate possible options/actions.
Of course, this does not mean that I will post in the main text alone. You can write most of the stuff yourself, obviously. Only the "If's and But's" should remain here, if they are seperated by lines, dots or the like. I hope that was not too confusing, was it?

Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think, then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.
eMail 20:21 Aug.12 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
[Does the orog priestess look dead now? If she still seems to breathe, Narzen stabs again. Otherwise he attacks the nearest orog still standing.]

Dxzauvrinn  23:19 Aug.12 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
Do any of you have the 3.5 books yet? There are some important character changes in the books and also some great new updates/revisions.

eMail 09:12 Aug.13 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
Mine should arrive in the next few days (today if I'm lucky) and the SRD has been up for a good while now anyway. Perhaps the question should be more along the lines of, "does everyone want to convert the characters to 3.5 and what does our good DM have to say about the matter"?

Zanan from another place than Home  11:06 Aug.13 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
Depends on the changes ... I won't object to in-class changes .. as in bard 3E -> bard 3RE.

Feats, well depends.
Spells, I still favor the 3E.

I only have SRD's and that won't change for the forseeable future.

eMail 14:08 Aug.13 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
(I was lucky!) Narzen doesn't have much to convert, but I'll send a revised character sheet for approval anyway. That is, I'll do the math and prepare a list of things that would change for reference and to get in touch with the new rules myself, and whatever on that list you actually want to change can be looked into later, aye Zanan?

Dxzauvrinn  17:37 Aug.13 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
::sighs:: I would love to change and update my character, especially after skimming through the new books, but I'm afraid I do not yet have them, nor will I for quite some time. Sadly money is tight for be right now. : (

eMail 21:03 Aug.13 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
Just download the SRD's then  the work just fine for the time being.

Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think, then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.
eMail 13:05 Aug.14 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
The closest I am to having 3RE books is that my girlfriend has them (but we don't live together *sigh*). From what I have read I have no problems with converting. I'll do conversions and send a revised char sheet. Off to download the SRD's now.

eMail 15:28 Aug.14 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
watch out for changes in equipment though - cloaks / boots of elvenkind for example ... (just +5 on hide and Move silently)

Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think, then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.  
avatar Ashen-Shugar 14.Nov.2003 01:11
   Drow Campaign
Zanan's Drow Kampagne

 19:00 Aug.14 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
Can one of you please e-mail me some of the changes, like the changes to fighters, rogues, rangers and feats?

eMail 23:37 Aug.14 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
Check your e-mails ...

Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think, then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.
eMail 22:41 Aug.21 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
At this moment and time, of all the orogs only the one who is fighting Nata'al and the raging chap who is now attacking Dxzauvrinn are left on the scene of battle.

Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think, then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.
eMail 21:01 Sep.03 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
I'll send out XP scores for the fight later this evening. I have been busy these days translating stuff, thus there's the delay. Some appear to have deserted us though  ...

Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think, then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.
eMail 21:54 Sep.04 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
I want to say that I haven't deserted you I went on vacation I have just gotten access to the internet. I'm enjoying the, the see, and the fires of Corsica. I'm still around.

eMail 10:33 Sep.07 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
On a sidenote ... house rule ... potions of healing get straight HP totals, not Xd8's. Thus a potion of healing (CLW) will restore 10 HP, the next version 15 HP and so on.

Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think, then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.
eMail 11:35 Sep.08 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
So far, only Narzen has posted a 3Revised character to me. Anyone else wants to bring his chap or lass up-to-date?

Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think, then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.
eMail 16:19 Sep.08 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
Ahem... how many people are there still around?

eMail 17:44 Sep.08 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
Well, all actually ... if you refer to the players. Zhadristan has posted "busy" and will return as soon as he can. I expect the rest is still around. Rest? Just raise your hands please ...

Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think, then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.
eMail 07:10 Sep.09 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
*raises hand* Just haven't posted much lately.. and I will probabyl get around to updating Vezellek this week sometime.
avatar Ashen-Shugar 14.Nov.2003 01:11
   Drow Campaign
Zanan's Drow Kampagne

eMail 18:22 Sep.10 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
Right, so there are Vezellek, Zai'Dizzen, Nata'al, and Narzen yet to get their share of the loot, then? Okay, I'll get back to it later tonight...

eMail 09:34 Sep.11 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
Yep ... and don't forget Zhadristan, who made sure no one surprised us during the fight  

Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think, then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.
eMail 11:32 Sep.11 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
Damn! I knew all those names with Z's in them would get me confused at some point...

 11:39 Sep.11 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
*g* Thought so, too.

If somebody wants to shoulder that burden, he can take over the character for the time I´m too busy for this campaign. Damn, I´m trying to import this thread to the new boards as I don´t want running online-RPGs to be lost during the transition, so I´m working hard so you all can play on.
Was wollt ihr mir damit sagen? Ich fahre mit den Mädchen zum Zelten und ihr haltet mich für Böse weil ich sie nicht angefasst habe?
eMail 11:53 Sep.11 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
(I fixed Narzen's last post... take note of the different share of coins now.)

Dxzauvrinn  04:00 Sep.15 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
still around. This been very busy lately. I will update my charater very soon. Probably tommorow sometime.

eMail 12:41 Sep.22 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
Vendui folks!

This is the DM's standard question: "The fight is over, the loot divided, what next?" It is your turn to do/say something  

Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think, then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.
eMail 19:12 Sep.22 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
Okay, I guess it won't hurt to simply assume everyone has now taken what they wanted (as in, the details can be looked into later if and when needed). I'll get back to business soon enough.

eMail 20:53 Oct.23 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
Just in case ... the scout has got some info and he could/should drive the thing on a bit.

Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think, then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.
eMail 16:26 Oct.26 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
Ah well, lads and lasses, I totally forgot this ... just to let all the onlookers and readers know how multi-cultural we are, maybe we should give at least the places where our alter egos dwell, shouldn't we?

Your part-time DM's alter ego resides in Berlin, Germany.

Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think, then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.  
avatar Ashen-Shugar 14.Nov.2003 01:11
   Drow Campaign
Zanan's Drow Kampagne

eMail 18:59 Oct.26 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
The rivvil with the strange sense of humor writing of Narzen dwells in the Land of Night Sun in Midsummer, far in the frozen reaches of the north.

For those more familiar with the local geography, that would be in Lappeenranta, Finland.

* * *

And he can't help but to wonder how he always manages to start a new page when replying to something...

Dxzauvrinn  04:28 Oct.27 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
Troy, Alabama USA (college student)

eMail 06:09 Oct.27 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
Fairfield, California USA... a town about an hours drive from San Francisco.

eMail 08:34 Nov.01 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
I just have a quick look at the Underdark book earlier today. *drool* So now my question is this: Will we be able to use stuff from it? There's a presitige class I would like to go towards if we make it that far in this campaign.

eMail 10:13 Nov.01 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
Let me have it first ... it is ordered and should be around today or by next week. In general, I don't have any problems with new PrC ... as long as the character development suits it.

I'll send a 3RE chara sheet out later today and it would be great if you could fill it in over the next few days (since we happily slugg along anyway  )

Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think, then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.
eMail 15:57 Nov.09 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
Vendui lads & lasses!

The D&D Gate and its Forums / boards will move to the new server which look much more like the Wizboards that we all hold dear . You can get a first glance at the following link ... The New Gate ... and if you click on FORUM in the top nav bar you'll get an idea about our future playground. You will find our borad under the heading "PC-Spiele & MMORPG" .. I guess.

Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think, then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.

eMail 15:30 Nov.11 - Re: English Drow Campaign Orga
Allrighty, it'll take a few days since the new boards have been set up, but progress is made with each passing hour.
It is a good opportunity for you to double check your charas with regards to 3RE as wellas writing/re-writing your character description. I'll post a summary of the adventure and your descriptions (unless you want to do this) when the new thing is up and running.

If you feel uncomfortable with all this new logg-in stuff, just mail me and I will do all the registration stuff for you. There is an option which let's you switch most of the things to English (though I haven't checked that option out myself).

UNDERDARK has arrived, so any 3RE or chara changes might be posted to me as well.

Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think, then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.

Zanan 14.Nov.2003 09:11
 Thanks for doing all the copy and paste work during the wee hours tonight. I was about to ask when this will happen and at which point I can copy the old stuff to the new boards ...

Well, I consider sparing your soul for a later transformation then  ;)
avatar Ashen-Shugar 14.Nov.2003 11:11
 You're too good to me ;P
Zanan 16.Nov.2003 10:11
 Well Blackskins ... I know that Dxzauvrinn has made it, what about the others? Anyone already here? :ph34r:  
avatar Narzen 16.Nov.2003 11:11
 Jetzt bin ich hier, Malla Zanan...
Zanan 16.Nov.2003 12:11
 :blink: and writing perfect German as well. Some Gate'rs should take note  :D

That's two!
avatar Oyn 26.Nov.2003 09:11
Yeah I made it over. Been sick past week or so. Why it's taken so long. Do we make a second log in for character posts again?
Zanan 26.Nov.2003 10:11
 No second log-in needed, unless you wish to.

Dunno, I was waiting for responses ... anyway, we are now going on as usual.

Narzen, Dxzauvrinn and Oyn are now on-board, Coldwyn is still workloaded, ZaiDizzen has a few problems getting in touch so I keep them under my wing for the time being.

BTW, what path was Vezellek going to chose (Underdark book now ready).
Zanan 02.Dec.2003 09:12
 Just in case you were wondering what your DM will through at your direction next ... The Monster  :ph34r:

BTW, don't be post shy folks!
Zanan 13.Dec.2003 12:12
 BTW ... just in case you think I've forgotten about it, those four who can view it made their saves vs. the basilisk's illusion. (Damned dice ...  :angry: )
Zanan 27.Dec.2003 11:12
 RE that Howler's attack ... four people attacking it right now and the Howler will bite one of those. I determine it randomly per round according to the following list (from the Ini list) ...
1 - Dxzauvrinn
2 - Narzen
3 - Nata'al
4 - Szor
Zanan 06.Jan.2004 01:01
 Back with you tomorrow (Wed, 07/01/04) ... and Happy New Year tae ye all!
Anonymous 13.Jan.2004 09:01
 How much XP do we get??
Zanan 22.Jan.2004 02:01
 XP should be known by know, rightio?

If Vez and Dxzauvrinn want to chat a little, I/you can simply start another thread, (just like the conversion between Narzen and Nata'al) - if you want to.
Zanan 26.Jan.2004 12:01
 During this rest, nothing happens. Well, nothing with rgeards to disturbances etc. ...  B)  
Zanan 26.Jan.2004 06:01
 Dx'zau'vrinn, don't worry, Vez will show up in that cavern ;) ... I hope. You can handle this still even if the rest moves on a bit.  
Anonymous 26.Jan.2004 09:01
 I still feel that we should the story along Zanan. I was trying to just throw in a little spicey interlude, but its dragging out too long.
Zanan 26.Jan.2004 09:01
 No problem ... as I said, this break can be counted as a timeout for those who want to write a bit more. The gang will move on tomorrow.
Zanan 09.Feb.2004 10:02
 The map only indicates that the way is round the island (which is no problem at all) and exiting the cavern on the opposite side. You are now about a day away from the site of the ambush(?) ...
avatar Oyn 16.Feb.2004 10:02
Sorry I haven't been around recently. Been busy with school work and looks like I'll remain as busy for the next 2 weeks so I probably won't have any posts till then. Hopefully I will sooner.
Anonymous 23.Feb.2004 05:02
 Zanan, you never did tell us much XP we got for the drider, I don't have my books anymore so I wouldn't be able to tell.

Also, I WOULD LOVE TO PLAY IN THIS NIGHT BELOW CAMPAIGN, but is there any way for me to play in english in a german game? Any auto-translaters?
Zanan 23.Feb.2004 06:02
 D'x ... I mailed the XP a wee while ago but could check back how much (or little ) you got.

As for Night Below ... well, this is not actually an online campaign. Since we (me and my players) only meet once per week I chose this board to do some inter-session talk and stuff we could handle outside those hack & slash evenings  ;) ... thus, it isn't usefull to play here.

Maybe I adapt it later on and we can have a go at it as well though.
Zanan 01.Mar.2004 02:03

I am about to sign up two other players for the campaign to take over some of our "silent folk"  for the time being.

Apart from that, I'll take it that we can move on, can we?
Anonymous 01.Mar.2004 04:03
 Sounds great!!! Sign them up! And yes, we can and should move on.
avatar Lioth'Laersir 03.Mar.2004 11:03
 Vendui jal!

Took me some time to get familiar with the 3rd edition since I only played 2nd edition AD&D so far, thats why I post that late. Hope I'll keep in mind enough of all the new rules.

I'll take over Zai'Dizzen Armgo for now. So far I have his important stats and think I know what he's able to do and what not. Hopefully I'm right.  :rolleyes:
Anonymous 05.Mar.2004 12:03
 (Narzen here)

Computer trouble's kept me offline for some week now, but I hope to catch up during the weekend. Until then, you'll just need to make it without the wisdom of the fearless leader.  ;)  
Zanan 06.Mar.2004 09:03
 I'll be off for the weekend, so keep your characters talking, preparing, "doing" and what have you. (Good character play is always rewarded  :gut: )
Zanan 12.Mar.2004 11:03
 Inbetween: during the last breaks, Zai'Dizzen casts a couple of divination spells on the magical treasury gathered so far and what he comes up with is ...
- ring of ram (29 charges)
- a hammersphere
- bracers of armor +3
- jar of Keoghtom's Ointment
- a mage's hand
- holy symbol of Moradin
- phylactery of faithfulness

... from the drider's lair.

You may distribute this stuff before we enter the tunnel.
Zanan 14.Mar.2004 02:03
 No "HERE ME, I WANT THIS!" cries for the above?
avatar Narzen 15.Mar.2004 11:03
 Well, they're all in Narzen's bag already...   :ph34r:

(Actually, I meant to take a look at those but, uh, then I forgot...  :blink: )

(Ah... I should keep a more careful eye on my things. It seems Dx has snatched that ring while I wasn't looking.  <_<  ;) )
Zanan 16.Mar.2004 10:03
 General remark:

If I describe something in the text, I do not refer to any rule material or the like. As in: in case of the carrion crawler I worte "huge". This does not mean I that this is a "huge carrion crawler of 5-9 HD", just that it is a huge beast.  ;)  
Zanan 24.Mar.2004 09:03
 Rightio ... I will use those numbers to determine which monster (etc.) is attacking which character ... randomly cose at the beginning of each encounter / attack (alphabetically):
1 - D'xau'vrinn
2 - Narzen
3 - Nata'al
4 - Vezellek
5 - Zai'Dizzen
6 - Zhadristan

Generally, one monster gets one drow, unless the situation says otherwise.  
avatar Narzen 24.Mar.2004 04:03
 When it comes to AoOs, Narzen tries to take them at the first opportunity unless noted otherwise.
avatar Oyn 24.Mar.2004 11:03
Not sure on this but are are we at a more open or closed area right now. Want to know if there's somewhere to get to higher ground to try and see whats going on better.
Zanan 26.Mar.2004 02:03
 I'll keep it going later today or tomorrow.

From the tunnel you are in, you cannot watch passed the first dead lizard and its monstrous rider.  
avatar Narzen 26.Mar.2004 07:03
 (Curses...  :huh: )
Zanan 28.Mar.2004 10:03
 Time check at 10.45 GT .. the British have changed as well, so 13.30 GT stands.

D'xau'vrinn ... easy! The landshark isn't coming your way as yet.   ;)
Anonymous 28.Mar.2004 06:03
 K! He's just ready!
Zanan 29.Mar.2004 12:03

Apparently (and as yet unconfirmed) a WORM has made it inot my system. If you get some dodge mails from me with strange exe attachments, pifs or the like and you don't feel convinced about it, do not open the attachments.

I'll keep you posted if my hunt was succesfull.

How it is called
Zanan 29.Mar.2004 02:03
 Rightio, after some Worm-hunting, nothing was detected.

If you think you need some help, free worm-hunter tools can be downloaded right HERE. To be absolutely sure, just download all the tools (about 160 kB each and let them run (they scan the whole system). It'll take a while, but at least you are safe for some time.

It's English (use the Symantec thing), so don't worry. Just click on the Name of each of the Worms (e.g. W32.Netsyk ...), head on till the TOOL link and use: Symantec (FxNetsky.exe) Direkt-Download.
Zanan 31.Mar.2004 12:03
 What next, my dark skinned heroes? ;)  
avatar Narzen 01.Apr.2004 08:04
 Well, I for one am starting to consider changing my internet connection provider to someone who actually does provide the damn connection... I'll try to get back in business again (and again, and again - I've been trying in vain for 3 days now  :angry: ) but I currently have no idea when the line gets back up.

Zanan 02.Apr.2004 07:04
 So I have Mr. Reliable's response, but I need at least one or two more replies till I move you onwards.

Anonymous 03.Apr.2004 12:04
 I guess you'll need to fill in Narzy's part until Monday at least, Malla Zanan. It doesn't look too good with my connection.
Zanan 03.Apr.2004 03:04
 (Haven't check my e-mail up until now, but I hope you'll be around tomorrow (KO 16.00 hours GT)
Zanan 08.Apr.2004 10:04
 Rightio ... I'll keep you in trouble later tonight  ;)  ... maybe you check what you are looking for in the first place (Page 1 or 2 of the main thread). Happy Easter to all of you!
Zanan 12.Apr.2004 01:04
 Hey lads and lasses, not all at once!  ;)

As I said before, a simple line ("Scans the blades." - "Looks for the landshark" etc.) tells me how many of you have read the stuff (and whether it is sensible to go on). Else I will wait till at least two responses have arrived ... it's not that I am playing with myself here, is it. (DM looks at Zanan, Zanan looks at Nata'al ...  B)  )
avatar Narzen 12.Apr.2004 09:04
 Perhaps everyone was waiting for me to start a new page again...  :D  
Zanan 16.Apr.2004 11:04
 D'x ... I'll get to any specific stuff collected, found, and stolen a bit later ;)
Anonymous 29.Apr.2004 09:04
 Dx'zau'vrinn Sense Motive check against her answers Zanan.
Zanan 30.Apr.2004 12:04
 Nothing seems amiss with her answers ...
Zanan 03.May.2004 04:05
 Silence is golden ... but doesn't earn you XP!  ;)

Okay, I need to try this one:  :fechten:  
avatar Sheiriya 03.May.2004 10:05
 OK, I'll write an answer now, although I would have liked to see something more than more or less statue-like drow.  :unsure:  
Zanan 11.May.2004 04:05
 Ha .. at least the DM is writing something!  B)  
Zanan 12.May.2004 01:05
 A reminder:

The list (of Naedrylaen) reads ... two adamantine short swords, a pair of bracers, three books (short description ... apparently some sort of tomes about the creation of potions), a staff, two rings and a rod, plus fourteen vials containing a special antitoxin.

So far ... two adamantine blades (Zhadristan), two books (Zhadristan) since no-one else is activly looking  ;)
avatar Sheiriya 12.May.2004 01:05
 Sorry, but Sheiriya doesn't know that. B)  
Zanan 12.May.2004 05:05
QUOTE (Sheiriya @ May 12 2004, 12:53 )
Sorry, but Sheiriya doesn't know that. B) [/quote]
 Of course she does not. The message was for the rest of the gang  :D  ... who is apparently somewhat uncomfortable. Or why else would they want to walk off without even looking at the loot and all  :blink:  
avatar Narzen 13.May.2004 11:05
 Well, I'm so accustomed to giving and receiving little to no loot in my own games that it's difficult to figure out what to do with that much stuff found after every battle (   :rolleyes:   ), not to mention we have precious few identify spells available and the nearest town is not exactly nearby...

Really, it's the practical reasons troubling me with dividing the stuff. Nobody (save for Dx'zau'vrinn  :D ) wants to call dibs on anything, and it's difficult in the role of a leader to simply divide the stuff when I don't know what the party members actually need and can use either (as opposed to live games).

Which brings me to a point, I suppose. Perhaps you, oh gracious DM, could do the sharing of the loot for us to get that out of the way in a relatively fair manner, and have the characters argue about who gets what and what a given item could be traded for after everyone already has something to hold on to? Just a thought - not that I would even consider that in a live game, and it's not terribly in-character solution anyway, but it could be worth a try here.
Zanan 15.May.2004 10:05
 Gracious DM?  :pirate:  

I'll have a look in that.

Sheiriya, your request will be checked as well.
avatar Oyn 15.May.2004 10:05
i'll have to write/post a reply tomorrow or something. friends birthday today so a bit drunbk right now. woooo birthdays
Zanan 17.May.2004 04:05
 Rightio, I'll prepare a list of stuff the lasses and lads will find and sent it to each player. What you keep and what you hand to the others will be up to yourself.
Zanan 18.May.2004 02:05
 You should all receive a list of the stuff your characters have found. The lower part is meant for everyone, not each individual. Try to make clear  (to me via mail or on the main board) what you want to keep or whether you are willing to sell / barter it to / with the rest.
Zanan 21.May.2004 04:05
 Rightio, after some off-days, I'll keep you screaming from tomorrow onwards  :ph34r:  
Zanan 23.May.2004 03:05

I just visited the home page of a fellow Gater who has gone long ways to create a magnificent HTML version of the 3,5 SRD's.

Download the HTML zip file (about 6MB - will expand to some 12 MB on your HD) and hit the index file. Very easy and fast access - inter-linked - to anything SRD. Quite great:

The Raven's SRD  
Zanan 27.May.2004 09:05
 Rightio lads & lasses!

I assume that everyone will take or give something of the stuff he / she finds to the "open public" for free distribution. So just add a line about the bartering here or in brackets in the main thread while we go hunting some orcs, okay?

Have a look at THIS (quoted text of the first article) and remember the length of any proposals ...
That Gygax things must have had between 50.000 to 75.000 words ....
avatar Sheiriya 27.May.2004 10:05
 Sorry, the "Guest" is me.
avatar Sheiriya 02.Jun.2004 02:06
 I've got some Problems with getting online at the moment. Maybe I can't write something here until sunday.
Zanan 09.Jun.2004 03:06
 My PC is a bit unstable right now, hope I will be back on Friday ... but keep talking / doing things nonethless.
avatar Sheiriya 17.Jun.2004 01:06
 I think there are different opinions about the area.

Is there only one possible (for beings not capable of flying or climbing a vertical wall) way to go?
avatar Oyn 17.Jun.2004 08:06
We got across a small lake using ropes earlier.  :ph34r:  I'm sure we can find a way across he without much problem.
Zanan 17.Jun.2004 11:06
 You can access some of the "bridges" from the ledge upon which you stand if you walk along the wall on that ledgeway (hope that's the right word) I mentioned. It's about 5 feet wide and clings to the wall. Rest assured, most of the "orcs" couldn't fly either ;)

(For those who have it (Extended Edition LotR I): the LotR gang moved along such a ledgeway when they went through the mines of Moria, that Mithral mine shaft-sort-of-thing.)
Zanan 17.Jun.2004 03:06
 Rightio ... lest I forget, for killing the hook horror and reaching the first goal of the campaign, your DM sheds some 650 XP over the head of each of the characters.
avatar Sheiriya 17.Jun.2004 07:06
 I didn't mean that there would be any problems going on. My question was, if there is more than one way the "orcs" might have followed. (So we might need S'zor's nose again.)
May be to the left, to the right or over a "bridge".
avatar Sheiriya 17.Jun.2004 07:06
Why do you write in italics when you desribe what you do? Does the drow always signal what she is doing? :D  
Zanan 17.Jun.2004 08:06
 I think the consensus is that italics are used for silent / sign speech, words spoken are placed in these "..." ones. Using Silent Speech most of the time is one of the more probable options, since no-one knows who is listening and how far the voice travels ... (Well, the DM knows, of course  B) )
avatar Oyn 20.Jun.2004 11:06
I've been using italics for non-speech stuff recently. 'talking' in quote marks "..". Been sorta assuming that I have been using the silent code for communication, unless I state otherwise when 'talking' I did have those reversed awhile ago, but liked the italics for action since that seems to be what the DM has been doing on the moving the story along posts. Hope this clears up any confusion that may have happened about my posts.
avatar Sheiriya 20.Jun.2004 10:06
 There was no real confusion, only at the first moment. I only asked.  :rolleyes:  
Zanan 24.Jun.2004 01:06
 Narzen ... only the vanguard (i.e. Vezellek and D'xau'vrinn) see the orcs. We're still way behind ...
Zanan 26.Jun.2004 12:06
 To give you an image (literally) of how the cavern looks, take a look at THIS and make the cavern five times as large as the one in the picture.
Zanan 27.Jun.2004 02:06
 This is the time for a reminder: do check what items the kind DM has thrown into the arms and pockets of the characters so far ...  B)  
Zanan 15.Jul.2004 12:07
 Lads, lasses, keep the answres coming. It's not upon the DM to make all the decisions;)

I assume that:

Nata'al's distribution has been accepted and that someone has made a remark about the beginning of the attack ... just for the sake of going on.
Zanan 15.Jul.2004 12:07
 Rightio ...

Vezellek and D'xau'vrinn use the ceiling and once the fire elemantals and the illusions appear, the rest will struck.

Narzen's group: Sheiriya & Zhadristan

Nata'al has Zai'Dizzen at her site.
avatar Sheiriya 15.Jul.2004 08:07
 OK, we are nearer, but how far away from ogers, orcs and whatever else, are we?
Zanan 15.Jul.2004 10:07
 Silly me  :ph34r: ...

Vez and D'x have some 70 feet to the camp, Narzen's gang about the same and Nata'al's about 100 feet.

Now that you see them, you can make out ogres (used for the heavy load), fiendish looking orcs known as tanarukka and the couple of fiendish looking elves, which might be some sort of demon or devil.
Zanan 19.Jul.2004 11:07
 Just in case folks ... shall I e-mail the groupmembers from time to time to remember them about the more important things in their life? I know that the best part of your life revolves around your characters, but sometimes Life of the First Reality simply makes it difficult to remember the Gate. Objections?
avatar Narzen 20.Jul.2004 09:07
 No objections, Zanan, but I *do* have a lot of things to take care of right now - even if not all of them are related to real world, admittably. That said, I assure you and the other people involved that I for one am keeping an eye on things here daily, and I have no intention of dropping out anytime soon. Or later for that matter.

While I'm sure things are a bit slower than what was first expected, at least I think that those still onboard take their characters seriously even if the posts are relatively scarce. The current in-game situation is also not precisely clear, and the less than certain odds of winning the battle aren't helping in taking the initiative (which Sheiriya is correcting right now, though). I know Narzen should probably take a more active role as the leader, but as I said, I personally have a lot of other things in my mind, and I also don't want to push my style of play on others.

* * *

That said, Narzy's casting a True Strike now and taking a shot at one of the elf-fiends after the spell is ready.
Zanan 21.Jul.2004 01:07
QUOTE (Narzen @ Jul 20 2004, 20:15 )
The current in-game situation is also not precisely clear, ... [/quote]
 No problems here ... only one thing: ask! How shall I know what bothers your character or his or her alter ego?  ;)

Remember, there's an edit option available and if something needs to be clarified, I can do so later on and you can change your actions accordingly. No problem at all lads and lasses.


So Sheiriya casts a spell, Narzen tries his luck on the fiend-elves (which kind of bolt) ... and the rest?
avatar Narzen 21.Jul.2004 06:07
 Ah. So I didn't remember to point out the type of bolt even when that was precisely what I meant to do by posting on this thread instead of the main one...  :rolleyes:

Make that a shatter bolt, please.
Zanan 24.Jul.2004 11:07
 Right, I take it that ...

Narzen starts the round with a shatter bolt, Sheiriya cast her spell, Vezellek drops the ambers and D'xau'vrinn produces the images. Let's see how the whole thing unfolds then ...
Zanan 28.Jul.2004 09:07
 D'xau'vrinn ... has your e-mail changed? That hotmail address ain't working .. or at least it did not a couple of days ago.

Speaking of which, mail.com doesn't work either right now, so who knows what kind of bug (or rather spider) is around those parts of the web  <_<  
Zanan 31.Jul.2004 12:07
 Oyn, I'll take that Faerie Fire thing as your action during this round (since I didn't know what the lass was doing). What is your next action.
avatar Oyn 02.Aug.2004 10:08
I thought throwing the fire elemental gems is what I did... then I was going to fearie fire the next round. Well anyways for future, if there is any more elves I'll fearie fire them too.  :lol:
Zanan 02.Aug.2004 03:08
 The throwing was the "surprise round", the next one was with initiatives. Now the second ini round is upon us.

NB: Sorry Sheiriya for that misfired spell  :ph34r:  
avatar Sheiriya 03.Aug.2004 05:08
 No problem. ;)  
Zanan 04.Aug.2004 09:08
 Rightio, for the next round ...

D'xau'vrinn tries to let is darkness dart fly, Sheiriya wants to cast a spell and I know what the DMCs will do. Leaves me with Vezellek and Narzen.
avatar Oyn 06.Aug.2004 06:08
I was going to faerie fire something. Elf if any left. Orc if not
Zanan 06.Aug.2004 10:08
 Events so far:

On the platform
There are five tanarukka in total, plus two fiend-elves, 7 ogres and two half-ogres.
Two fire elementals plus the illusions of two drow warriors and a drow wizard are on that platform as well.
One of the tanarukka attacks one of the fire elementals, the others try their luck on the "drow". Both elf-fiends are surounded by faerie fire, the female one is also attacked by the second fire elemental. This female has nigh total cover against the rest of the group bar Vezellek and D'xau'vrinn.
The male elf-fiend (the one with the "broken" wing) can be seen by all, both elf-fiends have been hit by crossbow bolts already.

On the side of the left bridge (Zai'Dizzen, Nata'al, Cavvekan) two tanarukka were watching, one was hit and charges after (Zai'Dizzen). Over the same birdge, a couple of "charmed" ogres bolted away into no specific direction.

On the right sight of the platform (Narzen, Zhadristan, Sheirija), one of the two tanarukka have been knocked-out, the other charges against the to him still invisible attackers.


First initiative ...

Dxzauvrinn 1D20 = 18 launches dart 1D20 = 8
Narzen 1D20 = 7 launches bolt 1D20 = 6
Nata'al 1D20 = 1  launches bolt 1D20 = 4
Vezellek 1D20 = 3  casts faerie fire
Zai'Dizzen 1D20 = 6 launches bolt 1D20 = 17
Zhadristan 1D20 = 12 launches bolt 1D20 = 20
Cavvekan 1d20 = 8 waits
Sheirija 1d20 = 16 casts spell

Fire Elemental 1 1D20 = 11  attacks 1D20 = 19
FE 2 1D20 = 17  attacks 1D20 = 5

I'll roll the monsters seperately.
Zanan 06.Aug.2004 10:08
 Zhadristan check 1D20 = 12  (and just in case another 1D20 = 12   )
Zanan 13.Aug.2004 12:08
 Rightio, I shoved Oyn and Sheiroija in the back a little, so we should get on very soon. MAke sure your folk is ready for tis climactic battle ...
avatar Oyn 13.Aug.2004 12:08
The elf thigny behind the rock is onyl seen by the people on the ceiling right? Also anything else happen to be near them as well as how high up is the ceiling from them?  :ph34r:
Zanan 13.Aug.2004 01:08
QUOTE (Oyn @ Aug 13 2004, 11:20 )
The elf thigny behind the rock is onyl seen by the people on the ceiling right? Also anything else happen to be near them as well as how high up is the ceiling from them?  :ph34r: [/quote]
 The female elf-fiend can only be seen from above and she has just blasted the first fire elemental out of existence. No-one else is near to her right now (within 10 feet), while you two cling about 40 feet above them, hidden in the shadows of the ceiling.
avatar Sheiriya 13.Aug.2004 01:08
 Sorry, I had some problems getting online.

How far away is the charging tanarukk now?
Zanan 14.Aug.2004 06:08
QUOTE (Sheiriya @ Aug 13 2004, 12:49 )
Sorry, I had some problems getting online.

How far away is the charging tanarukk now? [/quote]
 You can't see it right now, as the ledge it uses bends around a corner of the wall. He will make it till the end of the next round, but only attack the round afterwards.
Zanan 17.Aug.2004 08:08
 Rightio folks, I'll post an update today and then I will be off till next Sunday evening (at least). Make sure everyone has answered by then ... it's getting tight now.

Situation update:
One of the elf-fiends is covered in darkness and as this darkness isn't moving a bit, you may conclude that he's down ...
The female elf-fiend has left her hiding place to avoid Vezellek's web and can now be seen by all again.
One of the tanarukka is still in the darkness, another one tries to hit the illusions while a third lies on his belly, apparently knocked-out by drow poison. The other two remaining tanarukka on the platform have been wounded, but now seem to recognize the threads. Same goes for the couple of half-ogres, one of which leads two ogres into battle against the "mighty" fire elemental. Two tanarukka are upon Nata'al, Zai'Dizzen and the Cavvekan, another one has reached Narzen, Sheiriya and Zhadristan.

Make sure you make good use of all your equipment, old AND new.
avatar Sheiriya 18.Aug.2004 09:08
 edit: Plans have changed. I'm here.
Zanan 24.Aug.2004 03:08
 A situation update ...

Narzen's side:
A tanarukka is right amongst you, badly wounded. Another one is looking at the knocked out guy on the bridge.

Nata'al's side:
Two tanarukka are attacking Nata'al, both sporting minor wounds. The second one has the cavvekan behind it.

On the platform:
Vezellek stands at the far (from the others point of view) side of the platform, covered by her web spell, the darkness globe and some of the goods from the view of about half the creatures there. The elf-fiend, a tanarukka as well as one ogre have clear sight of her, some others will follow during the next round. Of the two half-ogres, one is still fighting the drow illusions, the other tries to quash his burning armor. Two ogres try to put an end to the elemental.

Given their limited darkvision, the creatures cannot locate the two groups on either side of the chasm, nor have they spotted D'xau'vrinn as yet.


D'x ... I am not sure whether one can throw two darts at the same time, despite TWF.
avatar Oyn 27.Aug.2004 12:08
Ok I want to try and get a visual about this... here is my crappy attempt at that:

                                              F *      *
                                         ____ *V        *
                                        /    \*         *
                                       | rock |        *
                                        \____/ *      *

F = Female Elf-fiend
V = Vezellek
* = Edge of Web spell (estimation)

Theres mention of a darkness globe near me... is that behind me (to the right) or in front of me (to the left)?

That picture doesn't look half bad. Took me a bit to get it looking ok.
Zanan 27.Aug.2004 04:08
 I'm trying to get something done about this over the weekend. What is Vezellek's plan for the next round?
avatar Oyn 28.Aug.2004 10:08
Not fully sure yet. Was wondering if she was in a darkness globe or not. Most likely Vez will be pressing an attack against the female elf-fiend. I'll post something for her tomorrow.
avatar Oyn 29.Aug.2004 11:08
I'm sleepy and being lazy. Don't want to open up my email. Vez takes a 5 foot step, activates her swarm shield and attacks at the female elf-fiend. All kinda assuming they are close to me and can do that much in a round... can't remember if activating the shield was a free action or not. If thats too much stuff then Vez goes for the attack and will activate the shield next round.
Zanan 30.Aug.2004 11:08

You should all have received a map up until now. I'll wait till tomorrow night (Tuesday that is) before I go on, just in case someone wants to change the plans for next round. Post your question to the map here as well, so we spare us double answers.
avatar Narzen 30.Aug.2004 11:08
 Well, the map wasn't *complete* opposite to what I had thought...  :P

So... where am I again?
Zanan 30.Aug.2004 01:08
 You should have noted that from the number of purple points on the ledgeways. ;) You are on the right side of the picture (near the bottom) and the drow spot nearest to the south of the map. Sheiriya is behind of the tanarukk, while Zhadristan is to its right.

My side is easier dealt with, since I control all the charas.
avatar Narzen 30.Aug.2004 03:08
 Well, I might have *guessed* that to be the case, but since I had already misinterpreted the distance, I figured it better to check that I wasn't on the wrong side as well...

I'm more accustomed to playing from a gnome point of view, after all! Even drow elfses are that much taller than gnomes that I'm just glad Narzy hasn't yet accidentally walked off that ledge altogether.  :D  
Zanan 30.Aug.2004 05:08
 Well, those new whisper gnomes should be nearer to drow eye level I think ;)
Zanan 05.Sep.2004 03:09
 Rightio ... a situation check up.

First, the two males on Narzen's side, i.e. Narzen and Zhadistran have still open actions this round, since their described stuff is no longer needed. What are you doing? As has been said, the tanarukka charging you will be there at the beginning of the next round, able to attack.

On Nata'al's side, one tanarukka is grapple by magic, the other flanked by Nata'al and the cavvekan.

On the platform ... one ogre is nearing D'xau'vrinn and will try to strike at him next round. The elf-fiend has vanished from your view, Vezellek is faced with an angry tanarukka. Another couple of ogres make their way towards you, while you are being watched from a half-ogre on the southern side of the platform, who may direct the ogre's attacks.

avatar Oyn 06.Sep.2004 11:09
Was Vez the one that took the 11hp damage that last round?
Zanan 06.Sep.2004 01:09
QUOTE (Oyn @ Sep 6 2004, 10:15 )
Was Vez the one that took the 11hp damage that last round? [/quote]
 She was indeed ... are you still alive?  :ph34r:  
avatar Oyn 07.Sep.2004 10:09
I think she is still alive. Not even sure where her HP is listed, heh. She's taken so little damage up till now I haven't really kept much track of it.
avatar Oyn 07.Sep.2004 10:09
Found where her HP are. Yeah Vez is still alive, barely. She is stepping back away from the ogre and casting defensively this round.
Zanan 07.Sep.2004 12:09
Rightio, since Vez looks in dire straits, I assume D'x will not move as boldly as he intended. So if you want to change movements and actions, do so and add a line like "seeing that Vez is backing off, he changes his tactics though" in the existing text and post a new one with your move for the next round.

As for the female, if Vez moves backwards, she re-enters the web-spell area.
Zanan 09.Sep.2004 01:09
 I'll get you going later this evening.
Zanan 12.Sep.2004 10:09
 D'x is silent, so I'll take it that he goes on with the attack on the ogre. I'll will do the rolling later today (Sun).
Zanan 13.Sep.2004 10:09
 Situation update:

Vezellek stands in the area of her web spell, D'xau'vrinn just to the left side of it. The ogre in front of him looks badly wounded, but is determined to put the drow in front of him out of existence.
The tanarukk who had wounded her earlier will try to throw an axe at Vez, while another one comes near and may employ the same tactic. Two more ogres lurking on the southern and western side of the platform, but as the have no weapons to throw, they just stare at the drow.
On the eastern side of the platform, the two half-ogres and two ogres are now accompanied by the elf-fiend, who teleported to "safety". One more tanarukk is there as well. (The two drow there cannot see the elf-fiend from their place.)

Nata'al's side:
The first tanarukka attacks Zai'Dizzen now, while the second is c"aught" between the cavvekan and Nata'al.

Narzen's side:
The three drow there have no direct opponents to fight right now. They see the elf-fiend though ... as well as the rest of what unfolds at the platform.
avatar Phaerven 14.Sep.2004 06:09
 I suppose using darkness and shooting a bolt requires two rounds?
I am not quite sure where those ogres are, my guess is on the right side of that elf-fiend that has been engulfed in darkness.
Zanan 15.Sep.2004 10:09
 It does indeed take two rounds (and IMHO a bolt with darkness on it makes targeting a bit difficult).

I'll remake the map today and post it to you all.  
Anonymous 15.Sep.2004 07:09
 Granted, but the idea was not to injure an ogre, rather keep them from finding/using ranged weapons on the others on the platform. But if you mind, I might as well just shoot at them, since the plan is to avoid close combat (isn't it?).
Zanan 17.Sep.2004 03:09
 Only Vez's plan is missing now. Sheiriya's player is doing some Rhino-hunting in Kenya ... I think. But I know what she's up to.
avatar Oyn 20.Sep.2004 01:09
Yes on the total defense.
Zanan 20.Sep.2004 11:09
 Allrighty, the map will be on its way ... here's the description and the situation ...

Anything red on the map are dead or "sleeping" opponents. On the platform you have three ogres (black), one is moving towards D'x, one is coming closer to Vez and the other is near the elf-fiend (purple) on the eastern side. The lass is also accompanied by the two half-ogres (dark green). The tanarukka are light green and  ... one faces Vez, two are approaching D'x (one will reach him next round). Three ogres are chasing shadows on the north eastern side of the map.

Nata'al faces one more tanarukka on the left side of the map.

The drow are blue, BTW. D'x is on the western side near the bridge, Vez right in the middle of her web spell.
Zanan 25.Sep.2004 10:09
 Right, I know of Phaerven and Sheiriya, those I have in command anyway. Vez and Narzen are missing still, bu tI keep you going by tomorrow (Sun) evening at the latest.

Everyone got the map? Questions?
avatar Sheiriya 28.Sep.2004 01:09
 So, I'm back again but haven't seen any rhino. :(

And a map I didn't get either.
Zanan 29.Sep.2004 03:09
QUOTE (Sheiriya @ Sep 28 2004, 12:31 )
So, I'm back again but haven't seen any rhino. :(

And a map I didn't get either. [/quote]
 Well, that's because I didn't expect you to be back so soon, with all those crocodiles, rhinos and lions waiting for some tasty German steaks ...
Zanan 02.Oct.2004 08:10
 Anyone there?  :blink:  
avatar Narzen 03.Oct.2004 10:10
 Sorry... I forgot to post on Friday morning before heading off to the military excercise. Since I just came home 15 minutes ago after 3 days involving night-time at a firing range and carrying around people in stretchers, right now I'm hungry, tired, sore in every damn muscle, and I can't get the smell of gunpowder out of my nose, so you'll have to excuse me for a day longer.

And while the above in itself is no big deal, feel free to try the same after first sitting five years in front of a computer with the most physical training being the walk to the fridge and back for some snack...

Well, tomorrow I'll be on a much more suitable mood for a drow anyway when the muscle pains really hit in.
avatar Sheiriya 05.Oct.2004 01:10
 Which language does the elf-fiend use to give orders to the others?
avatar Oyn 05.Oct.2004 09:10
I've been out of town the past few days. Also don't want Vez to do anything too exciting. Don't want to open up my email so here's her action. Searching the darkness globe for the 'fallen' elf-fiend to make sure they don't get up.
Zanan 08.Oct.2004 10:10
 As I am utterly distracted by a couple of birthday parties, the adventure will have to wait another couple of days to go on. So bear with me till Sunday, will you?  
Zanan 18.Oct.2004 10:10
 Situation update

D'xau'vrinn is up against a tanarukk and an ogre, a second tanarukk is engaged with Zai'Dizzen's magical whip while a third tries to fend off Vezellek's spider swarm. Vezellek is in the globe of darkness and deals with the male elf-fiend. The female elf-fiend cannot be seen, but it appears that she has fallen behind that bag and did not rise again. Half a dozen creatures lie about the platform and the bridges, unconscious.

Zai'Dizzen stands on the eastern ledgeway firing bolts at the ogre, while Nata'al and the cavvekan run to aid the scout.

On the western ledge, Zhadristan is engaged with the second half-ogre, which is also attacked by a magical hammer brought into being by Sheiriya.
avatar Phaerven 18.Oct.2004 07:10
 I hope you recovered well from all those parties ;)

What are Zhadristan's HP at the moment?
Zanan 18.Oct.2004 09:10
QUOTE (Phaerven @ Oct 18 2004, 18:14 )
I hope you recovered well from all those parties ;)

What are Zhadristan's HP at the moment? [/quote]
 If I am not mistaken, the damage he received this round is the first of the encounter.
Zanan 30.Oct.2004 03:10
 Well well, if I hadn't rolled a better Ini and damage for Zai'Dizzen, Nata'al and Vezellek, D'xau'vrinn would have been ...
As it is, he'S still got his action for this round and I'll wait till he decides whether to blast that dying ogre (= dead) ogre or change over to the approaching tanarukk.

On that platform, there is still one tanarukka engaged with the whip, one is fleeing (to the eastern (right) side) from the swarm and one is, as described, rampaging over to D'xau'vrinn.
The cavvekan is on the platform too.

Please wait with your replies till we get D'x through this round.
Zanan 03.Nov.2004 06:11
 Off you go, lads and lasses. You have three tanarukka left, one flees from the platform over the eastern bridge (Narzen's side), one is facing D'zxau'vrinn and the other the whip.
avatar Phaerven 03.Nov.2004 08:11
 How far is the fleeing tanarukk? Is it possible to cut him short?
Zanan 09.Nov.2004 12:11
 Waiting for Narzen's and Vez's responses.

The fleeing Tanarukk can be reached with ranged weapons easily enough.
Zanan 10.Nov.2004 11:11
 Rightio ... it's Vez next, so hold on a few moments.

The tanarukk in front of Dx still stands, the drow will strike him before the creature gets an attack herself. It looks wounded, but not enough to get dropped that easily.

Vez' swarm will not reach the tanarukk fighting Dx, but the one with the whip.
avatar Oyn 12.Nov.2004 10:11
Sorry bout the slow response... and rather short one at that. My girlfriends birthday just passed. Was busy planning that and such.  B)
Zanan 15.Nov.2004 11:11
 Was about to finish that round yesterday ... when German Telekom intervened and DSL was off for most of the day. So here we go.
Zanan 15.Nov.2004 11:11
 Rightio ...
... Dx'zau'vrinn is down and unconscious, the tanarukk in front of him is tangling with the cavvekan and being attacked by Nata'al. It looks badly wounded.

The second tanarukk on the platform is being attacked by the swarm now, as he has just destroyed the feather token.

The third tanarukk is fleeing away from Narzen, though still within range of any well-placed crossbow bolts ...
avatar Oyn 20.Nov.2004 11:11
Just a heads up. I'm going to be out of town for about a week. Vez is going to say some stuff to Dx'zau'vrinn. I'll get to that when I get back. If you want to continue just be all mysterious about what she says. Not sure if anybody is even close enough to overhear it anyways.
Zanan 23.Nov.2004 09:11
 Vez, you did let Dx know what Vez said, did you?

Anyway, there is just one tanarukk left standing on the platform and he is right in the centre of a spider swarm (somewhat leftt to the middle of the platform). The fleeing orc-fiend will leave the shooting area of Narzen's gang in the next round (turning a corner). Everyone else of the oppponents is down.

Dx'zau'vrinn gets to 5 HP but still looks pretty badly hurt. Nata'al stands between him and the remaining tanarukk, while Zai'Dizzen makes his way over to the bridge.
Zanan 26.Nov.2004 11:11
 Narzen, Vez and Dx need to comment before it goes on ;)

Hey come on, XP are up for grabs soon  B)
Zanan 04.Dec.2004 09:12
 Caravan stuff ... most of the stuff carry house or merchant runes and marks, so you cannot take anything you want along with you (unless you want to collect a return fee or the like)

This caravan has most obviously been carrying a lot of weapons from Eryndlyn towards Skullport. Most if which is drow-crafted, though not all is "drowcraft,"

Magical Weapons
+1 drowcraft shortsword, +1 adamantine shortsword, +1 adamantine longsword, +2 dagger, +1 adamantine dagger, +1 adamantine scimitar, 2x +1 daggers, +1 adamantine sabre and rapier each, +1 drowcraft rapier and sabre each, +1 heavy pick, +1/+1 gyrspike, 2x +1 hand-x-bows, 2x +1 light x-bows, +1 heavy x-bow, 2x +1 mighty (+2) whip-daggers, 15x +1 and +2 arrows and bolts each, 15x moonsilver shards (darts which turn into magic missiles)

Other weapons:
3x adamantine shortswords, 2x adamantine longswords, 5x adamantine daggers, 2x adamantine kukris, 2x adamantine light & heavy picks each, adamantine two-bladed sword, 4x masterwork mighty (+2) composite shortbows, 15x shatter bolts, 20 alchemist bolts, sets of 15: cold iron, adamantine, silver arrows and bolts (hand- and light-x-bow) each, 75 masterwork bolts (hand-, light- & heavy x-bow each), 100 masterwork arrows.

50 masterwork blades for longswords, sabres, axes; 20 adamantine blades for short-, longswords and sabres

Magical and other armor:
2x +2 spider silk of sanctuary, +2 nightscale, +1 adamantine breastplate, +2 adamantine buckler, +1 drowcraft chain shirt, +1 drowcraft breastplate, 2x adamantine chain shirts, adamantine chain mail, adamantine breastplate, 2x camouflaged mithral shirts, camouflaged mithral chainmail,

Magical stuff:
18 tiles of healing (small tiles with a spell rune, Cure Light Wounds, single use), periapt of proof against poison, stone golembane scarab, lenses of darkness, powder of black veil, vest of resistance +1 & +2 (on all saves), 2x gloves of storing (two left handed gloves), ring of magic fang, armband of reduction, 2x everfull mugs, Ioun stone of resistance +1 (earring), clear ioun stone (brooch), wand of identify (14 charges, I deducted those for identifying the loot), wands of magic missiles (1 MM, 32 charges) &  (2 MM, 23 charges), Potions: 3x of watery breath, 3x of bear's endurance, 5x cat's grace, 5x bull's strength, 10x cure light wounds, 2x neutralise poison, 3x blur, 1x invisibility.

Food and drink for at least another couple of weeks, clothes, silk, incense, herbs, salt and some luxury goods.

1500 GP in gems
250 GP in pieces, 800 SP

The fey'ri and tanarukka carried ...
2x bracers of armor +2, cloaks of resistance +2 & +1, amulet of natural armor +1, amulet of health +2, 2x ring of protection +1, assassin's dagger, wand of magic missiles (3 MM, 18 charges), bag of holding I, censer of controlling air elementals, 5x candles of truth, 5x potion of cure light wounds, 2x cure moderate wounds.
+1 breastplate, +1 battle axe, +1 adamantine drowcraft battleaxe, 6x potions of cure moderate wounds.


Rightio, each of you gains ... 4.400 XP for the battle an the finding of the caravan. This should push all but Sheiriya through to level 5 (ECL 7), unless my calculations deceive me. I'll create a HD roll set for each of you in the appropriate thread, just let me know what class you increase. It is best of two here, so each class gets two rolls. Hope you are lucky.
Zanan 05.Dec.2004 04:12
 Lest I forget ... you find all the remaining items listed by your employer.
Zanan 05.Dec.2004 07:12
 Nata'al takes ...
+1 adamantine sabre, +1 heavy pick, +1 mighty (+2) whip-dagger, a masterwork mighty (+2) composite shortbow plus 15x +1 arrows and 20 MW arrows, adamantine chain shirt, vest of resistance +1, 5 tiles and 2 potions of bull's strength.  
Zanan 06.Dec.2004 11:12
 Once you have decided upon classes and items, please prepare another, updated chara-sheet and mail it to me.
Anonymous 09.Dec.2004 08:12
 Dx'zau'vrinn takes his next level in rogue Zanan. Please complete the appropriate calculations.
Zanan 11.Dec.2004 10:12
 Dx'zau'vrinn, did I get that right that Dx bit that ear off, not the cavvekan?  :blink:  
Zanan 24.Dec.2004 03:12
 :skepsis: :skepsis: Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all of you!  :skepsis:  :skepsis:  
avatar Narzen 26.Dec.2004 06:12
 Okay, I'm now back from the holidays (where family gatherings are concerned) so it's more or less business as usual again on my part.  :)  
Zanan 28.Dec.2004 08:12
 Am I right to suspect that you will go your way backwards at least till that island Dx'au'vrinn spoke of?
avatar Phaerven 01.Jan.2005 02:01
 I think so :)

happy 2005 :)
avatar Sheiriya 10.Jan.2005 11:01
 Anybody out there?

I'm sure our dm would like to read some answeres, at least to know if you have read the texts.
avatar Oyn 11.Jan.2005 10:01
Hey sorry I've been gone for the boards as long as i have. Just was a busy time before the holidays, during and after for me. catching up on posts. will have something tomorrow
Zanan 14.Jan.2005 10:01
 Short notice: After re-equipping my PC with a new power supply unit I will drag you on later today.  
Zanan 19.Jan.2005 01:01
 Just in case ... the trolls are a random encounter. It could have been a shadow dragon or the like as well, but nothing for your weapons to stick into. Rather on the contrary. Unless you really want to have some "fun"  B)  
Zanan 02.Feb.2005 03:02
 Please note that the Gate will be down on February 4th due to some maintenance. Nonetheless, keep on with the island thingy ;)
Zanan 07.Feb.2005 11:02
 Rightio lads and lasses, we're back in business. The first time we came accross this island was on Page 5 of the adventure thread, so you may want to have a look and see what happened back then. REMEMBER though that anything said and spoken on the island can only be understood by Dx'auv'rinn.

As I take it, the group moves along to the tunnel on the far side (the one leading back to Skullport) while Zhadristan and Nata'al providing some cover for the scout?!
avatar Phaerven 07.Feb.2005 04:02
 Well yes, but I am not quite sure that I can do that effectively, since my predecessor didn't prepare ranged spells.

What does a shatter bolt do?
Zanan 10.Feb.2005 10:02
 Rightio ... to war then:  

Phaerven, a shatter bolt is a crossbow bolt (in this case one of the hand-x-bow version) fashioned from some sort of glass, which shatters upon impact and deals more damage. This is reflected in a change thread rate of 18-20 / x3.

As I take it, Vezellek (and the prisoner), Sheiriya and Zai'Dizzen were heading for the exit, while Narzen and Zhadristan lingered on to see what unfolds. Nata'al stands near the lake's shore. That was the state of affairs when Dx'au'vrinn attacked.
Zanan 10.Feb.2005 03:02
 A reminder of the scene: (copy & paste from pages 4 & 5 of the main thread)

... you enter a great cavern which has again a lake as it's main feature. More or less in it's centre you can spot an island of about 60 feet in diameter. The ruins of a tower lie strewn over the wet stone, it remains reach up into the darkness above like a shadowy hand. The whole cavern is about half a mile long and some 600 feet wide. It's ceiling is covered by darkness and thus the actual height of this place is hard to discern. The water of this subterran lake is crystal clear and you can spot no immediate dangers lurking below its surface. It might be even possible to walk the 100 feet to the island's shore without the need of swimming. There are half a dozen or so exit from this cave. No sound can be heard here, nor any creature be seen. A few glowstones, fungi and ferns give away a bit of light here and there.

From the side you are at, the island's shoreline is some 80 feet away.
Zanan 15.Feb.2005 08:02
 First time I see an incorporal thing being subject to a bull rush  :lol:
Nice turn ...
Zanan 16.Feb.2005 11:02
 Rightio, I know what Zai'Dizzen, Vezellek, Nata'al and Sheiriya are up to. Dx'zau'vrinn too. Leaves me with Zhadristan and Narzen. Lads?
Zanan 17.Feb.2005 10:02
 I'll wait for Zhadristan's reply.
Zanan 28.Feb.2005 04:02
 Rightio lads and lasses. As we near the end of the whole thing, I'd like to let you know that I may get another "campaign" rolling afterwards. We will again start in Skullport and if you want, you may keep the current characters. The background will feature the Silence of Lolth, but not as something predominant.

So if there's interest - and I wanted to ask you first - just let me know what you'd like to play. (Level them around 8th (ECL) and don't come up with something too exotic ;) )
avatar Phaerven 01.Mar.2005 06:03
 Count me in :)
Zanan 03.Mar.2005 02:03
 Rightio, I assume that the group will rest a bit (will write the appropriate lines tomorrow) and then moves on.

The group gains 800 XP each, Dx 925 (though he's level 4 again, class-wise).
avatar Narzen 15.Mar.2005 08:03
 To state the obvious, I'm also in for more.
Zanan 17.Mar.2005 09:03
 Just out of interest ... is there any D&D book detailing the prizes of slaves?

Ah well, Plot & Poison have them ... 600 GP for a drow ... hmmm 10.000 GP for a fey'ri ...  
Zanan 18.Mar.2005 10:03
 On a sidenote, you get 250 GP and some 120 SP from the caravan gold and gem ... and obviously, there could/should be a split of the cash gained from selling the retrieved items. Apart from the gold you will get for the items you collected for yourself, of course.

The fey'ri gets you another 570 GP each.

Sheiriya, I'll recalculate your XP soon ;)
Zanan 19.Mar.2005 03:03
 Rightio, for finishing the campaign (almost), all but Sheiriya gain another 2,000 XP, the latter "just" 1,500.

You may keep the items you have or sell them before the next campaign goes on and your characters join up. The retrieved items' GP will be calculated by Narzen' a.e. and me and we'll let you know about that soon.
Zanan 22.Mar.2005 10:03
 Narzen is still in the process of calculating the items you recovered and I will give you the amount of gold that these items will yield on the Skullport markets.

You could let - just like Dx'zau'vrinn - your characters move around a bit if you wish or simply wait for the results.

As far as I know, Vezellek's player isn't around right now and so she and Zai'Dizzen will stay under my command for the time being and will wait outside Naedrylaen's house.

The new campaign will set off as soon as I know who wants to partake (so far I have Phaerven & Narzen on-board). Sheiriya?
avatar Narzen 22.Mar.2005 12:03
 Sorry about the delay - my brain's been stuck with flu and I haven't been doing too much thinking in the last couple of days. I should have some numbers to show tonight (that is, tonight Eastern Europe time).
avatar Narzen 22.Mar.2005 11:03
 Okay... the magic items in the remaining loot that I included in my math are worth about 170,000 gp total, more than half of which is due to the censer of controlling air elementals. It also assumes the bag of holding (which, by the way Zanan, was type I according to what you posted here back then) is sold along with other stuff.

I dropped most of the suits of armor from the list because of their weight, and most of the weapons because of the "no sharp objects in a bag of holding" issue. Doing so took tens of thousands off the total value of the loot, but at the normal going rate of selling items, and combined with the rather generous selection of items received earlier already, I believe all our characters will at the very least reach the suggested wealth-by-level limit and likely surpass it regardless.
Zanan 23.Mar.2005 10:03
 Rightio ... after some hard bartering and all, Narzen returns with some 20,000 GP for each party member, either in coins or gems. He's in the company of Nata'al, Zai'Dizzen and Vezellek all day long, so no chance to make some extra cash ;).

It is up to the members of the group what to do now. Those who want to stop here may post their character stats in the Character thread on this board (Drow Campaign). Obviously, no one hinders you to do it anyway, even if you want to continue with the next campaign. (Though remember that you are drow  :ph34r: !)
Anonymous 23.Mar.2005 11:03
 The 170,000 was the total market price, selling the stuff likely yields no more than half of it. My bad, I was nearly asleep when posting it and cut the sentence noting that.  :unsure:  
avatar warlockco 23.Mar.2005 12:03
 Looks like I got registered correctly, got to love babelfish.
Zanan 23.Mar.2005 09:03
 First, I already chopped off a little of that market prize list ... but drow stuff sells well in Skullport, so do not ask any more questions or ... :skepsis:

As you can see, Warlockco is about to join up for the new campaign too and his ability rolls will make some of us poor souls grew pale or green in envy  :D  
avatar warlockco 24.Mar.2005 03:03
 Could have been a tad better, especially for that 11  ;)  
Zanan 31.Mar.2005 12:03
 Rightio, those of the old gang may start shopping for goods (well, ask me before you go into overdrive, will you?!) and send me their up-dated chara sheets or requests.

I have "signed up" two more players, one of which is Warlockco. Haven't heard of Dx'zau'vrinn so far though.
Zanan 02.Apr.2005 10:04
 If all goes according to plan, I'll contact some players about the new campaign shortly, setting it all in motion.

As for the rest, get your stats (equipment) fixed and let me know.
Zanan 04.Apr.2005 10:04
 Well lads and lasses, the old campaign runs out and I will leave that one open for a few weeks and close it down by the end of April. I'll open a new pinned (a.k.a. sticky) thread for the new campaign, but we may keep the "old" orga and dice roll threads.

So far I have warlockco's lass, Narzen and Nata'al, so hurry up folks!

Use the Characters Thread to post a short description of your characters, but don't go into that much detail (e.g., "wears a magical drowcraft adamantine chain shirt +1 of moderate fortification and that typical elfbane unholy avenger-type of sword any drow carries around"). Remember that here you can describe your charas much like they look to any other guy in Skullport and the latter usually have no idea about magical auras and the like. Let the other players figure out what your chara carries, uses or what s/he actually is, class-wise and all.  ;)  
avatar Phaerven 05.Apr.2005 03:04
 I see that Zhadristan is already there, except that by now his hair should have grown a bit and he is now wearing a fine spider silk armor.
I'm looking forward to the new campaign, because I entered the previous one when it was nearing its end, thus I felt a little lost a couple of times.
Zanan 09.Apr.2005 04:04
 Right, let's cut the ties to the old campaign - storywise that is. The participants have answered the roll call and I have all characters by now. So far, we have ...

Narzen - Narzen
Oyn / fmrly. Vezellek - Lira
Phaerven - Zhadristan
Sheiriya - Sheiriya
Warlockco - Kethryllia
Zanan - Nata'al (and for the time being any other NPC)

(you don't need a user name that equals your character's name. Just make sure that you make clear for whom you speak ... erm ... write.)

Narzen and Nata'al are in Blindle's Blade inn and we can set the campaign off from there. Just happen by when you deem the time appropriate.

Remember that we all want to form a group and play as a team, so anything which might annoy another drow might lead to aversions. Then again, there are essentially, only two newcomers.
Zanan 10.Apr.2005 11:04
 Another thing. For the sake of continuity and background, I need to know which places your characters have already visited. A fair "selection" of drow cities can be found here:

Sshamath - city selection

... including some descriptions, while a nigh complete list would read like this:

Abaethaggar, Abburth, Baereghel, Charrvhel'raugaust, Chaulssin (100 miles west of Citadel Adbar), Ched Nasad (High Gap, Graypeak Mountains), Cheth Rrhinn, Dusklyngh (200 miles north of the Frozen Forest & 100 miles east of Anauroch), Eryndlyn (120 miles east of Illefarn), Faneadar, Guallidurth (70 miles WNW of Calimport), Haundrauth, Ithilaughym, Jhachalklyn, Karsoluthiyl (200 miles west of Baldur's Gate), Llurth Dreier (140 miles west of the northern tip of the Great Rift, Shaar), Luihaulen'tar, Maeralyn (20 miles west of Tharsult), Maerimydra (100 miles west Zhentil Keep, beneath Daggerdale), Menzoberranzan (100 miles west Silverymoon), Orlytlar, Sschindylryn (220 miles north of Elversult), Sshamath (200 miles east of Scornubel), Sshanntynlan, Szithlin, Tlethtyrr, T'lindeth (Dambrath), Tyrybblyn, Uluitur, Undraeth, V'elddrinnsshar (West Galena Mountains), Waerglarn, Waethe Hlammachar, Yuethindrynn

Most of these cities (as in: all that haven't got an entry in the link above) have no description or not even a place on the map of Faerûn. Make sure that your choice is reasonable, regarding distances and all. And remember that there might be the odd non-drow city/settlement that your character might have visited too.
Anonymous 11.Apr.2005 03:04
 I will be in the new campaign as well, but not as Dx. I'll present the new character in the thread, but what's the incentive for them to be at
Bhindle's Blade??

Also, Zanan, you may use Dx has an NPC if you wish. As you know, he is a hitman for the Dark Dagger guild.
Zanan 11.Apr.2005 09:04
QUOTE (Gast_Dx'zau'vrinn @ Apr 11 2005, 2:39:17)
I will be in the new campaign as well, but not as Dx. I'll present the new character in the thread, but what's the incentive for them to be at
Bhindle's Blade??

Also, Zanan, you may use Dx has an NPC if you wish. As you know, he is a hitman for the Dark Dagger guild. [/quote]
 Dx, just mail me your new character* (as usual, stats are either rolled in the dice roll thread (one out of three sets of scores) or 32 PB) and we'll get him or her into it. (ECL is still 7)

*Unless it is already mailed.
Zanan 14.Apr.2005 12:04
 The organisational part is done now and we can soon be off. Partakers should arrive at the inn for whatever reason soon.
Zanan 15.Apr.2005 09:04
 Well, since there is a bit of Drow'ish flying around, people may want to know what we are talking about and if your drow is not up to scratch  ;) , try this link to check on what is said:

House Maerdyn online translator

elamshin - the will of Lolth
avatar warlockco 16.Apr.2005 04:04
QUOTE (Zanan @ Apr 15 2005, 8:56:54)
Well, since there is a bit of Drow'ish flying around, people may want to know what we are talking about and if your drow is not up to scratch  ;) , try this link to check on what is said:

House Maerdyn online translator

elamshin - the will of Lolth [/quote]
 Can we get Character Descriptions for those that don't have them already in the thread that has the Character Descriptions?
Zanan 17.Apr.2005 10:04
 Memo of the City list I requested above.

I'd also like to request a short list of monsters that your character has met up till now. Not each and every goblin or bugbear, but those of the more exclusive ilk, say dread wraiths, deep dragons, beholders or the like, i.e. things even a drow doesn't see that often (and tell the tale).
Zanan 18.Apr.2005 11:04
 Suggestion regarding Iira's intro: generally, drow tend to be paranoid and all, especially with unfamiliar drow. This group should not be different and thus it's best if newcomers can be vouched for by former party members. Given the background of the participants, only Zhadristan would be such a choice and thus I'd suggest he knows Iira from his own travels and thus eases the tensions and all. Now, where's that Zhadristan guy ...

As for Sheiriya .. her player is currently cut off from internet because of both illness and crap connections, so I will keep her under my command for the time being.
Zanan 21.Apr.2005 10:04
 Well, we are, essentially all ready to leave and I assume that everyone sheds a bit of gold to get himself ready to go, food, water and all. Try to be ready by Sunday evening with the preparations, I'll push you on your way then.  B)  
Zanan 23.Apr.2005 03:04
 Sunday evening it is, though you could still talk along in the main thread.

Any questions?
Zanan 24.Apr.2005 10:04
 Spoke about Narzen yesterday - and while it is not of much use in an online game, it's a nice addition to the gameplay - and we agreed that it would be good to know how the names are actually pronounced. So you can add that to your character description if you want to.

A nigh-professional guideline about pronunciation can be found HERE, though we do not exactly need a perfect version. "Rhyme-versions will do too, e.g. "drow" rhymes with "cow" (at least officially).
avatar Sheiriya 24.Apr.2005 12:04
 Accoding to that guidelines it would be ['Seiri'ja] in ASCII but not with the english version of "r" but the german one.
Zanan 24.Apr.2005 01:04
QUOTE (Sheiriya @ Apr 24 2005, 11:47:07)
Accoding to that guidelines it would be ['Seiri'ja] in ASCII but not with the english version of "r" but the german one. [/quote]
Well, if the phonetics bother you, just use what you think it should be. I would have made her: SHEI-ri-Ya with 'EI' would be pronounced like "I"(am) " in English. A rhyming version would be like this shy tree yahoo  - only the bold letters are pronounced, of course. :rolleyes:
avatar Sheiriya 24.Apr.2005 01:04
 But the "ei" is not pronounced like I.
Just as I have written [ei].

So let's say:
Shei like fey
ri like me ( but with german "r" and short i )
and ya with a "y" as in "yes" and the "a" like the "u" in "but"

Zanan 24.Apr.2005 02:04
 Was just explaining how it might work ;) ... and it is of course your lass and turn to tell us.
Zanan 24.Apr.2005 11:04
 Keth gets what she wnated to buy, I'll take on Sheiriya tomorrow.

Also wait on another chap's mail till Monday morning too.
avatar Narzen 25.Apr.2005 10:04
 Regarding the pronunciation stuff above, I am so happy my native tongue has precisely one sound for each letter.  :D  
Zanan 28.Apr.2005 10:04
 Just in case:

While we go into "Undermountain", I will use a place not shown on any of it's maps for this first adventure.

There might be a late-comer who joins up as well, but for the time being, we walk along with the group we have assembled so far.

Those who haven't send them as yet, remember the monster and cities notes I requested.
Zanan 29.Apr.2005 05:04
 I'll mail a rough pic of what Talice draws.
Zanan 02.May.2005 12:05
 Feel free to do some inter-chara discussions ... I had to deal with a slight virus infection and will do the map right now.  
Zanan 02.May.2005 01:05
 Map description from what Talice knows (from her former leader):

The blue line marks the run of the former "sewers". It leads down south with no apparent link to the rooms above, except for that black, crossed dot in the middle. It was probably a sink or the like, maybe some sort of well. (right to the left of the "Entrance") The rooms are some 20 feet above the sewer tunnel. First are two toilet sort of rooms (No. 1), roughly hewn out. Talice saw these. If you  follow the rough tunnel eastwards, there is a room (20x30 feet or the like) which must have been some sort of private dining area (No.2). There are the remains of a large luxurious table and some eight chairs to be seen (not drawn on the map), all largely rotten. Cupboards line the walls, some still feature some clothes or half-rotten books.
To the south, the large festhall (30x70, some 50 feet high, No. 3) can be reached via an archway. The room is also stuffed with tables and chairs, but their material is still in good shape (different sort of wood). Some stone pillars prevented that large room from caving in, most of these are covered in cobweb-shrouded curtains. The walls are lined by large scale tapestries, but they are in a very bad shape too and you can hardly see what they depicted. Talice says that she entered that room too (she was last of the group and thus arrived later than the rest). Two of her comrades met her here - coming from through the eastern door (leading to No. 8), yelling at her to turn and run, which she did, given the bloodsmeared appearance and seriousness in her comrades voice. She never saw them again and cannot say anything of the other rooms.

The map originates from one of her former leader's sources, whom she doesn't know. Thus, she didn't get any more info on the current dweller or how the rest of the dungeon looks like, if there is one.

On the whole, the rooms looked like being used by some knightly order or perhaps mage guild. Very human style and apparently not inhabited for ages.
Zanan 03.May.2005 10:05
 Dunno exactly what Sheiriya was asking for, but Talice only visited the rooms leading from the sewers' "entrance" to the festhall.

West of the festhall is a differently angled room with a fountain in the middle, a statue on it's South-western wall and a staircase on the South-eastern one. So she was told by the leader beforehand. What is in there now, she does not know.
Zanan 03.May.2005 10:05
 I'll be offline for the best part of Wednesday ... just to let you know. Did I mention that I honor IC talk and all with more XP? As in: you can talk without me too, making battle plans, selecting scouts and or trying to get each other known - who cast spells and who don't, who knows anything about human buidlings and their outlay et al ...  ;)  
avatar warlockco 04.May.2005 06:05
 So you not sending us an email with an image anymore?
Zanan 04.May.2005 06:05
QUOTE (warlockco @ May 4 2005, 5:41:42)
So you not sending us an email with an image anymore? [/quote]
 You did not get that Entrance Area 01 pic? Anyone else either?
avatar Oyn 07.May.2005 10:05
 I didn't get an email with the map.
avatar Narzen 08.May.2005 01:05
 Me neither.
avatar Phaerven 08.May.2005 02:05
 I put it on my webserver for warlockco, I didn't know that you didn't get it either, otherwise I would have posted the URL.

New map:
click here
Zanan 08.May.2005 10:05
 Thanks to Phaerven. First time I used the "list" option of my e-mail provider, and probably the last  <_<

The pic is the one I intended to send and the description should become somewhat clearer now ... for those who didn't see the pic before.

Just in case ... the whole place is utterly dark, until I say otherwise. (As in: only what your darkvision shows you is visible.)
Zanan 09.May.2005 11:05
 A sidenote: As it most likely will segregate the main thread, i think it would be a good idea to open a new thread for characters talking to each other. There already is a "Narzen - Nata'al conversation" thread and perhaps those who wish one, could open another one. Best would be if someone just starts a say Sheiriya's Conversations and those who want to talk to her do it there. Thus, we don't have a thread for each and every single conversation a character might have.
avatar Sheiriya 10.May.2005 01:05
 OK, I'll open that new thread for Sheiriya.
avatar Sheiriya 12.May.2005 12:05
 Sorry, but where are we? Did we go to the southeast with the little pond?
I thought about going to the north to that cave that might be there.
Zanan 12.May.2005 12:05
QUOTE (Sheiriya @ May 12 2005, 11:14:18)
Sorry, but where are we? Did we go to the southeast with the little pond?
I thought about going to the north to that cave that might be there. [/quote]
 The main group is waiting "below" the crossed black dot right in the north and middle of the pic (see link above). That is also the place were that sewer runs (bluish line meandering from the north to the southeast of the pic). The rooms (yellow) are one level above the sewers / river and Nata'al and Keth are up there already. Sheiriya and her bunch moved towards the pond area - along the bluish line - which is not shown on the map (since it is not important ;) )
avatar Phaerven 12.May.2005 08:05
 Ok :) So that explains why I was confused about our position, too.
avatar warlockco 13.May.2005 03:05
 Trying to get my bearing on the map, exactly which room is Keth and Nata'al in right now?

Is it the room in the NE corner of the map with the door to the west and the south? Or are we in the passageway outside of that room?
Zanan 13.May.2005 09:05
QUOTE (warlockco @ May 13 2005, 2:04:27)
Trying to get my bearing on the map, exactly which room is Keth and Nata'al in right now?

Is it the room in the NE corner of the map with the door to the west and the south? Or are we in the passageway outside of that room? [/quote]
 Keth and Nata'al are still near that shaft (black dot, right in the centre of the map's north) looking to the south as well into that small extension to the west. Then again, most rooms here right down to the complex look much the same. I'll redo the map over the weekend and add some numbers or letters ;)
avatar Oyn 13.May.2005 05:05
 hehe. I already put some tags of locations and such that I hope are correct. Guess I'll find out in the next few days.  
Zanan 15.May.2005 12:05
 Don't become write-shy. I need to know whether the three pond-checkers return to the main group (well, at least the reader should get something to feast their eyes, shouldn't they?).

avatar Phaerven 15.May.2005 04:05
 I am slightly confused about what belongs in the conversation thread and what in the main thread.
avatar warlockco 15.May.2005 09:05
 If Talice has been left alone, Keth will go back down to keep watch.
Zanan 16.May.2005 12:05
 Phaerven ... just talk happily along in the Conversation chat ... and then reappear in the sticky one. ;)

Keth needn't go down there, as Narzen is still around too, methinks. ;)  
avatar Sheiriya 17.May.2005 12:05
 The next days I won't be able to get online as regulary as normal.
avatar Narzen 17.May.2005 01:05
 I in turn have been online most of the time in the last few weeks but there's been... distractions. Nevertheless, I should point out that I'm certainly still around, just having imagination shortage and a slight case of disorientation as regards to the location of everyone's characters.

The latter of which happens to me all the time, so no worries there...  :rolleyes:  
avatar Oyn 17.May.2005 01:05
 I second the being disoriented  :lol: Not sure if I'm with the pond group or what.
Zanan 17.May.2005 03:05
QUOTE (Oyn @ May 17 2005, 12:17:28)
I second the being disoriented  :lol: Not sure if I'm with the pond group or what. [/quote]
 Well, Iira is with the pond group, methinks. Narzen and Talice stand at the bottom of that shaft, while Keth, Geirildin and Nata'al are all up the shaft in the first room.

If Iira isn't with the pond gang, then he still stands near Talice and Narzen.

Pond gang should be Sheiriya, Zhadristan and Jashalar (sp?) then.

Don't complicate matters, just post along ;)
Zanan 20.May.2005 03:05
 Rightio lads'n lasses. To keep it going, I'll drag you onwards every second or third day after my last "big" post in the main thread.

Even if your character is there and just waiting for others to respond, just write a line or two ("studying the ceiling for spiders" etc.) so that I know who is and you are there ;)
avatar Sheiriya 22.May.2005 10:05
 Only to make sure. As long as I don't write something else Sheiriya will speak to the others telepathically.
Zanan 24.May.2005 09:05
 Well, sorry for confusing this, from the room you are in (3) there is only one exit to the south. I was thinking of rooms, not doors, but  :rolleyes:

Now, I'll make up for this straight away ...
avatar Oyn 25.May.2005 08:05
 i'm still horribly confused one where everyone is.... is everyone where the stuff being described right now or is that just the small scout party and everyone is still behind by the pond thingy?
Zanan 25.May.2005 09:05
 Oyn ... the scouting party fpund nothing and one by one they  returned to the shaft leading up to the rooms. By now, I assume everyone is up in the dungeon complex and somewhere near room 2, 3, 4 or 6. Consider Iira being there as well (no one will ask you how he gets there ;), as they are all concentrated on finding treasure, slaying monsters and getting XP, you know  :D  )

As I said, I think everyone is up by now, spread over the rooms. Only if something special happens will make me ask for specific locations of the specific members. Feel free to fill in gaps of conversation or description with little notes like: "He moves to the north-western corner of the festhall and inspects some of the cob-webs, walls, etc. there."
avatar Narzen 27.May.2005 10:05
 Narzen's trying to decipher the scrolls with Spellcraft (it takes just a few seconds).
Zanan 02.Jun.2005 12:06
 Just to let you know, I'll be offline from Friday night till Monday morning ... but feel free to post along.
Zanan 10.Jun.2005 05:06
 Phaerven will receive an update map over the weekend and you will be able to access it via the link in the description thread.
avatar Sheiriya 10.Jun.2005 09:06
 What about the other side of the rift? Can we see a continuing way there, from our point of view?
Zanan 12.Jun.2005 03:06
 Phaerven should have the new pic now and as soon as it is up, I'll go on with the description.
Zanan 13.Jun.2005 09:06
 Picture should be up later today ... some small technical hick-up. I'll describe the chasm and all soon.
avatar Narzen 15.Jun.2005 09:06
 So, does the mention of the bridge crossing at 25 feet mean the chasm is no deeper than that, or..?

And is there something near the edge to tie a rope to? I guess the portcullis would do if there's nothing else, but it'll shorten the rope somewhat.

(Yeah, it's just me getting stuck with details as usual...   :P )
Zanan 15.Jun.2005 09:06
 Yep, it is not that deep, but a fall could see you end up like the lass on the stalacmite. The chasm may be deeper at one of the ends, but that is hard to tell from here.

You can tie the rope onto the portcullis or one of the nearby rocks / mini-stalagmites, just as you please  B)  
avatar warlockco 19.Jun.2005 09:06
 How far up is the woman impaled on the Stalagmite, and how deeply impaled is she?
Zanan 20.Jun.2005 09:06
QUOTE (warlockco @ Jun 19 2005, 20:51:33)
How far up is the woman impaled on the Stalagmite, and how deeply impaled is she? [/quote]
 Her description will follow later today, as is the rest of the chasm. Weekend was a bit busy.
avatar warlockco 20.Jun.2005 11:06
QUOTE (Zanan @ Jun 20 2005, 8:32:31)
QUOTE (warlockco @ Jun 19 2005, 20:51:33)
How far up is the woman impaled on the Stalagmite, and how deeply impaled is she? [/quote]
Her description will follow later today, as is the rest of the chasm. Weekend was a bit busy. [/quote]
 lol, okay...  ;)  
avatar warlockco 21.Jun.2005 03:06
 The Scorpion is dead?
Zanan 21.Jun.2005 09:06
QUOTE (warlockco @ Jun 21 2005, 2:53:55)
The Scorpion is dead? [/quote]
 Very much so. Probably killed by the skeleton chap near it ... before the poison or injury got the better of him/her/it.
avatar Sheiriya 24.Jun.2005 02:06
While the others have their views blocked by stalagmites and pillars, Talice and Keth spot something or someone closing in on the group.

So Geirildin and Jhalashar know nothing about what's going on.
They should only know that there is something in the east.

At least if they don't have some magical ways to see that.
avatar Narzen 24.Jun.2005 03:06
 Heh... I just noticed I acted on the faerie fire cue myself without anyone calling out a general warning.

But I guess people in the chasm could still figure out that something stirs in the east, right? DM?
Zanan 24.Jun.2005 04:06
 Yep, Sheiriya, mean as she was  B) , just told you that something interesting is to be seen in the east.

Then again, as it is all a bit diffcult to handle "off-table" and we don't want to complicate matter, I assume that these are the actions of the two/three lads once they have seen what is approaching. I'll take it on from there.

Leaves me with Iira, since Zhadristan is off during the weekend (some strange metal convention sort of thing  :blink: ). Though we don't need each and everyone for the first round. Will go on with it later this (Fri, German time) evening.
avatar Narzen 24.Jun.2005 06:06
Yep, Sheiriya, mean as she was B)  , just told you that something interesting is to be seen in the east.

Ah... I thought it was merely another comment on where to go.

Oh well, considering what my alter ego's alter ego is doing in the world above around this time, and with whom, I'm sure you'll understand me being... distracted, malla Zanan.
avatar warlockco 25.Jun.2005 05:06
QUOTE (Zanan @ Jun 24 2005, 15:12:11)
Leaves me with Iira, since Zhadristan is off during the weekend (some strange metal convention sort of thing  :blink: ). Though we don't need each and everyone for the first round. Will go on with it later this (Fri, German time) evening.

 So nothing is happening yet?
avatar Oyn 25.Jun.2005 10:06
 I've been sick the past few days so haven't been online. I'll put something up in a moment.
Zanan 25.Jun.2005 10:06
 I'll put it into line ...

1 - Sheiriya "divined" that something is in the east and told you as much.
That something closed in on you, but apart from Sheiriya, nobody knew waht it was.

2 - Spot checks for those able to see it (dice rolling thread) and Talice and still floating Keth noted the movement.

3 - Talice draws her bow and Keth casts faerie fire

4 - actions as described by the characters (the order of the posting of the actions is a bit confusing, but rest assured, malla Zanan is watching  B) )
Zanan 26.Jun.2005 10:06
 What's happening right now:

Talice (firing at the enemy with her bow), Sheiriya (looking on) and Nata'al (keeping watch) are standing on the exit to the north, at bridge level height

Jalashar stands to the west of the bridge, singing his song, while Zhadristan and Narzen are firing crossbows at the enemy from almost under the bridge.

Geirildin is the only one in close quarter fighting with the enemy now, while Keth and Iira using reach weapons in melee.

Your actions for next round then.
Zanan 28.Jun.2005 10:06
 Just in case I did not say it before ... I've chopped the rule about ranged attacks on folk in melee. It will be much like critical failures: if your character comes up with a natural 1 and this shot is confirmed with a 2 or 3, you'll shoot your comrade. Another natural 1 will cut the cross-/bowstring. If you shoot your comrade, another attack roll will confirm whether you actually pierce her/his armor (and if s/he's in a bad position, she may even suffer a sneak ...)

Yeah, call me mean and all  B)  
avatar Phaerven 30.Jun.2005 01:06
 The webserver with the map is down because my modem was damaged during a thunderstorm yesterday. I hope it will be back before the weekend.
Zanan 07.Jul.2005 09:07
 Keeping you right up to it:

Sheiriya, Talice and Nata'al are all standing near the northern edge of the bridge. Right before them, on one of the more northern squares stands Geirildin. Near to him floats Keth.
Beneath the bridge to the west is Iira, to the east (if not much), Jashalar, Narzen and Zhadristan.

The only visible enemy stands behind the portcullis which block the way to the south, the chap who went foggy disappeared in the tunnel.
Zanan 08.Jul.2005 10:07
 Suddenly, they all freeze in the front of the unspeakable evil ...  :ph34r:  
avatar Phaerven 08.Jul.2005 12:07
 Is it possible to get up there on the other side without too much trouble?
Zanan 08.Jul.2005 12:07
 Shouldn't be too difficult, rough surface these walls have ... then again, with a "2" he'll need all his attention to get up there during the round.
Zanan 15.Jul.2005 10:07
 Situational report:

The males will need this round to climb the walls. Keth and Geirildin will make it to the portcullis, with Talice right behind them. Jalashar still sings from below, while Sheiriya and Nata'al stay back near the northern exit, the former is doing some spellcasting.

The undead will target any of the immediate threats to his health.
Zanan 22.Jul.2005 10:07
 Right ... Sheiriya, Nata'al and Jashalar are not directly involved, I assume that Keth, Geirildin and Zhadristan go into melee and Iira and Talice look on, waiting to pounce.
avatar Oyn 24.Jul.2005 03:07
 Waiting to pounce is perfect. My weapon needs a bit more room then is present to use while somebody else is in the tunnel (i'm assuming)
avatar Dx'zau'vrinn 24.Jul.2005 03:07
 Geirildin charges directly into battle at the first opportunity, leaping at the end as always (with -5 power attack, which does lots of damage considering his equipment and feats).
Zanan 24.Jul.2005 10:07
 Phaerven's got a new map and a soon as he puts it online, I'll describe the next rooms.
Zanan 25.Jul.2005 02:07
 What do you do next? Order of recon changed?
Zanan 30.Jul.2005 09:07
 Sorry for the delay, will be back in business with you by Monday, 01/08.
Zanan 09.Aug.2005 10:08
 Anybody out there?  ;)  
avatar Narzen 09.Aug.2005 11:08
 I'm here, most definitely. But I'm just the trap-finder, not the one calling the shots...  :ph34r:  
avatar Phaerven 10.Aug.2005 12:08
 And I'm not even finding traps  ;)  
Zanan 10.Aug.2005 01:08
QUOTE (Phaerven @ Aug 10 2005, 11:56:48)
And I'm not even finding traps  ;) [/quote]
 I'll take care of that B)
Anonymous 11.Aug.2005 05:08
Zanan 15.Aug.2005 02:08
 Will wait for half a handful of reactions before going on with Ini and all.

The hallway is some 6 feet wide and 10 feet high, BTW.
Zanan 17.Aug.2005 11:08
 The scene ...

Keth tried to turn the creature and failed. It advanced towards you, casting (hear hear) Divine Power on itself, which Keth determined quite correctly. Sheiriya tried to darken the place, but failed.

Actions afterwards ... most of the party advanced into melee, but only Geirildin and Iira managed to get there, well, into melee. Iira stayed a bit back, due to his longer chain. So far only these two are in melee range, as they advanced up to the creature - which did not advance any further this round.

Zhadristan, Narzen and Keth will be there next round, Jalashar and Nata'al will stay back while Talice tries not to shoot anyone from behnid ... or casts a spell.

Questions up to now?
avatar Sheiriya 24.Aug.2005 07:08
 I have to tell you that I won't be able to get online from next monday (29.8.) until the monday (maybe sunday) two weeks later. Again university gets me to a foreign country. ;) (But this time not far away.)
Zanan 24.Aug.2005 08:08
 Well, as you know, even Zechi is talking to us from Saigon ;) ... there's always hope.
avatar warlockco 26.Aug.2005 05:08
You do know that the one that has been beating on you isn't the one that is running.
avatar Phaerven 26.Aug.2005 06:08
 I am currently going for the second undead, that appeared behind us, where Nata'al and Talice are. The other one was attacking Geirildin.
avatar warlockco 26.Aug.2005 09:08
 Opps, sorry got you two mixed up.  :blush:  
avatar Narzen 27.Aug.2005 11:08
 Well, you know how it is. A male drow here, another there, what's the difference, eh?  :D  
avatar warlockco 27.Aug.2005 12:08
QUOTE (Narzen @ Aug 27 2005, 10:03:02)
Well, you know how it is. A male drow here, another there, what's the difference, eh?  :D [/quote]
avatar Phaerven 30.Aug.2005 10:08
 Just for the record, I only recently found out that approaching a turned creature breaks the turning.  :unsure:  
avatar Narzen 31.Aug.2005 01:08
 It breaks only if the character actually doing the turning approaches the turned creature, and even then only if the character comes closer than 10 feet away from it (regardless of other actions the turning character might take).

Allies can always whack away at turned creatures to their hearts' content.
avatar Phaerven 31.Aug.2005 03:08
 Ah, I see. What was I thinking?..
Zanan 31.Aug.2005 08:08
 Well, I am, on the other hand, not sure, whether the undead will respond to any melee attacker in kind, once s/he is more than 60 feet away from the "turner" ...

On another note, it's been a very busy week, hence the slow response.

... then again, the business was slow anyway. Lads, lasses, monsters await!
Zanan 02.Sep.2005 10:09
 Rightio, we should get this dungeon behind us lads and lasses, so ... I take it that ...

1 - Geirildin goes one beating the living sh*te out of the thing (though one can debate the actual status of the mentioned material, alive and all ...)
2 - Iira does the same
3 - Jalashar is singing his lungs out
4 - Kethryllia joins the fun No. 1 and 2 are in
5 - Narzen does something with the thing in his hand?
6 - Nata'al ... well, I know
7 - Sheiriya ... is spellcasting
8 - Talice ... same as 6
9 - Zhadristan ... goes into melee with the undead?

Wait till this evening before getting it on. I'll push you a bit, so make sure you watch this space over the weekend.  B)  
avatar Phaerven 02.Sep.2005 07:09
avatar Phaerven 02.Sep.2005 07:09
 Is this undead armed, too?
Zanan 03.Sep.2005 12:09
QUOTE (Phaerven @ Sep 2 2005, 18:23:17)
Is this undead armed, too? [/quote]
Only if you consider a greatsword a weapon  B)
avatar warlockco 03.Sep.2005 08:09
QUOTE (Zanan @ Sep 3 2005, 11:00:02)
QUOTE (Phaerven @ Sep 2 2005, 18:23:17)
Is this undead armed, too? [/quote]
Only if you consider a greatsword a weapon  B) [/quote]
 Bah, its only a toothpick   ;)  :P  
avatar Oyn 10.Sep.2005 10:09
 just to make sure.... was i the one that was hit for 15 and 13 damage? If so, ouch.
Zanan 10.Sep.2005 03:09
QUOTE (Oyn @ Sep 10 2005, 9:29:04)
just to make sure.... was i the one that was hit for 15 and 13 damage? If so, ouch. [/quote]
 Yep, indeed 28 HP of damage ... the first hit nearly went critical too. Bloody Divine Power'ed Clerics, right  B)  
avatar Phaerven 14.Sep.2005 04:09
 Latest map:

The Study
avatar warlockco 17.Sep.2005 03:09
 How much time has passed since we started into the Complex?
avatar Sheiriya 17.Sep.2005 12:09
 Am I right that Sheiriya won't be able to reach the ceiling without levitation?
Zanan 17.Sep.2005 12:09
 From the start at the shaft, I'd say about an hour. It's not that large a place after all.
avatar Drakkar Daveneorn 17.Sep.2005 10:09
 hello all!!!I just wanted to assure you, all of your beating-up-monsters needs will be deftly accomplished by myself (Zouhlnor). and i also want to add "Huzzah Lolth!!!"  
avatar Phaerven 18.Sep.2005 11:09
 hello! welcome aboard!
Zanan 18.Sep.2005 12:09
QUOTE (Drakkar Daveneorn @ Sep 17 2005, 21:44:10)
I just wanted to assure you, all of your beating-up-monsters needs will be deftly accomplished by myself (Zouhlnor). [/quote]
 You have so far to experience the vile pro-DM-creature dice rolling machine of this board *insert manical & evil laugh here*

See you soon  ;-)  
avatar Drakkar Daveneorn 18.Sep.2005 08:09
You have so far to experience the vile pro-DM-creature dice rolling machine of this board *insert manical & evil laugh here*

awww....sad  :(
avatar warlockco 18.Sep.2005 10:09
QUOTE (Zanan @ Sep 18 2005, 11:14:07)
QUOTE (Drakkar Daveneorn @ Sep 17 2005, 21:44:10)
I just wanted to assure you, all of your beating-up-monsters needs will be deftly accomplished by myself (Zouhlnor). [/quote]
You have so far to experience the vile pro-DM-creature dice rolling machine of this board *insert manical & evil laugh here*

See you soon  ;-) [/quote]
 I knew it was rigged  :P  
avatar Drakkar Daveneorn 19.Sep.2005 10:09
 if anyone is interested i posted a simple drawing of myself (Zouhlnor) here:

En world: public art gallery

there are also a few other drawings i've done posted on there under the screen name Drakkar Daveneorn, just like here. Check them out and let me know what you think.

Huzzah Lolth  :D  
Zanan 21.Sep.2005 10:09
 Just to get the scene int oyour minds ...

All but Jalashar, Geirildin and Nata'al are in room 19 (a.k.a. The Study). Jalashar stands at the crossroads (room 15) and checks the hallway to the south-east (17), while Nata'al recovered the chain (15) and tied the skeleton up. She is, once she's done with the communication, busy dragging the dead undead to the crossroad and stand guard with the singer again. Geirildin still stands at the point of the fight, somewhere in the middle of the hallway (18).

So Jalashar and Nata'al have - so far at least, no intention to join the others.
Zanan 26.Sep.2005 11:09
 I have no problems adjusting the identify spell to a more comfortable and useful "identify one item/abilities of one item per two caster levels" per casting. Thus, the casters' level and experience gets some merit too.

E.g., if you have (Detect Magic) two magical swords (+1 keen swords), you can either identify them both as +1 swords with more behind them, or one +1 keen sword and another magical sword.

Objections or opinions?
avatar Drakkar Daveneorn 26.Sep.2005 11:09
 A depiction of OYN's Iira, tell me what you think!

Zanan 26.Sep.2005 03:09
 Just clip his ears (as per description) and get him wear that bow ;). Not bad though.
Zanan 26.Sep.2005 04:09
 Rightio ... even though you still have to rest, I awarded XP in the region of 1000 to most of the characters. No-one is near a level cap right now, but some soon will be. I'll mail you with your up-to-date XP scores in the near future.
avatar Phaerven 26.Sep.2005 08:09
QUOTE (Zanan @ Sep 26 2005, 11:02:46)
E.g., if you have (Detect Magic) two magical swords (+1 keen swords), you can either identify them both as +1 swords with more behind them, or one +1 keen sword and another magical sword.

Objections or opinions? [/quote]
 Good idea! I have always considered the identify spell an annoyance.
avatar Phaerven 26.Sep.2005 08:09
QUOTE (Drakkar Daveneorn @ Sep 26 2005, 11:38:02)
A depiction of OYN's Iira, tell me what you think! [/quote]
 Site is down atm :(
avatar Oyn 26.Sep.2005 11:09
QUOTE (Zanan @ Sep 26 2005, 15:23:17)
Rightio ... even though you still have to rest, I awarded XP in the region of 1000 to most of the characters. No-one is near a level cap right now, but some soon will be. I'll mail you with your up-to-date XP scores in the near future. [/quote]
 Hey I've been conserving my limited supply of arrows.
avatar warlockco 27.Sep.2005 01:09
 Have not recd the email if one has been sent.
Zanan 27.Sep.2005 11:09
 No mails have been sent so far, there is no need to hurry that either. Maybe there will be more XP if the plan of hunting the leech goes ahead.

In the meantime something for the record:

Talice's Quest

Magical items collected along the way

Naevra and the rooms up to the southern parts:
Silvery ring
Scrolls (2 - Blur, Fly, Shocking Grasp, Invisibility)
a spell component pouch
a Luck charm sort of Symbol dedicated to Tymora
a black clean short sword
2 non-magical silvery daggers
a handaxe
a robe
a small brass ring
a spellbook with accompanying components (pouch) (Naevra's Spellbook, see below)
another wand
arcane scrolls (all CL 6: magic missile 2x, Arcane Sight, Daylight, Fireball)
a mace

With the skeleton cleric of Myrkul
Black breastplate
A morningstar
A hook
A helm

The Study
An amulet
A pair of shrouds (wrapping dead folk in, featuring some sort of necromantic symbols)
A number of non-magical bootles with nasty looking liquids

Skeleton on the Throne
Bracers (coloured red)
A silvery-black horn
An an ornamented breastplate
A magical longsword
A robe

In the room (table, dead, alcoves)
A dagger's hilt
A semi-transparent cloak
A whistle made of glass
A bag of stones
An amulet
4 doses with some paste
A periapt sort of thing
Another horn
6 scrolls (Undead Bane, Pal 3; Clearstone, Energize Potion 2x, Protect. from Winged Creatures, Sun Bolt)
Two small spellbooks in an ancient tongue (Arcanamach Trebellia, Book of Ivory Death, see below)A crossbow
About a dozen and a ahlf crossbow bolts
Two vials containing some sort of potion

Of those spells that you have no access too level-wise, you may only understand the name and their general purpose.

Naevra's Spellbook (26 of 50 pages used)
1st Alarm, Mage Armor, Comprehend Languages, Identify, Invisibility, Magic Missile, True Strike
2nd Fog Cloud, Gust of Wind, See Invisibility, Scorching Ray
3rd Arcane Sight, Clairaudience/Clairvoyance, Daylight, Fireball

To a trained eye, Naevra apparently concentrated their studies on Divinations and the school of Evocation.

Arcanamach Trebellia - A Netherese Spellbook (83 pages)
1st Arcane Sensibilities, Arrow Mind, Instant Search, Lantern Light, Protection from Evil, Protection from Winged Creatures, Ray of Resurgence, Shield
2nd Energize Potion, Flaming Sphere, Resist Energy, Scourge of Force, Sun Bolt, Swift Fly, Wraithstrike
3rd Clearstone, Dispel Magic, Healing Touch, Heroism
4th Bloodbriars, Celestial Brilliance, Dimensional Anchor, Lightning Fog
5th Break Enchantment, Shadowform, Streamers
6th Crushing Sphere, Greater Dispel Magic, Repulsion

Divine Spells (26 pages)
1st Nimbus of Light
2nd Deific Vengeance
3rd Flame of Faith, Remove Nausea
4th Blood of the Martyr, Convert Wand
6th Ghost Trap

Pal 3rd Undead Bane

This is a book written by some Netherese mage called Trebellia. It contains a number of spells the apparent devotee of Amaunator utilised during her fights alongside Lasator, a champion of the Sun God. It details various ways of fighting "undead and other evil being", ending in notes and spells cast by Lasator himself. The book is somewhat larger than normal.

Book of Ivory Death (71 pages of spells plus descriptions)
1st Chill Touch, Summon Undead I
2nd False Life, Spectral Hand, Summon Undead II
3rd Gentle Repose, Summon Undead III
4th Animate Dead, Bloodstar, Enervation, Venom Bolt
5th Magic Jar, Necrotic Skull Bomb, Night's Caress, Summon Undead V
6th Create Undead, Eyebite
9th Ghostform

A book that smells vile and evil without opening it, contains all information that is needed to transform oneself into a lich.
Zanan 27.Sep.2005 03:09
 NB: Nata'al is hung the skeleton chap up in room 15, where the black dot is and Talice' former boss hung.
Zanan 28.Sep.2005 03:09
 Right, I assume that the rest will leave the throne room too and head back to the hallways, room 15 to be precise, via the study. I also assume that what is listed above has been collected. If someone wants to have a closer look here and there, just let me know and I'll incorporate it in the ongoing story. If a half a handful have arrived at Nata'al's position, tell me what you are doing / going to do.
Zanan 01.Oct.2005 09:10

The dissolving thing happened in room 15, not the study. So IMO only Nata'al and Sheiriya were there unless some of the others hurried up there right after the female.
avatar Phaerven 01.Oct.2005 10:10
 Zhadristan already packed things, and you said yourself that you assumed we'll be heading back  :unsure:  
avatar Oyn 01.Oct.2005 11:10
QUOTE (Zanan @ Oct 1 2005, 8:48:15)

The dissolving thing happened in room 15, not the study. So IMO only Nata'al and Sheiriya were there unless some of the others hurried up there right after the female. [/quote]
 That's why it was in the corner of my eye ;) I was still kinda inbetween the two rooms or something.
Zanan 01.Oct.2005 12:10
 Just a remark lads, just a remark ;) If you were there, fine by me.
Zanan 04.Oct.2005 04:10
 For those interested, the dungeon you have just left was adapted from an old adventure called "Lashan's Fall", as described in the DM's Sourcebook of the Realms (FRCS - "Old Grey Box", 1987) and Dragon  95. I changed the inhabitants a wee bit, since the former AD&D lich would have caused you an interesting amount of bother. The skeleton chap you defeated was a Curst (Clr of Myrkul).
Zanan 06.Oct.2005 11:10
 Geirildin should have an e-mail now, detailing what Jalashar found out. I'll get info to Narzen about his findings too.

It is up to both whether to share that knowledge with the rest ... and get flayed or not ;)
Zanan 07.Oct.2005 09:10
 I will add a few remarks regarding the identified items (especially the spells on scrolls and in the books) to the list above, p. 23 of this thread. I'll let you know about the changes / additions.
Zanan 14.Oct.2005 12:10
 Rightio, as no time limit was asked for or given, I assume that you take the opportunity to rest some 16 hours, leaving Jalashar with two, Narzen (if wand is used) four more identifying options. It would be good if people who want something identified tell the character(s) in question about it.

We won't go over this rest that long, people who want to talk can easily open up another thread (e.g., "Zouhlnor & Iira conversation") and do so. Interaction between the group members is much saught after and will be rewarded, of course.  B)  
Zanan 14.Oct.2005 04:10
 The spells of the scrolls and spell books have now been added and visibly marked.
avatar Oyn 17.Oct.2005 07:10
 How long are we resting so stuff can be identified and whatnot?
Zanan 17.Oct.2005 09:10
QUOTE (Oyn @ Oct 17 2005, 6:42:50)
How long are we resting so stuff can be identified and whatnot? [/quote]
 Let me answer this with a quote of myself:

Rightio, as no time limit was asked for or given, I assume that you take the opportunity to rest some 16 hours, leaving Jalashar with two, Narzen (if wand is used) four more identifying options. It would be good if people who want something identified tell the character(s) in question about it.

 ;) You should notify the chaps of your wishes, if Jalashar takes wishes of anyone apart from his master.
avatar Oyn 18.Oct.2005 06:10
 Heh totally forgot about that. Was nothing big. Just a thought that popped into my head the other day that if enough time was spent resting I was going to do.
avatar Drakkar Daveneorn 20.Oct.2005 03:10
 Identified armor would be nice. my armor is poo  :(  
avatar Drakkar Daveneorn 20.Oct.2005 03:10
people who want to talk can easily open up another thread (e.g., "Zouhlnor & Iira conversation") and do so.
I would like to do that but with all of the laguage bariers im not sure how to start a new thread, if you could run me through that, i will start it.  :D  
Zanan 20.Oct.2005 10:10
QUOTE (Drakkar Daveneorn @ Oct 20 2005, 2:03:25)
people who want to talk can easily open up another thread (e.g., "Zouhlnor & Iira conversation") and do so.
I would like to do that but with all of the laguage bariers im not sure how to start a new thread, if you could run me through that, i will start it.  :D [/quote]
 At the top of this Thread you'll find a button saying "Neues Thema". Hit this one and you'll get a couple of empty lines: Type your header into the first one, any additional comments into the line below (not needed though.)

Type a few lines into the text field and hit the "Neues Thema angeben" button. The thread  (they called it Thema) will then appear alongside the other conversations.
Zanan 25.Oct.2005 03:10
 Situation at hand:

You can see three creature approaching from the portal entrance. They fly at a height of about 40 feet, two are now shed in faerie fire by Keth, other can only be seen as a shadowy silhouette in the dim light of the cave - which will be better once it comes within 120 feet, of course. The latter will happen soon. The creatures above you keep out of your sight's reach (and most likely do not see you either), but may know the cavern well enough.

So far, everyone apart from Keth (faerie fire) can do an action this round, next round will be ini for all - the creatures (entrance) will be closing in to 100 feet by then. They fly pretty fast now.
Zanan 27.Oct.2005 01:10
 Setting the scene:
You approach the entrance as a group, Zouhlnor, Iira and Talice have point, followed by Geirildin. Keth and Nata'al walk in the middle, followed by Jhalashar. The rear is brought up by Sheiriya, Zhadristan and Narzen.
The enemy is made up of five winged creatures, one is hovering some 100 feet away in midair (40 feet above ground). From the same direction, two wingies go head to head with the vanguard (descending all along the way), while one wingy each attacks the group from the left and right respectively, spears used for the charge.

Any questions?
avatar Sheiriya 27.Oct.2005 02:10
 edit: No need for the question anymore.
Zanan 28.Oct.2005 11:10
 Rightio ... I'll one round with the actions  I know, next round the wingies are with you in melee reach. For that round I assume that the melee fighters go into ready action (which the most likely do in the previous round) to get a swing at the fly-by folk?!
Zanan 28.Oct.2005 10:10
 So much for round I:

The spellcaster still hoovers 100 feet away, facing a magical weapon of force.

The two spearwielding attackers will be in striking distance, your complete "front row union" has an ini of 20 and are "ready". Talice as well as the attackers get Ini.

The one on the left is wounded and somehow enspelled, the one on the right badly wounded. They both will try to dive in and strike you.
avatar Oyn 29.Oct.2005 12:10
 *grumble, grumble* stupid dice roller. hopefully the thing i'm trying to disarm rolls worse, or at least has a lower modifier if not both *crosses fingers*
Zanan 30.Oct.2005 12:10
Spellcaster hoovers still, being attacked by Keth's magical weapon.

Iira and Zouhlnor face up to an opponent each, Geirildin is near Iira. Both the drow brothers are wounded, as are both creatures.

The two attackers from the sides are dead. Those in the middle of the group, Zhadristan, Keth, Nata'al may join the melee up front (move and strike), while the others, i.e. Sheiriya and Narzen would need more than one move action for melee. Walk and fire would be okay though.

Actions please.

Edit: Missed a couple of things here. First, the creature are of ogre-size and second, the spear stats they have in my books are both wrong, hence I reroll the damage again.
avatar Phaerven 02.Nov.2005 08:11
 All dead?
Zanan 02.Nov.2005 11:11
 Very dead indeed ...
avatar Drakkar Daveneorn 03.Nov.2005 09:11
 Im like almost dead...but it was worth it.
Zanan 03.Nov.2005 11:11
 Your were healed up during the travel ... Zouhlnor, that is. So he should have a few HP left.

If you suffer any problems with the new Gate design (browser-wise that is ;) ) let me know. And ... NO, I am not responsible nor have any great influence on it.
avatar warlockco 04.Nov.2005 02:11
QUOTE (Zanan @ Nov 3 2005, 11:58:10)
Your were healed up during the travel ... Zouhlnor, that is. So he should have a few HP left.

If you suffer any problems with the new Gate design (browser-wise that is ;) ) let me know. And ... NO, I am not responsible nor have any great influence on it. [/quote]
 Well it is nice that some things are listed in English now, but the color choices are a bit hard on the eyes.
avatar Phaerven 04.Nov.2005 07:11
 Top right, there is a link "Kontrollcenter", click and bottom left you'll find a link "Skins und Sprachen", which means "skins and languages".
Click there and you'll get a page with 2 pull-down menus. In the upper one, you can choose english as your board language and in the second one, you can choose the old skin.
When done click the button "Accountoptionen ändern".
avatar Drakkar Daveneorn 04.Nov.2005 09:11
 I really like the way this site looks now. Maybe they hired a graphic designer or something...
Zanan 04.Nov.2005 09:11
QUOTE (Drakkar Daveneorn @ Nov 4 2005, 9:50:10)
I really like the way this site looks now. Maybe they hired a graphic designer or something... [/quote]
 Well, this is what some of them do semi-professionally.
avatar warlockco 04.Nov.2005 02:11
QUOTE (Phaerven @ Nov 4 2005, 7:01:57)
Top right, there is a link "Kontrollcenter", click and bottom left you'll find a link "Skins und Sprachen", which means "skins and languages".
Click there and you'll get a page with 2 pull-down menus. In the upper one, you can choose english as your board language and in the second one, you can choose the old skin.
When done click the button "Accountoptionen ändern". [/quote]
 Thanks, that makes a MAJOR difference.
avatar Sheiriya 04.Nov.2005 05:11
 Does the portal light the room or are there the special fungi, too?
Zanan 05.Nov.2005 09:11
QUOTE (Sheiriya @ Nov 4 2005, 17:37:06)
Does the portal light the room or are there the special fungi, too? [/quote]
 Only the vicinity (10 feet)  of the portal, the rest of the room is covered in darkness.
avatar Phaerven 05.Nov.2005 10:11
 Talking about goodies, what does Protection from winged creatures do? The same as the Protection from Evil/Good/...?
avatar Oyn 05.Nov.2005 11:11
 Did I get healed? Post said drow warriors, hoping that included me since I pretty much as useful in that fight by keeping a spear from stabbing somebody else.... with my body. Also this change is nice. I can acatully read buttons and such  :lol:  
avatar warlockco 05.Nov.2005 11:11
 Could we get a list of what everyone's current damage is at if any, and how many times did I end up using my wand, healing those that were affected by it?


Zanan 05.Nov.2005 03:11
 Since only two chaps were injured, the fighting brothers that is, they were the healed ones.

No-one is injured right now, Keth used her wand once on each of the brothers.

Protection vs. winged creatures protects much like Protection vs. evil et al ... but only (AFAIK) if the creatures are actually flying.
Zanan 08.Nov.2005 10:11
 Right, check the rooms description and tell me were you stand, approximately. Else I place you all at the tunnel's entrance for a sweet little shower  B)  
avatar Phaerven 08.Nov.2005 02:11
 In that case I'd prefer waiting behind some pillar.
avatar Phaerven 09.Nov.2005 07:11
 Fri ... *DM's magic sponge at work* ... ?

I'll take care of that drake, rest assured ;)
avatar Drakkar Daveneorn 10.Nov.2005 04:11
 I dont know how to describe getting temporary hit points, and that makes me sad. :(
avatar Oyn 10.Nov.2005 05:11
 For range purposes.... how far is the drake from us?
Zanan 10.Nov.2005 10:11
 Zoulh ... just "make your body glow for a sec" and tell me ;)

Oyn ... just inside Point Blank shot range, if you stand near the walls. Added a bit to the appearance right now ... the whereabouts that is.

Zhadristan ... gets his spell off before the drake arrives, enough time for that
Zanan 11.Nov.2005 03:11
 Zouhl ... before I forget it ... you are medium sized again. There is enough time to heal and enlarge you, but note the PP spend.
Zanan 11.Nov.2005 06:11
 Setting the scene for round 2:
The dragon whirls about itself about 20 feet into the room, right in the middle. That hit of Geirildin left a deep wound in its side.

Gerildin approached it from the left, and is in flanking position to Keth's magical weapon, and the female, if she advances.

Iira has approached the beast from the left entrance and flanks it with Zhadristan.

Zouhlnor has approached from the right side of the entrance and has no flanking "partner" as yet, since Talice and Nata'al used bows so far.

Narzen, Sheiriya, and Jhalashar keep to the walls, as does Keth, Talice and Nata'al for the time being.
avatar Drakkar Daveneorn 12.Nov.2005 11:11
Zouhl ... before I forget it ... you are medium sized again. There is enough time to heal and enlarge you, but note the PP spend.

Yes, please, i ment to enlarge again before engaging the drake.
Zanan 13.Nov.2005 11:11
 Will wait till this afternoon (German time)  until I initiate he next round. No further action is required, unless any of the fighters will try something special.
avatar warlockco 14.Nov.2005 04:11
 So what was the result of all those die rolls?
Zanan 14.Nov.2005 10:11
 Will describe that shortly ... t'was busy yesterday  :ph34r:  
Zanan 14.Nov.2005 12:11
 Well, dunno whether I said that earlier ... darkness is darkness (as 3E), no shadowy illumination or 80% see-ability. If not in the rules now, it was created at least by that dragon!  B)

:fechten: Objections??? :fechten:
avatar warlockco 14.Nov.2005 01:11
 Not good at all.
avatar Phaerven 14.Nov.2005 04:11
 I never liked that wierd 20% illumination rule anyway.
avatar Sheiriya 14.Nov.2005 09:11
 You told that to me some months ago (before this adventure began) because I asked you in a pm.
avatar Phaerven 14.Nov.2005 09:11
Zhadristan curses at the darkness and begins to move back towards were he thinks Keth's position is.

provided that it's not dispelled before my initiative. Grrrr.
avatar warlockco 15.Nov.2005 04:11
 Keth is taking a Full Defense, unless the darkness is dispelled before her turn, in which case she will attack the dragon with the scourge.
avatar Oyn 16.Nov.2005 09:11
 yeah the sites back! I had trouble past few days when I tried coming here. Kept getting a message that the site didn't exist.
Zanan 16.Nov.2005 09:11
 Busy schedule over here today ... hope to get you into trouble later today though.
avatar Phaerven 16.Nov.2005 07:11
I thought the dragon is hovering (or something like that) above us.

Now there is silence but Sheiriya can still be heard?
I guess I'll retreat anyway.. don't want to take 'friendly fire'.
Anonymous 17.Nov.2005 04:11
 I would like to say i back off and dont attack, as suggested.


I am Raged and therefore possibly not so coherent, and i'm fighting in the 'Darkness' which is what i'm skilled at doing.


I will leave my actions and therefore Zouhlnors actions to our great and mysterious dungeon master.

p.s. :D  
Zanan 17.Nov.2005 09:11
QUOTE (Phaerven @ Nov 16 2005, 19:12:50)
I thought the dragon is hovering (or something like that) above us.

Now there is silence but Sheiriya can still be heard?
I guess I'll retreat anyway.. don't want to take 'friendly fire'. [/quote]
 Hehe ... great and mysterious dungeon mistress  :D ... sounds fine.

Now, I will go on describing the scene as some have apparently interpreted the "silence" in more ways than I intended.  :ph34r:  
avatar Phaerven 20.Nov.2005 12:11
 I don't know what a tile of healing exactly does, but I guess it should restore a few hp.
Zanan 20.Nov.2005 04:11
 Essentially, tile work like potions or scrolls. Break the tiles and the spell store goes off, here, cure light wounds.

BTW, while we are at it, any objections against my house rule about healing potions:

Type - straight healing of ...

CLW - 10 HP
CMW - 15 HP
CSW - 20 HP

In effect, the same as the straight +4 with the new buff spells ... and less roling of dice. The healing dose cannot be split.
avatar warlockco 20.Nov.2005 09:11
 Sounds reasonable to me for the Healing Potions.
avatar Sheiriya 21.Nov.2005 12:11
 No objections.
avatar Oyn 21.Nov.2005 06:11
 The potion thing sounds good. Going to have to use that for when I run stuff. Makes sense for potions to be brewed to a certain strength.
avatar Narzen 21.Nov.2005 11:11
Makes sense for potions to be brewed to a certain strength.

I'd say the variation reflects impurities in the brewing process, but then again I like things less than shiny in my own games...

That said, to each their own, or rather that of the DM.  :D  
avatar Drakkar Daveneorn 21.Nov.2005 10:11
 Will the healing rule apply to psionic powers too, like Body Adjustment?
avatar warlockco 22.Nov.2005 12:11
 So you can bottle that up as a healing potion?
Zanan 22.Nov.2005 10:11
 Spells and SLAs work like they did before. Methinks most Psi stuff works like spells, doesn't it? So if you can create potions of body adjustment ... maybe. Haven't heard of such things though, but then again, I haven't heard much about Psi in general.
avatar Oyn 23.Nov.2005 05:11
 Psionic Tattoo's are the psionic version of potions sorta. That and Power Stones but those are more like scrolls.
Zanan 25.Nov.2005 05:11
 Managed to post the following on the wrong board ...

Right, I will get you onwards later this afternoon, but in advance ... you get some XP for getting here and slaying a few on your way, plus roleplaying and all. Since not all of you started at the same point and entered with the same XP amounts, "only" Narzen, Iira, and Zhadristan managed to level, with some other close behind but not yet there. I will inform those as soon as they make it, of course.

So while you wait for the group to get on, use the sparetime and weekend to level those charas up and send them to me.
If there are any questions, just PM or mail me.

I'll use the dice board to roll HP, best of two, just take the score relevant for your class, e.g. best of the d8s for a cleric or ranger.  
Zanan 25.Nov.2005 07:11
 Here again a list of the equipment found:

A * marks items Narzen tried his luck onto ...

Talice's Quest

Magical items collected along the way

Naevra and the rooms up to the southern parts:
*Silvery ring - of misdirection
*Wand - of enfeeblement, 23 charges
Scrolls (2 - Blur, Fly, Shocking Grasp, Invisibility)
a spell component pouch
a Luck charm sort of Symbol dedicated to Tymora
a black clean short sword - sth. vs. arcane spellcasters -- Nata'al
2 non-magical silvery daggers
a handaxe - intended for throwing, might return
*a robe of Charisma (+2) -- Sheiriya
*a small brass ring of lockpicking
a spellbook with accompanying components (pouch) (Naevra's Spellbook, see below)
*wand of shield(ing), 32 ch.
*bracers of striking
arcane scrolls (all CL 6: magic missile 2x, Arcane Sight, Daylight, Fireball)
a mace

With the skeleton cleric of Myrkul
Black breastplate - magical armor, improves hiding abilities
A morningstar - magical weapon -- Keth
A hook
A helm - let's understand  languages, more properties

The Study
An amulet
Bracers - improves armor
Gloves - of dexterity +2 -- Keth
A pair of shrouds (wrapping dead folk in, featuring some sort of necromantic symbols)
A number of non-magical bottles with nasty looking liquids

Skeleton on the Throne
Bracers (coloured red) (Jhalashar looked at this) -- Zhadristan
A silvery-black horn -- Jhalashar
An an ornamented breastplate -> +1 light fortification living metal -- Zouhlnor
A magical longsword -> +1 keen undead bane
*A robe

In the room (table, dead, alcoves)
A dagger's hilt (you saw a small blade of force appear when Jhalashar tested it) -- Geirildin
*A semi-transparent cloak, Shadow Veil (+2 deflection, 20% concealment, precludes wearing any other armor) -- Sheiriya
*A whistle made of glass "Nightcaller"
*A bag of stones - 5 breachstones
An amulet of Natural Armor (+1) -- Zouhlnor
4 doses with some paste
A periapt sort of thing
Another horn -- Jhalashar
6 scrolls (Undead Bane, Pal 3; Clearstone, Energize Potion 2x, Protect. from Winged Creatures, Sun Bolt)Two small spellbooks in an ancient tongue (Arcanamach Trebellia, Book of Ivory Death, see below)
A crossbow
About a dozen and a half crossbow bolts
Two vials containing some sort of potion

Of those spells that you have no access too level-wise, you may only understand the name and their general purpose.

Naevra's Spellbook (26 of 50 pages used)
1st Alarm, Mage Armor, Comprehend Languages, Identify, Invisibility, Magic Missile, True Strike
2nd Fog Cloud, Gust of Wind, See Invisibility, Scorching Ray
3rd Arcane Sight, Clairaudience/Clairvoyance, Daylight, Fireball

To a trained eye, Naevra apparently concentrated their studies on Divinations and the school of Evocation.

Arcanamach Trebellia - A Netherese Spellbook (83 pages)
1st Arcane Sensibilities, Arrow Mind, Instant Search, Lantern Light, Protection from Evil, Protection from Winged Creatures, Ray of Resurgence, Shield
2nd Energize Potion, Flaming Sphere, Resist Energy, Scourge of Force, Sun Bolt, Swift Fly, Wraithstrike
3rd Clearstone, Dispel Magic, Healing Touch, Heroism
4th Bloodbriars, Celestial Brilliance, Dimensional Anchor, Lightning Fog
5th Break Enchantment, Shadowform, Streamers
6th Crushing Sphere, Greater Dispel Magic, Repulsion

Divine Spells (26 pages)
1st Nimbus of Light
2nd Deific Vengeance
3rd Flame of Faith, Remove Nausea
4th Blood of the Martyr, Convert Wand
6th Ghost Trap

Pal 3rd Undead Bane

This is a book written by some Netherese mage called Trebellia. It contains a number of spells the apparent devotee of Amaunator utilised during her fights alongside Lasator, a champion of the Sun God. It details various ways of fighting "undead and other evil being", ending in notes and spells cast by Lasator himself. The book is somewhat larger than normal.

Book of Ivory Death (71 pages of spells plus descriptions)
1st Chill Touch, Summon Undead I
2nd False Life, Spectral Hand, Summon Undead II
3rd Gentle Repose, Summon Undead III
4th Animate Dead, Bloodstar, Enervation, Venom Bolt
5th Magic Jar, Necrotic Skull Bomb, Night's Caress, Summon Undead V
6th Create Undead, Eyebite
9th Ghostform

A book that smells vile and evil without opening it, contains all information that is needed to transform oneself into a lich.
avatar warlockco 25.Nov.2005 08:11
 Arcanamach Trebellia - A Netherese Spellbook
Divine Spells
1st Nimbus of Light
2nd Deific Vengeance
3rd Flame of Faith, Remove Nausea

Is there a place to find more information on these?
Zanan 26.Nov.2005 09:11
QUOTE (warlockco @ Nov 25 2005, 20:17:36)
Arcanamach Trebellia - A Netherese Spellbook
Divine Spells
1st Nimbus of Light
2nd Deific Vengeance
3rd Flame of Faith, Remove Nausea

Is there a place to find more information on these? [/quote]
 Of course there is ... Lost Empires of Faerûn and Book of Exalted Deeds, Good-doers and all.
avatar warlockco 26.Nov.2005 07:11
 Okay thanks, just they didn't look familiar.  :)  
avatar Drakkar Daveneorn 26.Nov.2005 08:11
 so how exactly are we to distribute all of our enormous wealth?
Zanan 27.Nov.2005 10:11
QUOTE (Drakkar Daveneorn @ Nov 26 2005, 20:10:33)
so how exactly are we to distribute all of our enormous wealth? [/quote]
If I was Nata'al, I'd say ... "Aye, 'our' wealth, not yours!"  :D  ... but that is of course the yathrin's decision.

In any case ... it would be fine if everyone reviews his chara-sheet for any weaknesses in terms of equipment as well as a brushing up of what s/he actually has. It'll get tougher soon enough and there is no need as yet to hoard all your finds and treasures ;)

When checking your equipment and look for better items, make sure that the chara does not demand over the odds.
Anything blue has been identified and revealed to the others.
Narzen seems to have some trouble getting connected, while Geirildin/Jhalashar's player dropped out for the time being due to private problems. I'll take care of the two for now.

Speaking of which, internet connections that is, I will change my provider during the week (round about the 1st of December) and may be offline for a day or two. This shouldn't stop you from having fun hereabouts though.
avatar Narzen 27.Nov.2005 12:11
 I'm sorry for the long time away (again) and I fear it'll still take a few days at least before I properly get back in business. My old hardware blew up, and I can't access any of my files and stuff before I reinstall the operating system on the new machine, and for that I'll need a new OS first...  :rolleyes:  
avatar warlockco 27.Nov.2005 02:11
 YUCK!!  :(  
Zanan 27.Nov.2005 03:11
 That's what you get when you use XP ... trouble all along the way  B)  
avatar Phaerven 27.Nov.2005 06:11
 Maybe you should offer some XP for installing Linux.  :)  
avatar warlockco 28.Nov.2005 05:11
 I take it the items with green, is what Jhalashar looked at? Seems many of the newly added items are vague.
Zanan 28.Nov.2005 11:11
 Yep, blue has been identified by Narzen, while green is stuff bardic-knowledged by Jhalashar, the bracers were correctly identified too (feat)
Zanan 29.Nov.2005 10:11
 Good, I've got new Iira and new Zhadristan ... which leaves Narzen.  
Zanan 30.Nov.2005 01:11
 Any decisions, proposals etc. about the equipment? Nata'al would try and use that short sword which gives arcane spellcasters a harder time ...  
avatar Sheiriya 30.Nov.2005 06:11
 The Shadow Veil would be nice for Sheiriya.
avatar Phaerven 30.Nov.2005 07:11
 The red bracers make me curious.
avatar warlockco 30.Nov.2005 10:11
 Nothing is specific is catching Keth's eye at the moment.

Only definate claim on anything I see so far is:
Sheiriya for The Shadow Veil
avatar Oyn 01.Dec.2005 06:12
 I've been thinking over the items. Can't seem to find Bracers of Striking in books... which one are they in?
Zanan 01.Dec.2005 10:12
 Now, before digging up books, you may well check this  THIS SRD LINK first. The bracers aren't in there ... these special bracer of striking give you the Improved Unarmed Strike feat as well as being bracers of armor +2. (Magic of Faerûn)

Nata'al would lay claim on the black short sword, if no-one else wants it.

Any items yet to be properly identified will be added to the characters stats etc. ... though I keep its secrets close to me  B)

Note: Geirildin's player has some problems right now, thus I take care of him and Jhalashar.

Note II: My provider will change (defo) on Dec 7th, so I might be away during that day.  
Zanan 02.Dec.2005 02:12
 WHATS UP?! Need I throw monsters at you to make you post??? *turns towards the bookshelf and gets the Monsters that'll kick the living sh.te out of your "heroes" - Manual ready. Let's see ...*  B)  
avatar Sheiriya 02.Dec.2005 05:12
 I'll be back on monday.
avatar Drakkar Daveneorn 02.Dec.2005 08:12
 Sorry about not being here, It's finals time at school right now,
avatar warlockco 03.Dec.2005 03:12
QUOTE (Zanan @ Dec 2 2005, 14:13:47)
WHATS UP?! Need I throw monsters at you to make you post??? *turns towards the bookshelf and gets the Monsters that'll kick the living sh.te out of your "heroes" - Manual ready. Let's see ...*  B) [/quote]
 I responded to your previous post.

Zanan 03.Dec.2005 03:12
QUOTE (warlockco @ Dec 3 2005, 3:19:58)
QUOTE (Zanan @ Dec 2 2005, 14:13:47)
WHATS UP?! Need I throw monsters at you to make you post??? *turns towards the bookshelf and gets the Monsters that'll kick the living sh.te out of your "heroes" - Manual ready. Let's see ...*  B) [/quote]
I responded to your previous post.

 :P [/quote]
My monster will bypass Keth then  B)

Don't take me that dead serious folk. But make sure that you let me know when someone isn't around ... so that I can go on with the story and all.

Items have been distributed in the list.
avatar Oyn 07.Dec.2005 08:12
 bleh. my connections been spotty lately. wireless router keeps crapping out and attempts to fix it seem to work only to not the next day. anyways off to read and catch up on things.
Zanan 07.Dec.2005 03:12
 Report back from provider change.

Will drag you on later today, so stand tight  ;)

(Don't use WLAN!)
Anonymous 07.Dec.2005 05:12
QUOTE (Zanan @ Dec 7 2005, 15:15:51)
(Don't use WLAN!) [/quote]
 You don't say... I am struggling with it.
avatar warlockco 09.Dec.2005 02:12
 Can we tell if the bodies have been stripped?
Zanan 09.Dec.2005 12:12
 Yep, all bodies have been stripped ... even the dead giant's weapon is missing. They are half eaten already, but, from the looks of it, not that long amongst the dead. The giant was killed by the drow, a glaive-like halberd still protrudes out of his throat.
Zanan 11.Dec.2005 06:12
 Updating stuff ...

A * marks items Narzen tried his luck onto ... green has been identified or bardic knowledged by Jhalashar ...

Talice's Quest

Magical items collected along the way

Naevra and the rooms up to the southern parts:
*Silvery ring -  of misdirection  -- Sheiriya
*Wand -  of enfeeblement, 23 charges  
Scrolls (2 - Blur, Fly, Shocking Grasp, Invisibility)
a spell component pouch
*a Luck charm sort of Symbol dedicated to Tymora - (+1 sacred save on all saves)
*a black clean short sword -   +1 magebane   -- Nata'al
2 non-magical silvery daggers
*a handaxe -   +1 handaxe of distance and returning -- Iira methinks
*a robe  of Charisma (+2)   -- Sheiriya
*a small brass  ring of lockpicking  
a spellbook with accompanying components (pouch)
(Naevra's Spellbook, see below)  
*wand  of shield(ing), 32 ch.  
*bracers  of striking  
arcane scrolls   (all CL 6: magic missile 2x, Arcane Sight, Daylight, Fireball)  
*a mace - +1 flaming heavy mace (cast Faerie Fire on anyone hit) -- Keth

With the skeleton cleric of Myrkul
*Black breastplate -  +2 shadow breastplate
A morningstar - a magical weapon
A hook - heavily cloaked in necromantic magic
A helm -   let's understand  languages, more properties  

The Study
An amulet - of Natural Armor +1
Bracers -   improves armor  
Gloves -   of dexterity +2   -- Keth
A pair of shrouds (wrapping dead folk in, featuring some sort of necromantic symbols)
A number of non-magical bottles with nasty looking liquids

Skeleton on the Throne
Bracers (coloured red)   (Jhalashar looked at this)   -- Zhadristan
A silvery-black horn - casts a spell to call support -- Jhalashar
An an ornamented breastplate  -> +1 light fortification living metal   -- Zouhlnor
A magical longsword  -> +1 keen undead bane  
*A robe - will increase the wearer's resistance generally and against some elements

In the room (table, dead, alcoves)
A dagger's hilt   (you saw a small blade of force appear when Jhalashar tested it)   -- Geirildin
*A semi-transparent cloak,  Shadow Veil (+2 deflection, 20% concealment, precludes wearing any other armor)   -- Sheiriya
*A whistle made of glass  "Night Caller"  - calls a zombie from amongst more or less recently slain folk, which serves the wielder loyally until destruction
*A bag of stones -  5 breachstones  
An amulet  of Natural Armor (+1)   -- Zouhlnor
4 doses with some paste - provide some sort of healing and cleansing
A periapt sort of thing - improves wisdom -- Keth
Another horn - casts a spell -- Jhalashar
6 scrolls   (Undead Bane, Pal 3; Clearstone, Energize Potion 2x, Protect. from Winged Creatures, Sun Bolt)  
Two small spellbooks in an ancient tongue   (Arcanamach Trebellia, Book of Ivory Death, see below)  
A crossbow - +1 light x-bow of distance
About a dozen and a half crossbow bolts - strongly magical
Two vials containing some sort of potion

  Of those spells that you have no access too level-wise, you may only understand the name and their general purpose.  

Naevra's Spellbook (26 of 50 pages used)
1st Alarm, Mage Armor, Comprehend Languages, Identify, Invisibility, Magic Missile, True Strike
2nd Fog Cloud, Gust of Wind, See Invisibility, Scorching Ray
3rd Arcane Sight, Clairaudience/Clairvoyance, Daylight, Fireball

To a trained eye, Naevra apparently concentrated their studies on Divinations and the school of Evocation.

Arcanamach Trebellia - A Netherese Spellbook (83 pages)
1st Arcane Sensibilities, Arrow Mind, Instant Search, Lantern Light, Protection from Evil, Protection from Winged Creatures, Ray of Resurgence, Shield
2nd Energize Potion, Flaming Sphere, Resist Energy, Scourge of Force, Sun Bolt, Swift Fly, Wraithstrike
3rd Clearstone, Dispel Magic, Healing Touch, Heroism
4th Bloodbriars, Celestial Brilliance, Dimensional Anchor, Lightning Fog
5th Break Enchantment, Shadowform, Streamers
6th Crushing Sphere, Greater Dispel Magic, Repulsion

Divine Spells (26 pages)
1st Nimbus of Light
2nd Deific Vengeance
3rd Flame of Faith, Remove Nausea
4th Blood of the Martyr, Convert Wand
6th Ghost Trap

Pal 3rd Undead Bane

This is a book written by some Netherese mage called Trebellia. It contains a number of spells the apparent devotee of Amaunator utilised during her fights alongside Lasator, a champion of the Sun God. It details various ways of fighting "undead and other evil being", ending in notes and spells cast by Lasator himself. The book is somewhat larger than normal.

Book of Ivory Death (71 pages of spells plus descriptions)
1st Chill Touch, Summon Undead I
2nd False Life, Spectral Hand, Summon Undead II
3rd Gentle Repose, Summon Undead III
4th Animate Dead, Bloodstar, Enervation, Venom Bolt
5th Magic Jar, Necrotic Skull Bomb, Night's Caress, Summon Undead V
6th Create Undead, Eyebite
9th Ghostform

A book that smells vile and evil without opening it, contains all information that is needed to transform oneself into a lich.
avatar Sheiriya 12.Dec.2005 05:12
 Sheiriya took the ring of misdirection, too. If no one objected.
Zanan 12.Dec.2005 06:12
 Possession part updated.

NB: No need to dwell that long on the faked story ...
avatar Drakkar Daveneorn 13.Dec.2005 03:12
 If it's cool, Zouhlnor will also grab these pieces.

The study
Bracers - improves armor

In the room (table, dead, alcoves)
About a dozen and a half crossbow bolts - strongly magical
avatar Sheiriya 16.Dec.2005 12:12
 Are we still following the bloody trail?
Zanan 16.Dec.2005 09:12
QUOTE (Sheiriya @ Dec 16 2005, 0:37:25)
Are we still following the bloody trail? [/quote]
 Yes and no ... the blood trail came from Maerimydra/Vournoth Mire and led towards Szith Morcane. We went into the other direction and thus will happen onto the scene of battle soon.
avatar Sheiriya 17.Dec.2005 01:12
 At the moment Sheiriya is doing nothing but waiting for reaktions. Should she (cast a spell, maybe) or not...?
Zanan 17.Dec.2005 03:12
 Well, the scout stopped and waited for anything she wanted to do ...
avatar Sheiriya 17.Dec.2005 07:12
 OK, then.
I think you know what Sheiriya is doing to look at some different places. ;)
Zanan 20.Dec.2005 11:12
 Actions please  B)  
avatar warlockco 21.Dec.2005 03:12
QUOTE (Zanan @ Dec 20 2005, 11:38:40)
Actions please  B) [/quote]
 I tried posting but the site decided to go down, right when I hit reply.
Zanan 21.Dec.2005 11:12
 Good ... let's check on marching and initial formations ...

Front line: Talice, Geirildin, Zouhlnor
Second row: Jhalashar, Iira, Zhadristan
Mid group: Kethryllia, Sheiriya, Narzen
Tail: Nata'al

That's right?
avatar Sheiriya 21.Dec.2005 02:12
 For me it's ok.
Zanan 23.Dec.2005 03:12
 Heavy schedule today ... so I won't post till late this night or Sat morning, German time that is.  
avatar Drakkar Daveneorn 24.Dec.2005 02:12
 Zouhlnor up front indeed!
avatar warlockco 24.Dec.2005 05:12
 Just a clarification, I have retained my weapon correct?

For now I am assuming so, so my post will change if I'm incorrect.
Zanan 24.Dec.2005 10:12
 @ Keth ... yep, weapon retained. After all, you rolled a 19 in that opposed check.

@ All:

May the Goddess guard your paths and show mercy to your enemies!

As in: Merry Christmas to all of you!
avatar warlockco 24.Dec.2005 01:12
 Merry Christmas to Everyone!!

avatar warlockco 28.Dec.2005 07:12
 Is anyone else having trouble accessin the site at times?

I am often getting a message saying the site is down when I try to access it.
avatar Oyn 28.Dec.2005 09:12
 I often get that message too. A while back I couldn't get to the site for a week or so.
Zanan 28.Dec.2005 10:12
 Well, no problems here, but they may work a wee bit on it during the night times over here -  to avoid stopping the gamers over here to receive such messages. Could well be that this could interrupt your checks from time to time as the US are up to 9 hours behind us here. Then again ... no need to hurry, we are not of the rushing ilk, are we ;)

Any pressing things can always be transmitted via mail, of course.
avatar warlockco 29.Dec.2005 03:12
 Okay...was just wanting to make sure that I wasn't the only one.
Zanan 29.Dec.2005 11:12
 Right, while the sweat starts to fill your boots ... remember to double check on all the equipment you have. You needn't fight the thing alone and all of you are well equipped to hamper the beast's targetting ability.
avatar Oyn 30.Dec.2005 09:12
 Alirghty, going to assume a spot of 10 is enough to find a good sized thing to hide behind so included ducking behind something in my actions for round 6.
Zanan 30.Dec.2005 05:12
 Rightio ... your new adversary is some 90 feet away, moving towards you. It is not that fast, so you get two rounds of preparation if you stay in cover. Anyone who don't covers her-/himself may invite a ray attack. So simply let me know what you are intent to do during the two rounds and I'll do the rolling (if necessary).

That is, looking for cover, getting there and do some preparations (cast spell) is one round.
Zanan 02.Jan.2006 10:01
 Have almost all info I need to get you going again ... just a couple of actions missing. Which reminds me ... Darkness used here (we agreed upon this) is the AD&D - 3E version, i.e. as described in 3E (not 80 % visibility), but not the object restriction. In the the latter respect, Darkness is treated much like Light.
avatar Phaerven 03.Jan.2006 08:01
 Throwing requires line of sight, right?
Zanan 03.Jan.2006 10:01
 Well, only if you intent to hit a specific target, I'd say. "General direction" should be no problem ... maybe you get a lucky "shot"  B)  
Zanan 03.Jan.2006 10:01
 Right ... lets get going then:

First, the area is shed in darkness from two castings, one by Zouhlnor, the other by Zhadristan. Essentially, the beholder needs to come pretty close to the path to see anyone of you, unless ... .
Everyone seeks cover behind some object, apart from the skeleton warrior summoned by Jhalashar. The sound of the bard's song lingers on as well. A few of you have been "enspelled" by a sound out of Jhalashar's second horn.
By chara ...
Iira has power stored in his chain, sought cover and waits.
Zhadristan cast a spell on himself, plus darkness while drawing a thunderstone
Zouhlnor cast darkness and psi-powerd himself up (he's still large, methinks)
Keth sought cover and cast a spell on herself
Narzen sought cover, loaded his x-bow and prepares components.

I know of Geirildin, Nata'al, and Talice, of course.

Any late additions? Wait till German Noon before I get on.
Zanan 03.Jan.2006 12:01
 Good, after some sort of sluggish start in 2006, it is time to hunt some drow  :lol:

The beholder will get his ini and start scanning the area for you. As it cannot use its rays through the antimagic cone, you have a chance attack it if you want.

To clarify this ... anyone with an initiative ahead of the beholder can react to do something once the cone passes over them. Those with ini after the beholder note the antimagic ray, but their actions will either be done in darkness or without sight of the beholder. I'll tell you about who can react and who doesn't soon.
Zanan 03.Jan.2006 01:01
 Don't forget to double check on the above two postings too ...

Acting before the beholder and thus are able to react (or earlier or not) when the antimagic ray passes over them are ...

Keth, Iira, Narzen, Nata'al, and Jhalashar. The rest acts after the cone passes bye and can do whatver strikes their fancy. So, off you go with your actions!
avatar Oyn 04.Jan.2006 07:01
 I have an idea for something I'd like to try but it depends on how far away the beholder is... so how far away is it?
Zanan 04.Jan.2006 10:01
 It moved up to your position in general, so it hovers in some 45 feet distance, closing in on the group this round too.

Sidenote: The unconscious drow suffered 11 HP of damage.
Zanan 05.Jan.2006 03:01
 Of round VIII, Iira's, Narzen's and Zhadristan's actions are still to be rolled/done. The rest may tell what they want to do next for round IX.
Anonymous 05.Jan.2006 05:01
 Zouhlnor is in melee range, right? Can Zhadristan see that?
Zanan 05.Jan.2006 05:01
QUOTE (Zhadristan @ Jan 5 2006, 17:31:34)
Zouhlnor is in melee range, right? Can Zhadristan see that? [/quote]
 Well, yes. The eye ray creates a cone of visibility in the darkness and assuming that Zhad and Zouhl stood in line of sight (of the beholder). Yet, Zouhl will only be able for melee in Round IX, as he closed in on the beholder this round.
Zanan 06.Jan.2006 10:01
 Step forward lads and lasses, we want to go on, won't we? :fechten:
avatar Phaerven 06.Jan.2006 11:01
 How long would it take to surround the beholder, walking along the created darkness?
Zanan 06.Jan.2006 01:01
 Well, Zouhlnor went some 20 paces ahead to confront the still approaching beast. As it hoovers 10 feet above ground one may find it difficult "to surround" it, though with a move equ. action you could do so, no problem. i.e., getting into a flanking position to at its right or left hand side. The round afterwards, you may move into a direct flanking position with Zouhl.

Hope I don't spill many beans saying that even flanking even a 8 1/2 eye beholder is next to impossible ...
Zanan 06.Jan.2006 01:01
 The scene right now, just before Round IX:

The beholder hovers some 20 feet in front of the main bulk of the drow (those who fought the elite in melee), 10 feet over the ground. Zouhlnor is the only one in melee reach, still enlarged as he is. The whole area is covered in darkness, so you see neither the beast nor your friends.
Zanan 08.Jan.2006 11:01
 For round IX ...

I know what Nata'al and Keth do, Sheiriya, Geirildin and Jhalashar. I imagine what Zhadristan wants to do too. The rest?
avatar Oyn 08.Jan.2006 01:01
 Looks like I missed a round or so in the past few days of not being online.  :lol:
Anyways onward with my attacks, just delayed a bit.
Zanan 08.Jan.2006 03:01
QUOTE (Oyn @ Jan 8 2006, 13:31:18)
Looks like I missed a round or so in the past few days of not being online.  :lol:
Anyways onward with my attacks, just delayed a bit. [/quote]
 What attacks? ... I take that he goes in ready mode (Rd VIII) and is still in the darkness. He does not see the thing as yet ... only possibility was when the ray passed over him. No chain reach though. So he might have closed in on the beast as his move action, no problem.  
avatar Oyn 09.Jan.2006 02:01
QUOTE (Zanan @ Jan 8 2006, 15:03:00)
So he might have closed in on the beast as his move action, no problem. [/quote]
 yup that was the plan. move in so attacks could be made.
Zanan 09.Jan.2006 11:01
 Note to Sheiriya -> you must see the target to cast the spell

... and Keth -> what sort of help?
avatar Phaerven 09.Jan.2006 12:01
 Actually I liked the darkness because it keeps the beholder from firing its rays.

If we can't keep it from flying, we can't attack it in melee because it can fly out of range. Our ranged attacks are not that good, hmm?
Zanan 09.Jan.2006 12:01
 Well ... this is just Nata'al's opinion ... whether the others agree is up to them. (@ Warlockco ... they don't know about our talk, so I leave Keth's opinion open as yet).

Just in case it did not come over well enough ... the beholder moves upwards this round, will only be in reach of Zouhlnor's and "Zhadristan's" melee and possibly leaving the darkness ... just as food for thought.
Zanan 10.Jan.2006 09:01
 Regarding Narzen's shooting ... he missed, of course, not because of the ultra high AC, but because lack of sight. And only just.
Zanan 10.Jan.2006 10:01
 Situational update after Round IX

The beholder has moved atop the darkness, as Talice reported. It is out of reach of the melee fighters now, aside from Zhadristan's whip. The creature still is some 30 feet away from the main group (Keth, Geirildin, Jhalashar, Zhadristan, Nata'al) of you.

Bring forth ideas and actions please.  :ph34r:  
avatar Phaerven 10.Jan.2006 10:01
 The tunnel that lead as here was large enough for giants. Where's the next smaller one we know of?
Zanan 10.Jan.2006 11:01
 Leading down to Maerimydra, the tunnels are not that much smaller, but much less spacey as the open cavern is right now.
avatar Sheiriya 10.Jan.2006 10:01
 Is Sheiriya inside or outside the darkness?
Zanan 11.Jan.2006 12:01
 At this moment and time, everyone is in the darkness ... well, who knows where Talice is.
Zanan 12.Jan.2006 09:01
 The darkness is - as I see it - a "half globe" of magical darkness, i.e. the top half of a large (20 feet radius) globe. The lower half isn't there / to be seen because of the floor, of course.* There are two darknesses right now, one towards the path and one more closely to the beholder and the front row fighters.
Those stepping out of the darkness near the path cannot see the beholder straight away, but have to (due to angle) move further backwards towards the path (say 15 feet). From there you can spot it, if you want.

* I assumed that they were cast on ground level, not somewhere in the air.

Actions for round X please.
Zanan 13.Jan.2006 11:01
 Good, I know what the DMCs do in round X. I assume that the rest moves path-ways as well, though I am not sure about Iira's intentions with the hook and what spell Zhadristan casts. Keth will cast a spell, what is Narzen and Zouhlnor up to?
avatar Phaerven 13.Jan.2006 12:01
 Didn't I say it in the pm? It's True Strike.
Zanan 13.Jan.2006 06:01
 Not in th PM ...

On a general note, True Strike does wonders if you try an hit the beast WHEN you see it. As we are using the old version of darkness, the beholder while in the darkness was not just concealed, you simply did not see it. I did use 50% miss chance for the last rounds, assuming that anyone who did, shot in the general direction of the beholder. It moved during that time as well, so it was not the darkness' actual "concealment" taken into consideration, else it would have been 100%. Maybe that was not clear enough. If you see the beast or it uses blur or displacement, true strike works perfectly well.

Everything unclear?

Good. I think I have most info necessary, so away we go.

Situational update - Round X
Most of the drow have now either left the darkness (near the path, Zhadristan's) or stand close to its edge. Zhadristan, Zouhlnor and Iira are still fully covered, as they were deeper into the fungi forest (Zouhlnor's and Zhadristan's darkness). The latter three will leave the darknesses after their Move Action of Round XI, if they so desire.
The beholder moves towards the path and can be clearly seen by all next round (and vice versa), unless another darkness is cast, as Nata'al suggested. So if Narzen and Zhadristan want to give their buffed x-bow's a try, no problem now.

Questions? If not, Round XI is upon you!
avatar Oyn 14.Jan.2006 10:01
 Was the "move to the left" comment directed towards people within the darkness? I'm guessing so since it was spoken aloud instead of signed.
Zanan 14.Jan.2006 10:01
QUOTE (Oyn @ Jan 14 2006, 10:33:14)
Was the "move to the left" comment directed towards people within the darkness? I'm guessing so since it was spoken aloud instead of signed. [/quote]
 Well, it was spoken to someone, whom is hard to tell. Then again, Iira knows that the group would move on to Maerimydra and need to go through the southern tunnels ... which lies to Iiira's left too (when he moves back from the fight towards the path).
Zanan 14.Jan.2006 10:01
 Situational update for Round XI (don't worry, at least I know what is actually happening  B) )

The group moves back towards the path and turns left (to the south). Talice spotted someone and talked him/her to move in that direction too. The skeleton and the shadow cavvekan attacked the beholder (or will do soon), Narzen and Zhadristan got their shots off too. As soon as possible, Nata'al will/does cover your "escape" route with darkness. Iira, Zhadristan and Zouhlnor will be the last to arrive at the southern tunnel. Speaking of which, take a look at the picture again (description thread). What seems like a tunnel - south eastern edge of the fungi forest cavern is actually only a passage to the lake cavern in the west. You can move alongside the shore of the lake (see description of the caverns above - it is different to the picture) keeping inbetween the blue ribbon and the wall. The beholder might follow you, it is certainly able to do so.

avatar Phaerven 14.Jan.2006 10:01
 Uhm, yes. I don't want to use the crossbow, I want to expend 3 charges of the ring :)
of course only if it's not looking at Zhadristan when he gets in sight.
Zanan 14.Jan.2006 11:01
 No problem ... I'll be roll happy anyway, given all the attacks of the beholder, miss chances and whatever. Adding a possible bull rush won't hurt me much more :lol:  
Zanan 14.Jan.2006 12:01
 Situational update at the end of round XI

All but Zhadristan, Zouhlnor and Iira are now on half way towards the southern "tunnels". The view to the beholder is now obstructed by the darkness Nata'al summoned. The skeleton still stands were it was summoned, the cavvekan seems to have some fun right now. One round of running/moving will bring all but the aforementioned three towards the passage to the next cavern. The three will be there after another move action.
avatar Sheiriya 16.Jan.2006 03:01
 Just, that everybody knows: Sheiriya is invisible to darkvision again.
avatar Mikayla 18.Jan.2006 07:01
 Malifice will keep her handcrossbow leveled at whoever is aiming a weapon at her for the moment, but does not fire.  She also moves so her back is against a passage wall.
avatar Sheiriya 18.Jan.2006 08:01
 Am I right that there is enough illumination to see Sheiriya without darkvision but not that well (in addition to her shadow veil)?
Zanan 18.Jan.2006 11:01
QUOTE (Sheiriya @ Jan 18 2006, 20:42:55)
Am I right that there is enough illumination to see Sheiriya without darkvision but not that well (in addition to her shadow veil)? [/quote]
 Keep me posted on that  ;) ... actually, it is dark here, illumination was only in the fungi cavern, nor here any longer.
avatar Sheiriya 20.Jan.2006 11:01
 I guess you know what Sheiriya is doing now.
avatar Mikayla 25.Jan.2006 02:01
 By the way...hello everyone!
avatar warlockco 25.Jan.2006 06:01
QUOTE (Mikayla @ Jan 25 2006, 2:55:50)
By the way...hello everyone! [/quote]
 Welcome to the group.  :P  
avatar Sheiriya 26.Jan.2006 01:01
 Just to remind you. At the moment (until I write something different) Sheiriya is invisible in the darkness. At least to most, if not all of you, I guess.
Zanan 02.Feb.2006 05:02
 Good ... anyone actively trying to "spot" what the three ladies "talk" in secrecy?  B)  
Zanan 02.Feb.2006 07:02
QUOTE (Zanan @ Dec 11 2005, 18:37:20)
Updating stuff ...

Coloured stuff freshly identified ...

Talice's Quest

Magical items collected along the way

Naevra and the rooms up to the southern parts:
*Silvery ring -  of misdirection  -- Sheiriya
*Wand -  of enfeeblement, 23 charges 
Scrolls (2 - Blur, Fly, Shocking Grasp, Invisibility)
a spell component pouch
*a Luck charm sort of Symbol dedicated to Tymora - (+1 sacred save on all saves)
*a black clean short sword -  +1 magebane -- Nata'al
2 non-magical silvery daggers
*a handaxe - +1 handaxe of distance and returning -- Iira methinks
*a robe  of Charisma (+2)   -- Sheiriya
*a small brass  ring of lockpicking 
a spellbook with accompanying components (pouch)
(Naevra's Spellbook, see below) 
*wand  of shield(ing), 32 ch. 
*bracers  of striking  --- Talice takes a look
arcane scrolls   (all CL 6: magic missile 2x, Arcane Sight, Daylight, Fireball) 
*a mace - +1 flaming heavy mace (cast Faerie Fire on anyone hit) -- Keth

With the skeleton cleric of Myrkul
*Black breastplate -  +2 shadow breastplate -- Keth
A morningstar - a magical weapon
A hook - heavily cloaked in necromantic magic --- carried by Nata'al
A helm - of comprehend languages and read magic

The Study
An amulet - of Natural Armor +1
Bracers - of armor +3
Gloves -  of dexterity +2   -- Keth
A pair of shrouds (wrapping dead folk in, featuring some sort of necromantic symbols)
A number of non-magical bottles with nasty looking liquids

Skeleton on the Throne
Bracers - Crimson Dragonhide Bracers -- Zhadristan
A silvery-black horn - Horn of the Exalted Dead -- Jhalashar
An an ornamented breastplate  -> +1 light fortification living metal   -- Zouhlnor
A magical longsword  -> +1 keen undead bane  -- Sheiriya
*A robe - will increase the wearer's resistance generally and against some elements

In the room (table, dead, alcoves)
A dagger's hilt  - spectral dagger  -- Geirildin
*A semi-transparent cloak,  Shadow Veil (+2 deflection, 20% concealment, precludes wearing any other armor)   -- Sheiriya
*A whistle made of glass  "Night Caller"  - calls a zombie from amongst more or less recently slain folk, which serves the wielder loyally until destruction
*A bag of stones -  5 breachstones 
An amulet  of Natural Armor (+1)   -- Zouhlnor
4 doses with some paste - provide some sort of healing and cleansing
A periapt sort of thing - improves wisdom -- Keth
Another horn - horn of Evil -- Jhalashar
6 scrolls   (Undead Bane, Pal 3; Clearstone, Energize Potion 2x, Protect. from Winged Creatures, Sun Bolt) 
Two small spellbooks in an ancient tongue   (Arcanamach Trebellia, Book of Ivory Death, see below) 
A crossbow - +1 light x-bow of distance -- Keth
About a dozen and a half +3 crossbow bolts -- 50/50 Sheiriya & Keth
Two vials containing some sort of potion

  Of those spells that you have no access too level-wise, you may only understand the name and their general purpose.  

Naevra's Spellbook (26 of 50 pages used)
1st Alarm, Mage Armor, Comprehend Languages, Identify, Invisibility, Magic Missile, True Strike
2nd Fog Cloud, Gust of Wind, See Invisibility, Scorching Ray
3rd Arcane Sight, Clairaudience/Clairvoyance, Daylight, Fireball

To a trained eye, Naevra apparently concentrated their studies on Divinations and the school of Evocation.

Arcanamach Trebellia - A Netherese Spellbook (83 pages)
1st Arcane Sensibilities, Arrow Mind, Instant Search, Lantern Light, Protection from Evil, Protection from Winged Creatures, Ray of Resurgence, Shield
2nd Energize Potion, Flaming Sphere, Resist Energy, Scourge of Force, Sun Bolt, Swift Fly, Wraithstrike
3rd Clearstone, Dispel Magic, Healing Touch, Heroism
4th Bloodbriars, Celestial Brilliance, Dimensional Anchor, Lightning Fog
5th Break Enchantment, Shadowform, Streamers
6th Crushing Sphere, Greater Dispel Magic, Repulsion

Divine Spells (26 pages)
1st Nimbus of Light
2nd Deific Vengeance
3rd Flame of Faith, Remove Nausea
4th Blood of the Martyr, Convert Wand
6th Ghost Trap

Pal 3rd Undead Bane

This is a book written by some Netherese mage called Trebellia. It contains a number of spells the apparent devotee of Amaunator utilised during her fights alongside Lasator, a champion of the Sun God. It details various ways of fighting "undead and other evil being", ending in notes and spells cast by Lasator himself. The book is somewhat larger than normal.

Book of Ivory Death (71 pages of spells plus descriptions)
1st Chill Touch, Summon Undead I
2nd False Life, Spectral Hand, Summon Undead II
3rd Gentle Repose, Summon Undead III
4th Animate Dead, Bloodstar, Enervation, Venom Bolt
5th Magic Jar, Necrotic Skull Bomb, Night's Caress, Summon Undead V
6th Create Undead, Eyebite
9th Ghostform

A book that smells vile and evil without opening it, contains all information that is needed to transform oneself into a lich. [/quote]
Some more identifications ...
avatar warlockco 05.Feb.2006 01:02
 The +3 Crossbow Bolts are they sized to a specific type of Crossbow? If not they should be spread out among those that tend to use their Crossbows alot.

Keth will take the +2 Shadow Breastplate.
Keth will pick up the +1 Light Crossbow of Distance, if anyone has some bolts to spare for her (had completely forgotten to give her a missile weapon).

Narzen and any other Arcane casters should split the arcane scrolls between them.

People should make claims towards more stuff, no point in dragging this stuff along if we aren't going to try using some of it.  :D
Zanan 05.Feb.2006 10:02
 The +3 bolts are for light / heavy crossbows. BTW, I spare me checking your stats for strength and carrying capacity and all, but make sure you don't end up as mules, right?  ;)  
Zanan 05.Feb.2006 11:02
 To let you all know in advance ... I'll be off for about 10 days starting from February 13th. That is not to say that the campaign will stop, only that any ongoing actions stop. You can easily continue your conversations, introductions, information exchanges and what have you. Would be good to see that, as in-game the characters would do well knowing "some" strengths and weakness their comrades. Would make the co-ordination by the leader/s better, I would assume.
avatar warlockco 05.Feb.2006 12:02
QUOTE (Zanan @ Feb 5 2006, 10:30:26)
The +3 bolts are for light / heavy crossbows. BTW, I spare me checking your stats for strength and carrying capacity and all, but make sure you don't end up as mules, right?  ;) [/quote]
 My backpack helps with that  :D  
avatar Sheiriya 05.Feb.2006 03:02
 Sheiriya would like to change her "old" longsword for the undead bane longsword.
Zanan 09.Feb.2006 10:02
 Good fellows ... I doubt that we will see much fighting before Monday (when I leave you for a week) but as this is the last rest, spellcasters should tell me about the spells they have prepared ... knowing about the city and the trouble ahead.

While I am away, do not forget to talk to one another. Obviously, any talk could be done in an alternative timeline, e.g. the current rest. (And don't try to get my chaps into saying something, as they will be rather quietish  ;) )
Zanan 12.Feb.2006 10:02
 Rightio, I'm offski from now on till (hopefully) Feb 20 in the afternoon.

So keep the stuff going (if only by inter-chara chat) and don't mess too much up, okay? I'll take care of that when I'll be back.  B)  
avatar warlockco 14.Feb.2006 03:02
 Erg... haven't been able to access the site for the past few days.
avatar Sheiriya 14.Feb.2006 12:02
 Did our dm give any of you further information?
avatar Narzen 14.Feb.2006 08:02
 Merely a request to keep talking. Of course, being a lowly male, it is not my place to initiate conversations.  :D

(Har... too much programming.  :rolleyes:  That's initiate, obviously, not initialize...)
avatar Narzen 20.Feb.2006 09:02
 :blink:  Oh bugger... it's 20th already?  

:unsure:  Yeah, it does look a bit empty here...

Quick, everyone, formulate a battle plan and look alive! Females and drow first!
avatar warlockco 20.Feb.2006 11:02
 Ugh, been having problems with getting to the site, has been down everytime I have tried recently.
Not sure what is going on.

I say we send the boy's in first, while the girls stand back holding all the weapons.  :D  :wacko:

Zanan 20.Feb.2006 01:02
 Gooood. Mistress Zanan is back and checking the replies per person. Everyone under 10 replies will suffer level penalties :falle:

... hm ... well. I'll get back to you a little bit later today.

@Sheiriya ... the gmx accounts are better for the mails.
avatar warlockco 20.Feb.2006 01:02
 Hope you had a good and fun vacation.
Zanan 20.Feb.2006 01:02
 Vacation? "Family business" ... my sis got bethrothed to a Greek chap and will most likey spent the best part of her life in Deskati ... right next to Mount Olympus in the Olympus Mountain Range. Great place, fine people, worth a visit!
Zanan 20.Feb.2006 03:02
 Good good, the "substitute" is doing a fine job, so I will let him/her have the fun a little longer (Don't worry, Zanan is watching  B) ) - as it is relevant to the story.
Zanan 24.Feb.2006 11:02
 Don't forget to show that you are there, even if the chara simply scratches its head.

Maeryimdra ... now, to give you an impression, here's the map of this fair place. We will be entering it near the lake at the top left hand corner of the map, right north of the lake. The temple is that starlike circular thing on the southern edge of the plateau (to the west of the lake). A more detailed description will follow as soon as we have finished the formalities.
Zanan 28.Feb.2006 04:02
 Info on rules and all. For those not able to access all relevant books, there are a few sites who offer instant internet access to the SRDs (System Reference Documents). I will put these links in here as well as store them into the FIRST ENTRY of the ORGA THREAD, so you do not need to browse for them, rightio?!


SystemReference D&D3,5

And, BTW, don't be shy and post something, will you. That scourge is getting agitated ...
Zanan 01.Mar.2006 10:03
 Good ... will keep the intro going this day to give you some time for responses. Afterwards, we can move it to another thread, as we have to go on at some point, haven't we?!

Spellcasters should PM/mail me about their current spell selection, as I would expect they prepared themselves for battle during the last rest.

Edit: Narzen's spell selection done.
avatar warlockco 02.Mar.2006 02:03
 Zanan, will try to have an updated spell list to you by Friday night my time.
For "standard" Cleric spells, what books besides the PHB can I grab them from?

Could you give me a current total charges on my wand and rod?

Zanan 02.Mar.2006 10:03

Well, as some of our American based players have experienced some problems in getting to the Gate, here's some info I got from the Kobolds-in-Chief. The board provider does indeed update the site during German nightime - which is not related to anything the Gate-people do regarding site updates and all. They have no influence on this.

Thus, make sure that you post during the German time window of say 07.30 a.m. to 01.30 a.m. (deduct 8 to 9 hours to get the US time, relative to your "lair" near the East or West Coast). Unless I get it totally wrong, this would mean that (9 hour example) e.g.

09.00 a.m. German Time relates to 00.00 (midnight) US or
17.30 (5.30 p.m.) GT to 08.30 a.m. US time.

Hope that settles some of the problems.

@warlockco ... any decent Wizard book will do. d20 ... depends on the sourcebook. Some are quite edgy.  
avatar Phaerven 02.Mar.2006 10:03
 I am not at home and I don't have my char sheet online. I don't know why, maybe because I rarely need it, but I didn't memorize Zhadristan's character sheet, so I'll settle with the previous spell selection.
Zanan 03.Mar.2006 10:03
 Update on downtimes:

Well Stateside folk, the borads are usually down because of provider updates inbetween 03.00 and 05.00 a.m. German time. That is round about 6.00 to 8.00 p.m. over in the US. So if you stay clear of the 5.30 and 9.30 p.m. window, you should be fine. If you post inbetween, make sure that you keep a copy of what you have just written (CTRL-A and CTRL-C, just in case  ;) ) until it appears as posted on the screen. I for one need to do this more often than not at the WizBoards these days, as replies there far to often vanish into the ethereal because of a short link failure or the like.

Right, I'll open a thread for general discussions to get the campaign going. I assume that anyone accepts our two new males for the time being  :ph34r: .
Zanan 04.Mar.2006 10:03
 Reminder that the more you roleplay (even without much action going on regarding your character), the more XP you will earn.  B)  
Zanan 05.Mar.2006 11:03
 Situational update.

The drow and the troll are 40 and 45 feet away respectively, having just left the tunnel. The will get closer to you this round, if you have a lesser Ini. If your Ini is higher you need to move up to them but may not get into melee distance unless they are upon you. (MEA plus one attack)
Or you wait till after their Ini and move towards them and at least reach them safely (close the distance to attack). Any wait may spell the end for the drow though.

I'll do the Ini & AB for those I know about.
Zanan 06.Mar.2006 09:03
 Haven't heard of the brothers so far, will assume that Iira charges his weapon and Zouhlnor closes in ... unless they show till this afternoon GT  B)  
Zanan 07.Mar.2006 01:03
 Situational update before Troll Round II:

The female drow lies unconscious and badly bleeding at the brothers' feet. Those two are some 20 feet away from the monster, as is Malifice and Talice. Keth, Rou'sun, and Nata'al are 5 feet further back. The troll is in the company of Draezen (groupside, in front of the troll) and Zhadristan (Maerimydra side, behind the troll).
Zanan 09.Mar.2006 10:03
 Right, round two will start soon.

Malifice & Keth take care of the female, Draezen and Zhadristan of the troll. Nata'al and Talice will do something that strikes my fancy, I assume the brothers will join the fray, while Narzen sends another bolt into the beast?
avatar Korach 13.Mar.2006 01:03
 I'm not quite sure. Are there any bugbears left?
Zanan 13.Mar.2006 03:03
QUOTE (Rou'sun Sharas @ Mar 13 2006, 13:47:43)
I'm not quite sure. Are there any bugbears left? [/quote]
 The one that faces Zhadristan and 6-y Nata'al.
Zanan 14.Mar.2006 10:03
 Situational update ...

There is just one bugbear left standing, the one facing Zhadristan and Nata'al. It is badly wounded and faces certain death in the next round, whatever it does. The bugbear in front of Draezen is quite dead already, having taken some 1 Million HP of damage ... well, 55 are enough, even for a raging Bugbear Bbn 2.  <_<
The female drow is regaining her wits, the other creatures (troll, buggies) are dead. I'll check for the HP lost by the wounded ones soon.
avatar warlockco 21.Mar.2006 02:03
 How far are we from the Refugee Cave?
Zanan 21.Mar.2006 10:03
 "Half-an-hour's" walk away. Given the cautious approach you took, not much more than a mile.
avatar warlockco 22.Mar.2006 05:03
QUOTE (Zanan @ Mar 21 2006, 10:12:21)
"Half-an-hour's" walk away. Given the cautious approach you took, not much more than a mile. [/quote]
Zanan 24.Mar.2006 10:03
 Rightio folks, after being ill for most of the week, I'm now ready to seal your fate in the ruins of Maerimydra. Will start over the weekend.

Narzen, see you tomorrow at the usual KO time, will I?
Zanan 27.Mar.2006 09:03
 No need to shy back, I'll kill the characters nonetheless  B)

You gained - obviously - XP for troll and company, as well as reaching Maerimydra and role-playing (some more, some less). Thus, a level-up for Zouhlnor. I'll roll HP at the dice thread, take the best of the relevant two.

If people know that they will be away for a time, give me a short guideline what their characters will do under certain conditions, so I can handle them too.

avatar Korach 30.Mar.2006 07:03
 I don't know when (or even if) I will be able to get online for the next few weeks.
Zanan 30.Mar.2006 09:03
QUOTE (Rou'sun Sharas @ Mar 30 2006, 18:00:48)
I don't know when (or even if) I will be able to get online for the next few weeks. [/quote]
 Just to let the rest know ... I'll take care of that, so feel free to post along.  B)  
avatar warlockco 09.Apr.2006 10:04
QUOTE (Zanan @ Feb 2 2006, 19:31:04)
QUOTE (Zanan @ Dec 11 2005, 18:37:20)
Updating stuff ...

Coloured stuff freshly identified ...

Talice's Quest

Magical items collected along the way

Naevra and the rooms up to the southern parts:
*Silvery ring -  of misdirection  -- Sheiriya
*Wand -  of enfeeblement, 23 charges 
Scrolls (2 - Blur, Fly, Shocking Grasp, Invisibility)
a spell component pouch
*a Luck charm sort of Symbol dedicated to Tymora - (+1 sacred save on all saves)
*a black clean short sword -  +1 magebane -- Nata'al
2 non-magical silvery daggers
*a handaxe - +1 handaxe of distance and returning -- Iira methinks
*a robe  of Charisma (+2)   -- Sheiriya
*a small brass  ring of lockpicking 
a spellbook with accompanying components (pouch)
(Naevra's Spellbook, see below) 
*wand  of shield(ing), 32 ch. 
*bracers  of striking  --- Talice takes a look
arcane scrolls   (all CL 6: magic missile 2x, Arcane Sight, Daylight, Fireball) 
*a mace - +1 flaming heavy mace (cast Faerie Fire on anyone hit) -- Keth

With the skeleton cleric of Myrkul
*Black breastplate -  +2 shadow breastplate -- Keth
A morningstar - a magical weapon
A hook - heavily cloaked in necromantic magic --- carried by Nata'al
A helm - of comprehend languages and read magic

The Study
An amulet - of Natural Armor +1
Bracers - of armor +3
Gloves -  of dexterity +2   -- Keth
A pair of shrouds (wrapping dead folk in, featuring some sort of necromantic symbols)
A number of non-magical bottles with nasty looking liquids

Skeleton on the Throne
Bracers - Crimson Dragonhide Bracers -- Zhadristan
A silvery-black horn - Horn of the Exalted Dead -- Jhalashar
An an ornamented breastplate  -> +1 light fortification living metal   -- Zouhlnor
A magical longsword  -> +1 keen undead bane  -- Sheiriya
*A robe - will increase the wearer's resistance generally and against some elements

In the room (table, dead, alcoves)
A dagger's hilt  - spectral dagger  -- Geirildin
*A semi-transparent cloak,  Shadow Veil (+2 deflection, 20% concealment, precludes wearing any other armor)   -- Sheiriya
*A whistle made of glass  "Night Caller"  - calls a zombie from amongst more or less recently slain folk, which serves the wielder loyally until destruction
*A bag of stones -  5 breachstones 
An amulet  of Natural Armor (+1)   -- Zouhlnor
4 doses with some paste - provide some sort of healing and cleansing
A periapt sort of thing - improves wisdom -- Keth
Another horn - horn of Evil -- Jhalashar
6 scrolls   (Undead Bane, Pal 3; Clearstone, Energize Potion 2x, Protect. from Winged Creatures, Sun Bolt) 
Two small spellbooks in an ancient tongue   (Arcanamach Trebellia, Book of Ivory Death, see below) 
A crossbow - +1 light x-bow of distance -- Keth
About a dozen and a half +3 crossbow bolts -- 50/50 Sheiriya & Keth
Two vials containing some sort of potion

  Of those spells that you have no access too level-wise, you may only understand the name and their general purpose.  

Naevra's Spellbook (26 of 50 pages used)
1st Alarm, Mage Armor, Comprehend Languages, Identify, Invisibility, Magic Missile, True Strike
2nd Fog Cloud, Gust of Wind, See Invisibility, Scorching Ray
3rd Arcane Sight, Clairaudience/Clairvoyance, Daylight, Fireball

To a trained eye, Naevra apparently concentrated their studies on Divinations and the school of Evocation.

Arcanamach Trebellia - A Netherese Spellbook (83 pages)
1st Arcane Sensibilities, Arrow Mind, Instant Search, Lantern Light, Protection from Evil, Protection from Winged Creatures, Ray of Resurgence, Shield
2nd Energize Potion, Flaming Sphere, Resist Energy, Scourge of Force, Sun Bolt, Swift Fly, Wraithstrike
3rd Clearstone, Dispel Magic, Healing Touch, Heroism
4th Bloodbriars, Celestial Brilliance, Dimensional Anchor, Lightning Fog
5th Break Enchantment, Shadowform, Streamers
6th Crushing Sphere, Greater Dispel Magic, Repulsion

Divine Spells (26 pages)
1st Nimbus of Light
2nd Deific Vengeance
3rd Flame of Faith, Remove Nausea
4th Blood of the Martyr, Convert Wand
6th Ghost Trap

Pal 3rd Undead Bane

This is a book written by some Netherese mage called Trebellia. It contains a number of spells the apparent devotee of Amaunator utilised during her fights alongside Lasator, a champion of the Sun God. It details various ways of fighting "undead and other evil being", ending in notes and spells cast by Lasator himself. The book is somewhat larger than normal.

Book of Ivory Death (71 pages of spells plus descriptions)
1st Chill Touch, Summon Undead I
2nd False Life, Spectral Hand, Summon Undead II
3rd Gentle Repose, Summon Undead III
4th Animate Dead, Bloodstar, Enervation, Venom Bolt
5th Magic Jar, Necrotic Skull Bomb, Night's Caress, Summon Undead V
6th Create Undead, Eyebite
9th Ghostform

A book that smells vile and evil without opening it, contains all information that is needed to transform oneself into a lich. [/quote]
Some more identifications ...[/quote]
Figured I would push this up towards the front.
Zanan 10.Apr.2006 09:04
 Good idea! Was just about doing the same thing.
avatar warlockco 10.Apr.2006 08:04
 Hmm, something must be wrong, I'm posting more often than most of the others.   :D  :lol:  
avatar Narzen 10.Apr.2006 09:04
 That's what you get for being the self-appointed leader in the party. For us silent types lurking in the shadows and following orders it's much easier...  :ph34r:  
Zanan 10.Apr.2006 11:04
QUOTE (Narzen @ Apr 10 2006, 20:29:14)
That's what you get for being the self-appointed leader in the party. For us silent types lurking in the shadows and following orders it's much easier...  :ph34r: [/quote]
 Not as easy as it is for me  B)  Less maths and all for XP awards.

Anyways, just keep posting along, or else Talice and Nata'al will have all the fun :D  
Zanan 12.Apr.2006 11:04
 Will take charge over Iira and Zouhlnor for the time being. Rou'sun is back it seems  :D

As for the talk of Nata'al ... well she comes from Eryndlyn and I give her a regional touch to her speech. As Scots (not Scottish English) is the only one I know from my studies, I'll use a few words every now and then. Hope I don't bother someone on here  :ph34r: If you want to follow this no problems on my side, just make sure we all get the meaning.

While we are at it ... hochmagandy -> "sexual intercourse - for recreation, not procreation - between people not married"
avatar Narzen 12.Apr.2006 05:04
 Hm. I recall having mentioned Narzy picked up the wand of enfeeblement long ago... but then again, since no-one else has a claim on it according to the list, surely it won't hurt if I'll help myself to it again.  ;)  
Zanan 12.Apr.2006 06:04
 One should try and create an "enlarged" version of these things ... then again, I am not quite sure on why "enlarge" and "range" were related to one another.
avatar Korach 12.Apr.2006 06:04
 Yes, he is back! :)

I got access to the internet yesterday.
avatar warlockco 13.Apr.2006 02:04
QUOTE (Zanan @ Apr 12 2006, 17:37:04)
One should try and create an "enlarged" version of these things ... then again, I am not quite sure on why "enlarge" and "range" were related to one another. [/quote]
 Who knows why they picked some of the terminology they did for the Metamagic Feats.  :rolleyes:  
Zanan 14.Apr.2006 10:04
 Squads ...

Left (north): Nata'al, Narzen, Iira

Centre: Kethryllia, Malifice, Rou'sun (?)

Right (south): Talice, Zouhlnor

Where will Draezen and Zhadristan be heading?
avatar Korach 14.Apr.2006 12:04
 Centre sounds good to me.
How far away are the others?
Zanan 14.Apr.2006 02:04
 Fourty feet to either side. The enemy is some fourty feet below you, so the distance ranges from thirty (giant's head) to fifty feet away.
Zanan 16.Apr.2006 10:04
 Ah ... and BTW ... Happy Easter to all reading and participating!
Zanan 16.Apr.2006 06:04
 Due to some time window mix-up, Draezen was not able to post ... so just to clear it up, he stayed on the ground - which we apparently did not note at first (obscuring mist and all). As there was no fighting, he has apparently taken cover amongst the fungi and ruins down there.
Zanan 18.Apr.2006 09:04
 Will set the whoöe thing rolling this afternoon (GT). So check every now and then for updates in the coming days. (Yes, I know you usually do, but anyway  B) )
Zanan 18.Apr.2006 04:04
 Situational update:

Draezen is on the cavern floor, in front of him a dead archer. One of the bugbears approaches him, ready to throw a javelin.

The second archer (south) is wounded, but will aim at the plateau folk. The giant has something arround his head, apparently obstructing his vision. You cannot see his upper body either though.

One of the bugbears is getting up from the fall, another one will throw a javelin. The ogre, for the time being, just looks around.
Zanan 20.Apr.2006 11:04
 Situational update II:

Draezen is kicking the living sh*te out of the bugbear in front of him. Another bugbear is now approaching too, wielding his morning star.

The blinded giant stumbles about, apparently wanting to get away from the spell.

A bugbear (who apparently only lives on adrenalin) and the ogre make for the stairs to the south of the lake. It will take them ages to get up to you ... though the cross-/bow wielders may aim another round of shots at them.

The two archers are dead, which leaves you with 5 enemies in total.
Zanan 22.Apr.2006 03:04
 *hits moaning button*

Folks, you've got time on your hands ... play your characters.

*hits the moaning button again*
Zanan 25.Apr.2006 10:04
 Rightio ... Draezen's call will come during his turn this round. So before describing whether your characters will react, note the ini sequence.

Will wait for Zhadristan and Keth's actions before moving on ... though will do the ini thingy.

Iira and Zouhlnor have been posted missing for some reason or another, so I'll keep them under my command for the time being.

EDIT: All hear Draezen's call ...
avatar Phaerven 25.Apr.2006 06:04
 Can Zhadristan poison and fire a dart in one round? If so, he'll shoot it at the new creature.
avatar Mikayla 25.Apr.2006 06:04
 If the new creature is obviously hostile and not demonic, Malifice will fire two bolts at it.

If the new creature is not obviously hostile and does not appear demonic/fiendish, Malifice will hold her action, ready to fire upon it if it acts in a hostile manner.

If the new creature is demonic, then Malifice will switch weapons to her swords.
Zanan 26.Apr.2006 11:04
 What most of the onlookers suspect is confirmed by Iira and Kethyrllia, who utter nigh simultaneously: "Vrock demon!"

And it doesn't look like wanting to debate the finer issues of drow architecture with you ...
avatar Mikayla 26.Apr.2006 05:04
 Malifice draws her two swords and keeps herself between the demon and Keth.
Zanan 27.Apr.2006 10:04
 Situation update ...

The enemies below the plateau are all dead, apart from the giant. The latter has moved off towards the camp and is now some 100 feet away from the plateau - i.e. he is still some way off from the camp.

The vrock comes rushing down on you, apparently heading for the females (Keth & Mal). It will be there next round.
avatar Narzen 27.Apr.2006 12:04
 I suppose Narzy sent the bolt flying as a parting gift to the giant, then.
Zanan 27.Apr.2006 06:04
QUOTE (Narzen @ Apr 27 2006, 11:19:55)
I suppose Narzy sent the bolt flying as a parting gift to the giant, then. [/quote]
 Nono ... as described, the bolt send the remaining bugbear near the point of no return ... and Iira's arrow pushed him over it. Sorry for any misshaps.
avatar Narzen 27.Apr.2006 07:04
 Ah... okay, now I found it. :unsure:

[Note to self:
Just because you don't see your name in the action description, doesn't mean you shouldn't read all of it...]
avatar Phaerven 28.Apr.2006 08:04
 When I wanted to use the poison, I didn't know it was a demon  :unsure:  
avatar Narzen 28.Apr.2006 09:04
 Oh, that happens to me all the time. Electricity against vampires and all.

Good thing my character is smarter than I am, and asked before shooting at the vrock.  :D  
Zanan 28.Apr.2006 09:04
 Ah, never mind Phaerven. Talice just stated the obvious without knowing whether Zhadristan actually knew or not.  ;)  
Zanan 30.Apr.2006 11:04
 Situational update - read carefully!

On the northern edge, 40 feet away from Kethryllia (in the middle), Iira gets Draezen up to the plateau. The latter will reach it during the next round, both will take no part in the battle (unless the vrock decides otherwise).

Narzen and Nata'al are some 30 feet away from Keth, as is Talice and Zhadristan on the other side. Zouhlnor is only 15 feet away, but stunned by the shriek of the demon, as is Rou'sun. Their next action will be after the vrock's ini next round, as usual.

Keth's has enchanted Malifice's blade, her spiritual weapon overcame SR and struck the demon too. Speaking of which, the vrock is now 20 feet away, flying/hoovering over the chasm, some 8 feet above ground (plateau level). It looks as if it will turn about and attack the females now.
avatar Mikayla 01.May.2006 06:05
 Malifice will wait for the Vrock to advance and then will attack.  Her 'primary' weapon will be the one enchanted by Keth, naturally.
Zanan 03.May.2006 09:05
 Will keep you going this afternoon (German time).  
Zanan 04.May.2006 11:05
 Fine ... situational update:

The vrock stands in front of Malifice. Actually, there are still three vrocks there. Kethryllia, Nata'al and once he is there Zouhlnor will also be in melee. Draezen - I assume - charges into the fray as well. Iira is some way off, as is Zhadristan and Narzen. All can reach the demon within one round though. Talice is some 15 feet away, Rou'sun stands just behind the combatants near Malifice and Keth.
avatar Mikayla 04.May.2006 05:05
 Malifice will full attack the vrock.
Zanan 06.May.2006 09:05
 And another update ...

The seven vrocks are surrounded by all but Rou'sun, Narzen, Talice and Iira. At the moment, they all concentrate on Malifice.
Zanan 09.May.2006 02:05
 Will keep you busy again later today.
avatar Mikayla 09.May.2006 06:05
 Malifice will ignore her wounds (for now!) and press her attack.  
Zanan 09.May.2006 11:05
 Situational update ...

All but Rou'sun and Talice are in melee with the demon. The latter six all look wounded now, their blood wet the surface of the plateau.

Note on Draezen's strike. As by house-rule, once you roll a natural 1 with one weapon, you lose all subsequent attacks with that hand (if you have more than one attack) and, on a confirm roll of 1 - 3 the grip on the weapon too. As he has another fist and two good legs, he struck with these alternative options.
avatar warlockco 16.May.2006 03:05
 Malifice is healed 18 HPs.
Was anyone else injured?
Zanan 16.May.2006 10:05
QUOTE (warlockco @ May 16 2006, 2:19:54)
Malifice is healed 18 HPs.
Was anyone else injured? [/quote]
Me, the DM that is. Mentally. For having to do all this maths and all. But I guess that doesn't count, eh?  :unsure:

Now, before you ask, everyone got XP, some at least. No-one has levelled, though the temple will make sure that quite a number will, milestones and all. If anyone utterly needs his or her XP total, just let me know. As always, I rewarded roleplay seperately and those not here suffered somewhat in this respect.
Zanan 23.May.2006 04:05
 Right ... were are back in business, it seems. The tech-kobold fixed some script-kid intervention, made possible by the usage of some old "ipb" - technology. The boads will soon switch to "phpBB 3" ... whatever this might be. You can get an impression of it when clicking on the FORUM button in the top navbar. Not much change, but they said that the dice thingy will be OOO for a few days. Not that this wil hurt us that much.

Any volunteers around saving the 60 odd pages into a/some text file/s?  :huh:  
avatar warlockco 25.May.2006 08:05
If no one else has volunteered, I could do it, but won't be til the weekend though.
avatar warlockco 25.May.2006 08:05
Okay this is very irritating the condition of the board that is.

Stupid Hackers.

So, just need to copy only the main campaign text right? Nothing of the other threads?
Zanan 25.May.2006 11:05
No one volunteered so far.

Note, there will be  a number of issues being solved during the next few days. For example, the conversion re-assigned the page numbers, so you will get Error messages clicking on the last one to three pages of a thread. You will need to click through the site pages to go to the last page, e.g., the last page of the main thread is 65 now, not 68 as listed. This will be sorted, I hope. Some old features are not yet ready, e.g., colours, font sizes and all. We have to wait and see here too.

Stick around for a few days.
avatar Phaerven 25.May.2006 07:05
I am not an expert for such things, but maybe I can make a script saves all the pages, I'll try tomorrow if I find the time.
Zanan 31.May.2006 02:05
It's new, it's cool, just post along folks!  :ork:
Zanan 01.Jun.2006 09:06
Everyone is there ... I added the explorers' return three entries earlier ... "edited in", so to speak. Will be off for most of today, but will get you going tomorrow and during the weekend. Make sure to happen by.
avatar warlockco 01.Jun.2006 05:06
Zitat von: "Zanan"
Everyone is there ... I added the explorers' return three entries earlier ... "edited in", so to speak. Will be off for most of today, but will get you going tomorrow and during the weekend. Make sure to happen by.

I see how it is, make me go and edit my post now  :P
Zanan 05.Jun.2006 11:06
Rightio ... just to reiterate. There are a total of four drow (or what look like drow) in front of the temple, and something that looks like a skinned elf-demon.

The cavern is still smoke-screened, so visibility farther than 100 feet is general poor. You would guess that lightnings or fires might been seen far enough to alert whatever is nearby though.

Important info regarding postings et al on the "new" gate can be found here:

Zanan 07.Jun.2006 11:06
Yes?!  :o
avatar Korach 09.Jun.2006 06:06
Should I do the dice roling on my own, in such situations, or ist our dm the "master of all dice"? 8)
Zanan 09.Jun.2006 07:06
Zitat von: "Rou'sun Sharas"
Should I do the dice roling on my own, in such situations, or ist our dm the "master of all dice"? 8)

No doubt, I rule all the dice ... but you may very well do that by yourself. Skill and other checks can be done too, if described correctly at the main thread. And ... OBVIOUSLY ... you do the rolls and describe the outcome accordingly, however good or bad they are. At least if you have a clue about the outcome. With your spell checks that is no problem, with skill checks (i.e. spotting, listening et al) that depend on info only I have, make sure that the skill in question is mentioned. I'll check it on my sheets and describe the outcome. Skill checks not depending on my info, such as - yes, the mages could have done that - learning new spells, you know your scores for that.
Zanan 10.Jun.2006 12:06
Rightio ... will let your blood flow in streams ... or was it theirs ... anyway ... from Saturday onwards.
Zanan 10.Jun.2006 11:06
Right ... now the fight begins in earnest:

Situational update
Four drow stand in front of the temple, all were hit by the acid bombs, though not all were injured. The demon stands half-way up the stairs to the temple, Draezen at the stairs' top, on the opposite side (southern) of the temple.

The distance between the temple and the stairs to the promenade is about 100 feet. The stairs lead up to the temple's main entrance (which is open). They are some 40 feet wide and count about 20 to get you up to the entrance level (six feet above ground).

The defenders stand some 20 feet in front of the temple stairs. The nearest one (Mrs. Shrivel-Face) is about 25 feet, the farthest one 40 feet away.

Make your moves for round I
Zanan 14.Jun.2006 05:06
Well, the inis are there, but I won't be able to do the actions today ... sorry. Keep posting a few bits and pieces nonetheless.
avatar warlockco 15.Jun.2006 11:06
Keth will cast Spiritual Weapon and send it at the flayed one, casting Defensively if needed.
avatar Mikayla 15.Jun.2006 07:06
Malifice will full attack and use her dodge bonus and such on her current opponent.
avatar Narzen 16.Jun.2006 06:06
Reload and cast true strike, no attack for me on the next round.
avatar warlockco 17.Jun.2006 09:06
Keth is going to cast Bladebane vs Undead on the scourge, casting defensively if needed.
Zanan 19.Jun.2006 10:06
Situational update ...

Draezen and Zouhlnor are fighting the killer or Iira. The male is wounded, but standing firm. Rou'sun stands somewhat behind Draezen.

Zhadristan, Nata'al, and Narzen have brought down the female warrior, who bleeds to death right now.

Malifice and shrivel face are entangled in a furious fight, while Keth stands nearby with her Scourge now prepared for fighting undead. Skinned face will be in melee next round, most likely attacking the yathrin.

Talice stands to the side of the fight, scanning the area for more opponents and a opportunity to strike someone.

Current wounding stats:
Malifice - 36 HP
Nata'al - 26 HP
Zouhlnor - 11 HP
Zhadristan - ( was lucky that Nata'al spared him the crit from the female)
Draezen - 4 HP from acid
Kethryllia - 2 HP
avatar Narzen 19.Jun.2006 11:06
I'll be casting disrupt undead next.
avatar Mikayla 19.Jun.2006 06:06
Malifice is downing a potion of Cure Serious Wounds this round, while dodging her opponent.
Zanan 21.Jun.2006 11:06
Situational update:

Of your opponents, only shrivel-face is standing. The female warrior is bleeding to death.

Zouhlnor, Draezen and Zhadristan need a MEA to get to her, as does Talice.

No other emeny shows up right now ...
avatar Phaerven 23.Jun.2006 11:06
I suppose Zhadristan is off to the side and can circle around her..
avatar warlockco 25.Jun.2006 05:06
How Injured is everyone?
Zanan 25.Jun.2006 10:06
Last time I checked ...

Malifice - 6 HP
Nata'al - 26 HP
Zouhlnor - 11 HP
Draezen - 4 HP from acid
Kethryllia - 2 HP
Zanan 26.Jun.2006 10:06
Scavenged from the pre - Temple fight:

Drow warriors (3 each unless otherwise stated)
+1 rapier, +1 light crossbow, +1 chainshirt, +1 buckler, 35 bolts, 10 doses of Drow poison.

Quth-maren - none

Revenant Maerimydra Officer :o
+2 cold drowcraft rapier, +2 drowcraft chainshirt of light fortification, +1 heavy steel shield, amulet of natural armor +1

None of the magical items have yet been identified though!

If you want to double-check on these opponents, I put them in my CotSQ revision entry HERE (http://forum.dnd-gate.de/viewtopic.php?p=169766#169766)
Zanan 29.Jun.2006 11:06
Will be working at the World Cup for the best part of tomorrow, as I have today. Thus, the story will go on on Saturday morning (German time) onwards. Don't stop writing though.
Zanan 30.Jun.2006 09:06
BTW ... as this campaign is nearing its end ... I will run another one afterwards, going off from Sschindylryn. If you are interested, you may either keep your current characters or introduce new one ... suitable for a drow adventure (NEUTRAL 75 % / Evil rest % ). ECL should be round about 10. Actually, up to 10. Ideas and suggestions to my e-mail address.
avatar warlockco 30.Jun.2006 06:06
Zitat von: "Zanan"
BTW ... as this campaign is nearing its end ... I will run another one afterwards, going off from Sschindylryn. If you are interested, you may either keep your current characters or introduce new one ... suitable for a drow adventure (NEUTRAL 75 % / Evil rest % ). ECL should be round about 10. Actually, up to 10. Ideas and suggestions to my e-mail address.

So... that means I can use that special item and summon an Avatar of Lolth and have Keth offer herself and the party as sacrifices then...  :twisted:

avatar Narzen 30.Jun.2006 06:06
If I may, malla jabbress... offering a non-Lolthite as a sacrifice to the Dark Mother incarnate without written consent, whether said incarnate be explicit or implied, is in direct violation of the Divine Entity Act section 3, article 17. Violation of the aforementioned act invalidates prior employment agreements, whether in writ or oral. As such, I am contractually obliged to decline an offer of that nature, excepting the possibility of further negotiations on hazard pay.


Just practicing for my new character using a custom prestige class, The Lawyer.  :twisted:
avatar Mikayla 30.Jun.2006 07:06
Looks like we have a volunteer to be first on the altar as I cannot imagine a Chaotic Evil goddess being too fond of a lawyer...
avatar warlockco 01.Jul.2006 01:07
Zitat von: "Narzen"
If I may, malla jabbress... offering a non-Lolthite as a sacrifice to the Dark Mother incarnate without written consent, whether said incarnate be explicit or implied, is in direct violation of the Divine Entity Act section 3, article 17. Violation of the aforementioned act invalidates prior employment agreements, whether in writ or oral. As such, I am contractually obliged to decline an offer of that nature, excepting the possibility of further negotiations on hazard pay.


Just practicing for my new character using a custom prestige class, The Lawyer.  :twisted:

Ah, but you forgot about the Implied Consent Act section 1, article 1. Anyone that goes into employment of a practicing priest(ess) of any deity, waves all rights of not being sacrificed.
Zanan 01.Jul.2006 03:07
Last time I check all but one party members are actually Lolthites and thus all waived any rights to appeal to any sort of Divine Entity Act to begin with.  :tooth:
avatar Phaerven 01.Jul.2006 08:07
I think there is a parallel to catholics being catholics until the first church rate falls due.
Zanan 02.Jul.2006 04:07
Regarding the temple ... all the runes in there are clearly of divine origin, either historical texts, prayers or what remained of glyphs and other wards.
avatar warlockco 05.Jul.2006 06:07
avatar warlockco 06.Jul.2006 01:07
Much Better!!  :D
avatar warlockco 06.Jul.2006 01:07
Much Better!!  :D
avatar Narzen 06.Jul.2006 12:07
Indeed, that (http://www.wizards.com/dnd/images/csq_gallery/44464.jpg) is most certainly a ghost rider (http://www.bullwinkleblog.com/wp-content/photos/ghostriderposter.jpg).
avatar warlockco 07.Jul.2006 12:07
Zitat von: "Narzen"
Indeed, that (http://www.wizards.com/dnd/images/csq_gallery/44464.jpg) is most certainly a ghost rider (http://www.bullwinkleblog.com/wp-content/photos/ghostriderposter.jpg).

 :lol:  :lol:
Zanan 07.Jul.2006 12:07
Well well well .. have been working at the Olympic Stadium (World Cup and all) today again and, Tymora's luck shone on me! 45 mins of Shakira from about 40 feet away ... and better yet, I got paid for it.  :roll:
avatar warlockco 07.Jul.2006 07:07
Zitat von: "Zanan"
Well well well .. have been working at the Olympic Stadium (World Cup and all) today again and, Tymora's luck shone on me! 45 mins of Shakira from about 40 feet away ... and better yet, I got paid for it.  :roll:

Zanan 07.Jul.2006 01:07
Well, Tymora looked away shortly afterwards and some nasty Trojans managed to squeeze through my Firewalls et al. Thus, I spent the better half of this morning hunting and slaying them ... time I had set aside for Gate-stuff. Anyway, here we go again.
avatar Narzen 08.Jul.2006 08:07
The most exalted DM seems to still have computer issues, so it may take a while until further response. In the meantime...

*elevator music plays*
Zanan 08.Jul.2006 02:07
*elevator music stopped* DM is back in business, after hours of re-setup'ping two PCs with Win98. Dunno whether I will have time to drag you on ... then again, I need to check what has happened beforehand anyways.
Zanan 11.Jul.2006 10:07

As the campaign draws to a close ... people who want to join the next one should come along to Sschindylryn. Those who want to try something new can leave their characters here and march them to Szith Morcane (well, they won't be slain, rest assured).

Neither options are dead ends though. If you want to take Szith Morcane'rs into the new campaign after we split, we may arrange that.

As for character options, you have nigh anything available up to ECL 10 that drow would accept. Common sense should prevail, of course.  :wink:  Some of the current drow may not reach ECL 10 by the time we start, but won't lack behind much long (due to higher XP ratio) and better equipment.
Zanan 12.Jul.2006 11:07
Heya folks!

T'would be  a good idea if people start coming forward suggesting what they intend to do. The refugees will go to Szith Morcane. As it stands Zouhlnor (who's player left us a few month back with any hint of explanation), Geirildin, and Jhalashar will accompany them. Payment settlement will be reached - somehow. So those who want to jogg along into the next camapign and those who want to do the same but with a new character step forward please ... just to get this over and done with  :wink:
avatar Phaerven 12.Jul.2006 01:07
Sschindylryn for me :)
avatar Mikayla 12.Jul.2006 07:07
Malifice is staying close to Keth for the moment - Keth seems to be in the Goddess' favor, and Malifice (being somewhat egotistical like all drow) does not believe that she encountered Keth by accident - she believes it is Lolth's will that she travel with Keth - what she does during those travels is still open to interpretation of signs, omens and such.
Zanan 14.Jul.2006 03:07
Rightio ... lets make a list then:

So far ...



Draezen (?)
Kethryllia (?)
Malifice (pending on Keth)
Narzen (?)
Rou'sun (?)
Sheiriya (?)

Talice (remains to be seen)
avatar Narzen 14.Jul.2006 08:07
Gah... been out of the loop for the last few days. Narzen will go with the Yathrin to collect his reward, but will disappear to make his own adventures after that (just to be difficult :P ).

I'll be happy to stick around as a player regardless, probably with a new character... subject to the evil whims of the DM, of course.
Zanan 14.Jul.2006 08:07
We'll speak about the evil whims tomorow afternoon, if you want (15.30).

And regarding Narzen, well Nata'al will have a few words to say about that  8)
avatar warlockco 14.Jul.2006 09:07
Keth is in for now, but Malifice might want to make some contingency plans, just in case.
Zanan 16.Jul.2006 08:07
Speaking of plans and all ... Sschindylryn is much like Sigil, a place where you may meet nigh any race (that is bold / silly enough to venture into / trade / visit a drow city. If the party members become too exotic, make sure everyone is up for a mercenary job (background and all) and has a reason to join up - even it is only for gold and fame.

As has been said, the newcomers should chose a race that will be accepted by drow and may bow (if only temporarily) to drow leadership.
avatar Mikayla 17.Jul.2006 07:07
Oh....Malifice has a contingency plan, I assure you....    :twisted:
Zanan 17.Jul.2006 10:07
BTW, people wanting to know what items they got, just PM me. I assume the characters will find out in Sschindylryn or Szith Morcane anyway. Will do a XP check up too and let everyone interested know.
avatar Phaerven 18.Jul.2006 08:07
So Rou'sun is still with us?
Zanan 18.Jul.2006 10:07
Nope, Rou'sun has left these shores at the refugee camp ... even without saying good bye to the yathrin. That will land him in her bad books ... if he's still alive that is. Who knows for sure what sort of man-eater Sheiriya really is  :o

Item identifications can be done by the characters in Szith Morcane / Sschindylryn OOG, I'll tell those who want to know in time.
avatar warlockco 18.Jul.2006 11:07
Keth will stay around, barring anything that might happen in Sschindylryn.
avatar Sheiriya 18.Jul.2006 06:07
Who knows for sure what sort of man-eater Sheiriya really is :surprised:

Zanan 19.Jul.2006 09:07



Draezen (?)
Malifice (pending on Keth)
Narzen (?)
Sheiriya (?)

Talice (remains to be seen)
avatar Sheiriya 20.Jul.2006 11:07
I don't know if I'll get online again before monday or tuesday.
Zanan 21.Jul.2006 09:07
Zitat von: "Sheiriya"
I don't know if I'll get online again before monday or tuesday.

It will be Keth-talk for most of the time once we reach Sschindylryn.  8)  ... which does not mean that the rest shall be quiet! Rest, do you copy?!  :ork:
Zanan 22.Jul.2006 10:07
Ah ... no monsters to bash, no one posts. That should be a constant being marked for future campaigns then  :D

So no-one wants to throw a fireball (if only we had a decent mage that is  :P ), very well. Let's move on to the portal then.
avatar warlockco 22.Jul.2006 03:07
I just wanted to give others a chance to post, I just hate posting first unless something comes up that requires me to do so
avatar warlockco 22.Jul.2006 03:07
But since everyone is so chicken to post... there I posted  :P
Zanan 22.Jul.2006 03:07
Chicken and wings ... that draconic thing is clearly a dragon of some sort, a small one of course. Zhadristan has heard and Malifice has seen one before: a portal dragon. Drawn to this place by teleportation magics, most likely.
avatar warlockco 23.Jul.2006 03:07
Zitat von: "Zanan"
Chicken and wings ... that draconic thing is clearly a dragon of some sort, a small one of course. Zhadristan has heard and Malifice has seen one before: a portal dragon. Drawn to this place by teleportation magics, most likely.

Figured as much after I saw the image.
avatar Mikayla 24.Jul.2006 06:07
Not scared to post - I am just not around usually from Friday through Sunday.
Zanan 25.Jul.2006 10:07
Zitat von: "Mikayla"
Not scared to post - I am just not around usually from Friday through Sunday.

I know  :wink:
avatar Narzen 26.Jul.2006 07:07
Just to chime in myself, I've been having trouble concentrating on, well, much of anything lately - probably excessive stress from doing nothing - but... uh... I'm still here!
Zanan 27.Jul.2006 10:07
Zitat von: "Narzen"
Just to chime in myself, I've been having trouble concentrating on, well, much of anything lately - probably excessive stress from doing nothing - but... uh... I'm still here!

Now, we will introduce something utterly new and fascinating to the world from now on, called the ESFDN - syndrome.  :D
avatar warlockco 28.Jul.2006 06:07
Guess something happened to the DM, was waiting for a response...  :lol:
Zanan 28.Jul.2006 09:07
Something? Well, if Robbie Williams counts as "something" something did happen indeed.  :D He gives two concerts here, yesterday and today and my company provides the services, stewarding and all. One night done, the next is today ... and it was and is sweltering hot over here ... not that I would complain that much  8)
Though it will take a bit of time (say till Saturday afternoon GT) till I will be back in full force.
Zanan 30.Jul.2006 10:07
Journeys end:

Very well, it will all draw to a close soon. A closing dsecriptive piece of writing will follow during the week, while Keth and the Dalharil will talk in a more private chamber. Feel free to have disucssions on your own too.  I will provide XP / item / character details - all on demand of course (don't be shy, I usually do not bite). As for the next campaign / adventure ... it will start from Sschindylryn and I am open for suggestions:



Geirildin - Szith Morcane
Jhalashar - Szith Morcane
Rou'sun - who knows
Zouhlnor - Szith Morcane
Nata'al - Sschindylryn, for the time being
Talice - likewise
Narzen - likewise

Malifice (pending on Keth)
Sheiriya (?)

"one more drow" (by Rou'sun's player)
"one character" (by Narzen's player)
"scout sort of" DMC

You do not need to change your username for the new character ... just in case.
Zanan 01.Aug.2006 11:08
Keth ...
"Malifice, go and find something to do, Streea'Valsharess and I have much to talk about." says Keth.

Wow, I'd guess she'll like hearing that after guarding Keth's back for the last seven days or so  :ork:  :D  :oops:
avatar warlockco 01.Aug.2006 12:08
Bah, you! Quit trying to instigate things...
Zanan 02.Aug.2006 10:08
Rightio, have been a bit busy during the last couple of days, but now it will go on.

While I do the talking with, feel happy to post along, start babbling to one another and so on. Updating characters who want to join up for the next thing would be a good idea too. When payment is handed out, everyone will get 1,500 GP. We do have quite alot of loot still unclaimed for. Unless someone is interested in certain stuff, it could be sold as well.
avatar warlockco 02.Aug.2006 10:08
Zitat von: "Zanan"
Rightio, have been a bit busy during the last couple of days, but now it will go on.

While I do the talking with, feel happy to post along, start babbling to one another and so on. Updating characters who want to join up for the next thing would be a good idea too. When payment is handed out, everyone will get 1,500 GP. We do have quite alot of loot still unclaimed for. Unless someone is interested in certain stuff, it could be sold as well.

Could you list off the loot again?
Zanan 03.Aug.2006 12:08
Current list, AFAIK

Talice's Quest

Magical items collected along the way

Naevra and the rooms up to the southern parts:
*Silvery ring -  of misdirection  -- Sheiriya
*Wand -  of enfeeblement, 23 charges 
Scrolls (2 - Blur, Fly, Shocking Grasp, Invisibility)
a spell component pouch
*a Luck charm sort of Symbol dedicated to Tymora - (+1 sacred save on all saves)
*a black clean short sword -  +1 magebane -- Nata'al
2 non-magical silvery daggers
*a handaxe - +1 handaxe of distance and returning -- Iira methinks
*a robe  of Charisma (+2)   -- Sheiriya
*a small brass  ring of lockpicking 
a spellbook with accompanying components (pouch)
(Naevra's Spellbook, see below) 
*wand  of shield(ing), 32 ch. 
*bracers  of striking  Talice takes a look
arcane scrolls   (all CL 6: magic missile 2x, Arcane Sight, Daylight, Fireball) 
*a mace - +1 flaming heavy mace (cast Faerie Fire on anyone hit) -- Keth

With the skeleton cleric of Myrkul
*Black breastplate -  +2 shadow breastplate  Keth
A morningstar - a magical weapon
A hook - heavily cloaked in necromantic magic  carried by Nata'al
A helm - of comprehend languages and read magic

The Study
An amulet - of Natural Armor +1
Bracers - of armor +3
Gloves -  of dexterity +2   -- Keth
A pair of shrouds (wrapping dead folk in, featuring some sort of necromantic symbols)
A number of non-magical bottles with nasty looking liquids

Skeleton on the Throne
Bracers - Crimson Dragonhide Bracers< -- Zhadristan
A silvery-black horn - Horn of the Exalted Dead  Jhalashar
An an ornamented breastplate  -> +1 light fortification living metal   -- Zouhlnor
A magical longsword  -> +1 keen undead bane  -- Sheiriya
*A robe - will increase the wearer's resistance generally and against some elements

In the room (table, dead, alcoves)
A dagger's hilt  - spectral dagger  -- Geirildin
*A semi-transparent cloak,  Shadow Veil (+2 deflection, 20% concealment, precludes wearing any other armor)   -- Sheiriya
*A whistle made of glass  "Night Caller"  - calls a zombie from amongst more or less recently slain folk, which serves the wielder loyally until destruction
*A bag of stones -  5 breachstones 
An amulet  of Natural Armor (+1)   -- Zouhlnor
4 doses with some paste - provide some sort of healing and cleansing
A periapt sort of thing - improves wisdom -- Keth
Another horn - horn of Evil-- Jhalashar
6 scrolls   (Undead Bane, Pal 3; Clearstone, Energize Potion 2x, Protect. from Winged Creatures, Sun Bolt) 
Two small spellbooks in an ancient tongue   (Arcanamach Trebellia, Book of Ivory Death, see below) 
A crossbow - +1 light x-bow of distance -- Keth
About a dozen and a half +3 crossbow bolts-- 50/50 Sheiriya & Keth
Two vials containing some sort of potion

  Of those spells that you have no access too level-wise, you may only understand the name and their general purpose.  

Naevra's Spellbook (26 of 50 pages used)
1st Alarm, Mage Armor, Comprehend Languages, Identify, Invisibility, Magic Missile, True Strike
2nd Fog Cloud, Gust of Wind, See Invisibility, Scorching Ray
3rd Arcane Sight, Clairaudience/Clairvoyance, Daylight, Fireball

To a trained eye, Naevra apparently concentrated their studies on Divinations and the school of Evocation.

Arcanamach Trebellia - A Netherese Spellbook (83 pages)
1st Arcane Sensibilities, Arrow Mind, Instant Search, Lantern Light, Protection from Evil, Protection from Winged Creatures, Ray of Resurgence, Shield
2nd Energize Potion, Flaming Sphere, Resist Energy, Scourge of Force, Sun Bolt, Swift Fly, Wraithstrike
3rd Clearstone, Dispel Magic, Healing Touch, Heroism
4th Bloodbriars, Celestial Brilliance, Dimensional Anchor, Lightning Fog
5th Break Enchantment, Shadowform, Streamers
6th Crushing Sphere, Greater Dispel Magic, Repulsion

Divine Spells (26 pages)
1st Nimbus of Light
2nd Deific Vengeance
3rd Flame of Faith, Remove Nausea
4th Blood of the Martyr, Convert Wand
6th Ghost Trap

Pal 3rd Undead Bane

This is a book written by some Netherese mage called Trebellia. It contains a number of spells the apparent devotee of Amaunator utilised during her fights alongside Lasator, a champion of the Sun God. It details various ways of fighting "undead and other evil being", ending in notes and spells cast by Lasator himself. The book is somewhat larger than normal.

Book of Ivory Death (71 pages of spells plus descriptions)
1st Chill Touch, Summon Undead I
2nd False Life, Spectral Hand, Summon Undead II
3rd Gentle Repose, Summon Undead III
4th Animate Dead, Bloodstar, Enervation, Venom Bolt
5th Magic Jar, Necrotic Skull Bomb, Night's Caress, Summon Undead V
6th Create Undead, Eyebite
9th Ghostform

A book that smells vile and evil without opening it, contains all information that is needed to transform oneself into a lich.

Plus the odd little pieces from the assault on the temple ... which I need to check later. Wasn't that much and most is gone with Rou'sun, methinks  :wink:
avatar warlockco 03.Aug.2006 02:08
Currently our only person that can Identify Magic Items is Narzen, correct?
Zanan 03.Aug.2006 10:08
Unless Zhadristan learns Identify from one of the spellbooks, yes.

Dunno, but our mages seem very reluctant to take up the offer of learning/copying spells, even of higher levels, for free these days  8)

NB: When Keth returns, she's got bags with the pay for each of you. Whether she gives them to you is up to her, of course ...  8) ... BTW ... it is up to her how much she will give to Draezen and Malifice, as these two joined up "voluntarily".
avatar warlockco 03.Aug.2006 01:08
Zitat von: "Zanan"
Unless Zhadristan learns Identify from one of the spellbooks, yes.

Dunno, but our mages seem very reluctant to take up the offer of learning/copying spells, even of higher levels, for free these days  8)

NB: When Keth returns, she's got bags with the pay for each of you. Whether she gives them to you is up to her, of course ...  8) ... BTW ... it is up to her how much she will give to Draezen and Malifice, as these two joined up "voluntarily".

Sure... make me out to be the villian now after you already said everyone got 1500 gp :P
avatar Phaerven 03.Aug.2006 02:08
I promise to transfer the spells, I just had a really busy week and I will be away for a short vacation this weekend.
Zanan 03.Aug.2006 05:08
Well, Draezen and Malifice will surely not bemoan the loss of a few gold pieces, given their characters have something the others still lack somewhat.  :wink:
Zanan 04.Aug.2006 12:08
@ Sheiriya ... you have been in Sschindylryn for about 60 mins or so and get restless already?  :roll:
Zanan 04.Aug.2006 10:08
I will get the new campaign rolling later today or tomorrow ... short steps at first, of course.
avatar warlockco 04.Aug.2006 11:08
Keth hands out 1,500 gp to everyone... kinda hard to try to short-change anyone after the GM has already said what the reward is...  :lol:  :P
Sides there is Evil Stupid and Evil Smart...
Zanan 04.Aug.2006 01:08
Add-on ... for newcomers or people wanting to re-equip their chaps. If there are question with regard to drow feats, PrC, equipment et al, just let me know.
Zanan 04.Aug.2006 04:08
What's left ...

Naevra and the rooms up to the southern parts:
*Wand -  of enfeeblement, 23 charges 
Scrolls (2 - Blur, Fly, Shocking Grasp, Invisibility)
a spell component pouch
*a Luck charm sort of Symbol dedicated to Tymora - (+1 sacred save on all saves)
2 non-magical silvery daggers
*a small brass  ring of lockpicking 
a spellbook with accompanying components (pouch)
(Naevra's Spellbook, see below) 
*wand  of shield(ing), 32 ch. 
arcane scrolls   (all CL 6: magic missile 2x, Arcane Sight, Daylight, Fireball) 

With the skeleton cleric of Myrkul
A morningstar - a magical weapon
A helm - of comprehend languages and read magic

The Study
An amulet - of Natural Armor +1
Bracers - of armor +3
A pair of shrouds (wrapping dead folk in, featuring some sort of necromantic symbols)
A number of non-magical bottles with nasty looking liquids

Skeleton on the Throne
*A robe - will increase the wearer's resistance generally and against some elements

In the room (table, dead, alcoves)
*A whistle made of glass  "Night Caller"  - calls a zombie from amongst more or less recently slain folk, which serves the wielder loyally until destruction
*A bag of stones -  5 breachstones 
4 doses with some paste - provide some sort of healing and cleansing
6 scrolls   (Undead Bane, Pal 3; Clearstone, Energize Potion 2x, Protect. from Winged Creatures, Sun Bolt) 
Two small spellbooks in an ancient tongue   (Arcanamach Trebellia, Book of Ivory Death, see below) 
Two vials containing some sort of potion

 Of those spells that you have no access too level-wise, you may only understand the name and their general purpose. You may copy them normally though.

Naevra's Spellbook (26 of 50 pages used)

Arcanamach Trebellia - A Netherese Spellbook (83 pages)
This is a book written by some Netherese mage called Trebellia. It contains a number of spells the apparent devotee of Amaunator utilised during her fights alongside Lasator, a champion of the Sun God. It details various ways of fighting "undead and other evil being", ending in notes and spells cast by Lasator himself. The book is somewhat larger than normal.

Book of Ivory Death (71 pages of spells plus descriptions)
A book that smells vile and evil without opening it, contains all information that is needed to transform oneself into a lich.


Make sure that any character includes the collected and bought stuff in the new sheets ... and sells or stores the older equipment.
avatar Sheiriya 04.Aug.2006 06:08
@ Zanan: Hey, its a city with many (male) people in it. Should be fun, like holiday.  :twisted:  :roll:
avatar Korach 04.Aug.2006 10:08
Rou'sun just has the amulet, the "jet-black" ring and the dagger from the fortress where we rested. But if that counts as "most", so it is. ;)
Unfortunately I don't know anything about the items yet.
Zanan 07.Aug.2006 10:08
NB: Obviously, Narzen (well, I assume he will), Nata'al and Talice will wait for her share of the bounty before departing.
Zanan 08.Aug.2006 09:08
Rightio, people may leave the temple over night (maybe after a short consultation with Keth where they state their intentions -> i.e. joining up or not) and come back the next day. At "noon", the Dalharil will return with the scout and see who have remained and is willing to venture onwards.
Zanan 10.Aug.2006 10:08

Geirildin - Szith Morcane
Jhalashar - Szith Morcane
Rou'sun - who knows
Zouhlnor - Szith Morcane
Nata'al - Sschindylryn, for the time being
Talice - likewise
Narzen - Skullport

Malifice (pending on Keth)

"one more drow" (by Rou'sun's player)
"one character" (by Narzen's player)
"scout sort of" DMC

Here we are. Keth's player will be on/off for the next month so I will have to see how we manage the leader/ess position for the time being. As drow do not work particularly well as a democracy, a drow should lead them. Obviously, a priestess would be the stereotypical leaderess, though she could also pull the strings from the second row (all that testing stuff etc.). Thus, if anyone of the regular posters will want to try her/his luck from the front, feel free to step forward.
avatar Mikayla 10.Aug.2006 06:08
If there is no priestess present, Malifice would assert herself as leader as she is a female, a noble, and a former officer.  She sees herself as higher in station than anything save for a priestess, so she would step into fill the gap.  That being said, Malifice has always had a priestess around so it would be a weird situation for her-also, as you might have noticed she latches on to authority (Keth the priestess) so that she has a guide/leader.  While she has a high view of her station, she is not a natural leader by any means.
avatar Sheiriya 10.Aug.2006 11:08
Sheiriya is at least female, but no priestess, as everybody in the group should know by now. It would be a welcome experience to her to lead the group for a short while. She does not seem to be very pious so it would be a questing whether characters like Malifice would accept her authority.
avatar Phaerven 11.Aug.2006 08:08
I think this should be settled in an oil wrestling match.
Zanan 11.Aug.2006 10:08
Zitat von: "Phaerven"
I think this should be settled in an oil wrestling match.

Interesting thought. Yet, before we come to that, I'll check on warlockco's reply. Thus we will have to wait till Sunday, I'd assume.
Zanan 13.Aug.2006 06:08
Rightio ... anyone wants any stuff from the list above? Else I will check on the cash and will hand that over to the charas ... at Keth's leisure, of course  8)
avatar warlockco 13.Aug.2006 08:08
I have come to a decision on things.

I'm going to withdraw completely from the game for awhile, and possibly comeback at a later date provided Zanan is willing.

It has been fun everyone.
Zanan 13.Aug.2006 10:08
Dear me! If Mal jumps ship as well, all my plans are ruined  :o

Now, since I know the going-ons in the background, no problem over here. Just let me know when you are ready to come back and we'll find a solution!

As for the rest: three cheers for the yathrin!

avatar Sheiriya 13.Aug.2006 11:08
I will let Malifice be the leader.
Sheiriya would lose the oil wrestling I think. ;)
avatar Phaerven 14.Aug.2006 09:08
Long live the yathrin!

Zanan 14.Aug.2006 10:08
Updating characters et al info:

As we start a "new" adventure some umpteen month after starting the previous one, people might want to use recently published material to "update" their characters to what the players think they should look like. New core classes, feats, spells and what have you.

Obviously, it would be good if you keep the general theme of the character and keep stuff & abilities the character has used before.

In any case, as we have tons of sourcebooks now, please let me know about the sources of say spells, items, feats et al ... plus it would be cool if you could describe certain features of these feats in relation to your character: e.g. "running up to 300 feet per round, handing out a spring attack with AB +15 and using a Stunning Strike DC 20 and an Improved Trip check vs. 25"



Geirildin - Szith Morcane
Jhalashar - Szith Morcane
Rou'sun - who knows
Zouhlnor - Szith Morcane
Nata'al - Sschindylryn, for the time being
Talice - likewise
Narzen - Skullport
Kethryllia - Maerimydra

"one more 'we shall see' " (by Rou'sun's player)
"one character" (by Narzen's player)
"scout sort of" DMC

Good, that is 7 characters so far, one the DMC. There will be one more DMC, but far more NPC than the scout. If someone wants to run two characters, just let me know.
Zanan 14.Aug.2006 11:08
There will be a few more changes to the personal, so we should postpone the leadership debate for the time being. Let's assume that you have all your freedom of movement for the night and can do whatever you like in Sschindylryn before any decisions are taken. "Report" back for "noon" of the next day, as the Dalharil told you - in game. OOC I will let you know about the comings and goings and all.
avatar Mikayla 15.Aug.2006 01:08
Hi all,

After some discussion with Zana I am going to have Malifice go back to Maerimydra with Keth.  It just feels right for the character for me - Mal is from Maerimydra, and she has latched on to Keth as Keth is the only priestess around she has seen who still follows the goddess and has her favor.  So I don't see Mal striking out on her own; for better or worse she is going to follow the priestess.  So, I am going to make up a new character, probably a priestess of the Dalharil.
avatar Phaerven 15.Aug.2006 10:08
I am confident that you already have a new evil plan, Zanan. :)
Zanan 15.Aug.2006 10:08
Zitat von: "Phaerven"
I am confident that you already have a new evil plan, Zanan. :)

As evil, mean and cruel as it can get, rest assured. So strike up your life insurances now  :D

Once I have checked on Mikayla's lass, I will start the new campaign.
Zanan 18.Aug.2006 09:08
People are working frantically (I hope  :ork: ) on their characters and we should have all ready and going by Monday:


"one more 'we shall see' " (by Rou'sun's player)
"one character" (by Narzen's player)
"scout sort of" DMC
a drow from Romaal
a drow from Mikayla

Warlockco will be on/off for about a month or so and may join up when he's back in business. As soon as your chaps are ready, mail them to me (stats, new equipment and all) and make yourself heard at the Gate. It seem Zhadristan and Sheiriya are already enjoying a night out.
avatar Korach 18.Aug.2006 10:08
I'm waiting for reply to my questions. I got the green text and replied to that. It's just that I would like to have everything being settled before I finish the character.

Just in case you don't really like him, I created a fighting character a few days ago and made some test-fights against a vrock, a bebilith, a tyrannosaurus, an evelen-headed hydra and the revenant Maerimydra Officer. At least two times agains each opponent. He won every fight. OK, against the hydra it was luck. :ork:  :D
Zanan 20.Aug.2006 11:08
Rou'sun ... you do not need to reveal our colourful debates to the others  :wink: And, BTW, they are not essential when it comes to having your chara around at this moment and time. Was a bit busy during the last couple of days and will come to that chara colour bit later today. And with regard to fighting ... remember that I command the dice bot and its Will save is pretty low when confronted with my glory and power  :D
Zanan 22.Aug.2006 11:08
Well lads an' lasses, I will get the new campaign rolling today, new sticky thread and all.

No rush to the tables et al, as we first have to check on those in the temple and then we move on to "collect" more mercenaries. Speaking of which, you got quite a bit of cash lately, but note that the usual prices for hireling sellswords etc. are ranging from about 2 to 6 SP a day. Obviously, you are not some sort of human or dwarven rubble, but don't come around too greedy, right  8)

I'll open another Orga thread for the new campaign as well (nigh 50 pages are enough).

@ Zhadristan and Sheiriya ... you can easily continue your little trip through Sschindylryn while the new campaign sets off.

@all ... if you send me chara-sheets (I think I have Sheiriya, Rou'sun's new one, Zhadristan by now), make sure that everything special gets a mention with regard to sourcebooks. I know a few bits and pieces myself, but as there are some 546 books around, it would be good to know where the stuff is coming from.  :wink:
Romaal 22.Aug.2006 02:08
Yeah, I'm ready now. I just sended my chara to you and hope we'll start soon.
avatar Narzen 22.Aug.2006 10:08
It so happened that I just walked five kilometers home in the middle of the night after spending most of the day doing... shall we say, business negotiations... so I am going to have to check back after I wake up.
