DnD-Gate Online Games

Archiv => Archiv - Friedhof => Thema gestartet von: DM am 24.07.2006, 08:18:37

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Beitrag von: DM am 24.07.2006, 08:18:37
Welcome to the new forum everyone
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Beitrag von: Chik-Cha Crookbeak am 07.08.2006, 18:41:25
Char is done :)

PM me please if you have objections.
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Beitrag von: DM am 08.08.2006, 08:29:02
Seems to be ok. I still think playing a delicious chicken is a rather bad idea in general. mmmmmmm chicken....  :D
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Beitrag von: Chik-Cha Crookbeak am 08.08.2006, 09:07:40
There are enough things in the planes that consider anything to be delicious. As long as the halfling town guard doesnt attack me with the french fries and the frying pan i'll be fine.
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Beitrag von: Varn am 08.08.2006, 13:44:51
*tranforms to a troll* *searches for food*

mhhhhm, feathered elf ahaid *lick* *crunch* *burps*

*transforms back to human*

hmmm, where is Chick-Cha gone? 8)
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Beitrag von: Chik-Cha Crookbeak am 08.08.2006, 14:08:43
I'm starting to wonder if I should change my alingment to NE  :assassin:
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Beitrag von: Gillivane am 12.08.2006, 15:41:45
Hello? Anyone still there?
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Beitrag von: Gilligast am 14.08.2006, 03:15:46
Im starting to doubt it.
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Beitrag von: DM am 14.08.2006, 07:45:21
There's never anyone here from friday evening to monday morning ;)
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Beitrag von: Gilligast am 14.08.2006, 12:42:38
Uhu... Well, when do we start. Where are all the others you talked about?
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Beitrag von: DM am 14.08.2006, 16:39:35
I have no idea when we will start. I'm waiting for the charsheets of one more and the response from two others that said they want to join but didn't respond any further. I don't expect to start in the next few days though....at least it doesn't look like it.
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Beitrag von: DM am 29.08.2006, 10:31:34
As some of the people that wanted to join simply don't respond anymore to my messages I put another request for some more players in the player search forum. Sorry for the delay guys, but I had quite some aplications for the game and all of a sudden the people are gone.
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Beitrag von: Chik-Cha Crookbeak am 29.08.2006, 21:05:40
*Still waiting*
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Beitrag von: DM am 31.08.2006, 14:00:04
I got one more so far. Another one and we can start *crosses his fingers*
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Beitrag von: DM am 05.09.2006, 08:19:08
We are starting tomorrow. There is another one interested but rarely replying to my messages. So well if he wants to join he can do that later.
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Beitrag von: Wei Ling am 08.09.2006, 11:10:48
@Chik-Cha Crookbeak: If you need an Avatar for the forum, maybe the picture below (cut-out from the WotC D&D (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/iw/20040912b&page=4) site) would work? :)

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Beitrag von: Chik-Cha Crookbeak am 09.09.2006, 02:30:54
Quit pushing i know how to do that...
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Beitrag von: Wei Ling am 09.09.2006, 12:08:21

Ok, ok. :)
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Beitrag von: Chik-Cha Crookbeak am 15.09.2006, 10:02:10
Where's Warn? One Post and gone?

Oh and sorry for not posting, i was kinda held up (new char on my UO freeshard) and waited for Warn to post.
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Beitrag von: Varn am 15.09.2006, 15:03:05
I'm here, just forgot to activate the email-notifaction for the ingame-thread ... so i simply missed it.
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Beitrag von: Wei Ling am 15.09.2006, 15:42:11
Even with those notifications set up, I would check the forum regularily, since they are known not to work in a most reliable manner. ;)
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Beitrag von: Chik-Cha Crookbeak am 19.09.2006, 02:41:58
C'mon everybody look alive :/. With this speed we'll die of old age in that taverne (well, my char will. Kenku live for 35 years.
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Beitrag von: Varn am 19.09.2006, 09:10:03
Don't stress an old man ... my heart isn't that fine anymore ...
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Beitrag von: DM am 26.09.2006, 16:35:30
As the conversation is getting a bit slow I will jump right to the start of the actual adventure if no one has anything against that.

Also I will motivate Varn to post a bit more often I think *packs out his maul of player motivation +3*.

Well I will continue tomorrow. If there's anything else you want to do before you depart please say so.
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Beitrag von: Wei Ling am 27.09.2006, 11:31:44
Yep, I guess jumping forward makes sense. :)
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Beitrag von: DM am 02.10.2006, 15:08:33
Encounter thread started. Please roll INI in your charthreads and post in the form described in the rules thread.
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Beitrag von: DM am 03.10.2006, 13:28:16
Chik-Cha please post your attack role as well when you ready an attack.
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Beitrag von: Chik-Cha Crookbeak am 03.10.2006, 14:29:05
Done. Nice how the game finally picks up some speed.
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Beitrag von: DM am 03.10.2006, 15:28:53
Please do never edit posts with rolls. Next time I wont except it anymore. If you make a mistake or forgot something make a new post.
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Beitrag von: Gillivane am 03.10.2006, 16:03:48
Meh. yeah sry, didnt mean to do that.
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Beitrag von: Chik-Cha Crookbeak am 03.10.2006, 16:06:03
What size is the rhino? AtlLeast large, i suppose?
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Beitrag von: DM am 03.10.2006, 16:58:08
It's large, yes.
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Beitrag von: DM am 10.10.2006, 11:38:36
Sorry I got ill. Break until next monday. Sorry for that.
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Beitrag von: Wei Ling am 10.10.2006, 13:00:04
Get better then! :)
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Beitrag von: Mystral Wolkenglanz am 10.10.2006, 13:41:22
Get well soon.  :monster:
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Beitrag von: DM am 17.10.2006, 09:55:34
Ok I'm back. Just reading my office mails and then making my post. Stay tuned ;)
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Beitrag von: Shiroko Yuugure am 23.10.2006, 16:45:43
Hey there :)  I'm going to accompany you on your journey through the planes soon. Hope we'll get along well ;)

Greetings, Shiroko
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Beitrag von: Wei Ling am 23.10.2006, 18:06:11
Hello, fellow easterling. ;)
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Beitrag von: Shiroko Yuugure am 24.10.2006, 19:59:41
Is Ookami still with me? Normally I would have taken her along as far as possible.
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Beitrag von: DM am 25.10.2006, 08:03:29
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Beitrag von: DM am 07.11.2006, 14:40:34
Everyone gone to hibernation?
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Beitrag von: Shiroko Yuugure am 08.11.2006, 17:47:47
Well don't know, me's still alive ;)
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Beitrag von: Wei Ling am 10.11.2006, 10:58:12
I'm here as well, just a lil more busy than usual. :)
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Beitrag von: DM am 20.11.2006, 09:27:20
As no one is interested in exploring it seems I will skip to the next part.
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Beitrag von: Wei Ling am 20.11.2006, 13:21:19
There were a few mentionings about exploring the surroundings in the last couple posts, but I guess there wasn't really much to see, anyways... :)
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Beitrag von: Der Tod am 25.12.2006, 17:25:41
Well, I guess this game is dead. I'll put this into the Archiv.

If you want to cast Game Ressurection, send me a PM.
