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Nachrichten - Dx'zau'vrinn

Seiten: [1]
Drow Campaign / English Drow Campaign Orga
« am: 24.07.2005, 03:17:07 »
 Geirildin charges directly into battle at the first opportunity, leaping at the end as always (with -5 power attack, which does lots of damage considering his equipment and feats).

Drow Campaign / Whol l'olath ilhar
« am: 17.07.2005, 00:39:41 »
 Geirildin continues his charge, bringing his blade across the gate's lock attempting to sunder it in twine.

Drow Campaign / Whol l'olath ilhar
« am: 03.07.2005, 05:10:22 »
 Jhalashar continues playing his lute (inspire courage) and Geirildin hefts his two-handed elven courtblade and rushes the nearest creature in an all out charge, once again leaping in the air at the end and bringing his sword down in a chop.

Drow Campaign / Ust Unboi'en Wund L'olath
« am: 20.03.2005, 04:31:21 »
 Dx'zau'vrinn seeks an audience with the Dark Dagger's lead blade so that he may report the details of his mission and seek further instruction.

Drow Campaign / Ust Unboi'en Wund L'olath
« am: 07.03.2005, 04:36:53 »
  You will not untie her hands so that she can cast a spell Narzen.
Dx'zau'vrinn grabs the fey'ri and drags it near the rope.

"Everyone up first except me and Narzen. I will tie the rope end after ya'll have went up to the fey'ri and Zha will then pull her up. He will then drop back down the rope for Narzen and I to climb up."


Drow Campaign / Ust Unboi'en Wund L'olath
« am: 01.03.2005, 20:29:44 »
 Dx'za'vrinn takes all the treasure he finds and tucks it away, mentally debating or whether or not he should share any ot it with the his coward traveling companions.

He then swims back to shore and looks for a secluded spot to examine his treasure and take a long rest, with S'zor guarding him while he sleeps.

Drow Campaign / Ust Unboi'en Wund L'olath
« am: 23.02.2005, 19:40:59 »
 Dx'zau'vrinn body visibly quivers as he forcefully exhales when the undead thing falls dead, again. He smiles weakly at Zhadristan's words and walks over to the undead being. He observes it's still form for a short lived moment and stomps his boot onto the things head, hopefully crushing it to fine dust beneath his booted heel.

He then engages in a thorough search of the blasted tower and the undead thing's corpse.

Drow Campaign / Ust Unboi'en Wund L'olath
« am: 20.02.2005, 05:17:44 »
 Dx'zau'vrinn grits his teeth from the sudden shock of pain he feels when the undead thing claws into him.

He then quickly turns his attention upon that thing and releases another maximum blast of force from his ring at the thing and bolts forty feet away intending to fight a ranged battle with the thing.

Drow Campaign / Ust Unboi'en Wund L'olath
« am: 15.02.2005, 20:23:09 »
 "Dammit..." Dx'zau'vrinn gasps as the feels his very life energy drain away.

He quickly hops back feet and expendes the maximum amount of charges from his ring of the ram, using the forced shaped animal to head butt the apparition.

Drow Campaign / Ust Unboi'en Wund L'olath
« am: 11.02.2005, 05:38:05 »
 "Time to die indeed!" "THAT at least seems to be something that your good at!" Dx'zau'vrinn says in the midst of hysterical laughter.
"This time when you die though, stay dead. It's just really such a bother to have to kill something more than once."

He then begins to pump his arms furiously, slashing and stabbing at every possible angle, every conceivable opening. Knowing quite well that he may be fighting for his very right to breath.

S'zor, though ever loyal to his master, doesn't enter the fray. The supernatural presence of the undead being simply overwhelms the canine's sense bravado.

Drow Campaign / Ust Unboi'en Wund L'olath
« am: 09.02.2005, 01:25:40 »
 "Yes! I do believe indeed that I have found what you are looking for."

Before the last word leaves his lips, Dx'zau'vrinn rushes the apparition, his enchanted blades drawn, and slashes at the hazy figure while yelling, "Your looking for the cold embrace of eternal rest or damnation. I'll be happy to send you to your final resting place!"


Drow Campaign / Ust Unboi'en Wund L'olath
« am: 05.02.2005, 20:06:47 »
 Dx'zau'vrinn grins widely and says "Sure I do," in a very sarcastic tone. "What the hell, we all gotta die someday and I work best alone anyway."

Without a further moment's pause, Dx'zau'vrinn dives into the dark waters and heads for the island to meet his fate.

Drow Campaign / Ust Unboi'en Wund L'olath
« am: 04.02.2005, 04:29:44 »
 "No, but something tells me it's not as strong as you'll may think. I would tackle it alone, but my training consist of taking out the living."

"Oh well, I guess this group's not liking powerful treasures. Let us move on then."

Seiten: [1]