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Themen - DM

Seiten: [1]
Archiv - Friedhof / Chapter 2 - The Ruins of Xardia
« am: 19.10.2006, 13:26:49 »
As you step out of the gate the landscape seems familiar once again but this time the ruins aren’t nearly as old as the first time you arrived at this place. You can still see signs of fires and skeletons wearing rusty armours and old weapons are lying around all over the place. Thoughtfully the wizard raises a brow.

“Interesting. I thought the incident happened at the original battle, but obviously it happened quite some years later. Surprising but interesting as well.

Anyways, I’m going to build up the devices so we can travel back and you better look around here a bit. If I timed it properly we arrived a few days before the fight took place.”

Turning away from you the wizard starts to tinker arround with some devices and the planar gate.

Archiv - Friedhof / Encounter: A horned Creature
« am: 02.10.2006, 15:06:18 »
About 90 ft. from you a massive creature gets ready to charge. With two mighty horns on its nose and its body covered in natural armour plates the view is quite frightening for you.

Archiv - Friedhof / Chapter 1 – The Journey Begins
« am: 06.09.2006, 08:50:44 »
Breathing heavily you walk down the streets of Luskan towards the Host Tower of the Arcane. A cold wind cuts deep through your clothes and you wish that you had never left the tavern, but good adventuring opportunities rarely care to wait until the weather got better.

All of you are here because you found an “advertisement” on one of the public places in Luskan.

Adventurers of Luskan!

Gold and glory await you. Join an expedition to reveal ancient secrets in the name of the Arcane Tower. See exciting places, meet interesting people and travel the planes. Only the best will get a chance, so hurry to sign up for the expedition!

We do not take any responsibilities for major injuries or death.

Well, gold and glory doesn’t sound too bad or? The small print on the other hand does…..

As you reach the tower the guards let you pass without too many questions, no wonder considering the amount of adventurers rallying at the tower. After several hours and endless questions from some wizards, obviously the leaders of the expedition, all of you got signed up.

After several more ore less meaningless speeches the organisation of the expedition was made up. The only thing that realy mattered for you was

"Scouting team one!

Chik-Cha Crookbeak, Wei-Ling, Varn"

After your names were called you gather near the scout leader to receive initial instructions

“Well then, name’s Craven. Ye three will be one of our scout teams as soon as we reach our destination. No questions just do what you are supposed to do when we arrive there. And please don’t ask me where ‘there’ is. That damn wizards make a damn big secret outa that. Who cares, they pay good enough to not ask anyways.

Ye got a few days to prepare yourself though. The expedition will start in about a week. We got some rooms here so ye don’t need to pay for an inn. Better get to know each other, wherever we go, I’m quite sure our asses won’t be safe there and ye need to know the people round you.”

Online-RPG-Organisation / Neues Spiel auf Englisch
« am: 02.08.2006, 16:23:30 »
Da auch ein paar Leute aus meiner DDO Gilde Interesse bekundet haben (ob die jetzt auch wirklich mitspielen weiss ich nicht *grins*) werde ich eine neue Kampagne auf Englisch starten. Ist auch mal etwas anderes für mich.

2 Spieler sind im Moment bereits fix und 2 weitere "maybe". 3 Plätze sind also erstmal zu vergeben falls jemand Interesse hat. Regeln und das entsprechende Unterforum findet man hier:

Gespielt wird generell MO-FR in der Zeit von 8-17 Uhr. Es sollten durchaus 2-3 Posts pro Tag möglich sein. Da sämtliche andere Spiele von mir im Sand verlaufen sind irgendwann ,aufgrund von Leuten die alle paar Tage irgendwann um Mitternacht gepostet haben, sollen sich bitte diesmal nur Leute melden die auch tatsächlich mitspielen wollen. Ich werde diesmal sicher etwas strickter vorgehen wenn jemand generell nur alle paar Tage postet und das Spiel damit extrem verzögert.
Ist ja kein Problem wenn sich mal wer für 2 Wochen in den Urlaub abmeldet, ich spreche nur vom allgemeinen Postingverhalten  :wink:

Wer Interesse hat einfach per PM bei mir melden.

Archiv - Friedhof / Off-Topic
« am: 24.07.2006, 08:18:37 »
Welcome to the new forum everyone

Seiten: [1]