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Nachrichten - warlockco

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Drow Campaign / A simple escort - Campaign Orga Thread
« am: 16.10.2006, 07:03:30 »
Sorry about not posting, been busy with work.

So what is still standing as far as baddies go?

Drow Campaign / "A simple escort," she said ...
« am: 11.10.2006, 11:24:39 »
Xune listens on as the party starts to sort out who is going where.

Drow Campaign / "A simple escort," she said ...
« am: 11.10.2006, 08:07:11 »
"Suits me, however I will not be your whipping girl. I am a Yathrin also, just because I am contracted to serve you, doesn't mean I am your slave, like these males and things." says Xune,
"The Daughters are more militant than I care for, but I know each and everyone of us has our own place within the webs of the Goddess. I just see no point in capturing this bridge, when we don't have the resources to keep it." continues Xune with a dismissive gesture,
"I shall lead any that comes with me across the bridge, even if I must go alone."

Drow Campaign / A simple escort - Campaign Orga Thread
« am: 09.10.2006, 07:51:59 »
Just as a notice, have a new job.

I will post as I can, however my job is on call 24/7 as a driver for railroad crews, which can have me away for as long or longer than 10 hours at a time. I will always be on call, unless I am having down time.

Just a heads up.

Drow Campaign / "A simple escort," she said ...
« am: 09.10.2006, 07:49:56 »
Xune listens along, keeping quiet, having already given her thoughts.

Drow Campaign / "A simple escort," she said ...
« am: 05.10.2006, 21:04:31 »
"Why do we want to take the bridge, when our goal is to just cross it?" says Xune looking at Tavia, "Are we going to cross back over this bridge in the near future?"

Looking at Kylara'anon, "You are the boss for this, so we will do it your way, but needless fighting will weaken us for no gain, unless these Derro have something that could benefit us."

"Maybe this is a toll bridge, and the one slain tried to force their way across, or maybe it is a change of management. What we need is more information about the situation itself before we go charging wanting to kill everything over there."

Drow Campaign / "A simple escort," she said ...
« am: 05.10.2006, 10:13:13 »
"I never said that Illithids were harmless, just that you knew where you stood with them, as a potential meal," says Xune, "Derro on the other hand" to which she just shrugs.

Drow Campaign / "A simple escort," she said ...
« am: 03.10.2006, 15:39:24 »
"Derro? I would rather deal with Illithids, at least you usually know where you stand with them," says Xune, "you manage to get a head count?"

Drow Campaign / "A simple escort," she said ...
« am: 02.10.2006, 11:55:38 »
That did not sound welcoming," says Xune quietly, "and unless I missed my guess, the bridge is the only way across without some difficulty."

Drow Campaign / "A simple escort," she said ...
« am: 30.09.2006, 15:13:32 »
Xune signs I don't care for it nor the arrogant mages.

Drow Campaign / "A simple escort," she said ...
« am: 29.09.2006, 12:39:57 »
Xune takes out a small mortar and pestle placing some crystals and herbs into it, and starts to grind them down.
After spending several minutes doing this, she unrolls a small wrapped bundle, revealing many sharp needles.
Over the next hour Xune starts to imprint and fill a pattern over Tavia's right collar.

Xune signs All done, indicating a small tattoo that looks more like a discoloration of the skin at first glance. The tattoo is of a displacer beast stalking its way along Tavia's collar to her throat.

Drow Campaign / "A simple escort," she said ...
« am: 29.09.2006, 08:30:25 »
Xune signs back We should have time for that.

Drow Campaign / "A simple escort," she said ...
« am: 28.09.2006, 22:04:05 »
Xune signs to Tavia Some idiots just do not know that sound attracts trouble.

Drow Campaign / "A simple escort," she said ...
« am: 27.09.2006, 14:36:14 »
Xune signs At least things are going smoothly so far.

Drow Campaign / "A simple escort," she said ...
« am: 27.09.2006, 03:12:38 »
Xune will observe the hallway.

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