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Nachrichten - Oyn

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Drow Campaign / English Drow Campaign Orga
« am: 08.01.2006, 13:31:18 »
 Looks like I missed a round or so in the past few days of not being online.  :lol:
Anyways onward with my attacks, just delayed a bit.

Drow Campaign / Whol l'olath ilhar
« am: 04.01.2006, 07:36:55 »
 Iira peeks around from his cover to judge how far away the orb creature is while he thinks up a plan of action.

Drow Campaign / English Drow Campaign Orga
« am: 04.01.2006, 07:35:31 »
 I have an idea for something I'd like to try but it depends on how far away the beholder is... so how far away is it?

Drow Campaign / English Drow Campaign Orga
« am: 30.12.2005, 09:51:10 »
 Alirghty, going to assume a spot of 10 is enough to find a good sized thing to hide behind so included ducking behind something in my actions for round 6.

Drow Campaign / Whol l'olath ilhar
« am: 30.12.2005, 09:45:21 »
 After hearing the warning to spread out Iira takes a quick look around for a good place to duck behind. He moves a few steps off the path and turns to look at the elite female for a moment. Moving a few more steps off the path he crouches down behind a decent sized fungi.

Drow Campaign / Dice Rolling
« am: 30.12.2005, 09:38:45 »
 Unnamed Skill Check 1D20 = no-repeat">14
Spot check for a good place to duck behind 1D20 = no-repeat">6

Drow Campaign / English Drow Campaign Orga
« am: 28.12.2005, 09:31:44 »
 I often get that message too. A while back I couldn't get to the site for a week or so.

Drow Campaign / Whol l'olath ilhar
« am: 24.12.2005, 10:19:27 »
 After the axe returns to Iira's hand (end of last round) he moves to the side of the enemy female to flank her with Zouhlnor. When in place he takes a hold of his spiked chain , ready to start in with melee combat. He speaks across the battle towards Zouhlnor.

"Looks like I might just have to leave the use of axes up to you brother. I didn't do too well with that last attack with this one I started using."

Drow Campaign / Whol l'olath ilhar
« am: 21.12.2005, 11:41:25 »
 Iira grabs the axe at his side and says, "Well time to see this thing in action." With a fluid movement he takes the axe from his side, brings it forward, and releases. It spins through the air towards the female he had the clearest throw at.

Drow Campaign / Whol l'olath ilhar
« am: 19.12.2005, 09:39:41 »
 Iira keeps a hand hovering close to his spiked chain and the other near the throwing axe he claimed. He slows his pace some in case stealth is prefered.

Drow Campaign / Whol l'olath ilhar
« am: 15.12.2005, 09:05:11 »
 Iira nods towards  Jhalashar.
"Aye, your right in wanting to be a bit more cautous with the hook. I'll stick to the weapons I have then. They have served me well and shall continue to do so. Now we have how we will present ourselves if needed are we ready to move onward?"

Drow Campaign / Whol l'olath ilhar
« am: 14.12.2005, 09:20:35 »
 "The life of a mercenary is one I've been living for some time. It's basicly why I am travelling with this group. No problem with me stating that as our purpose."

Iira turns to face Zouhlnor and chuckles slightly. "Fancy names for groups tends to be the thing they do up on the surface more so then below it... at least in my experience. Plus it would be easier to be less noticable if we don't try to claim some group name."

He turns his attention towards Keth and says, "The choice of how you should appear is mostly up to you malla yathrin. It is best that is sorted out know though so we will know how to address you." With this he gives a slight bow.

After a few moments he asks the scout, "Can we expect any undead on the way to or inside of Maerimydra? I remember that hook seemed to be useful against such things. I'd like to make use of the hook in combat if a fight against undead looks probable."

Drow Campaign / Whol l'olath ilhar
« am: 09.12.2005, 09:29:35 »
 Nodding towards Zouhlnor, Iira signs a reply "I prefer to collect from things I participate in killing. Know for sure the blood is fresh then. If we go closer to the bodies you can collect if you want. I have plenty of vials for the both of us."

Drow Campaign / Whol l'olath ilhar
« am: 07.12.2005, 09:05:15 »
 [During the treasure claiming]

Iira picks up the handaxe and studies it for some time. A thoughtful look occupies his face as he goes 'hmmm' to himself and idling fiddles with some amulet keep under his clothing. After serveral minutes like this he nods and says, "I would like to stack claim to this. Never know when you could use a spare weapon... plus it seems like it will do well as a quickly drawn ranged weapon." He shakes his head to himself and grumbles something under his breath.

[During prep to leave the rest sight, be it a few mintues later or the next day.]

While finishing up with putting gear on for travelling Iira takes time to give the handaxe a few test draws from it's new spot strapped to the side of his pack. He seems satisified with how it works out since he stops after about 4 times.

"Well let's get on with the water travel. The quicker we get to it the quicker we finish it and less worry of what might be lurking below the surface. If something is it can be handled."

He then takes up his normal spot in the "marching order" (not really sure what it is but there he stands ready to move on)

Drow Campaign / English Drow Campaign Orga
« am: 07.12.2005, 08:27:05 »
 bleh. my connections been spotty lately. wireless router keeps crapping out and attempts to fix it seem to work only to not the next day. anyways off to read and catch up on things.

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