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Nachrichten - Varn

Seiten: 1 [2] 3 ... 9
Archiv - Friedhof / Round 2 - Varn
« am: 03.10.2006, 09:51:16 »
"Try to avoid getting this beast more aggressive then it is ...", the old man mumbles angry.

Varn try to fix to eyes of the angry Rhino and kneels down. With a soft voice he mumbles a few words to the animal and stretches his hands towards the monster. Then he put down his hands on the bottom and slowly crawls a few feet onwards.

HP: 82/82, AC: 12, Saves: 10/6/7, INI: 10

1d201d20+12 = (8) +12 Gesamt: 20

Archiv - Friedhof / Encounter: A horned Creature
« am: 02.10.2006, 17:20:58 »
Varn gasps as all around him vanishes and a new, other environment appears. Althought there is a forest and some more signs of vital vegetation it doens't look friendly at all. Especially the horned creature infront of the group.

As a reaction to the impressive monster he steps back around twenty feets and examines the creature for a few seconds. He never saw such a monster in the woods where he lives nor heard about it by others who were living beside him. But he tries to remember some scrolls and books he read long time ago in the early years of his studies.

HP: 82/82, AC: 12, Saves: 10/6/7, INI: 10
knowlegde (nature): 1d201d20+16 = (13) +16 Gesamt: 29

Archiv - Friedhof / Varn
« am: 02.10.2006, 17:09:30 »
horned creature:

INI: 1d201d20+2 = (17) +2 Gesamt: 19

Archiv - Friedhof / Chapter 1 – The Journey Begins
« am: 29.09.2006, 09:20:46 »
Varn followed the others leaving a small gap between the group and him. While moving on he observates the environment and try to recognice signs of animals or other livings.

Remo wouldn't fit into this world. And it's better for him to live in the wilderness around Luskon now. Perhaps i take him with me on the next adventure.

As the sqad stops he moves beside Wei Ling and kneels down behind the same rock. He closes his eyes and try to focus on the sound of battle while waiting for Chick-Cha's return.

Archiv - Friedhof / Chapter 1 – The Journey Begins
« am: 28.09.2006, 08:47:22 »
Varn nods slowly, "I guess you are right, Wei Ling"

Without asking further questions he moves on to the portal, watches it with a suspicious look and finally step through ...

Archiv - Friedhof / Chapter 1 – The Journey Begins
« am: 20.09.2006, 11:54:04 »
The last statement of the birdlike creature costs Varn a soft but meaningful smile.

"As long as you really ask, i will share my potential of spells with ya."

Archiv - Friedhof / Chapter 1 – The Journey Begins
« am: 19.09.2006, 09:27:07 »
Varn rubs his nose and tries to forget about the smell in here. He normaly enjoys a fresh air out in the woods, especially the fine salty smell after the rain. At this time he just closes his eyes and breath slowly but deep what gives him a good feeling. Like he got born again.

"Well, i live in the woods out there ... i really enjoy the lonliness ... and i have learned to live with the animals ... and i'm able to perform some minor tricks what helped me a lot in former times. That's all about me ... at least the more or less interesting part."

Varn tries to smile before he takes his cup of tea and does a little slurp. The he take a look on the plate, full of cheese in front of him and tries a piece.

Archiv - Friedhof / Off-Topic
« am: 19.09.2006, 09:10:03 »
Don't stress an old man ... my heart isn't that fine anymore ...

Archiv - Friedhof / Off-Topic
« am: 15.09.2006, 15:03:05 »
I'm here, just forgot to activate the email-notifaction for the ingame-thread ... so i simply missed it.

Archiv - Friedhof / Chapter 1 – The Journey Begins
« am: 15.09.2006, 15:01:30 »
Varn followed the other two without saying any word. His thoughts still ask him, why he do this and what for. And still he cant answer his own questions. Nearly fallen in a kind of trance he take a seat besides Chick-Cha and followed the words of others. As the kenku patts on his shoulder he fully awakes again.

"Thanks for the offer, but no beer for me!" Varn smiled at Chick-Cha.

"I'll take a cheese plate too, and a cup of tea to drink."

"Sorry for my silence, i was in thoughts still! Private things, ya know ... I don't wanna bother ya with this."

To change the topic he asks, "You need the money? Or do you participate on to this expedtion for fun?"

Archiv - Friedhof / Chapter 1 – The Journey Begins
« am: 07.09.2006, 13:00:47 »
"Nice to meet you, Wei Ling! I am called Varn."

The old grey-haired human speaks with a deep but clear voice. He wears an old dark Cloak over on light leather armor and a backpack. There is no weapon visible then his wodden staff. But somehow it looks like he needs this staff for walking.

He shivers slightly as the cold winds blew into his face.

"Well, i think we can better talk when we are sitting around a well-filled table in the Tavern. How do you think?"

I have to inform Remo about this ... Remo is Varn's companion, i black dire weasel. As the animal don't like such crowds it is outside the town, hunting in the nearby woods or just sleeping at a wind-save place. Many others are afraid by the appearance of Remo what as one more good reason to let Varn's friend a few free days around the walls in free nature. Varn himself also prefers the lonliness of the wilderness but sometimes he comes to Luskon for shopping some things he likes or just to get news about his friends and the lands. He don't even know why he is here at the moment and agreed to this expedition. Hopefully Remo agrees with this ...

Archiv - Friedhof / Off-Topic
« am: 08.08.2006, 13:44:51 »
*tranforms to a troll* *searches for food*

mhhhhm, feathered elf ahaid *lick* *crunch* *burps*

*transforms back to human*

hmmm, where is Chick-Cha gone? 8)

Archiv - Friedhof / Varn
« am: 02.08.2006, 13:12:56 »
in sum ...

level 1: 8 (full hp)
level 2: 4
level 3: 6
level 4: 8
level 5: 5
level 6: 6
level 7: 5
level 8: 6
con boni: 3 * 8 = 24

= 82 HP *snap*

Archiv - Friedhof / Varn
« am: 02.08.2006, 13:10:10 »
reroll: HP level 2: 1d81d8 = (1) Gesamt: 1

Archiv - Friedhof / Varn
« am: 02.08.2006, 13:09:32 »
reroll: HP level 2: 1d81d8 = (5) Gesamt: 5
reroll: HP level 8: 1d81d8 = (5) Gesamt: 5

Seiten: 1 [2] 3 ... 9