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Nachrichten - DM

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Archiv - Friedhof / Off-Topic
« am: 17.10.2006, 09:55:34 »
Ok I'm back. Just reading my office mails and then making my post. Stay tuned ;)

Archiv - Friedhof / Off-Topic
« am: 10.10.2006, 11:38:36 »
Sorry I got ill. Break until next monday. Sorry for that.

Archiv - Friedhof / Chapter 1 – The Journey Begins
« am: 06.10.2006, 14:17:40 »
You move towards the voices and find a good spot to observe what’s going on. You see two men, one with long grey hair and beard and a younger pale one. The older one hectically waves his hands in the air shouting commands at the younger one. Right beside the two you see the portal you used to enter this place. Around the portal you notice strange devices that seem to be connected to it.

“May the gods help me, how did I deserve an apprentice like that. I told you to connect the harmonium crystal to the arcane concentrator and not to the astral node!”

Muttering something the apprentice starts to tinker around on the devices again.

Archiv - Friedhof / Chapter 1 – The Journey Begins
« am: 06.10.2006, 13:07:32 »
The Rhinoceros storms off and Varn mends Chik-Cha's wound. Still slightly confused you start to search the area for any signs of the ruins but fail to find anything.

Suddenly your surroundings change again. Instead of the high grass you now stand in a stony desert, still not a sign of the ruins. You hear a voice coming from behind a large rock.

“No, no. It’s all wrong! What are you doing you fool? It’s instable!”

Archiv - Friedhof / Encounter: A horned Creature
« am: 06.10.2006, 12:56:43 »

As Varn touches you your wound starts to close and you open your eyes again, still lying in the high grass.


You focus on your druid powers and mend the horrible wound of the Kenku.


You send another set of magic missiles towards the Rhinoceros.  


The Rhinoceros stomps on the ground a last time after Wei-Lings missiles hit it and then storms off through the high grass. Obviously it values its live more then its territory.

--- End of encounter ---

Archiv - Friedhof / Encounter: A horned Creature
« am: 06.10.2006, 11:22:51 »

You tumble to the Rhinoceros side and place your weapon between the armour plates, watching blood flowing out of the wound. Angrily the badly hurt Rhinoceros again turns on you. You scream in pain as the horn passes flesh and muscles and blood runs down your feathers (32 damage).

Again you try to tear out some flesh from your opponent but one of your claws fails to get a proper hold. Angrily you bite into a soft spot and spit out some of the animal’s blood.


You send another set of magic missiles towards the Rhinoceros.


The Rhinoceros snorts tiredly and blood flows all over his body, but again raises it’s horn to ram it into Chik-Cha’s chest. The Kenku screams as the horn passes flesh and muscles and blood runs down his feathers.

W - Wei-Ling, V - Varn, C - Chik-Cha, R - Rhinoceros


INI Order: Chik-Cha, Varn, Wei-Ling, Rhinoceros

Archiv - Friedhof / Encounter: A horned Creature
« am: 05.10.2006, 13:23:38 »

You fail to get into a good position for your attacks but striking the Rhinoceros you hit a vulnerable spot and your dagger causes a nasty wound. The Rhinoceros angrily rams its horn towards your chest, but in the last moment you manage to dodge the attack.


Clumsily you try to claw and bite the Rhinoceros, but apart from one lucky hit with one of your claws you just hit the thick armour plates.


You send another set of magic missiles towards the Rhinoceros.


The Rhinoceros stomps angrily as Chik-Cha’s dagger finds a vulnerable spot and tries to gore the Kenku, luckily failing at the attempt.

W - Wei-Ling, V - Varn, C - Chik-Cha, R - Rhinoceros


INI Order: Chik-Cha, Varn, Wei-Ling, Rhinoceros

Archiv - Friedhof / Encounter: A horned Creature
« am: 04.10.2006, 10:14:35 »

You swiftly tumble towards the Rhinoceros and ram your weapon between the armour plates. The wound isn’t too impressive but impressive enough for the Rhinoceros to turn around and ram its horn into your side (18 damage).  


You transform into a troll and try to claw the Rhinoceros but your strike wasn’t precise enough and you just hit one of the thick armour plates.


You tumble back and swiftly move out of the direct path of the Rhinoceros. Standing still again you shoot some magic missiles at it.


The Rhinoceros turns around as Chik-Cha’s weapon slides through its armour plates and rams its horn in his side. Snorting angrily it prepares to attack again.

W - Wei-Ling, V - Varn, C - Chik-Cha, R - Rhinoceros


INI Order: Chik-Cha, Varn, Wei-Ling, Rhinoceros

Archiv - Friedhof / Off-Topic
« am: 03.10.2006, 16:58:08 »
It's large, yes.

Archiv - Friedhof / Off-Topic
« am: 03.10.2006, 15:28:53 »
Please do never edit posts with rolls. Next time I wont except it anymore. If you make a mistake or forgot something make a new post.

Archiv - Friedhof / Encounter: A horned Creature
« am: 03.10.2006, 15:27:28 »

You bring yourself into position and shoot your dagger towards the Rhinoceros as it charges by. The dagger leaves a wound at its flank but the Rhinoceros continues its charge.


You try to calm the Rinoceros but somehow you are still too confused about the whole situation to focus well enough. The Rinoceros totally ignores you and charges towards Wei-Ling.


As the Rhinoceros charges you again you wave your hands and fill the air with glittering dust. The Rhinoceros is quite unimpressed from your spell and charges directly into you. The air leaves your lungs and you can hear the cracking of bones (24 damage). You get knocked back, but manage to stay on your feet thanks to your agility.


The Rhinoceros charges Wei-Ling with full speed ignoring both the dagger from Chik-Cha and the tries to calm it from Varn. Finally it storms through the glittering dust created by Wei-Ling and hits the sorceress with full force.

W - Wei-Ling, V - Varn, C - Chik-Cha, R - Rhinoceros

INI Order: Chik-Cha, Varn, Wei-Ling, Rhinoceros

Archiv - Friedhof / Off-Topic
« am: 03.10.2006, 13:28:16 »
Chik-Cha please post your attack role as well when you ready an attack.

Archiv - Friedhof / Encounter: A horned Creature
« am: 03.10.2006, 08:39:08 »

You react fastest and vanish while moving out of the charging path of the creature. You don't notice any magical properties on it.


The creature definitely is some type of Rhinoceros, though a quite ancient one as it seems. Such heavy armour plates are uncommon for the ones you know. Also normally they only got one horn. However, from your experience you know that appearing directly before a Rhinoceros out of the void definitely angers such a beast.


Your magic missiles hit the Rhinoceros but that just made it angrier. Snorting loudly it charges towards you at full speed. Luckily your body control is good enough and you manage to dodge the incoming charge.


Missing the charge at full speed the Rhinoceros manages to stop 20 ft. after passing Wei-Ling and turns arround to attack again.

W - Wei-Ling, V - Varn, C - Chik-Cha, R - Rhinoceros

INI Order: Chik-Cha, Varn, Wei-Ling, Rhinoceros

Archiv - Friedhof / Off-Topic
« am: 02.10.2006, 15:08:33 »
Encounter thread started. Please roll INI in your charthreads and post in the form described in the rules thread.

Archiv - Friedhof / Chapter 1 – The Journey Begins
« am: 02.10.2006, 15:07:16 »
As you finish your spell you gasp in astonishment. The whole area around you seems to be covered in one overwhelming aura. You try to analyse the kind of magic but fail to find out too much about it, except that the school of magic active here seems to be transmutation. After a few minutes you cancel your spell as the powerful aura gives you a serious headache.

While you search the site suddenly the surroundings change. From one second to another you stand in high grass and in the distance you notice a forest. Quite surprised you barely notice a threatening growl, but the shaking earth abruptly sharpens your sense again.


Seiten: 1 [2] 3 4