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Nachrichten - Korach

Seiten: 1 ... 17 [18]
Drow Campaign / Whol l'olath ilhar
« am: 19.03.2006, 12:21:33 »
 In a way that Keth cannot see it Rou'sun asks Zhadristan Can you tell me what Malla Kethryllia is looking for in the city?

Drow Campaign / Whol l'olath ilhar
« am: 16.03.2006, 17:19:11 »
 If not comanded otherwise Rou'sun will be part of the group questioning Arivae.

Drow Campaign / Whol l'olath ilhar
« am: 13.03.2006, 22:18:58 »
 As it looks like that the others will deal with the remaining bugbear easy enough, Rou'un walks over to the troll-like thing to look if it is likely to get up again as a "normal" troll would probably do.

Drow Campaign / English Drow Campaign Orga
« am: 13.03.2006, 13:47:43 »
 I'm not quite sure. Are there any bugbears left?

Drow Campaign / Whol l'olath ilhar
« am: 10.03.2006, 17:00:42 »
 Seeing that the spell worked like it should but with the bugbears still on their feet again tries to form the weave to his wishing.

Drow Campaign / Whol l'olath ilhar
« am: 09.03.2006, 23:33:45 »
 "I told you." Rou'sun says, casting another spell.

Drow Campaign / Whol l'olath ilhar
« am: 07.03.2006, 13:12:16 »
 Without pausing Rou'sun casts a second spell.

Drow Campaign / Whol l'olath ilhar
« am: 04.03.2006, 16:18:02 »
 "As you wish." Rou'sun says and casts a spell. The gesture he uses are quite unusual and you cannot tell what spell it will be.

Drow Campaign / Conversations
« am: 04.03.2006, 10:33:09 »
 Rou'sun nods and moves to pick up a pair of saddle bags from a corner. Then he waits for the others.

Drow Campaign / Whol l'olath ilhar
« am: 02.03.2006, 09:57:11 »
 Surprised by the question Rou'sun nods. "Yes, I'd like to do so. When do you want to move on?"

Seiten: 1 ... 17 [18]