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Nachrichten - DM

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Archiv - Friedhof / Encounter: A horned Creature
« am: 02.10.2006, 15:06:18 »
About 90 ft. from you a massive creature gets ready to charge. With two mighty horns on its nose and its body covered in natural armour plates the view is quite frightening for you.

Archiv - Friedhof / Chapter 1 – The Journey Begins
« am: 02.10.2006, 10:12:03 »
As you finish your spell you gasp in astonishment. The whole area around you seems to be covered in one overwhelming aura. You try to analyse the kind of magic but fail to find out too much about it, except that the school of magic active here seems to be transmutation. After a few minutes you cancel your spell as the powerful aura gives you a serious headache.

Archiv - Friedhof / Chapter 1 – The Journey Begins
« am: 02.10.2006, 08:02:22 »
Craven sighs and leaves his cover.

“Wei-Ling, take the two others and search for any sources of magic where the fight happened. I will return to the Portal and ask for reinforcements.”

Swiftly Craven moves through the rocks towards the Portal, always keeping cover as good as possible.

Archiv - Friedhof / Chapter 1 – The Journey Begins
« am: 29.09.2006, 14:38:41 »
Swiftly you move through the rocks and find a good position to peak over to the fighting scene. You see six tall humanoids clad in mithral armour forming a defensive circle around a beautiful woman that seems to glow in a bright light. From all sides horrible creatures storm in but wave after wave gets slaughtered by the valid defenders.

Suddenly you duck as a huge shadow passes over your head. A massive winged creature lands directly in front of you, looking towards the defenders.

What follows now is a horrible slaughter. The defenders get cut into pieces within seconds. The creature and the woman stand directly in front of each other now. The woman mumbles some words in a language you don’t understand and suddenly the whole scene is flooded by a bright light forcing you to close your eyes.

As you open your eyes again there is no sign of the woman or the creature anymore….nor any sign of the fight. No blood, no corpses, no tracks. All you see is an empty space between the rocks.

Archiv - Friedhof / Chapter 1 – The Journey Begins
« am: 28.09.2006, 12:53:05 »
As you step through the portal and arrive on the other side you suddenly gasp in exhaustion as your lungs fill with air that is barely breathable for you. After a few moments you acclimate to the air a bit and take a look around.

You are standing in the middle of a vast stone circle, or better said in the ruins of it. The sky glows in a red/purple light but there are neither stars nor a sun on the sky.

Craven starts to examine the ground around the portal and then says

“There was someone here recently. The tracks lead to the east.”

You follow Craven leaving the stone circle. The terrain is very rocky and there’s plenty of cover behind the huge rocks everywhere. Most of them are definitely not natural. What ever building was standing here, it was huge and it was destroyed quite thoroughly. The ground is a mixture of stones and sand. There is no obvious vegetation near you.

Following the tracks further Craven suddenly raises his hand


At the same moment as Craven gives the signal you notice yourself why. Combat noise. Somewhere close to you position you hear the sound of weapons.

“Chik-Cha, try to sneak up to the fighting and see what’s going on. You two stay with me and take cover at the rocks over there.”  

Archiv - Friedhof / Chapter 1 – The Journey Begins
« am: 27.09.2006, 10:11:57 »
The evening ends without anything interesting happening and so do the other evenings until the big day. As you arrive at the tower once again you notice quite a lot of people hastily moving crates with food, barrels with water and other supplies towards the centre of a big square in front of the tower.

After watching the scene a while you hear the voice of Craven.

“Scouting team one, get ready for departure!”

As you make your way through the crowd you notice five wizards standing in a circle mumbling some strange incarnations. After a few minutes a big blue glowing portal opens up.

Craven seems a bit uneasy as he steps toward the portal but tries to sound relaxed.

“Alright. Let’s see what’s on the other side.”

Breathing in deeply Craven steps through the portal.

Archiv - Friedhof / Off-Topic
« am: 26.09.2006, 16:35:30 »
As the conversation is getting a bit slow I will jump right to the start of the actual adventure if no one has anything against that.

Also I will motivate Varn to post a bit more often I think *packs out his maul of player motivation +3*.

Well I will continue tomorrow. If there's anything else you want to do before you depart please say so.

Archiv - Friedhof / Chapter 1 – The Journey Begins
« am: 18.09.2006, 10:49:31 »
After a few minutes your drinks arrive and shortly after the food you ordered. There are quite a lot of people in the tavern already and the room is filled with smoke and noise.

Archiv - Friedhof / Chapter 1 – The Journey Begins
« am: 12.09.2006, 08:54:29 »
The girl scribbles something on a piece of paper

“Well we do have all kinds of meat, chicken, lamb, pork…whatever you desire. If you prefer something without meat I recommend our cheese plate with oven fresh bread.”

Archiv - Friedhof / Chapter 1 – The Journey Begins
« am: 11.09.2006, 08:09:53 »
After wandering a while you reach a tavern called „The Frostwyrm“. The interior of the tavern is pretty simple except a lot of fancy trophies all over the place.

A huge man wearing a towel over his shoulder stands behind a counter cleaning some glasses. After you sat down a young girl comes at your table and asks

“Good evening. You want to order something?”

Archiv - Friedhof / Chapter 1 – The Journey Begins
« am: 06.09.2006, 08:50:44 »
Breathing heavily you walk down the streets of Luskan towards the Host Tower of the Arcane. A cold wind cuts deep through your clothes and you wish that you had never left the tavern, but good adventuring opportunities rarely care to wait until the weather got better.

All of you are here because you found an “advertisement” on one of the public places in Luskan.

Adventurers of Luskan!

Gold and glory await you. Join an expedition to reveal ancient secrets in the name of the Arcane Tower. See exciting places, meet interesting people and travel the planes. Only the best will get a chance, so hurry to sign up for the expedition!

We do not take any responsibilities for major injuries or death.

Well, gold and glory doesn’t sound too bad or? The small print on the other hand does…..

As you reach the tower the guards let you pass without too many questions, no wonder considering the amount of adventurers rallying at the tower. After several hours and endless questions from some wizards, obviously the leaders of the expedition, all of you got signed up.

After several more ore less meaningless speeches the organisation of the expedition was made up. The only thing that realy mattered for you was

"Scouting team one!

Chik-Cha Crookbeak, Wei-Ling, Varn"

After your names were called you gather near the scout leader to receive initial instructions

“Well then, name’s Craven. Ye three will be one of our scout teams as soon as we reach our destination. No questions just do what you are supposed to do when we arrive there. And please don’t ask me where ‘there’ is. That damn wizards make a damn big secret outa that. Who cares, they pay good enough to not ask anyways.

Ye got a few days to prepare yourself though. The expedition will start in about a week. We got some rooms here so ye don’t need to pay for an inn. Better get to know each other, wherever we go, I’m quite sure our asses won’t be safe there and ye need to know the people round you.”

Archiv - Friedhof / Off-Topic
« am: 05.09.2006, 08:19:08 »
We are starting tomorrow. There is another one interested but rarely replying to my messages. So well if he wants to join he can do that later.

Archiv - Friedhof / Wei Ling
« am: 05.09.2006, 08:17:10 »
Uhm, your HD roll is d4 and not d3.

Archiv - Friedhof / Off-Topic
« am: 31.08.2006, 14:00:04 »
I got one more so far. Another one and we can start *crosses his fingers*

Archiv - Friedhof / Off-Topic
« am: 29.08.2006, 10:31:34 »
As some of the people that wanted to join simply don't respond anymore to my messages I put another request for some more players in the player search forum. Sorry for the delay guys, but I had quite some aplications for the game and all of a sudden the people are gone.

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