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Nachrichten - Paval Thune

Seiten: 1 ... 21 [22] 23
Drow Campaign / "A simple escort," she said ...
« am: 18.07.2007, 13:54:10 »
Paval follows the others whilst keeping a careful watch for trouble.

Drow Campaign / "A simple escort," she said ...
« am: 16.07.2007, 13:12:04 »
"Laros, do you have a spell that can confirm the way ahead is as clear as it seems?"

Drow Campaign / "A simple escort," she said ...
« am: 15.07.2007, 07:34:19 »
'That's correct," Paval says, in response to Naedragard's question.

Drow Campaign / "A simple escort," she said ...
« am: 11.07.2007, 12:05:36 »
Paval looks up at the structure, noting the doors but lack of windows. He then turns his attention to the ground hoping to see if there are any clues or anything that might suggest the towering structure's purpose.

Drow Campaign / "A simple escort," she said ...
« am: 09.07.2007, 10:29:14 »
Paval gives Laros a small nod of appreciation.

Drow Campaign / A simple escort - Campaign Orga Thread
« am: 08.07.2007, 17:09:46 »
Paval will use his racial ability and try and limn the demon with Fairie Fire, he'll then try to place four Dancing Lights around the demon's head. Although, the spells won't seriously affect the shadow demon they might distract it and cause it to act carelessly.

Drow Campaign / "A simple escort," she said ...
« am: 07.07.2007, 09:54:25 »
Paval dispels the darkness spell.

Drow Campaign / "A simple escort," she said ...
« am: 04.07.2007, 19:34:36 »
"To a merchant such as myself, the chance of eight souls is not as tempting as the guarantee of nine. Nine souls and more are yours for the taking. You can tell by our speech that we are not natives to this plane we can show you the door where we entered and like most doors it swings both ways."

Drow Campaign / A simple escort - Campaign Orga Thread
« am: 04.07.2007, 15:24:02 »
I hope this is the right place.

My merchant is negotiating partly to buy time and partly to avoid a fight. I hope the other PC's can pick up on that. I'll not be able to post tomorrow or Friday. I'll try and post tonight.

Drow Campaign / "A simple escort," she said ...
« am: 03.07.2007, 19:42:21 »
The merchant speaks, 'Lord Demon! You are strong and powerful and our deaths, by your claws, are easily achieved. However, death releases the soul from the body.

'I am a merchant and given over to matters of trade and commerce. Can we not reach an agreement where our lives are spared and the price is a number of souls?'

Drow Campaign / "A simple escort," she said ...
« am: 22.06.2007, 08:20:48 »
The merchant listens to Farviaan's tirade, smiling to himself. He says only one sentence to the githyanki, 'Some illithids pay well for runaway slaves.'

He turns his attention back to Kylara, 'Some spells, either arcane or divine require components. There are markets where you might replenish these. Hopping in and out of colour pools is all very well if there is nothing in your way. But if there is a dreadnought between you and the pool then it's wiser to move well away from it.'

Drow Campaign / "A simple escort," she said ...
« am: 21.06.2007, 14:19:11 »
The merchant replies in a rasping whisper of a voice, 'As a merchant, I have travelled to this plane before and returned. The strengths that I have, which you may find useful are: I have a good knowledge of language, which will help you if want information from a native. I know a few safe havens and therefore places where you can replenish your supplies and take reverie. I am also a good shot with my short-bow and in lighted conditions I do not look like a typical drow. I can therefore talk with those races who do not normally speak with drow.'

Drow Campaign / "A simple escort," she said ...
« am: 20.06.2007, 16:14:28 »
The merchant is as taciturn as his bodyguard. He waits patiently for the female in charge to speak.

Drow Campaign / Sheiriya's Conversations
« am: 18.06.2007, 19:29:53 »
The merchant bows to Sheiriya, 'I shall be here for a while. If you wish to suggest a price you think is more reasonable I am happy to listen.'

Drow Campaign / Characters
« am: 15.06.2007, 20:43:48 »
Paval Thune is bloodless, perhaps that is the best way of describing him. He is about 4' 11" in height and has a long mane of bone white hair. He is an albino drow and his alabaster skin is what draws most observers attention - assuming that the light is adequate to discern this. I use the term bloodless because he is coldly psychopathic in all that he does. He has no friends and no relatives. He has only one love but that is unrequited. The irony being that in order to first obtain this love he had render himself unable to reciprocate.

His calculating grey eyes see more than he will ever say. He values others only in terms of how useful they are to him. He is not arrogant. As a general rule he is polite and well-spoken. He does not seek to anger others but he never forgets a grudge. Although, he is quite verbose he never really speaks his mind. His voice is a harsh rasp of a shattered whisper and he can not raise a shout.

Seiten: 1 ... 21 [22] 23