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Nachrichten - Fabius Maximus

Seiten: 1 ... 24 [25]
Drow Campaign / A simple escort - Campaign Orga Thread
« am: 13.09.2006, 22:59:33 »
Zanan, my char is still lacking his hit points. *plays jeopardy theme*

Drow Campaign / "A simple escort," she said ...
« am: 13.09.2006, 22:57:10 »
When the woman enters, Farviaan detaches himself from the wall, where he leaned and waited in sullen silence. "Finally", he growls under his breath.

Keeping a barely respectful distance he looks down to the drow and says: "Farviaan Dem's the name, but Farviaan will suffice." The name rolls strangely from his tongue.
"You want a body put in the dead-book? For the right price, I will take him down. Or her." He lays one hand on the hilt of his blade. "If you need me for a fight, I am capable to do this, too. I work best when I can engage an enemies leader, preferably from behind." He half turns to the others with a vicious grin on his lips and declares: "They can have the scraps."

Drow Campaign / Conversations
« am: 07.09.2006, 19:10:19 »
Farviaan bares his teeth at the woman after hearing her answer. "If you are just the errand... girl," he growls, "why are we even talking to you? Let's go and find this 'yathrin' of yours. Maybe she'll be willing to tell us something." He pushes himself from the wall and gets ready to leave.

Drow Campaign / Conversations
« am: 05.09.2006, 15:49:34 »
"I don't like working for one of the powers." states Farviaan with a hoarse voice hovering between normal speech and a whisper. He leans against the wall and crosses his arms in front of his chest. "But if there's fighting and jink involved, I'm in", he continues. "And while we're at it: What are we supposed to do and how much will you pay me?"

Drow Campaign / Conversations
« am: 04.09.2006, 23:56:37 »
Farviaan is the last person who the female drow talks to. He considers her offer for a moment. Then, his head almost touching the low ceiling when he stands up, he seems to sort out his long limbs before following the drow into the other room. There, he remains standing beside the door, eyeing and assessing the other creatures.

Drow Campaign / Characters
« am: 04.09.2006, 23:44:48 »
Farviaan Dem
(Don't bother trying, berk. You wouldn't be able to pronounce it right anyway.)

Farviaan is a very tall and lanky creature with unnaturally pale yellow skin. His face looks like a blend of elf and orc: Angular features, slitted black eyes, sharp pointy ears that are serrated at the back, no nose to speak of, and a small mouth full of sharp teeth that indicates a diet of meat. His short red hair clings tightly to his skull.
To the trained eye it is obvious that he is a warrior. Several scars in his face and a very pronounced one on his throat tell tales of many close fights. Several strange tattoos on face and neck add to his unusual looks.
Farviaan moves with the grace of a well-trained fighter who uses cunning and sublte combat techniques rather than brute force. His whole figure radiates confidence in his abilities and the unspent energy of a predator.

The gaunt warrior is clad in some kind of dusky breastplate with dark gray and green padding. If he stands still, he seems to fade into the background. The armor is embellished with swirling patterns that can make other creatures dizzy if they stare at them too long.  On his shoulders sits a dark green cloak with a hood. At his left hip you can see a very large bladed weapon with an ornate hilt in a broad scabbard: At his right hangs a seemingly empty quiver. And you get the impression that there are several other weapons hidden somewhere on his person.

Drow Campaign / A simple escort - Campaign Orga Thread
« am: 02.09.2006, 16:05:47 »
Hi everyone.

I will be joining the campaign with a Githyanki warrior. I will have  to learn the board mechanics, but I hope this will not take long. Or I just use another dice bot. :D

My english may sound a bit awkward from time to time. It's not my native tongue, so bear with me. ;)

Seiten: 1 ... 24 [25]