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Nachrichten - Cassiopeia

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Skyless: Geondia / [OOC] Café "Fliederkranz"
« am: 25.06.2015, 17:38:59 »
I think I finished the crunch, didn't I? Please give honest critic!  :)

@Lord van Geode: I think if we had a meeting it should have been at university, but I'm unsure about it now, because I haven't completely figured out what happened to me there.

@Myhkota: That is a good idea. You stumbled upon a group of seven different ophidians, which were lead by Cassiopeia, but wounded badly after a fight with some local monsters. You helped one of them and me to get all of them back on their 'feet', then we went separate ways. Does that sound good to you?

Skyless: Geondia / [OOC] Café "Fliederkranz"
« am: 24.06.2015, 20:45:54 »
Well, Luvia has a university, doesn't it? And you have a seat for abnormal science. :wink:
If it was earlier: Do you even remember anything from the swamp?

Since the Herold was a complete negative quirk, I also took the animal whisperer. Or did I misunderstood something?

Name Cassiopeia, child of Penthesilea
Species Ophidian (Officer)
Origin Deep Dark of the Wisla cavern lake
Class Aquamancer

8 / 20

25 / 40

53 / 58

Conditions and Grave Injuries
Poisoned (5 Rds. left)

Amphibious snake-body: They can as easily breath water as they can breath air. They need the triple amount of water to survive on land. They have two pairs of arms, so you get one trivial handle object action extra per turn. All swim check difficulties are reduced by one. In dimly lit or dark areas, reduce the difficulty of any Perceive check by one step (Easy checks become automatic successes). In areas of bright light, you are effectively blind unless they are wearing protective goggles. Heat damage are one step higher.
Poisonous: Their bite is poisonous, land-dwellers could loose their ability to breath air and need to breath water to survive, applicable 1/day.
Social Butterfly: You have a knack for making people act or think the way you want them to. You don't manage well being on your own, though. Decrease the difficulty of any Influence check you make by one step. Increase the difficulty of any Survive check you attempt by one step.
Animal Whisperer:
Your best friend is a cat, a horse, or maybe a fat and fuzzy spider. You may make Influence checks to pacify or manipulate animals. A starving wolf would still eat you – unless you provide it a tasty alternative.

Skill Specializations


Spawn water: You need a drop of water to start from, but by spending 1 Fokus you can create 1,5 liter of drinkable, invigorating water.
Create Icy Object:  By spending 5 Focus you can create one object (up to the size of an armor). An object created in this way is as hard as steal in the first turn, then, depending on heat an humidity, it melts slowly (not as fast as real ice). To avoid this, you can maintain it by spending 3 Focus per turn.
Blizzard/Fog: Spend 10 Focus to create a blizzard at any point within 2 range increments. The effect has a radius of 2 range increments and lasts for 1 turn. Everybody caught within its area is blinded for 1 turn and takes 5 damage. In the following 2 turns the blizzards dissolves into thick fog; in areas of stagnant air it persists for 5 turns instead of 2.

Total 100
Spent 99
Spent for Create Icy Object, Blizzard/Fog, 3 Fokus

  • military rifle
  • sturdy leather and darkened goggles
  • simple shield
  • camouflage net
  • 10 pelargon aurum
  • canned food 7 days
  • water bag
  • instruments for survey
  • fish hides and sharp instrument for notes

Background (Anzeigen)

Skyless: Geondia / [OOC] Café "Fliederkranz"
« am: 24.06.2015, 19:01:19 »
If that poses a problem, say so.
And I'm trying as fast as I'm able to. Since nobody missed anything for the completion of the group I'll go with my sea witch. What are the first and most important things you need to know?

@Ophidian's arms: Both sound like cool ideas. If I have to decide (do I *Big sobby eyes*?), I take the latter. That describes very well what are the virtue of extra arms is.

@Ophidian's poison: I think it doesn't need the simple-poison-version, let's only take the strong version. Then it's like the bee's sting - a last resort.

@all: I like to knew one or two of you beforehand. Where are you situated? Where in your story could you have encounter with a medusa-like creature? :D

Skyless: Geondia / [OOC] Café "Fliederkranz"
« am: 24.06.2015, 03:31:53 »
About english: I'm currently on vacation and prefer to stay in one language, but of course I can switch back like I do in other groups.

@Androids: Oops, you are right, I totally forgot the social part in the rules.

@Tellians: Sounds sound. :)

@Ophidians: How the four armes are handled rule-wise, I'm also at a loss. Two actions per turn would be too strong, I think. Same with 1 step easier for everything, where one can benefit from having extra limps. How about mainly having more hands to hold thinks like one for a latern, one for a sword, one for a pistol and one free for gestures? Or two muskets for the possibility to fire two shots in two turns in a row before reloading?
I'm not sure how you want to handle poison. I thought about that the victim has to succeed with a soak test to avoid the poison effect after being bit successful. If he doesn't succeed he will first be slowed after 2 turns for catching his breath and after another 3 turns he begins to suffocate. If he survives, it takes some time for the body to get rid of the poison (around one day). It might be possible to apply the poison to a piercing weapon and looses its effectiveness after three turns. Consecutive bites deplete the reserve, so the maximum are 5 bites a day. 

@Languages: Oh right, there should be some for the new races. Tellians communicate with each other through vibrations (sound like whale song in air) - alternatively they use an ancient arcane dialect like dragonspeak, Ophidians speak 'split-tongue', which largely consists of clicking noises and gestures.

Skyless: Geondia / [OOC] Café "Fliederkranz"
« am: 23.06.2015, 12:56:21 »
 :oops: Thanks. Took me a while to get everything written down.

I would prefer to play the ophidian, but please give a statement to the suggested rules first. (And I'm still in doubt about the character's name.)

Skyless: Geondia / [OOC] Café "Fliederkranz"
« am: 23.06.2015, 04:55:12 »
Here Sw'isi again. My other character idea:

[Cassiopeia] is an aquamanceress of the ophidians. She was sent by her queen together with a band of soldiers and other specialized ophidians as a delegation to the world above the water (since they never are alone). Of course, she also had to spy on the surface-dwellers and ways to exploit them. But the hole mission didn't work out very well. Fights with other ophidians, monsters, monster-hunters and the environment killed of everybody beside her. She is now far away from her hive and there are two good reasons not to hasten the return: How should she explain the disaster and how should she pass the other, hostile hives? She still tries to fulfill her mission and yearns for companions. As a rare sight with unusual powers she caught the attention of a group of explorers and was brought to an university to be studied and to learn.

Or do we need any special skills in our group?

Skyless: Geondia / [OOC] Café "Fliederkranz"
« am: 23.06.2015, 03:53:57 »
Originally written by Lady-Caitlyn, a Cath sharp-shooter

Oh, that might prove to be difficult, since I'm on vacation and not sure, when and in what way I have internet. But I'll try my best.

Two new classes:
Aeromancer (Anzeigen)

Aquamancer (Anzeigen)

Three Races:
Androids as playable characters (Anzeigen)

Tellians as playable characters (Anzeigen)

Ophidians as playable characters (Anzeigen)

Skyless: Geondia / [OOC] Café "Fliederkranz"
« am: 18.06.2015, 20:50:59 »
Originally written by Lady-Caitlyn, a Cath sharpshooter

Comments on what?

Here my stuff:
Android (Anzeigen)

Tellians (Anzeigen)

Ophidians (Anzeigen)

drakes (Anzeigen)

Skyless: Geondia / [OOC] Café "Fliederkranz"
« am: 18.06.2015, 02:12:29 »
Originally written by Lady-Caitlyn

Hier Sw'isi.  :D Das hier ist aber bisher nur ein Arbeitsentwurf!
(Cath-Scharfschützin, mechanische Einbauten, nach Rausschmiss aus Spezialkräften als Söldner unterwegs)
Ich versuche gleich mal, meine Ideen für die anderen Rassen zu Papier zu bringen (direkt englisch), von daher kommt nämlich noch eine zweite Charakteridee.

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