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Nachrichten - Drakkar Daveneorn

Seiten: 1 ... 5 [6]
Drow Campaign / Characters
« am: 18.09.2005, 02:10:13 »
 Zouhlnor also has clipped ears, like his brother Iira. his hair is long and platnum white except for a tinge of green but pushed behind his ears by his headpiece.  his eye's are speckled amber and glow like gold. Zouhlnor also wears a long fitted tunic, rothe' hide gauntlets, and fitted pantaloons all obsessedly covered in Lolth associated symbols and decoration.  

Drow Campaign / Characters
« am: 18.09.2005, 02:01:06 »
 Zouhlnor Entamanier standing at 5'1'' he is an impressive drow. his muscles are finely tuned but do not hamper his raically gifted limberness. he is well built and has a nack for knowing his enemies weaknesses. Zouhlnor leaves no one confused as to whom he pays his homage, Lolth above all else. he wears a simply decorated headpiece adorn with the symbol of Lolth, accented with a precious stone. a mythral chain shirt decorated with webbing filigree protects his hide, he also wears a neclace it is a simple cord with an 8 inch white crystal that hangs low off of his neck. a baldrick and belt hold his haversack and greataxe. the greataxe which is strapped to his back Zouhlnor calls 'fourth fury'. where the handle meets the axe-head spiderlegs arch out to the serrated blade, along the handle is scrawled "Lolth tlu mall; jal ultrinnan zhah xundus."  

Drow Campaign / Whol l'olath ilhar
« am: 18.09.2005, 01:36:17 »
 "Greetings Kethyrillia, i'm sure any compensation will outway the embarresment of being tortured at the hands of such... vermin."  

Zouhlnor states plainly,"What brings you all here to my rescue anyway?"

Drow Campaign / English Drow Campaign Orga
« am: 17.09.2005, 22:44:10 »
 hello all!!!I just wanted to assure you, all of your beating-up-monsters needs will be deftly accomplished by myself (Zouhlnor). and i also want to add "Huzzah Lolth!!!"  

Drow Campaign / Whol l'olath ilhar
« am: 17.09.2005, 22:37:06 »
 "No brother, it is a new axe..." piecing together his items from around the room, which include a headpiece decorated simply with a symbol of Lolth adorned with a single precious stone as lolths body. a mithral chain shirt with webbing filigree. and a neclace with a long slender crystal, as well as a few other mundane items.

Zouhlnor pauses to adorn himself with all that he has found. muttering to himself he renews his search " where is she, i know she's here..." he pauses, smiles and kneels down, grasping something unseen. "...and this axe..." drawing it out the party hears the scraping of the fine metal upon stone and then awes the fine craftsmanship of the lolth decorated greataxe.  From where the handle meets axe-head spiderlegs extend out to the blade creating a serrated edge. "... is much bigger." the smile that extends across zouhlor's face is from ear to ear.

Drow Campaign / Whol l'olath ilhar
« am: 17.09.2005, 08:56:29 »
 After rubbing his unbound wrists and cracking more then a few joints, " That's Entemanier, Zouhlnor Entamanier" tieing his hair back his eyes fall upon Eclav'iira, "greetings older brother." Bowing to all, "my services are yours, as well as my axe, assuming we... can... find it."

Seiten: 1 ... 5 [6]