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Nachrichten - Varn

Seiten: [1] 2 ... 9
Archiv - Friedhof / Chapter 2 - The Ruins of Xardia
« am: 06.11.2006, 09:58:23 »
While Wei Ling and the new one are speaking Varn climbs up another rock and examines the surroundings. Silently he stares to the horizon trying to memory the outlines of rocks and hills.

Archiv - Friedhof / Chapter 2 - The Ruins of Xardia
« am: 27.10.2006, 11:05:51 »
The old man bows slightly, "My name is Varn. Glad to meet ya."

Then he examines the wolf, "Good fur, good muscles. It seems the animal is happy and well feed. I see you care about the wolf."

Archiv - Friedhof / Chapter 2 - The Ruins of Xardia
« am: 25.10.2006, 09:48:32 »
"So come down here as quick as possible, we will explain what happened to ya. At least we will try it.", answers Varn relaxed, "Standing where you are is dangerous at the moment i guess ... there is a rift in the planar sphere ... it let you travel through planes ... and time ... at least this is what i have understood. The wizard over there can explain that thingie more detailed than me."

Varn points at the wizard.

Archiv - Friedhof / Chapter 2 - The Ruins of Xardia
« am: 24.10.2006, 08:36:21 »
Varn jumps back as he recognice the arrow and scans the environment. Finally he find the source in form of a young woman standing on a rock.

"Heh, one more arrow and i destroy your bow!", he shouts in common language. Then he begins to perform some complicate looking gesture und mumbles some meaningless words.

Archiv - Friedhof / Chapter 2 - The Ruins of Xardia
« am: 20.10.2006, 09:26:45 »
Varn also raises a brow.

"Before the battle? That will be very dangerous i guess, many troops will be here then."

Archiv - Friedhof / Chapter 1 – The Journey Begins
« am: 18.10.2006, 12:45:17 »
The old human smiles as he hear the words of the assistance and steps beside him, "Just what i thought..."

Then he turns to Wei Ling and Chick-Cha, "So, what ya think about that? Basicly i'm a bit afraid of using planar portals or this time-portals but unfortunatly we are already in another timeline, so this is no more reason for me to say no."

The he remembers his familiar, I hope Remo is fine, will i see him again in future?

Archiv - Friedhof / Chapter 1 – The Journey Begins
« am: 17.10.2006, 15:27:22 »
"It was somewhere behind the rock we came from!", answers Varn, but he don't want to move there. He sounds quite unsure.

Manipulating the rift of time can't be a good idea!, His thoughts just make him more unsure about what these wizards are doing here.

Archiv - Friedhof / Chapter 1 – The Journey Begins
« am: 17.10.2006, 11:32:43 »
As Varn heard the last sentence he stands up and slowly walk towards the wizard. He bows slightly before him, "Greetings to you! You spoke about time travel? So we didn't got teleported to another place but another time? Impressive, i couldn't believe that."

Archiv - Friedhof / Chapter 1 – The Journey Begins
« am: 10.10.2006, 10:02:57 »
Varn stays hidden while Wei Ling approaches the mages over there.

"Hopefully that works, i don't like to fight again. Especially versus mages who are trying to control a rift in the planes."

Archiv - Friedhof / Chapter 1 – The Journey Begins
« am: 09.10.2006, 10:59:44 »
The troll does a triumphating roar as the Rhinocerus leaves. Looking at the others Varn transform back into his original shape. "The best decision this beast did in its life was to leave this place for now. But the behaviour of wounded animals is hard to predict ... we should stay aware."

As the druid spoke the last words the scene changes again.

He gasps again as he looks over the sandy environment and recognice the voices. The old man breathes deeply and then follows the others as cautious as possible.

Archiv - Friedhof / Encounter: A horned Creature
« am: 06.10.2006, 12:19:44 »
The troll nods slightly and turns his massive Body to the lying Kenku. Suddenly he utters some words and a bright green ball of light appears in one of his fangs. Slowly he touches the Kenku and positive energy flows into her body.

Concentration (vs. AoO): 1d201d20+10 = (15) +10 Gesamt: 25 cure serious wounds: 3d83d8+5 = (3, 6, 4) +5 Gesamt: 18

Archiv - Friedhof / Encounter: A horned Creature
« am: 05.10.2006, 16:21:52 »
Varns player also mumbles some words of hatred when looking at his dice-rolls ...

confirm crit, bite: 1d201d20+4 = (1) +4 Gesamt: 5

Archiv - Friedhof / Encounter: A horned Creature
« am: 05.10.2006, 16:20:49 »
The troll looks sceptical on his claws and mumbles some words of hatred. Then he shrugs and attacks the ugly Rhinocerus again.

claw 1: 1d201d20+9 = (7) +9 Gesamt: 16 dam: 1d61d6+6 = (3) +6 Gesamt: 9
claw 2: 1d201d20+9 = (12) +9 Gesamt: 21 dam: 1d61d6+6 = (5) +6 Gesamt: 11
bite: 1d201d20+4 = (11) +4 Gesamt: 15 dam: 1d61d6+3 = (5) +3 Gesamt: 8

Archiv - Friedhof / Encounter: A horned Creature
« am: 04.10.2006, 10:34:27 »
The troll snorts and attacks again, ignoring the actions of the beast.

claw: 1d201d20+9 = (16) +9 Gesamt: 25
dam: 1d61d6+6 = (5) +6 Gesamt: 11

claw: 1d201d20+9 = (2) +9 Gesamt: 11
dam: 1d61d6+6 = (1) +6 Gesamt: 7

bite: 1d201d20+4 = (16) +4 Gesamt: 20
dam: 1d61d6+3 = (4) +3 Gesamt: 7

rend: 2d62d6+9 = (4, 3) +9 Gesamt: 16

Archiv - Friedhof / Round 3 - Varn
« am: 03.10.2006, 16:26:14 »
As the old human recognizes that he was unable to calm the rhinoceros down, he stands up again. Suddenly he grows in size and get a tough grey hide with long big pranks which are hanging to the ground. He roars and attacks the animal with a single blow of his right hand.

move: wild shape -> standard-troll
standard: attack
1d201d20+9 = (3) +9 Gesamt: 12
1d61d6+6 = (6) +6 Gesamt: 12
krit: 1d201d20+9 = (2) +9 Gesamt: 11

Seiten: [1] 2 ... 9