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Drow Campaign / Call of the Banshee Queen - Orga Thread
« am: 11.09.2008, 14:46:41 »
As the topic says, this will be the Organization thread for Call of the Banshee Queen

Kiaransalyn has got the first PM and we can now more or less assemble the group. I will - over the next few days - give a rundown on rules I use with the game, though most will be know to you already.

If you have questions or queries, just let me know.

Drow Campaign / Call of the Banshee Queen
« am: 08.09.2008, 18:07:13 »
After their venture to the shrines of Lolth on behalf of one of the Dark Mother's crusader orders, Zhadristan, Paval, Sheiriya and their companions have returned to Sschindylryn. More specifically to the trade cavern near the City of Portals. While Zhadristan and Sheiriya sauntered off together, the rest simply dispersed and went after their own business. That was about two month ago.

As Zhadristan and his beautiful 'consort' venture through the bazaar - just after the arrival of a couple of caravans - Sheiriya overhears a patrol getting orders to look for a number of people which have a striking likeness to the group members. She tells Zhadristan about this and soon after arriving in their guesthouse, the landlord informs them that a few 'priestesses' were asking questions about them - not that he said anything (being paid good money to keep his teethbox shut). While he does not say so, you get the impression that he would like to see the backs of you sooner rather than later.

Drow Campaign / A simple escort - Campaign Orga Thread
« am: 23.08.2006, 09:57:33 »
Xal Lolth kyorl d'jal!

This is the organisation thread for the above-named campaign/adventure. You may still use the old one for non-related issues though.

So far, we have Draezen, Mikayla, Narzen, Romaal, Rou'sun, Sheirya, and Zhadristan signed up. The names of the characters might differ from the above, but as I said, there is no need to create a new account for every new character. I haven't got all chara sheet (i.e. the final versions) here as yet, but they are not needed for the introductory and signing on part. So just make yourself known in the new thread and post the character description in the name-sake thread.

I will - from time to time - add a few "house rules" in here, just to let you know what might come your way and why.

Drow Campaign / "A simple escort," she said ...
« am: 22.08.2006, 15:25:35 »
An escort from Sschindylryn - mid 1373 D.R.

The City of Portals, as Sschindylryn is known, lies miles beneath the King's Forest in Cormyr. It has become a major trading centre of Har'oloth, and the drow who live here are skilled in the arts of divination and magical travel. Thousands of portals are said to connect the city to the world above and below Faerûn, as well as to other planes of existence. Noble houses, guilds as well as individuals watch over the majority of the portals, demanding fees or services in exchange for their use. Only a few of the portals can be accessed by anyone and without charge - which is not to say that they are  unguarded. More often than not, those portals only lead to barren wastelands or remote parts of the Underdark though. Some others were created simply to dispose the waste of the city, so anyone stumbling into such a teleportation device might find himself dangling above a lava pit or a mile-deep cavern. The majority of the free portals are of the one-way category.
The city as such has no direct connections to the Underdark itself. Build on the ruins of an old kuo-toa city, Sschindylryn supports itself with a few fungi farms and rothe kennels, as well as an extensive trade with any race willing to trade with the drow.

Some of you have come her along with the yathrin Kethryllia, who ventured from Skullport to Maerimydra on behalf of a servant of Lolth. The group recovered some artifacts from the ruined temple of Lolth and brought them to Sschindylryn, where they were handed over to members of a crusader order of Lolth, the Dalharilen d'lil Yochlol. The news of the fall of Maerimydra to hordes of demon-spawned monsters and undead alerted the crusaders and they immediately set off to the City of the Spider Queen. Kethryllia and the refugee Malifice joined them, while other members of the group, namely Narzen, Nata'al, and Talice bid their farewells and departed back to Skullport or other places. The leading Dalharil offered a job to those staying behind ... and this is where this campaign will start off with.

The characters who remained assembled at the temple of Lolth and waited for the Dalharil to appear.

Why bother with page numbers, eh?  :tooth:

Here we go on. Last postings first ... do check the description thread for the scene.


Talice nods and scans the surrounding fortresses. She takes a measure of the plateau too, then heads towards a small stronghold-pillar that looks utterly destroyed by fire. It belonged to another, larger compound, but the walls and bridges connecting it to that fortress have all gone, being melted away or shattered by magic. As you draw nearer, the scout slows the pace and checks the area with some minor magic. "The defensive enchantments are all gone, which I had hoped. Now lets see if we find some floors which are still intact in that pillar!"
Again, dozens of rotting corpses lie about near the wall, but the pillar itself is 'clean', as the fiery magic burned anything inside to the bones and dust. You manage to climb up and inside trough a whole and then move upwards along various wounded stairs and ramps. Some 80 feet above plateau level, Talice stops in a room which must have been one of the battle platforms. Windows to each side lead to balconies armed with ballistae and the like, most damaged beyond repair by the fierystorm. The brittle bones of about 10 drow lie about. Scavenging through them, Rou'sun comes away with some items not burned, such as an adamantine dagger, two adamantine short swords, an amulet and a jet-black ring. All are magical.
From this vantage point, you have a far better view of the city below, even though it is still obstructed by heavy banks of smoke. Nothing alive ... or undead ... comes your way or even looks in your direction at the moment.

As the demon's head rolls towards Keth, Malifice pauses and catches her breath. "Malla tlu Lolth." She says as she wipes the demon's ichor from her blades. She makes no other comment and simply stays close to Keth as the party advances on.

After making herself familiar with the rooms next to the battle platform, Nata'al comes towards Kethryllia and asks: "Malla yathrin, I'd like tae investigate that tower a bit further, if ye don't mind. Don't like surprises and a'. One of the males could back me up." Scanning the room, Nata'al points at Narzen. "Him maybe? We'll be back soon enough."

For the time being, Rou'sun takes the amulet, the ring and the dagger for himself. The two short swords he puts onto the floor. "These are magical," he tells the others.
Then he walks over to Zhadristan. "May I ask you, where you and your companions come from?" he asks.

Keth nods at Nata'al, and watches her and Narzen go off.

Keth frowns at Rou'sun for a moment, then turns towards one of the balconies to look over the city.

"As far as I am concerned that has faded into meaninglessness long ago", Zhadristan answers in a callous tone. "But nowhere near as effectful as your home is beginning to right now" he adds with a bitter laugh.

DM & Nata'al
Talice cannot help herself and laugh at the comment of Zhadristan. She gathers her wits soon enough though - not least due to the presence of Malifice - and turns towards the two brothers.

From the balcony, Kethryllia can spot the temple in the distance. It was apparently destructed by some seriously powerful magic. A couple of jade spiders lie in front of the stairs leading up to it, equally blown apart. The fight at the northern gates has stopped, though one can hardly spot any movement from hereabout. The view to the castle of Maerimydra is obstructed by the other pillars of this compound.

Rou'sun sends Talice an angry glance but spares himself any comment.
Then he turns back to Zhadristan. "I was more interested about the recent past. As you pointed out so well, my home is fading into meaninglessness, and apart from wanting to know more about this group, I would like to know about other cities where I might go."

"Hard to say on that, Talice would know best if she is willing to tell you," says Keth, "in the part the Underdark where we are from, your best bet would be Skullport," as she prepares for her meditations.

Silently, Malifice wipes down her blades and sheathes them. She watches the exchange between Zhadristan, Talice and Rou'sun but says nothing and offers little in the way of expression. With her blades sheathed, she reloads her hand-crossbow, then feels around her body and armor, apparently looking for rents, tears or wounds. All the while she keeps herself close to Keth, listening to the others talk and keeping a wary eye out for danger.

Nothing will bother the first watches, though you spot something large and spiderish near the temple. It walks off towards the east and the castle, it seems.

Surprised Rou'sun turns towards Keth. "Thank you for your advice, Yathrin."

Turning to the rest of the group he asks: "Who of you is Talice?"

Leaving the two brothers to themselves, Talice turns around and looks at the mage. "That is me." She keep her face straight and looks as if that little "incident" about Rou'sun's city has never happened.

"Talice, after you finish educating the male on where he might be able to survive. I'll need to talk with you about a few things," says Keth.

"I hope your magic proves more useful the next time we have need of it, beyond what it did to the giant, it didn't seem to be of much use this time around," says Keth to Rou'sun giving him an ill-favored look.

The scout nods and says: "I'll be right there." Then she turns her gaze to the male.

Rou'sun tries not to show no emotion when he turns towards Talice.
"So, you are the one who knows different cities. Could you tell me something about that place the Yathrin metioned."

.... your turn again.

Drow Campaign / Conversations
« am: 18.10.2005, 17:34:44 »
 Feel free to start conversations between the PCs here while the story rattles on.

Drow Campaign / Descriptions of rooms, places et al
« am: 16.05.2005, 15:53:56 »

Intended for the Drow Campaign

I opted to open another thread for descriptions, thus making it easier to find them. The orga thread is filled with much more OOC stuff and I want to spare you from scanning all the pages to get to the current descriptions and all.' target='_blank'>Entrance Area

Talice's mission

Map description from what Talice knows (from her former leader):

The blue line marks the run of the former "sewers". It leads down south with no apparent link to the rooms above, except for that black, crossed dot in the middle. It was probably a sink or the like, maybe some sort of well. (right to the left of the "Entrance") The rooms are some 20 feet above the sewer tunnel. First are two toilet sort of rooms (No. 1), roughly hewn out. Talice saw these. If you follow the rough tunnel eastwards, there is a room (20x30 feet or the like) which must have been some sort of private dining area (No.2). There are the remains of a large luxurious table and some eight chairs to be seen (not drawn on the map), all largely rotten. Cupboards line the walls, some still feature some clothes or half-rotten books.
To the south, the large festhall (30x70, some 50 feet high, No. 3) can be reached via an archway. The room is also stuffed with tables and chairs, but their material is still in good shape (different sort of wood). Some stone pillars prevented that large room from caving in, most of these are covered in cobweb-shrouded curtains. The walls are lined by large scale tapestries, but they are in a very bad shape too and you can hardly see what they depicted. Talice says that she entered that room too (she was last of the group and thus arrived later than the rest). Two of her comrades met her here - coming from through the eastern door (leading to No. 8), yelling at her to turn and run, which she did, given the bloodsmeared appearance and seriousness in her comrades voice. She never saw them again and cannot say anything of the other rooms.

The map originates from one of her former leader's sources, whom she doesn't know. Thus, she didn't get any more info on the current dweller or how the rest of the dungeon looks like, if there is one.

On the whole, the rooms looked like being used by some knightly order or perhaps mage guild. Very human style and apparently not inhabited for ages.

West of the festhall is a differently angled room (No. 8) with a fountain in the middle, a statue on it's South-western wall and a staircase on the South-eastern one. So she was told by the leader beforehand. What is in there now, she does not know.

Drow Campaign / Whol l'olath ilhar
« am: 09.04.2005, 13:49:10 »

This is the thread of the second Drow online campaign, called For the Dark Mother. The thread is in-game only, so any question regarding the campaign should be asked elsewhere, preferably in the Orga Thread.

The campaign starts in Skullport, more precisely in The Blindle's Blade, an inn. Two of the drow are already there, Narzen and Nata'al.



Drow Campaign / Drei in Cormyr
« am: 08.09.2004, 12:37:39 »

Dies ist eine Online-Weiterführung eines meiner Abenteuer. Mitlesen können alle, nur die Teilnahme ist nicht mehr möglich.


Personae dramatis (in alphabetischer Reihenfolge):
Colmar - gnomischer Dieb / Kleriker von Baravar Schattenmantel
Corryn - tieflingische Mönch(in) (Oghmas Kinder der passiven Stimme)
Kinea - elfische Diebin / Kämpferin / Herrenlose Bogenschützin / Scharfschütze
Maya - halbdunkelelfische Diebin / Waldläuferin / Kämpferin / Tempest
Tana Arsu - halbelfische Expertin / Zauberin / Arkane Gläubige von Mystra
(Laeran Altagrym - elfischer Revenant Kämpfer / Zauberer; nun in Corellons ewigem Reich)


Nach dem Eindringen in den Wald von Hullack, einem menschlichen Helden aus der Zeit des Untergangs von Myth Drannor, sind die drei einem zweiköpfigen, riesigen Werbären begegnet, den sie schnell ausschalten konnten. Der Gnom war nach dem Kampf rechtzeitig zur Stelle und heilte die schwer verletzte Maya ... hoffentlich auch von der Ansteckung mit Lykanthropie. Die Gruppe zog noch ein Stück weiter, wurde dann aber von einem Rudel Gnolle aufgespürt, welches sofort angriff. Auch diesen Kampf konnten die drei Helden für sich entscheiden und nun stehen sie inmitten der erschlagenen Bestien und lassen das Adrenalin aus ihren Adern entweichen. Insgesamt ein Dutzend Hyänenwesen liegen zu ihren Füssen ...

Drow Campaign / My Links at the Gate
« am: 11.05.2004, 09:52:45 »
This is a collection of links to my material on the Gate's website:

Do not try to do something likewise unless you get the permission of Talamar (a.k.a. the Gate's Kobold-in-chief)!

Any stuff here is copyrighted by German law and you need my - easily obtained and given - permission to use it elsewhere.

Drow articles ... mostly in German, but Prestige Classes are not.

... Chapter 20 now covers a conversion of Irae T'sarran (again, DMs only).

My Guide to the Drow NPCs of the Forgotten Realms
(A full list with a little more information can be obtained via mail), list updated 12/2006. It will be revised once I am through with Ascendency of the Last. Characters of Lady Penitent II and III will be added, as well as one I just noted in Daughter of the Drow.)

Monster Tactics Drow
(3.0E and in German)

Drow with Class Pt. I ... a look at the drow and the classes and PrC classes open to them. Starting off with barbarians, bards, clerics and druids.

A straight link to all "my" English PrC, namely ...
- Banshee Knight (Drow PK)
- Dalharil d'lil Yochlol - Daughter of the Yochlol
- (Drow Lizard Riders - Tizzin Silinrae ("Lizard Hunters") by Xaviar Eissturm)
- Drow Priestess of Lolth
- Drow Vanguard
- Servant of the Shadowlord (i.e., Mask)

The Alu-fiend template
(with succubus & erinye pedigree - template 3,5E, the NPC still 3.0E)

My City of the Spider Queen - Revision.
It is DM's only though, unless you want to spoil the show. (Dear me, almost 5,000 clicks already!)

Unchartered Lands - Story Hour
A novelization of one of my ongoing campaigns in Thay and that Unchartered Land. Also intended to keep my players up to date with the events of the sessions.

And finally a Link to my Drow Campaign at the Gate
(Hit the sticky thread at the top ("A simple escort, she said ...") for in game talk, most of the rest is organisation stuff.

Current clack ... or rather, what's on the menue:

Drow Tactics 3,5 in English - some day

Drow with Class II - halfway through that

The Prestige Classes of Faerûn - A Collection - don't count on it this year

Revisions - Lady of Pain, Mistress of Night and The Night Paradeout of my own books

Thing here is, I've been doing a lot of revision work for the Gate these days and as these books have priority, the rest of the work is on the backburner. Recent revisions include ... Drow of the Underdark, Shadowbred, Shadowstorm, Unclean, Depths of Madness , The Howling Delve , Shattered Mask , Sacrifice of the Widow , Storm of the Dead, Stardeep, Obsidian Ridge, Lord of Stormweather, Shadow's Mask. Still on the menue are Swords of Dragonfire, Ascendancy of the Last, Maiden of Pain and - probably the shortest I'll ever write, The Night Parade. Add to that Green Ronin's Hamunaptra set and you know where my energy will be spent in the next few weeks.

Not from me, but out of Warlocko's hand are the fully statted
Drow NPCs of Menzoberranzan

NB: Most of the PrC as well as the template have been created together with my trusted Finnish friend Timo Tyrmi.

Drow Campaign / Night Below
« am: 13.02.2004, 16:08:46 »

As the heading states, this is not a thread related to the Drow campaign, but to my German one. There will be no continuous stuff being posted around these parts, just weekly updates for the lads and lasses who have been foolish enough to follow Earl Parlfray of Haranshire's call to look out for a mage's apprentice in the Night Below   :D

There might be some spoilers in here for those who want to do this old AD&D campaign though, so don't knock on my door later on and moan.

Ah well, it will be in German, of course  :blink:  :D


"Headless' Aftermath"

Ihr seid immer noch in der Kammer von Eldrua, Batch hat soeben das Zauberbuch der Derro aufgenommen.
Inzwischen sind Morrigan und Cynfellyn dabei, die richtigen Zauber auszuwählen, um diesen Platz auf magische Weise zu reinigen. Zum ersten Mal seit Tagen werden diejenigen, die schlafen, nicht von Alpträumen und dergleichen geplagt.

Nachtrag für die Mitleser:

Batch - eine Tiefling - Kämpfer / Magierin aus der Staubmenschengilde
Finassil - elfischer Hexenmeister / Dragon Disciple
Morrigan - eine menschliche Priesterin des Tempus
Oddlund - eine halbelfische Druidin
Thorvar - ein barbarischer Kämpfer
Tom - ein Halblingsdieb mit zwei gefährlichen magischen Dolchen

sowie ...

Cynfellyn - eine Aasimar - Paladin / Klerikerin des Ilmater
Pagmet - ein junger Hound Archon, der bislang nur als großer Hund in Erscheinung trat
Pika - eine wie Cynfellyn kürzlich gerettet Halbfee-Magierin

und als NSC ...

Caitlin - eine Kämpfer / Mönchin
Kuiper - ein Waldläufer
Oleanne - eine Druidin
Shajenn - ein wildelfischer Kämpfer / Hexenmeister / Spellsword
Tauster - ein alter Magier

Seiten: [1]