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Nachrichten - Mikayla

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Drow Campaign / A simple escort - Campaign Orga Thread
« am: 23.10.2006, 19:36:34 »
Hi All.  My apologies for my recent absence.  I was in a play this weekend (I was playing a goth version of "Cinderella" which I suppose should have been titled "Sinderella").  Anyway, between that and my other real-life committments, I have had no time or energy to do anything online really.  Unfortunately, I do not see that changing for at least a week or so - so I am afraid I have to announce that I will be taking a week-long break.  I will try to come back next Monday.  Until then, I suppose Xune is in charge.  Zanan, everyone, my apologies - thank you all for your patience.

Drow Campaign / "A simple escort," she said ...
« am: 11.10.2006, 18:44:13 »
Kylara looks at Xune coldly.  "Either you take orders, or you do not.  The choice is yours, as are the consequences."  Turning to the others she says, "now, pick a group..if you can crawl or fly stealthfully, come with me and we will position ourselves above and below the enemy.  If you are a caster or if you cannot fly or crawl stealthfully, then go with Xune.  Once my group is in position, above and below the enemy, then Xune's group will approach the bridge as if to cross peacably.  When Xune's group gets within striking distance, the casters will let loose their spells upon the enemy.  After the initial casting, my group will descend from the ceiling, or crawl up from below as the case may be, and attack the enemy leaders and casters.  Meanwhile, Xune's group will then engage the enemy and fight their way towards us."

She pauses, looks back at Xune and then addresses everyone again.  "I don't care about holding the bridge.  I don't care about these derro to tell the truth.  What I care about is find out how well each of you fights.  I care about us learning to fight as a team, and I care about find out who among you will follow orders, and who will not.  I care about finding out who among you is deadly...and who among you is just dead.  This battle is a test, as are most things in life.  That is Lolth's way; continual testing.  Now, pick your group and lets kill."

Drow Campaign / A simple escort - Campaign Orga Thread
« am: 11.10.2006, 18:38:17 »
OK, I am having a very hard time keeping track of who is who and can do what, and with people speaking in character, I am not really able to discern what the hells their preference is..


Group 1 (sneaking):  Kylara, Khalas and ?

Group 2 (approaching openly): Xune, Szordin and Tavia and ?

Group 1 will move out first and get in position.  Once in position, Group 2 will move across the bridge as if to cross peacefully.  Once within striking distance, Group 2 will launch an initial barrage of spells, bolts and arrows.  When the enemy moves to respond, Group 1 will drop from above/climb up from below and take them.  Group 2 will then move towards Group 1, killing those enemy inbetween.

Drow Campaign / A simple escort - Campaign Orga Thread
« am: 10.10.2006, 19:07:39 »
As I just told Zanan, a real life situation has ... well ... exploded.  As a result, I am now spending most of my time dealing with that situation.  Hopefully the crisis will pass in the next couple weeks.

Drow Campaign / "A simple escort," she said ...
« am: 10.10.2006, 19:06:04 »
Kylara scowls at Xune, but turns her attention to the others.  "We are taking the bridge, by force, and then animating the corpses of the fallen to the extent we can.  Those we cannot animate, we shall pitch into the black.  Now, I want two groups.  One group will sneak past the bridge, through the air or across the roof.  The other group will approach as if to cross.  When the openly approaching group nears the enemy, the casters in that group will decimate the enemy leadership with area effect spells.  Once the first bombardment has gone off, the sneaking group, my group, will descend upon the enemy behind their front line.  The open approaching group will then move towards the middle to meet us, catching the enemy in between.  Now, I can both fly through the air and crawl upon the ceiling.  Who is able to get across to the far side of the bridge undetected as well?  Those who can, in my group.  Those who cannot, in the open group.  Xune, you will lead the open group."

Drow Campaign / "A simple escort," she said ...
« am: 05.10.2006, 19:11:37 »
"The best way to take a bridge is from both ends at once."  Kylara'anon says.  "I can lead a small group of those who can remain quiet and stealthy to the far side of the bridge, there.  Once there, one of the arcanists can start the attack with a spell, an area effect upon the pillar, be it fire or web or something else.  Then we attack from both sides trapping the Derro at the pillar between us.  We will not use missle weapons - we don't want to hit each other - but we will rush into close combat."  She looks out at the bridge.  "Before we do this, however, I want a scout's eyes on the far side of the bridge to make sure there is not an army there waiting for us.  Who can get eyes-on the far side of the bridge and then report back without being seen or heard?  Other than me that is."

Drow Campaign / "A simple escort," she said ...
« am: 03.10.2006, 19:18:45 »
Kylara'anon listens to the scout's report.  "How many are they?  What defenses do they have?  Weapons?"  She looks around the rest of the group.  "How many of you can manage some means of flight?  Invisibility?  Silence?"  Looking back to the scout she asks "how wide is the bridge?  Does it have a railing or barrier along its side?  And how close can we get to the bridge before we have to break from cover?"

Drow Campaign / "A simple escort," she said ...
« am: 28.09.2006, 18:50:44 »
Kylara'anon has the party set up guard positions around the make-shift camp and then works out a rotation for manning the two positions.

Drow Campaign / "A simple escort," she said ...
« am: 26.09.2006, 18:44:45 »
Kylara'anon passes the word back to let the skeletal procession pass.  The trail guard is to keep a watchful eye upon them of course, but otherwise, they will continue their ascent.

Drow Campaign / "A simple escort," she said ...
« am: 22.09.2006, 19:21:03 »
"Perhaps they wanted to breathe."  Kylara'anon replies to Tavia.  "Regardless, lets proceed.  Each to their role as before.  Khalas, you shall work as a bolt, supporting the blades and scouts.  I should not have to say it, but I will; be on your guard people.  A little dust does not mean there is nothing here that will not end our lives if we are careless."  She gestures to the scout to lead the way.

Drow Campaign / "A simple escort," she said ...
« am: 21.09.2006, 19:43:06 »
Kylara'anon signs to Szordin.  For now you will serve as my bodyguard and as the patrol's reserve.  Stay close to me and see none of your assassin peers are able to put a knife in my back.  If things grow dire, I may direct you as our reserve to blade to cut a path of escape.  When Tarinyon asks about the skeletons, Kylara'anon shakes her head.  "Leave these dead be.  We will find others along the way, or make them, I am sure."

Kylara'anon follows Tavia through the portal.

Drow Campaign / "A simple escort," she said ...
« am: 20.09.2006, 18:09:14 »
"Well answered", responds Farviaan with a slightly respectful nod . "I just wanted to make sure that we understand each other. Just remember, the live-or-die-rule applies to commanders, too."

"Absolutely true."  Kylara'anon responds.  After Trinyon and Sheirya declare themselves she nods, "very well, you two shall be bolts on support.  Sheirya, your primary duty will be to support the front.  Trinyon, yours is to support the rear, namely, our trail guard scout.  Naturally, that is but a general plan; circumstances trump plans of course and I expect both of you to use your skill and judgment in determining where best to focus your efforts and how in the absence of commands from me."

Kylara then follows Tavia and Faviaan out, through the streets, into the next temple and down into darkness.

Drow Campaign / "A simple escort," she said ...
« am: 19.09.2006, 19:34:43 »
Kylara'anon listens to the various answers and then watches as Khalas presents his scroll while flicking his tongue about lecherously.  "Another eccentric performance.  You speak much, but say little.  I have asked you, and the others, exactly one question and despite all your talking you have failed to answer it; how do you fit into my patrol?  Bolt? Blade?  Scout?"

She looks around at the rest.  "Some of the rest of you have failed to answer as well.  So be it.  I will assign you as I like and if the role is not one you can carry out, then you will fail and failure in the underdark means death."  She looks at the gith.  "And my orders are not suggestions, they are orders.  If you cannot take orders, do not come on this trip.  As for disregarding orders...that is a choice everyone has before them.  Each of us walks the web of destiny the great weaver spun for us long ago, and with every step we are faced with a choice of which strands to walk upon and which to pass by.  When my orders come to you, or any one, you are at such a juncture on your own web of destiny; your choice is simple - follow the strand that is compliance with my order, or follow a strand that is not.  You make the choice and you live, or die, with the consequences."

She shakes her head slightly while examining the scroll Khalas handed her.  "We are wasting time with people's pointless posturing.  I care not what you think of yourselves, and I cannot be intimidated by boasts, silence, spell or sword."  She looks up, her eyes alight.  "I serve the Goddess Supreme, and none of you are She.  Now, lets move.  Tavia, you were hired as the guide and scout, so you will take lead scout.  Xryanma, as our only other self-identified scout, you will take up the trail position.  Ensure we are not overtaken by surprise.  Farviaan, you will be first-blade, trailing Tavia at whatever distance makes her comfortable with her scouting.  Xune, you are a bolt for now, with emphasis on healing.  I realize that healing those who are incompetent enough to get themselves sorely wounded may chafe against your sensibilities, however, we do not have legions of slave troops or commoners to throw into the fray; what we have here is all that we have, so we must safeguard our resources.  The rest of have not bothered to tell me what it is that you do, so I do not know.  Unless you tell me your talents, I will assume you are expendable fodder and treat you as such.  Also, if you step out that door with us, I shall assume you accept my offer of payment and submit to my command."  She nods to Tavia.  Lead us out.

Drow Campaign / "A simple escort," she said ...
« am: 18.09.2006, 19:10:28 »
Kylara'anon responds to Xyranma.  "A demonstration would be appreciated, but it will have to wait until we are on the trail."  When Xune appears Kylara'anon looks her over and gives her a slight nod.  "Very well, you will be most useful."  As she finishes, silver light heralds the appearance of Khalas.  Kylara listens to him present himself, then responds.  "What an eccentric performance."  

She takes a deep breath, lets out a sigh, and gestures for the assembly to gather in front of her.  

“Most of you are familiar, or at least should be, with the Way of Lolth.”  She looks about for any blank, curious faces, and then proceeds.  “This patrol will be ruled by the Way of Lolth, but it will be run by the Way of Patrol.  So, for your benefit and our success, I will explain the way of patrol.  I do not have time to give you full instruction as you might at a xonathull Magthere, a battle-academy, so this will have to do.  Your first lesson is this; there are four roles in a patrol; Scout, Blade, Bolt and Lead.  Scouts move in front of the main body, and behind it.  Where needed, they also move on the flanks.  Their purpose is to find others before others find us.  They keep the main body from getting surprised by enemy.  Their secondary purposes are navigation and drawing the enemy into ambushes by feigning hostile contact and then retreating into our kill zone.  

The second role is the Blade.  The Blades are the melee fighters, those who go hand to hand with the enemy.  Blades may have ranged weapons, to be sure, but their primary purpose is to engage the enemy in close quarters and slay them.  

The third role is the Bolt.  The Bolts support the Blades and the Scouts with spell and arrow.  Thus, the term “Bolt” is derived from both Lightening Bolt and Crossbow Bolt – so, by spell or crossbow, the Bolt’s give ranged support to the others.  Healers are also included in the Bolts, as Healers support the others with spells.  And when not healing, they had best be slinging bolts, arrows, knives or stones if there is fighting.  

Finally, the fourth role is Lead.  The Lead leads.  Its that simple.  I am the Lead for this patrol, so I will give the orders.  Now, there will be a strand-of-command, in case I fall.  Every person in the patrol shall be ordered, by their relative station, and by that order shall you know the strand-of-command.  Normally, I would work this out before we set one foot into the wilds, but we are pressed for time and so I will have to learn your stations as we go and then announce the strand order afterwords.

For the time being, I need to know who can fulfill which roles; who are my Scouts?  My Blades?  And my Bolts?”

Drow Campaign / "A simple escort," she said ...
« am: 14.09.2006, 19:06:12 »
Kylara'anon addresses the group all at once.  "I am not interested in petty squabling or posturing.  If those are your talents, I've no need of you.  Those who have some mastery of the art, of the blade or of the shadows I will employ."  She looks at Farviaan.  "You, I believe, have made your talents and aptitude clear.  If you can keep the posturing to a minimum, we can do business."  She looks to Xyranma, "you however, are being somewhat enigmatic.  A woman is entitled to some mystery, but I am curious what 'different circumstances' you can help me in.  Care to tell me?"

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