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Autor Thema: "A simple escort," she said ...  (Gelesen 123776 mal)


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"A simple escort," she said ...
« Antwort #375 am: 07.02.2007, 09:38:48 »
Szordrinn, not trusting that his ring of the darkhidden is keeping him, well, hidden, blends into the shadows of the large cavern and draws his blades. Then, waiting patiently from his hiding spot, he begins to study one of the more powerful looking creatures atop the drake, looking for any and all of it's weak spots.


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"A simple escort," she said ...
« Antwort #376 am: 07.02.2007, 11:39:37 »
Peering into the darkness, the woman replies: "I am not that familiar with the bestiary of this world. This one's got a stone-grayish hide, no wings and is about as tall as a large-sized ogre and some 50 feet long?!" Hearing that, Xune hisses: "It a cavern dragon. Nothing to write home about, no vile breath or something, but cause nasty and festering wounds. It's an imposing sight nonetheless, so make sure no-one wets the underwear, right?!" Upon this remark, Naedragard chuckles slightly, while Tavia looks at the diminutive priestess. Tarinyon moves nearer to Kylara and says: "I'll summon a bit of dragon meat, so it will have something to do for a while!" The male gets some components ready and calmly waits for the opponents to arrive.
Gæð a Wyrd swa hio scel!


Fabius Maximus

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"A simple escort," she said ...
« Antwort #377 am: 07.02.2007, 12:57:07 »
Farviaan sneers at Zhadristan, then prepares himself to shoot the three bolts in his crossbow at the first three hostiles that come into the range of his darkvision.


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"A simple escort," she said ...
« Antwort #378 am: 07.02.2007, 23:59:43 »
Sheiriya uses her time to replace the ring Kylara did not give to her, with the one which makes her invisible to darkvision.


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"A simple escort," she said ...
« Antwort #379 am: 08.02.2007, 11:41:18 »
For those with darkvision, Sheiriya and Szordrin vanish from sight. Kylara readies her shield and a mace with a spider head. She whispers something to Khalas, to which the male nods. Naedragard scans the surrounding areas behind and ahead, folds her arms and watches on. The scout peers into the darkness and accepts a spell cast by Xune on her with a nod. The priestess casts another spell on herself while watching Zhadristan, who also casts a couple of spells on himself.

As soon as your opponents enter your field of view (the drow's that is), Khalas hisses a few harsh arcane syllables and blueish sphere rushes towards the drake and explodes in what looks like a wave of force that freezes the air around all targets. Half a moment later, two gangly creature appear some 40 feet in front of the group and charge up to the attackers.

Those coming towards you are that cavern drake, with two riders. These, as well as eight more belong to a race that is known as skulks, degenerated humans of the Underdark. Their skill at hiding and sneaking is legendary and even now, as they approach you, they occasionally vanishe from sight be taking cover behind the odd bolder and small stalagmite.

As Khalas spell went off, two of the opponents stop in mid-movement before falling over frozen to death. The drake also takes a fare share of damage, jerking up and giving a groundshakingly roar of defiance. Those two on top of the beast struggle to keep hold, but once the drake moves on, the skulk in second place begins casting a spell. Tavia tries to send an arrow into the drake, but the missile bounces off the beast's armor.
Gæð a Wyrd swa hio scel!



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"A simple escort," she said ...
« Antwort #380 am: 08.02.2007, 18:10:52 »
Sheiriya moves away from the group to possibly leave the area of a hostile spell and shoots  at one of the dragon riders.


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"A simple escort," she said ...
« Antwort #381 am: 08.02.2007, 18:16:05 »
The chain Xyranma put on the floor, hustels forward to meet the dragon.


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"A simple escort," she said ...
« Antwort #382 am: 08.02.2007, 19:51:14 »
Zhadristan follows Sheiriya's example. (without knowing it of course)


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"A simple escort," she said ...
« Antwort #383 am: 12.02.2007, 17:32:49 »
Szordrin expertly slinks into what little shadows the floor has to over and waits for a fatal strike. The fastest of the skulks first aims towards the drow, but then changes targets and plunges an arrow into Tarinyon's ghouls. Not stopping for these undead creeps, he rushes past them and straight for the group. The githyanki loses a quick salvo of three bolts from his crossbow, expertly placing a bolt each in three of the approaching footmen. The drake, obviously stung by Khalas' magic, jumps forward and charges at the drow in astonishing speed. Xyranma hits out at the by-passing beast, but misses it. The cave dragon goes straight for the drow in the centre of the group, closing his jaws around Kylara. The female manages to get her shield between the jaws and thus avoids more serious damage. The beast throws her out, scanning for a more tasty victim. Its sheer presence inspires a bout of awe in Farviaan, Gaess, Tavia, and Tarinyon. One of the footmen looses an arrow that almost hits Gaess, but she claws it out of the air a feet in front of her. Angrily, she glances up to the skulk. Having moved to one side and thus avoided the hulking beasts approach, Sheiriya aims at one of the skulk riders, but the beast movement as it spews Kylara out make her miss with the bolt. Likewise astray goes Khalas' magical ball, which whizzes inches over the very same target. The skulk looks down at the drow, but decides to have a couple of shots on Naedragard instead, who sidesteps the attacks with an intrigued smile on her face. She looks back at her attacker and seems to whisper something. Gaess stands nearby, seemingly willing to defend the female more directly. The second rider casts a spell on herself before looking at the surrounding opponents from the back of the drake. Behind it, Xyranma scuttles towards these threesome again. Zhadristan places a bolt of his crossbow into the front rider, but the poison seems not to work. Tavia jumps away from the drake, then turns about in full run and lets an arrow fly against the front rider too, neatly pinning his thigh to the saddle. The scout is closely followed by Xune, who aims for the hulking body of the drake, but her bolt bounces harmlessly off the beast's though hide. The first of Tarinyon's ghouls hits at an approaching skulk, who goes into melee with the undead. Another skulk moves past those two, aims at the ghoul's summoner and hits the drow in the thigh. Again, the surely poisoned arrow fails to deliver its cargo. Another skulk aims at the second ghoul from close range and hits the undead straight in the chest. The ghoul lashes out at its attacker, but the skulk neatly dodges that attack. Kylara gets up and goes straight after the drake, hammering her wickedly looking mace into the monster's belly. It grunts and veers about to take a view of its attacker. Tarinyon, still somewhat shaken by the massive drake, aims a spell at the second rider. The female gives an almost audible sigh and grabs the saddle with both hands, almost falling off the drake's back.
Gæð a Wyrd swa hio scel!



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"A simple escort," she said ...
« Antwort #384 am: 14.02.2007, 08:44:07 »
After firing his bolt, Zhadristan draws his sabre and scans the area for anyone coming at him.


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"A simple escort," she said ...
« Antwort #385 am: 14.02.2007, 22:30:17 »
Sheiriya gives her crossbow a second try.

Fabius Maximus

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"A simple escort," she said ...
« Antwort #386 am: 16.02.2007, 17:19:33 »
Farviaan freezes for a short moment when he sees the dragon-like creature bearing down on the group. His jaw drops, then he catches himself and shakes his head to push the fear the monster induces away. The gith drops the crossbow and draws his scythe-blade, readying himself for a foe coming into range, even if it is the drake.


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"A simple escort," she said ...
« Antwort #387 am: 19.02.2007, 02:01:37 »
Through studying, Szordrin silently leaps from the shadows to the back of the drake. Once there he skewers the skulk magic-user mounted on the thing and delivers follow up strikes to the other skulk on the drake's back.


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"A simple escort," she said ...
« Antwort #388 am: 20.02.2007, 11:51:46 »
The charging skulk on the ground shoots another arrow on Tarinyon hitting him hard. The mage feels a uncomfortable draining of his body's power, as some sort of poison grabs his body. Likewise, the rider on the drakes back turns his attention from Naedragard to Khalas, firing a quick salvo of two arrows at the wizard. The first missile bounces off a magical shield, while the second punches right through and pierces the drow's right shoulder. Hissing, the wizards looks up towards his opponent. Out of nowhere, Szordrin appears near the drake, scales the beast like a cat and appears near the second, spellcasting skulk. The female looks up at the menacing drow half an instant before he pierces her gut with a terrifying slash of his shyrlass. As the skulk is bound to the saddle, her corpse does not fall of the creatures back. The skulk in front to her does not notice the attack, nor the threat of the now approaching drow. Meanwhile, Zhadristan moves somewhat away from the dragon, scanning the area for any approaching foes. The skulks fighting off the ghouls make short work of the latter. Discarding their bows, they draw wickedly looking short swords and hack the undead to pieces. Sheiriya sends another crossbow bolt towards the large beast and this time her missile strikes true. Likewise, Farviaan gets his chance to lash at the drake, as it turns about to snap at Khalas. His might blade opens some nasty wounds at the beast's hind legs, causing it to wail in anguish. Xyranma is suddenly shed in faerie fire, though it does not stop the chain from hitting at those very same legs. It hits, but is instantly trapped beneath one of the monster's claws. The drake snaps at Khalas and gets the wizards inbetween its jaws. The magical protections barely hold, as the drow struggles for his life. A claws lashes out at Gaess, but the female drops to the ground and evades that attack. Tarinyon is not that lucky, possible because of the poison in his veins, as the second attack hits him hard and throws him off his feet. The wizard gets a potion out, drinks it and becomes instantly insubstantial. On the opposite side of the drake, Tavia shoots an arrow at the beast, but once more, her arrow simply bounces off the massive creature. The female grinds her teeth and nocks another missile, now looking for the approaching skulks at the ground. Nearby, Xune shoots at one of the ghoul-slayers, hitting him firmly in the chest. While the wound itself does not seem that bad, the skulk gives a strange gurgle, clutches his throat and topples to the floor, visibly paling. Kylara dodges the large beast as it whirls about, lashes out with her mace, but misses narrowly. Trapped by the drake's teeth, Khalas tries to cast a spell, but concentration fails him. Gaess gets up, moving into a protective stance in front of Naedragard, who looks at the carnage that unfolds with a smile on her face. She watches on as the last of the skulk shoots an arrow in her direction, stepping aside in the last possible moment.
Gæð a Wyrd swa hio scel!



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"A simple escort," she said ...
« Antwort #389 am: 21.02.2007, 09:47:37 »
While still atop the drake, Szordrin slashes furiously at the back of the drake's second skulk rider, aiming for vital areas like the back of the skin-shifting humanoid's head and neck.

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