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Autor Thema: Chapter 1 – The Journey Begins  (Gelesen 11730 mal)


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Chapter 1 – The Journey Begins
« am: 06.09.2006, 08:50:44 »
Breathing heavily you walk down the streets of Luskan towards the Host Tower of the Arcane. A cold wind cuts deep through your clothes and you wish that you had never left the tavern, but good adventuring opportunities rarely care to wait until the weather got better.

All of you are here because you found an “advertisement” on one of the public places in Luskan.

Adventurers of Luskan!

Gold and glory await you. Join an expedition to reveal ancient secrets in the name of the Arcane Tower. See exciting places, meet interesting people and travel the planes. Only the best will get a chance, so hurry to sign up for the expedition!

We do not take any responsibilities for major injuries or death.

Well, gold and glory doesn’t sound too bad or? The small print on the other hand does…..

As you reach the tower the guards let you pass without too many questions, no wonder considering the amount of adventurers rallying at the tower. After several hours and endless questions from some wizards, obviously the leaders of the expedition, all of you got signed up.

After several more ore less meaningless speeches the organisation of the expedition was made up. The only thing that realy mattered for you was

"Scouting team one!

Chik-Cha Crookbeak, Wei-Ling, Varn"

After your names were called you gather near the scout leader to receive initial instructions

“Well then, name’s Craven. Ye three will be one of our scout teams as soon as we reach our destination. No questions just do what you are supposed to do when we arrive there. And please don’t ask me where ‘there’ is. That damn wizards make a damn big secret outa that. Who cares, they pay good enough to not ask anyways.

Ye got a few days to prepare yourself though. The expedition will start in about a week. We got some rooms here so ye don’t need to pay for an inn. Better get to know each other, wherever we go, I’m quite sure our asses won’t be safe there and ye need to know the people round you.”

Wei Ling

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Wei Ling
« Antwort #1 am: 06.09.2006, 17:38:32 »
The young Shou approaches the two others, she has been teamed up with. A strange bird-like creature of a kind she has never seen before, and an older human. She sets up a friendly smile, as she addresses them.

“Greetings and well met! My name is Wei Ling. Glad to make your acquaintance.”

The oriental woman only has a slight accent, making it apparent, that she is used to speaking the Common tongue. It's also apparent from her appearance, that she hails from the far eastern parts of Faerûn. She is currently dressed in flowing red robes with only little equipment on her. A pair of wooden sticks connected with a small chain in her belt seems to be the only weaponry. Perched on her shoulder sits a tiny bat, curiously watching the surroundings.


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Chapter 1 – The Journey Begins
« Antwort #2 am: 07.09.2006, 13:00:47 »
"Nice to meet you, Wei Ling! I am called Varn."

The old grey-haired human speaks with a deep but clear voice. He wears an old dark Cloak over on light leather armor and a backpack. There is no weapon visible then his wodden staff. But somehow it looks like he needs this staff for walking.

He shivers slightly as the cold winds blew into his face.

"Well, i think we can better talk when we are sitting around a well-filled table in the Tavern. How do you think?"

I have to inform Remo about this ... Remo is Varn's companion, i black dire weasel. As the animal don't like such crowds it is outside the town, hunting in the nearby woods or just sleeping at a wind-save place. Many others are afraid by the appearance of Remo what as one more good reason to let Varn's friend a few free days around the walls in free nature. Varn himself also prefers the lonliness of the wilderness but sometimes he comes to Luskon for shopping some things he likes or just to get news about his friends and the lands. He don't even know why he is here at the moment and agreed to this expedition. Hopefully Remo agrees with this ...

Chik-Cha Crookbeak

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Chapter 1 – The Journey Begins
« Antwort #3 am: 08.09.2006, 12:31:55 »
The Kenku, whose face, if you could call it that, was hidden under the brim of his hood, took a moment to size his... new friends up. A foreign woman with a scimitar and an old man... possibly wizard. Good, she could use this addition to his powers. She chose not to conceal the croaking Kenku accent that her beak seemingly produced... they didn't need to know she could change her voice to exactly match theirs already after the few words they had spoken.

"A krr-eat pleasure to meet you... both of you. I don't kkk-are where we talk, but we need a place not to be overrheard. You lead the way." With this, the Kenku pulled the hood a bit deeper, although she knew that without magic, there was no way to conceal her beak. The better, she thought, it should keep her out of trouble. The ill reputation of her people, well earned as it was, surely had not traveled this far into the north.

Wei Ling

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Chapter 1 – The Journey Begins
« Antwort #4 am: 08.09.2006, 15:11:41 »
“Maybe we can make use of one of the rooms, Craven has spoken of, to discuss anything, that is not for everyone's ears? But for now I wouldn't mind a place in a tavern, where we could also get something to eat and drink. There is still plenty time for anything, since we only start in about a week.”

Chik-Cha Crookbeak

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Chapter 1 – The Journey Begins
« Antwort #5 am: 10.09.2006, 02:50:52 »
The Kenku closed her beak with a short, deep clicking sound. Then, she opened it again and nod.

"Sur' lets go. I hate the kkkold air of this city, but the payment is worth it... It'd better be..."
With this, she set of to the next tavern. Anyone would fit, as long as the humans kept their profile as low as their noses.


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Chapter 1 – The Journey Begins
« Antwort #6 am: 11.09.2006, 08:09:53 »
After wandering a while you reach a tavern called „The Frostwyrm“. The interior of the tavern is pretty simple except a lot of fancy trophies all over the place.

A huge man wearing a towel over his shoulder stands behind a counter cleaning some glasses. After you sat down a young girl comes at your table and asks

“Good evening. You want to order something?”

Wei Ling

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Chapter 1 – The Journey Begins
« Antwort #7 am: 11.09.2006, 21:33:23 »
As she sits down at the table the trio has chosen, Wei Ling takes off her backpack and also takes her exotic weapon from the belt and stashes it inside her pack before she hangs it on the back of her chair.

“A good evening to you as well. Indeed, I would like a glass of wine for now. Red, but not too strong. What meals do you serve tonight?”


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Chapter 1 – The Journey Begins
« Antwort #8 am: 12.09.2006, 08:54:29 »
The girl scribbles something on a piece of paper

“Well we do have all kinds of meat, chicken, lamb, pork…whatever you desire. If you prefer something without meat I recommend our cheese plate with oven fresh bread.”

Wei Ling

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Chapter 1 – The Journey Begins
« Antwort #9 am: 12.09.2006, 12:24:21 »
“That sounds good. I will take the cheese plate and some chicken, please. Thank you!”

Chik-Cha Crookbeak

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Chapter 1 – The Journey Begins
« Antwort #10 am: 15.09.2006, 10:07:23 »
The Kenku laid back into a corner of the rural bench and eyes the customers suspiciously. Good, no one that seemed to want her head on his pike, but not so good that there was nobody worth robbing of his magic. Oh well.

"Yeah I'll the worm plate." Chik-Cha quipped, and although it isn't easy for a kenku to change their facial expression, you might see a small smirk on her expression as she watched the reaction of the wench. "Just joking. Lam and a good beer will fit... With out quiet friend here..." She pat the old man next to her on the shoulder. "Let's just assume he want's a beer on my tab until we know better."


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Chapter 1 – The Journey Begins
« Antwort #11 am: 15.09.2006, 15:01:30 »
Varn followed the other two without saying any word. His thoughts still ask him, why he do this and what for. And still he cant answer his own questions. Nearly fallen in a kind of trance he take a seat besides Chick-Cha and followed the words of others. As the kenku patts on his shoulder he fully awakes again.

"Thanks for the offer, but no beer for me!" Varn smiled at Chick-Cha.

"I'll take a cheese plate too, and a cup of tea to drink."

"Sorry for my silence, i was in thoughts still! Private things, ya know ... I don't wanna bother ya with this."

To change the topic he asks, "You need the money? Or do you participate on to this expedtion for fun?"

Wei Ling

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Chapter 1 – The Journey Begins
« Antwort #12 am: 15.09.2006, 15:39:51 »
Wei Ling resonds in a soft and calm voice, and not too loud. The Kenku seemed quite concerned about listeners, and she doesn't want to further heighten her paranoia.

“Neither, actually. I mostly hope to broaden my horizon on the topic of planar knowledge by this first-hand experience. It's about time that I gain a deeper understanding of planar lore. And while I do not need the gold, it is certainly welcome. Not so sure about the glory, yet.”

As the young Shou finishes, she sets up a somewhat unsure smile. Much like the others, she didn't know what was lying ahead of them. They would find out soon enough, though.

Chik-Cha Crookbeak

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Chapter 1 – The Journey Begins
« Antwort #13 am: 15.09.2006, 17:23:20 »
Satisfied by the awakening of the old man, the kenku laid back into the bench and crossed her Talons in front of her robe.

" 'e gold is welcome, and so is fun if it will run across me. I'll be kkk-content if we don't run into to much trouble and fill our purses with money. The better if we learn of other 'ings 'at are valuable. Ain't much to do for a kkk-kenku in 'e nor'. By 'e way... what is ya profession, ya two? Ya strike me as more 'en meets my eye, or I'll sure be damned."

Another near-smirk seems to appear on the face of the bird woman.


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Chapter 1 – The Journey Begins
« Antwort #14 am: 18.09.2006, 10:49:31 »
After a few minutes your drinks arrive and shortly after the food you ordered. There are quite a lot of people in the tavern already and the room is filled with smoke and noise.

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