Online Boardgames > A Feast for Crows

Die Regeln



Der Eiserne Thron: Die Grundregeln

Die Thronkriege: Die Erweiterungsregeln

A Feast for Crows: Regeln und Material

Davon werden folgende Regelvarianten benutzt:

Die Thronkriege-Erweiterung
Variante Zwei: Die neuen Hauskarten (ergänzt durch neue Hauskarten für die neuen Häuser)
Variante Drei: Befestigungsanlangen
Variante Vier: Belagerungsmaschinen
Variante Fünf: Die Häfen von Westeros (schon in die Karte integriert)

A Feast for Crows
Die neue Karte und der neue Spielaufbau.
Spoiler (Anzeigen)On the board are delineated home regions for each of the nine
houses.  They are the colored borders surrounding various areas,
including that house's starting shield.  During the course of play,
that house will recieve a +1 bonus in all combat that takes place
in an are within this region. There is no bonus to support coming
from one of these regions, so it is never possible to gain this +1
advantage more than once per battle.  The bonus only applies if
the actual battle is located within the home region - in other
words, the defender's army must be the one located in the bonus
area.  Because of this, the home region bonus never applies to
ships, as fleets cannot be attacked in port, and no sea areas are
part of any house's home region. Additionally, these bonuses are
not transferrable.  You cannot offer another player the use of
your regional bonus, and if two players are fighting in a third
player's home region, there would be no effect.  (Home regions
example: The Stark player marches into Moat Cailin with a
footman on his first move of the game, as he should.  His
defensive strength if attacked in that space is 3: 1 footman
strength +1 fortification bonus + 1 home region bonus.  On the
next turn, he cold place a defense +2 order, and the individual
footman would then defend at a strength of 5!)
Spoiler (Anzeigen)
Dragons are a special unit available only to House Targaryen.  
The Targaryen player should recieve three to muster at the
beginning of the game, represented by the black, green and
white ships placed upright on their sterns.  These three are a
limit - dragons cannot be remustered once removed from the
board.  When a dragon is lost, place it back in the box and out
of play. Dragon units have a base strength of three on attack and
defense, but still only count as one unit against supply. A dragon
may be mustered only by upgrading a knight at the cost of one
mustering point.  You cannot muster a dragon from a footman,
even if you have two mustering points available at a stronghold.  
Dragons can never be created from siege engines.  

Dragons are land units, but they are capable of attacking sea
areas as well as supporting sea battles.  They cannot, however,
occupy a sea area at the end of their move (even if a friendly
fleet is located in that sea area).  Dragons can use sea transport
to attack just as other units.  

If a dragon attacks a sea area and loses the battle, they may
retreat as normal (unless killed by sword icons). For this retreat,
ship transport may be used.  If they win the battle, they must
either return to the space they made the attack from, or redeploy
into an open or friendly land area directly adjacent to the sea
area in which the battle was fought.  For this redeployment, ship
transport may not be used (unless returning to the area of
origination) - the dragon(s) must move into an area physically
adjacent to the sea area. Multiple dragons must all move into the
same area.  They may not move into an area containing enemy
forces, or an enemy power token.  In this manner, a dragon can
defeat an enemy fleet and take an open adjacent area in a single
move.  Dragons may never enter ports.  

Dragons may never switch sides under any circumstances.  
Cards that might allow this do not affect dragon units.

Note that if an army containing dragon(s) is given a support
order, the army's entire strength would be applied while
supporting an adjacent land battle - but only the dragon's
strength would be applied to an adjacent sea battle.
Spoiler (Anzeigen)
If players are eliminated from the game, their 24 power tokens
are divided among the remaining players.  This power would
beome that house's, and become available to them as part of
their pool.  This would be resolved in iron throne order, one
token at a time, meaning that if there was a remainder after
dividing the lost house's power tokens, the houses with the
highest iron throne positions would recieve the extras.
Spoiler (Anzeigen)
There are three road areas on the map: Kingsroad, Roseroad,
and Goldroad.  These special spaces allow units from different
houses to coexist in the same area without fighting.  Once an
army has moved into a road area, it can only place march and
raid orders.  Special orders may not be placed in a road area.
Players marching into a road area can decide to attack or not
to attack any armies present.   Only one house’s army may be
attacked at once.  Armies in road areas are subject to supply -
each house may have only one army in the area.  You may,
however, attack another army in a road area with an outside
army, even if you already have an army in that road area.  That
army simply may not move in beyond your supply if victorious.
Spoiler (Anzeigen)
Others Attack
Each player must choose one house card from his
discard pile and remove it from play for the remainder
of the game.   If a player’s cards are all currently in his
hand, the card does not affect him.

Soothsayers Dissent
In Iron Throne order, each player may change one enemy
order on an enemy army or fleet located adjacent to or
within his home region.  Orders must be exchanged with
the enemy’s unused orders.  One army’s order may be
changed multiple times in the same turn in this process.

Night’s Watch Grows
All mammoth symbols that came up in this turn’s draw
are ignored.  However, this is still resolved in event deck
order, so if the wildlings attack card comes up in deck III
on the same draw, any mammoth symbols from decks
I and II would still take effect.

Choppy Seas
Ships do not provide combat strength to an adjacent battle
while supporting this turn.  (Note: a +1 support order
would still provide its bonus as usual)

All three impassable rivers on the board are now fordable,
and can be crossed as though they were normal area
borders.  Bridges are therefore irrelevant for the turn.

Half of each player’s ships at sea are destroyed.  
Ships in port are not affected, nor do they count for
the calculation.  Fractions should be rounded up.

Death & Taxes
Each player must immediately forfeit back to his pool  
an amount of power equal to his supply level.  If he is
unable to do so, he moves down one space on the
supply track.

Wolves Attack
Half of each player’s knights are reduced to footmen
(fractions are rounded up).  If a player does not have the
footmen in stock to replace his knights, they are lost.  If
a player has no knights, there is no effect for him.

Abundant Harvest
Each player’s supply moves up one space on the supply
track.  This remains so until the supply card comes up

Sea Doldrums
Ship transport may not be used this turn by any player.
Naval battles and support are unaffected, but land forces
(including dragons) cannot move or retreat through ships. (Das ist das neue Westeros IV-Deck. Ansonsten bleiben die 3 ursprünglichen Decks erhalten. Das viete Deck wird erst ab der 5. Runde gezogen.)

Jeder Spieler besitzt das folgende Spielmaterial:

26 Einheiten (Targaryen 28):
- 12 footmen, 7 ships, and 2 siege engines for each of  nine houses
- 4 knights and 3 dragons for House Targaryen
- 5 knights for the each of the other eight houses

15 Befehls-Spielmarken:
3x Marsch (1x "-1", 1x "0", 1x "+1*")
3x Verteidigung (2x "+1", 1x "+2*")
3x Unterstützung (2x normal, 1x "+1*")
3x Überfall (2x normal, 1x "+1*")
3x Zusammenziehen der Kräfte (2x normal, 1x "*")
* Ein Spieler kann pro Runde nur soviele Befehle mit "*" spielen, wie er Sterne neben seiner Position auf dem "King's Court" (Hofintrige) Pfad hat.

24 Stärke-Spielmarken

7 Hauskarten siehe hier.

Wie so Vieles von Uthoroc übernommen:
Die Westeros-Karten:

Westeros Cards I (10)
- 4x Mustering (neue Einheiten werden rekrutiert)
- 4x Supply (Nachschub wird neu bestimmt)
- 1x Last Days of Summer (nichts geschieht)
- 1x Winter is Coming (Stapel wird neu gemischt und sofort eine neue Karte gezogen)

Westeros Cards II (10)
- 4x Game of Thrones (Gebiete mit Kronen geben Power Marker) [1x WILDLINGS]
- 4x Clash of Kings (die Reihenfolge auf den drei Einflusstabellen wird neu bestimmt)
- 1x Last Days of Summer (nichts geschieht) [WILDLINGS]
- 1x Winter is Coming (Stapel wird neu gemischt und sofort eine neue Karte gezogen)

Westeros Cards III (10)
- 3x Wildlings Attack (Angriff der Wildlinge)
- 2x Last Days of Summer (nichts geschieht) [WILDLINGS]
- 1x Sea of Storms (keine Raid Befehle dürfen in dieser Runde gespielt werden)
- 1x Storm of Swords (keine Defense Befehle dürfen in dieser Runde gespielt werden) [WILDLINGS]
- 1x Rains of Autumn (Footmen haben Stärke 0, wenn sie unterstützen) [WILDLINGS]
- 1x Feast for Crows (keine Consolidate Power Befehle dürfen in dieser Runde gespielt werden)
- 1x Winter is Coming (Stapel wird neu gemischt und sofort eine neue Karte gezogen)

Westeros Cards IV (erst ab Runde 5)
siehe oben

(ich denke, das ist nicht allen klar)

--- Zitat von: "Grundregeln" ---Die Schlacht
Wenn Sie eine oder mehrere Ihrer Einheiten in ein
Gebiet bewegen, in dem sich Einheiten eines anderen
Hauses befinden, kommt es zu einer Schlacht, nachdem
Sie alle Bewegungen des Marschbefehls ausgeführt
haben. Wenn Sie in ein solches Gebiet einmarschieren,
werden Sie als Angreifer bezeichnet und der Gegner,
der im Augenblick das entsprechende Gebiet besetzt hält,
als Verteidiger. Die Einheiten im umstrittenen Gebiet
werden als angreifende und verteidigende Einheiten bezeichnet
(beachten Sie hierzu, dass unterstützende
Einheiten weder als Angreifer noch als Verteidiger gelten).
Jeder Marschbefehl kann maximal eine Schlacht auslösen.
Der Marschbefehlsmarker wird mit den Einheiten
bewegt und verbelibt auf dem Schlachtfeld bis die
Schlacht geschlagen ist.
--- Ende Zitat ---

Daraus folgt: der Befehl zieht mit der Angriffsarmee, also kann Tyrell mit Mace Tyrell bei gewonnener Schlacht mit der ganzen Armee weiterziehen.

Vielleicht hilft einigen ja das offizielle englische FAQ.


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