Archiv > Forgotten Realms - Tales of Escarta

Der Bordarzt...

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Für den Status der Charaktere

Status Selamin.
EP: 12500/15000
TP: 36/36
Aktuelle AC: 21 (Fullplate,kein Schild)

Aktive Zauber:
Endure Elements(cold): Cloak
Delay Poison: Holy Symbol

Turn Undead: [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] Greater Turning [ ]

Grad 0: 5
[ ] Guidance
[ ] [ ] Mending
[ ] Detect Magic
[ ] Detect Poison
Grad 1: 4+1
[ ] Bless
[ ] Rose Mantle
[ ] Sanctuary
[ ] Shield of Faith
[ ] Disrupt Undead
Grad 2: 3+1
[ ] Restoration, Lesser
[ ] Make Whole
[ ] Summon Elysian Thrush
[ ] Heat Metall
Grad 3: 2+1
[ ] Dispell Magic
[ ] Water Breathing
[ ] Searing Light

Veränderliches Inventar:
Wand of Vigor, lesser: 50/50
Healing Kit: 10/10
Bolzen: 20/20
Antidote: [ ]
Holy Water: [ ]
Sunrods: [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

2 Gold 9 Silber

Omar Hashim:
EP: 12500/15000

Kampfwerte: (Anzeigen)RK: 21
TP: 36/36

Reflex: 10
Wille: 2
Zähigkeit: 6

Normale Ausrüstungsgegenstände: (Anzeigen)5101520253035404550Armbrustbolzen[ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ][ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ][ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ][ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ][ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ][ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ][ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ][ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ][ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ][ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]Ration[ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ][ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ][ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ][ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]Tindertwig[ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ][ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]Potion (Cure L.W.)[ ] [ ] [ ]
Geld (Anzeigen)3 Platin
7 Gold
2 Silber
8 Kupfer

Status El-Azarje

EP: 12500/15000
TP: 34/34
Aktuelle AC: 17 (Mithral Chain, kein Schild)

Aktive Zauber und Effekte:

Bardic Music 5/day [] [] [] [] [][/i]

Spells left:
Grad 0: 3 [] [] []
Grad 1: 5 [] [] [] [] []
Grad 2: 2 [] []

Veränderliches Inventar:
Wand of Cure light Wounds: 50 left
Arrows: 20/20
Tagesrationen: 10 left

Bares: 63 GP, 2 SP, 5 CP

Robin Brighthide:
Status Axyra

EP: 12500/15000
TP: 47/47
Aktuelle AC: 10 (keine Rüstung angelegt)

Aktive Zauber und Effekte:

Wildshape 1/day []

Spells left:
Grad 0:

-Ausbessern []
-Licht [][]
-Magie entdecken []
-Richtung Wissen []

Grad 1:

-Magische Fänge []
-Magischer Auftrieb []
-Mit Tieren sprechen []
-Verstricken []

Grad 2:

-Geteilte Sinne[]
-Holz formen[]

Grad 3:

-Wasser Atmen []
-Wettersicht []

Veränderliches Inventar:
Wand of Cure light Wounds: 50
Potion (Cure light Wounds): 5
Potion (Mage Armor): 10
Healer's Kit: 10
Tagesrationen: 20

Bares: 296 GP, 7 SP, 7 CP


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