Archiv > Black Crusade - Let the Galaxy Burn!

Buch von Lorgar


Luther Engelsnot:


Ich bitte um einen freundlichen Umgang außerhalb des Spieles. Wie ihr euch im Ingame verhaltet hängt von eurem Charakter ab und sollte nicht das Miteinander auf Spielerebene beeinflussen. Allerdings achtet bitte darauf, dass wir alle eine Gruppe sind und zusammen Spaß haben wollen. Das heißt findet einen Grund warum ihr mit allen zusammenarbeiten wollt. Wenn es möglich ist, möchte ich das Gegenseitig umbringen von Charakteren vermeiden, selbst wenn es eine Runde auf Seiten des Chaos ist, denn immerhin kann man jeden Verbündeten brauchen. Wenn es allerdings für beide Seiten ok ist und aus eigener Unterhaltung darauf hingearbeitet wird, wäre es in Ordnung.
Es gibt keine maximale und minimale Postlänge jedoch würde ich mich freuen, wenn die dreizeiligen Posts sich in Grenzen halten und versucht wird das Spiel zu bereichern. Außerdem achtet bitte auf die Rechtschreibung und nutzt notfalls entsprechende Programme, damit die Lesbarkeit im Zweifelsfall nicht zu sehr leidet.
Regelmäßige Beteiligung, solange es keinen Grund im Spiel kommt, warum der Charakter sich nicht beteiligen kann, ist gewünscht. Bei regelmäßiger Nichtbeteiligung wird der Charakter aus dem Spiel genommen, genauso wie der Spieler. Das Entfernen des Charakters hängt von der Situation im Spiel ab, bei freiwilligen Ausstieg wegen Zeitmangel kann der Charakter auch so raus geschrieben werden, dass er später wieder einsteigen kann. Bitte meldet euch ab, wenn ihr es nicht schafft mindestens zweimal die Woche einen Post abzusetzen. Es macht die Planung für uns alle leichter.
Sollte ein Spieler in einer Kampfsituation innerhalb von 48 Stunden des Rundenbeginns nicht die Handlungen seines Charakters gepostet haben, kann er bitte von einem anderen Spieler übernommen werden oder wenn derjenige bereits weiß, dass er es nicht schaffe, grobe Anweisungen für den Spielleiter hinterlassen, damit dieser im Zweifelsfall übernehmen kann. Erfolg keine der Optionen setzt der Charakter diese Runde aus.
Gespielt wird mit der aktuellen Errata zu finden unter Black Crusade Errata.


Es wird im Präsens und der dritten Person Singular gepostet.
"So wird geredet."
"So wird gedacht."
"So wird gebrüllt!"
"So wird gefunkt."

Keine Smilies im Abenteuer und andere Schriftarten oder Schriftfarben nur um besondere Sachen kenntlich zu machen. Zum Beispiel wenn man in einer anderen Sprache spricht, welche nicht alle Mitglieder verstehen.


Solltet ihr mit einem falschen Account schreiben (das passiert schon mal, allerdings empfehle ich jedem die neue Personaeinstellung assoziiertes Board in dem Fall), postet das Ganze noch einmal mit den Richtigen und ich lösche den falschen Beitrag dann später oder editiert einfach und wählt selbst die richtige Persona.


Alle Würfe werden in Reich von Tzeentch getätigt.
Editiert wird dort niemals, denn sonst zählt der Wurf als natürliche 100 im Falle von w100 Würfen und als natürliche 1 oder 10 im Falle von w10 Würfen, je nachdem was in diesem Moment schädlicher für den Charakter ist.
Gewürfelt werden kann dort immer, wenn ich es euch sage oder ihr es für nötig erachtet, beziehungsweise die Regeln es vorschreiben. Etwas Eigeninitiative schadet in den meisten Fällen nicht, damit sich nicht alles zu lange hinauszögert. Gewürfelt wird mit Hilfe der Dicetaste. Dort gibt es den besonderen Tag bc für Black Crusade in der Form bcXX wobei XX der Wert ist unter den gewürfelt werden muss. Also zum Beispiel folgendes ohne die Code-Umgebung:

--- Code: ---[dice]bc57[/dice]
--- Ende Code ---


Zu Beginn jedes Kampfes würfelt jeder einmal Initiative im Würfelpost und kennzeichnet den Post entsprechend. Die Beschreibung eines Kampfpostes sollte von einer “Code“-Umgebung umhüllt sein. Die relevanten Dinge auf der Regelebene bitte klein unter die Beschreibung des Kampfpostes setzen und außerhalb der “Code-Umgebung. Als Beispiel sieht dies folgendermaßen aus:

--- Code: ---Gehörfetzer sieht die kriecherischen Schoßhunde des Imperiums direkt vor sich. Eine kleine Gruppe von Arbites, die auf der Suche nach ihrem Gefährten ist. Der Chaos Space Marine zögert nicht lange und hebt die Boltpistole in seiner Hand. Schnell gibt er eine Salve ab und der erste Arbites droht von dieser zerrissene zu werden. Doch Gehörfetzer würde sich nicht mit dem Tod zufrieden geben, wenn es so viel mehr Schrecken zu verbreiten gibt. Kurz nach dem Krachen der Bolter, folgt eine schreckliche, psychedelische Musik aus dem Lautsprecher seines Helmes. Die Arbites schauen entsetzt. Erst als ihr Gefährte zerfetzt, dann als die Musik in ihren Verstand gehämmert wird. Gehörfetzer ist zufrieden. Vorerst.
--- Ende Code ---

Halbe Aktion: Halbautomatisches Feuer mit der Boltpistole auf den Arbites (grün)
Halbe Aktion: Baleful Dirge aktivieren

Fragen werden im OOC geklärt.


Alle Charaktere werden nach den Standardregeln aus dem Grundregelwerk, ohne zusätzliche Erfahrungspunkte, außer die 1000 (Menschen) oder 500 (Chaos Space Marines) Starterfahrungspunkte erstellt. Jedoch besteht die Möglichkeit mit 1000 zusätzlichen Erfahrungspunkten zu starten und dafür 5 Verderbnis und 3 Infamie zu erhalten oder mit 2000 zusätzlichen Erfahrungspunkten und dafür 10 Verderbnis und 6 Infamie zu erhalten oder mit 3000 zusätzlichen Erfahrungspunkten und dafür 15 Verderbnis und 9 Infamie zu erhalten oder mit 4000 zusätzlichen Erfahrungspunkten und dafür 20 Verderbnis und 12 Infamie zu erhalten oder nur 5000 zusätzlichen Erfahrungspunkten und dafür 25 Verderbnis und 15 Infamie zu erhalten. Alternativ kann nach Absprache auch ein Advanced Archetype ohne zusätzliche Erfahrung gewählt werden. Dabei werden Attribute ausgewürfelt und nicht verteilt. Ein Wert darf Neugewürfelt oder zwei Werte getauscht werden. Das zweite Ergebnis ist aber bindend. Im besonders schlechten Fällen, kann der Spielleiter einen Neuwurf der gesamten Reihe erlauben. Der Charakter gilt als fertig, wenn der SL drüber geschaut hat und sein okay gegeben hat.

Ende einer Sitzung

In Zukunft wird das Ende einer Sitzung, also der Zeitpunkt an dem Infamiepunkte sich wieder auffüllen und andere Eigenschaften, die einmal pro Sitzung benutzbar sind oder ausgelöst werden, anhand der verdienten Erfahrungspunkte bestimmt. Dies erlaubt euch eher einzuschätzen wie lange eine Sitzung noch dauert und sorgt für weniger lange Perioden in denen ihr keine Infamiepunkte habt, weil im Forum eine Einschätzung der vergangenen Zeit anhand größerer Abschnitte immer kritisch ist und ich aus meiner Sicht zu Fehleinschätzungen neige. Deshalb ist in Zukunft aller 1000 verdienter Erfahrungspunkte das Ende einer Sitzung erreicht.


Verdiente Erfahrungspunkte

Um die neue Art zur Bestimmung des Endes einer Sitzung besser greifbar für euch zu machen, wird es Erfahrungspunkte am Ende jeder wichtigen Szene sein. Ihr bekommt also direkt nach jeder größeren oder kleineren Szene Erfahrungspunkte gut geschrieben.

Verteilen von Erfahrungspunkten

Durch die obige Regel kann es natürlich passieren, dass Charakter mitten in der laufenden Handlung Erfahrungspunkte bekommen. Solange die gekaufte Steigerung sinnvoll in den Verlauf der Geschichte passt, ist das Ausgeben jederzeit möglich. Wenn gerade eine ruhige Zeit ist oder sowieso ein größerer zeitlicher Sprung gegeben ist, können Erfahrungspunkte ganz normal frei verteilt werden.

Hausregeln, optionale Regeln und Korrekturen
[*]Alle zusätzlichen Erweiterungen aus entsprechenden Erweiterungsbüchern bitte mit mir absprechen.
[*]Der Renegat startet mit Heavy Carapace Armour.
[*]Jeder Charakter startet mit zwei Magazinen für jede seiner Fernkampfwaffen, wenn keine andere Anzahl in der Startausrüstung vermerkt ist oder man diese Waffe erst noch erworben hat.
[*]Es gilt die optionale Regel Die Gefahren der Abhängigkeit(The Perils of Dependence) bezüglich dem Erhalten von Ausrüstung durch andere Spieler. Siehe Seite 307 im Black Crusade Grundregelwerk.
[*]Die optionalen Regeln zum Bestimmen der Werte eines Untergebenen (Minions) aus Tome of Excess können genutzt werden.
[*]Hausregel für das Erschaffen von Untergebenen (Minions): Bei der Erschaffung von Untergebenen (Minions) gibt es folgende Änderung. Eine Eigenschaft (Trait) kann gegen die Möglichkeit ein weiteres Talent (Talent) zu erhalten getauscht werden. Ein Talent (Talent) kann gegen fünf zusätzliche Punkte zum Erhöhen der Werte (Characteristics)  oder gegen eine weitere Fertigkeit (Skill) getauscht werden. Da dies kein vollgetestete Regel ist, erlaube ich mir, nach einer Durchschicht, mit dieser Regel erstellte Untergebene (Minions) entsprechend anzupassen, falls ich es doch als zu stark empfinde. Generell schaue ich über alle drüber, um sie auf Fehler und auf Stimmigkeit zu überprüfen.
Konvertierungen (Anzeigen)

Dark Eldar
Dark Eldar generates there starting Characteristics as Human character and begin with 500 start Experience Points. They generate Gift of the Gods like Chaos Space Marines, but insteand of Gift of the Gods the drain on their souls strengthen. The Dark Eldar character needs an additional Pain Token to generate an temporary Infamie Point for every Gift of the Gods and they start to lose characterist a day sooner when not generating a Pain Token in that time frame. Dark Eldar never receives a Mark of Chaios.
Dark Eldar Starting Abilities
All Dark Eldar characters begin play with the following Skills, Talents, Traits, and Equipment.
Characteristic Bonus: +5 Agility, +5 Perception
Starting Skills: Common Lore (Dark Eldar), Intimidate, Linguistc (Dark Eldar)
Starting Talents: Catfall, Jaded, Heightened Senses (Sight, Hearing), Paranoia, Sprint
Starting Traits: Dark Sight, Power Through Pain, Unnatural Agility (+3), Vile Pleasures


Kabalite Warrior
Skills, Talents & Gear
Kabalite Warriors must be Dark Eldar.
All Kabalite Warriors begin the play with the following:
Characteristic Bonus: +3 Weapon Skill and +3 Ballistic Skill
Starting Skills: Acrobatics, Awareness, Common Lore (War or Screaming Vortex or Koronus Expanse), Dodge, Linguistic (Dark Eldar) +10, Linguistic (Eldar), Medicae or Deceive or Trade (Chymist), Parry, Stealth
Starting Talents: Disturbing Voice or Leap Up or Pity the Weak, Hard Target or Betrayer or Combat Master, Kabalite Weapon Training, Resistance (Posion), Weapon Training (Primary, Chain, Power, Shock)
Starting Gear: Best Craftmanship splinter pistole or Good Craftmanship splinter rifle or Common Craftmanship shardcarbine, Best Craftmanship mono-sword or Common Craftmanship power sword, Kabalite armour, micro-bead, translator unit, gruesome trophy or kill-records, 2 doses of any one poison or 3 doses of any one combat drug
Starting Wounds: 10+1d5
Special Ability:
Cold Killer
See Special Ability of the Chaos Space Marine Chosen.
Kabalite Warriors begin play aligned to Slaanesh and can never change their alignment.


Agony From Afar
Alignment: Tzeentch
Tier: 2
Prerequisites and functions ecaxtly like in the book Rogue Trader: Soul Reaver.

Alignment: Khorne
Tier: 2
Prerequisites and functions ecaxtly like in the book Rogue Trader: Soul Reaver.

Disciple of Shiamesh
Alignment: Nurgle
Tier: 3
Prerequisites: Scholastic Lore (Chymistry) +20, Trade (Chymist) +20
This character may spend a Infamie Point to automatically pass a Trade (Chymist) Test, succeeding by a number of Degrees of Success equal to his Intelligence Bonus. In addition, when wielding any weapon which has the Toxic Quality, the Dark Eldar adds his Intelligence Bonus to the weapon's Damage. He also adds the Felling (1) Quality to the weapon if it does not already have that Quality, or increases its Felling Quality by 1 if it does.

Kabalite Weapon Training
Alignment: Unaligned
Tier: 1
Prerequisites and functions exactly like in the book Rogue Trader: Soul Reaver, except not covering Primary Weapons.

Siphon Pain
Alignment: Slaanesh
Tier: 2
Prerequisites and functions exactly like in the book Rogue Trader: Soul Reaver.

Surgical Precision
Alignment: Slaanesh
Tier: 2
Prerequisites and functions exactly like in the book Rogue Trader: Soul Reaver.

Tormentor's Fury
Alignment: Khorne
Tier: 2
Prerequisites: Dark Eldar, Power Through Pain
After gaining at least one Pain Token in an encounter, the character may spend a Infamie Point to gain the Berserker Charge Talent and the Brutal Charge Trait (2) for the remainder of the encounter.

Tormentor's Majesty
Alignment: Slaanesh
Tier: 3
Prerequisites: Dark Eldar, Power Through Pain
After gaining at least three Pain Tokens in an encounter, the character may spend a Infamie Point to gain the Fear (1) Trait for the rest of the encounter. While he benefits from this Fear Trait, he also adds +10 bonus to all Intimidate and Command Tests.

Tormentor's Might
Alignment: Khorne
Tier: 3
Prerequisites: Dark Eldar, Power Through Pain
After gaining at least three Pain Tokens in an encounter, the character may spend Infamie Points to gain the Unnatural Strength (x) Trait. There by x equals the number of used Infamie Points till a maximum of four.

Tormentor's Supremacy
Alignment: Nurgle
Tier: 3
Prerequisites: Power Through Pain, Tormentor's Vigour
After gaining at least four Pain Tokens in an encounter, the character may spend two Infamie Points to gain the Stuff of Nightmares Trait for the remainder of the encounter.

Tormentor's Vigour
Alignment: Nurgle
Tier: 3
Prerequisites: Power Through Pain, True Grit
After spending a Infamie Point to heal himself, the character can spend additional Infamie Points to gain the Regeneration (x) Trait for the remainder of the encounter. There by x equals the number of used Infamie Points till a maximum of five. The Trait only functions in rounds in which the character received at least one Pain Token.

Tormentor's Will
Alignment: Slaanesh
Tier: 3
Prerequisites: Power Through Pain
After gaining at least two Pain Tokens in an encounter, the character may spend a Infamie Point to gain the From Beyond Trait for the remainder of the encounter.


Power Through Pain
This Trait functions exactly like in the book Rogue Trader: Soul Reaver, but Dark Eldar Characters who actively seek out alliances with the disciples of chaos are dangerously close to Slaanesh and losing there soul. Every day they confront the presence of chaos head on and feel the drain of there souls and spirit more heavily. Therefore they need twelve Pain Tokes to gain a temporary Infamie Point. They also lose 1d5 from every characteristic every week if they do not generate a at least one Pain Token. If they generate a Pain Token there characteristic recovers instantly.

Vile Pleasures
This Trait functions ecaxtly like in the book Rogue Trader: Soul Reaver.

Advanced Archetypes at the beginning (Anzeigen)
Idolitrex Magos of Forge Polix (Anzeigen)Characteristic Bonus: +10 Intelligence and +5 Willpower
Starting Skills: Logic, Common Lore (The Hollows, Tech), Tech-Use +10, Dodge or Parry, Forbidden Lore (Warp), Scholastic Lore (Chemistry) or Scholastic Lore (Numerology)
Starting Talents: Die Hard, Technical Knock, Weapon Training (Las, Primary, Shock), Weapon Training (Bolt or Plasma or Melta or Power), Meditation or Total Recall, Mechadendrit Training (Weapon) or (Utility), Armour Monger or Weapon Tech, Lesser Minion of Chaos (must be a Servitor or Servo-Skull) or Cold Hearted or Peer (Forge Polix), Enemy (Adeptus Mechanicus)
Starting Traits: Blasphemous Studies, Mechanicus Implants, Psyker
Starting Gear: See Advanced Archetype
Wounds: 1d5+13

Must buy the following advances before he can spend experience freely:
Common Lore (Tech) +10
Forbidden Lore (Any one)
Interrogation or Scrutiny or Medicae
Linguistics (Chaos Marks) or Lingusitics (Techna-Lingua)
Trade (any one)
Trade (any one) +10
Psy Rating 1
Blasphemous Incantations
Up to 300 xp worth of Psychic Powers chosen from the Unaligned, Divination, Telepathy, or Telekinesis Disciplines

Pirate Princes of the Ragged Helix (Anzeigen)Characteristic Bonus: +5 Agility, +5 Intelligence, +5 Fellowship
Starting Skills: Acrobatics, Awareness, Charm or Intimidate, Common Lore (The Ragged Helix), Dodge, Forbidden Lore (Pirates) or (The Warp), Logic or Scrutiny or Sleight of Hand, Operate (Voidship), Parry, Security or Tech Use,
Starting Talents: Air of Authority or Sure Strike or Deadeye Shot, Ambidextrous or Hip Shooting or Swift Attack, Double Team or Disarm, Enemy (Imperial Navy). Jaded, Nerves of Steel or Iron Discipline, Quick Draw or Rapid Reload, Weapon Training (Chain, Power, Las, Primary, SP), Weapon Training (Bolt) or Weapon Training (Shock)
Starting Traits: Maniacal Narcissist, Creatures of Comfort
Starting Gear: See Advanced Archetype
Wounds: 1d10+5
Pirate Princes of the Ragged Helix begin play aligned to Slaanesh.

Must buy the following advances before he can spend experience freely:
Awareness +10
Command +10
Dodge +10 or Parry +10 or Operate (Voidship) +10
Navigate (Stellar)
Cold Hearted
Counter Attack or Hotshot Pilot or Two-Weapon Wielder
Excessive Wealth
Lightning Reflexes or Light Sleeper
Paranoia or Rapid Reaction
Q'Sal Magister Immaterial (Anzeigen)Characteristic Bonus: +5 Intelligence, +5 Willpower and +5 Fellowship
Starting Skills: Awareness, Deceive or Charm, Dodge, Forbidden Lore (Psyker), Psyniscience
Starting Talents: Psi-Rating 3, Up to 500 xp worth of Psychic Powers chosen from the Unaligned, Biomancy, Divination, Pyromancy,Telepathy, or Telekinesis Disciplines, Jaded, Weapon Training (Primary), Weapon Training (Las or SP or Shock), Warp Senses or Child of the Warp
Starting Traits: Chaos Psyker (Psi-Rating 3 nicht 4), Magnus Supremus
Starting Gear: See Advanced Archetype
Wounds: 1d5+8
Magister Immaterials begin play aligned to Tzeentch.

Must buy the following advances before he can spend experience freely:
Charm (+10) or Deceive +10 or Charm/Deceive (depending on which is not chosen at beginning)
Common Lore (Q'sal)
Scholastic Lore (Occult or Legend)
Awareness +10 or Logic +10 or Psyniscience +10
Psi-Rating +1
300 xp worth Psychic Powers
Paranoia or Foresight
Strong Minded
Weapon Training (Exotic) (Q'sal Crystal)
All skills of the chosen city (see Advanced Archetype)
Erlaubte Zusatzbücher
[*]Tome of Fate
[*]Tome of Blood
[*]Tome of Excess
[*]Tome of Decay[/list]

Aktualisierte Regelanpassungen

Neue Regelung Fatigue (Anzeigen)Fatigue:

Not all injuries in DARK HERESY are lethal. Exhaustion, combat trauma, or swapping licks with bare fists can all leave a character battered but more or less intact. Fatigue represents the amount of non-lethal injury a character can take over the course of game play. Characters suffer Fatigue from certain types of attacks, Grappling, some Critical Effects, and other actions that push them beyond safe limits. Fatigue is measured in levels. Any time a character gains or loses a level of Fatigue, he compares his new Fatigue level to his characteristic bonuses. Any characteristic with a bonus lower than the character’s current Fatigue level becomes “fatigued.” Fatigued characteristics affect the character is different ways depending on if the game is currently in narrative time or structured time:
[*]Structured Time: A fatigued characteristic counts as half its normal value (rounded up) when the character wishes to perform an action that includes a test that calls on that characteristic, or any other uses of that characteristic.
[*]Narrative Time: Any time the character performs a task that includes a test of a fatigued characteristic, that task takes twice the normal time to attempt.[/list]

Fatigue threshold:

A character’s Fatigue threshold is equal to his Toughness bonus and Willpower bonus added together. If a character’s levels of Fatigue ever exceeds this threshold, the character passes out and is Unconscious for 10–TB minutes; at the end of that time, he awakens with his levels of Fatigue reverted to a number equal to his Toughness bonus. If a character’s Fatigue ever exceeds double the amount of his Fatigue threshold, the character dies.

Removing fatigue:
Fatigue goes away with time. Each hour of normal rest (but not time spent Unconscious) without any combat, use of psychic powers, or other strenuous activity, removes one level of Fatigue. Six consecutive hours of rest removes all Fatigue.
Neue Regelung Blood Loss (Anzeigen)Blood Loss:

Blood Loss is a condition that can result from Critical damage. At the start of his turn, an affected character suffers 1 level of Fatigue. Once per round as a Free Action, he (or another character who can reach him) can attempt a Difficult (–10) Medicae test to remove this condition. The GM should modify the test as needed if the character is performing a strenuous activity or under attack, or if the subject is not in active combat or using more actions. Note that multiple Blood Loss conditions do not stack.
Neue Regelung Untrained Skills (Anzeigen)Untrained Skills:

Specialist skills requires a level of ability that simply cannot be attempted by the untrained.
Neue Regelung Using Psychic Powers (Anzeigen)Using Psychic Powers:

Step 1: Determine Psychic Strength

When using a psychic power, the psyker must choose an effective psy rating for the power that is equal to or below his base psy rating. This value must be at least 1. The psyker receives a +10 bonus to his Focus Power test for every point the chosen effective psy rating is below his base psy rating. Additionally, the effective psy rating of a psychic power determines how potent the effects of the power will be when used.

Pushing: When determining the effective psy rating of a psychic power, a psyker can choose to push. If he does so, he strains his own limits, and can set the effective psy rating of the psychic power up to 2 higher than his base psy rating. Certain types of psykers can increase this amount, as indicated in the following Table. Pushing is dangerous, however, for when a psyker draws from the Warp so deeply, he might be unable to control the energies released. When pushing a psychic power in this way, it triggers Psychic Phenomena on any Focus Power test roll that does not produce doubles, instead of under the normal conditions. The psyker receives a –10 penalty to this test for every point the chosen effective psy rating is above his own psy rating.

Step 2: Make Focus Power Test

Any use of a psychic power begins with a Focus Power action, which requires a Focus Power test to determine whether or not the power manifests successfully, and how potent its effects are. The amount of time this action takes is determined by the power being used, and may be a Free Action, Half Action, Full Action, or Reaction. In most cases, a Focus Power test is a Willpower test, modified by the difficulty of the power being used and the effective psy rating the psyker chose for the power. The power being used determines what skill or characteristic the test uses. As mentioned earlier, this test receives a +10 bonus for each point the power’s effective psy rating is under the psyker’s base psy rating, or a –10 penalty for each point it is over that value. The GM can also apply situation modifiers as needed. In many cases, the number of degrees of success scored when passing the Focus Power test determines some of the effects of the power— when this is the case, it will be noted in the power’s description. If the Focus Power test succeeds, the psyker successfully manifests the power and applies the effects detailed in its description. Additionally, if he rolls doubles (that is, both the tens dice and the ones dice come up with the same number) on the Focus Power test, the power triggers Psychic Phenomena. This can occur even if the test fails. If the psyker pushed when attempting the power, he instead triggers Psychic Phenomena on any result other than doubles. When it is triggered, roll to determine what phenomenon is to occur before resolving the power (as some phenomena can alter how or if the power manifests properly, and if so should be resolved first).

Resisting Enemy Psychic Powers If they are attacked by hostile psychic powers, psykers have better mental defences than “normal” people, using the power of the Warp to fight back. When making an Opposed Focus Power test to resist a psychic attack, a targeted psyker first decides if he will push or not, then adds double his resultant psy rating (including any bonus from pushing) to the Willpower test to resist the enemy power. As the target is a psyker, his Focus Power test can also cause Psychic Phenomena.

Class of PsykerNormal Strength (Psy Rating or Lower)Push (Psy Rating +2/3/4)Sustaining PowersBound: Sanctioned psykers, Astropaths, sorcerers, Librarians, Chaos Space Marines, and xenos psykersIf the psyker rolls doubles during a Focus Power test, he must roll on Table Psychic Phenomena.Can add up to +2 PR. If the psyker rolls anything but doubles during Focus Power test, roll on Table Psychic Phenomena.+10 to all rolls on Table Psychic Phenomena, decrease psy rating by 1 per power.Unbound: Wyrds, unsanctioned psykers, and mortal sorcerersIf the psyker rolls doubles during a Focus Power test, roll on Table Psychic Phenomena adding +10 to the total.Can add up to +4 to PR. Roll on Table Psychic Phenomena at +5 per +1 PR added, up to a maximum of +20.+10 to all rolls on Table Psychic Phenomena, decrease psy rating by 1 per power.
Anpassung Talents (Anzeigen)Bastion of Iron Will: The character’s sheer willpower and psychic focus have become one and the same, over years of practice and training, such that their combined use is second nature. He adds 5 x his current base psy rating to any Opposed test he makes when defending against psychic powers.
Anpassung Weapon Qualites (Anzeigen)Force: Force weapons count as Best craftsmanship Mono variants of the equivalent Low-Tech weapon. In the hands of a psyker, the weapon also deals bonus damage and gains bonus penetration equal to the psyker’s base psy rating (so a psy rating 3 would grant +3 damage and +3 penetration), and the damage type changes to Energy. In addition, whenever a psyker damages an opponent, he may take a Focus Power action (Opposed with Willpower) as a Half Action. If he wins the test, then for every degree of success, the Force weapon’s wielder deals an additional 1d10 Energy damage, ignoring Armour and Toughness bonus. Psykers always use their base psy rating when determining psychic strength for this test, and cannot generate Psychic Phenomena on this test. Force weapons cannot be destroyed by weapons with the Power Field quality.
Anpassung Equipment (Anzeigen)Psychic Hood: A Heretic wearing one may spend his Reaction to attempt to nullify a power used by another psyker within a range in meters equal to the character’s Willpower, said Reaction to be announced before the other psyker has made his Focus Power roll. The wearer first makes a Focus Power (Willpower) Test with the same Psy-Rating as the other psyker (if not possible then the power can not be nullified), with every Degree of Success imposing a –10 penalty on the enemy’s Focus Power Test. Alternatively the wearer may try to nullify a power that affects him directly, no matter the range. He makes the same test as before, and if successful is unaffected by the power but other targets or areas are affected as normal by the power. Note that a nullification test may trigger psychic phenomena based on the Psychic Strength as normal. The hood also grants the wearer a +5 bonus to all Focus Power Tests, including nullification attempts as described above.
Anpassung Mutations (Anzeigen)Emaciated: The character’s frame withers until he is all but skeletal and he becomes weak and frail. He is afflicted by an eternal hunger that can never be satiated as all but the merest fraction of the food he imbibes is claimed by the warp, never to strengthen his body. The character doubles all penalties from Fatigue.

Nerveless Ennui: The character is incapable of feeling physical stimuli, caring for neither the kiss of lips nor the caress of the blade. The character’s physical senses are so dulled that he feels little in the way of pain. The character ignores alle penalties when
suffering from Fatigue. However, any Awareness Tests based on sensing by touch are counted as one level of diffi culty harder.
Anpassung Psychic Powers (Anzeigen)Thought Sending: Focus Power: Challanging (+0) Opposed Willpower Test

Telekinetic Shield: Action: Half Action
Focus Power: Routine (+20) Willpower test
Range: Self
Sustained: Free Action
Subtype: Concentration
Effect: For the duration of the power, all of the psyker’s Hit Locations count as being protected by cover with an Armour Value equal to half this power’s psy rating. This shield can be damaged just like normal cover by damage that exceeds the shield’s Armour Value. If the shield is reduced to 0 Armour points, the power stops, and is no longer sustained.

Compel: Focus Power: Challenging (+0) Opposed Willpower test

Mind Probe: Action: Half Action
Focus Power: Challanging (+0) Opposed Willpower Test
Range: 1 metre per Psy Rating
Sustained: Full Action
Subtype: Attack, Concentration
Description: The psyker reaches into the mind of a single creature, unravelling the layers and defences within it to uncover thoughts both obvious and hidden. The servants of the Inquisition frequently employ such methods to interrogate particularly resistant suspects, and it is for this reason that they are so feared by enemies of the Imperium, but they are far from the only group who employ psykers to steal secrets from the minds of their foes. It takes half the psy rating rounds of sustained effort to probe the mind of an individual. It requires a Focus Power Test, opposed by the target’s Willpower Test, each round the power is sustained, with the same modifiers as the initial test to use the power (though there is no chance of Psychic Phenomena for any round after the first). If the psyker wins the Focus Power Test, he gleans information from the target’s mind, depending on how long he has successfully maintained the power and the psy rating. If the psyker fails the Focus Power Test, he is ejected from the target’s mind, unable to dig any deeper, and the power’s effects end. However, the psyker retains any knowledge he has already gained from the power’s use up until that point.

[quicktable]Rounds of Contact and psy rating | Information Learned
One round and psy rating 1-2 – Initial Contact | The psyker makes initial contact, and learns basic information about the target, such as his name, mood, and his approximate state of physical and mental health.
Two rounds and psy rating 3-4 – Surface Thoughts | The psyker can now sense the thoughts foremost in the target’s mind, such as immediate fears and concerns, conscious lies, and so forth. The target’s Corruption level is also now known to the psyker.
Three rounds and psy rating 5-6 – Short Term Memory | The psyker can now sort through the target’s most recent memories, covering the last twelve hours or since the target last slept. Less casual information the target may be keeping secrets—such as simple passwords or recent experiences he might wish to hide—may also be found at this level. The target’s Infamy characteristic, if any, is also now known to the psyker.
Four rounds and psy rating 7-8 – Subconscious | The psyker gains detailed knowledge of people, places and/or objects that the target considers as important and how they relate to each other. The target’s beliefs, motivations and personal goals are revealed, as are any contacts or complicated hidden ciphers. The psyker is also aware of the pivotal moments in the target’s life.
Five rounds and psy rating 9-10 – Broken Mind | The psyker may plunder the target’s mind at will. Any information contained in the target’s psyche is an open book for the psyker. The psyker can also identify implanted memorie


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