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Autor Thema: Prologue - A place most foul  (Gelesen 48435 mal)

Beschreibung: or how a single wrong step throws everything into turmoil

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Prologue - A place most foul
« am: 31.07.2012, 03:03:12 »
Minding his own business, Nathanael Helsang sips on a mug of beer, overlooking the taproom from a small table placed in the back of the tavern.

The young wizard is on his way to Ashabenford in order to meet with an old acquaintance of his master. Unfortunately the caravan providing his means of travel came to a halt in a tiny hamlet called Peldan's Helm, only two days worth of travel away from Nathanael's destination.

A broken wheelaxle or something similar tedious seemed to be the cause of Nathanael's suffering and while the young man was sure to have been bothered by the travelling merchants, he couldn't care less about such peasant headache.

Nevertheless the wizard was stranded until the carawan was ready to move on.
Biding his time Nathanael shudders at the first taste of the cheap alcohol, but soon takes a second sip. Boredom has always appeared as waste of ressources to the young academic so he tends to keep his mind occupied at all times. Nathanael tries to concentrate on the upcoming conversation with his mentor's colleague, but soon his minds drifts away as a conversation held by a few locals at a nearby table draws his attention:

"Hey, Ranph, did ya hear 'bout Farnie and Jeya? Them and Cari went out to that old wizard's place, you know, the one that everyone says is haunted."
The voice belongs to a sturdy but dim looking man around his forties. He'es sitting in front of an much younger man with reddish hair.
"Sure did", the redhead answers in a hushed voice.
"I heared that they musta tripped something while looking around, 'Cause they heared this great big roaring outta this secret room. Then Cari disappeared. Jeya and Farnie took off from there, and who wouldn't?"
"Y'bet I would! Where'd they get to? Haven't seen them in the last couple o' days."
"They're hidin' now, afraid somethin's cgonna come after 'em."

A few more locals gather around Ranph and his pal to join in the discussion, tossing off chant about the old mound where the wizard's home is.
« Letzte Änderung: 31.07.2012, 03:11:51 von Ultan »


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Prologue - A place most foul
« Antwort #1 am: 31.07.2012, 14:07:57 »
An old wizard's place in Peldan's Helm? The Dalelands are not too fare away from Cormyr and Nathanael was sure to have heard about every remarkable wizard in that region, leaving the young appreciate with only two options. First, the folks talk just the usual town gossip, unworthy to listen to. But in the second case, they stumbled about something interesting, worth to be discovered.

Nathanael gently apologises to his mentor's colleague for interrupting their conversation and switches tables.

"Goodday! My name is Nathanael Helsang and while being a wizard myself, I would like to know more about this old wizard's place, if you do not mind."


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Prologue - A place most foul
« Antwort #2 am: 31.07.2012, 17:52:24 »
The locals flinch for a moment as Nathanael mentions being a wizard, but curiosity soon gets the upper hand. Ranph bows in a most clumsy way before telling you his name.

"Chauntea's blessing, master Helsang. Ye dunno about the ol' mound with the wizard's cottage on top? It's a half day's walk to the south, maybe less so. Place is abandoned though, haven't seen nobody coming up from or going there since forever. The wizard itself is long gone and I heard cross-traders cleaned the place out quite well. Well... somethin' must still be there. Farnie and Jeya wouldn't run from nothin', would they?

What you gon' to do, master Helsang? You might wanna check this out, do ya? If there's monsters and such you sure can handle it, right?"

The villagers look rather worried as Ranpg mentions 'monsters and such'. Mistledale has remained one surpinsingly peaceful place in the Realms over the past few decades and most folks around here aren't much familiar with the horrors that haunt the people almost everywhere else.
« Letzte Änderung: 31.07.2012, 17:54:29 von Ultan »


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Prologue - A place most foul
« Antwort #3 am: 31.07.2012, 19:18:04 »
Nathanael scratches his chin and his eyes sweep to the window while listening to Ranph's report. The repairing of the waggon surely takes a couple of days and if he do not want to loose his mind watching cows and farmers, he might proove the validity of the nebolous claim. And who knows, Mystra moves in mysterious ways.

"Well, cowards die many times before their deaths and the valiant never taste of death but once. Expect me tomorrow. Probably I could bring back your Cari."

Finishing his last sentence, Nathanael bids farewell to his mentor's colleague and leaves the tavern to find a path to the haunted house.
« Letzte Änderung: 31.07.2012, 19:18:17 von Nathanael Helsang »


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Prologue - A place most foul
« Antwort #4 am: 31.07.2012, 20:20:16 »
The famer's seem to be put at easy by Nathanaels bold words and they hastily scribble a crude map for the wizard.
As it's just a couple of hours past noon, the young man decides to leave at once and makes his way out of the tavern, past the few buildings that form the entirety of Peldan's Helm and into the rural hills and fields that surround the hamlet.

Not surprisingly the trip ist long but uneventful. The sky is bright and clear and the local animals are lively and loudly. Birds scold the wizard and each other all afternoon, and insecty hum lazily in the undergrowth. There's no sight of monsters or even remotely danger during the trip, after all Mistledale is a pieceful haven inmidst the raging Realms.

The wizard's mound isn't hard to find. From the outside, the dwelling built into the mound appears decrepit, cracked and vilated. Its wooden door swings awkwardly in the mild breeze, producing an eerie creaking. The little hill, a rounded spot just off the trail Nathanael was following all the while, looks curiously bare, though trees stand all around the base of the slope. The hill is covered with dry, brown grass and dotted with the occasional boulder. It rises about 50 feet above the door, which is set in its very base.


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Prologue - A place most foul
« Antwort #5 am: 31.07.2012, 21:32:51 »
Nathanael casts some defensiv spells and enters[1]
 1. Mage Armor, Shield.


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Prologue - A place most foul
« Antwort #6 am: 31.07.2012, 22:49:47 »
The entryway shows evidence that seasons have passed since the mage left his home. The open door has all but invited in the elements; leaves, both withered and fresh, lie heaped on the floor in places and pushed into piles against the walls. Only a few lie scattered across walkways.
Nathanael finds the wizards home to be thoroughly looted. Furnishing has been pushed around and thrown hazardly around the rooms. Nothing of much value seems to have remained in the mound; the place is in shambles.
A berk looking for secret compartments has gouged holes in the walls and pulled down paintings and plaques.

After passing a short corridor, Nathanael stands in the main hall, a large room capped by a dome of bronze. Ivory paint peeling on the walls attests to its former glory. Now dust thickly coveres everything in the chamber, disturbed only by recent tracks.
Doors and passageways lead off to the other rooms.


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Prologue - A place most foul
« Antwort #7 am: 01.08.2012, 12:44:48 »
Normally, adventurers would open all doors and search even in the smallest corners, but Nathanael was a wizard and so he condemn overhasty actionism. He casts a very simple spell[1] and concentrates.
 1. Detect Magic


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Prologue - A place most foul
« Antwort #8 am: 01.08.2012, 13:16:23 »
As soon as Nathanael cast the spell the feeling of a radiating magic flows through his body. Almost shocked for a moment, the wizard turns to the east where the magic flow seems to originate.
There is a door set in stonewall before him and some point behind it radiates conjuration magic most potent. Nathanael can't think of an occasion where he experienced power of that magnitude. Whatever spell or object lies beneath these walls it must be amongst the highest grades of magic.


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Prologue - A place most foul
« Antwort #9 am: 01.08.2012, 15:06:01 »
Nathanael cannot abort a smile, too overwhelming is the impression of the powerful magic. He hesitates just a few seconds thinking about the possible dangers and then tries to investigate the door.


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Prologue - A place most foul
« Antwort #10 am: 01.08.2012, 15:24:03 »
The door is made of oak and looks quite sturdy. Luckily it doesn't appear to be locked, so Nathanael has no trouble pushing it open.
The room he enters must have been some kind of laboratory or spellcraft chamber. Like all the other rooms it is covered with dust disturbed only by a couple of footprints on the floor. Those must be from the villagers as the prints itself look quite human in shape and size.
Somehow, those sods discovered a secret door hidden behind a lab table pushed into the wall, which leaves a gaping hole in the wall as of now. The tracks lead into a black passageway beyond.

The wizard takes a look around the chamber which is not entirely empty. Beakers and ingredient bottles have been smashed, and there's a couple of old books and parchments, or rather what's left of them, heaped in a corner. Broken lab tables and shelves line the walls, some of them rotten and decaying.


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Prologue - A place most foul
« Antwort #11 am: 01.08.2012, 15:33:45 »
A dark and hidden passage. Nathanael wonders why his professions favours such oppressive hideouts, but the magic lures his attention like a moth to a flame. While hoping not to shovel his own grave, Nathanael glances over the rest of the room before entering the gaping hole.
« Letzte Änderung: 01.08.2012, 15:43:26 von Nathanael Helsang »


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Prologue - A place most foul
« Antwort #12 am: 01.08.2012, 15:49:47 »
Nathanael follows the hidden passway some yards into the dark, before he almost runs into a heavy door reinforced with iron bands. There doesn't seem to be a lock on this door so one dauntless push should open it.
On the other hand, whatever the source of the magic aura felt before must lie on the other side. Maybe some caution would be wise? However what would protect a poor sod from magic that grand?


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Prologue - A place most foul
« Antwort #13 am: 01.08.2012, 17:21:08 »
Years later, Nathanael would have agreed that it was surely not his best idea to just burst into a mystery without even thinking carefuly for a moment or two, but that was exactly what he did. Too exciting was the question what kind of magic caused such powerfull effect.


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Prologue - A place most foul
« Antwort #14 am: 01.08.2012, 17:49:11 »
The door opens into a vaulted chamber, lit by a pale blue glow that seems to radiate from the walls. The ceiling rises a good 30 feet above the floor. Supporting buttresses meet in the center, as in a cathedral's dome Alchemical equipment lines the far walls, while potion bottles, chalk, and vials litter the table closest to the center of the room. Dust coats nearly everything, from floor to ceiling.
In the exact center of the room, a magical circle is iscribed into the floor in solid gold plating. The circle seems to repel the dust that has gathered everywhere else in the laboratory, though some of the traceries of the diagram outside the circle are not as immune to the steady accumulation of the years.

Nathanael rises an eyebrow in curiosity, then steps into the vaulted chamber.
Dust rises in little clouds near his feet, revealing more gold plating on the floor. In fact, the gold inscription, hidden under the dust of years, extend far beyond the circle in the center of the laboratory - the diagram covers the entire room! The carefree entrance of the young wizard has triggered the etching's magic.

A warm wind hurls the dust up into the air, where it sparkles and shines in the room's blue glow. The hazy nimbus surrounds you, sweeping you up in a surge of magical force, and the room spins around and around in a blur until your eyes feel as though they will fly from your head and a whirring fills your ears and suddenly -

The room stops spinning. No, it's not the room anymore. You're lying supine wihtin a glowing lattice. And you feel hot.

Avernus, first layer of Baator

You have a moment of disorientation while your head clears from the magical transit. The stench of sulfur and ozone fills your nostrils. Hard stone supports your weight. The glowing blue lattice has faded from your sight, allowing you to notice that you're lying atop a circular inscribed diagram - an exact duplicate of the one that brought you here, but black instead of gold.
From off to one side comes a sharp intake of breath. Turning, you see the fiend.
Staring slack-jawed at you is a spiny little critter about three feet tall with wings and a spiked tail, carrying a military fork. It is backing into the gloom of a nearby crevice in a stony wall, keeping a close eye on you all the while.
« Letzte Änderung: 01.08.2012, 17:51:03 von Ultan »

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