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Autor Thema: Whol l'olath ilhar  (Gelesen 101468 mal)


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Whol l'olath ilhar
« Antwort #570 am: 05.12.2005, 10:43:01 »
 "I never encountered any creature when travelling through these tunnels ... maybe they don't like wet feet either?"
Gæð a Wyrd swa hio scel!



  • Beiträge: 641
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Whol l'olath ilhar
« Antwort #571 am: 05.12.2005, 16:47:12 »
 "If there are no objections I'll take that shadowy cloak for the time being."

Unless someone speaks against it, Sheiriya will wrap the cloak around her and test if she can stuff her piwafwi into her belt.


  • Beiträge: 249
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Whol l'olath ilhar
« Antwort #572 am: 05.12.2005, 19:25:48 »
 [During the bartering]

Narzen fiddles with what he called a ring of lockpicking, then places it on his left index finger -- the ring fingers on his both hands are already occupied.

"Utility magic," he smiles dryly, "Not as impressive as spell-woven armory, but just as useful in times of need."

"And seeing as we seem to agree on the distribution so far, I trust I may help myself to this one as well," he continues, and slips the wand of enfeeblement to a holster on his thigh.

[Discussing the waters]

"Even shallow waters may prove deadly, and regardless of monsters inhabiting them," he remarks, "Treacherous ground is virtually impossible to discern underwater, and falling into a pit or a hidden stream, whether one can swim or not, may well result in a slow death."


  • Beiträge: 452
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Whol l'olath ilhar
« Antwort #573 am: 05.12.2005, 22:29:13 »
 "So should we have everyone attached to one another with a length of rope?" asks Keth, "I have to admit any travel I have done near water has either been along the shores or on some sort of watercraft."


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Whol l'olath ilhar
« Antwort #574 am: 06.12.2005, 00:07:19 »
 Regarding Keth' statement about water and watercrafts, Nata'al raises one eyebrow and checks for that silken rope she bought way back in Skullport. The scout shakes her head though: "No real need for that. As I said, the water is ... at the most ... a couple of feet deep. Unless some silly worm has come up from below and ... drowned itself." She takes another look at the group, then suddenly something dawns to her. "Sorry, the watery tunnels are some three miles long, it's not that deep. My bad ..."
With that, she turns around and starts walking.
Gæð a Wyrd swa hio scel!



  • Beiträge: 452
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Whol l'olath ilhar
« Antwort #575 am: 06.12.2005, 03:13:56 »
 Keth grabs her things and follows along.

Drakkar Daveneorn

  • Beiträge: 81
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Whol l'olath ilhar
« Antwort #576 am: 06.12.2005, 05:01:39 »
 After he is armored Zouhlnor hefts his axe over a shoulder and follows in toe.  

Drakkar Daveneorn

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Whol l'olath ilhar
« Antwort #577 am: 06.12.2005, 05:11:34 »
 Zouhlnor stops in his tracks, spins about and grabs up the unclaimed amulet, "Ill take this too, if there are no objections."  


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Whol l'olath ilhar
« Antwort #578 am: 06.12.2005, 08:38:27 »
 "Fine with me. I just want those bracers, but I will not put them on until they are properly identified." Zhadristan says and adds with a smiling shrug "Bad experience."


  • Beiträge: 641
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Whol l'olath ilhar
« Antwort #579 am: 06.12.2005, 16:13:42 »
 "If no one else wants to use them at the moment I'd take the ring which may mislead some divination spells and the cloke to improve my charisma. I don't see any sense in carrying them around but not using them."


  • Beiträge: 134
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Whol l'olath ilhar
« Antwort #580 am: 07.12.2005, 09:05:15 »
 [During the treasure claiming]

Iira picks up the handaxe and studies it for some time. A thoughtful look occupies his face as he goes 'hmmm' to himself and idling fiddles with some amulet keep under his clothing. After serveral minutes like this he nods and says, "I would like to stack claim to this. Never know when you could use a spare weapon... plus it seems like it will do well as a quickly drawn ranged weapon." He shakes his head to himself and grumbles something under his breath.

[During prep to leave the rest sight, be it a few mintues later or the next day.]

While finishing up with putting gear on for travelling Iira takes time to give the handaxe a few test draws from it's new spot strapped to the side of his pack. He seems satisified with how it works out since he stops after about 4 times.

"Well let's get on with the water travel. The quicker we get to it the quicker we finish it and less worry of what might be lurking below the surface. If something is it can be handled."

He then takes up his normal spot in the "marching order" (not really sure what it is but there he stands ready to move on)


  • Beiträge: 452
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Whol l'olath ilhar
« Antwort #581 am: 08.12.2005, 04:39:17 »
 "The sooner we get wet, the sooner we can get dry," comments Keth to Iira's last statement


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Whol l'olath ilhar
« Antwort #582 am: 08.12.2005, 10:41:21 »
 When everyone is ready, Talice gets you all going. You move through the large cavern and soon find something that looks indeed like a trail through the rugged floor of the cavern, winding its way through the stalagmites and pillars. The scouts warily checks the cavern for any dangers that may lie ahead, but all remains quite. After a while, the trail turns left and vanishes into a large tunnel. Not slowing her pace, Talice moves on and you find the less open space more comfortable to bear. The network of corridors and tunnels seems to go on for mile after mile and only occasionally, a cavern disrupts this pattern. One of these caverns, at a crossroad of the trail and another, much wider tunnel, provides the first eyeraiser. Somewhat down that crossing tunnel lies the corpse of a recently slain fire giant. If you draw a bit closer, you can also spot the remains of a few dead drow, all most likely killed by the giant or his companions - given their wounds or general body appearance. The whole place is crawling with http://www.wizards.com/dnd/images/ud_gallery/52067_CN.jpg' target='_blank'>cockroaches, sized from tiny to giant, and drawing to close might turn their attention towards a more fresh flesh supply.
Gæð a Wyrd swa hio scel!


Drakkar Daveneorn

  • Beiträge: 81
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Whol l'olath ilhar
« Antwort #583 am: 08.12.2005, 23:36:23 »
 Upon eyeing the roaches Zouhlnor signs to the group with a shiver, "I hate the lesser insects." He takes a moment to take in the grewsome sight. "Whatever they may have been carrying has most likely been looted by whomever won this battle," Zouhlnor signs to the group and then to just to Iira; "I'd be willing to bet there is still pleanty of blood in that chath   hiran."


  • Beiträge: 452
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Whol l'olath ilhar
« Antwort #584 am: 09.12.2005, 02:54:18 »
 "That is likely unless they died out here away from their companions," says Keth

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