Archiv > Mosaic: Die Blumen des Montezuma

Recht des Stärkeren


Der Tod:
Schreibt bitte im Präsenz, 3. Person singular (Don Diego zieht sein Schwert).

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Wenn ihr sicher seid, mit eurer Handlung einen Move getriggert zu haben, dürft ihr direkt selbstständig würfeln und - wenn möglich - auch direkt selbst im selben Post die Auswirkungen beschreiben. Das geht z.B. besonders dann, wenn eine 10+ gewürfelt wird, oder ihr anderweitig zwischen Effekten wählen dürft. Auf diese Weise muss nicht immer Rücksprache gehalten werden, und alles wird evtl. etwas flüssiger.


Rolling the Dice (Anzeigen)When a move requires you to roll, roll 2d6 and add up the result. A 10+ is a clear success, a 7-9 is a success with cost or drawback, 6 or less is a failure. A 12 is a critical success.

Bonus dice
Bonus dice increase the number of d6 you roll, but you still only add up the best 2d6 of them.
Sources for bonus dice are:

* 1 bonus die when you roll a stat that is highlighted.
* 1 bonus die when you spend a Mosaic Tile.
* 2 bonus dice when you press an Advantage.Every source of bonus dice can only be used once each for the same roll.
Bonus dice can be added after a roll has been made, but before the result of the move unfolds. Bonus dice have to be used for the move at hand and can not be stored.

Rolling Cultures
Most of the time, a roll is made for a particular stat. But the rules may also request you to roll for a particular culture. In this case, instead of rolling 2d6, you roll as many dice as you have Mosaic Ranks in this culture. Consequently, if you only have 1 Rank in this culture, you will need bonus dice to succeed.
When you roll a culture instead of a stat, you can only buy bonus dice with Mosaic Tiles of the appropriate culture.

Critical Success
When your highest dice both come up as 6’s, yielding a total result of 12, you achieved a critical success. In addition to any 10+ effects of the triggered move, the GM adds 1 Advantage to the pool.
Stats (Anzeigen)Aggression
Acting with aggression means seizing the initiative, using force, going forward, being rough, focusing on your goal.
Aggression is highlighted for the Samurai.

Acting with discipline means standing your ground, staying calm, caring for safety, being unfazed, keeping things steady.
Discipline is highlighted for the Conquistador.

Acting with cunning means staying out of sight, being nimble, outsmarting others, being alert, proceeding with skill.
Cunning is highlighted for the Freedman.

Acting with understanding means being knowledgeable, showing empathy, drawing connections, thinking about others, coming up with new ideas.
Understanding is highlighted for the Traveller.

Acting with inspiration means being charismatic, having a strong will, impressing others, thinking big, opening oneself to the divine.
Inspiration is highlighted for the Priest.

Highlighted Stats
Rolling a highlighted stat always gives you a bonus die (see "Rolling the Dice").
Mosaic (Anzeigen)Every character will have a total of 5 Mosaic Tiles, each connected with a certain culture:

* 1 Tile predetermined by the Playbook (this can never be changed)
* 2 Tiles chosen through Background
* 1 Tile chosen through Faith
* 1 Tile chosen through Contacts.Each Mosaic Tile has to be assigned to one of the five stats. This permanently links the stat with the tile’s culture, determining what Trait will affect this stat.

Spending Mosaic Tiles
Mosaic Tiles are the game's resource, generated by the Mosaic Ranks.
When you roll, you can spend any of your Mosaic Tiles that match the rolled stat’s culture to receive one bonus die for this roll. When the rolled stat is highlighted, you have the option to instead invest the Mosaic Tile to gain Advantage (which might yield two bonus die).
Traits (Anzeigen)Each culture contains one trait for each of the five stats. Distribute your Mosaic Tiles between your stats and write down the affiliated trait for each pairing.
A Trait consists of three fixed elements: a descriptor, an additional move option, and a task to fulfill during rest.

Descriptor: This short statement establishes a fact about the PC. This fact is considered true in the fiction of the game and should influence the narrative accordingly.
Ability: When succeeding in the move specified by the trait, add this additional phrase to the move’s options to pick from.
Rest: When performing the Rest Move, complete this task to regain a spent Mosaic Tile of this trait's culture.
Advantage (Anzeigen)Creating an Advantage
When you roll a highlighted stat, you have the option to spend a Mosaic Tile of this trait's culture to gain Advantage.

Pressing an Advantage
When you roll, you can spend a Mosaic Tile from the Advantage pool. This yields two bonus dice for this roll. Then you have to mark Influence of this Tile's culture on the stat you just rolled. You cannot press an advantage when rolling a stat that is already considered influenced.

Advantage and Resting
When the group is taking a rest, leftover Mosaic Tiles in the Advantage Pool can be spent to buy additional usages of resting actions.
Influence (Anzeigen)Marking influence is done by writing down which culture is exerting influence on which stat of yours.

* When you Press an Advantage, mark influence according to the culture of the Mosaic Tile you spent on the stat you were rolling.
* If not specified, choose stat and culture most appropriate to the situation to mark as influencedWhen a stat is considered influenced, you can no longer benefit from Pressing an Advantage while rolling this stat.

Trust (Anzeigen)The amount of Mosaic Tiles that the Advantage pool can hold at a time is limited by the amount of Trust within the party. For each point of Trust, the pool can hold one Mosaic Tile. Any Advantage invested into the pool beyond this cap is lost.
Trust starts out at 1 point for each character in the party agreeing on the common Quest (see below). Subtract 1 point for each pair of characters that don’t share a single Mosaic Rank (and thus are unable to talk to each other).
Trust is gained or lost by rising up to the Quest’s challenges or failing them. Also, the Participate Move can be used to boost Trust within the party. Trust is open-ended, but can never fall below zero.
Items, Combat, Harm, etc. (Anzeigen)Items: This is the equipment the characters utilize to achieve their goals. Choose one item per stat from the options given by your playbook. Choose a second item if that stat is highlighted for you. If a stat’s trait is from a different culture, you may choose one item from the options provided by this culture’s playbook. Also, the signature weapon of each playbook (Side-Sword, Machete, Obsidian Dagger, Katana, Staff) can be chosen through any picking option of the appropriate culture.

Combat, Harm, etc. : Unlike many other roleplaying games, there are no hit points, damage numbers or other mechanical systems to keep track of wounds and telling when a character is out of action or dead. Just as most things in this game, these physical conditions and effects are handled within the game’s fiction.
Difficulty and danger of encounters are scaled by the GM through the choice of Soft or Hard Moves.

Der Tod:

If the fiction meets the conditions of a Move, this Move is triggered. When a Move requires a roll, count the highest 2d6 out of the pool you rolled. Each Move has specific instructions on the effects of different results.

10+ is always a success.
7-9 is still a success, but comes at a cost, consequences or requires a hard choice.
6 or less is a miss, and the GM makes a GM Move instead.
12 is treated like a 10+, but also restores one spent Mosaic Tile of your choice.

Moves are only triggered in important situations, when there is something at stake. If failure would not be interesting, just assume everything is as the players describe. The effect of a Move is used as a starting point to drive the narrative onward. Thus, a Move always starts and ends with fiction.

Action Moves (Anzeigen)The action moves are used for standard situations during adventuring.

When you go on the offensive to overcome an obstacle, roll+Aggression. On a 10+, choose one from the list below. On a 7-9, you choose one, but the GM makes a move too.
- You inflict harm.
- You get hold of an object.
- Use your trait.

When you stand your ground to outlast opposition, roll+Discipline. On a 10+, choose one from the list below. On a 7-9, you choose one, but the GM makes a move too.
- You ward off harm.
- You block a way.
- Use your trait.

When you use cleverness to evade confrontation, roll+Cunning. On a 10+, choose one from the list below. On a 7-9, you choose one, but the GM makes a move too.
- You stay unseen.
- You get into cover.
- Use your trait.

When you closely observe a charged situation, roll+Understanding. On a 10+, choose one from the list below. On a 7-9, you choose one, but the GM makes a move too.
- Ask: What happened here recently?
- Ask: What is about to happen?
- Use your trait.
When you are first acting upon the answer, the GM will add one Advantage to the pool.

When you raise your voice to exert control over the situation, roll+Inspiration. On a 10+, choose one from the list below. On a 7-9, you choose one, but the GM makes a move too.
- Characters who do as you say gain the initiative.
- Opposition must come forward or retreat.
- Use your trait.
In any case, you will probably draw a lot of attention.

Initiate Interaction
When you talk to a NPC from a common culture in order to get something significant from them, roll+Culture. On a 10+, choose one from the list below. On a 7-9, you choose one, but the GM makes a move too.
- Interaction begins if their rank is not higher than yours.
- Interaction begins if you allow them to set the stage.
- Use your trait.

Interaction Moves (Anzeigen)After Interaction has been successfully initiated, these Interaction Moves come into play and will be triggered by your choice of conversation.

When you threaten them, roll+Aggression. On a 10+, choose one from the list below. On a 7-9, you choose one, but the GM makes a move too.
- They give in but will hold a grudge.
- They give in if you make a show of force.
- Use your trait.

When you try to persuade them that it would be the right thing to do as you request, roll+Discipline. On a 10+, choose one from the list below. On a 7-9, you choose one, but the GM makes a move too.
- They agree if you give them proof or evidence.
- They agree if you first make a promise to them.
- Use your trait.

When you propose a deal that seems to be fair, roll+Cunning. On a 10+, choose one from the list below. On a 7-9, you choose one, but the GM makes a move too.
- They accept if you fully pay up front.
- They accept if you make the deal beneficial for them.
- Use your trait.

When you try to read a person, roll+Understanding. On a 10+, choose one from the list below. On a 7-9, you choose one, but the GM makes a move too.
- Ask: Are they being honest?
- Ask: What do they intend to do?
- Use your trait.
When you are first acting upon the answer, the GM will add one Advantage to the pool.

When you try to instill due respect in them, roll+Inspiration. On a 10+, choose one from the list below. On a 7-9, you choose one, but the GM makes a move too.
- They will obey if you openly demonstrate your favor.
- They will obey as long as you are around.
- Use your trait.

Secondary Moves (Anzeigen)These moves are tied to specific situations of contact.

When you are tending another PC that requires care, roll +Understanding. On a 10+, choose one from the list below. On a 7-9, you choose one, but the GM makes a move too.
- Their condition improves slowly and remains stable.
- Their condition improves quickly but remains unstable.
- Use your trait.
Either way, they have to mark Influence of your choice.

When travelling from one region to another, identify the key obstacles that make your journey risky.
Time pressure: Choose a Leader to roll+Inspiration.
Hazardous environment: Choose a Scout to roll+Cunning.
Hostile opposition: Choose a Guard to roll+Discipline.
On a 10+, choose one from the list below. On a 7-9, you choose one, but the GM makes a move too.
- You find a shelter that is safe.
- You find a shelter that is inhabited.
- Use your trait.

When you perform a trait’s resting ability during downtime, choose one:
- Gain a Mosaic Tile of this trait's culture.
- Clear one influence of this trait's culture.
- Mark Experience.
Usually you can only perform one resting task per instance of rest. However, you can
perform additional resting tasks by spending Advantage of the appropriate Culture one for one.

When you use your downtime to join another PC in their resting task, they will request you to do one of the following:
- Tell me something personal about you.
- Tell me how you feel about something.
- Take on an additional Challenge that I give you.
If you do so, choose one:
- Clear all Influence of their trait’s culture.
- Temporarily raise Trust by +1 (until the next rest).
- Temporarily highlight this trait’s stat (for a single use).
Participating can be done only once per rest, regardless of your number of resting abilities available.

The Flowers
When you are the first to encounter Flowers of Montezuma, roll +NOTHING. This is just about horror and sheer luck. On a 10+, choose one from the list below. On a 7-9, you choose one, but the GM makes a move too.
- You have not yet attracted their attention.
- You are not massively outnumbered.
- Use your trait (by default there is none).

Der Tod:
Spoiler (Anzeigen)SPANISHDescriptorAbilityRestToledo Steel (Aggression)You are well-equipped.Push - Sunder an object.Maintain your arms.Ironeater (Discipline)You are tough.Hold - Take the hit and counterattack.Repair your armor.Ecstacy of Gold (Cunning)You are wealthy.Bargain - They accept if the deal involves pure gold.Show off your wealth.Command and Obey (Understanding)You are connected.Learn - Ask: Who is really in charge here?Submit to a higher power.Sign of the Lord (Inspiration)You are important.Impress - They will obey if you speak for an authority.Promote rightful authority. 
AFRICANDescriptorActive AbilityResting AbilityGuerilla (Aggression)You are fierce.Intimidate - They will give in if you are a stranger to them.Plan a tactic.Survivor (Discipline)You are strong-willed. Travel (Guard) - You find an opportunity to ambush them.Dwell on a memory.Ghost of the Backwoods (Cunning)You are stealthy.Avoid - Move into their blind spot.Scout the vicinity.Tracker (Understanding)You are cautious.Learn - Ask: What should I be on the lookout for?Secure additional supplies.Resistance (Inspiration)You are charismatic.Call - Incite them to rethink their loyalties.Tell stories or perform music. 
AZTECDescriptorActive AbilityResting AbilityBlood for the Gods (Aggression)You are frightening.Intimidate - They will give in if blood has been spilled.Perform a blood sacrifice.Prophet (Discipline)You are eloquent.Reason - They agree if they have the same faith as you.Perform a ritual with believers.Calmecac Secrets (Cunning)You are enigmatic.Travel (Scout) - You find a forgotten place of old.Conduct secret work in seclusion.Curandero Healer (Understanding)You are wise.Care - Their condition improves greatly, in strange ways.Care for a patient.Vision of Smoke (Inspiration)You are mystical.Impress - They will obey if you give a grave prophecy.Foretell the future. 
JAPANESEDescriptorActive AbilityResting AbilityWeapon Master (Aggression)You are deadly.Push - Target a body part with a precise strike.Train to perfect your skill.Honor-bound (Discipline)You are righteous.Hold - Put yourself in harm’s way to keep someone safe.Stand guard.Sellsword (Cunning)You are notorious.Avoid - Narrowly sidestep an attack.Spread your reputation.Inner Calm (Understanding)You are composed.Empathy - Ask: What do I truly think or feel myself?Practice fine art.Sword Saint (Inspiration)You are imposing.Call - Challenge the main threat to focus on you.Prepare for death. 
FILIPINODescriptorActive AbilityResting AbilityResourceful (Aggression)You are talented.Initiate Interaction - Interaction begins if you offer a gift.Use your skills for someone else.Navigator's Spirit (Discipline)You are driven.Reason - They agree if it is about fulfilling your quest.Describe the beauty of the location.Sailor's Tricks (Cunning)You are shrewd.Bargain - They accept if you make a gamble out of it.Indulge your game.Island Hospitality (Understanding)You are trustworthy.Empathy - Ask: What do you want or expect me to do?Share something.Wandering Star (Inspiration)You are amiable.Travel (Leader) - You meet someone who might help you.Make a new contact. 

Der Tod:
Spoiler (Anzeigen)Just as the Advantage Pool it is created from, Experience is earned and spent as a group. Accumulated Experience can be spent during rest, to buy one or more of the Milestones below.

Experience cost: The cost for buying a milestone begins at 1 XP and is raised by +1 for every milestone already bought by this character.
Upkeep: Whenever you convert Advantage into Experience, the group has to pay Experience equal to the number of your safe locations. Failure  to do so gives the GM the opportunity to turn an equivalent number of those locations unsafe again.
Repayment: If the GM makes an ally requests help from the attached PC, this character has to accept or pay an amount of Mosaic Tiles according to the NPCs culture rank. Not doing so will break the bond and the ally will revert to be a regular NPC.

Change one of your Mosaic Ranks to another culture. Note that the trait connected to this rank does not change. Thus the trait effectively changes its culture, as well.

Rephrase the details of a trait (GM’s discretion) or pick a new trait from the ones provided by the GM.

Shift one of your highlights from one stat to another.

Gain proficiency with a new item of your choice.

Find a Reliable Ally
You have established a bond of trust with someone, that you now can count on.
Write down the name of a NPC who is willing to be your ally.
Favors: You can initiate Interaction with your ally without having to roll. Also you can use the Participate move when resting with your ally, as if they were performing a resting ability.

Create a Safe Location
You have cleared a place from danger, giving you a place to rest undisturbed.
Mark the safe location on the map. A location can be anything, but has to be significantly smaller than a region - a village, a building, a room etc.
Sanctuary: When you rest at this Location, you can always perform an additional resting ability, as you don’t have to care about water, food or security. Relevant improvements might even allow you a second additional resting ability.

Leave a Mark
You have made a change that might have a large impact.
Write down the mark your actions have left on the world. A mark can be anything that goes beyond allies and locations: a tradition, an object, an idea, etc. When you write down the mark, choose one culture that is represented by it.
Tapping: Once per session, when interacting with the mark, it provides one point of Advantage of the chosen culture. Alternatively, it changes one point of already acquired Advantage into the chosen culture.

With your quest fulfilled, you have decided to settle down and leave adventuring to others.
Depending on your way of retiring, your legacy will be a different milestone:
- When you leave Mexico or otherwise vanish, you will Leave a Mark.
- If you go to a Safe Location you will become a NPC and live there. This NPC will either be a Reliable Ally, or this location will require no more Upkeep.
The experience cost to retire stays at 1, but can only be done after completing a Quest.

Der Tod:
Spoiler (Anzeigen)
Fighter Aggression & Discipline
Spoiler (Anzeigen)You have a favorite weapon, which you wield with devastating effect. When you first inflict harm in battle with your favorite weapon, choose one from the list below. Choose two if you don't care about collateral damage.
- You inflict even more harm.   
- You shake the enemy's morale.
- Name someone you want to be harmed in this battle. The GM will give you an opportunity.
Rogue Aggression & Cunning
Spoiler (Anzeigen)You always have a weapon ready and cannot be surprised by an attack. When you strike against an unsuspecting enemy, choose one from the list below. Choose two if your strike does not intend to inflict harm.
- You move to a better position afterwards.
- They are pinned until you let go.
- Take one of their advantages away.
Commander Discipline & Inspiration
Spoiler (Anzeigen)You can muster dutiful followers to fight for you (5 common or 1 competent follower per Mosaic Rank in their culture). When a situation turns violent, choose one from the list below. Choose two if you are supported by followers.
- Define an objective for this fight. When you reach it, gain Advantage.
- When someone Presses an Advantage, you can take the Influence.
- Name someone you don’t want to be harmed in this battle. The GM will give you a safe spot.
Seeker Cunning & Understanding
Spoiler (Anzeigen)You can always ask: “What is my best way in or out?” When you take that way choose one from the list below. Choose two if only you will be able to use this way and the others cannot follow you there.
- The way turns out to be safe.
- The way turns out to be fast.
- The way turns out to lead exactly where you want to.
Sage Understanding & Inspiration
Spoiler (Anzeigen)You can always ask: “What here is not what it appears to be?”. When you encounter an important location, person or item for the first time, choose one from the list below. Choose two if you explain where you already heard or read about it.
- Ask the GM for something useful about it.
- Ask the GM what you don't know about it. Working on it becomes a resting task of any culture for you.
- Give your opinion about it. If they take your advice, the GM adds Advantage.
Loner Aggression & Understanding
Spoiler (Anzeigen)You can always ask: “What here is useful to achieve my agenda?”. When you first trigger a move acting upon the answer, choose one from the list below. Choose two if you also temporarily lower Trust by -1 (until the next rest).
- Choose one from the Move’s list, even on a miss (6-).
- Ignore influence when pressing Advantage for it.
- Mark Experience.
Magician Aggression & Inspiration
Spoiler (Anzeigen)You know how to do folk magic of some kind. When you open up yourself for interaction with supernatural forces, choose one from the list below. Choose two if you conduct a ritual specifically catered to a certain entity.
- They might subtly work their power. The GM gives you an opportunity to Bargain or Reason with them.
- They show you impossible vistas. The GM gives you an opportunity to Learn or Empathy through it.
- You are not subject to terrifying side-effects, willful tricks or loss of control.
Creator Discipline & Cunning
Spoiler (Anzeigen)When you enter a settlement, tell the GM what Milestone you want to create here. If you don’t want to spend Experience, choose one from the list below. Choose two if you want to spend half of the usual Experience.
- It will not take a long time.
- It will not cost a lot of ressources.
- It will not get you into trouble with a local power group.
Caregiver Discipline & Understanding
Spoiler (Anzeigen)When you rest together with a person, you can always ask them: “What are you really feeling right now?“ Then choose one from the following list. Choose two if either of you uses Participate or Care on the other during this.
- This place is treated as a Safe Location for both of you.
- Buying milestones cost 1 Experience less for both of you.
- Swap out any Mosaic Tile any of you own for one of a shared culture.
Lover Cunning & Inspiration
Spoiler (Anzeigen)Name someone who is attracted to you (describe why, GM can veto). When you invoke passion or love in them, choose one from the list below. Choose two if you do this during a private moment of intimacy.
- You captivate them and command their full attention. If you name more than one person, the GM will name someone who resists.
- They will do, give you or tell you some small but valuable something.
- This will not lead to your entanglement in romantic misadventures or drama.


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