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Kriegsgeschrei und Schlachtenrufe
« Antwort #75 am: 08.09.2012, 01:18:13 »
Goblin? Wieso die Sprache? Lippen lesen,Drow Zeichensprache oder Kundschafter Zeichensprache fände ich cooler  :cool:

Dann nehme ich Lippen lesen.


18 Stufen x 2 inherent bonus = 36 Ränge

Diplomacy 8 zusätzliche Ränge, Perception 10 Ränge, Sense Motive 10 Ränge, UMD 8 zusätzliche Ränge= 36 Ränge
« Letzte Änderung: 08.09.2012, 01:49:55 von Bahram »


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« Antwort #76 am: 08.09.2012, 23:04:14 »
@ Erseon

Ich würde dir noch Improved Ini empfehlen und Extra Revelation, falls du noch eine Revelation brauchst. Schade, dass Combat Healer auf der Stufe nicht mehr so gut ist. Auf niedrigen Stufen habe ich es immer genommen, sobald ich eben konnte als Battle Oracle. Aber zwei 8. Grad Spell Slots für Cure Critical Wounds, Mass sind doch etwas viel, wenn man keine Bonus Spell Slots durch Cha 34 bekommt, sondern durch ein niedrigeres Charisma. Ansonsten kannst du z.B. mit Cure Critical Wounds doppelt heilen mit drei Spell Slots, aber auf der Stufe ist Heal wohl effektiver. Natürlich könnte man auch Heal mit der Swift Action kombinieren, aber Cure Critical Wounds heilt nur einen Bruchteil der hohen TP bei den Helden. Wenn du aber wirklich gar kein anderes Feat weißt, dass du noch nehmen könntest, kannst du ja mal Extra Revelation (Combat Healer) nehmen.
« Letzte Änderung: 08.09.2012, 23:13:41 von Bahram »


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« Antwort #77 am: 09.10.2012, 12:52:46 »
Hier mal in Sachen Magie die genauen Umstände:

Strongly Chaos-Aligned and Evil-Aligned: Nonevil or
nonchaotic creatures take a -2 circumstance penalty on
all Intelligence-, Wisdom-, and Charisma-based checks
in the Inner Ring of the Veil of the Frozen Tears.
This penalty stacks with itself for
creatures that fall into both categories , resulting in a -4
penalty for creatures with alignments that are neither
chaotic nor evil.

Enhanced Magic: Spells and spell-like abilities with
the cold, chaotic or evil descriptor are treated as if their caster
levels were 2 higher than normal. Additionally, because
of millennia of influence by Kostchtchie, the save DC s of spells and spell-like
abilities of the necromantie and ice subschools increase
by 2, regardles s of who casts them.
This increase stacks with other methods ofincreasing a spell's save DC (such as
the Spell Focus feat).

Extraplanar Natives: The Inner Ring of the Veil of the Frozen Tears is home to many
extraplanar outsiders, including the fiendish gnarled frost giant and abyss gigas who rule
over the Inner Ring.
Such creatures receive a +4 bonus on saving throws made to resist being banished back to
the Abyss , as their affinity for the Abyssal Ice of the
Inner Ring binds them strongly to the Half-Plane.

Impeded Magic: To cast a spell or use a spell-like ability
with the fire, good or lawful descriptor, a caster must make a
concentration check (DC 15 +the level of the spell).
If the check fails, the spell does not function but is still lost as a
prepared spell or spell slot. If the check is successful, the
spell functions normally.
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Kriegsgeschrei und Schlachtenrufe
« Antwort #78 am: 10.10.2012, 15:58:53 »
@ Erseon

Falls du noch mal auf so hohen Stufen einen göttlichen Zauberwirker spielst, dann vergiss nicht ein paar Cure Wounds Wand einzukaufen. Zwischen den Kämpfen kann man damit sehr gut heilen und du brauchst keine Spell Slots verschwenden. Unser zwergischer Torag-Kleriker wird, glaube ich, nicht mehr mitspielen bzw. meine Hoffnung dahingehend schwindet eher.

Ich hoffe du nimmst mir diese Bemerkung nicht übel und die Formulierung meines Tipps war okay. Ich mag dich eigentlich schon und will damit nicht versehentlich einen Streit provozieren. Göttliche Zauberwirker sind halt meine Spezialität und ich habe da zu manchen Sachen oftmals eine bestimmte Meinung. Aber keine Angst, dass war mein erster, aber gleichzeitig auch letzter Kommentar zu deiner Charaktererschaffung. Hier im Gate muss man ja mit so etwas vorsichtig sein, habe ich in der Vergangenheit gelernt. 

Falls du doch eine Cure Wounds Wand hast und ich mich einfach nur verguckt habe, dann kriegst du ein dickes sorry von mir gesagt.


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« Antwort #79 am: 10.10.2012, 19:49:16 »
Nun ist es für diesen Ratschlag leider zu spät - der Heldenthread ist schon länger zu
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« Antwort #80 am: 10.10.2012, 20:40:59 »
Tja, ich hatte Heilen nicht als Kernaufgabe für Erseon gesehen, da der Zwerg ja auch noch da war. Das wird jetzt alles ziemlich schwierig fürchte ich.


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« Antwort #81 am: 10.10.2012, 20:42:24 »
Deswegen sollte man sich nie so 100% auf Mitspieler verlassen

Kleriker sind auch mein Spezialgebiet und ich spiele sie gerne als Buffer und Frontsau, jedoch immer mit genügend Mittel selbst den Heiler zu machen
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Kriegsgeschrei und Schlachtenrufe
« Antwort #82 am: 10.10.2012, 20:52:07 »
Tja, Pech ist Pech.

Ansonsten für diesen Kampf:

Ich sehe für Erseon und Aureliaz nicht viele Alternativen zu "ran und draufhauen", wenn es gut läuft kommt Aureliaz mit nem Krit durch und das Vieh wird deutlich ungefährlicher.


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Kriegsgeschrei und Schlachtenrufe
« Antwort #83 am: 10.10.2012, 20:52:51 »
Wir werden es sehen
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Kriegsgeschrei und Schlachtenrufe
« Antwort #84 am: 10.10.2012, 21:05:04 »
Male Human (Kellid) Oracle 17
CG Medium Humanoid (Human)
Init +2; Senses Perception +3
AC 26, touch 15, flat-footed 24. . (+8 armor, +3 shield, +2 Dex, +3 deflection)
hp 139 (17d8+51)
Fort +11, Ref +10, Will +16
Immune fire; Resist Tongues (Ignan, Celestial)
Spd 30 ft.
Melee Light Shield Bash +11/+6/+1 (1d3+3/20/x2) and
. . Fel Thorn +18/+13/+8 (1d6+6/20/x2) and
. . Iron Sparrow +18/+13/+8 (1d4+6/19-20/x2) and
. . Spirit Striker +18/+13/+8 (1d8+6/20/x2) and
. . Unarmed Strike +15/+10/+5 (1d3+3/20/x2)
Special Attacks Burning Magic (1/spell level, 1d4 rounds), Fire Breath (15' cone, 17d4) (4/day) (DC 25), Firestorm (17d6, 7 rounds) (1/day) (DC 25)
Oracle Spells Known (CL 17, +15 melee touch, +14 ranged touch):
8 (4/day) Incendiary Cloud (DC 27), Cure Critical Wounds, Mass (DC 25), Summon Monster VIII, Fire Storm (DC 27)
7 (7/day) Fire Storm (DC 26), Cure Serious Wounds, Mass (DC 24), Flame Strike, Empow (DC 24), Destruction (DC 24), Resurrection, Scrying, Greater (DC 24)
6 (7/day) Fire Seeds, Cure Moderate Wounds, Mass (DC 23), Heal (DC 23), Banishment (DC 23), Harm (DC 23)
5 (7/day) Slay Living (DC 22), Breath of Life (DC 22), Cure Light Wounds, Mass (DC 22), Flame Strike (DC 24), Summon Monster V, Plane Shift (DC 22)
4 (7/day) Restoration (DC 21), Cure Critical Wounds (DC 21), Divination (DC 21), Wall of Fire, Neutralize Poison (DC 21), Shield of the Dawnflower (DC 23)
3 (8/day) Cure Serious Wounds (DC 20), Remove Disease (DC 20), Fireball (DC 22), Bestow Curse (DC 20), Continual Flame, Remove Curse (DC 20)
2 (8/day) Restoration, Lesser (DC 19), Resist Energy (DC 19), Delay Poison (DC 19), Cure Moderate Wounds (DC 19), Eagle's Splendor (DC 19), Spiritual Weapon, Zone of Truth (DC 19)
1 (8/day) Cure Light Wounds (DC 18), Burning Hands (DC 20), Bless Water (DC 18), Shield of Faith (DC 18), Deathwatch, Bless, Doom (DC 18)
0 (at will) Light, Read Magic (DC 17), Detect Magic, Create Water, Detect Poison, Mending, Purify Food and Drink (DC 17), Spark (DC 17), Stabilize
Str 14/16, Dex 12/14, Con 14/16, Int 13, Wis 13/17, Cha 21/25
Base Atk +12; CMB +15; CMD 30
Feats Combat Casting, Elemental Focus: Fire, Empower Spell, Eschew Materials, Extra Revelation, Free Spirit, Greater Elemental Focus: Fire, Rugged Northerner, Spell Penetration
Traits Highlander (hills or mountains), Poverty-Stricken
Skills Acrobatics +12, Climb +13, Diplomacy +20, Escape Artist -1, Fly +0, Heal +8, Knowledge (Planes) +20, Knowledge (Religion) +20, Linguistics +2, Perform (Dance) +19, Perform (Oratory) +14, Ride +0, Sense Motive +8, Spellcraft +20, Stealth +13, Survival +17, Swim +1 Modifiers Highlander (hills or mountains)
Languages Celestial, Common, Draconic, Giant, Hallit, Ignan; Tongues (speak and understand)
SQ Form of Flame IV (Huge, 17 hour(s)) (1/day) (Su), Ring of Regeneration, Rod of Flame Extinguishing
Combat Gear Enchanted Yeti Hide (+4 Hide with Improved Cold Resistance 20 points) , Fel Thorn (+3 Bane to Demons Javelin), Iron Sparrow (+3 Returning Ironwood Dagger), Spirit Striker(+3 Adamantine Morningstar with Ghost Touch), Sun Wall (+2 Light Steel Mithral Shield-Blinding); Other Gear 5000 gp worth material components, Bag of Holding IV (3 @ 1702.62 lbs), Bedroll, Belt of Physical Perfection, +2, Boots of Striding and Springing, Cloak of Resistance, +3, Diamond (Res worthy), Figurine, Ebony Fly, Headband of Mental Prowess, WIS & CHA +4, Mammoth Ivory Neckwear, Potion of Invisibility, Ring of Protection, +3, Ring of Regeneration, Rod of Flame Extinguishing, Rope, silk (50 ft.), Wand of Cure Serious Wounds
Burning Magic (1/spell level, 1d4 rounds) (Su) Whenever a creature fails a saving throw and takes fire damage from one of your spells, it catches on fire. This fire deals 1 point of fire damage per spell level at the beginning of the burning creature’s turn. The fire lasts for 1d4 rounds, but it can be extinguished as a move action if
the creature succeeds at a Ref lex save (using the spell’s DC). Dousing the creature with water as a standard action grants a +2 bonus on this save, while immersing the creature in water automatically extinguishes the fire. Spells that do not grant a save do not cause a creature to catch on fire.
Combat Casting +4 to Concentration checks to cast while on the defensive.
Elemental Focus: Fire +1 DC to spells that deal damage of the chosen energy.
Empower Spell Numeric effects of a spell are increased 50%. +2 Levels.
Eschew Materials Cast spells without materials, if component cost is 1 gp or less.
Fire Breath (15' cone, 17d4) (4/day) (DC 25) (Su) 15' cone of flame deals 17d4 fire damage, Ref Half.
Firestorm (17d6, 7 rounds) (1/day) (DC 25) (Su) Create 17 10' cubes of fire, dealing 17d6 Fire damage, Ref. Half, for 7 rounds.
Form of Flame IV (Huge, 17 hour(s)) (1/day) (Su) Assume the form of a Huge fire elemental (Elemental Body IV, for up to 17 hours.
Free Spirit +2 bonus on saves vs. mind-affecting and on escape attempts
Greater Elemental Focus: Fire +1 DC to spells that deal damage of the chosen energy.
Highlander (hills or mountains) +1 to Stealth checks, Stealth is always a class skill for you. Double this in hilly or rocky areas.
Immunity to Fire You are immune to fire damage.
Ring of Regeneration This white gold ring is generally set with a large green sapphire. When worn, the ring continually allows a living wearer to heal 1 point of damage per round and an equal amount of nonlethal damage. In addition, he is immune to bleed damage while wearing a ring of regeneration. If the wearer loses a limb, an organ, or any other body part while wearing this ring, the ring regenerates it as the spell. In either case, only damage taken while wearing the ring is regenerated.
Requirements Forge Ring, regenerate; Cost 45,000 gp
Rod of Flame Extinguishing This rod can extinguish Medium or smaller nonmagical fires with simply a touch (a standard action).

For the rod to be effective against other sorts of fires, the wielder must expend 1 or more of the rod's charges.

Extinguishing a Large or larger nonmagical fire, or a magic fire of Medium or smaller (such as that of a flaming weapon or a burning hands spell), expends 1 charge. Continual magic flames, such as those of a weapon or a fire creature, are suppressed for 6 rounds and flare up again after that time. To extinguish an instantaneous fire spell, the rod must be within the area of the effect and the wielder must have used a ready action, effectively countering the entire spell.

When applied to Large or larger magic fires, such as those caused by fireball, flame strike, or wall of fire, extinguishing the flames expends 2 charges from the rod.

If the device is used upon a fire creature (a melee touch attack), it deals 6d6 points of damage to the creature. This use requires 3 charges.

A rod of flame extinguishing has 10 charges when found. Spent charges are renewed every day, so that a wielder can expend up to 10 charges in any 24-hour period.
Strong transmutation; CL 12th; Craft Rod, pyrotechnics; Price 15,000 gp.
Rugged Northerner Frostbite, hypothermia, and extreme cold effects lessened
Spell Penetration +2 to caster levels checks to overcome spell resistance.
Tongues (speak and understand) (Ex) Speak and understand any language.
Tongues: Ignan, Celestial You can only understand and speak two languages in combat.

The Kellid of the Mammoth Lords are a primitive savage people, still worshiping not just gods but the spirits of ancestors, and spirits of wind, water, stone and ... of course, fire.

Krokod was claimed by the fire at a young age. He had stared at it too long, and when one of his elders asked him if he was well... Krokod did not understand him. When the youth spoke, none understood him either.

Eventually his tongue returned to him, but his elders were mightily afraid. Unsure if the boy was blessed or punished by the fire, they drove him away on the darkest moon and told him not to return until the moon spun round to full then empty yet again. If he survived the freezing mountains alone for that long; he could return.

At first, Krokod was sure he might die, but he managed to start the smallest of fires and it warmed not just his body, but his soul. He slept by the fire. It should have gone out, but it did not. When he awoke, he felt the power of the fire within his very soul.

His newly found oracle powers had turned out to be most useful to him. Krokod would return to his clan and be welcome as blessed. They called him Firetongue.

But he would not remain long. A few years later, a group of troublemakers who sought danger and then seemed to complain when they found it (They called themselves "Adventurers") had lost a member guarding a caravan traveling south. When they discovered the flames allowed him to heal. They invited him along. Perhaps, they hinted, Krokod would learn more of what it meant to be an 'Oracle'.

He accepted. He learned much. Not all civilized people were soft, and some who were soft could yet be cruel. Krokod faced monsters his people would not likely believe if they were told about and saw wonders he did not believe himself.

He resisted for a time, but finally learned to read and write. And with knowledge, he gained sorrow, for he learned that gods he had never heard of might be as much behind the gaining of his gifts as the fire spirts themselves. One of them, Asmodeous, had poisoned wisdom. Drink too much of it, and your soul could die inside of you. The other was more to his liking, or grew to be, but she was fierce and demanding like a lover who expected greater and greater things of those men around her. At times he felt the civilized gods were threatening to tear him asunder and him with no say. He felt most at home with the firespirits of his ancestors.

The power does not seem to be something he can escape, however. Now, mightier than he ever expected to be, he finds himself in the lands of ice witches with his fellow companions. No doubt, they mean to cause trouble and will complain when they find it.

It is the way of things.
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Kriegsgeschrei und Schlachtenrufe
« Antwort #85 am: 10.10.2012, 21:05:38 »
Auch Paizo denkt an Heilstäbe :P
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Kriegsgeschrei und Schlachtenrufe
« Antwort #86 am: 11.10.2012, 00:11:58 »
@ all

Ich werde mir mal die größten Stärken des Lindwurms heraussuchen und sie euch über Telepathie mitteilen. Ich schaue auch mal nach ein paar Schwächen.

Notiz an mich selbst: Quicken Spell muss mehr vorbereitet werden auf High Level. Kein Quicken Spell vorbereitet ist schlecht.


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Kriegsgeschrei und Schlachtenrufe
« Antwort #87 am: 11.10.2012, 00:12:44 »
Too late... :twisted:

Meine NSC haben daran gedacht :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
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Kriegsgeschrei und Schlachtenrufe
« Antwort #88 am: 11.10.2012, 00:20:26 »
Die einzig wirkliche Schwäche ist eigentlich nur sein niedriger Angriffswurf. Aber solch ein Hinweis ist Ingame schwer zu beschreiben und klingt meistens doof. Deswegen lasse ich es. Außerdem müsste Bahram dafür die RKs der anderen kennen ;) . Aber die kennt er Ingame natürlich nicht...
« Letzte Änderung: 11.10.2012, 00:21:02 von Bahram »


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« Antwort #89 am: 11.10.2012, 00:21:33 »

"Seine natürlichen Waffen sind weniger gefährlich als seine restlichen Fähigkeiten" :wink:
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