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Autor Thema: Conversation (narzen/nata'al)  (Gelesen 50142 mal)


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Conversation (narzen/nata'al)
« am: 14.11.2003, 01:42:58 »
eMail 23:34 May.14 - Conversation (Narzen/Nata'al)
"I have seen you before, have I not, Malla Nata'al?" Narzen mutters in a low voice, then turns his head slightly to see if Nata'al shows any sign of recognition (being smaller than the woman, he also has to look up a bit, yet Narzen seems to care more about meeting eye-to-eye than the slightly awkward position). "Though I fail to remember where, and under what circumstances that was", he continues with a sly smile.

eMail 12:31 May.15 - Re: Conversation (Narzen/Nata\'al)
"Two years ago," the female replies, after raisning one eyebrow. "I wondered how long it would take till ye finally get yer brain to work!" She adds with a faint smile. "Good tae see yer scalp again Nar'zen anyways. That," she stops collecting stuff from the table and looks straight into the males face, "was the mission down in Karsoluthiyl, where we slew the kuo-toan whip sort of thing, didn't we? T'was great fun if I remember it correctly?!" The Drow takes her time to look up and down on Narzen, just as if she tries to weigh up his abilities now. "How have ye been faring then?"

Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think, then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.
eMail 13:35 May.15 - Re: Conversation (Narzen/Nata\'al)
"I live", Narzen says coldly, but quickly changes his tone. "And considering some of the nearby residents, such a statement is far from obvious, even if I'm standing here." he continues with a mischievous grin.

"As you might expect from seeing me here, the coins in my purse are not yet too heavy to refuse an offer to go against unknown odds." he says. "The rivven see such mentality as a sign of youthful enthusiasism... Then again, even the eldest of their race are dead by this age, so I have to wonder if it is in fact my mind that is too light." Narzen chuckles, watching the blade of the dagger he's holding in his hand.

The man then pauses for a while, and turns to Nata'al again. "Two years... and I was already forgetting your face, m'lady. I should be thankful to our generous hostess for this opportunity to avoid such a fatal mistake." Narzen raises an eyebrow in his customary manner and gives an exaggaratingly slow nod.

eMail 15:54 May.18 - Re: Conversation (Narzen/Nata\'al)
"Yer tongue is as smooth as ever, Narzen!" She pauses for a moment, "And it is good to hear it again. Wouldn't want to walk around Har'oloth with too many, if not to say, only strangers."

Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think, then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.


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Conversation (narzen/nata'al)
« Antwort #1 am: 26.01.2004, 00:11:01 »

After her time of the watch is up the drow moves over to Narzen and pushes him gently with the tip of her boot. Once he opens his eyes, she signals: "Come on, time for your wary eyes to pierce the darkness of that tunnel!"
Gæð a Wyrd swa hio scel!



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Conversation (narzen/nata'al)
« Antwort #2 am: 26.01.2004, 12:48:49 »
 Narzen has a dagger in hand even before his eyes open. Just as quickly, though, he recognizes the woman and extends his other hand, his palm facing Nata'al apologetically as he puts away the dagger.

Forgive me, Malla Jabbress, the last woman to touch me as gently as that ended picking up her entrails from the floor, the man signs a reply, but the joke is lost to the sour expression mixed with confusion on his face. Letting his thoughts wander briefly, he continues aloud, if only barely audible, "She was half human, half something else - grey elf by the looks of her. Beautiful as they come, admittably. Such a waste it was to slaughter her."

Suddenly snapping back to the present situation, the man realizes he was thinking aloud. But, my associating with half-breeds of lesser races is likely not what you wished to learn of the times since our last meeting, Narzen quickly signs with a slight bow, then picks up his rapier and heads to the tunnel entrance to keep watch.


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Conversation (narzen/nata'al)
« Antwort #3 am: 26.01.2004, 14:55:57 »
 Instinctivly, the female puts her leg out of the dagger's reach. A smile parts her lips ever so slightly. As alert as ever! she whispers. The smile does not dissappear while she listens to Narzen's revelations about that "half-something". She follows him to the guard post and adds: Do you know what she was up to? I mean, I'll take a pole-arm next time I try to wake you if you tell me that she was your "cohort" or "comrade" at the time.
With a wry smile at her face she settles down next to him.
Gæð a Wyrd swa hio scel!



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Conversation (narzen/nata'al)
« Antwort #4 am: 26.01.2004, 18:30:30 »
 It was in Skullport, she was a simple pickpocket. From what I have learned of the surface-dwellers of the city above, she was a spoiled child looking for excitement in a place far beyond her ability. Pausing for a while, Narzen raises an eyebrow in an exaggarated motion, Are you indeed curious to know of this?

Well, he contines without waiting for an answer, I was relaxing in one of the establishments there, she too was there, yet I paid no special attention to her. By coincidence, I believe, she left at the same time, and a drunken old dwarf left then as well.

The tu’rilthiir tried to cut the purse of the dwarf, but he was not yet drunk enough to miss that. The old fool saw me standing nearby and thought I was in league with the girl. He attacked me first. After that, the girl in turn mistook me for one of those of the Promenade, and she was more than obvious in how she wanted to thank me for saving her life.

Narzen sighs. She got greedy when she believed I was asleep - little did she know of drow slumber. The man draws his dagger, turning the blade around as if watching the reflection that doesn't even exist in the surrounding darkness. And I killed her.


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Conversation (narzen/nata'al)
« Antwort #5 am: 31.01.2004, 12:06:49 »
 No great loss then, the drow motions. She leans back against the smooth and cold stone, keeping her eyes on both Narzen and the dark tunnel opening. I avoided Skullport - or any other large settlement - since last we met. Too many people out tae get my scalp just for the fun of it. Absently, her fingers stroke a lock of her flowing white hair. So I settled scouting the outskirts of Undermountain for some long lost temple ... to no avail though. Nata'al lips curve to a wry smile again, But since I got paid, it didn't matter really ...
Gæð a Wyrd swa hio scel!



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Conversation (narzen/nata'al)
« Antwort #6 am: 29.04.2004, 20:58:51 »
 * * *

Narzen waits for Nata'al to join him a few yards away from the rest of the group and turns his cloaked back to the rescued woman so she can't see his sign language conversation with Nata'al.

What do you think? While it is obvious that woman is not as forthcoming as she tries to make herself appear to be, I am certain that she is telling the truth about the orc attack at least. Now the real question is what are we to do with her next.


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Conversation (narzen/nata'al)
« Antwort #7 am: 30.04.2004, 10:33:46 »
 The female looks over Narzen's shoulder towards the drow and curls her lips a wee bit.
I think D'xauv'rinn is doing his best to endear him to her straight away. Perhaps we should let him keep watch over her for a while, but I would definitely say that she comes back with us. Another sword will be fine in Har'oloth and I assume Naedrylaen will pay nicely if we bring a survivor along. We should make 'sure' about her history, intentions and allegiances though," she signals and points to a small platinum disc enmeshed in her armor, depicting a sword, a mace and a spider behind them.
Gæð a Wyrd swa hio scel!



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Conversation (narzen/nata'al)
« Antwort #8 am: 30.04.2004, 22:42:51 »
 Narzen raises an eyebrow, smiling.

I should suspect you have just read my thoughts, malla abbil, for that is about what I had in mind as well. And, I assume her presence will also keep Dx'zau'vrinn too busy to question my choices for a while.


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Conversation (narzen/nata'al)
« Antwort #9 am: 02.05.2004, 10:36:50 »
 Nata'al eyes the mentioned drow for a moment. "I think he assumes that he's one of the natural leader - sort, though as far as I am concerned, he's more of the soon-make-one-mistake too-many category. But that's up to him. As long as he doesn't endanger mys... us, I am happy to have him around."
She points towards one of the fallen drow. "This guy was a Selvetargtlin, a Spidersword. Must be hailing from the order in Eryndlyn and I need to give him a decent burial. Dunno about the rest of the dead as yet.  Maybe you can go on and take care of our new "friend"?
Gæð a Wyrd swa hio scel!



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Conversation (narzen/nata'al)
« Antwort #10 am: 05.04.2005, 10:17:53 »
 +++ Major Cut and a change of scene: Blindle's Blade, Skullport +++

After a shopping trip, Nata'al gets back to the inn and settle's down in a half-cosy chair near the large pit-fire in the middle of the room. A halfling cook is preparing some sort of animal there.

Only a few guests are there right now, one female drow with a shaven head sits in the corner of the room, a few empty bottles in front of her, looking half-drunk.

Nata'al looks around and waits for Narzen to appear ...
Gæð a Wyrd swa hio scel!



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Conversation (narzen/nata'al)
« Antwort #11 am: 05.04.2005, 11:40:37 »
 After a while Narzen walks in. He's wearing common clothes instead of his usual battle attire, save for a pair of daggers sheathed prominently on his sides - a reminder for muggers and pickpockets to keep their distance.

Taking a glance at the common room upon entering, he notices Nata'al and greets her with a slight nod.


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Conversation (narzen/nata'al)
« Antwort #12 am: 05.04.2005, 12:48:44 »
 The female notices the newcomer and a wave of her hand invites him to join her. She's still wearing her blackened chain shirt, this and a small silver amulett dangling over her breast obviously a mark of respect to her martial deity. The amulett shows the image of a jet-black spider in front of a crossed mace and sword. With a whisper towards the halfling she orders another glass ...
Gæð a Wyrd swa hio scel!



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Conversation (narzen/nata'al)
« Antwort #13 am: 05.04.2005, 21:10:11 »
 Narzen nods again in response and sits opposite to the female.

"Need someone to test what poison they are serving here today?" he asks, smiling.


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Conversation (narzen/nata'al)
« Antwort #14 am: 05.04.2005, 22:22:04 »
 Laughing mildly, Nata'al, shakes her head.
"Well, these halflings are a decent folk and as take it, they rather take the gold from us now and hope for many future visits than to kill us for a quick coin and risk a bad standing with, say House Tanor'Thal." (She slightly nods vaguely towards the named House's residence in Skullport.)

"I take yer businesses were successful? Haven't seen much of Vezellek today, she might be off. Zai'Dizzen is up in his quarters with a ... well, lady of easy leasure, methinks."
Gæð a Wyrd swa hio scel!


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