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Autor Thema: Ust Unboi'en Wund L'olath  (Gelesen 107607 mal)


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Ust Unboi'en Wund L'olath
« Antwort #60 am: 09.02.2004, 05:12:46 »
 I couldn't recognize the race of the creature from this far away, but if someone in the part is able to cast a spell to get a closer look at the creature, I suggest they do so. I would not mind investigating the tower further, for I am sure that there are many forgotten treasures that lay within, but I would prefer some sort of spell cover or enhancing spells cast on myself and S'zor.


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Ust Unboi'en Wund L'olath
« Antwort #61 am: 09.02.2004, 20:38:04 »
 Nata'al's fingers begin motioning a few words: You did not seem to notice anyone who attempted to conquer that place before us, did you?  (SL: No, you didn't.) Thus, I assume that either something is in the water who takes care of anything too curious, or whatever lurks in that tower drags their victims back inside its crumbled walls ... or no-one has been foolish enough to take a look inside of it for some time. She looks into the round ... Anyone able to sneak-peek into that ruin from afar?
Gæð a Wyrd swa hio scel!



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Ust Unboi'en Wund L'olath
« Antwort #62 am: 10.02.2004, 18:21:43 »
 Waits patiently for a party member to respond. I'm still making the trek to that tower, it's just too bad that the rest of you are too weak to take what you want. I do prefer as much magically enhanced protection as possible though.


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Ust Unboi'en Wund L'olath
« Antwort #63 am: 10.02.2004, 21:02:51 »
 Narzen smiles coldly at Dx'zau'vrinn's remark.

Do keep all you should find in the ruins, abbil, even if that which you want to take is more than you can take.

I care only about knowing who dwells there, and if whatever there is may endanger our mission.


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Ust Unboi'en Wund L'olath
« Antwort #64 am: 10.02.2004, 21:24:16 »
 Zhadristan looks warily over to the island. My offfensive magic is not that powerful at the moment, so the only support I could give is with these. The drow raises his weapons. My too. Echoes Zai'Dizzen the words of the other male. Though I am too interested in those ruins ... after we can discern what does actually lurk there. I am not willing to go head to head with a lich or the like.
Nata'al gives the males a wry smile, but doesn't comment on those suggestions and opinions.
Gæð a Wyrd swa hio scel!



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Ust Unboi'en Wund L'olath
« Antwort #65 am: 11.02.2004, 07:11:17 »
 Well then lets begin to discern. If no one has any magic sight that can penetrate the walls of that ruined tower, then I shall brave it I suppose. Take care of S'zor. And with that said, Dx'zau'vrinn slowly treads through the clear waters as silently as possible. Tranversing just under the waters surface so as not to be seen. Hoping he'll reach the tower without incident, but also tensing his muscles in case he must quickly draw his blade. He also keeps his ears peeled for anything that moves in the water besides himself and his eyes equally as sharp.


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Ust Unboi'en Wund L'olath
« Antwort #66 am: 11.02.2004, 14:37:54 »
 The scout makes his way towards the island and only occasionally does some part of his body break the surface of the water and makes a splashy noise. As he nears the shore, he does indeed spot a few pieces of rusted metal in the water and a few bones of some humanoid looking creatures on the ground. ... (meanwhile) As the scout approaches the shore, Zai'Dizzen notices some movement amongst the tower's ruins. While the cloaked figure does not move, something almost transluscent moves in and out of the shadows for a short moment. The scout cannot see this far vrom under the water, but Zai motions to the others and tells them of his discovery ...
Gæð a Wyrd swa hio scel!



  • Beiträge: 249
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Ust Unboi'en Wund L'olath
« Antwort #67 am: 11.02.2004, 17:40:38 »
 Narzen shakes his head slowly upon learning of the new creature.

If the scout is attacked, it will take us for a while to get there at any rate, he signs, weighing the situation, and I do not see reason in wasting our resources in combat if we can avoid it.

So prepare to aid the scout in battle or help him retreat as needed, but wait and see what happens before doing anything. We shall soon find out if Dx'zau'vrinn has been stealthy enough.


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Ust Unboi'en Wund L'olath
« Antwort #68 am: 11.02.2004, 18:57:14 »
 Taking only a moments notice of the bones, Dx'zau'vrinn slowly and quietly rises from water. He takes a few moments to search the shore for anything of interest, then slowly crawls to the base of the tower, trying to remain out of the sight of any of the tower's inhabitants.

He then carefully searches the base of the tower for an entrance and any traps.


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Ust Unboi'en Wund L'olath
« Antwort #69 am: 13.02.2004, 15:26:36 »
 The scout only finds a handful of gold coins (13) among the bones and rusty armor. as he moves around the tower he too spots the commotion in the ruins and soon after he is confronted with a ghostly being, as it simply moves through the towers' walls. Unnatural cold emanates from the being, who looks very much like a humanoid from waist upwards, though it's legs and all are only swirls of mist. One of the things arms appears to be mangled, probably one of the causes of the creatures' death.
"What is it that ails you? Something very nasty must drive you on that you dare to disturb my rest and the sanctuary of my tower ... drow?!"
(This happens behind the tower, so the rest of the group cannot see it ...)
Gæð a Wyrd swa hio scel!



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Ust Unboi'en Wund L'olath
« Antwort #70 am: 13.02.2004, 20:51:19 »
 "I humbly apologize for disturbing your rest, but I've traveled a very long way to seek you. I've traveled among circles that've whispered of this tower and the plight of the being who dwells here. If I may, I wish to aid you in any way I can, to deliver you from this fleshless curse that has stricken you."

Dx'zau'vrinn sweeps into a low bow between words.

"I beg of you, share with me your story so that I may seek out those who've slain you and allow you to finally rest in peace."

Dx'zau'vrinn's rest easily against his side, slighly fingered his wand ready to draw it if he must. Though he tries not to reveal this.

(diplomacy and bluff checks please)


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Ust Unboi'en Wund L'olath
« Antwort #71 am: 15.02.2004, 10:06:47 »
 "Drow, you can't hide your twisted mind behind a clever visage .. yet, if your offer is genuine I might allow you to proceed. But first, (the being moves a few steps closer towards the scout) ... tell me about those who related my fate to you and why it is that you came to 'help' me?"

The rest of the group can hear some whispers of the talk, but no clear words.
Gæð a Wyrd swa hio scel!



  • Gast
Ust Unboi'en Wund L'olath
« Antwort #72 am: 16.02.2004, 01:08:07 »
 Slowly takes a step back. "I do not know their names, though they were of the sleepless dead such as yourself. I met them in Skullport. They attacked me, but I successfully fended them off. Though I did not lay them to rest. Though before they knew of my presence I heard them speaking of a restless being in a crumbling tower on a body of water not to far from the Port of Shadows. I implored them to tell me more, though they did not and sadly I had to end their unlife."

"Tell me and I will seek they restoration. My reasons are my own, and if you choose to reward me it will surely be appreciated. We in the Night Below have too many enemies, we need not fight one another. I offer you an alliance of mutual benefit. What say you?"


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Ust Unboi'en Wund L'olath
« Antwort #73 am: 16.02.2004, 10:19:49 »
 The being comes a few "steps" closer, but then hoovers about 10 feet away. The cloaked figure near the tower does not move and one cannot really tell whether it is actually a living or unliving creature or simply a plate mail stacked on a rack. "See drow, I do not believe your words ... no-one in Skullport will know of my fate, or care. Yet, if you can retrieve something for me ... something which was stolen right after my towers' destruction, you can have everything I have here apart from this item. I ... am bound to this place as long as this items is not brought back and will reward you greatly." One could think that there appears something like a smile on the undead being's face. "Since you found my tower and dared to cross the water, I assume you will be equally capable to locate the object and return it. It is of no worth to you ... so don't come under any illusions in that respect."

D'xau'vrinn senses that the words of the creature are truly spoken and while he notes a few tones of desperation, he also senses that not all might be as it was told. He's sure though, that the item in question might not be important to him.
Nata'al moves into the shadows to the left of the island and works her way slowly around the island. Once she sees the scout and that being in front of him, she stops and waits, crossbow ready.
Gæð a Wyrd swa hio scel!



  • Gast
Ust Unboi'en Wund L'olath
« Antwort #74 am: 16.02.2004, 20:24:43 »
 Dx'zau'vrinn purses his lips and cups his chin in his left hand. "Hmmmm.......tell me where this item is, what manner of being stole it, what sort of powers did it posses, what creatures does it have under its command that you know of, and what is the item." "Perhaps then I shall retrieve it for you. Though also, what treasures lay here that are so great, that they risk me taking up this quest?"

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