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  • Beiträge: 1056
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Ust Unboi'en Wund L'olath
« am: 14.11.2003, 01:44:46 »
 Drow Campaign
Zanan's Drow Kampagne

eMail 21:50 Apr.14 - Ust unboi'en wund l'olath
Ust unboi'en wund l'olath - First steps into the dark

Vendui jal!

This is going to be our home for some month to come. We have all in all eight characters plus my DMC and they go by the names ...

Character & Player
Dx'zau'vrinn - Dxzauvrinn
Zhadristan Myxim - Coldwyn -> Phaerven
Nar'zen Sin'th - Foxfire
Zai'Dizzen - Zai'Dizzen -> DM (Zanan)
(Elaisian Varliuth - Selvarin -> retired)
Vezellek - Oyn
(Nathrae - Sephirian -> retired)
("The Nameless" - Demenon -> retired)
Sheiriya - Sheiriya
Nata'al - Zanan

NB: You do not need another nick on these boards, yet, if you don't use another nick, write your character's name at the top of each entry to minimise confusion.



Skullport, or the Port of Shadow to the learned and informed, is a dismal and dangerous domain populated by the most vile beings the Underdark has to offer. Mercenaries gather to sell their swords and lives to the highest bidder; drow move about shading their sensitive eyes from glowing fungus, driftglobes, and braziers of glowworms; and slaves go up on the blocks to feed the Calishite and mind flayer demand for labor. In this underworld city beneath Mount Waterdeep, anything and everything can be bought, sold, or traded for a price. Slavers, smugglers, mercenaries, and black-market merchants operate openly in Skullport. In fact, the economy of the Port of Shadow is dependent upon the despicable practice of buying and selling sentient beings. The enigmatic Skulls rule and maintain order in the city. These floating disembodied skulls wander about Skullport, which takes its name from their presence, tending to aims only they can fathom and enforcing their sometimes whimsical and often harsh will through the use of cryptic magical abilities. But so long as the actions of a being do not inhibit trade, cause mass destruction, or attempt to wrest control of the Port from the Skulls, his or her actions are ignored by the Skulls and overlooked by the populace of the city.
Skullport is a haven for underworld and illicit activities, especially dangerous ones: Smuggling and smugglers, piracy and pirates, slavery and slavers, drug-running and those who concoct drugs and poison all thrive and dwell cheek by jowl in the Port of Shadow. Most folk in Skullport are hiding from or trying to avoid the forces of the law of the surface world or are poor folk trapped in this city of darkness because of personal misfortune sometimes just the misfortune of being born here.

Skullport is relatively easy to penetrate, assuming one knows how to get there or knows someone who does, but this comes with no guarantee of safe passage. Visitors can use the South Seacaves of Mount Waterdeep, walk into town from elsewhere in the Underhalls or the Underdark, or float in on the River Sargauth from elsewhere in Undermountain or through a gate. If one is enslaved or steps through a gate accidentally (or the wrong gate on purpose), it is even quite easy to arrive in Skullport when one does not want to be in the Port of Shadow at all.
(Skullport, p. 4 &  

More to follow soon.

Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think, then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.
eMail 10:38 Apr.17 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
A house in Lower Skullport
Right to the West of Amet'ned-thoth's house stands a small, two story building. It's outer walls are almost black, the windows small eyes of darkness. Only one of the rooms in the top floor seems to harbour any life, as flickering light can be seen shining through its window. It is this house that you were told to visit at a certain hour of today. Anyone invited will find the heavy wooden door unlocked and an aerial servant waiting right behind it. After a formal greeting, it will show you the way to the upper floor, to a room way off the one who is bathed in candle light.
Darkfire burns in a two braziers, a sweet scent of typical Drow herbs fills the air. Three Drow occupy the room, two leaning against the wall opposite to the entrance. A most stunningly beautiful Drow lady stands right in the middle of the room and bows her head once you enter. She introduces herself as Naedrylaen and bides you to take a seat. Once all guests are here, she promises, the reason why you were asked to come here will be revealed.

Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think, then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.
 02:04 Apr.18 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
Dx'zau'vrinn - The slender dark figure arose from the black shrine. His time for praying this night was at its end. Delicate fingers gloved in tight fitting black leather brushed a strand of pearl-white hair from his face and pulled the cowl of his finely-woven jet black piwafwi over his head. It was time to depart to his favorite tavern and partake of some, no doubt cheap mushroom wine. The lithe movements of the dark figure went almost unnoticed by the townhouse guards who were posted outside the entrance of the shrine. Malakuth's houseguard's shifted their death spears to a defensible position unsure of the wraith-like being's identity. A wry smile graced the drow elf's handsome but haunting features. The drow then unveiled his face revealing his sharp facial features and cold lifeless pale blue eyes. He then produced his black half-mask and dagger shaped house insignia and brought it before the drow guards eyes. They breathed a sigh of relief and nodded their heads indicating that the drow could continue on along his course. "Dx'zau'vrinn, Malakuth has informed us that your services are no longer needed for the remainder of these 10 days," said one of the house guard's. Dx'zau'vrinn simply nodded and dissapated into the dark recesses of the townhouse's upper level.

A short time later, Dx'zau'vrinn set comfortably at his usual table at 'The Hell Hound's Muzzle', his favorite tavern, taking in glass of mushroom wine. He was suppose to meet one of his contacts here in this pit of cuthroats and black-hearted killers. He was late. He would have to charge the annoying little boggle a 30% increase for wasting his time.

Just then a lean athletic framed humanoid burst through doors of the tavern and ran directly to the drow's table. Dx'zau'vrinn remained calm, resting a gloved hand on the magnificently crafted basket-hilt of his fine steel rapier. At first he pegged the humanoid for a rather ragged looking half-drow, instantly noticing his pointed ears and high cheekbones, but then he noticed the gray cast to the man's skin and the fusion of the first and second fingers on his hands. Dx'zau'vrinn scoffed, his lip curling up in disgust. "A tiefling." The humanoid looked confused by the drow's words, but bowed low. "I'm Spider, and I've a message for you good sir courtesy of Spider's Fleet o' Feets," the gray skinned humanoid said. He then produced a letter from a pouch on his belt and placed it on Dx'zau'vrinn's table. He then bowed low yet again and sprinted from tavern. Dx'zau'vrinn drew a wickedly sharp curved jambiya from a hidden location on his person and cut open the envelope containing the letter. A summons. Perhaps Malakuth wasn't quite through with him for the remainder of these ten days after all. He quickly gathered his belongings and slipped out the tavern cutting the jugular of a drunk orc who happened to bump into him on the way out.

The letter instructed for him to enter a black non-discript two-story building west of Amet'ned-thoth's house. Dx'zau'vrinn first stopped by the Feathered Rat pet shop and retrieved his pet cavvekan who was getting a grooming. He whistled sharply and the bat-faced, black velvety-furred dog ran to his side. He then made his way to the building. Moments later he came across the building that met the description of the one in the letter. He searched the entrance for any traps, seeing none, he entered. The aeriel servant who instantly greeted him upon entering the building escorted him to a candle-bathed room on the upper level. A sweet smell wafted through the air and the upper-level was bathed in assorted hues of darkfire. The aerial servant then brought him to a room occupied by three drow, one a gorgeous female. Dx'zau'vrinn brought his hand to the hilt of his blade. He strongly distrusted female drow, especially ones that possessed such beauty. She smiled brightly as she greeted him and beckoned him in. After thoroughly searching the room for anything peculiar, he walked in along side his cavvekan. She bowed low to him and explained that the reason he was summoned here would be shortly explained. He remained standing and his hand never left the hilt of his rapier concealed beneath the folds of his cloak.

eMail 11:55 Apr.20 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath

A slight tickling sensation on the back of the neck was felt near the ending of the day’s prayers. Ignoring it, Vezellek continued her prayers. As the end came she gave attention to her visitor.

The words, “migration started”, drifted into her mind. Nodding she mentally asked, “Where?” After a moment came, “black house… Amet'ned- thoth's… near” With a slight nod she stood, dusting off dark wed-embroidered cloak. Gathering up her holy symbols and strapping on her dark armor, Vezellek turned away from the river Sargauth which she was sitting near. Traveling swiftly through the tunnels she went, the spider messenger scurrying alongside her.

Once reaching the main city it was but a few more minutes before reaching Amet’ned-thoth’s house. Pointing to a small two-story building to the west she mentally asked “There” as she turned to face the spider. “Yes” came the reply. With a nod she dismissed the spider. “Best you don’t come with me. Not sure how they would like you my friend. Hunt well. I will call for you when I leave this place.”

Approaching the heavy wooden door Vezellek entered. The aerial servant greeted her and led the way upstairs. Walking past some doors it finally came to one and opened it. Candle light flooded out causing Vezellek to pause a moment in order to visually adjust. Slowly she entered to see four Drow inside. She gave a quick glance to the two leaning against the wall opposite her. A slight curtsy to the female in the middle of the room, just low enough to be respectful of the female before her. Lastly she looked over to the male off to her side. She gave a small smile upon seeing the cavvekan at his side, though the smile was more at it then him.

“My name is Vezellek. Remember it for I don’t feel like repeating it more then needed.” Saying this she strolled over to a chair and placed her small thin frame comfortable into it. With her legs crossed and spidery fingers clasped in her lap she studies the room from her vantage point.

eMail 14:19 Apr.20 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
In one corner of the room, shadows stirred to life around a chair. A man slowly stood up and pulled back the hood of his seemingly torn apart dull gray cloak. He strolled to the other drow, bowing his head slightly to Naedrylaen. The man was of slender build and rather short, but his form-fitting leather outfit gave an idea of well-trained muscles. The man's milky white eyes were cold but constantly alert. If he was carrying any weapons, they were hidden under the ragged cloak.

"I am Narzen Sin'th." he said to the two newcomers in a dry tone and sat down to a chair opposite to Vezellek, giving the woman a brief nod. Narzen then looked at the man with the cavvekan and raised an eyebrow as a sign of expecting the man to finally introduce himself.

 19:20 Apr.21 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath

Reaches a gloved hand down to stroke the head of his cavvekan, silently bidding the dog to sooth it's ire. He too had noticed the man coalescing in the shadows, though more than likely not before his keen nosed pet. He chuckled slightly and cupped his chin in his hand, he had never before seen any of these drow. He found himself quite intrigued. Perhaps an introduction was in proper order.

"I am Dx'zau'vrinn," his melodic voice issuing from underneath the dark recesses of his hood. His introduction made, he brought a hand back down to his black-furred dog bidding it sit to perhaps make their company a bit more easy. He himself decided to remain standing, ever-ready for the unexpected.

Selvarn  21:39 Apr.21 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
One of the other occupants in the room,a drow dressed in red-orange leather but for a dark vest and cloak. "I regret to say that I have other matters to attend to, " the one known as Eleisan said almost apologetically. "It seems my...'family'...has arrived, a few members at least, and I must be on my way to carry out business and ensure a proper...welcome. I wish you well, and no doubt I'll miss whatever gains could be gotten, but this other business of mine is too good to pass up." And with a flourish of his hand, as if in a salute, he was gone.

eMail 09:36 Apr.23 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
The silhouette just stared at the aerial servant for a second before putting on his silken black mask. A silver stitched spider surrounded the right eye with its legs extending to the edge of the mask. His hand slid across his clean shaven head until it reached the only patch of hair at the cap of his skull. He remembered that he had braided the tail a couple of days ago. He straightened his piwafwi, and the pouches beneath, before following the servant.

Zai’Dizzen entered the room taking in the smells, the pleasant and unpleasant. Standing a least a head taller than those present. With a smile in his eye, he bowed extravagantly low to the hostess. He then turned his head to take in the figure in the corner and gave a light nod. Walking over to the table, he pulled out one of the chairs and sat himself down, acknowledging the others at the table. He placed his elbows on the table, and began tapping his rune covered fingers together, giving off a metal against metal sound. The light reflecting off his elegantly carved hands.

After looking around again, he sat back thoughtfully. From behind the mask came a gravelly voice, a voice that sounded as if it once had the melodic tone of the drow. “Oh, I do hope I’m not the last.” he said with sarcastic smile, “being late is one thing, being the last is another.”

eMail 08:20 Apr.24 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
Nathrae views the building silently, starring at the candlelit window– a frown appears on her obsidian face, but passes quickly. She draws the black, skilfully embroidered, flowing cloak closer around her slender shape and pushes the heavy wooden door open with some afford.
Responding to its greetings with a scowl, she follows the aerial servant upstairs, nodding to herself as she realises she’s not brought to the undrowly lit room.
A faint smile appears on her face as she breaths in the familiar scent of fragrant herbs floating in the corridor they are entering, as the aerial stops in front of one of the doors and motions her to enter.
She does so silently and answers Zai’Dizzen’s words she hears on arrival with an amused smile. Then her silvery eyes scan the room measuringly, noticing the summoned crowd with renewed interest.
She steps forward casually and gives the other female guest a nod of acknowledgement and bows very slightly in formal greeting to their host. “Nathrae ‘the late’ to your…” she pauses with an ironic smile on her lips “‘service’”.

eMail 13:27 Apr.24 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
A slender drow crosses the street to the house his contact described to him. Always watchful, the male moves from shadow to shadow, keeping the surrounding traffic in view.
As the male enters the house, he is greeted by an aerial servant who opens the door for him.
Before he fully enters the room, he brushes the dust from his piwafwi, thereby showing underlying armor, a drowish chain mail.
When the male enters through the door, his full hight can be seen. The male´s height could easily rival one of the rivvins living in the hated upper city, but the male is gaunt, with a slightly sunken face, as through starvation. He keeps his white hair shorn nearly to the skull and his face as well as his lower arms are covered with vicious looking scars.
Oddly, the male´s garb is a mixture of a noblemans wear and the standard issue equipment of a house retainer od slave soldier.
Casting a weary look around the room, eyeing every occupant in view, the male bows to the lady, showing his reverence.
"I´m Zhadristan of house Myxin. As you have requests, here I am".

With this, the drow male searches a confortable chair and waits for the things to come.


  • Beiträge: 1056
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Ust Unboi'en Wund L'olath
« Antwort #1 am: 14.11.2003, 01:45:17 »
   Drow Campaign
Zanan's Drow Kampagne

eMail 12:51 Apr.25 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
"Vendui jal!" is repeated once more by Naedrylaen, once all "guests" have arrived. She frowns as Eleisan suddenly leaves and a few suspicious looks follow the Drow out of the room.
Finally, she slowly begins circling the room taking the occasional look at the visitors. "Fools they are, all of them! And I think you will agree with me?! Once you know the reason for your calling and my anger, that is." Naedrylaen adds. "A few months back, a strange bunch of creatures appeared in the Har'oloth, way down in the South of here," she begins her story. "Men who look like giant scorpions, or vice versa, just as you please. Lots of them. They started attacking anything below or on the surface, even Drow enclaves and traders. Obviously," she looks around to see whether there's any reaction to her words so far, " obviously, no-one was or is prepared to fight these vermin at this time and most people I spoke to have simply dismissed the thread those scorpionoids pose as nothing of importance. Not to mention those foolish overlords of this very place!" She moves her arm in a circle to underline her words. "Well, may everything that fortune has in stall for them befall those idiots, I will not wait for these vermin-men to arrive at my doorstep!" The Drow stops at her table again, facing the whole group. "A weeks ago, I ordered some very important goods from Eryndlyn, goods I need to prepare to fight off those scorpionoids once they are here ... and the day before yesterday I received the message that the caravan was lost, plundered and destroyed. Apparently NOT by those vermin-men, but other raiders of unknown origin." Naedrylaen pauses. "I will pay you, each, 1000 goldpieces if you go and find the caravan's remains, discover who attacked it and why, AS WELL AS return all the items which bear my runes. I have a list on the table behind me which reveals the identity of my property, anything else, whether it belongs to other caravan traders or those raiders may be shared between you as further bounty." She scans the visitors once more. "How does this sound to your ears ...?"

Har'oloth = the "Underdark"

Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think, then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.

eMail 14:55 Apr.25 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
Narzen strokes his chin for a moment, seemingly weighing the amount of information given. "My ears like the sound of coins, yet assuming we accept the task, malla jabbress, what if we find nothing?" he asks Naedrylaen and continues, "While I do not doubt the abilities of myself - or those of others in this room - I much dislike surprises in my contracts."

eMail 15:24 Apr.25 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
Nathrae brushes her cloak to her shoulders for easier movement, revealing a wide, extravagant silken gown, then walks casualy over to the table behind the drow female and picks up the list of items their beautiful host's mentioned. The finger of one slender hand moves down the lines on the parchment as she reads..
"Interesting... You've mentioned the robbers are not vermin ilk. What makes you so sure? Is there any suspicion you'd want to share with your would-be employees, ussta jallil?" the soft ironic undertone is still present in her voice but doesn't intensify and is far from beeing hostile.

 22:02 Apr.25 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
Dx'zau'vrinn brings up a gloved hand to stroke his chin and bites his lower lip in thought. "Naedrylaen," he says firmly, purposely excluding any titles. "First off, how do know of us? Also, why have you chosen this particular cabal of drow to do this deed for you?" "I know very little of you or this mission that you've deigned to send us on. Truly, a 1,000 gold pieces may not be enough, especially since you've provided us with so very little information. Am I expected to just be summoned by some unknown woman who has knowledge of me but I none of her, and just ansciously do her bidding!? Why should I care whether or not if these vermin destroy your property?" "I am not some goblin dog to be so commanded. If you choose to employ my services, I would expect that they be brought to my attention through the proper channels." And with that, Dx'zau'vrinn crosses his whip-like, tightly corded arms over his chest and stares directly at Naedrylaen, awaiting an explaination. His cavvekan, sensing his master's ire, issues a low gutteral growl through it's sharp gritted canines.

eMail 23:08 Apr.25 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
Nathrae raises an eyebrow, turns slightly and gives this self-confindent male a measuring look and an amused smile. This might prove entertaining.
She etches slowly away to one of the side walls, leaving the parchment on the table as she leaves. Leaning casualy against the wall she watches the dawning discussion intently but not without some quick glances at the other summoned drow once and then.

eMail 15:33 Apr.26 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
Very slowly, Naedrylaen turns her head to the Drow male. Without blinking, she vanishes to reappear an instant later right next to Dx'zau'vrinn, ignoring the pet totally.
"Maybe," she purrs into the man's ear, " ... maybe I have had you watched for the last five weeks or so. Or maybe I used some scrying device and a lot of magic." She straightens herself and stares at the male, her face revealing no emotions whatsoever. "Maybe I just wanted a bunch of capable Drow mercenaries to do whatever pleases me ... IT should not be of any concern to you how I get my informations. Once I know that you and those in this room are willing to accept 1000 goldpieces plus bounty as payment, I will reveal more information. Is this a reasonable offer for a Drow who - for whatever reason - is here in Skullport and not at the doorstep of his House?" She turns away and moves back to her table. "Rest assured, I know of anyone's abilities in this room or else you won't be here. I will not pay this much to any other mercenary than a capable Drow either." The Drow crosses her arms before her chest. "Just before the end of the battle I happened to scry upon my goods and it's conditions, as I saw ... very vague ... those who plundered the pack lizards. They were definitely not vermin men, as they walked on two legs and the lizards were still alive." She sets her sights on Narzen. "I want to know what became of the caravan and my goods. If you do not find anything, you won't get the full reward, obviously. But 250 goldpieces should be reason enough to make you venture out into Har'oloth to have a look at a few lizard corpses and return 'empty handed', shouldn't it? Of course, I DO NOT expect you to return without any information, or any sign of my goods as well."

(The list reads ... two adamantine short swords, a pair of bracers, three books (short description ... apparently some sort of tomes about the creation of potions), a staff, two rings and a rod, plus fourteen vials containing a special antitoxin. )

Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think, then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.

eMail 19:44 Apr.26 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
Narzen nods. "Fair enough, jabbress. Perhaps then you might part with that 250 pieces a head in advance? We *are* expected to go against an unknown threat, after all, and preparing for such *will* require gold." he says in a no-nonsense but respectful tone.

 20:06 Apr.26 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
Dx'zau'vrinn remains poised while the female drow coons into his slightly pointed ear. He doesn't bother to turn his face towards her as she speaks to him, but remains perfectly still. As she walks off, he chuckles slightly, finding himself quite amused by the way the female handled herself. Most Lolthites would have lashed his flesh to ribbons for being so impudent. He decided he would sheath his sharp tongue for the moment. He reaches down a hand to scratch behind his cavvekan's ear calming it down, and then he walks over to the table containing the list. He gives it a thorough scan, taking particular notice of vials content. He places the list back on the table for the others to give the once over and walks back to where he last stood. He narrows his eyes slightly at the female drow Nathrae, having taken notice of her amusement at his expense. The look quickly vanished though and turns into a charming pearly white smile as an intriguing thought enters his mind. He throws a sly wink Nathrae's way as well, and turns his attention back upon Naedrylaen. "1,000 gold pieces sounds sufficient to my ears. Now, if you would continue." As the words escape his ebony lips, his eyes cut to the large drow male rapping his metalic fingers on the table, he studies the male, trying to discern as to whether those metal fingers are part of a gauntlet or perhaps a prostetic attachment.

eMail 22:05 Apr.26 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
First at the mention of the raided caravan, than at the description of the scyring, Zhandristan flinches ever so slightly and begins to rub the scars on his forearms absentmindedly.
"Well, a thousand gold pieces a head can buy one single drow a high time here in the city of skulls, fine spirits to savour and maybe even a slave for amusement. But I deem this price to low, to waste my, even our collective time on such lowly a mission. Mayhaps you, fair lady, know more about the raid than you care to admit to us sellswords? I´d say, let it be two thousand gold pieces per head, and we´re talking business here."
With this, the male strikes a resolute pose, crosses his arms in front of his chest and awaits an answer of the lady, therewhile also idly scanning the faces and postures of the other occupants of the room.

eMail 10:28 Apr.27 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
A little astonished about the softness of her host's answer to the male's audacities the drow female's eyes narrow slightly. Looking quickly around to check on the other's reactions to this, her glance settles for a second on the tall, hagard drow as he flinches at Naerdrylan's words and rubbs his scars. A thoughtful expression crosses her face but vanishes again as her gaze returns to Dx'zau'vrinn by the time Naerdrylan's finished her reposte. With a notion of disbelief, she watches him chuckling, wondering if this is strength or plain foolishness. She answers his wink with an unreadable, pleasant smile
Then she leans back listening to the discussion seemingly blasé. Why should she bother to get involved, revealing her thoughts, as long as these males' outspoken questions serve her so very well...  


  • Beiträge: 1056
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Ust Unboi'en Wund L'olath
« Antwort #2 am: 14.11.2003, 01:45:39 »
   Drow Campaign
Zanan's Drow Kampagne

eMail 21:23 Apr.27 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
Naedrylaen cocks her head and looks at Zhadristan, a wry smile upon her lips. "I honestly believe that 1000 goldpieces are more than you have ever seen on a heap and I think it will also be sufficent enough to keep all those who look for the exploits of your very own caravan business off your track, for a while at least." (You sense that she most certainly knows quite a bit of your "current" past ... whatever that might be.)
"As I said, you may keep all the bounty for yourself, which should yield a few more coins for those who feel a bit 'underpaid' ..." With those words still lingering in your minds, she turns to the table once more and retrieves a piece of parchment as well as a short, wickedly curved knife. "As with all good deals, I want your signatures on this contract, a contract which seals the 250 goldpieces handed out to you right now," she looks up to Narzen. "As well as a further 750 goldpieces once you return with the required information. ... Speaking of which, I have the money put aside already and should someone not ... 'make it back', the others will get it as well, divided equally." The wry smile reappears. The Drow turns to the table and adds a few words to the text already on the parchment. She holds up the quill and that small knife. "I guess you know how I want your signatures on this contract?"

Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think, then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.
eMail 22:22 Apr.27 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
Narzen nods again in approval, then slowly draws a slender dagger from under his cloak. "I do prefer my own tools - if you have no objection to that" he says to Naedrylaen. "I would not want to accidentally injure my hand with an unfamiliar knife, as you surely understand." he continues, covering such an obvious lie with nothing but a raised eyebrow. Narzen then stands up and steps closer to read the contract, while tapping the point of his blade with his index finger, waiting to hear the response of others in the room.

eMail 23:19 Apr.27 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
Face darkened in anger, Zhandristan pulls a wicked looking jambiya from his piwafwi and forcefully slams it on the desk.
"By Lolth´s Fangs, Woman, I agree on your terms and sign this contract, with my own blood if need be. But Narzen here is right. I don´t know what sorcery you have at your disposal, and I don´t want to have an enchanted blade draw my blood."
With this, the impulsive male draws a thin and wicket cut across his left hand, squeezed ontil blood drips from his fingers, and writes the elven runes in forceful strokes.
As an afterthought, Zhandristan turns around to Naedrylaen. "Please, dearest lady-employer, excuse my lack of.... trsut and respect, but you seem to know a lot more about us as we know about you...."
He fishes in his pockets for a piece of cloth and begins wiping his bloody hands, all the while watching Naedrylaen for a reaction.

 03:10 Apr.28 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
A wry smile graces his handsome obsidian skinned face upon hearing Naedrylaen's words, perhaps betraying his thoughts. He rolls up the black leather glove on his left hand and gingerly draws an ivory-hilted jambiya from his belt. His sharp pale-blue eyes thoroughly scan the contract searching for any misleading information. As if finding none, Dx'zau'vrinn barely presses the blades edge over a finger-tip drawing a single drop of ruby blood from his deep black skin.
He then etches his personal rune on the contract. With that complete, he places his glove back on his hand and sheaths the jambiya. He then turns his attention upon the large drow male, Zhandristan, finding his curt words with Naedrylaen amusing. He thinks, my, my, my.....perhaps we have another shadow amongst us....

eMail 11:03 Apr.28 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
The masked Drow slouches back in his chair, hands folded in contemplatively across his chest. “Yes. This should be fun.” Zai’s voice barely cutting through the air, and more to himself than anyone in particular. “And might actually be worth the time. A lucrative deal indeed. “

Standing, he moves over towards the contract and extends a small blade from his index finger. Placing it on his arm, just above where the metal stops, and slowly runs the claw across. His body shivering in enjoyment. With the blood covered nail Zai scratches his own rune into the paper, after checking to see if the contract is as said.

Zai running the blade across his tongue to clean it , stands back to let next in.

eMail 12:52 Apr.28 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
The female who stood near the window on the table's right hand side takes the short walk around the furniture and glances over the contract. She raises a hand and waits till Naedrylaen places the dagger into her hands. The female, quite tall and strongly build, lets her white eyes scan the blade before using it to draw a short but bloody line accross her right forearm. Expertly, she draws her rune on the parchment and turns her face to Naedrylaen: "Dunno why ye need that many males for this mystery tae be solved, but consider it done!" Slowly, the female turns around to face her new 'comrades' once again: "Nata'al is my name, for those of ye who want tae know ..."

Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think, then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.

eMail 14:23 Apr.28 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
Satisfied with the number of other volunteers, Narzen draws a cut across his left palm with a swift movement of his blade. He then picks up the quill and signs the contract in blood. "Once again I sold my soul, yet none so far has claimed it." he mutters to himself, perhaps as a ward or a curse against anyone who might try. Narzen then turns around and steps aside, taking note of Nata'al's remark by giving Nathrae and Vezellek a challenging look.

eMail 22:27 Apr.28 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
For a short time Nathrae stays in the backround, absentmindedly as it seems. When the drow woman presented the dagger and parchment, she eyed it curiously but waited for the other's inevitably noisy and rash comments, then she wispered something to her self and moved her hand playfully at the crowd as if to conduct an orchestra.
She felt her host's glance and smiled, while her eyes lingered on something different: on the parchment and the small blade - as she waited for the turmoil to settle down.
She than reaches for her backpack, takes out a nicely crafted quill and strolls over to the table. On her way she answers Narzens look with a pleasant, meaningless smile and gives 'Nata'al' a quick nodd. Reaching the table, she picks up the contract and reads it thorougly while playing with her quill...

eMail 11:32 May.01 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
Naedrylaen is apparently not interested in Nathrae's activities, even though she keeps a wary eye on the Drow. Once everyone has signed the parchment, she takes it up again und scans the runes. "Very well then. I guess you haven't met beforehand and it would be a good idea if you speak to one another before you get off, wouldn't it? You may also acquire all sorts of equipment and food downstairs, one of my servants will look after all your needs." Her index finger points downward.
"I will, in the meantime, draw a short map which should direct you to the place where the caravan's remains will be, about a day and a half away from Skullport ..." Waiting for further questions, he looks from one Drow to another.

Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think, then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.
eMail 21:59 May.01 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
"Who shall have the map?" Narzen asks. "And do we have a tracker among us?" he continues, briefly eyeing the other drow in the room. "Or perhaps we should discuss such matters while making the other preparations, to see what additional gear might be needed and for whom."

"As for the task itself, malla jabbress, what of any opponents we may encounter, scorpion-folk or otherwise?" he turns to Naedrylaen with a cold look in his eyes.


  • Beiträge: 1056
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Ust Unboi'en Wund L'olath
« Antwort #3 am: 14.11.2003, 01:45:57 »
   Drow Campaign
Zanan's Drow Kampagne

 22:26 May.01 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
Directly after hearing Naedrylaen's words, Dx'zau'vrinn walks up to her to examine her's makeshift map. He waits patiently beside her, awaiting the complextion of her drawing, doing well to conceal his impatience with this whole ordeal, and anxciousness to get on with the mission. Used to working alone, he gives an uninerested look to any of the other drow who try to approach him and 'get to know him'.

eMail 14:33 May.02 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
Nathrae pricked the top of a right hand's finger with a long, hollow needle she had taken out of one of her belt pouches. The single drop of blood that emerged was sufficiant for her first name's delicate, ornately written rune. For a short second, her hand lingered above the parchment, as if to write something else, but then she returned the quill to her backpack again mumbling "as if she didn't know..."

She then listens silently to Naerdrylaen's words and watches the others in the meantime, wondering who of these obnoxious males would be the first to react. She seems quite pleased as it is Narzen and looks him up and down as he asks his questions. This time, she doesn't hide or shroud her gaze in another pretence of boredom and disinterest. As Dxzauvrinn walks up to the table, she gives him a quick irritated glance but seems obvioulsy relieved as he doesn't bark a reply to their host, but seems content to wait.

Another moment later, Nathrae addresses Naerdrylaen in a low voice "I'm sure you've had that caravan guarded, jabbress. So, what where the capabilities of those that have failed you before?"

 10:33 May.03 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
Dx'zau'vrinn's sharply pointed ears perk up slightly, Nathrae's question apparently gaining his attention. "Yesss......do tell us malla jabbress, what were the capabilities of those who guarded your precious caravan, and how would they have stacked up to us?", Dx'zau'vrinn cooes, his deep melodic voice dripping with sarcasm. Though before he gives Naerdrylaen a chance to answer, he says "My cavvekan, Szor here, is an exceptional tracker. His nose is keener than many of the beast that dwell in this Night Below", and with that said, he turns his attention back upon their hostess, awaiting her answer to his and Nathrae's question. He smiles inwardly as his fingers twitch in anticipation of the thought of releasing life energies into the wilds. He held a personal belief that the life energy released in death fed the magical energies of the underdark's faerzess. And soon, he would yet again feed that enery, like a well honed instrument, to master his craft is primary goal in this life.

eMail 12:51 May.03 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
Naedrylaen turns a cold look at Dx'zau'vrinn. "Why do I have the feeling that those who perished will almost certainly have sounded just like you when they were enlisted to protect the caravan? ... Though they might not have been as eloquent in their choice of words as you are." Her eyes move on to Nathrae. "As i said, I ordered the goods from Eryndlyn ... as in ... whoever was the caravan leader, he decided for himself what sort of protection was needed. And I have the distinct feeling that it must have been a male." The Drow's words now oozing with irony. "I have no clue how the guards of the caravan or the traders themselves would stand against you, by comparrison. If you find the challenge too tough once you have discovered the culprits, you may simply return to me and let me know. As I said before."
Finally, she looks down to that cavvekan of Dx'zau'vrinn. "I do hope, my fellow, that you are as good with your nose as your master is with his tongue."

Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think, then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.
 06:42 May.05 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
Dx'zau'vrinn cannot help but sniker slightly at Naedrylaen's last response directed towards Szor. As if a bit of tension was released with that snicker, Dx'zau'vrinn visibly relaxes. Though truly he was not relaxed at all. How could he be in a room full of unknown drow?

He walks over to the table and takes a seat, Szor following him to the table and taking a seat by his side. He would wait until this mission began, though he hoped very soon.

eMail 07:38 May.05 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
(This is a post that is delayed in time. Thought it up just before my computer went blah. Think of it as being timed as about shortly after ZaiDizzen signed the contract)

Slowly standing up after the males had taken their adopted places she walks over to look the contract over. Seeming please Vezellek takes the knife offered and makes a small slit on her left thumb, enough to draw the blood needed. Careful not to be too close to where the males signed she allows her blood to touch the paper. Using the fingernail of the blood drawing thumb she quickly scrapes out her personal rune.
" No need to be so paranoid you silly males. Just because you are flawed beings doesn't mean that us of grace are out to kill you at any chance we get. Plus there is no need for us to be so sneaky about killing one of you... we aren't well male after all."
With this she smirkes slightly at her own 'joke' then hands back the knife. She stays standing there instead of taken the seat previously used.
" I'm glad that another female has shown up. I'd much rather stay in the company of my little arcanid friends then spend some unknown time in the Wilds with a bunch of males ruining the beauty out there,"

eMail 14:42 May.05 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
"Ah... My dear Lady, it would be impossible to ruin the beauty out there in your presence." Zai's voice growled from the side of the room, as he leans against the wall and crossing his arms.

Shifting his position just a bit voice himself at Naedrylaen . “Could you find out before we left who was on that convoy? Or is that our own matta? I, for one, would ratha be paranoid and know my enemies,” chancing a glance at Vezellek before continuing “than be arrogant and then be destroyed for not knowin”

 02:32 May.07 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
A devilish smile graces Dx'zau'vrinn's fine features as he delightfully envisions sliding his ivory-handled jambiya across Vezellek's throat from the shadows in response to her "...sneaky about killing one of you..." comment. Perhaps he would "kill" the time by imagining each one of his associates murders. He decided to thoroughly observe each one of these drow and figure out what are their weaknesses and how could he best exploit them and have them eventually lead to their demise. He silently mused. No, not quite yet. He would momentarily observe. Perhaps he wouldn't even slay them at all, though he would learn how he could best go about it, just in case he felt the need to commit such an act.

eMail 09:18 May.07 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
With an expression of displeasure, Nathrae watches the males' reaction to Vezellek's words. Her stare settles on the seated male that raised her contempt before and she adresses him (and the others) with a sigh "I do not know where you come from, male, and I 'd choose to remain ingorant to this fact. But it certainly has to be a small settlement given your exaggerated attitude and your obvious lack of control over yourself. Well, at least if stupidity breeds...
I really doubt 'we' will get far, if we manage to 'reduce' the number of our 'allies' before we even settle to our task."

eMail 11:33 May.07 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
"Indeed!" Naedrylaen says. "You can slay each other once you've finished the task you just have assigned yourself to." The map she draws gives most of you a certain idea where the caravan was ambushed. further to the North than you might have thought, but once the Drow notices a few wary looks, she adds: "There is a portal sort of thing which I will be able to send you through. The money to use it has been paid, the travel is swift and safe. The way back is more dangerous and, as you can see for yourself, a bit longer." You can figure out that the distance to the caravan's last stand is about 250 miles to the North-East of Skullport. The Drow points to a spot halfway between the two marks on the map. "Here is a safe place to teleport, very near the surface, but anyway. I'll have someone there to meet and return you safely back to this very room."

Nata'al scans the map and nods silently. "I do know the area, malla jabbress." pointing at the place of meeting. "There shouldnae be a problem getting there, if we are all alive that is." With this she turns and collects here weapons and bags. "I'll go and see that servant of yers, think I need a bit of food and somesuch ... anyone?" She motions to the open door and looks around.

Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think, then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.


  • Beiträge: 1056
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Ust Unboi'en Wund L'olath
« Antwort #4 am: 14.11.2003, 01:46:24 »
   Drow Campaign
Zanan's Drow Kampagne

eMail 13:35 May.07 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
Zai walks over and leans one hand on the table to take a better look at the map "No. I don't know it, but it will be interesting to learn about this place. Nata'al, if I may?" Zai straightens ." Food and Somesuch sounds good. And I would like if you would tell me of this place we're to travel to." tilts his head and waits for an answer (...or not) . Clasping his hands behind his back, he lets those who want to leave go first and then follows Nata'al out of the room.

eMail 13:25 May.10 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
Narzen watches Nata'al and Zai, then quickly glances around him. "Well then. I suppose it will not do much good to plan things without everyone present..." he starts, then pauses and raises an eyebrow at the absurdity of such words among drow, before continuing, "so perhaps it would be wise to discuss the details later, after everyone has personal preparations made?" With that, he bows to Naedrylaen and walks out of the room.

 00:21 May.12 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
Dx'zau'vrinn snaps his fingers towards his cavvekan and follows Nata'al out of the room. In response to the females words, he acts though they were never heard. He was fighting enough inner demons as it were and he didn't need.....his thoughts drifted off as his stomach growled. He hadn't eaten in the past day an half. Yes, some cavefisher and some mushroom wine would be lovely, though even a roasted haunch of rothe would do.

eMail 08:44 May.14 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
"Yes, yes. Getting food supplies would be good. I have never been quite that far from the city in that direction before so I have no clue on an estimated travel time. Since you are familiar with the area Nata'al, lead the way to get supplies."
Vezellek then walks out the door and waits in the hallway beyond.
"Do follow... we can't get much done if we all wait for others to move"
She then flashes a sly grin and continues her wait.

eMail 11:27 May.14 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
The aerial servant appears in front of Nata'al and leads all into a large room of the basement. There you find any sort of supplies you could have asked for, food, drink, bedrolls, and even some masterwork weaponry of the simpler variety. Sunrods, antitoxines and thunderstones are also around. "Do please help yourself!" hisses the servant.

Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think, then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.
eMail 23:34 May.14 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
Narzen smiles slightly and nods at the permission. He fingers a few odd things for a while, then pockets them under his cloak where even a good-sized coil of rope seems to simply disappear. While selecting his new gear, however, he's looking at Nata'al curiously every once in a while.

Soon enough, Narzen takes a few steps to Nata'al's side and picks up a simple dagger from the table in front of them, turns the blade over a couple of times as if appraising it, then mutters something to the woman.

eMail 16:00 May.18 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
Assuming that anyone has taken any stuff he wanted - food, drink and bedrolls, maybe the odd thunderstone - I guess it is time to get under way.

Nata'al takes everything she needs and goes back into the entrance hall. There she begins to put her usual armor and weaponry on and stores anything she got in her bag. After donning her Piwafwi and placing her buckler on her left arm, she waits till the rest of the party arrives.

Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think, then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.
eMail 10:11 May.20 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
Narzen stretches his neck and flexes his fingers, then closes his eyes for a moment and takes a few deep breaths, concentrating on something. Opening his eyes again, he checks that his items are securely in place, and nods to himself upon completing the inspection.

"Very well. Now, where is that portal we are to be sent through? Shall Jabbress Naedrylaen see us to it herself, or one of these servants?" he says, looking around him slowly, as if expecting Naedrylaen to be in the room or at least watch the drow gathered there by some other means.

eMail 13:08 May.20 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
Znadristan checks if the whole provisions are secruelly packed, his equipemnt ist in place, and thereby double-checks the sword and small pouch hanging from his belt. Finally pulling his armor and piwafwi in place, the male looks quite happy with himself.

"So, with packing, provisions and a map, as well as a portal, methinks we should be ready to go, or does anyone need more than our host could offer?"

He looks around, trying to get eye contact and fixing anyone with a meaningful gaze.

"If not, please lead us to this portal of yours so we can get this job done in time."

eMail 14:24 May.20 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
As if it had heard the drow's words, an aerial servant appears out of thin air and opens the door. It bows its head and moves out of the house, waiting for the drow to follow. There aren't many people on the street, nobody dares to look at the group for much longer than a thought. Silently, the servants floats to a building about hundred paces away. The door opens immediately, the human male's face does not seem to be surprised by you at all. "Your honored master has agreed to transport these able companions to a location he knows!" the servant intones, before he adds "Naedrylaen extends her greetings!"
The man looks into the leading drow's face and nods his head: "Follow me, I'll get you to the portal. Don't touch anything, don't leave the line, just follow me!" he orders. In instant later, the servant disappears.
Once in the house, the door is shut again and to both sides of the door you spot another human scanning the streets outside, heavy crossbow at the ready. Now you certainly know why that human wasn't that surprised to see you.
He leads you down a staircase, which brings you into the cellars of the building before winding itself down a 40 feet wide shaft. The bottom of the shaft appears to be the burrying site of some long dead inhabitants of skullport, niches and alcoves line the walls all around a large, torch-lit room. A circle of silver has been placed right the centre of the room's floor, everyone who knows the tiniest bit about magic can see arcane symbols and runes here. Interestingly, the man carefully moves around the circle and leads you to a wall behind it, which appears to be nothing than wet, grey stone. He waits till everyone stands near him and points at the wall. "Just step trough this if you want to ..."
He murmurs a word of magical power in a strange old human language and the wall seem to shift slightly.
Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think, then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.


  • Beiträge: 1056
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Ust Unboi'en Wund L'olath
« Antwort #5 am: 14.11.2003, 01:46:45 »
   Drow Campaign
Zanan's Drow Kampagne

eMail 15:43 May.21 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
He closes his eyes for just a second and then looks over the heads in front of him towards the portal. A tingle passes through his body and the realization that the portal is as it seem, stabilizes in Zai’s mind. With a nod to himself, he wades through the crowd in the direction of the door. Standing in front of it he takes off his mask, and stores it in one of the many pouches on his belt.

Zai turns to his companions and gives a another semi-low bow and winks. "I hope to see you soon." he says with a smile, then takes a formal step in to the portal…

eMail 10:19 May.22 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
"Wants the fun all fer himself, it seems!" Nata'al murmurs and quickly follow the male through the wall.

Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think, then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.
eMail 10:27 May.22 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
With a firm grip on the longswords hilt, Zhadristan steps through the portal.

eMail 13:18 May.22 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
Narzen pulls up the hood of his cloak and wraps the tattered garment around him, then he too steps through the shifting wall.

eMail 07:43 May.23 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
Confident that the portal seems safe Vezellek makes one last check of her equiptment. Seeing that everything is were it belongs she takes in a deep breath before striding calmly into the portal/wall. A silent curse escapes her lips just before walking all the way through.
"Pray that this unnatural portal leads where promised... else I will return to show my wraith."
As the last sylibal is uttered her movement into the portal is complete. Ripples like water are the only sign of her passing into the wall.

eMail 14:22 May.26 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
As you stepped through the portal, an irritating feeling ran up and down your spine Your brain seems to be dazed somewhat, but soon your vision clears and you reckognize the familiar surroundings of an underdark cavern. The site actually looks like a long forgotten temple, since you all stand on a large platform of polished, dark marble. A few of the pillars who lined the walls of this room are still standing, while others have toppled over and their remains lie scattered on the floor. Whatever deity was worshipped here eons ago you cannot tell, since the altar and any decoration are missing. No light and sound aids you here, there's just a slight draft in the air. Try as you may, you cannot detect a source to this. The room has but one door, which opens into a long hallway that ends in unpenetrable darkness.
Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think, then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.
eMail 22:00 May.26 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
After his head clears up, Narzen checks his gear again. Using the silent speech he signs, I suggest to keep it quiet and not to touch anything. Any volunteer trapfinders? This time, the man shows no hint of irony, his face stern, eyes constantly darting about the room.

eMail 22:30 May.26 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
Zhadristan responds to this inquery with a silent shake of the head, than begins scanning the rooms for any unusual signs.

 01:21 May.27 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
After securing all the necessary equipment, Dx'zau'vrinn quietly tails the other members of the drow party following them into the streets of this city he has come to call his home and shortly afterwards into the residents of an unknown human male. Dx'zau'vrinn motions his hand for Szor to proceed him into the building.

The cavvekan slowly approaches the entrance to the building, his bat-like ears perking up and his leaf-like nose sniffing the perimeter. After supposedly deteching nothing of importance, the bat-faced dog trots in with Dx'zau'vrinn following him like some silent wraith.

As he watches his traveling companions veer around a....a what?....perhaps a summoner's circle from what he could guess, he sneers at their calous and uncautious behavior. He didn't even observe ner one of them examining the portal of flat gray stone. He narrows his eyes concentrating on the stone, searching for any possible misnomers. He takes a chance and gingerly moves one gloved hand into portal. When he finds that it still remains connected to his arm upon return, he decides that whatever may lay on the other side of this rock, he would not immediately be struck down. His muscles tense, and a dark shimmering blue scarab beetle burrows itself to the surface of his left forearm, though not entirely, just enough to expose the top of it's shining deep blue shell. He steps through the portal his fine black piwafwi lifting in the wake of his entry. "Come Szor," he says to his cavvekan. And with that, they both disapeer into the stone.

Dx'zau'vrinn brushes a thin pearl-white braid of hair from his face to clear his vision. He pauses a moment to orientate himself to his new surroundings and to dismiss the daze that accompanied him on his journey through the stone portal. He looks down to his side to find Szor looking a bit disorientated as well.

He smiles inwardly and approaches Zhadristan. He then flashes his black gloved hands in the speak of the drow silent hand language to the group, "I will help with the search for traps and any other dangers as well." And with that he focuses his vision and peers into the surrounding darkness searching for anything that may prove usesful or baneful to the party. He signals for Szor to accompany him but to stay a few feet behind him so that he could use that wonderful nose of his to sense any enemies or unusual odors perhaps before they could and also that he wouldn't spring any traps by trotting ahead of the scouts.

eMail 03:00 May.30 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
After taking a moment to orient herself Vezellek takes a quick look around the room. Seeing Dx'zau'vrinn and his pet begin to take a closer look about the room for traps and so forth she begins to peer about herself. Signaling, "It never hurts to have another set of eyes look about."


  • Beiträge: 1056
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Ust Unboi'en Wund L'olath
« Antwort #6 am: 14.11.2003, 01:47:02 »
   Drow Campaign
Zanan's Drow Kampagne

eMail 08:40 May.30 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
Narzen nods at both Dx'zay'vrinn and Vezellek. He then signs Nata'al, You said you know the region, malla Nata'al. Do you know what this place is?

 06:36 Jun.01 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
Continues his searching.

eMail 10:04 Jun.01 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
Any wary eye can spot the former defences of this place, both in this room as well as in the hallway. Missing parts of the floor here, a fallen block of stone there, and some dark marks on the walls tell you of traps and, in some cases, their victims' fate. There's a bony leg and part of a bony arm coming out from below the fallen stone.
All those traps have been activated long ago, nothing dangerous anymore within your sights. There's also no sound to be heard, the place is pretty safe.
Nata'al looks around and signals to Narzen: 'Aye. It's a temple dedicated to some Duergar goddess called Deep Duerra. ... At least that's what Naedrylaen has told me,' she adds with a wry grin on her lips. 'The whole place should be empty and lifeless, as some sort of plague killed all the Duergar around here. Or was it a Deep Dragon? Dunno. Anyway, as we are all here now, I think we should sit down and start talking business for a few moments.' The Drow female looks around. 'See, I don't care who's in command, but we should have someone who organizes things, well at least who's taking the watch, who scouts and who watches our backs. Any volunteers?'
Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think, then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.
eMail 14:15 Jun.01 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
We are paid to get a job done, so it matters not who is in charge as long as we complete our mission. I will take orders from whomever feels confident in his or her ability to lead, yet I am not foreign to giving orders either. Narzen signs in reply.

 16:28 Jun.02 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
Dx'zau'vrinn puckers his lips in a moment's thought. "I'd prefer it if someone else were to lead, but I'll volunteer to scout ahead of our party as well as Szor here of course." "Narzen you seem quite capable of leading, I nominate you for the position." After all, we don't want any spider-kissing bitches who blindly follow a mute goddess to lord over us Dx'zau'vrinn thinks.

eMail 13:52 Jun.04 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
After watching the conversation pass between Narzen and Dx’zau’vrinn, Zai silently signals ‘That’s acceptable to me, until proven otherwise.’ To Narzen, ‘If you accept this mantle, what do you think should be our next move?’

eMail 00:19 Jun.05 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
Narzen takes a look at the others present, then signs Zai, I would say we first take Malla Nata'al's advice and sit down to assign duties to everyone before moving out.

Dx'zau'vrinn is willing to scout ahead with the cavvekan, and I trust they will not be surprised by anything we could not handle. That part should be taken care of then. Narzen pauses for a while, then continues, During rest periods, we should use two guards taking a four-hour shift each, to ensure our arcane casters have enough time to prepare themselves without creating unnecessary movement by running multiple shifts. I want two non-spellcasters for permanent guard duty.

After another brief pause, the man continues, So, any volunteer guards? Also, if any of you feel particularly well-suited for some other position, let me know now so we can get moving as soon as possible. And, if anyone has a problem with me taking lead, let us first see things underway and exchange pleasantries later. Narzen finishes, raising an eyebrow in his usual manner.

eMail 09:58 Jun.05 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
Ah, well, then I volunteer for guard duty. That´s fine with me.

eMail 11:32 Jun.05 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
Yer choices are fine with me, Nata'al adds after hearing the males proposals. I'am not sure how many spellcasters we actually have here, well, she glances at Narzen, I know of your abilities but ... she waves a hand towards the others. Anyway, I will need some rest before starting to get my magic to work, but would surely watch over the others' sleep as well. I don't mind taking up the rear guard either, once we are in Har'oloth's embrace.

Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think, then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.
eMail 13:45 Jun.05 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
I, myself, will need rest and time to prepare. Any other “chores” you need me to do, I am at your service.

Tilting his head to the side. If you don’t mind I would help you taking rear guard. Even a spider has multiple eyes looking back.


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Ust Unboi'en Wund L'olath
« Antwort #7 am: 14.11.2003, 01:47:20 »
   Drow Campaign
Zanan's Drow Kampagne

 18:32 Jun.05 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
Dxzauvrinn nods his head to Narzen, silently accepting his duty. I too am ready to get this mission underway. We've delayed long enough as it is. He turns away from the group not bothering to await a response. He drawls the hood of his cloak over his head and attempts to dissapeer into the surrounding darkness, his footfalls falling down as lightly as a cat's on plush carpet. Wading through the eternal Night Below, he resumes his lead point position as scout well ahead of group, but no further than 120 ft., so that he remains within range of the others darkvision. Szor stalks along side of him.

eMail 22:17 Jun.05 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
Narzen watches for a while as Dx'zau'vrinn blends to the darkness, and nods at Nata'al and Zai. Well enough. Thus we have our front and rear covered.

Turning his attention to the last party member, Narzen continues, Malla Vezellek, what of your needs? If you require rest, I shall take the second guard duty myself. The stern expression on Narzen's face is not quite as eager to please as the words he signs, however.

Regardless, I doubt there is need to remind everyone to stay alert when no rest is absolutely necessary. As for my position while we are on the move, I will attempt to back up the rest of you where needed, and to make sure nobody wanders too far away from the others. Those with healing abilities, use them as you see fit, but I expect everyone to fall back before falling down. We are not going to war here.

eMail 12:22 Jun.06 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
I will need some time to spend in pray but not much. You won't have to take the second watch alone. I should be able to stand watch with you. Two pairs of eyes and ears are better for us all.
With that she walks over to a pillar and sits down with her back against it. Slowly closering her eyes, Vezellek begins to slip into a trance.

 19:52 Jun.06 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
Cold, lifeless, pale blue eyes cut through the darkness of the Night Below like the edge of a fine drow blade through a siblings back. Dx'zau'vrinn meticulously scrutinizes their surroundings, looking for any sign that may indicate danger or lend a bit of information as to where the caravan remnants may lay.

He casts his gaze upon Szor'r, systematically monitoring his pet should he show any signs of uneasiness. Szor has served me well over these past few years, Dx'zau'vrinn thought. Szor had been with him for nearly 5 years now. He had bought the pup in Skullport from a duergar merchant that said he bred the beasts. He he had told Dx'zau'vrinn that Szor was "...a good sniffer, that one there is...". A good "sniffer" indeed. Szor'r had once sniffed out a nasty little dark creeper hiding amid a labyrinth of tunnels long after the dust from the trail had settled. He would have to reward Szor'r with a bit'o'osquip meat after this mission was over. He knew how much Szor'r loved the taste of those dangerous little rodents. He'd observed Szor'r hunting the little beasties, well not too little, some were almost the same size as Szor'r himself, but he noticed that the trick was to bite them before they bite you. A bite from an osquip leaves a nasty wound. Maybe they would come across a few of the vermin on their expedition.

Dx'zau'vrinn steals himself from his thoughts and re-focuses his full attention back upon scanning their surroundings. He cleared his mind. Emptyness...that is the state that he must now dwell, the void that he became so intimately familuar with. His truest companion. It had never let him down. He would not be caught unaware, because to do so, mayhaps only just once, was to concede to non-exsistance. Perhaps he would be welcomed into the Masked Lord's court, but he had a feeling that greater glories awaited him. Unconfined by the shackles of Lolthite society he would perservere to new heights. He quietly mouthed a prayer, "May the black winds guide my journey."

The frosty blue framed by the inky black darkness of his flesh and garb gazed.

eMail 11:09 Jun.09 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
The passageway who leads out of this room opens into an even larger, high-ceilinged hall. Large stone pillars supported whatever there was to be supported up in the darkness. There is a slighty draft in the air which tells you of corridors and tunnels who should lead to some other location. The scout vanishes in the darkness and returns some long moments later to inform you that there are three ways out of this hall. The whole place is littered with the remains of a gray dwarven settlement, as well as those of its denizens. The odd wandering monster also found its last resting place here, probably slain by other folk using the portal. Now it is open to you ... the archway to the left, the one straight ahead or to your right. No creature is lurking here right now, or so it seems ...

Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think, then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.

 20:18 Jun.09 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
After reporting his findings to the main party (using the drow silent hand language of course), Dx'zau'vrinn sqauts down and examines the remains of the creatures in the heigh-ceiling hall. He reaches down a gloved hand and sifts through the remnants trying to decipher the identity of the creatures, how recently they were slaughtered, and what may have caused their death.

Szor'r lowers his nose to the remains and takes a few sniffs. Dx'zau'vrinn stops his examining for a moment and coaxes Szor'r to sniff the air issuing from each of the three tunnels. He then tries to gauge the dog's reaction as he sniffs the air of each archway.

While still scrutinizing his cavvekan, Dx'zau'vrinn flashes his hands back at the party; Perhaps while Szor'r and I attempt to unravel what took place here and decipher our course, one of you spellcasters could expend a bit of your faerz to help us choose the correct path. Narzen, what say you?

eMail 22:22 Jun.09 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
Narzen nods, slowly. We could see if any of the passages bears active dweomers, whatever the source. Yet I am in fact more interested in what the bat-nosed one can find. Those kind of tracks are sure to be recent, and having... him... around will save us many a precious spell. Not to mention we can better remain silent by keeping spellcasting to minimum.

 21:31 Jun.10 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
Dx'zau'vrinn nods his head in agreement. Just out of curiousity, who among us are spell weavers? He resumes studying Szor'r while he awaits a answer.

eMail 09:32 Jun.11 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
I am a "spell weaver", as you put. I do agree with Narzen that at the moment we should keep the casting down to minimum.

eMail 11:08 Jun.11 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
I can cast a few spells as well Nata'al signals to the male and starts off into the darkness trying to detect any magical auras. A few moments later the drow returns and shrugs her shoulders:
There are no active dweomers around, in neither direction. This place is as empty and dead as it can be. What do you think, Narzen. Which way will lead us out of here?

Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think, then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.  


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Ust Unboi'en Wund L'olath
« Antwort #8 am: 14.11.2003, 01:47:37 »
   Drow Campaign
Zanan's Drow Kampagne

eMail 17:26 Jun.11 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
Did not Jabbress Naedrylaen mention that in her map? Narzen asks in reply, then smiles slightly. Though perhaps it would do well to have a look at it anyway at this point.

eMail 17:44 Jun.11 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
By the looks of it, the map suggests that the shortest way out of this place is the one straight ahead. Yet, the map is not that specific about the duergar city, displaying what seem to be major 'streets' only. A long and twisted tunnel will lead away from the city in the general direction of the attack site.

Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think, then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.

eMail 18:52 Jun.11 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
Having studied the map, Narzen nods to himself. So, let us take the passage in the middle, proceed straight through the city, and then see where the tunnel leads us. Going along the main street will make us more vulnerable to potential attacks, but it should also offer less cover for any attackers.

Then, he shows Dx'zau'vrinn the planned route on the map, Go ahead with the cavvekan, secure the immediate surroundings on our path, and wait for us at the entrance of that long tunnel unless there is trouble. We will wait here for half an hour or so to give you some time to look around before moving out ourselves.

 18:52 Jun.11 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
Then I believe our way is straight, eh Narzen? Unless of course we wish to delay in this ruin and waste precious time and energy on battling the no doubt numerous residents of this place and end up like our friends here. He kicks some of the bones laying scattered at his feet to indicate his point.

eMail 09:55 Jun.15 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
(A shorter one to keep it going ...)
The scout follows the outlined large alley which appears to run straight through the whole city. Hallways, corridors, sometimes just rooms line the way to the right and the left, all empty and filled with the deepest shadows. Just before the scout reaches what he thinks are the gates, a number of muffled sounds can be heard. He barely manages to melt with she shadows when a group of dark figures come rushing down a broad staircase in front of him. The scout counts six orogs who look into the direction of the group and soon begin to organize some sort of ambush ...

Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think, then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.
 18:23 Jun.16 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
After studying the group of orogs for a few moments from the concealment of the shadows, Dx'zau'vrinn swiftly, but silently retreats back down the corridor and motions for the remainder of the drow party to be silent. He then quickly signs his gloved hands in silent hand code of his people. We are not alone. I count six deep orcs preparing for an ambush at the end of this alley near a gate. I'm not quite sure whether its us that they seek, but our chosen path seems to lay in their general direction. They also seem to be in a hurry so I suggest we either take up strategic positions here in this chamber or meet and greet our hosts with terms for a parlay or with the bite of a drow blade in their backsides. Though whatever we do, we must do it quickly for they seem quite prepared and anxious to do battle. He motions for Szor'r to cease his low gutteral growling.

eMail 19:30 Jun.16 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
Everyone hide as you can. Narzen quickly signs with a sour expression on his face. If they attack, they die, but waste not your energy if it can be avoided, and help one another if safe to do so. Dead comrades do no good for any of us.

Barely finished with the signing, Narzen draws his rapier with a flick of a wrist, wraps himself in his cloak and fades from sight to untrained eyes.

eMail 10:19 Jun.17 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
Zhadristan signs back: I´m not all too eager for a fight, especially now. Do you see a way around their ambush?

 17:37 Jun.17 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
Quickly signs to Zhadristan: None that we have enough time pursue. Quickly now, do as Narzen has instructed and take up a defensible position prefferably out-of-sight of the untrained eye if you can muster such a feat. If you have any magical defenses you'd like to employ, I'd suggest you do so now. And with that said Dx'zau'vrinn looks for any places on the ceiling that would allow for him to quickly scale up the wall and hide so that he may drop down amidst the intruding orogs attacking them from their rear if possible and absolutly nessecary (Are there any such places Zanan??). If not, he instructs Szor'r to hide as best he can, and he hides in the corner of the chamber on the same side of the entrance into the room.

eMail 18:15 Jun.17 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
Giving a curt nod of agreement, Zhandristan unsheates his longsword and scurries for cover. After finding a suitable spot, he pulls the hood of his piwafwi up, making sure no part of his armor is seen beneath the cloaks folds. Then he waits.


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Ust Unboi'en Wund L'olath
« Antwort #9 am: 14.11.2003, 01:47:55 »
   Drow Campaign
Zanan's Drow Kampagne

eMail 12:14 Jun.18 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
Taking one quick look towards the direction of the Orogs, she rests a hand her hand near her belt where her sling and dagger are kept. Taking the example set by the rest of the group Vezellek slips back into a patch of shadows to the east of the road/path and kneels down to conceal herself. Keeping her hand near her weapons she waits for either the Orogs to come closer or for another from the group to make the first move.

eMail 17:41 Jun.18 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
Do we know if any have a type of long range weapons?
Zai, then draws up his hood in mimic of the rest and sinks back in to the shadows. His piwafwi hiding the unheard crackle of energy forming on the tips of his fingers.

 20:22 Jun.18 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
Dx'zau'vrinn considers for a moment whether or not to respond to Zai's question, but he quickly decides against it, not wanting to emerge from the concealment of his position. He rest a gloved hand on the magnificent hilt of his slightly curved tapering rapier, but does not draw it. His hood drawn just above his eyelids, he silently awaits the deep orc troupe, focusing his iajutsu energy into his blade, quite ready to be unleashed in a lightning-quick strike.

eMail 23:29 Jun.18 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
Nata'al draws in a deep breath. 'Deep orcs?' She shruggs with her shoulders, takes out her hand-crossbow and levitates upwards into the darkness of the ceiling ...
Two of the orogs, apparently the group's scouts, soon appear in the hallway, stalking forward between the fallen blocks. They take their time, sniffing at the air at regular intervals. Finally, one of the orogs silently enters your room, his eyes scanning the shadows along the walls. As ZaiDizzen prepares his spell, the head of the creature turns abruptly towards him, the throwing axe at the end of his raised arm at the ready.

Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think, then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.
 20:29 Jun.19 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
Dx'zau'vrinn's well honed muscles tense as he watches the orogs actions, barely containing his nearly unbridled anxciousness to take life. He remains concealed though, not quite willing to give away his position just yet. He would wait. Wait until all the other members of the orog party were within the chamber and all of his traveling companions had taken their first action. Then he would observe where he was most needed and then, and only then, would he and Szor'r strike nearly simultaneously. Though he knew that for Szor'r to attack, he would have to do so first and then command the bat-faced dog to do likewise.

Szror'r was a particularly bright for his species, but not bright by humanoid standards. He could understand many a command, but he and his pet lacked empathy and sometimes he found it difficult to impart complicated commands to the cavvekan.

He stiffled a slight chuckle. He had for-warned Zai to quickly prepare, but the large drow male had insisted upon asking foolish questions and wasting valuable time. Survival in the Night Below depended upon wariness. A drow must never be caught unprepared because to do so was to die. Hopefully his companion would be more prepared the next time, if of course, he lived to see that day.

eMail 10:53 Jun.20 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
Still hiding, Narzen takes a few light steps to circle behind the orog with the throwing axe, yet keeping his own back away from the hallway. When in attack position, he thrusts at the deep orc with his rapier and hisses in the Elven language, apparently counting on that the orogs won't understand it, "The rest of you stay out of sight as long as you can."

eMail 12:49 Jun.23 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
Quite angry at the stupidity shown bei ZaiDizzen, and somewhat baffled by Narzens command, Zhadristan stays hidden behind the outcrop of stone. Taking stock of helpful items in his possessions, Zhadristan silently rummages around his equipment for anything useful. Scrolls? No, too valuable... Hand Crossbow? Yes..... Thinking this, Zhandristan puts his hand crossbow in front of him and loads the murderous device with a tiny, poison dripping bolt. Then he takes his house insignias in his left hand, longsword still in his right, and waits.

eMail 15:28 Jun.23 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
As the orog turns his head towards Zai'Dizzen, they lock eyes. And with swiftness defies his size, Zai comes in low and up to grab the orogs neck. The blades at the end of his fingers almost hit the creature until it suddenly ducks low to avoid the strike. The same reflex movement denies the incoming Narzen, as he almost loses his blade as it hit the orog's armor and gets stuck between two small metal plates. The drow immediately takes a step backwards and regains his composure.
Nata'al tries to locate the second orog while levitating, apparently preparing to cast a spell into his direction.

Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think, then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.

 20:39 Jun.23 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
Dx'zau'vrinn and Szor'r remain hidden, silently observing both the orogs and his drow companions. He studies his companions fighting styles and techniques trying discern their level of skill at melee, spellcasting, and any other interesting fighting techniques they may employ. His black-gloved hand remains on the elaborate caged hilt of his curved rapier, not quite ready to become directly involved in the fray. He instead decides to slip past the skirmish and into the tunnel that the orogs came from. He walks as silently as he can muster and remains in the shadows of the corridor, his jet-black piwafwi enveloping his slight frame.

He travels down the corridor with his slightly point ears perked up listening for any sounds of the remainder of the orogs, his icey-blue eyes slicing through the darkness like a knife, looking for any signs of movement. He wanted to know why the other orogs hadn't yet joined in the fray. Surely they could hear the clangs of steel on steel.

If he was lucky, maybe he'd find them completely off-guard, and maybe then he'd be able to sabatoge their equipment or aquire a few trinkets before the remainder of the party began claiming their bounty on the deep orcs treasure. Though he would love to find an oppertunity to slay them all if possible.

eMail 11:50 Jun.25 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
(assuming the orog has its back to me)
Seeing that others have began an attack and that the Orog is distracted Vezellek removes her sling from her belt. Loading a bullet she carefully takes aim at the back of the Orogs head. A few quick swings and the bullet flies towards the intended mark....

(If it is facing me)
Seeing that others have began an attack and that the Orog is distracted Vezellek removes her sling from her belt. Loading a bullet she carefully takes aim towards the Orogs throat, hoping that Zai'Dizzen doesn't get hit instead. A few quick swings and the bullet flies towards the intended mark...


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Ust Unboi'en Wund L'olath
« Antwort #10 am: 14.11.2003, 01:48:14 »
   Drow Campaign
Zanan's Drow Kampagne

eMail 21:35 Jun.29 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
Nata'al finishes her spellcasting with a word whispered but clearly understandable towards the orog in the hallway. Almost instantly the creature stands up straight and starts to flee from the fight. Narzen gives it another try with his rapier, but the ororg, who heard his comrade stumble back through the rubble turned in the "right" moment, denying the Drow another hit. Dxzauvrinn vanishes in the shadows and moves along the hallway without making a sound or being spotted. Soon he will meet with the other monsters. Out of the darkness of a corner of the room, a sling bullet rushes towards the head of the orog and meets it with a hollow sound. Somewhat stunned, the large creature misses his counterstrike on Narzen in the process. Zai Dizzen's spell-covered hand again lashes out at the orog, yet, the creature is lucky again, as he tumbles out of the way. Due to all the fightesr involved, Zhadristan keeps his aim but does not fire as yet (hope that was right?)

Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think, then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.
 02:31 Jun.30 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
Slowly creeps ever onward.

eMail 08:12 Jun.30 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
Angry frustration flashes on Narzen's face after his two missed attacks, but the attacking orog forces him to quickly regain his calm. Without a sound the drow takes a step or two to get Zai in flanking position. Then, with his pale eyes staring at those of the deep orc, Narzen takes another stab at the creature.

 17:13 Jun.30 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
His pale icey blue orbs not only scan the darkness for deep orcs but for any possible traps as well.

eMail 10:44 Jul.02 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
Zhadristan keeps waiting for any further Orog movement. If any of the scout tries to break combat or any of the other Orog further advance further, he´ll have a nice git for them in the form of some poison. He keep the components for a spell of true striking at hand, fully awayre of his insufficiency with a hand crossbow.

eMail 11:10 Jul.03 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
Vezellek's sling bullet hammers into the side of the orog, who sees himself confronted by at least three different opponents. Just as he settles himself and tries to take aim at Zai'Dizzen, Narzen's rapier finds its way into the orogs stomach. The creatures howls in pain and misses with its own attack, deeply wounded now. The magic-covered hand of Zai'Dizzen lashes out at the orog, hits him at the neck and without another sound, the orog goes down. A small crossbow bolt whistles passed the combatants from above, ricochets off the stone floor and vanishes in the dark.
Dxzauvrinn moves along the hallway in perfect silence and does not spot any trap that has not been sprang ages ago. He reaches the room where the other orogs have tried to lay their ambush, but right now they look somewhat bemused after their comrade, who stumbles past them without explanation. The scout notices that while three of the remaining orogs definitely look like warriors of some sort, the fourth creature, apparently a female, may well be a spellcaster. She wears blackish robes and a lot of talismans made of bone and small trophies. All of them appear to be much tougher than the couple of scouts were ...

Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think, then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.

 00:15 Jul.04 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
Dx'zau'vrinn's features become grim as he takes note of the bulk of the deep orc party. He grimaces slightly at not finding the orogs unprepared and slips back down the corridor to the rest of the party.

He walks out of the shadows so that his drow companions spot him. Though, before he announces his grim tidings, he searches the dead orog's body.

After rummaging over the corpse, he softly whistles calling Szor'r to his side. I hope for all of our sake that the skills that the majority of you displayed in this skirmish aren't the height of your prowess. Laying in a chamber at the end of this corridor are nearly half a score of deep orcs that look much more menecing than these.....::he kicks the corpse of the one on the ground::....weaklings. It appears the leader of these orogs is a female priestess. Also, whichever one of you fools allowed that wounded orog to escape, allowed him to warn them of our presence. So I suspect we'll have a spectactular upcoming battle on our hands, our element of surprise, if we ever had one, now ruined.

Szor'r growls sensing his master's ire. Dx'zau'vrinn sighs slightly and looks over any of the babbles he may have proccured off of the orog corpse.

eMail 08:32 Jul.04 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
Narzen dismisses Dx'zau'vrinn's boasting with a wave of hand. Facing the others, he quickly signs, Let us take the battle to them. The less time we give their priestess to work her magic on her footsoldiers, the better. Those with sleep bolts, make good use of them.

Hiding from sight again, he then moves to keep an eye on the corridor, waiting for the others to take the positions they prefer.

eMail 09:52 Jul.04 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
Zhadristan leaves his cover, hand crossbow still ready, components in hand. I´ll take the shots at the priestess. Who else tries to get her out of combat? Dxzauvrinn take the lead, will you? With this, he slowly start crawling towards the orog, darting from shadow to shadow.

 00:56 Jul.05 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
Dx'zau'vrinn quickly pockets any trinkets he may aquired off the orog scout's corpse begins to slip into the shadows of the corridor. But before he does so, he carefully coats 2 of his acid darts in drow sleep poison and then after tucking them into his finely crafted black leather badoleer he flashes his tightly gloved hands: Quckly then, let us strike them hard and now. He motions for Szor'r to slip into the shadows of the corridor and he does the same, taking the point of the strike team.

He silently mouths a prayer to the Masked Lord for swift victory.


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Ust Unboi'en Wund L'olath
« Antwort #11 am: 14.11.2003, 01:48:35 »
   Drow Campaign
Zanan's Drow Kampagne

eMail 09:03 Jul.07 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
The orog's possions are pretty meagre. Only a handful of gold coins (9) an a small silverish bracelet seem to be worthy of keeping. The latter carries some holy symbol of a human god, since no orog deity will have those fair features and will be depicted in such a way. Just before Dxzauvrinn vanishes in the corridor again, Nata'al's fingers signal a silent note of disapproval: "Make sure that your fighting skills are as good as your tongue is with slagging of your comrades ... " She makes sure that her bolt is poisoned before taking her position in the group.

The hallway proves to be a tougher challenge than it first looked like. Many small stones and pebbles litter the floor and while the traps have gone off long ago, the ground is still treacherous. The scout moves about without making a sound, closely followed by Narzen and Zhadristan. The latter, on his way to another shaodw-filled area, trips on one of the larger stones who crumbles to dust beneath his feat. Did anyone hear the faint sound? Expecting an ambush, Zai'Dizzen turns around, ready to lash out and leaves his hidden place for a second or two. As he realised what is going on, he tries to hide again. Startled by the sudden movement of her comrade, Vezellek hide behind another bolder, but crushes an small stone beneath her light feet as well. Zhadristan looks around, but cannot discern whether your noises have been heard.

Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think, then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.
 15:47 Jul.07 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
Dx'zau'vrinn almost leaps from his hidden position to choke his noisy comrades, but he contains his rage by gritting his teeth and clenching his fist. What fools!? He thinks. What kind of dark elves are these who cannot even tread lightly the lightless tunnels!? I steadies himself, takes a deep breath, and calms down.

He had heard Nata'al's words and he didn't take them as lightly as he may have led her to believe. He was never one to make threats. While his foes flapped their incessent gums, barking meaningless threats, he always ended up letting it go for the moment and slitting their throat latter that evening, or cutting their wagging tongues off right then and there. He supposed he needed to work on his people skills. He knew he just had a high intolerance for mistakes.

Most of the Dark Dagger executed at a high level and he felt that he was
no exception. Though, he was not perfect, though perfection was indeed his goal. Perhaps he should ease up on his fumbling bafoon traveling companions. Though why? If it ended up being their mistakes that gets him killed, no he corrected, gets them killed. He would steet clear of them if he could, not taking any chances to become entangled in their mistakes. They operated at the proffessional level of goblins, bugbears at best. Well, not all of them. There were a few exceptions. His judgment was not yet set in stone in his mind.

He ceases his silent contemplations and continues along the hallway, silently mouthing another prayer to Vhaeraun. He fully expected a full on ambush by the orogs. Best he stay to the shadows and allow his companions to be beset by the peril that they allowed to gain the upperhand. He would watch and wait for oppertunities to strike from the darkness like a hidden viper when the enemy least expected it.

eMail 10:20 Jul.10 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
The unexpected sounds cause Narzen to also spin around, but realizing there's no imminent threat, he simply adjusts his path to the other side of the corridor so as to stay out of the way of any unseen foe aiming at the sound.

No reason to change our plan because of the noise, they know there are drow in this direction anyway. Keep going. Narzen signals his companions behind him without looking back for a response, his eyes trying to pick up any signs of the orogs ahead instead.

 19:59 Jul.12 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
As he comes to the end of the hallway, he pauses at the lip of the chamber, hopefully quite concealed within shadow, and watches the orogs. He also searches the chamber for another entrance, a plan begining to develop in his devious mind.

eMail 09:23 Jul.13 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
Silently cursing herself for crushing the rock, she looks around to see if there are any suitable places to climb above the Orog party and possibly past them. Feeling she would be of more use helping with the priestess then the bulk of the Orog party plans to get past them with little or no harm began hatching. Thinking she spots a good place Vezellek prepairs to head to it....

eMail 17:37 Jul.13 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
You make smoothly for the hall where the orogs had planned to ambush you without further problems. Vezellek scales an almost vertical wal without much problem and moves onwards covered by the shadows of the ceiling. Two of the orogs look towards the hallway, but do not seem to notice you. The female walks a few steps towards the fleeing chap who - after about a hundred paces - suddenly stops and looks somewhat bemused. The remaining male stands up and waves towards the scout to get back to the group, which tries to hide behind some fallen pillars and stone tables. A few of the latter might give you cover, if you manage to get to them ... since they are about ten paces away from the door.

Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think, then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.
eMail 10:59 Jul.14 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
Recovering from the shock, and coursing himself for his own bad luck, he starts towards the rest of the group. And hoping his bad luck has run out, he silently finds a shadow where he has a good view of his companions and the orog “witch”. Concentrating on the task at hand he mentally readies himself for the next part of this skirmish, ready for the get go.

 17:28 Jul.17 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
Dx'zau'vrinn reaches a slender black-gloved hand into a inner pocket of his jet-black piwafwi and produces a black dagger shaped brooch. He waits to he gets to the lip of the chamber filled with the orogs and prepares to cast the spell contained within his insignia....

 21:40 Jul.19 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
He concentrates on his insignia and wills into exsistence four mind flayers that appear to materialize on the opposite side of the chamber placing the orogs between them and the drow party skulking in the shadows at the lip of the hallway. He remains hidden and concentrates on the figments directing them to make threating gestures of their dreaded mental assault.

He flashes his free hand back at his companions: Wait until the orogs attack the false images of illithids that I have created and then we attack hard and swift while their attentions have been drawn away from the possibility of a drow ambush.

eMail 01:17 Jul.20 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
From her vantage above the orogs Vezellek waits silently to see how they react to the newly arrived illithids. As she lays there watching she begins to mentally think through her plan of attack, changing it to include the illithid images. Muscles tense in preperation to move into action when the time is right. Only a matter of the right moment now...


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Ust Unboi'en Wund L'olath
« Antwort #12 am: 14.11.2003, 01:48:52 »
   Drow Campaign
Zanan's Drow Kampagne

eMail 13:52 Jul.24 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
A shout of warning rumbles through the hall, as one of the orogs points towards the new enemies. The orog who had fled the other room turns around once moe and flees the scene in terror. The remaining orogs look somewhat shocked, but the female belts out an order and two of the males hurl themselves and then their javelins towards the images, yelling some orokish prayer to Gruumsh along the way. The female begins to cast a spell and from your positions, no-one has the means to stop her doing so, it seems. The remaining orog leaves his position near the entrance to your hallway to guard the female. As he does so, Zai'Dizzen makes moves to follow him ... almost stumbles over a piece of rusted metal but this time, Lolth smiles upon him, as the orog is distracted and does not notices him. Soon he may attack goblionoid from behind.

Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think, then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.

eMail 16:24 Jul.24 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
The shouts of the orogs make Narzen give a smile and a nod at Dx'zau'vrinn's direction for creating the apparently succesful distraction. To his companions (those paying attention, at least) he signs, Good. Now, before the orcs recover, let us strike as Dx'zau'vrinn suggested. Take out their priestess first.

Trusting in the noise ahead to cover his approach, Narzen moves closer to the orogs at normal speed, switching his rapier to a crossbow on the way. He tries to get in range to deliver a bolt in the back of the orog priestess unseen.

eMail 10:28 Jul.25 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
Seeing this as the time to strike Vezellek inches over till she is above the orc priestess and prepairs. Watching the actions of the other drow, waiting for their moves before acting. Seeing them move and sensing the time is now right she lets her grip go, dropping down towards the priestess, hopefully knocking her down and breaking her concentration.
Standing up from her drop Vezellek draws her dagger from it's sheath at her belt. With a low growl she stabs at the priestess.

 20:46 Jul.26 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
Dx'zau'vrinn commands S'zor to rush from the darkness and rip the throat out of the orog guarding the priestess as soon as he gives the signal, as for himself, he slips silently into the chamber and positions himself behind the orog priestess casting her spell. He quickly scans her body locating a chink in her armor where a vital organ lay and with a flash of movement almost too quick to be percieved, he snaps a poison-coated acid dart from his bandoleer and sends it singing through the air towards the intended location on his target along with a prayer to Vhaeraun uttering off of his jet black lips.

The utterance also serving a double-purpose to send his sensitive hearing cavvekan into action. S'zor charges from the shadows like a jet black bolt fired from a giant's crossbow towards the deep orc guarding his precious priestess to do his master's bidding and sink his canine maw deeply into the throat or groin of the orc and tear flesh from bone.

eMail 15:18 Jul.28 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
Zhadristan does not move out of the darkness of the shadows and watches what unfolds before him. Narzen holds his hand out, one line with the small cross-bow in his hand, yet, as something dark falls off the ceiling, he losses his concentration and the bolt vanishes in the dark. Zai'Dizzen appears suddenly at the back of the priestess and hammers something attached to his right arm into her back, breaking the female orog's spellcasting. Half a second later, the shadow which distracted Narzen comes down next to the cleric and jabbs her with her dagger. Her grunts at each hit make the other orogs stop in their tracks. As her bodyguard turns towards her, a dark shadow leaps at him with tremendous spead, almost nocking the orog down. An instant, a small dart hits him hard in the chest, with no immediate response, though. The stubborn creature also shrugs off the effects that might have laid low most other opponents, effects that stem from the poisoned bolt of Nata'al, who him right next to the dart of Dxzaurvinn. The two attacked orogs look somewhat shaken, but do not appear to be heavily wounded. One of the orogs who attacked the ilithids flies into some sort of rage and comes back at you howling curses. The other looks back and forth from the Drow and the illithids, yet undecided whom he will attack.

Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think, then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.
Dxzauvrinn  00:04 Jul.29 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
Never one to waste time on indecision, Dx'zau'vrinn rushes towards the previously wounded orog and quick draws his slightly curved rapier focusing his iajutsu technique that he learned while on a mission in the Utter East into the lightning fast upward slash towards the deep orc's mid-section. He also whistles for S'zor to continue his furious attack.

eMail 23:21 Aug.03 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
Considering the situation for a moment, Narzen puts away his crossbow while closing in on the orog priestess. With a deft movement of his hand, he again draws his rapier and starts looking for a place to stab the priestess.

eMail 14:09 Aug.05 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
Using the destraction to get the priestess' attention, Zai faces her. Believing the melicious smile, creeping across his face and that sparkles wickedly in his eye, will keep her occupied long enough for Narzen to place himself behind her unnoticed. He then awaits his time before he indulges himself, if need be, in the frenzy of slaughter.

eMail 18:09 Aug.12 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
Zai'Dizzen's attack misses the female as she turns around with amazing speed and hammers her fist into his stomach (4 HP of damage). After falling from the ceiling and stabbing the same orog, Vezellek ducks beneath the whirling creature and let her dagger taste the flesh of the priestess' upper legs. Nearby, Szor's teeth dig deep into the orog it has almost made to stumble a few moments ago. Distracted by two opponents, the creature misses with it's swing at Dxzauvrinn, who in turn opens a deep wound on the orogs midsection. Howling in anger, this orogs seems also to fly into rage. Narzen manages to get around the priestess without risking an attack and sinks half of the blade of his rapier into her back. The returning orog heads straight towards Narzen's back, his axe's blade flashing. Yet, jut before he reaches the drow, Nata'al appears next to him, longsword in hand. Instead of using this weapon though, she lashes out with her jet-black buckler and almost severs the orogs shield arm. The last of the orogs now heads towards his battling kin, no longer worried by the illithids behind his back ...

Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think, then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.

eMail 20:06 Aug.12 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
Narzen quickly nods his thanks to ZaiDizzen for the opportunity to sink his blade in the female orog's back, but suddenly spins around as he hears the orog behind him. Seeing Nata'al striking at the new threat, however, he takes the time to pull his weapon free and look for the next opening to strike.

"You put me in an awkward position yet again, Malla Nata'al. I may not live long enough to repay you all the times you have saved my hide", Narzen whispers with a grin.


  • Beiträge: 1056
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Ust Unboi'en Wund L'olath
« Antwort #13 am: 14.11.2003, 01:49:10 »
   Drow Campaign
Zanan's Drow Kampagne

 21:30 Aug.12 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
A devilish smile forms on his handsome jet black face as he feels the satisfaction of his blade sinking deep into the orc's torso. The glossy blue scarab burrowed halfway into his forearm flaps it's wings with excitement as it senses it's master's delight.

Noticing the orog that he's engaged in melee with growing angier, Dx'zau'vrinn observes that the brute's defenses begin to slack off. With a lightning-quick flash of his silver-glowing blade he thrust it's fine needle-thin point into the wound on the orog's mid-section that he just freshly opened, while he keeps his other arm containing the beetle-buckler held out in front of him bent at the elbow so as to delfect any of the orc's incoming blows.

Szor, so far having great success at ripping his foe asunder, yet again attempts to gnash his sharply fanged maw into the deep orc's gut and lock on, hopefully tearing the orc's intestines free.

eMail 21:40 Aug.21 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
Vezellek senses an opportunity as the priestess apparently wants to finish the male drow in front of her first and lets her dagger taste orc flesh once more. The sudden hit makes the orog jerk somewhat and opens a space for Zai'Dizzen to strike with his claw again, hammering it deep into the females side. Just as she attempts to cast a spell on herself, Narzen's pierces her chest and heart and her voice as well as her life ends abruptly. Behind his back, Narzen hears a soft spoken curse as the orog in front of Nata'al lands a vicious hit on her buckler and thwarts her attack. Her shieldarm appears to be numb from pain and she starts defending herself from the beast with her sword. To her left, Szor sinks his teeth deep into the leg of the male orog and bring him down to his knees. Instantly, Dxzauvrinn finishes the orog off with a precise strike of his rapier. As he watches the life drain away from the creatures eye, the drow's instincts take over and only his honed skills make him duck at the right moment, as the warhammer of the last orog whizzes through the air where his head had been. This orog doesn't see the plight of his fellow comrades, his eyes filled with unnatural rage ...

Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think, then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.
eMail 02:14 Aug.22 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
Without wasting more time on words, Narzen slides his blade out of the orog priestess' chest and takes a quick look at Dx'zau'vrinn's direction. He then turns his attention to the fight behind him, and with light step not unlike that of a dancer, Narzen starts circling around the orog who is fighting Nata'al, trying to get her to flank the creature.

 20:13 Aug.22 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
While ducking the deep orc's swinging warhammer, he whistles sharply for S'zor to rush to his aid and attack the raging orog. Dx'zau'vrinn then spins with a swift about-face and whips his slightly curved rapier into an upward slash using the momentum from his spin to hopefully seperate some of the orog's flesh from his it's bones.

eMail 10:24 Aug.26 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
Zai turns as Narzen rushes past, to the orog beating down on Nata'al, and notices the swinging warhammer going for Dxauvrinn. His mind calling upon the verbal trigger of a spell. In the air next to Zai, a small ball of energy forms and darts straight towards the orog. Hoping the missile will destract the fiend long enough for the scout and his "hound" to sink their weapons into the flesh of the enemy.

eMail 11:06 Aug.29 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
Narzen tries to get around the orog fighting Nata'al, but the ground deceived him as it was trickier than he thought. Small stones crumble to dust beneath his feet thwarting the drow's attempt to get around the orog outside the creature's reach. A cruelly looking and hooked blade flashes instinctivly towards Narzens head, but is too short to reach him. The orog in front of Dxzauvrinn hits out at the drow, but is to weakened to breach Dxzauvrinn's defence. Yet, the dark elf's attempted attack goes astray due to this maneuvre. His "dog" sinks its teeth ever deeper into the flesh of his opponent and Zai'Dizzen's flashing energy ball sends the orog to the ground. Vezellek turns to the other opponents and sees that all are in close combat. Unable to reach any of the fighting orogs this round, she circles the orog near Nata'al to find an opening in his defence. Nata'al crouches in front of the remaining orog, trying to avoid his next attack. As the beast lashes out at Narzen, she seizes the opportunity and sinks her blade deep into the stomach of the orog with such a strength that the tip comes out of his back. Shellshocked, the orog lets his weapon drop, stares down at the weapon in his body and slowly falls back to die at the feet of Narzen. Heavily breathing, Nata'al scans the area for remaining enemies, but apart from the drow, nothing can be seen ...

Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think, then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.

eMail 21:21 Aug.29 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
First taking a deep breath to calm himself down, Narzen raises his voice just a touch above a whisper to get everyone's attention. "Let us see if we can still get any of these things to talk. I want to know what they were planning", he says, pointing at the fallen orogs. "Dx'zau'vrinn, you and the bat-hound keep a lookout."

He then crouches to the creature at his feet, trying to feel if it's still breathing.

eMail 07:16 Aug.31 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
Seeing that the battle has gone well she retreats back into some shadows. From there Vezellek keeps an eye on the battle, waiting for somebody to fall... from either side. In the off chance that one of the orcs decides to pursue her she keeps her dagger at ready in front of her.

eMail 21:36 Sep.04 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
Silence takes hold of the caverns and hallways once more and nothing apart from your breath can be heard. Nataa'al applies some sort of salve to the cut she received in the fight while she waits for the others to get together again.

Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think, then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.
 20:48 Sep.05 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
Dx'zau'vrinn searches the bodies for coin and treasure trinkets, searching the orog priestess first. After collecting whatever it is he found, he then turns to ZaiDizzen. "Can you tell if any of these orogs equipment is magical?" As he awaits an answer, he instructs Szor'r to keep a look out.


  • Beiträge: 1056
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Ust Unboi'en Wund L'olath
« Antwort #14 am: 14.11.2003, 01:49:27 »
   Drow Campaign
Zanan's Drow Kampagne

eMail 10:29 Sep.07 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
The orogs were clearly on a raiding mission and thus their equipment was rather light. Apart from some sort of strange looking food (dried meat of dubious origin), there are three masterwork broadswords and one mw greataxe. A magical dagger, a scroll and three potions plus one wand complete the material bounty. 67 goldpieces and 78 silver pieces is all you can scavenge from their bodies in terms of gold and trinkets.
Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think, then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.

 01:35 Sep.08 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
"I claim this dagger as my share. I leave the rest for the remainder of you to divide." And with that said, Dx'zau'vrinn slips the dagger within the folds of his piwafwi and walks off to examine his cavvekan and checks to see if the dog has any wounds that need tending to.

eMail 11:29 Sep.08 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
Nata'al raises an eyebrow about this statement and mutters: "Either he knows something we don't, or he has just stalked off with a dagger of unknown abilites." With a smile she adds, "And we may need to cast a wary exe on him for some time, since he may well turn into an orog or the like when he uses this weapon." More loudly, she addresses Narzen. "I think it is up to you to didvide the money then?"

Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think, then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.
eMail 21:51 Sep.10 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
"The coin is easily divided, Malla Nata'al, but I am uncertain of the items..." Narzen replies quietly, tapping his chin for a moment before continuing, "I have no pearls nor scrolls to spare to identify the properties of those things, so I shall follow the example of our bwael abbil instead. Zhadristan, Zai'Dizzen, Vezellek, Nata'al, let the four of you pick one of these choices blindly; the wand, two potions, or one potion and the scroll. By his own words, Dx'zau'vrinn already has what he wants, and I can wait for the spoils of our next victory myself with the one other who chooses not to pick up unknown magics. Unless someone questions my decision?"

Narzen then counts the coins, 13 gold pieces and 15 silvers each (except Dx'zau'vrinn) and pockets the undivisible part for himself. "I shall keep this extra change should we need to free Dx'zau'vrinn from an unexpected curse turning him into an orog..." he grins at Nata'al. "Oh, and if anyone cares to haul around those other orc weapons, help yourselves to them", he casually adds, then waits for response.

eMail 05:24 Sep.11 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
Stepping from the shadows where she waited, Vezellek walks to the pile of loot. After looking them over for a bit she reaches down and takes the wand.
"I will take a hold of this. Since the group had a priestess among them it is liking I can figure the wand out. Testing will be for another time though."
With that said she takes her share of coin and looks on towards where the orogs came from.

eMail 09:35 Sep.11 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
Nata'al takes her share of the cash and looks at the rest of the loot. "Well, I rely on my own potions for the time being, so help yourself to what is left. Be careful with the contents of them though, since I guess they were made for the more tougher stomachs of the orcs." She circles the weapons of the orogs and looks around. "Maybe we hide them somewhere and sell them to a slaver or some other orogs later. They don't look that crudely made, so we can make some gold out of them as well."

Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think, then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.
eMail 10:16 Sep.17 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
Nata'al remembers the images of the illithids. "That was a nice trick with these mindflayers. I hope you a few more of those up your sleeves?" she says to Dxzauvrinn.

Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think, then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.
eMail 11:49 Sep.18 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
"If no one has a problem with me taking the scroll, then..." Not waiting for a response, he reaches down to take his share of the booty. Fingers the coins into his pouch before unrolling the scroll. Zai deceides to read it latter rolls it up again and packs it away.

"Yes, I must say interessting idea, simple but effective. And well executed"

Dxzauvrinn  19:36 Sep.18 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
Dx'zau'vrinn runs a gloved hand through his braided white hair, pushing it back. He then throws a cocky wink towards Nata'al in response to her question.

He pulls out the dagger he recently aquired in the skirmish and jabs it into one of the orog corpses to see how easily it slides into the orc's thick hide and tries to notice if there are any other interesting affects that occur when he does so.

Dxzauvrinn  17:56 Sep.22 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
"Narzen, let's move on shall we?" "Who has the map? We should take a look at it to locate where we are in refrence to where we're going." Dx'zau'vrinn looks towards the stairwell that he scouted earlier and walks over to it. He then peers up into the darkness of the stairs and tries spot anything. He also listens very carefully for several moments.  

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