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Autor Thema: Whol l'olath ilhar - Maerimydra Temple and onwards  (Gelesen 44510 mal)


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Why bother with page numbers, eh?  :tooth:

Here we go on. Last postings first ... do check the description thread for the scene.


Talice nods and scans the surrounding fortresses. She takes a measure of the plateau too, then heads towards a small stronghold-pillar that looks utterly destroyed by fire. It belonged to another, larger compound, but the walls and bridges connecting it to that fortress have all gone, being melted away or shattered by magic. As you draw nearer, the scout slows the pace and checks the area with some minor magic. "The defensive enchantments are all gone, which I had hoped. Now lets see if we find some floors which are still intact in that pillar!"
Again, dozens of rotting corpses lie about near the wall, but the pillar itself is 'clean', as the fiery magic burned anything inside to the bones and dust. You manage to climb up and inside trough a whole and then move upwards along various wounded stairs and ramps. Some 80 feet above plateau level, Talice stops in a room which must have been one of the battle platforms. Windows to each side lead to balconies armed with ballistae and the like, most damaged beyond repair by the fierystorm. The brittle bones of about 10 drow lie about. Scavenging through them, Rou'sun comes away with some items not burned, such as an adamantine dagger, two adamantine short swords, an amulet and a jet-black ring. All are magical.
From this vantage point, you have a far better view of the city below, even though it is still obstructed by heavy banks of smoke. Nothing alive ... or undead ... comes your way or even looks in your direction at the moment.

As the demon's head rolls towards Keth, Malifice pauses and catches her breath. "Malla tlu Lolth." She says as she wipes the demon's ichor from her blades. She makes no other comment and simply stays close to Keth as the party advances on.

After making herself familiar with the rooms next to the battle platform, Nata'al comes towards Kethryllia and asks: "Malla yathrin, I'd like tae investigate that tower a bit further, if ye don't mind. Don't like surprises and a'. One of the males could back me up." Scanning the room, Nata'al points at Narzen. "Him maybe? We'll be back soon enough."

For the time being, Rou'sun takes the amulet, the ring and the dagger for himself. The two short swords he puts onto the floor. "These are magical," he tells the others.
Then he walks over to Zhadristan. "May I ask you, where you and your companions come from?" he asks.

Keth nods at Nata'al, and watches her and Narzen go off.

Keth frowns at Rou'sun for a moment, then turns towards one of the balconies to look over the city.

"As far as I am concerned that has faded into meaninglessness long ago", Zhadristan answers in a callous tone. "But nowhere near as effectful as your home is beginning to right now" he adds with a bitter laugh.

DM & Nata'al
Talice cannot help herself and laugh at the comment of Zhadristan. She gathers her wits soon enough though - not least due to the presence of Malifice - and turns towards the two brothers.

From the balcony, Kethryllia can spot the temple in the distance. It was apparently destructed by some seriously powerful magic. A couple of jade spiders lie in front of the stairs leading up to it, equally blown apart. The fight at the northern gates has stopped, though one can hardly spot any movement from hereabout. The view to the castle of Maerimydra is obstructed by the other pillars of this compound.

Rou'sun sends Talice an angry glance but spares himself any comment.
Then he turns back to Zhadristan. "I was more interested about the recent past. As you pointed out so well, my home is fading into meaninglessness, and apart from wanting to know more about this group, I would like to know about other cities where I might go."

"Hard to say on that, Talice would know best if she is willing to tell you," says Keth, "in the part the Underdark where we are from, your best bet would be Skullport," as she prepares for her meditations.

Silently, Malifice wipes down her blades and sheathes them. She watches the exchange between Zhadristan, Talice and Rou'sun but says nothing and offers little in the way of expression. With her blades sheathed, she reloads her hand-crossbow, then feels around her body and armor, apparently looking for rents, tears or wounds. All the while she keeps herself close to Keth, listening to the others talk and keeping a wary eye out for danger.

Nothing will bother the first watches, though you spot something large and spiderish near the temple. It walks off towards the east and the castle, it seems.

Surprised Rou'sun turns towards Keth. "Thank you for your advice, Yathrin."

Turning to the rest of the group he asks: "Who of you is Talice?"

Leaving the two brothers to themselves, Talice turns around and looks at the mage. "That is me." She keep her face straight and looks as if that little "incident" about Rou'sun's city has never happened.

"Talice, after you finish educating the male on where he might be able to survive. I'll need to talk with you about a few things," says Keth.

"I hope your magic proves more useful the next time we have need of it, beyond what it did to the giant, it didn't seem to be of much use this time around," says Keth to Rou'sun giving him an ill-favored look.

The scout nods and says: "I'll be right there." Then she turns her gaze to the male.

Rou'sun tries not to show no emotion when he turns towards Talice.
"So, you are the one who knows different cities. Could you tell me something about that place the Yathrin metioned."

.... your turn again.
Gæð a Wyrd swa hio scel!



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Whol l'olath ilhar - Maerimydra Temple and onwards
« Antwort #1 am: 27.05.2006, 15:08:47 »
"Hm ... Skullport is a pit, it really is. You can find everything there, drow, illithids, humans, ragtag humans, orcs, whatever strikes your mind. Lies below the large city known as Waterdeep and functions as it black market. You can buy and sell everything there ... and I mean everything. Near it, there is a large maze-dungeon that goes by the name of Undermountain, home to strange beasts and mad mages. Or so they say. There are a number of drow there too, some loyal to the Dark Mothers, some don't. That said, given your profession, the city of Sshamath would be a better destination. Lots of mages there, drow or not. They would value any newcomer on his ability rather then his looks ... well, at least more so than in other dark elven cities." The female takes a sip from her water skin.
Gæð a Wyrd swa hio scel!



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Whol l'olath ilhar - Maerimydra Temple and onwards
« Antwort #2 am: 27.05.2006, 16:42:30 »
"Hmmm, Sshamath. I think I heard that name once or twice. But I don't think a city of mages would be the right place for me. Nonetheless I'd like to take a look. Can you tell me where that place is?"


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Whol l'olath ilhar - Maerimydra Temple and onwards
« Antwort #3 am: 28.05.2006, 11:46:05 »
"Tell you? Well, it is some 500 miles to the south west of here. There are a few gates and portals, but still quite a walk. Then again, Skullport is about twice as far away and we managed that too." She looks at him from top to bottom, then adds: "If you can pay it, I might get you there. Once we get out of here and to the destination the yathrin wants us to go. Anything else?"
Gæð a Wyrd swa hio scel!



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Whol l'olath ilhar - Maerimydra Temple and onwards
« Antwort #4 am: 28.05.2006, 15:19:44 »
"No, thank you. I don't want to let the Yathrin wait for you any longer."
When Talice turns away, the mage finds himself a place to sit down and gets something to drink and to eat from the inner pockets of his piwafwi.


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Whol l'olath ilhar - Maerimydra Temple and onwards
« Antwort #5 am: 28.05.2006, 21:23:54 »
Keth leads Talice off to the side.


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Whol l'olath ilhar - Maerimydra Temple and onwards
« Antwort #6 am: 29.05.2006, 10:56:57 »
Iira and Zouhlnor take their turn at the watch and will get the party ready when the time seems to be right. Nothing has disturbed your rest.

After about two hours, first Narzen, then Nata'al return to the group's resting place. Nothing of interest up there, Nata'al signals to the yathrin, then settles in a corner and prepares herself for the rest and the next day.
Gæð a Wyrd swa hio scel!



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Whol l'olath ilhar - Maerimydra Temple and onwards
« Antwort #7 am: 30.05.2006, 11:39:12 »
After what looked like a short "breakfast", Iira gets his chain out and seemingly casts a spell onto it. He then relaxes a moment and casts another onto himself. A sheet of night invisible magics cover his body, then vanish. Zouhlnor readies a few liitle flasks and tiny bags and places them in easy reach alongside his belt. Both brothers stand up and look raring to go.
Gæð a Wyrd swa hio scel!



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Whol l'olath ilhar - Maerimydra Temple and onwards
« Antwort #8 am: 31.05.2006, 23:50:41 »
Before the group moves on towards the temple, Rou'sun takes some time to cast a few spells upon himself.
Again the drow can feel the strangeness in the way he works magic.


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Whol l'olath ilhar - Maerimydra Temple and onwards
« Antwort #9 am: 01.06.2006, 02:45:12 »
"Let's proceed to the Temple, provided everyone is all set." says Keth as she makes a few adjustments to her armor and the placement of her weapons and components.


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Whol l'olath ilhar - Maerimydra Temple and onwards
« Antwort #10 am: 02.06.2006, 13:27:50 »
Zhadristan is ready to depart.


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Whol l'olath ilhar - Maerimydra Temple and onwards
« Antwort #11 am: 02.06.2006, 16:31:35 »
Your lair for the rest was a watch tower of House Mae'laeret. Talice leads you towards the wall of the upper plateau and then southwards. The ruins and walls of House Yrl'Lysaen, which prevented a clear view of the temple from the tower, lie still, charred and looming to your left. Ahead of you, right below the upper plateau, the ruins of House Zina'laen come into view. Its main tow pillars rise up towards the ceiling and thus can also cover the house towards any attackers from the upper plateau. For a change, this compound looks much more intact then the rest. Yet, as you draw near, you spot dozens of dead drow being staked at the walls or lying about. Some look as if the had jumped from the towers. You can only wonder what sort of horror might have driven them out. The scout stops and takes in all the possible danger spots, before moving on. You more or less creep along the walls of House Zina'laen towards the might pillar that rises to the west of the temple. Formerly, eight pillars rose out of the ground, looking much like the legs of an up-turned spider ... or the claw of a giagantic demon. The point inward and their tips almost connect right above the main temple, which has been built on a platform rising some six feet above plateau level. It is lined by a wall that prevents anyone from looking into the sanctuary of the Demon Queen, unless he or she is of giant size. The wall itself is lined with columns, made as everything here either of obsidian or yet black marble. Silvery lines criss-cross the surface of the wall and the columns, much like cobwebs of a large spider. Inside the wall, you see a dome rise upwards, though half ot it seems to be missing. As you close in to some 100 feet of the Courtyard of Lolth, you can clearly spot the marks left behind by the vicious fight that took place here not too long ago. The corpses of two large jade spiders lie directly in front of the temple - the building has only one gate which opens to the stairs and the promenade that leads to Castle Maerimydra on the opposite side of the cavern. Again, dozen of drow lie about, but you immediately notice that neither of them is whole. Any drow body that was not dismembered in some way seems to be missing. At some of the columns near the entry, you see bodies of priestess tied to the columns, some badly burned, some cut open, some martered to death. In front of the temple, some 120 feet away, a drow comes into view, apparently on patrol, but not looking that interested. He or she does not even bother to look in your direction.

While waiting for a command by Kethryllia, Nata'al, Talice, and the two brothers ready some potions and start casting some spells.
Gæð a Wyrd swa hio scel!



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Whol l'olath ilhar - Maerimydra Temple and onwards
« Antwort #12 am: 02.06.2006, 18:40:04 »
Malifice peers about warily, armed with her hand cross-bow.  She stays near to Keth, moving quietly, gracefully and cautiously.


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Whol l'olath ilhar - Maerimydra Temple and onwards
« Antwort #13 am: 03.06.2006, 09:30:47 »
Keth signs Kill quickly and silently. With the Yathrin on display like this, that cannot be an ally, she then loads her crossbow.


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Whol l'olath ilhar - Maerimydra Temple and onwards
« Antwort #14 am: 03.06.2006, 11:18:10 »
Talice looks at the priestess and signals Wait here for a moment. I will check whether there are more than that sentry around at the entrance! After fastening all her equipment, she quickly casts a spell and vanishes into nothingness. While she is away, the brothers drink a couple of potions each, as does Nata'al. Suddenly, you hear Talice whispering in front of you. "It's me, so don't shoot! There are three more drow and what looks like a demon in front of the temple's gates. I think there is no-one inside. The promenade leading to the castle is empty right now. Haven't seen such a demon before. Looks like a skinned elf or something. One of the drow doesn't look right either. Either she is sick, or something was done to her body?"
Gæð a Wyrd swa hio scel!


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