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Autor Thema: Call of the Banshee Queen  (Gelesen 90428 mal)


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Call of the Banshee Queen
« Antwort #405 am: 14.01.2010, 12:04:31 »
As Hreishar angles back towards Sheiriya, Zhadristan whispers a spell and aims his crossbow at the flying female. His bolt strikes true enough, but for some reason, neither it nor the poison it carries seem to take effect. Hreishar races up to the slowly sinking Sheiriya and tries to bite at her. Her filthy jaws snap together just in front of Sheiriya as she whistles past. Down from the ground another bolt of lightning strikes out, yet once more the agile Hreishar drags herself out of the way of the main blast. Somewhere in the shadows, Tathlyn curses quietly at his failed attempts to fire off an arrow.
Paval does not find any traps down there, only filthy clothing and those bags. Having a closer look at some of them, he spots one filled with an assortment of skulls - probably collected as trophies. Others are filled with herbs and spell components, vials and a sacrificial knife.
Gæð a Wyrd swa hio scel!


Paval Thune

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Call of the Banshee Queen
« Antwort #406 am: 14.01.2010, 16:03:46 »
Paval collects up the bags, bringing them with him. Acting on a hunch, he looks around to see if Hreishar has a familiar nearby.


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Call of the Banshee Queen
« Antwort #407 am: 14.01.2010, 22:11:57 »
If Sheiriya is nearly at the top of the trees she stays there otherwise she continues sinking. Apart from that she waits for Hreishar to get near her again.


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Call of the Banshee Queen
« Antwort #408 am: 18.01.2010, 16:15:26 »
Paval does not see any sort of creep or something that he would view as a familiar or the like.
Gæð a Wyrd swa hio scel!


Paval Thune

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Call of the Banshee Queen
« Antwort #409 am: 18.01.2010, 19:17:09 »
Paval casts True Seeing on himself.

Fabius Maximus

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Call of the Banshee Queen
« Antwort #410 am: 19.01.2010, 15:12:47 »
Jhaelvirr grumbles something, then reaches for a small crossbow, aims at the flying thing and looses a bolt.


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Call of the Banshee Queen
« Antwort #411 am: 21.01.2010, 15:17:59 »
Since his crossbow proved useless, Zhadristan aims another lightning bolt at the bypassing Hreishar. The magic hits her again, but once more, she yanks her flying thing out of the path and does not take the full brunt of the blast. Tathlyn fires three arrows off in quick succession, hitting the flying female twice. Both arrows bounce off her though, much to the dismay of the drow. Sheiriya waits till Hreishar bypasses her, lashes out at the female and trying to grab her, but a flailing arm get's Sheiriya's attentions off. At the ground, Paval casts a spell, but can still see so familiar hiding about. He does notice something that looks like an illusionary wall near to the lair. Jhaevirr moves about, trying to get a clear shot at Hreishar, manages to do so, scores a hit, but yet again, no effect becomes apparent. Hreishar notices the pesty menace from below, but angles around ones more and unleashes some vile-looking bolt at Sheiriya. Her magic do take effect and the drow female suddenly feels very fatigued.* A cry of delight arises from Hreishar's raw throat.

* -9 STR
Gæð a Wyrd swa hio scel!


Paval Thune

  • Beiträge: 338
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Call of the Banshee Queen
« Antwort #412 am: 21.01.2010, 18:03:55 »
Paval casts Restoration on Sheiriya. Then moves to investigate the illusory wall.


  • Beiträge: 822
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Call of the Banshee Queen
« Antwort #413 am: 22.01.2010, 13:13:10 »
"Care to see how well she can fly in the dark?", Zhadristan asks Jhaelvirr.


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Call of the Banshee Queen
« Antwort #414 am: 22.01.2010, 21:58:02 »
Sheiriya gasps when the magic hits her. In the hope that Hreishar won't attack her with the same magic again right away, she continues sinking and concentrates on something.

Fabius Maximus

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Call of the Banshee Queen
« Antwort #415 am: 27.01.2010, 14:52:25 »
Jhaelvirr closes his eyes as if he has to control his frustration, then sighs, reloads his crossbow and fires again.


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Call of the Banshee Queen
« Antwort #416 am: 31.01.2010, 11:51:37 »
Zhadristan creates a cloud of darkness around the flying female, who howls in annoyance. The other hold their attacks to see what happens next. Hreishar flies straight ahead and appears on the far side of the cloud, only visible to Tathlyn and Jhaeviir. The latter looses another bolt, but it again fails to penetrate Hreishar's protections. Neither do the two arrows of Tathlyn, who smash into Hreishar's body, giving the drow something to think about. So to does Sheiriya, who suddenly remembers that her mind-boggling spells won't work on these kind of creatures. Hreishar turns about in on her stick and throws something to the ground near the three male drow, which explodes with a loud bang. It rings in your ears, but to no apparent effect.
Gæð a Wyrd swa hio scel!



  • Beiträge: 641
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Call of the Banshee Queen
« Antwort #417 am: 31.01.2010, 16:47:39 »
With Hreishar not visible to her and her magic being useless, Sheiriya disappears.
« Letzte Änderung: 31.01.2010, 16:50:57 von Sheiriya »

Paval Thune

  • Beiträge: 338
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Call of the Banshee Queen
« Antwort #418 am: 31.01.2010, 17:20:47 »
Paval investigates the illusory wall.


  • Beiträge: 822
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Call of the Banshee Queen
« Antwort #419 am: 03.02.2010, 18:48:39 »
If the Hreishar comes in his sight again, Zhadristan will use his ring again.

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