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Autor Thema: Kezef - der Chaoshund  (Gelesen 35361 mal)

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Kezef - der Chaoshund
« Antwort #405 am: 14.02.2010, 23:58:28 »
Felliped (male chelaxian Bard)
« Letzte Änderung: 25.02.2010, 10:16:00 von Schreckensjul »
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« Antwort #406 am: 15.02.2010, 00:22:16 »
Tomb Tapper (Thaluud) CR 14

Hitpoints 220 (20 HD); DR 10/adamantine
Advanced tomb tapper N Huge construct
Init +2; Senses blind, blindsight 120 ft., tremorsense 60 ft.
Languages Common, Netherese, Undercommon
AC 38, touch 10, flat-footed 35

Immune fire, gaze attacks, illusions, visual effects, ability
damage, ability drain, critical hits, death effects, death
from massive damage, disease, energy drain, exhaustion,
fatigue, magic, mind-affecting spells and abilities
(charms, compulsions, phantasms, patterns, and morale
effects), necromancy effects, nonlethal damage, paralysis,
poison, sleep effects, stunning, any effect that requires a
Fortitude save unless it also works on objects

Resist cold 10, electricity 10
Fort +8, Ref +8, Will +8

Speed 30 ft. (6 squares); base speed 40 ft., burrow 10 ft.
Melee +2 adamantine throwing returning thundering maul
+32/+27/+22 (3d6+20/19–20/×3) and bite +18 (2d6+6) or

Melee 2 slams +24 each (2d6+11) and bite +18 (2d6+5)
Ranged +2 adamantine throwing returning thundering maul
+18 (3d6+18/19–20/×3)
Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft.
Base Atk +15; Grp +34

Atttack Options:
- Awesome Blow
- Improved Bull Rush
- Power Attack

Spell-Like Abilities (CL 22):
At will—detect magic
7/day—stone shape
3/day—spike stones (DC 17)

Abilities Str 32, Dex 14, Con —, Int 14, Wis 11, Cha 16
SQ construct traits, maul, repair, telepathy 100 feet
Feats Great Fortitude, Improved Critical (maul), Iron Will,
Imrpoved Bull Rush, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (maul)

Skills Appraise +18, Perception +20, Search +20, Survival +20

Possessions +2 tunderhing maul, +3 thaalud stone armor
Maul (Su) Each greater tomb tapper is created with a +2
adamantine maul appropriate to its size. In the hands of a
tomb tapper, the weapon gains the throwing, returning,
and thundering special abilities.

Repair (Su) A stone shape effect repairs damage equal to 1d8
+ caster level hit points if used on a tomb tapper. The
creature can use its own spell-like ability to repair itself.
« Letzte Änderung: 24.03.2010, 12:15:02 von Schreckensjul »
- Spielleiter in Forgotten Realms - Maztica
- Lynn Viljan in Die Schatten von Serenno
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Kezef - der Chaoshund
« Antwort #407 am: 18.02.2010, 23:01:23 »
Reaper's Death Worm CR 12

Advanced sand worm N Huge magical beast
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 300 ft.; Perception +14

AC 18, touch 6, flat-footed 18
(–2 Dex, +12 natural, –2 size)
CMD: 50 (can’t be tripped)
hp 180 (17d10+85)
Fort +17, Ref +8, Will +8

Base Speed 20 ft., burrow 15 ft.
Melee bite +20 (2d6+23 plus 2d8 acid)
Space 15 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Special Attacks: see below

Str 29, Dex 6 , Con 21, Int 3, Wis 11, Cha 5
Base Atk +17; CMB +34 (+38 grab)
Feats Alertness, Improved Grab, Improved Initiative, Improved
Natural Attack, Iron Will, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (bite)
Skills Stealth +4 (+16 in sand), Perception +14

Grab (Ex) A death worm's grab attack works against creatures
of any size category. It can grab the same round
it establishes a hold. On any round thereafter that it
maintains its hold, the death worm can swallow it whole.

Spit Acid (Ex) 30-foot line, once every 1d4 rounds, damage 6d6
acid, Reflex DC 22 half. The save DC is Constitution-based.
Death worms are immune to their acid and that of other worms.

Swallow Whole (Ex) (5d8 acid damage, AC 16, 18 hp)
« Letzte Änderung: 25.02.2010, 10:15:26 von Schreckensjul »
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Kezef - der Chaoshund
« Antwort #408 am: 19.02.2010, 16:26:26 »
Hadrhune CR 22

hp 50 / 160 (+20 in darkness or shadows) (20 HD); fast healing 2
Male human shade FR wizard 10/shadow adept PG 10
Neutral Evil Medium humanoid (shadovar of Umbra)

Initiative +5; Senses darkvision 60 feet.,
low-light vision; see invisibility; Perception +18
Languages Chondathan, Common, Draconic, Netherese, Lhoross
AC 30, touch 20, flat-footed 24; +4 and magic missile
absorption with greater shield of shadows
Miss Chance 20% (greater shield of shadows)
Immune divination, emotion- or thought-detecting effects,
mind-affecting spells and abilities, scrying
SR 31 in darkness or shadows or SR 22

Fort +12 (+16 in darkness or shadows), Ref +18 (+22 in
darkness or shadows), Will +23 (+27 in darkness or
shadows); +5 against illusions; +3 against enchantment,
necromancy, and spells that have the darkness descriptor

Weakness loses shade abilities (darkvision, increased
speed, shadow stride, fast healing, control light,
invisibility, shadow image) when not in darkness or shadows
Speed 30 ft. (6 squares), 50 ft. in darkness or shadows, fly
(from spell) 60 ft. (good); shadow stride, shadow walk

Melee: + 12 Longsword
Base Atk Bonus +10; CMB +10
Special Actions control light, shield of shadows, invisibility,
shadow double, shadow travel, Spell-like-Abillitys, SR 31

Wizard Spells Prepared (CL 20th; 1d20+22 to overcome SR):
9th—dominate monster* (DC 25), power word kill*, wail of the banshee* (DC 25), weird* (DC 25)
8th—mind blank†, greater shadow evocation* (2, DC 24), quickened dimension door, quickened enervation*
7th—finger of death* (DC 23), power word stun*, silent greater dispel magic, spell turning
6th—acid fog, circle of death* (DC 22), veil of shadows†
5th—quickened magic missile (3, CL 19th), shadow evocation* (DC 21, CL 19th), silent stilled suggestion* (DC 19)
4th—confusion* (DC 20), phantasmal killer* (2, DC 20), silent dispel magic, Sinsabur’s baleful bolt (DC 20; see page 146)
3rd—blacklightFR, fly† (CL 19th), protection from energy, suggestion* (2, DC 19)
2nd—death armor, ghoul touch* (2, +10 melee touch, DC 18), see invisibility†, spectral hand*, Hideous laughter* (DC 18)
1st—magic missile (2, CL 19th), protection from good, ray of enfeeblement* (+15 ranged touch), shield (2)
0th—detect magic, mage hand (CL 19th), message (CL 19th), prestidigitation, mending

* DC 35 caster level check against Weave users’ dispel checks

Spell-Like Abilities (CL 20th):
1/round—invisibility (CL 10th)
1/day—shadow walk (CL 10th)
3/day—shadow image (1d4+6 images)

Abilities Str 10, Dex 20, Con 13 (15 in darkness or
shadows), Int 21, Wis 14, Cha 14 (16 in darkness or shadows)
Feats Combat Casting, Craft Staff, Craft Wondrous ItemB,
Insidious MagicB PG, Node SpellcastingUnd, Pernicious
MagicB PG, Quicken SpellB, Scribe ScrollB, Shadow Weave
MagicPG, Silent Spell, Spell Penetration, Spellcasting
ProdigyFR, Still Spell, Tenacious MagicB PG

Skills Bluff +12, Concentration +21, Craft (alchemy) +15,
Decipher Script +15, Disguise +12, Hide +25, Knowledge
(arcana) +25, Knowledge (the planes) +25, Move
Silently +13, Perception +18, Spellcraft +25,

Possessions black robe of the archmagi, gloves of Dexterity +6,
 boots of speed, amulet of natural armor +5, cloak of
resistance +5, pearl of power (7th level)

Fast Healing (Ex) Hadrhune heals 2 points of damage each
round, provided he is still alive and in darkness or shadows.

Shadow Stride (Sp) When in darkness or shadows,
Hadrhune can vanish from his current location and
reappear in any shadowy area within 300 feet up to once
every 2 rounds as a move action.

Control Light (Sp) When in shadowy illumination,
Hadrhune can decrease the level of light within a 100
foot radius by a factor of up to 100%. This effect
decreases the overall effective range of vision for
characters and creatures dependent on light by the
same percentage. A character within the affected area
gains a +1 bonus on Stealth for each 25% decrease in light.

Greater Shield of Shadows (Su) Hadrhune can surround
himself with a globe of purple-black force as a standard
action. This shield of shadows functions like a shield
spell, granting him a +4 bonus to AC and absorbing
magic missiles cast at him. In addition, a shield of
shadows provides concealment against melee or ranged
attacks. Hadrhune can see and reach through the
shield, so it does not provide cover or concealment to
opponents. Hadrhune can use his shield of shadows for
up to 20 rounds per day. This duration need not be
consecutive, and it can be broken up into increments as
small as 1 round. He can dismiss it as a standardaction.

Shadow Travel (Sp) Once per day when in shadowy
illumination, Hadrhune can use either teleport without
error to reach a shadowy locale on the same world or
plane shift to access the Plane of Shadow.

Skills Hadrhune has a +4 racial bonus on Listen and Spot
checks in darkness or shadows (figured in above
statistics), and a +8 racial bonus on Hide and Move
Silently checks. He takes no penalties due to conditions
of poor illumination.
« Letzte Änderung: 20.04.2010, 15:52:38 von Schreckensjul »
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Kezef - der Chaoshund
« Antwort #409 am: 28.02.2010, 23:58:41 »
Delethyrsos CR 16

HP 50 / 280 (22 HD); DR 10/magic
Mature adult shadow dragon
CE Large dragon (earth)
Aura frightful presence (DC 26)
Init +6; Senses blindsense 60 ft., darkvision 120 ft.;
Languages: Common, Damaran, Draconic, Giant, Netherese, Undercommon

AC 40, touch 11, flat-footed 38 / SR 25
Immune magic sleep effects, paralysis
Fort +21, Ref +17, Will +20
Speed 80 ft. (16 squares), fly 150 ft. (poor)
Melee bite +29 (2d6+6) and
2 claws +27 (1d8+3) and
2 wings +27 (1d6+3) and
tail slap +27 (1d8+9)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft. (10 ft. with bite)
Base Atk +22; Grp +32
Atk Options Cleave, Flyby Attack, Power Attack
Special Actions breath weapon

Sorcerer Spells Known (CL 7th):
3rd (5/day)—clairaudience/clairvoyance, heroism†
2nd (7/day)—bear’s endurance†, cat’s grace†, detect thoughts
1st (8/day)—expeditious retreat, mage armor†, protection
from good, shield, ventriloquism
0 (6/day)—detect magic, ghost sound, mage hand, message,
open/close, read magic, resistance
† already cast

Spell-Like Abilities (CL 7th):
3/day—mirror image, nondetection†
2/day—dimension door
1/day—shadow walk
† already cast

Abilities Str 23, Dex 14, Con 23, Int 20, Wis 20, Cha 21
SQ keen senses, shadow blend
Feats Alertness, Blind-Fight, Cleave, Flyby Attack, Hover,
Improved Initiative, Multiattack, Power Attack
Skills Concentration +33, Diplomacy +34, Hide +25,
Intimidate +32, Jump +33, Knowledge (arcana) +32,
Perception +34, Stealth +29, Search +32, Sense Motive +32,

Breath Weapon (Ex) Once every 1d4 rounds, 40-foot cone of
shadow, four negative levels; Reflex DC 28 for half damage
Frightful Presence (Ex) 210-foot radius; Will DC 26 negates;

Keen Senses (Ex) A shadow dragon can see four times as well
as a human in shadowy illumination and twice as well in normal light.
Shadow Blend (Su) In any conditions other than full daylight,
a shadow dragon can disappear into the shadows, giving it
total concealment. Artificial illumination, even a light or
continual flame spell, does not negate this ability.
A daylight spell, however, does.
« Letzte Änderung: 20.04.2010, 15:55:05 von Schreckensjul »
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Kezef - der Chaoshund
« Antwort #410 am: 02.03.2010, 09:52:09 »
4 Krinth Guards CR 11
Hitpoints 100 each (11 HD)
Male and female krinth fighter 8/cleric 3 (Shar)
CE Medium humanoid (extraplanar)
Init +4; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Listen +11, Spot +11
Languages Common, Netherese
AC 24, touch 11, flat-footed 24
Immune shaken condition

Fort +12, Ref +4, Will +13; +1 against spells and effects
that have the shadow descriptor, +4 against fear
Speed 20 ft. (4 squares) in +2 full plate, base speed 30 ft.
Melee +1 bastard sword +16/+11 (1d10+6/19–20)
Ranged +1 composite longbow +10/+5 (1d8+4/×3)
Base Atk +11; CMB +14
Atk Options Blind-Fight, Power Attack

Special Actions rebuke undead 3/day (+0, 2d6+2, 3rd)
Combat Gear 2 scrolls of cure light wounds, 2 scrolls of
cure moderate wounds, scroll of shatter, scroll of unholy
blight, scroll of zone of truth, tanglefoot bag

Cleric Spells Prepared (CL 3th):
2nd—blindness/deafnessD (DC 16), bull’s strength,
spiritual weapon (+10 melee, +9 ranged)
1st—cure light wounds, divine favor, obscuring mistD, sanctuary
0—cure minor wounds, detect magic, guidance, resistance
D: Domain spell. Deity: Shar. Domains: Darkness, Evil.
Abilities Str 16, Dex 10, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 18, Cha 11

Feats Alertness, Blind-FightB, Endurance, Exotic Weapon
Proficiency (bastard sword)B, Improved Initiative, Power
AttackB, Shadow Weave MagicPG, Weapon Focus (bastard
sword)B, Weapon Specialization (bastard sword)B
Skills Concentration +10, Handle Animal +5,
Listen +11, Ride +7, Sense Motive +6, Spot +11
Possessions combat gear plus +2 full plate, +1 heavy steel
shield, +1 bastard sword, +1 composite longbow (+1 Str
bonus) with 10 arrows, ring of protection +1, periapt of
Wisdom +2, silver holy symbol, 33 gp
« Letzte Änderung: 13.04.2010, 11:18:08 von Schreckensjul »
- Spielleiter in Forgotten Realms - Maztica
- Lynn Viljan in Die Schatten von Serenno
- Takumi Takanara im Teahouse of Terror


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Kezef - der Chaoshund
« Antwort #411 am: 02.03.2010, 11:56:17 »
2 Shadovar Guards CR 10

HP 40 each (10 HD)
LE Medium humanoid
Male human sorcerer 6/shadow adeptPG 4
Init +2; Senses low-light vision; Listen +0, Spot +0
Languages Common, Loross
AC 13, touch 12, flat-footed 11; 20 with shield and mage armor
Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +10; +1 profane bonus against
enchantment, illusion, necromancy, and spells that have
the darkness descriptor
Speed 30 ft. (6 squares)
Base Atk +4; Grp +4
Special Actions shield of shadows
Combat Gear wand of ray of exhaustion (40 charges)

Sorcerer Spells (CL 10th):
5th (3/day)—cloudkill (DC 18)
4th (5/day)—stoneskin, summon monster IV
3rd (7/day)—gaseous form, ray of exhaustion (+6 ranged touch, DC 16), tongues
2nd (7/day)—invisibility, resist energy, summon swarm, whispering wind
1st (7/day)—endure elements, feather fall, mage armor†, protection from good, shield†
0 (6/day)—arcane mark, daze, mage hand, mending, message, open/close, read magic, resistance

Abilities Str 8, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 17
Feats Brew Potion, Combat Casting, Craft Wand, Enlarge
Spell, Insidious MagicB PG, Pernicious MagicB PG, Shadow
Weave MagicPG, Tenacious MagicB PG

Skills Bluff +12, Concentration +14, Diplomacy +5, Hide +4,
Intimidate +5, Knowledge (arcane) +10, Listen +0, Spellcraft +12,
Possessions combat gear plus bracers of armor +1, cloak of
resistance +2. Note: The Shadovar guards’ possessions are
Shadow Weave magic items (see sidebar in Chapter 5)

Shield of Shadows (Su) A shadow adept can surround itself
with a globe of purple-black force as a standard action.
This shield of shadows functions like a shield spell,
granting the user a +4 shield bonus to AC and absorbing
magic missiles cast at the user. In addition, a shield of
shadows provides concealment against melee and ranged
attacks. A shadow adept can see and reach through the
shield, so it does not provide cover or concealment to
opponents. A Shadovar guard can use a shield of shadows
for up to 10 rounds per day. This time need not be consecutive.
Creating or dismissing a shield of shadows is a standard action.
« Letzte Änderung: 13.04.2010, 11:34:50 von Schreckensjul »
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Kezef - der Chaoshund
« Antwort #412 am: 02.03.2010, 17:10:52 »
Sag mir bitte nur nicht, dass Dein Name nun so für immer bleibt :huh:
« Letzte Änderung: 10.05.2010, 13:05:30 von Schreckensjul »
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Kezef - der Chaoshund
« Antwort #413 am: 02.03.2010, 17:16:39 »
Sag mir bitte nur nicht, dass Dein Name nun so für immer bleibt :huh:

Ja aber sicher doch  :D

Nein Quatsch! Heute abend zieh ich mich wieder um, dann ist schluss mit Lustig.
« Letzte Änderung: 10.05.2010, 13:05:14 von Schreckensjul »
- Spielleiter in Forgotten Realms - Maztica
- Lynn Viljan in Die Schatten von Serenno
- Takumi Takanara im Teahouse of Terror


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Kezef - der Chaoshund
« Antwort #414 am: 02.03.2010, 17:24:04 »

Da bin ich mal gespannt

Kommt dann TPK-Jul? :wink:
« Letzte Änderung: 21.04.2010, 14:24:46 von Schreckensjul »
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Kezef - der Chaoshund
« Antwort #415 am: 05.03.2010, 00:13:20 »
Zieh Dir dies rein, alter Zocker:

Pathfinder-Drizzt (Anzeigen)
« Letzte Änderung: 05.04.2010, 13:21:28 von Schreckensjul »
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Kezef - der Chaoshund
« Antwort #416 am: 05.03.2010, 01:00:18 »
Ein Pathfinder Drizzt? Nett!

Auf jeden Fall nicht so eine Lusche wie sein 3.0 Gegenstück  :D
« Letzte Änderung: 24.04.2010, 13:00:00 von Schreckensjul »
- Spielleiter in Forgotten Realms - Maztica
- Lynn Viljan in Die Schatten von Serenno
- Takumi Takanara im Teahouse of Terror


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Kezef - der Chaoshund
« Antwort #417 am: 05.03.2010, 01:17:11 »
König Obould Todespfeil (Anzeigen)


Der zweiköpfige Troll: (Anzeigen)

The Warlord of the Stonegiants (Anzeigen)
« Letzte Änderung: 05.05.2010, 20:42:11 von Schreckensjul »
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Kezef - der Chaoshund
« Antwort #418 am: 05.03.2010, 01:20:50 »
Wobei auch dieser ach so mächtige Obould wohl von einer Susi oder Ivana gefrühstückt werden würde ^^

"Commander of an army of 2000 orcs" ??? -> in den Romane sind es viele abertausende!
« Letzte Änderung: 05.04.2010, 13:19:04 von Schreckensjul »
- Spielleiter in Forgotten Realms - Maztica
- Lynn Viljan in Die Schatten von Serenno
- Takumi Takanara im Teahouse of Terror


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Kezef - der Chaoshund
« Antwort #419 am: 05.03.2010, 01:22:34 »
Wobei auch dieser ach so mächtige Obould wohl von einer Susi oder Ivana gefrühstückt werden würde ^^

"Commander of an army of 2000 orcs" ??? -> in den Romane sind es viele abertausende!

Wie schon gesagt: Etliche Autorenbastlerfehler drin ::)

Wenn ich mal mehr Zeit hätte, würde ich ihn verbessern :wink:
« Letzte Änderung: 16.04.2010, 12:54:24 von Schreckensjul »
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