Autor Thema: Another Rainy Day  (Gelesen 6217 mal)

Beschreibung: Peter's Prologue (completed)

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Peter Aldred

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Another Rainy Day
« am: 24.05.2011, 23:01:01 »
15th of April 2011

„Remember, remember the fifth of November
 The gunpowder, treason and plot.
 I know of no reason why the gunpowder treason
 Should ever be forgot.[1]

Somewhere in the background noise from the streets and the surrounding flats, Peter heard Natalie Portman’s lovely voice reciting the famous Guy Fawkes-rhyme. Every child in England learned about this rhyme and this maybe most familiar scoundrel in English history[2]. Once the Bonfire Nights were a festive act to remind protestant England of the treacherous Catholics, nowadays Guy or Guido Fawkes’s Mask is more known, because it is used by the protagonist of V for Vendetta[3] or by the notorious Anonymous[4]. Most people have forgotten about Guido Fawkes’s catholic background, a fact Peter dislikes. Everyone should remember that there were religious struggles in every great nation’s history, maybe even in every nation’s history. Maybe religion was just another way of constituting might, order and reign, at least some interpreted Christianity this way since its origins. Peter agreed to some degree.

Peter, weary of this cloudy, rainy, very British day, put away the Quran[5] and stood up from his simple, wooden chair. Since the year of 1991, Peter made a simple living[6], lived in minimalistic flats and houses. He was not absolutely influenced by the Amish[7] people or by Mahatma Gandhi[8], though he paid respect to both ways, he was living simple because of his autistic sons. It was necessary not to constantly overwhelm the senses of his children. So he normally lived in small flats, which more or less looked like sickrooms within a hospital: grey floors, white walls, without any bought art or tawdriness, not even a single radio, television or computer. Only one room was always different. Since his days of study he always had managed to establish a room for his immense collection of books and papers. In his study room olive carpet lay, in the middle of the room stood his only luxury good: an old and red-brown chesterfield chair[9]. The rest of the room was filled with shelves and piles of books, he possessed huge amounts of them. But since the death of his two sons, he always read in their rooms. But he could not concentrate very well; he was, against his intend, still mourning, still grieving, still asking why.

He heard a knocking on the door. Peter looked out of his window to the church’s clock. It was 3 p.m. He did not await any visitors this afternoon, and since he had his free day, he only wore his bathrobe. “One second!” He said with his dark and warm voice. He dressed himself slowly with khaki trousers and a white shirt, put on his simple leather sandals and walked to the door. He looked back at his wooden chair. In Jo’s room stood only this chair, a simple bed and a canvas. Jo had had a photographic memory and was able to paint whole city panoramas by memory. The last peace, the city of Tehran[10], was only half-finished. But now the Quran lay on the simple, wooden chair. He fetched it and put it on a shelf within his library. Then he went back to the door. “Who is it?”, asked he in a friendly tone and looked through the peephole, then he started to unlock his door.
 1. The film V for Vendetta starts with this famous quotation.
 2. Guy Fawkes
 3. V for Vendetta
 4. Anonymous
 5. Quran
 6. Simple Living
 7. Amish
 8. Mahatma Gandhi
 10. Tehran, capital of Iran
« Letzte Änderung: 07.06.2011, 14:46:38 von List »
"Every religion, as far as reason will help them, makes use of it gladly - and where it fails them, they cry out: It is a matter of faith, and above reason!" - John Locke


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Another Rainy Day
« Antwort #1 am: 29.05.2011, 17:38:40 »
Looking through the peephole, Peter saw the back of a fairly small and thin man with ashen hair. The man wore a simple yet elegant black suit and was apparently watching out for other people that were coming up the stairway. Although Peter didn't recognize the man from his back his stature was somehow intimate to him. For a second, he thought of the dire event that occured some years ago and wondered if the man could be one of the fundamentalists that were never cought by police. Some memories had never faded. Pictures were clear as if experienced yesterday. Shaking his head, he shunned his thoughts and opened the door. The man winced from the noise. Eventually he didn't expected Peter to be home.

The man put off his sunglases and turned around, smiling duty bound. Only now Peter recognized the man to be Cardinal Caprara from the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples[1].

Peter frowned. One the one hand, the appearance of a spokesman of Catholic Church implied trouble, on the other hand Cardinal Caprara was renowned for being a companionable and humble person who never got in Peter's way - and was even heard to stand up for Peter's point of view, to some degree, as Peter was accused of spreading heretic ideas within the denomination of Christianity. His support was something unusual and thus dangerous that time.

"Good day, Peter!" he said. Uncertainity was in his voice as in Peter attitude as well. A moment of awkward silence arose. Then Cardinal Caprara smiled and made a gesture. "Long time, no see, Peter. May I come in? I'ved got some sophisticated issues I have to talk about with you and that are not meant for different ears." Again, he took a look around and then suggested a small step toward Peter's Door, smiling.
 1. Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples
« Letzte Änderung: 29.05.2011, 18:48:57 von List »
"Man muss auch das Allgemeinste persönlich darstellen."
- Hokusai

Peter Aldred

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Another Rainy Day
« Antwort #2 am: 29.05.2011, 22:11:32 »
"Sophisticated issues?" Peter's voice had a disbelieving undertone, as he opened the door and allowed Cardinal Caprara to enter his castle. The deacon closed the door softly, almost soundlessly, after the cardinal had entered. Peter offered his hand and shook the cardinal's hand spiritlessly, not being able to share Caprara's politeness.

"Have a seat, your eminence." Peter had led the cardinal to his kitchen. A small, white chamber with lockable cupboards. A small, smooth, wooden table stood against a wall, surrounded by three simple chairs.  Peter examined the small and fragile looking cardinal as he filled up two glasses with still water. He hadn't seen him for at least ten years. It was during the days of Peter's participation in the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith[1]. They had several meetings together and they were on the same level during several discussions, although Peter always thought, that they shared a mutual disdain for whatever reason, why Peter was astonished by Caprara's visit.

Peter sat down and put both glasses on the table. The kitchen was artless, not even a single flower stood on the table or the sill. The only decoration were psalms, which were written on the fridge with a shaky hand. "Sophisticated issues." Peter repeated the words, which the cardinal used a few moments before. "How important can words be that they are not meant to be heard by anyone? What will it be?  A secret, a shrift?" The deacon folded his hands and leaned over, suggesting the cardinal to whisper. "Sophisticated issues. Great words. I am kindly reminding you that you are only meeting a simple deacon in the English hinterland, your eminence."
Peter knew that he himself used great words and both knew that Peter's humble words were sarcastic words. Though it wasn't the deacon's intention to be arrogant or narcissistic, he just sometimes couldn't swallow his pride. A reason Peter often offended others and withdrew often after personal disagreements. Sometimes Peter was as stubborn in his behaviour, as he was tolerant in his believes: the reason he was never a role model.
 1. Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith
« Letzte Änderung: 30.05.2011, 14:33:28 von Peter Aldred »
"Every religion, as far as reason will help them, makes use of it gladly - and where it fails them, they cry out: It is a matter of faith, and above reason!" - John Locke


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Another Rainy Day
« Antwort #3 am: 31.05.2011, 12:01:42 »
"Humility is not always adornment", said Cardinal Caprara meaningful. Apparently he was unpleased about Peter's implied aproaches. Then he slightly shook his head and sighted. "Peter, I can understand, that you're on bad terms with Holy Catholic Church, I am also member of. I observed your case and regret what happened. For sure, you could not expect the church to agree with you in every detail, but they should have met your approaches with regards to its contents - instead of expelling you from the community.[1] On the other hand, I do not understand, for whatever reason you continued to publish writings from which you knew they would tease these men further." The cardinal paused to take a sip of his glas. He looked at Peter hopefully. His expression was something between excuse, bitterness and blame. An uncomfortable smile was in his face.

"Anyway, Peter, I was sent, because we need your help and I beg you to forget these struggles for one moment. My request is too important, you'll see." Again he paused. "Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves.[2]"

"Peter, I won't loose more words on that and get to the point. There's a huge asteroid coming toward earth. NASA calculated that it will collide with earth in about three weeks. Apocalypse-scenary, you understand? In the next few days, newspapers will be full of it and people's heart's will be full of fear and desperation. There's only little chance left and it is to the church to give these people direction and inspire them with hope - as well as to contribute." The cardinal stoped to watch Peter's reaction.
 1. Ich, als SL, habe bewusst das Wort 'community' verwendet.
 2. Philipper 2,3
« Letzte Änderung: 31.05.2011, 12:14:48 von List »
"Man muss auch das Allgemeinste persönlich darstellen."
- Hokusai

Peter Aldred

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Another Rainy Day
« Antwort #4 am: 31.05.2011, 14:15:16 »
"For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever.[1] It is more than it, is it? There is no warm welcome for the four riders. Whilst prophets of doom fill the streets, we count the profits of doom. We look beyond the veil of primal fear and we see the chance to renew Christianity or to restore it to its former glory." Peter took a sip from his water and looked Caprara into the eyes.

"I am honored by your visit, your eminence. If you hadn't any sympathy for me, my views and the necessity of times, you would not have come. There are other Christians with experience in astronautics and science and who are much more conservative in a papal way. Yet you see that this crucial moment is not to be wasted, for it would be a groundbreaking victory for science and atheism or other religions, if we were absent. Were will we go, if the Christian religion loses its predominance in protection, institutional grief and spiritual guidance in times of crisis?"
The deacon coughed and massaged his temples. "At least, I think, you visit my home for this kind of purpose. If you searched for missionaries, you had looked elsewhere. Your garden is full with ripe fruits, ready to evangelize the nations, countries and people. So there has to be even more to it." Peter furrowed his brow and stood up, his hands folded again. The deacon had no interest in discussing his ways and his dispute with the papal church, therefore he was in accordance with Cardinal Caprara's request. But Peter seemed to remain cold-hearted and unaffected by the grave news, only his brow remained furrowed and give a hint that behind his facade a troubled mind worked and took fright at the news. He look at the cardinal, asking him without words to continue.
 1. Thessalonians 4:16-17
"Every religion, as far as reason will help them, makes use of it gladly - and where it fails them, they cry out: It is a matter of faith, and above reason!" - John Locke


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Another Rainy Day
« Antwort #5 am: 31.05.2011, 15:34:02 »
Cardinal Caprara's face demonstrated disapproval as Aldred cited Thessalonians in this context. He eventually relaxed as Aldred proceeded. "All right, you got the most important basics.", said Cardinal Caprara bitter grinning. Conversation didn't develope the way, he expected, but at least Peter was willing to consider his issue.

"It's fairly obvious also some political thing." He made a gesture to demonstrate that he was going to explain the interrelation to his issue. "At the moment, NASA is working hard on some solution and plans a mission to either destroy or divert the asteroid before it can collide with earth. Succes will strenghten the influence of the participating powers in the world. So the composition of the team shall be international and especially account for American allegiances. And as the USA is strongly based on Christian belief system and morals, President Fraser secretly suggested a seat to the Vatican as well. Vatican was pleased to accept the offer, because it also means a boost to Christian beliefs and legitimation. A good deal for both sides, so to say. But we must be careful not to make it too obvious, becaus we don't want to anger Islam people." Cardinal Caprara looked intrinsically into Peter's eyes. "You were chosen for your Christian background but still you have enough distance to the institution that no one can presume some intentional statement. Also you got some scientific experience most churchmen lack and have already taken part in astronautic courses. We searched for and found nobody more suited for this mission than you. What do you say?", he explicated. "Also some important people hope to tie you closer to churchly organization, for a harasser can better be handled that lives under the same roof.", he thought but didn't say. It wasn't his own intention either.
« Letzte Änderung: 31.05.2011, 17:51:02 von List »
"Man muss auch das Allgemeinste persönlich darstellen."
- Hokusai

Peter Aldred

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Another Rainy Day
« Antwort #6 am: 01.06.2011, 00:05:11 »
Peter nodded and poured water into his glass. He was eager to find out, if Caprara's information was widespread. "A political thing is a good phrase, your eminence. But to name it a possible race, a competition for might and prestige, would be more precise. The participation of the United States are beyond any discussion, but their hopes to strengthen their position are at least competed by similar approaches by the Russian and the Chinese. As it is a competition against the crescent and the star[1] for His Holiness, some Arabian or Islamic investors will think in same dimension, even though it will be a uneven race due to the fact that the Islam is not united under one or different banners like Christianity. What do we know about different approaches and America's international strategic alliance? Who are investors, friends and partners? Do we share the same interests as the Russians? Does the ESA partake?"
Peter caught himself in a suddenly interested and ignited mood. The bleakness, which reigned the last days, vanished. The deacon knew that he was blinding himself, when he cooperated to early and without enough knowledge about this mission. He had to push the cardinal a little more.

Stanley Aldred sat himself down again and folded his hands again and again. "I see, why you can choose me without any concerns. You do not need a speaking and preaching missionary for this mission[2]. My participation and the knowledge that the Catholic Church cares is evangelization enough. The rest is at the pope's disposal here on earth."
The deacon stood up again, took his glass and quaffed the water. He put down the glass with a clanking noise, Peter's second abrupt movement during this conversation. He couldn't deny that he was highly interested. Peter sighed.
"Alright, your eminence. What are the terms?"
 1. Star and crescent
 2. Bewusste Doppeldeutigkeit
"Every religion, as far as reason will help them, makes use of it gladly - and where it fails them, they cry out: It is a matter of faith, and above reason!" - John Locke


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Another Rainy Day
« Antwort #7 am: 06.06.2011, 21:56:52 »
"These are questions are outside my remit and I am no politician, too." said the cardinal and shrugged apologetically. "I'm sure CNSA[1] and FSA[2] will feature their own approaches. Who'll make the race isn't clear but NASA still has got a crucial advantage - that is advance in time. At last, the finall composition of the team will be the result of everybody's struggle and negotiations, I guess." He shrugged again. "For us, it isn't important, as long as we have our seat in the shuttle." He slightly shook his head and folded his hands. "Well, it's obvious why you were chosen for this mission. You're a watchfull and bright head, I must say."

Then he made a gesture of relieve and also stood up to lean against the sink. "I'm glad, you acquiesce into our mission. For now, the instructions are simple. Everything is prepared or undecided, yet. So all you have to do is to go to Cape Canaveral and join the team of astronauts. You will meet the President and get your first instructions directly from NASA. You must depart very soon and I allowed myself to order you a first class flight from Heathrow tomorrow at 4 o'clock p.m. Are there any additional information, you want to know ahead?" he asked, somehow on terms of business.
 1. chinese space agency
 2. russian space agency
« Letzte Änderung: 06.06.2011, 22:44:47 von List »
"Man muss auch das Allgemeinste persönlich darstellen."
- Hokusai

Peter Aldred

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Another Rainy Day
« Antwort #8 am: 07.06.2011, 00:28:59 »
Peter leaned against the fridge, concealing the psalms, which were written on the old refrigerator.
"With all due respect, your eminence, I still think that almost every cardinal is also a politician. The most famous of your prestigious ranks are Cardinal Armand-Jean du Plessis de Richelieu[1] and his successor Cardinal Jules Mazarin[2]. Your position within the Congregation, your eminence, suggests also that you are more a politician than you like to admit. The catholic history is a history of struggle, especially political struggle, for example the Investiture Controversy[3] during the 11th and 12th century or the famous Kulturkampf[4] in Germany. Charlemagne[5] became Emperor of the Romans in the year 800 AD, because he could provide protection to Pope Leo III[6]. The translatio imperii[7] was also a struggle against the official successor of the Roman Empire: The Byzantine Empire[8]. And so it was also the struggle between catholic and orthodox Christians, a result of the great shism[9] during the 5th and 6th century. And even your congegration, your eminance, was founded for a political reason. Christian religion always had a political focus since it was introduced as a state religion for the Romans by Theodosius on 27 February 380. And within one single year the new catholic state religion began with the persecution of paganism[10]. Funny, isn't it? Until the Constantinian shift[11] in 313 AD, until the Roman Emperor Constantin I. decided to protect Christian faith, it was persecuted itself and within only two generations the once hunted religion became a hunter. But I understand, that you do not want to discuss those matters with me right now."

The deacon made a few steps to the table and looked Cardinal Caprara into the eyes. "Okay, fine. I will pack my bag and will be at Heathrow tomorrow. I do not have any questions left, except for scientific questions, but I guess, the NASA will provide me with this information at Cape Canaveral. Thank you for this opportunity." Peter sat down again and looked troubled, though he was really grateful for this opportunity. "The struggle for heroism is also the source of mankind's malice, that is what Ernest Becker[12] always thought. Sometimes I tend to his view." Peter's voice had a bitter undertone, although he did not say, who he meant with his remark. He meant himself. His struggle for heroism was often the cause of his errors, and now he made the same error again. Him was given the chance to be a hero and he had gladly taken it. The deacon had a bad feeling...
 1. Cardinal Richelieu
 2. Cardinal Mazarin
 3. Investiture Controversy
 4. Kulturkampf
 5. Charlemagne
 6. Pope Leo III.
 7. translatio imperii
 8. Byzantine Empire
 9. Council of Chalcedon
 10. Persecution of Paganism
 11. Constantinian shift
 12. Denial of Death by Ernest Becker
« Letzte Änderung: 07.06.2011, 00:30:26 von Peter Aldred »
"Every religion, as far as reason will help them, makes use of it gladly - and where it fails them, they cry out: It is a matter of faith, and above reason!" - John Locke


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Another Rainy Day
« Antwort #9 am: 07.06.2011, 10:46:35 »
"Peter," said Cardinal Caprara a bit sadly, "maybe I am a politician after all. But this is not my focus for I try to see me as a servant of my Lord. A man of simple believes and hopes. And of the awareness that the only treasures are the ones that I collect in the Kingdom of Heaven.[1]" He cleared his throat. "I'm full of hope that we will be successfull and so must consider the afterward happenings. For me, the asteroid is just climax of the drama that happens every day. Everything [comes to them] as [it comes] to all; [there is] one occurrence for the righteous and for the wicked, for the good, and for the pure, and for the unclean, and for he who sacrifices, and for he who does not sacrifice; like the good, so is the sinner; he who swears is like him who fears an oath. / This is the most evil in all that is done under the sun, that all have one occurrence, and also the heart of the children of men is full of evil, and there is madness in their heart in their lifetime, and after that they go to the dead."[2]

He sought for Peter's eyes. "People will ask questions of faith. Why did this happen and for what reason? You're supposed to give an answere. That shall be the matter for you're quest and is your humble assignement under the sun[3] I think you're whole life was preliminary to this duty."

He foraged for something in his pockets and produced a well-thumbed Suhrkamp bible. "Take this one with you, Peter. It is my old bible, I used while I studied in Bologna. Take it as an expression of my good wishes and may the Lord bless you." He put the bible[4] on the the sink and turned to go.
 1. Matthew 6,19-6,21
 2. Book Kohelet 9,2-9,3
 3. under the sun: allusion to Kohelet: "The man is supposed to do his humble work and everything else is up to the Lord."
 4. Bible with several markings and explanatory notes
« Letzte Änderung: 07.06.2011, 11:44:23 von List »
"Man muss auch das Allgemeinste persönlich darstellen."
- Hokusai

Peter Aldred

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Another Rainy Day
« Antwort #10 am: 07.06.2011, 13:39:24 »
Peter took the bible and opened it, as the cardinal turned to go. Peter's hands skimmed swiftly through the pages until he had found what he searched for, and the passage was even marked by the cardinal. Cardinal Caprara was at the door as Peter's voice resounded firmly and forcefully. "The words of the Teacher, son of David, king of Jerusalem: Meaningless! Meaningless! says the Teacher. Utterly meaningless! Everything is meaningless. What does man gain from all his labour at which he toils under the sun? Generations come and generations go, but the earth remains for ever. The sun rises and the sun sets, and hurries back to where it rises. The wind blows to the south and turns to the north; round and round it goes, ever returning on its course. All streams flow into the sea, yet the sea is never full. To the place the streams come from, there they return again. All things are wearisome, more than one can say. The eye never has enough of seeing, nor the ear its fill of hearing. What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun. Is there anything of which one can say, Look! This is something new? It was here already, long ago; it was here before our time. There is no remembrance of men of old, and even those who are yet to come will not be remembered by those who follow."[1] Then there fell a deep silence.

Peter stood up again as he heared the closing door and went over to his library. "What does man gain from all his labour at which he toils under the sun?", repeated he some of the read words and looked at his huge collection of knowledge and wisdom. Then he fetched his notebook and his PDA from his desk and left his room. The started to pack up the things, he would need. At last he sat down in the room of his dead son Emil and waited, silent and weary.
 1. Ecclesiastes 1, 1-11
"Every religion, as far as reason will help them, makes use of it gladly - and where it fails them, they cry out: It is a matter of faith, and above reason!" - John Locke