Archiv > Pathfinder Chronicles - Unter Piraten

Ansprache vom Captain

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Inhaltsverzeichnis Part 1 des AP's: Die Wurmholz-Meuterei
Part 1: Auf der Wurmholz[1]:

Tag 1 - Willkommen auf der Wurmholz (Jeder fängt mal klein an)
Tag 2 - Niederlegung des Gesetzes und ein Eulenbär
Tag 3 - Entern und Feiern
Tag 4 - Etwas in den Bilgen
Tag 5 - Ein Sturm zieht auf und gefährliche Spielchen im Zwischendeck
Tag 6 - Der Sturm
Tag 7 - Ein ganz normaler Tag
Tag 8 - Ungewollte Gäste, Ärger in der Sonne und Segel am Horizont[2]
Tag 9 - Alles klar zum Entern!

Part 2: Das Versprechen eines Mannes

Tag 10 - Neues Schiff - alte Regeln
Tag 11 - Leise Flüstern der Meuterei
Tag 12 - Die Ruhe vor dem Sturm
Tag 13 - Ein Sturm und eine Insel
Tag 14 - Das Schiffswrack

Part 3: Die Knochenwrack-Insel

Tag 14 - Die Knochenwrack-Insel[3]
Tag 15 - Die Grotte der heftigen Flut
Tag 16 - Meuterei[4]
Tag 17 - Epilog: Eine Reise ins Ungewisse

 1. Reise wurde aus diversen Gründen um elf Tage verkürzt 2. Spätestens Aufstieg auf Stufe 2 3. Spätestens Aufstieg auf Stufe 3 4. Zum Ende Aufstieg auf Stufe 4

Damit Ihr wisst, worauf die nächsten Tage zu würfeln ist

Aufgaben der Takler[1]  die nächsten Tage:

1.) Rope Work (Tag 2)
2.) Mainsail Duties (Tag 5)

Aufgaben der Küchenhilfe[2] die nächsten Tage:

1.) Cooking (Tag 2)
2.) Special Occasion (Tag 3)
3.) Cooking (Tag 5)

Aufgaben der Plankenputzer[3] die nächsten Tage:

1.) Runner (Tag 2)
2.) Rat Catcher (Tag 5)

Aufgaben der Nachtwächter[4] die nächsten Tage:

1.) Wachbleiben und aufpassen (Tag 4) - Grobog hat mit Dienst
2.) Wachbleiben und aufpassen (Tag 5) - Taeren hat mit Dienst

Die Tagesjobs[5]

--- Zitat ---Rigger’s Jobs:

Rigging Repair: The ship's rigging frequently gets damaged and must be repaired, requiring Climb checks to reach the rigging 30 feet up, followed by a Profession (sailor) or Dexterity check.

Line Work: Hard work hoisting and lowering sails, requiring a Profession (sailor) or Dexterity check. The PC must also make a Constitution check to avoid being fatigued at the end of the shift.

Upper Rigging Work: Work in the upper rigging, 50 feet up, requiring Climb checks, followed by a Profession (sailor) or Dexterity check.

Rope Work: Handling the ship's ropes, including coiling them, stowing them, and securing them to cleats and single and double bollards, requiring a Profession (sailor) or Dexterity check.

Lookout: A climb to the crow's nest 60 feet up, requiring Climb checks followed by a Perception check.

Mainsail Duties: Tough work raising and lowering the mainsail, requiring a Profession (sailor) or Strength check. The PC must also make a Constitution check to avoid being fatigued at the end of the shift.

Note: rigger can take 10 to make required climb checks
--- Ende Zitat ---

--- Zitat ---Swab’s Jobs

Man the Bilges: Vile and sweaty work cleaning out the bilges (area A11), requiring a Strength check. The PC must also make a Constitution check to avoid being fatigued at the end of the shift.

Rat Catcher: Catching rats and other vermin below decks, requiring either a Stealth check, Survival check, or Dexterity check to catch and kill enough rats, cockroaches, and beetles for a good day's work.

Swab the Decks: Backbreaking work mopping the decks and scrubbing them with sandstone blocks called holystones, requiring a Strength or Constitution check. Failing either check results in the PC being fatigued at the end of the shift.

Hauling Rope and Knot Work: Tying and untying knots in the ship's ropes and moving heavy coils of rope from one part of the ship to another, requiring a Profession (sailor) or Strength check. The PC must also make a Constitution check to avoid being fatigued at the end of the shift.

Runner: Passing messages to the crew and officers of the Wormwood in all parts of the ship except officers' cabins, requiring an Acrobatics check and Constitution check. Failing the Constitution check results in the PC being fatigued at the end of the shift. A PC with the Run feat automatically succeeds at this task.

Repairs: Things constantly tear or break aboard the ship and need repairs, whether sewing sails or splicing rope all day, requiring a Profession (sailor) or Dexterity check.
--- Ende Zitat ---

--- Zitat ---Cook’s mate Jobs:

Cooking: Assisting Ambrose Kroop in preparing the day's meal. If Kroop is sober, no check is required. If Kroop is drunk, this requires a Profession (cook) or Intelligence check.

 Fishing: Catching tonight's supper using the ship's nets. A Profession (fisherman) or Survival check provides enough fish. A failed check results in a day in the bilges as punishment the following day (see the swab task above).

Turtle Hunting: Hunting leatherback sea turtles with harpoons, treble hooks, and nets. A Profession (fisherman) or Survival check provides enough food. A failed check results in a day in the bilges as punishment the following day (see the swab task above).

Bull Session: Drinking with Ambrose Kroop and listening to his stories. The cook's mate must drink an additional rum ration, but is able to take an additional ship action during the day.

Special Occasion: Captain Harrigan is celebrating something today, and wants one of the ship's pigs butchered and cooked for dinner. The PC must make a Profession (cook) or Survival check to slaughter the animal, then help Kroop to clean, cut, and prepare the carcass. If Kroop is sober, no additional check is required. If Kroop is drunk, this requires a Profession (cook) or Intelligence check.
--- Ende Zitat ---

--- Zitat ---Nightwatch Job

Wachbleiben und aufpassen[6]
 6. Konstiwurf + Wahrnehmungswurf
--- Ende Zitat ---
 1. Errérith 2. Bhoron 3. Taeren, Khel und Ascardia 4. Niemand 5. wird jeden Tag vom SL ausgewürfelt

Das Wetter während der Seereise

Days 1 through 3: normal weather (Gozreh meint es gut mit Euch)
Day 4: heavy rain
Day 5: building storm (–2 on all work checks for rigger)
Day 6: storm
Day 7: weakening storm (–2 on all work checks for rigger)
Day 8: heat wave (save DCs against fatigue increased by +2)
Day 9: normal weather
Day 10: heat wave (save DCs against fatigue increased by +2)
Day 11: normal weather
Day 12: building storm (–2 on all work checks for rigger)
Day 13: storm
Day 14: weakening storm (–2 on all work checks for rigger)
Day 15 through 17: heat wave (save DCs against fatigue increased by +2)


Strafen werden zur Mittagsstunde - zur Blutstunde - vollzogen und gehen über Peitschenschläge bis zum Kiel holen.

Die SC sollten also vorsichtig sein, was sie machen.

Angekündigte Strafen für die nächste Blutstunde

* n/a


Beachtet dies bitte bei Euren Kontakten mit den NSC:[1]

Starting Attitude    Diplomacy DC
Hostile    25+ creature's Cha Modifier
Unfriendly    20+ creature's Cha Modifier
Indifferent    15+ creature's Cha Modifier
Friendly    10+ creature's Cha Modifier
Helpful    0+ creature's Cha Modifier 1. Was die NSC-Crew jedoch betrifft: At this stage of the journey, the PCs and their allies / Plugg, Scourge and his followers have become more polarized. Decrease the attitude of any NPC not on at least friendly terms with any PC by one level. NPCs who are already hostile to the PCs can no longer be influenced by the PCs.


[0] Themen-Index

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