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Descriptions of rooms, places et al
« am: 16.05.2005, 15:53:56 »

Intended for the Drow Campaign

I opted to open another thread for descriptions, thus making it easier to find them. The orga thread is filled with much more OOC stuff and I want to spare you from scanning all the pages to get to the current descriptions and all.' target='_blank'>Entrance Area

Talice's mission

Map description from what Talice knows (from her former leader):

The blue line marks the run of the former "sewers". It leads down south with no apparent link to the rooms above, except for that black, crossed dot in the middle. It was probably a sink or the like, maybe some sort of well. (right to the left of the "Entrance") The rooms are some 20 feet above the sewer tunnel. First are two toilet sort of rooms (No. 1), roughly hewn out. Talice saw these. If you follow the rough tunnel eastwards, there is a room (20x30 feet or the like) which must have been some sort of private dining area (No.2). There are the remains of a large luxurious table and some eight chairs to be seen (not drawn on the map), all largely rotten. Cupboards line the walls, some still feature some clothes or half-rotten books.
To the south, the large festhall (30x70, some 50 feet high, No. 3) can be reached via an archway. The room is also stuffed with tables and chairs, but their material is still in good shape (different sort of wood). Some stone pillars prevented that large room from caving in, most of these are covered in cobweb-shrouded curtains. The walls are lined by large scale tapestries, but they are in a very bad shape too and you can hardly see what they depicted. Talice says that she entered that room too (she was last of the group and thus arrived later than the rest). Two of her comrades met her here - coming from through the eastern door (leading to No. 8), yelling at her to turn and run, which she did, given the bloodsmeared appearance and seriousness in her comrades voice. She never saw them again and cannot say anything of the other rooms.

The map originates from one of her former leader's sources, whom she doesn't know. Thus, she didn't get any more info on the current dweller or how the rest of the dungeon looks like, if there is one.

On the whole, the rooms looked like being used by some knightly order or perhaps mage guild. Very human style and apparently not inhabited for ages.

West of the festhall is a differently angled room (No. 8) with a fountain in the middle, a statue on it's South-western wall and a staircase on the South-eastern one. So she was told by the leader beforehand. What is in there now, she does not know.
Gæð a Wyrd swa hio scel!



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« Antwort #1 am: 17.05.2005, 18:41:19 »
 The rooms and the tunnel leading 'down' to the main area of the complex seem to be hewn into the stone and haven't seen that much architectural attendance. They are less wet then the sewer tunnel and some wardrobes and the like line the walls, most of them filled with half-rotten clothes of formerly minor quality. No sound comes from the complex, but you see a few footprints going to and from the exit to the sewers. It is hard to determine how many people moved around here though. (= Everything around No. 1)

(Copy from the main thread - just to ease the pain of retrieving the info. The map is updated now too.)
Gæð a Wyrd swa hio scel!



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« Antwort #2 am: 24.05.2005, 09:23:28 »
 Rooms 3, 4, 5 and 6

When coming closer to the wall you notice that one of the doors is actually a false one, some sort of cupboard holding glasses, goblets, chalices and the like. Most of these are either broken or of low quality - anything that would earn some coin on the market have been looted long ago.

The real door opens towards a large kitchen (6), something one might expect near a festhall. There's a large chopping-block table and a beam ceiling with iron hooks overhead. Most utensils are gone or rusted wrecks of their former self. A hefty meat cleaver lies atop that block and the blood around the chopped-off human hand does not look that old. The hand itself seems to be female and lies there for about three days. How it came here is a mystery, since no tracks lead to or from the room. Near the block you see a large, sooty hearth and a chimney right above it. A few bats nestle near the ceiling right next to the chimney, probably lairing here for some time now. A look through the chimney tells you that somewhere (say 60 feet) above there might be an exit to the surface.
The door to the eastern room (4) stands ajar and gives you a view of some sort of cellar. It has an arched ceiling and a fairly level stone floor. There are a number of old kegs here (you don't want to taste the beer and wine in there), half a dozen earthen-ware jugs and bunches of utterly rotten onions and the like. The door to the room in the south-east is closed and latched but not locked. Whatever you try (apart from a spell), it creaks loudly when opened. The room behind it (5) smells faintly of herbs, of which there are remains of various sorts in abundance. A few spiders and various sorts of bugs crawl around or nestle against the walls, but otherwise that room is empty too.
Gæð a Wyrd swa hio scel!



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« Antwort #3 am: 06.06.2005, 08:47:06 »
 West of the festhall (3) ...

The door as well as the corridor leading up to the octagonal room (8) poses no problems. A lot of footsteps ... a few days old ... suggest a lot of traffic. Most likely they stem from Talice's group and its pursuers. There are four stone doors with brass pull-rings, all open. The door to the west ends in a pile of caved-in rubble, the one to the north opens to a small room (9). The one to the south reveals a long corridor which is partly lit be apparently magical lightsources (lanterns, torches). Two doors open to the west (rooms 11 & 12). Right next to you, in the south-eastern corner of the room you are standing in, is a small, winding staircase leading upwards. A very slight draft can be felt and if you move upwards, you will eventually end up near an exit to the surface, heavly barred by iron bars and the like. The exit is heavily overgrown and probably hardly visible from the outside.
Right in the middle of your room stands a circular, now dry fountain, chokey with stony rubble. Opposite to the staircase on the south-western wall, an imposing statue of a spellcasting human mage glowers down at you. Parts of his fingers, ears and nose are missing, but the work is still a masterpiece. The room to the north features a number of stone benches and some more, but smaller statues. Garments hang on the walls, rotten boots, hats and cloaks as well. Nothing of worth is in here and the few small lizards which inhabit it scurry away to safety once someone enters the places. The northern wall is full of small cracks. Nothing hinders you to proceed towards the south.  
Gæð a Wyrd swa hio scel!



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« Antwort #4 am: 11.06.2005, 10:31:01 »
 The tunnel to the south:

You can reach the door to the next room without problems and yet again, you are only greeted by dusty cupboards, blank stone walls and some other broken inventory. This room (11) is empty. As you move closer to the next you note that the door in the south are actually lowered portcullies. Behind them lies utter darkness*. The door to the next room (12) was barred, but brute force clawed the wood away and bent the iron bars. A mansized whole was opened and beyond that lies a room in chaos. Wooden tables and benches lie hacked to splinters all over the place, most of them so new that no dust has settled upon them as yet. Half buried under one of the torn benches lies the elf Talice spoke of, one arm badly mangled and his throat torn away. His longsword, of decent elven workmanship, lies near his outstretched good arm ...
Nobody can be seen or heard. The door has been partly split by claw and axe.


As you move on, a blueish shimmer can be seen behind the portcullies. As you draw nearer, you see seven glowing, pearly-white squares, apparently only made of light which create a bridge over a chasm of a natural underground rift. The squares hang in the air and they as well as some glowing patches of yellow funghi illuminate the opposite wall and a few stalagmites and stalagtites. You cannot see the bottom of the chasm, not its ceiling.
On the far side of the "bridge" you can see a small ledge and another door, again locked by portcullies. The area behind those is covered in darkness and shadow.
Gæð a Wyrd swa hio scel!



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« Antwort #5 am: 13.06.2005, 13:33:16 »' target='_blank'>The Chasm
(Thanks Phaerven !)

(Rooms 15 & 16 are not visible as yet.)

The natural chasm (13)
You see (DV) a rocky floor strewn with sand at the bottom of this 20 feet wide chasm. The bridge spans it at a height of some 25 feet. The ceiling is, as one would expect in a natural cave, rough and studded with stalactites, some patches of glowing fungi grow here and there. The floor, as far as you can see, also features a small army of stalagmites and stone pillars, some of the former almost reaching the ceiling. Below the bridge you spot a number of bones and half-rotten corpses. The one only exception is the dead body of a female (face down), who was impaled by one of the stalagmites when falling off the glowing squares. She looks not that rotten at all, but very much dead given her wound.

Off to the East (14) you hear a rush of water and you spot another, higher-levelled bridge crossing the chasm there. It is some 170 feet away, but the mold and fungi there grow in larger patches and give the whole region a ghostly appearance.

On the opposite side, another portcullie blocks the way towards a dark tunnel leading to the south.
Gæð a Wyrd swa hio scel!



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« Antwort #6 am: 20.06.2005, 22:03:13 »
 Beneath the bridge

Aside from the woman on that stalagmite, the remains of several humanoids litter the caves' floor beneath the light squares. A skeleton, half buried by a more recently killed human (at least two month old though) wears a rotten leather armor, but anyone who dares can retrieve a yet black but "clean" short sword. Two silvered dagger loom out of the shafts of his boots as well. Near those two, another skeleton lies flat on its face, clad in rusty chain mail. It has a longsword belted to it and a still good-looking handaxe lies nearby. Just out of reach of its right hand lies a broken lantern. Beneath the fifth square lies a robed skeleton, its skull badly damaged from the fall and its hands still clutching a broken staff. The robe doesn't look as if age or climate has done any damage to it and a small brass ring lies near a broken off index finger on the ground. You find its backpack beneath the skeleton and the robe, containing a steel vial, three broken candles, two quills, a bottle of red ink, and what looks like a spellbook. If you give the robe a decent enough look, you can recover components for various spells too.

West end

The female at the stalagmite is quite dead, probably as long as the other former members of Talice's group. She looks somewhat like the human in that kitchen room, wearing rather light clothes for someone delving into ancient dungeons. A wand-like item right beneath her ´will tell you why she did not wear more armor. Her vest and robe are useless since they sport a more than fist-sized hole, if the dead is removed from the stone pillar. This could proof to be difficult, as the body is suspended on the stalagmite some 6 feet above ground, the bloody tip of the stone standing at about 8 feet. All her clothes look in decent condition and Nata'al signals that the boots, her bracers, that wand and something at her belt appear to be magical. That something will reveal itself as magical scrolls.
To the west the drow have to circle around some massive stone pillars and stalagmites. Almost at the far end of that chasm you are confronted by the hulk of a giant scorpion, looming over another skeleton. The latter is clad in studded leather armor and an iron helmed. A shattered wooden pendant - apparently some holy symbol - hangs from its neck, while a smashed lantern lies near its left hand. Its backpack contains some rotten food and a number of smashed glass flasks, a warhammer lies some feet off the skeleton's right hand. Almost buried by the bones and the red robe beneath it you spot a mace's haft, the weapon covered in a wrapped sheath. Just around the next stalagmite you discover another dead human, who is again about two months past his last breath. This one wears plate mail, a shield, and a broadsword. It is not apparent what killed this poor soul though.
Gæð a Wyrd swa hio scel!



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« Antwort #7 am: 25.07.2005, 14:43:31 »' target='_blank'>South of the Chasm

Assuming that you will follow the corridors at some point. Make sure your character is there before you plan any activity at any given locale.

(15) You enter a chamber which has three doors, two of which open to corridors leading to the southwest and southeast respectively. To the northwest there is a room (16, door open) lined on all four walls with floor-to-ceiling shelves, crammed with books, jars, and material for as well as spell components - from the looks of it. A total of 16 brass braziers, a pot of pitch, five intact and three broken turtle shells are placed all over the room, around and on a sturdy trestle table and two high stools.

The chamber (15) sports a couple of empty torch brackets, while a sigil in red mosaic tiles is inlaid in the centre of the pale grey floor. It is somewhat darkened and from the whole in the ceiling right above the sigil, you make out that there once was a trap spell placed on it. More interesting to the onlooker is the corpse of a human male hanging upside down from a heavy chain near to the door to the northwest (room 16). The fellow was badly humilated, his lower left arm is missing, as is his throat. A gaping whole is in the place were his stomach should be, on closer inspection one might see the spine in that bloody mess. From the tracks on the dusty floor you can easily determine that the guy was slaughtered in the room to the north, then dragged to this place and chained to the ceiling. If you look for it, you will find the missing parts of his body there.

The hallway to the southwest (18) is lined on both sides with about a dozen life-sized stone statues, which look very lifelike. They depict hooded humans (it seems, but one can hardly tell) clad in robes featuring various ornaments, symbols and the like. Two doors can be spotted in the darkness here, one leading to the northwest, the other at the end of the corridor. All is silent, but the hallway seems to have seen much traffic recently.

The second hallway, to the southeast, has three doors, one to the south, two to the north. It ends in what appears to be a natural cavern and you hear a faint rush of water from that direction too. Again, the dust on the floor has been disturbed quite often, not least in recent hours.
Gæð a Wyrd swa hio scel!



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« Antwort #8 am: 14.09.2005, 16:12:18 »' target='_blank'>The Study

The door in the middle of the hallway (opposite to No. 18), near the spot were the dead undead lies, remains closed. No sound can be heard from within.

The study looks much like a library and is furnished with a massive carved wooden chair, an oval side table with a close book on it and a purple tapestry on the south wall adorned with sigil depicting a skull on a yet black circle. Your eyes are stung by the light that comes off a brightly glowing ball of green fungus that sits on a bowl full of what looks like water and old, black blood. Out of the latter reaches a skeletal hand still blotched with scraps of rotting flesh and the fungus growing on the carrion. The walls are lined by cupboards and bookshelves, all filled with scrolls, parchments, books, jars, and jugs. Various items and materials are strewn all over the place, some look like discarded food, others like spell components or even hacked-apart victims of the undead. Near the western wall, almost opposit to the entrance stands a rack onto which a drow has been tied. The male hangs head down in the ropes, his body shows various marks of torture and experimentation ... but he still breathes. Talice scans the room for anything that might be dangerous and before stepping any further, she invokes a simple spell.

The closed book on the side table doesn't look very valuable on first sight. When speaking about magic items, Talice pointed at it nonetheless. It has a rather nondescript grey canvas cover, sporting a few runic letters.
Gæð a Wyrd swa hio scel!



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« Antwort #9 am: 08.11.2005, 10:31:31 »
 Portal Room

An archway leads you through a short tunnel (20 feet) into a large room. Right on the opposite side of the entrance is a platform (20x20x3 feet), sporting another archway that seem to lead straight into the wall. The wall though is made of golden swirly mists, obviously a portal to some distant place.

The room itself is some 40 feet high, 60 feet long and wide. Each corner is "supported" by a column which has been worked to look like a dwarf. A few pillars (three of five still standing) support the ceiling, a couple of them have fallen down and their remains lie scattered accross the floor.
Gæð a Wyrd swa hio scel!



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« Antwort #10 am: 30.12.2005, 17:48:18 »
 Major cut ... off to Vorunoth's Mire and all:' target='_blank'>Region

Right, only look at the lower of the two maps.

I changed the thing a wee bit, so assume that the blue band running from North to South is the actual path you went along, coming from the north. The left hand side (with those two blue "lakes / ponds") shall be considered water, while on the right side is the fungi forest. There is no lake in there, just a large fungi forest. It is all warm, wet and humid, the fungi go from knee height to seven feet tall "giants". The whole place is littered by stalagmites too, some covered with leechen which gives off a bit of illumination. The lengths of the forest North to South - along the path - is about 120 feet. The wall is - from your position - some 130 feet away and the beholder is some 95 feet away right now.  
Gæð a Wyrd swa hio scel!



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« Antwort #11 am: 25.03.2006, 18:40:17 »' target='_blank'>Maerimydra - City of the Spider Queen (a wee while back)

Talice leads you onwards and soon you are presented with a view that makes your hearts cringe. The large cavern that is home to Maerimydra is covered in thick layers of smoke and dust, waving up from the destruction below. While other drow cities usually lie dark or are scantily illuminated with magical lights, Maerimydra is shed in bright light, coming from dozens upon dozens fires, either ravaging through parts of the city or being part of an army's numerous camps. Clouds of smoke obstruct much of your vision though and those magical portals responsible for fresh air have apparently a hard time doing their work appropriately. Breathing is difficult and you have to use a decent amount of willforce not to cough allowed and draw the attention of any passing creature. The ground before you is littered with corpses of goblinoids, trolls and drow. You stand on the edge of a large fungi plantation, parts of which have been burned, but most is still in good shape.
(As said, you stand right to the north of the lake in northern Maerimydra.) To your left, some 500 feet away, you can spot a number of hulking brutes, most likely giants and ogres, moving about near the Northern Gate. The fungi obstruct any view to what goes on near the ground, but from the bedlam there you guess that the place swarms with hobgoblins or bugbears, close to a large campfire. To the Southeast, about a mile away, a large oval structure on a steep plateau appears out of the clouds, a magnificent drow fortress by the looks of it. Dozens of fires below it give it a garish appearance and you think you can even hear the battles that take place there. Right next to you, steep walls - at least 40 feet high and quite bright (almost white) - rise up to a plateau filled with many fortress-like palaces and citadels. These noble houses all burn or lie shattered and after a short eye-contact, Malifice confirms that on that plateau the temple can be found too. The access staircases cannot be spotted from here, but lie just beyond the dark lake in front of you. The only thing left to do is to get there without being spotted by any of the invaders or defenders ...
Gæð a Wyrd swa hio scel!



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« Antwort #12 am: 06.04.2006, 10:51:03 »
 Right ... the former Houses of Maerimydra and their locations on the plateau (utterly homebrewed, of course):

Top to bottom on the map ...

- House Quel'eltarn (Third House, most northern house)
- House Bhaelryndyn (Fourth House, upper plateau, north)
- House Mae'laeret (Second House, just to the left of the lake)
- House Maezziir (Eighth House, upper plateau centre, smallest)
- House Haelvyryn (Fifth House, upper plateau, south, ringed)
- House Yrl'Lysaen (Sixth House, to the left to the southern edge of the lake)
- House Zina'laen (Seventh House, centre, left of the Sixth House)
- House Adraentar (Ninth House, in the south of the plateau, next to the temple)

Temple: The Courtyard of Lolth (star-shaped compound in the south of the plateau)

From the spot where the part entered the plateau, the direct line of view towards the temple is obstructed by the ruins of House Mae'laeret and House Yrl'Lysaen.
Gæð a Wyrd swa hio scel!



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« Antwort #13 am: 13.04.2006, 15:16:42 »
 What assembles below is ...

A tough looking giant (don't they all look tough) with a reddish skin, one ogre in some sort of breast-/hide-armor, two bugbears armed with long bows apparently crafted from bones or the like and three more bugbears carrying spears. The archers carry breastplates too, while the rest has chain shirts. Almost all are adorned with trophies, the ogre's helmet sports three spines upon which drow heads stuck. At least one is clearly that of a female.
Gæð a Wyrd swa hio scel!



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« Antwort #14 am: 02.06.2006, 16:29:46 »
Your lair for the rest was a watch tower of House Mae'laeret. Talice leads you towards the wall of the upper plateau and then southwards. The ruins and walls of House Yrl'Lysaen, which prevented a clear view of the temple from the tower, lie still, charred and looming to your left. Ahead of you, right below the upper plateau, the ruins of House Zina'laen come into view. Its main tow pillars rise up towards the ceiling and thus can also cover the house towards any attackers from the upper plateau. For a change, this compound looks much more intact then the rest. Yet, as you draw near, you spot dozens of dead drow being staked at the walls or lying about. Some look as if the had jumped from the towers. You can only wonder what sort of horror might have driven them out. The scout stops and takes in all the possible danger spots, before moving on. You more or less creep along the walls of House Zina'laen towards the might pillar that rises to the west of the temple. Formerly, eight pillars rose out of the ground, looking much like the legs of an up-turned spider ... or the claw of a giagantic demon. The point inward and their tips almost connect right above the main temple, which has been built on a platform rising some six feet above plateau level. It is lined by a wall that prevents anyone from looking into the sanctuary of the Demon Queen, unless he or she is of giant size. The wall itself is lined with columns, made as everything here either of obsidian or yet black marble. Silvery lines criss-cross the surface of the wall and the columns, much like cobwebs of a large spider. Inside the wall, you see a dome rise upwards, though half ot it seems to be missing. As you close in to some 100 feet of the Courtyard of Lolth, you can clearly spot the marks left behind by the vicious fight that took place here not too long ago. The corpses of two large jade spiders lie directly in front of the temple - the building has only one gate which opens to the stairs and the promenade that leads to Castle Maerimydra on the opposite side of the cavern. Again, dozen of drow lie about, but you immediately notice that neither of them is whole. Any drow body that was not dismembered in some way seems to be missing. At some of the columns near the entry, you see bodies of priestess tied to the columns, some badly burned, some cut open, some martered to death. In front of the temple, some 120 feet away, a drow comes into view, apparently on patrol, but not looking that interested. He or she does not even bother to look in your direction.

For future description ... inside the temple (pic third from top)
The Temple's Shrine
Gæð a Wyrd swa hio scel!
