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Themen - Ashen-Shugar

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GoD - LMS / Würfelthread - Dobaron
« am: 14.11.2003, 02:53:51 »
   GoD LMS
Das Last Man Standing GoD Forum

Chem Frey
eMail 09:51 May.03 - Würfelthread - Dobaron
...gleich gehts los

Chem Frey
eMail 10:17 May.03 - Re: Würfelthread - Dobaron
Z1: 1D20 = 20

Chem Frey
eMail 10:18 May.03 - Re: Würfelthread - Dobaron
Year, Baby!

Chem *denWürfelbotKnuddelnd*

 10:18 May.03 - Re: Würfelthread - Dobaron
... es ist kalt geworden, Meister!

 11:34 May.03 - Re: Würfelthread - Dobaron
Naja, den hättestDu Dir auch für etwas "wichtiges" aufheben können

p.s. Im Dunkeln ist gut munkeln!
"Gnade?! - Nein! Aber einen schnellen Tod könnte ich dir anbieten"
Chem Frey
eMail 10:59 May.10 - Re: Würfelthread - Dobaron
Z2: 1D20 = 14

Chem Frey
eMail 23:07 May.15 - Re: Würfelthread - Dobaron
Es geht weiter

A 1D20 = 12
S 1D6 = 4

Chem Frey
eMail 13:26 May.21 - Re: Würfelthread - Dobaron
Z 2D6 = 6

Chem Frey
eMail 21:53 May.26 - Re: Würfelthread - Dobaron
Z1: 1D4 = 4
Z2: 2D6 = 12

Chem Frey
eMail 22:01 May.26 - Re: Würfelthread - Dobaron
Extreme Maxing!!!

GoD - LMS / Würfelthread Nirbul
« am: 14.11.2003, 02:50:15 »
   GoD LMS
Das Last Man Standing GoD Forum

eMail 17:36 Apr.24 - Würfelthrad Nirbul
B1 1D4+1 = 3

 18:14 May.06 - Re: Würfelthrad Nirbul
DSl ist abgekratzt  

B2 1D4+1 = 4
B3 1D4+1 = 4
Wer sich ständig von Vernunft leiten läßt, ist nicht vernünftig.
Charles Tschopp
eMail 14:49 May.12 - Re: Würfelthrad Nirbul
B4 1D4+1 = 2

 14:56 May.12 - Re: Würfelthrad Nirbul
Du musst wieder auf Demenon fluchen
"Gnade?! - Nein! Aber einen schnellen Tod könnte ich dir anbieten"
eMail 10:52 May.14 - Re: Würfelthrad Nirbul
Nein, lass es lieber..... Is schon gut so, wie es ist.

You can't cross bridges that you burnt.
 04:23 May.29 - Re: Würfelthrad Nirbul
A1: 1D20 = 13
A2: 1D6 = 4
A3: 1D6 = 3
A4: 1D6 = 4
A5: 1D8 = 7
Wer sich ständig von Vernunft leiten läßt, ist nicht vernünftig.
Charles Tschopp
 11:42 Jun.05 - Re: Würfelthrad Nirbul
J1 1D20 = 18
Wer sich ständig von Vernunft leiten läßt, ist nicht vernünftig.
Charles Tschopp
 14:41 Jul.05 - Re: Würfelthrad Nirbul
Demenon is doof  

1 1D20 = 7
2 1D20 = 10
3 1D20 = 13
Wer sich ständig von Vernunft leiten läßt, ist nicht vernünftig.
Charles Tschopp
eMail 14:46 Jul.05 - Re: Würfelthrad Nirbul
Zusammen is es dann doch glatt Durchschnitt

You can't cross bridges that you burnt.
 14:52 Jul.05 - Re: Würfelthrad Nirbul
Demenon taugt nichts mehr, also schimpf ich in Zukunft auf Sheijtan, weil er als letzte rgemeckert hat
Wer sich ständig von Vernunft leiten läßt, ist nicht vernünftig.
Charles Tschopp

GoD - LMS / Off-topic
« am: 14.11.2003, 02:40:09 »
   GoD LMS
Das Last Man Standing GoD Forum

eMail 20:55 Apr.07 - Off-Topic
Also wenn ich mal darf...
´(Ansonsten rausmachen)

Hier geht es weiter mit Androhungen, Lobpreisungen (allerdings nur für mich.. )...etc.

You can't cross bridges that you burnt.
eMail 22:19 Apr.07 - Re: Off-Topic
war ja klar, dass du der erste bist, der im OT was schreibt

 00:46 Apr.08 - Re: Off-Topic
Zuersteinmal wünsche ich euch allen und vor allem mir viel viel Spass
... es ist kalt geworden, Meister!

 08:24 Apr.08 - Re: Off-Topic
..der wird von kurzer Dauer sein! *hämischlach*
"Gnade?! - Nein! Aber einen schnellen Tod könnte ich dir anbieten"
eMail 09:16 Apr.08 - Re: Off-Topic
Auch von mir viel Spaß, und geht nicht zu hart mit meinem kleinen Halbling um.
I\'m not dumb. I just have a command of thoroughly useless information.
- Calvin, "Calvin & Hobbes"
Chem Frey
eMail 12:49 Apr.08 - Re: Off-Topic
Ist schon raus, wer für Atoris rein kommt?

eMail 12:52 Apr.08 - Re: Off-Topic
@Demenon: Blad ist es ja vorbei...
Irren ist menschlich.
eMail 15:13 Apr.08 - Re: Off-Topic
Das wird sich noch zeigen  

Ich bin immerhin mindestens der zweithöchste Gladiator in der Arena (exp-weise).
I\'m not dumb. I just have a command of thoroughly useless information.
- Calvin, "Calvin & Hobbes"
 15:25 Apr.08 - Re: Off-Topic
Könntest Du die Karte verlinken?
"Gnade?! - Nein! Aber einen schnellen Tod könnte ich dir anbieten"
 16:27 Apr.08 - Re: Off-Topic
Ich habe weder von DM-Killa noch voN Atoris einen Char bekommen, damit sind beide draußen. Tzelzix ist auf jedenfall dabei und macht einen Char. Del hat sich auch gemeldet nur leider hat er einem Spieler geholfen einen Char zu erstellen und kennt dessen Stats, daher muß ich noch klären ob er mitmachen kann.
Ich hoffe nach Ostern anfangen zu können.

Gruß Zechi
Demipower of Min/Maxing  

GoD - LMS / Würfelthread - Archein
« am: 14.11.2003, 02:36:49 »
   GoD LMS
Das Last Man Standing GoD Forum

eMail 14:21 Apr.30 - Würfelthread - Archein
Hier darf ich würfeln und jeder der meint, er muss meine Würfe kommentieren, der soll es tun, außer Bargash bzw. dessen Spieler  

Am liebsten sind mir natürlich Gegenspieler...

You can't cross bridges that you burnt.
eMail 14:27 Apr.30 - Re: Würfelthread - Archein
Sodala, let's get it on....

1D20 = 12

1D4 = 2

Und jetzt get's ans hoffen (das was gutes rauskommt und dann ich es richtig mache...)

You can't cross bridges that you burnt.
 19:11 May.10 - Re: Würfelthread - Archein
1D20 = 8

5D4 = 11
Demipower of Min/Maxing
eMail 14:44 May.16 - Re: Würfelthread - Archein
So, dann bin ich wohl wieder dran mit würfeln....

1D20 = 16


You can't cross bridges that you burnt.
eMail 14:45 May.16 - Re: Würfelthread - Archein

You can't cross bridges that you burnt.
eMail 13:14 May.25 - Re: Würfelthread - Archein
ich mal wieder....

1D4 = 3

schau mer mal.

You can't cross bridges that you burnt.
eMail 19:47 Jun.01 - Re: Würfelthread - Archein
ich mal wieder....

1D20 = 15

schau mer mal.

You can't cross bridges that you burnt.
eMail 20:10 Jun.07 - Re: Würfelthread - Archein
soadala... geh ma mal wieder würfeln...

1D4 = 2

schau mer mal.

You can't cross bridges that you burnt.
eMail 11:53 Jun.20 - Re: Würfelthread - Archein
Mal wieder bin ich der Würlfler...

1D20 = 2

schau mer mal.

You can't cross bridges that you burnt.
eMail 15:53 Jul.09 - Re: Würfelthread - Archein
Schon lange nix mehr gewürfelt, hoffentlich hat der Bot nix verlernt...
1D20 = 5

You can't cross bridges that you burnt.

GoD - LMS / Würfelthread - Crom Donneraxt
« am: 14.11.2003, 02:33:29 »
   GoD LMS
Das Last Man Standing GoD Forum

eMail 12:47 Apr.27 - Würfelthread - Crom Donneraxt
1D20 = 5

eMail 13:32 May.02 - Re: Würfelthread - Crom Donneraxt
So, bei allen Würfelgöttern, ich möchte einmal mehr als eine 2 auf einem W4 würfeln! Bitte, bitte...ich werd' auch ordentliche Opfer darlegen!

1D4 = 1

 13:38 May.02 - Re: Würfelthread - Crom Donneraxt
"Gnade?! - Nein! Aber einen schnellen Tod könnte ich dir anbieten"
 14:01 May.02 - Re: Würfelthread - Crom Donneraxt

... es ist kalt geworden, Meister!

eMail 17:59 May.02 - Re: Würfelthread - Crom Donneraxt
Vielleicht solltest du nicht im Dunkeln würfeln
eMail 16:28 May.17 - Re: Würfelthread - Crom Donneraxt
1D4 = 1

 16:29 May.17 - Re: Würfelthread - Crom Donneraxt
Ich bin der Würfelgott;(
"Gnade?! - Nein! Aber einen schnellen Tod könnte ich dir anbieten"
 16:59 May.17 - Re: Würfelthread - Crom Donneraxt
garnicht schlecht
Wer sich ständig von Vernunft leiten läßt, ist nicht vernünftig.
Charles Tschopp
eMail 17:14 May.17 - Re: Würfelthread - Crom Donneraxt
Kleiner Tipp: Lass es sein... des wird eh nix mehr.

You can't cross bridges that you burnt.
 18:54 May.17 - Re: Würfelthread - Crom Donneraxt
Also, ich lebe noch...

p.s. Díe guten Würfe hebe ic mir natürlich für die Angriffswürfe und den Schaden auf
"Gnade?! - Nein! Aber einen schnellen Tod könnte ich dir anbieten"  

GoD - LMS / Würfelthread - Sl
« am: 14.11.2003, 02:32:12 »
Das Last Man Standing GoD Forum

 23:51 Jul.01 - Würfelthread - SL
1D2 = 1
Smoking kills... other people, too!
Arena DM #5
eMail 22:58 Jul.09 - Re: Würfelthread - SL
1D4 = 3
Jeder nicht geführte Kampf ist ein gewonnener Kampf.

GoD - LMS / Würfelthread - Saraval
« am: 14.11.2003, 02:31:34 »
 18:44 Apr.27 - Würfelthread - Saraval
1D4 = 1

 18:24 May.02 - Re: Würfelthread - Saraval

1D4 = 1

 18:56 May.09 - Re: Würfelthread - Saraval
Nu aber....

1D4 = 2

 18:50 May.12 - Re: Würfelthread - Saraval
2D8 = 11

 21:37 May.18 - Re: Würfelthread - Saraval
2D8 = 12

 13:20 Jun.01 - Re: Würfelthread - Saraval
1D4 = 4

 16:05 Jul.01 - Re: Würfelthread - Saraval
2D8 = 5

Arena DM #5
eMail 17:51 Jul.01 - Re: Würfelthread - Saraval
1D20 = 17
Jeder nicht geführte Kampf ist ein gewonnener Kampf.  

GoD - LMS / Ankündigungen
« am: 14.11.2003, 02:29:52 »
 16:00 Apr.19 - Ankündigungen
Die Regel, daß man verzögern kann wan man die Arena betritt hebe ich hiermit auf. Wer als erstes dran ist muß auch als erstes die Arena betreten, der zweite als nächstes usw. Der erste hat den Vorteil zwischen allen Teleporterfeldern zu wählen, der zweite zwischen allen verbliebenden usw.

Gruß Zechi
Demipower of Min/Maxing
 14:49 Apr.23 - Re: Ankündigungen
Tabelle und Karte sind ONLINEe

Schickt mir immer eine Bestätigung eures Zuges mit eurem Statusbogen.

Gruß Zechi
Demipower of Min/Maxing

 17:18 May.21 - Re: Ankündigungen
Die Teleporterfelder sind jetzt wieder aktiv, denkt dran es kostet 5ft. BEwegung es zu aktivieren selbst wenn man bereits draufsteht.
Demipower of Min/Maxing
 09:25 Jun.11 - Re: Ankündigungen
Wie Fuxx bereits angedeutet hat habe ich diese Woche wenig Zeit und kann meist nur einmal am Tag E-Mail abrufen. Meine Freundin schreibt gerade ihr Examen und ich muß das moralische Unterstützung bieten und habe wenig zEit für anderes. Daher wird das diese Woche wohl nur sehr schleppend weiter gehen.

Leider wird es bald eine auch längere Pause geben, da ich vom 28.6. bis etwa 21.7 im Urlaub bin, vielleicht besorge ich aber einen SL-Ersatz.

Gruß Zechi
Demipower of Min/Maxing

 10:31 Jun.16 - Re: Ankündigungen
So die Woche ist um und heute Nachmittag geht es wieder richtig fix weiter (hoffe ich). Da ich in zwei Wochen allerdings in den Urlaub fahre würde ich euch bitten ebenfalls di enächsten zwei Wochen möglichst am Ball zu bleiben und so schnell ihr Könnt eure Züge durchzuführen.

Tut mir Leid das es diese Woche so langsam lief.

Gruß Zechi
Demipower of Min/Maxing
 22:22 Jun.22 - Re: Ankündigungen
So hat leider aufgrund technischer Probleme und Chem Frey etwas komplizierter Aktion etwas länger gedauert. Ich habe außerdem die Dunkelheiten korrigiert so wie ich etwa denke sie ausstrahlen würden (vorher habe ich den vollen Radius selbt um Ecken angenommen, denke das ist aber nciht ganz fair).

Zudem habe ich eine gute Nachricht. Lynax wird die Leitung des GoD über die Zeit meines Urlaubs übernehmen.

Gruß Zechi
Demipower of Min/Maxing
 13:09 Jun.26 - Re: Ankündigungen
Ich bitte darum, zwecks Ordnung und zügiger Bearbeitung bei allen an mich gerichteten Mails "GoD LMS" o.ä. an den Anfang des Betreffs zu stellen.
Smoking kills... other people, too!
 12:55 Jun.27 - Re: Ankündigungen
OK, ab Morgen übernimmt Lynax das GoD. Das bedeutet ab Morgen früh gehen alle E-Mails nur noch an ihn.
Ihr solltest ihrm außerdem alle nochmals den Statusbogen von Runde 10 schicken oder zumindest E-Mailen was ihr gemacht habt und was ihr in den Händen haltet etc.

Sein E-Mail Adresse ist:
Er hat alle meine Notizen und eure Char-Blätter und wird das ganze weiter auf meiner Web.Site managen.

Da es sein erstes GoD ist seit Nett zu ihm und respektiert seine Entscheidungen.

Gruß Zechi
Demipower of Min/Maxing


GoD - LMS / Würfelthread Bargash
« am: 14.11.2003, 02:28:35 »
eMail 18:35 May.10 - Würfelthread Bargash
So, dann wollen wir doch auch mal würfeln:

2D8 = 14

eMail 18:37 May.10 - Re: Würfelthread Bargash
Viel Spaß beimZähigkeitswurf, Stöpsel

 02:17 May.11 - Re: Würfelthread Bargash
Ick darf net würfeln  
... es ist kalt geworden, Meister!  

GoD - LMS / Würfelthread - Stöpsel
« am: 14.11.2003, 02:27:52 »
 21:07 Apr.30 - Würfelthread - Stöpsel
Jo, wollt auch mal einen haben.
... es ist kalt geworden, Meister!

 21:54 Apr.30 - Re: Würfelthread - Stöpsel
Ich würfel dann schonmal  

1D20 = 19

2D6 = 5
... es ist kalt geworden, Meister!

 21:55 Apr.30 - Re: Würfelthread - Stöpsel

1D20 = 16
... es ist kalt geworden, Meister!

 21:56 Apr.30 - Re: Würfelthread - Stöpsel

Stöpsel da, Stöpsel hungrig, Stöpsel määächtig!

 22:02 Apr.30 - Re: Würfelthread - Stöpsel
oh, ganz vergessen  

2D6 = 6
... es ist kalt geworden, Meister!

 01:19 May.01 - Re: Würfelthread - Stöpsel
Sogar nochmal 2W6 würfeln!
Demipower of Min/Maxing

 04:59 May.01 - Re: Würfelthread - Stöpsel

2D6 = 8

... es ist kalt geworden, Meister!

 09:30 May.01 - Re: Würfelthread - Stöpsel
OK, habe gerade gesehen, daß du keine drittes mal würfeln mußtest das habe ich gestern übersehen.

Gruß Zechi
Demipower of Min/Maxing
 10:19 May.01 - Re: Würfelthread - Stöpsel
macht nichts, ich würfel gerne
... es ist kalt geworden, Meister!

 13:12 May.01 - Re: Würfelthread - Stöpsel
"Gnade?! - Nein! Aber einen schnellen Tod könnte ich dir anbieten"

GoD - LMS / Würfelthread - Khondar
« am: 14.11.2003, 02:27:12 »
eMail 11:29 May.02 - Würfelthread - Khondar
eMail 11:30 May.02 - Re: Würfelthread - Khondar
Torm steh mir bei.

W1: 1D4 = 4
W2: 1D20 = 16
W3: 1D20 = 13
eMail 11:33 May.02 - Re: Würfelthread - Khondar

Torm ist ein mächtiger Gott.

GoD - LMS / Spiel-infos- Bitte Nicht Posten
« am: 14.11.2003, 02:25:49 »

Die Karte und alle wichtigen Informationen findet ihr' target='_blank'>hier

Am 22.4.2003 sollte es mit Runde 1 losgehen, vorher würfel ich für euch Ini und Information Gathering udn schicke euch eine E-Mail mit weiteren Infos.

Gruß zechi
Demipower of Min/Maxing

Wichtige Links:

Komplette' target='_blank'>D&D Regeln (System Reference Document kurz SRD)

Immer an folgende E-Mail Adressen eure Züge mailen:
EDIT BY SMOD: jetzt an \\[/EMAIL\]

Gruß Zechi
Demipower of Min/Maxing

Drow Campaign / Dice Rolling
« am: 14.11.2003, 01:58:52 »
 Welcome to the new forum!

Please do all of your dice rolls here.

The way you roll your dice here has changed.

Here's how to do it now:

Normal roll

[xdy] = roll x times the die y


[3D6] = roll the d6 three times

Best of ...

[xdy,z] = roll x times the die y, take only the best z rolls


[4D6,3] = roll the D6 four times, show the best 3 rolls

Drow Campaign / Ust Unboi'en Wund L'olath
« am: 14.11.2003, 01:44:46 »
 Drow Campaign
Zanan's Drow Kampagne

eMail 21:50 Apr.14 - Ust unboi'en wund l'olath
Ust unboi'en wund l'olath - First steps into the dark

Vendui jal!

This is going to be our home for some month to come. We have all in all eight characters plus my DMC and they go by the names ...

Character & Player
Dx'zau'vrinn - Dxzauvrinn
Zhadristan Myxim - Coldwyn -> Phaerven
Nar'zen Sin'th - Foxfire
Zai'Dizzen - Zai'Dizzen -> DM (Zanan)
(Elaisian Varliuth - Selvarin -> retired)
Vezellek - Oyn
(Nathrae - Sephirian -> retired)
("The Nameless" - Demenon -> retired)
Sheiriya - Sheiriya
Nata'al - Zanan

NB: You do not need another nick on these boards, yet, if you don't use another nick, write your character's name at the top of each entry to minimise confusion.



Skullport, or the Port of Shadow to the learned and informed, is a dismal and dangerous domain populated by the most vile beings the Underdark has to offer. Mercenaries gather to sell their swords and lives to the highest bidder; drow move about shading their sensitive eyes from glowing fungus, driftglobes, and braziers of glowworms; and slaves go up on the blocks to feed the Calishite and mind flayer demand for labor. In this underworld city beneath Mount Waterdeep, anything and everything can be bought, sold, or traded for a price. Slavers, smugglers, mercenaries, and black-market merchants operate openly in Skullport. In fact, the economy of the Port of Shadow is dependent upon the despicable practice of buying and selling sentient beings. The enigmatic Skulls rule and maintain order in the city. These floating disembodied skulls wander about Skullport, which takes its name from their presence, tending to aims only they can fathom and enforcing their sometimes whimsical and often harsh will through the use of cryptic magical abilities. But so long as the actions of a being do not inhibit trade, cause mass destruction, or attempt to wrest control of the Port from the Skulls, his or her actions are ignored by the Skulls and overlooked by the populace of the city.
Skullport is a haven for underworld and illicit activities, especially dangerous ones: Smuggling and smugglers, piracy and pirates, slavery and slavers, drug-running and those who concoct drugs and poison all thrive and dwell cheek by jowl in the Port of Shadow. Most folk in Skullport are hiding from or trying to avoid the forces of the law of the surface world or are poor folk trapped in this city of darkness because of personal misfortune sometimes just the misfortune of being born here.

Skullport is relatively easy to penetrate, assuming one knows how to get there or knows someone who does, but this comes with no guarantee of safe passage. Visitors can use the South Seacaves of Mount Waterdeep, walk into town from elsewhere in the Underhalls or the Underdark, or float in on the River Sargauth from elsewhere in Undermountain or through a gate. If one is enslaved or steps through a gate accidentally (or the wrong gate on purpose), it is even quite easy to arrive in Skullport when one does not want to be in the Port of Shadow at all.
(Skullport, p. 4 &  

More to follow soon.

Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think, then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.
eMail 10:38 Apr.17 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
A house in Lower Skullport
Right to the West of Amet'ned-thoth's house stands a small, two story building. It's outer walls are almost black, the windows small eyes of darkness. Only one of the rooms in the top floor seems to harbour any life, as flickering light can be seen shining through its window. It is this house that you were told to visit at a certain hour of today. Anyone invited will find the heavy wooden door unlocked and an aerial servant waiting right behind it. After a formal greeting, it will show you the way to the upper floor, to a room way off the one who is bathed in candle light.
Darkfire burns in a two braziers, a sweet scent of typical Drow herbs fills the air. Three Drow occupy the room, two leaning against the wall opposite to the entrance. A most stunningly beautiful Drow lady stands right in the middle of the room and bows her head once you enter. She introduces herself as Naedrylaen and bides you to take a seat. Once all guests are here, she promises, the reason why you were asked to come here will be revealed.

Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think, then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.
 02:04 Apr.18 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
Dx'zau'vrinn - The slender dark figure arose from the black shrine. His time for praying this night was at its end. Delicate fingers gloved in tight fitting black leather brushed a strand of pearl-white hair from his face and pulled the cowl of his finely-woven jet black piwafwi over his head. It was time to depart to his favorite tavern and partake of some, no doubt cheap mushroom wine. The lithe movements of the dark figure went almost unnoticed by the townhouse guards who were posted outside the entrance of the shrine. Malakuth's houseguard's shifted their death spears to a defensible position unsure of the wraith-like being's identity. A wry smile graced the drow elf's handsome but haunting features. The drow then unveiled his face revealing his sharp facial features and cold lifeless pale blue eyes. He then produced his black half-mask and dagger shaped house insignia and brought it before the drow guards eyes. They breathed a sigh of relief and nodded their heads indicating that the drow could continue on along his course. "Dx'zau'vrinn, Malakuth has informed us that your services are no longer needed for the remainder of these 10 days," said one of the house guard's. Dx'zau'vrinn simply nodded and dissapated into the dark recesses of the townhouse's upper level.

A short time later, Dx'zau'vrinn set comfortably at his usual table at 'The Hell Hound's Muzzle', his favorite tavern, taking in glass of mushroom wine. He was suppose to meet one of his contacts here in this pit of cuthroats and black-hearted killers. He was late. He would have to charge the annoying little boggle a 30% increase for wasting his time.

Just then a lean athletic framed humanoid burst through doors of the tavern and ran directly to the drow's table. Dx'zau'vrinn remained calm, resting a gloved hand on the magnificently crafted basket-hilt of his fine steel rapier. At first he pegged the humanoid for a rather ragged looking half-drow, instantly noticing his pointed ears and high cheekbones, but then he noticed the gray cast to the man's skin and the fusion of the first and second fingers on his hands. Dx'zau'vrinn scoffed, his lip curling up in disgust. "A tiefling." The humanoid looked confused by the drow's words, but bowed low. "I'm Spider, and I've a message for you good sir courtesy of Spider's Fleet o' Feets," the gray skinned humanoid said. He then produced a letter from a pouch on his belt and placed it on Dx'zau'vrinn's table. He then bowed low yet again and sprinted from tavern. Dx'zau'vrinn drew a wickedly sharp curved jambiya from a hidden location on his person and cut open the envelope containing the letter. A summons. Perhaps Malakuth wasn't quite through with him for the remainder of these ten days after all. He quickly gathered his belongings and slipped out the tavern cutting the jugular of a drunk orc who happened to bump into him on the way out.

The letter instructed for him to enter a black non-discript two-story building west of Amet'ned-thoth's house. Dx'zau'vrinn first stopped by the Feathered Rat pet shop and retrieved his pet cavvekan who was getting a grooming. He whistled sharply and the bat-faced, black velvety-furred dog ran to his side. He then made his way to the building. Moments later he came across the building that met the description of the one in the letter. He searched the entrance for any traps, seeing none, he entered. The aeriel servant who instantly greeted him upon entering the building escorted him to a candle-bathed room on the upper level. A sweet smell wafted through the air and the upper-level was bathed in assorted hues of darkfire. The aerial servant then brought him to a room occupied by three drow, one a gorgeous female. Dx'zau'vrinn brought his hand to the hilt of his blade. He strongly distrusted female drow, especially ones that possessed such beauty. She smiled brightly as she greeted him and beckoned him in. After thoroughly searching the room for anything peculiar, he walked in along side his cavvekan. She bowed low to him and explained that the reason he was summoned here would be shortly explained. He remained standing and his hand never left the hilt of his rapier concealed beneath the folds of his cloak.

eMail 11:55 Apr.20 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath

A slight tickling sensation on the back of the neck was felt near the ending of the day’s prayers. Ignoring it, Vezellek continued her prayers. As the end came she gave attention to her visitor.

The words, “migration started”, drifted into her mind. Nodding she mentally asked, “Where?” After a moment came, “black house… Amet'ned- thoth's… near” With a slight nod she stood, dusting off dark wed-embroidered cloak. Gathering up her holy symbols and strapping on her dark armor, Vezellek turned away from the river Sargauth which she was sitting near. Traveling swiftly through the tunnels she went, the spider messenger scurrying alongside her.

Once reaching the main city it was but a few more minutes before reaching Amet’ned-thoth’s house. Pointing to a small two-story building to the west she mentally asked “There” as she turned to face the spider. “Yes” came the reply. With a nod she dismissed the spider. “Best you don’t come with me. Not sure how they would like you my friend. Hunt well. I will call for you when I leave this place.”

Approaching the heavy wooden door Vezellek entered. The aerial servant greeted her and led the way upstairs. Walking past some doors it finally came to one and opened it. Candle light flooded out causing Vezellek to pause a moment in order to visually adjust. Slowly she entered to see four Drow inside. She gave a quick glance to the two leaning against the wall opposite her. A slight curtsy to the female in the middle of the room, just low enough to be respectful of the female before her. Lastly she looked over to the male off to her side. She gave a small smile upon seeing the cavvekan at his side, though the smile was more at it then him.

“My name is Vezellek. Remember it for I don’t feel like repeating it more then needed.” Saying this she strolled over to a chair and placed her small thin frame comfortable into it. With her legs crossed and spidery fingers clasped in her lap she studies the room from her vantage point.

eMail 14:19 Apr.20 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
In one corner of the room, shadows stirred to life around a chair. A man slowly stood up and pulled back the hood of his seemingly torn apart dull gray cloak. He strolled to the other drow, bowing his head slightly to Naedrylaen. The man was of slender build and rather short, but his form-fitting leather outfit gave an idea of well-trained muscles. The man's milky white eyes were cold but constantly alert. If he was carrying any weapons, they were hidden under the ragged cloak.

"I am Narzen Sin'th." he said to the two newcomers in a dry tone and sat down to a chair opposite to Vezellek, giving the woman a brief nod. Narzen then looked at the man with the cavvekan and raised an eyebrow as a sign of expecting the man to finally introduce himself.

 19:20 Apr.21 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath

Reaches a gloved hand down to stroke the head of his cavvekan, silently bidding the dog to sooth it's ire. He too had noticed the man coalescing in the shadows, though more than likely not before his keen nosed pet. He chuckled slightly and cupped his chin in his hand, he had never before seen any of these drow. He found himself quite intrigued. Perhaps an introduction was in proper order.

"I am Dx'zau'vrinn," his melodic voice issuing from underneath the dark recesses of his hood. His introduction made, he brought a hand back down to his black-furred dog bidding it sit to perhaps make their company a bit more easy. He himself decided to remain standing, ever-ready for the unexpected.

Selvarn  21:39 Apr.21 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
One of the other occupants in the room,a drow dressed in red-orange leather but for a dark vest and cloak. "I regret to say that I have other matters to attend to, " the one known as Eleisan said almost apologetically. "It seems my...'family'...has arrived, a few members at least, and I must be on my way to carry out business and ensure a proper...welcome. I wish you well, and no doubt I'll miss whatever gains could be gotten, but this other business of mine is too good to pass up." And with a flourish of his hand, as if in a salute, he was gone.

eMail 09:36 Apr.23 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
The silhouette just stared at the aerial servant for a second before putting on his silken black mask. A silver stitched spider surrounded the right eye with its legs extending to the edge of the mask. His hand slid across his clean shaven head until it reached the only patch of hair at the cap of his skull. He remembered that he had braided the tail a couple of days ago. He straightened his piwafwi, and the pouches beneath, before following the servant.

Zai’Dizzen entered the room taking in the smells, the pleasant and unpleasant. Standing a least a head taller than those present. With a smile in his eye, he bowed extravagantly low to the hostess. He then turned his head to take in the figure in the corner and gave a light nod. Walking over to the table, he pulled out one of the chairs and sat himself down, acknowledging the others at the table. He placed his elbows on the table, and began tapping his rune covered fingers together, giving off a metal against metal sound. The light reflecting off his elegantly carved hands.

After looking around again, he sat back thoughtfully. From behind the mask came a gravelly voice, a voice that sounded as if it once had the melodic tone of the drow. “Oh, I do hope I’m not the last.” he said with sarcastic smile, “being late is one thing, being the last is another.”

eMail 08:20 Apr.24 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
Nathrae views the building silently, starring at the candlelit window– a frown appears on her obsidian face, but passes quickly. She draws the black, skilfully embroidered, flowing cloak closer around her slender shape and pushes the heavy wooden door open with some afford.
Responding to its greetings with a scowl, she follows the aerial servant upstairs, nodding to herself as she realises she’s not brought to the undrowly lit room.
A faint smile appears on her face as she breaths in the familiar scent of fragrant herbs floating in the corridor they are entering, as the aerial stops in front of one of the doors and motions her to enter.
She does so silently and answers Zai’Dizzen’s words she hears on arrival with an amused smile. Then her silvery eyes scan the room measuringly, noticing the summoned crowd with renewed interest.
She steps forward casually and gives the other female guest a nod of acknowledgement and bows very slightly in formal greeting to their host. “Nathrae ‘the late’ to your…” she pauses with an ironic smile on her lips “‘service’”.

eMail 13:27 Apr.24 - Re: Ust unboi\'en wund l\'olath
A slender drow crosses the street to the house his contact described to him. Always watchful, the male moves from shadow to shadow, keeping the surrounding traffic in view.
As the male enters the house, he is greeted by an aerial servant who opens the door for him.
Before he fully enters the room, he brushes the dust from his piwafwi, thereby showing underlying armor, a drowish chain mail.
When the male enters through the door, his full hight can be seen. The male´s height could easily rival one of the rivvins living in the hated upper city, but the male is gaunt, with a slightly sunken face, as through starvation. He keeps his white hair shorn nearly to the skull and his face as well as his lower arms are covered with vicious looking scars.
Oddly, the male´s garb is a mixture of a noblemans wear and the standard issue equipment of a house retainer od slave soldier.
Casting a weary look around the room, eyeing every occupant in view, the male bows to the lady, showing his reverence.
"I´m Zhadristan of house Myxin. As you have requests, here I am".

With this, the drow male searches a confortable chair and waits for the things to come.

Drow Campaign / Conversation (narzen/nata'al)
« am: 14.11.2003, 01:42:58 »
eMail 23:34 May.14 - Conversation (Narzen/Nata'al)
"I have seen you before, have I not, Malla Nata'al?" Narzen mutters in a low voice, then turns his head slightly to see if Nata'al shows any sign of recognition (being smaller than the woman, he also has to look up a bit, yet Narzen seems to care more about meeting eye-to-eye than the slightly awkward position). "Though I fail to remember where, and under what circumstances that was", he continues with a sly smile.

eMail 12:31 May.15 - Re: Conversation (Narzen/Nata\'al)
"Two years ago," the female replies, after raisning one eyebrow. "I wondered how long it would take till ye finally get yer brain to work!" She adds with a faint smile. "Good tae see yer scalp again Nar'zen anyways. That," she stops collecting stuff from the table and looks straight into the males face, "was the mission down in Karsoluthiyl, where we slew the kuo-toan whip sort of thing, didn't we? T'was great fun if I remember it correctly?!" The Drow takes her time to look up and down on Narzen, just as if she tries to weigh up his abilities now. "How have ye been faring then?"

Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think, then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.
eMail 13:35 May.15 - Re: Conversation (Narzen/Nata\'al)
"I live", Narzen says coldly, but quickly changes his tone. "And considering some of the nearby residents, such a statement is far from obvious, even if I'm standing here." he continues with a mischievous grin.

"As you might expect from seeing me here, the coins in my purse are not yet too heavy to refuse an offer to go against unknown odds." he says. "The rivven see such mentality as a sign of youthful enthusiasism... Then again, even the eldest of their race are dead by this age, so I have to wonder if it is in fact my mind that is too light." Narzen chuckles, watching the blade of the dagger he's holding in his hand.

The man then pauses for a while, and turns to Nata'al again. "Two years... and I was already forgetting your face, m'lady. I should be thankful to our generous hostess for this opportunity to avoid such a fatal mistake." Narzen raises an eyebrow in his customary manner and gives an exaggaratingly slow nod.

eMail 15:54 May.18 - Re: Conversation (Narzen/Nata\'al)
"Yer tongue is as smooth as ever, Narzen!" She pauses for a moment, "And it is good to hear it again. Wouldn't want to walk around Har'oloth with too many, if not to say, only strangers."

Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think, then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.

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