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Autor Thema: Ust Unboi'en Wund L'olath  (Gelesen 115058 mal)


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Ust Unboi'en Wund L'olath
« Antwort #300 am: 21.10.2004, 16:46:55 »
 With a smile on her face Sheiriya readies her rapier and takes a step to attack the half-ogre from an better position. But she is aware of not standing in Narzen's way to the enemy.


  • Beiträge: 134
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Ust Unboi'en Wund L'olath
« Antwort #301 am: 24.10.2004, 11:17:04 »
Coming out of the globe of darkness (the southern side, at least I think it is the southern side) Vezellek looks around to take an assessment of the progress of the battle. She takes the most care seeing how things are going with her spider swarm and Dx'zau'vrinn.


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Ust Unboi'en Wund L'olath
« Antwort #302 am: 25.10.2004, 15:06:05 »
 The half-ogre in front of Zhadristan draws his arm back to lash out at the drow, who doesn't hesitate and buries his sabre hilt-deep into the creature. Put off by that hit, the axe's swing goes astray, and the magical hammer also hits nothing but thin air. That in turn puts Sheiriya off and her attack cannot pierce the half-ogre's hide armor. The scramble enables Narzen to sneak behind the bulky creature and the drow's strike almost put the beast down.

On the platform, Vezellek emerges from the darkness at it's southern edge, behind the tanarukk who faces Zai'Dizzen's magical whip. The tanarukk she attacked with the spider swarm is still distracted and tries to get out of the nasty creature's reach, moving towards the darkness sphere itself. A grunt takes her attention farther west, as the ogre is hit by Zai'Dizzen's bolt. She looks at D'xau'vrinn just as he's hit by the ogre's might club (20 HP). The drow looks sorely wounded now and manages to get away from the tanarukk by tumbling through the ogre's legs before the orc-fiend manages to wield its axe again. His own attacks lack the power to hurt the ogre though, who turns around to face the drow again. The tanarukk who was attacking D'xau'vrinn before jumps off the dead ogre and moves menacingly around to flank the drow from the eastern side again. The whip lashes out at the second tanarukka on the platform and scores another hit, but fails to grapple the creature. The tanarukk itself lashes out at the magical weapon, but fails to deal any damage on it. On the eastern side of the bridge, Nata'al and the cavvekan appear, the former trying to divert the ogre's attention with a number of unpleasant curses.

*D'x ... you're on 46 HP of damage.
Gæð a Wyrd swa hio scel!



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Ust Unboi'en Wund L'olath
« Antwort #303 am: 26.10.2004, 02:21:55 »
 Sorely wounded, Dx'zau'vrinn smiles meakly as blood trickles down his forehead and runs over his teeth.  He defiantly lifts up his arm and expends the maximum amount of charges possible from his ram-shaped ring causing a ram-shaped force apparation to slam into his asailent.


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Ust Unboi'en Wund L'olath
« Antwort #304 am: 26.10.2004, 20:15:17 »
 Sheiriya doesn't hesitate to attack the half-ogre again to bring the combat to an quick end, hoping that Narzen's attack weakened the opponents defense.


  • Beiträge: 134
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Ust Unboi'en Wund L'olath
« Antwort #305 am: 29.10.2004, 09:32:15 »
Seeing the blow that Dx'zau'vrinn took from the ogre's club Vezellek turns towards that direction. Just after turning she looses a sling bullet (one of the acid ones) at the ogre before moving in closer to aid Dx'zau'vrinn.


  • Beiträge: 249
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Ust Unboi'en Wund L'olath
« Antwort #306 am: 29.10.2004, 21:47:22 »
 Narzen circles the half-ogre in concert with Sheiriya to get into a flanking position, then sharply thrusts his blade upward at the larger creature's abdomen.


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Ust Unboi'en Wund L'olath
« Antwort #307 am: 30.10.2004, 14:57:48 »
 Zai'Dizzen sends another bolt towards the ogre and D'xau'vrinn hears whispering noises as the missile whizzes past him and hits the hulking body in front of him. An instant later, Nata'al's body appears behind the giant and the drow slashes her shield over the ogre's back. The monster roars, but is put to silence by Vezellek's bullet, which hammers against its forehead, splashing acid all over the dying creature's face. The tanarukk comes around the bags, bloodlust in its eyes and oblivious to the carnage around. ...

On the ledge, Zhadristan fails to hit the half-ogre again, but Narzen puts his rapier to work again and is quick enough to retrieve the weapon before the hammer sends this monster after his comrade. Sheiriya backs of from her hammer's strike too, watching one of the tanarukka flee away from the swarm on the platform.

See orga
Gæð a Wyrd swa hio scel!



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Ust Unboi'en Wund L'olath
« Antwort #308 am: 03.11.2004, 04:16:59 »
 Dx'zau'vrinn grins wickedly and unleashes a desperate and furious full attack with his rapier and dagger against his pig-faced demonic foe, in a perhaps final attempt to skewer it's black heart onto his fine blade.


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Ust Unboi'en Wund L'olath
« Antwort #309 am: 03.11.2004, 10:26:59 »
 The tanarukk runs around and climbs over the bags. As he finally gets to the drow, Dx'zau'vrinn lets his blade do the talking and opens a few nasty gashes on the orc-fiend. The creature looks wounded now, but still the bloodlust in its eyes gleams wildly.
Gæð a Wyrd swa hio scel!



  • Beiträge: 641
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Ust Unboi'en Wund L'olath
« Antwort #310 am: 03.11.2004, 19:28:53 »
 Not having any opponent near her, Sheiriya makes some gestures to cast a spell.


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Ust Unboi'en Wund L'olath
« Antwort #311 am: 03.11.2004, 21:32:27 »
 Dx'zau'vrinn flings his sweat-drenched pearl-white braids back out of his face and laughs wildly.
"Ahhhh.....come on then pig! Let us discover which of us is trully forged from the black flames of the pit!"
Dx'zau'vrinn drops into a full split and tries to ram his dagger all the way to the hilt into the tanarukk's groin and twist it viciously. Less than a quarter second later, Dx'zau'vrinn attempts to slip his rapier's slender point between the demon-orc's ribs and puncture it's black lung.


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Ust Unboi'en Wund L'olath
« Antwort #312 am: 05.11.2004, 13:45:03 »
 "He is trying to escape!" Zhadristan signals. Since there are not many ways to flee, he is fairly sure, that he will get a shot at the tanarukk. Not wanting to take chances, the drow begins to cast a spell.


  • Beiträge: 249
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Ust Unboi'en Wund L'olath
« Antwort #313 am: 09.11.2004, 18:14:43 »
 A sour look on his face and a bloodied blade firmly in hand, Narzen starts heading toward the bridge leading to the central platform, keeping an eye on the fleeing tanarukk but trying to avoid getting in between the creature and Zhadristan.


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Ust Unboi'en Wund L'olath
« Antwort #314 am: 10.11.2004, 23:29:51 »
 Nata'al comes around the dead ogre to close in on the orc-fiend opposing Dx'zau'vrinn. With a quick movement she draws a dagger from her belt and hurls it towards the tanarukk. The weapon hits the creature's upper arm and makes it squeal a bit. Another bolt from Zai'Dizzen whizzes past and the drow looks at his weapon in disbelief. ...
Gæð a Wyrd swa hio scel!


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