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Autor Thema: Ust Unboi'en Wund L'olath  (Gelesen 114099 mal)


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Ust Unboi'en Wund L'olath
« Antwort #330 am: 05.12.2004, 18:30:40 »
 "Neither do I.", Zhadristan replies.

As he looks through the caravan cargo, a spidersilk armor and a fine sabre are to his liking. Zhadristen goes through a quick routine to see if it's balanced. "Very nice." he says and examines the armor.

Picking up the other spidersilk armor, +1 drowcraft sabre, Ioun stone of resistance +1 (earring), 2 potions of cure light wounds, 1 moderate wounds, 3 tiles of healing and one potion of cat's grace. And of course my share of gold and gems.


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Ust Unboi'en Wund L'olath
« Antwort #331 am: 05.12.2004, 19:23:34 »
 Nata'al takes all usable stuff off the unconscious tanarukk and drags him to the platform's edge. "Greet Gruumsh!" she hisses and then kicks the thing down into the chasm. She stalks to Narzen and observes his futile efforts to awaken the elf-fiend. After having a short chat with him, she takes a closer look at the weapons and other items. After a few expertly taken swings with a sabre and a pick, she takes them as her own. She strings one of the shortbows and takes a pot-shot at one of the dead ogres, nodding as the arrow sinks deep into the corpse. A finely crafted adamantine chain shirt is a quick substitute for her own one, though this time she puts one of the vests beneath the armor. One of the whip-daggers is being slung around her hip and she test the feeling of her new posseions and makes sure none of it hampers her movements. Finally, she collects a few tidbits here and there before going over to the bridge and hammering her new found pick into the knocked-out ogre's skull. Then she kicks that creature off into the gaping darkness as well, followed by some items she no longer needs.

After ridding the place of all living ogres and tanarukka, she looks around towards the others. "We should nae linger here for too long. The sound of the battle might have carried a long distance and who knows what creatures lurk nearby anyways." She takes a long look at the elf-fiend before going through the loot again, checking on the items that can be easily transported.
Gæð a Wyrd swa hio scel!



  • Beiträge: 641
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Ust Unboi'en Wund L'olath
« Antwort #332 am: 06.12.2004, 12:49:45 »
 Sheiriya takes a look at the magic things and takes some of them. Then she picks up the +1 adamantine longsword and the +1 drowcraft rapier to test which she likes more.
Of course she gets some of the gems and coins.

3 tiles of healing, 2 potions of cure moderate wounds --- to be continued but I don't know some of the items yet


  • Beiträge: 249
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Ust Unboi'en Wund L'olath
« Antwort #333 am: 08.12.2004, 20:51:46 »
 Narzen pulls a good length of rope from his bag and takes his time binding the fey'ri securely before turning his attention to the loot.

Going through the items, he chooses a +1 hand crossbow plus shatter bolts, a +1 adamantine dagger, 3 potions of cure moderate wounds, and a ring of protection. He also drops the mostly spent wand of identify to his bag.

This may be useful with the prisoner, he then notifies the others and picks up a candle of truth. Load the items we are after in the bag of holding, as Malla Vezellek suggested.

Finished with the items, Narzen nods at the prisoner. I will see if I can make her tell anything about the events with the caravan using the candle once she wakes up, but anyone who thinks can make more... convincing arguments... once I am done, may help themselves to her. Malla Nata'al made a good point about bringing the prisoner to our employer, however, so unless someone disagrees with said idea, try not to kill the elf.


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Ust Unboi'en Wund L'olath
« Antwort #334 am: 09.12.2004, 09:13:46 »
 "Good, let's finish this quickly." Zhadristan agrees, taking another quick look around.

"If you'd be so kind.." he says with a smirk to Vezellek. Zhadristan makes a gesture towards the cargo, inviting her to help.


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Ust Unboi'en Wund L'olath
« Antwort #335 am: 09.12.2004, 10:17:52 »
 Nata'al nods and remarks to Vezellek: "Make sure ye get most of the magical and adamantine stuff in that bag. They'll fetch the best prices." Looking again to the elf-fiend, she informs Narzen that she will check on the fleeing ogres on the eastern side on the chasm, just to make sure that the group isn't ambushed.
Gæð a Wyrd swa hio scel!



  • Gast
Ust Unboi'en Wund L'olath
« Antwort #336 am: 09.12.2004, 20:34:33 »
 After collecting his choice items Dx'zau'vrinn features turn grim. He then slowly stalks over to the elf-fiend while drawing some thumb-screws and a nastily serrated dagger from his pouch. He whisles sharply calling S'zor to his side.

The cavvekan, sensing his master's intentions bares his impressive fangs less than an inch from the faerie-fiend's face, yapping loudly.

Dx'zau'vrinn then instructs the cavvekan to fix it's jaws around the elf's groin, but not to bite down.

Dx'zau'vrinn then fits the thumb screws to elf-fiend's hands and tightens them, but not all the way.

He then slaps the creature several times very quickly and digs his thumb in a pressure point on the thing's throat and places his dagger point within a hair's span from it's left eye-ball.

"Wake up bitch..." he cooes into it's pointed ear right before he savagely bites the elf'fiend's ear off and spits it in it's face.

"It's play time!" he yells right in it's torn off ear. Hoping that the volume of his voice causes the thing additional pain.

"You will tell me everything I wish to hear."


  • Beiträge: 641
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Ust Unboi'en Wund L'olath
« Antwort #337 am: 10.12.2004, 00:07:30 »
 After getting some other things the others don't take first, Sheiriya observes the actions of the drow around her. Amused she stands near (about three metres away) Dx'zau'vrinn watching his efforts to wake the elf-like being.
"So, we willl stay here on the platform a little bit longer, am I right?"

taking (continued):
vest of resitance +2, glove of storing, amulet of health +2, stone-golembane scarab, lenses of darkness, two potions of heal light wounds, +1 light cross-bow (dropping her "old" one), the +2 bolts, the +1 dagger and the longsword or the rapier ... and her share of money and gems


  • Beiträge: 249
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Ust Unboi'en Wund L'olath
« Antwort #338 am: 10.12.2004, 10:40:40 »
 My friend, you could have at least waited for me to light the candle, Narzen signals Dx'zau'vrinn and plants a lit candle of truth nearby. If you think you catch her lying about anything, replace the candle and try again. I want useful information out of her.

Walking past Sheiriya, Narzen gives her a sour look on the way. "We stay no longer than necessary", he hisses and continues on to check that all the items on the list are getting packed.


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Ust Unboi'en Wund L'olath
« Antwort #339 am: 11.12.2004, 10:42:05 »
 The elf-fiend cries in pain and tries to wriggle away from the bloody snout of the cavvekan and the looming dagger - without much success. Looking at the surroundings and blinking away the poison's effects, burning hate returns to her eyes if not her features as her gaze fix on Dx'au'vrinn. "What do you want to know?" she hisses, somehow ignoring the pain.

In the meantime, Zai'Dizzen scavenges a bit more through the bounty and helps Vezellek to collect the more valuable stuff.
Gæð a Wyrd swa hio scel!



  • Gast
Ust Unboi'en Wund L'olath
« Antwort #340 am: 12.12.2004, 01:32:36 »
 Dx'zau'vrinn grins and licks.

"First of all, who and what are you and the remainder of your faerie-fiend companions.?

"Next, why'd you and these pig-faced piles of shyte attack the drow caravan?"

"You have less than 15 seconds to answer my questions, or the cavvekan will dine on your scrotum followed by your intestines. Then I will jab and twist this dagger into your eye, remove it and then shove it up your backside so you can see me kicking the living shyte out of it."

He smiles brightly and S'zor tightens his grip on the elf-fiend, making sure that the creature feels the sharpness of his canines.


  • Beiträge: 641
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Ust Unboi'en Wund L'olath
« Antwort #341 am: 13.12.2004, 18:01:36 »
 Sheiriya chooses the adamantine longsword instead of the drowcraft rapier and concentrates on Dx'zau'vrinn's interrogation.


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Ust Unboi'en Wund L'olath
« Antwort #342 am: 14.12.2004, 22:29:49 »
 The fey'ri centers her view on the dagger's point and replies: "My name is Savas Reishel and I am a fey'ri. We have been sent to intercept this caravan by order of Evandilion, a commander of the Daemonfey Queen. He also recruited the tanarukka from the Sceptered One."
Gæð a Wyrd swa hio scel!



  • Gast
Ust Unboi'en Wund L'olath
« Antwort #343 am: 18.12.2004, 04:23:20 »
 "Who is the Sceptered One and who is the and what are the daemonfey, the fey'ri and the daemonfey queen?"

"Also, why would this commander send you to intercept a drow caravan? What items was this caravan carrying that are so important and why?"


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Ust Unboi'en Wund L'olath
« Antwort #344 am: 20.12.2004, 14:07:10 »
 The fey'ri keeps her eyes locked onto the dagger and replies: "The Sceptered One is the leader of the tanarukka. Some sort of demon, as far as I know. The daemonfey are much the same, though no true demons. Fey'ri also belong to the daemonfey, our demonic heritage should be visible enough." She takes a deep breath before she continues. "The Daemonfey Queen is Countess Sarya Dlardrageth of ancient Siluvanede, a true demonic sorceress of great power. She won't be pleased to hear what has befallen me and my cousin." Savas bows her head slightly towards the other, now dead fey'ri. "Methinks that Evandilion and that Sceptered One wanted to test how the fey'ri and the tanarukk would work alongside each other and thatswhy we were sent to attack your caravan. Of course, anything drow-made is far better than anything you would get elsewhere ..." She leans back again.

In the meantime, Nata'al returns and signals that none of the fled ogres have turned around so far.
Gæð a Wyrd swa hio scel!


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